Music contents new

This magazine uses media that includes bright colours which could relate to an audience of young females. This is apparent due to colours such as pink and yellow which is used in a cliché manner to refer to young females. The media included also contains child friendly themes and designs, further emphasising its child friendliness. The images that the cover contains are bright, cartoon-like and child friendly. The artists that are included are seen as pop artists which appeal to a younger audience of about 10 years+ who are of a lower social class. Images of girls clothes are used which also refers to a young female audience. The fonts used on the magazine cover are bold and follow the ‘young female’ styled colour scheme which shows a consistent and neat layout. This is seen as appealing and improves the magazines aesthetic quality. The use of block capitals makes the individual stories and articles stand out. The size of the font depend on the importance of the The mast head of the magazine uses imagery to relate to the target audience by including a picture of a heart which is used in text messaging to portray the word ‘love.’ Using semiotics that relate to modern day technology means that they are trying to also relate to the target audience who are seen as a generation brought up on technology.

Transcript of Music contents new

Page 1: Music contents new

This magazine uses media that includes bright colours which could relate to an audience of young females. This is apparent due to colours such as pink and yellow which is used in a cliché manner to refer to young females. The media included also contains child friendly themes and designs, further emphasising its child friendliness.

The images that the cover contains are bright, cartoon-like and child friendly. The artists that are included are seen as pop artists which appeal to a younger audience of about 10 years+ who are of a lower social class. Images of girls clothes are used which also refers to a young female audience.

The fonts used on the magazine cover are bold and follow the ‘young female’ styled colour scheme which shows a consistent and neat layout. This is seen as appealing and improves the magazines aesthetic quality. The use of block capitals makes the individual stories and articles stand out. The size of the font depend on the importance of the article which allows the customer to see the main story easier and be attracted to he magazine for this reason.

The mast head of the magazine uses imagery to relate to the target audience by including a picture of a heart which is used in text messaging to portray the word ‘love.’ Using semiotics that relate to modern day technology means that they are trying to also relate to the target audience who are seen as a generation brought up on technology.

Page 2: Music contents new

This magazine uses a large masthead font to grasp the attention of the audience. The white font colour allows the masthead to stand out from the dark black background. The masthead also includes a small piece of text saying “new” which is also attention grasping as it is where the audiences eyes will first look to read the title.

The colour scheme of the magazine is very mature by being black and white which suggests that the magazine is not for an audience below the age of 13. The semiotics behind the colour scheme include the yellow, that intercepts the black and white, which implies that the contents is not boring and has a hint of craziness.

The magazine cover includes a main story image of a famous artist to make the magazine look more exclusive for the target audience. The image is very large and even overlaps the masthead which makes the story stand out and suggests that the story is very important and worth the audience’s time. The image focus, the artist, is making eye contact with the camera and audience which subconsciously makes the story more exclusive to the magazine. The focus of the image is wearing dark clothes, this subconsciously makes the audience feel that in the interview with him, he has dark secrets.

The font used around the cover is in block capitals which makes it stand out along with its colour which helps it stand out from the black background.

The language used is quick and short, which could suggest that it’s trying to pack in as much content as possible and is full of urgent news that may interest the reader. It is also written in full English meaning it most likely relates to an older audience.

Page 3: Music contents new

This magazine cover looks more cluttered than most music magazines. This makes the audience think that the magazine has more content and is maybe better than the others for content quality.

NME is a well known organisation which when seen, is usually related to music articles or stories. The popularity of the organisation means they can afford to have a smaller masthead but still be recognised as a big named magazine. The masthead is in the top left corner and is not too noticeable as it blends in with the other text on the cover.

The magazine uses a basic white and red text colour scheme which doesn’t clash and ruin the colours used in the image in the background of the magazine cover. The images colours are very neu6tral and are not too bright which allows the audience to read the articles on the front easily.

The image used to show a main story article is of a well known music artist who appeals to all ages meaning the magazine could be for any age and background. The eye contact that the image shows makes the artist look more mysterious and dark, which could entice the reader into finding out more.

The large article name “AMY” stands out more than any other aspect of the magazine cover which draws the reader’s eyes to the main and most likely more interesting article.

The language used in NME is very neutral and has no specific style, yet its lack of informal language suggests that it focuses on an older and more mature audience.