Museo Smithsoniano

Smithsonian American Art Museum 1 Smithsonian American Art Museum MINORITY ARTIST BIOGRAPHICAL SOURCES African-Americans Asian-American/Pacific Islander Hearing Impaired Hispanic Native Americans Indians & Alaskan natives Women African-American The African-American Index. Athens, GA: Black Resource Center, 1991 African and African American Resources at the Smithsonian. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1996 American Resources: Selected Works of African American Artists. New York: Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, 1989 The Barnett-Aden Collection. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press for the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, 1974 Black Art: Ancestral Legacy: The African Impulse in African-American Art. Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art, 1989 Black Arts Annual. New York: Garland Pub., 1989- Black Biography 1790-1950: A Cumulative Index. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1991 Black Women in America: an Historical Encyclopedia. Brooklyn, NY: Carlson Pub., 1993 Bontemps, Arna Alexander. Forever Free: Art by African-American Women. Alexandria, VA: Stepheson Inc., 1980


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Transcript of Museo Smithsoniano

Page 1: Museo Smithsoniano

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Smithsonian American Art Museum


African-AmericansAsian-American/Pacific IslanderHearing ImpairedHispanicNative Americans Indians & Alaskan nativesWomen


The African-American Index. Athens, GA: Black Resource Center, 1991

African and African American Resources at the Smithsonian. Washington, DC:Smithsonian Institution, 1996

American Resources: Selected Works of African American Artists. New York: BerniceSteinbaum Gallery, 1989

The Barnett-Aden Collection. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press for theAnacostia Neighborhood Museum, 1974

Black Art: Ancestral Legacy: The African Impulse in African-American Art. Dallas:Dallas Museum of Art, 1989

Black Arts Annual. New York: Garland Pub., 1989-

Black Biography 1790-1950: A Cumulative Index. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey,1991

Black Women in America: an Historical Encyclopedia. Brooklyn, NY: Carlson Pub.,1993

Bontemps, Arna Alexander. Forever Free: Art by African-American Women.Alexandria, VA: Stepheson Inc., 1980

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Brelin, Christa, and William C. Matney, Jr. Who's Who Among Black Americans 1992-1993. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992

Cederholm, Theresa Dickason. Afro-American Artists, A Bio-bibliographical Directory.Boston: Trustees of the Boston Public Library, 1992

Coar, Valencia Hollins. A Century of Black Photographers: 1840-1960. Providence, RI:Rhode Island School of Design: Museum of Art, 1983

Contemporary Afro-American Photography. Oberlin, OH: Oberlin College, AllenMemorial Art Museum, 1983

Davis, Lenwood G., and Janet L. Sims. Black Artists in the United States: An AnnotatedBibliography of Books, Articles, and Dissertations on Black Artists, 1779-1979.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980

Directions in Afro-American Art. Ithaca, NY: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art,Cornell University, 1974

Driskell, David C. Two Centuries of Black American Art. Los Angeles: Los AngelesCounty Museum of Art and Alfred A. Knopf, 1976

Fromenhaft, Eleanor. Celebrating Contemporary American Black Artists. Hempstead,NY: Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, 1983

Furtaw, Julia C. Black Americans Information Directory 1992-1993. Detroit: GaleResearch Inc., 1992

Gumbo Ya Ya: Anthology of Contemporary African-American Women Artists. NewYork: Midmarch Art Press, 1995

Harlem Renaissance: Art of Black America. New York: The Studio Museum in Harlem,1987

Hedgepeth, Chester M., Jr. Twentieth Century African-American Writers & Artists.Chicago: American Library Association, 1991

Hollis, Sara. “Afro-American Artists, A Handbook.” PhD diss., Atlanta University,1985

Igoe, Lynn Moody, and James Igoe. 250 Years of Afro-American Art: An AnnotatedBibliography. New York: R.R. Bowker Co., 1991

The International Review of African American Art. Santa Monica, CA: Museum ofAfrican American Art, 1984

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LaFalle-Collins, Lizetta. 19 Sixties: A Cultural Awakening Re-evaluated 1965-1975.Los Angeles: California Afro-American Museum Foundation, 1989

Lippard, Lucy R. Mixed Blessings/New Art in a Multicultural America. New York:Pantheon Books, 1990

Matney, William C., ed. Who's Who Among Black Americans, 2nd ed. 1977-1978.Northbrook, IL: Who's Who Among Black Americans, Inc. Pub. Co., 1978

McElroy, Guy C. African-American Artists, 1880-1987: Selections from the Evans-Tibbs Collection. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Traveling ExhibitionService, 1989

Menkes, Diana. The Papers of African American Artists. Washington, DC: SmithsonianInstitution, Archives of American Art, 1989

Morrison, Keith. Art in Washington & Its Afro-American Presence 1940-1970.Washington, DC: Washington Project for the Arts, 1985

Moutoussamy-Ashe, Jeanne. Viewfinders: Black Women Photographers. New York,Dodd, Mead & Company, 1986

The Negro Artist Comes of Age: A National Survey of Contemporary American Artists.Albany, NY: Albany Institute of History and Art, 1945

New Black Artists. New York: Harlem Cultural Council and the School of the Arts andthe Urban Center of Columbia University, 1969

Next Generation: Southern Black Aesthetic. Winston-Salem, NC: Southeastern Centerfor Contemporary Art, 1990

Ohio African-American Artists Showcase 1986. Wilberforce, OH: Central StateUniversity, 1986

Parry, Ellwood. Image of the Indian and Black Man in American Art 1590-1900. NewYork: George Braziller, 1974

Perry, Regenia A. Selections of Nineteenth-Century Afro-American Art. New York:Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1976

Ploski, Harry A., and James Williams. The Negro Almanac: a Reference Work on theAfrican-American. 5th ed. Detroit: Gale, c.1989

Powell, Richard J. African and Afro-American Art: Call and Response. Chicago: FieldMuseum of Natural History, 1984

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Reflections of a Southern Heritage: 20th Century Black Artists of the Southeast.Charleston, SC: Gibbes Art Gallery, 1977

Reynolds, Gary A. Against the Odds: African-American Artists & the HarmonFoundation. Newark, NJ: Newark Museum, 1989

Ritual and Myth: A Survey of African-American Art. New York: Studio Museum inHarlem, 1982

Rollock, Barbara. Black Authors & Illustrators of Children's Books. New York: GarlandPress, 1992

Since the Harlem Renaissance: 50 Years of African American Artists. Lewisburg, PA:The Center Gallery of Bucknell University, 1985

Smith, Jessie Carney. Notable Black American Women. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.,1992

St. James guide to Black artists. Detroit: St. James Press, c.1997

Thomas, Floyd R., Jr. Cultural Conservation Through the Preservation of MaterialCulture--the Representation of Black American Artists in "Mainstream" Museums. PhDdiss., University of Kansas, 1989. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International,1991

Weems, John Edwards. Black Art in Houston: The Texas Southern UniversityExperience: Presenting the Art of Biggers, Simms and their Students. College Station,TX: Texas A & M University Press, 1978

West Coast 74: Black Image. Sacramento, CA: Crocker Art Gallery Association and E.B. Crocker Art Gallery, 1974

Who's Who Among Black Americans. Detroit: Gale Research, Inc., 1975/76-

Willis, Deborah. Reflections in Black: a History of Black Photographers, 1840 to thePresent. 1st ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 2000

Willis-Thomas, Deborah. Black Photographers, 1840-1940: An IllustratedBiobibliography. New York: Garland Pub., 1985

Asian-American and Pacific Islanders

Artist of Chinese Origin in North America Directory. First edition 1993–1994.Westmont, IL: Artists Magazine, Intl. Institute for the Arts: Point Gallery, c.1993

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Backus, Karen, and Julia C. Furtaw, eds. Asian Americans Information Directory: AGuide to Organizations, Agencies, Institutions, Programs, Publications and ServicesConcerned with Asian American Nationalities and Ethnic Groups in the United States.Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992

Brown, Michael D. Views from Asian California, 1920-1965. San Francisco: MichaelBrown, 1992

Circle of Friendship: Asian Pacific American Artists. Washington, DC: Asian AmericanArts & Media, Inc., c.1992

Haar, Francis, and Pritwish Neogy. Artists of Hawaii. Honolulu: The University Press ofHawaii, 1974

Haar, Francis. Artists of Hawaii. Honolulu: The University of Hawaii, 1977

Haseltine, Patricia. East & Southeast Asian material culture in North America:collections, historical sites and festivals. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989

Lippard, Lucy. Mixed Blessings/New Art in a Multicultural America. New York:Pantheon Books, 1990

Radford, Georgia, and Warren Radford. Sculpture in the Sun: Hawaii Art for OpenSpaces. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1978

Tsutakawa, Mayumi. They painted from their hearts: pioneer Asian American artists.Washington, DC: Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1994

Who's Who Among Asian Americans. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994

Deaf/Hearing Impaired Artists

Deaf Artists of America. Artists Directory. Rochester, NY: Deaf Artists of America,Inc., 1990-

Sonnenstrahl, Deborah M. Deaf Artists in America: colonial to contemporary. SanDiego, CA: DawnSignPress, c.2002


Barnitz, Jacqueline, et al. Latin American Artist in New York Since 1970. Austin, TX:Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin, 1987

Beardsley, John, and Jane Livingston. Hispanic Art in the United States: ThirtyContemporary Painters & Sculptors. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1987

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Cancel, Luis, et al. The Latin American Spirit: Art & Artists in the United States, 1920-1970. New York: Harry N. Abrams and Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1988

Castagno, John. Latin American Artists' Signatures and Monograms. Lanham, MD:Scarecrow Press, 1997

The Cross and the Sword. San Diego, CA: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1976

Espinosa, Jose Edmundo. Saints in the Valleys. Albuquerque, NM: University of NewMexico Press, 1960

Expresiones Hispanas 88/89. Golden, CO: Adolph Coors Company, 1988

Fuentes-Perez, Ileana, et al. Outside of Cuba/Fuera de Cuba. Miami: Office of HispanicArt and Research, 1984

Furtaw, Julica C. Hispanic American Information Directory 1992-1993. Detroit: GaleResearch Inc., 1992

Goldman, Shifra M., and Tomas Ybarra-Frausto. Arte Chicano, a comprehensivebibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1985

Griswold del Castillo, Richard, et al. Chicano Art: A Comprehensive AnnotatedBibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981. Berkeley, CA: Chicano Studies Library,University of California at Berkeley, 1985

Henkes, Robert. Latin American Women Artist of the United States: the works of 33Twentieth-Century Women. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1999

Hispanic-American Almanac: A Reference Work on Hispanics in the United States. lsted. Detroit: Gale Research, Inc., c.1993

Jasper, Pat, and Kay Turner. Art Among Us/Arte entre Nosotros. San Antonio, TX: SanAntonio Museum of Art, 1986

Kosiba-Vargas, S. Zaneta. Harry Gamoa and ASCO: The Emergence and Developmentof a Chicano Art Group, 1971-1987. Ann Arbor, MI: University MicrofilmsInternational, 1988

Lockpez, Inverna. Chicano Expressions: A New View in American Art. New York:INTAR Latin American Gallery, 1986

Lugo-Saavedra, Denise, and John Spray. Aqui: 27 Latin American Artists Living &Working in the United States. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 1984

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McCabe, Cynthia Jaffee. Contemporary Immigrant Artists. New York: IndependentCurators Incorporated, 1985

Meier, Matt S. Mexican American Biographies, A Historical Dictionary 1836-1987.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1988

The Papers of Latino & Latin American Artists. Washington, DC: Archives of AmericanArt, Smithsonian Institution, 1996

Partch, Elizabeth, et al. Body/Culture: Chicano Figuration. Ronhert Park, CA:University Art Gallery, Sonoma State University, 1990

Puerto, Cecilia. Latin American Women Artists, Kahlo and Look Who Else: a SelectiveAnnotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996

Quirarte, Jacinto. Mexican-American Artists. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press,1973

Raices Antiguas/Visiones Nuevas=Ancient Roots/New Visions. Tucson, AZ: Tucson,Museum of Art, 1977

Raices y Visiones/Roots and Visions. Washington, DC: National Collection of Fine Arts,Smithsonian Institution, 1977

Sanjurjo, Annick, ed. Contemporary Latin American Artists: Exhibitions at theOrganization of American States, 1941-1964. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997

Sanjurjo, Annick, ed. Contemporary Latin American Artists: Exhibitions at theOrganization of American States, 1965-1985. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997

Telgen, Diane, and Jim Kemp, eds. Notable Hispanic American Women. Detroit: GaleResearch Inc., 1993

Vargas, George. Contemporary Latino Art in Michigan, the Midwest and the Southwest.Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1988

Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1991

Wroth, William. Christian Images in Hispanic New Mexico. Colorado Springs, CO:Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Taylor Museum, 1982

Worth, William. Images of Penance Images of Mercy. Norman, OK: University ofOklahoma Press, 1991

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Native American

Archuleta, Margaret and Rennard Strickland. Shared Visions: Native American Paintersand Sculptors in the Twentieth Century. Phoenix, AZ: The Heard Museum, 1991

Baca, Elmo & Suznne Deats. Santa Fe Design. Lincolnwood, IL: PublicationsInternational, Ltd., 1900

Broder, Patricia Janis. American Indian Painting & Sculpture. New York: AbbevillePress, c.1981

Brody, J. J. Indian Painters & White Patrons. Albuquerque, NM: University of NewMexico Press, 1971

Brumble III, H. David. An Annotated Bibliography of American Indian and EskimoAutobiographies. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1981

Contemporary Native Art of Alaska from the Collection of the Anchorage Historical andFine Arts Museum. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage Historical and Fine Arts Museum, 1979

Dawdy, Doris. Annotated bibliography of American Indian Painting. New York:Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1968

Dunn, Dorothy. American Indian Painting of the Southwest & Plains Area.Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico, 1968

Ewers, John C. Plains Indian Sculpture: A Traditional Art from America's Heartland.Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986

The Extension of Tradition: Contemporary California Native Americans. Sacramento,CA: Crocker Art Museum, c.1985

Feder, Norman. American Indian Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1971

Gray, Philip Howard. A Directory of Eskimo Artists in Sculpture and Prints. Bozeman,MT: Gray Pub., 1974

Highwater, Jamake. Arts of the Indian Americas, Leaves from the Sacred Tree. NewYork: Harper & Row, 1983

Institute of American Indian Arts Alumni Exhibition. Fort Worth, TX: Amon CarterMuseum of Western Art, 1973

Klein, Barry T. Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian. 5th ed. West Nyack,NY: Todd Publications, 1990

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Lippard, Lucy. Mixed Blessings/New Art in a Multicultural America. New York:Pantheon Books, 1990

Marshall, Ann E. The Heard Museum: History and Collections. Phoenix, AZ: HeardMuseum, 1985

Medina, Danny. Arizona Galleries and their Artists. Phoenix, AZ: Dandick Co., 1982

Monthan, Guy & Doris Monthan. Art and the Indian Individualist. Flagstaff, AZ:Northland Press, n.d.

New Directions Northwest: Contemporary Native American Art. Olympia, WA:Evergreen State College, 1986

Parezo, Nancy J., et al. Southwest Native American Arts and Material Culture: A Guideto Research. New York: Garland Pub., 1991

Reno, Dawn E. Contemporary Native American Artists. Brooklyn, NY: AlliancePublishing, Inc., 1995

Snodgrass, Jeanne O. American Indian Painters: A Biographical Dictionary. New York:Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 1968

St. James guide to native North American artists. Detroit: St. James Press, c.1998.

Waldman, Carl. Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes. New York: Facts on File,c.1988


A View of her Own: Images of Women by Women Artists. Grinell, IA: Grinnell College,1987

American Artists '76: A Celebration. San Antonio, TX: Marion Koogler McNay ArtInstitute, 1976

American Women Artists. New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, 1984

American Women: Twentieth Century. Peoria, IL: Lakeview Center for the Arts andSciences, 1972

Anderson, Janet. Women in the Fine Arts: A Bibliography and Illustration Guide.Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1991

Becket, Wendy. Contemporary Women Artists. New York: Universe Books, 1988

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Blum, June. Women's Art: Miles Apart. Orlando, FL: Valencia Community College,1982

Conklin, Jo Anne. The Louise Noun Collection: Art by Women. Iowa City, IA:University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1990

Contemporaries, 17 Artists. Los Angeles: Pacific Security Bank, 1980

Contemporary Art by Women of Color. San Antonio, TX: The Guadalupe Arts Centerand the Instituto Cultural Mexicano, 1990

Doumato, Lamia. Architecture & Women: A Bibliography, Documenting WomenArchitects, Landscape Architects, Designers, Architectural Critics and Writers andWomen in Related Fields Working in the United States. New York: Garland Pub., 1988

Diversity and Presence: Women Faculty Artists of the University of California.Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside, 1987

Dunford, Penny. A Biographical Dictionary of Women Artists in Europe and AmericanSince 1850. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989

Faxon, Alicia, and Sylvia Moore. Pilgrims and Pioneers: New England Women in theArts. New York: Midmarch Arts Press, 1987

Gumbo Ya Ya: Anthology of Contemporary African-American Women Artists. NewYork: Midmarch Art Press, 1995

Heller, Jules, and Nancy Heller. North American Women Artists of the TwentiethCentury. New York: Garland Pub., 1995

Hendricks, Patricia D. A Century of Sculpture in Texas, 1889-1989. Austin, TX:University of Texas at Austin, 1989

Henkes, Robert. Latin American Women Artist of the United States: the works of 33Twentieth-Century Women. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1999

Invisible/Visible: Twenty-one Artists. Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Museum of Art,1972

Kovinick, Phil. The Women Artists in the American West 1860-1960. Fullerton, CA:Muckenthaler Cultural Center, c.1976

Lippard, Lucy. From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women's Art. New York: E. P.Dutton & Co. Inc., 1976

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Marling, Karal Anne, and Helen A. Harrison. 7 American Women: The DepressionDecade. Poughkeepsie, NY: Vassar College Art Gallery, 1976

Moore, Sylvia. Yesterday and Tomorrow: California Women Artists. New York:Midmarch Arts Press, 1989

Moutoussamy-Ashe, Jeanne. Viewfinders: Black Women Photographers. New York,Dodd, Mead & Company, 1986

Munsterberg, Hugo. A History of Women Artists. New York: Clarkson N. Potter Inc.,1975

Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985

Prather-Moses, Alice Irma, comp. The International Directory of Women Workers in theDecorative Arts: A Historical Survey from the Distant Past to the Early Decades of theTwentieth Century. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1981

Preato, Robert R. The Genius of the Fair Muse: Painting and Sculpture CelebratingAmerican Women Artists 1875 to 1945. New York: Grand Central Galleries, 1987

Puerto, Cecilia. Latin American Women Artists, Kahlo and Look Who Else: a SelectiveAnnotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996

Rubinstein, Charlotte Streifer. American Women Sculptors: A History of WomenWorking in Three Dimensions. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990

Significant Colorado Women Artists. Washington, DC: National Museum of Women inthe Arts, 1988

Smith, Jessie Carney. Notable Black American Women. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.,1992

The Society of Women Artists Exhibitors, 1855-1996: a Dictionary of Artists and theirWorks in the Annual Exhibitions of the Society of Women Artists. Calne, Wiltshire,England: Hilmarton Manor Press, 1996

The State of Upstate: New York Women Artists. Washington, DC: National Museum ofWomen in the Arts, 1989

Telgen, Diane, and Jim Kemp, eds. Notable Hispanic American Women. Detroit: GaleResearch Inc., 1993

Tufts, Eleanor. American Women Artists 1830-1930. Washington, DC: The NationalMuseum of Women in the Arts, 1987

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Views by Women Artists: Sixteen Independently Curated Theme Shows. New York:New York Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art, 1982

WARM: A Landmark Exhibition. Minneapolis, MN: Women's Art Registry ofMinnesota, 1984

Watson-Jones, Virginia. Contemporary American Women Sculptors. Phoenix, AZ:Oryx Press, 1986

Withers, Josephine. Women Artists in Washington Collections. College Park, MD: TheGallery, 1979

Women. Winston Salem, NC: Salem Fine Arts Center, 1972

Women Artists: A Checklist of Works in the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture GardenCollection. Washington, DC: Women's Program of the Smithsonian Institution, 1979

Women Artists, here & now. South Bend, IN: The University of Notre Dame, 1986

Women Artists, 1600-1980: Selections from Five College Collections. Amherst, MA:The Mead Art Museum, 1980

Women in Art. Postdam, NY: Art Gallery, Brained Hall, State University College, 1989

Women of Photography, An Historical Survey. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum ofArt, 1975