Murri Court Entry Report - Cover sheet and Form

Murri Court Entry Report – Cover sheet Information for the Murri Court Assessment Panel This cover sheet outlines why we are collecting this information, how the information is used, and why it is important to make sure the report is completed as fully and as accurately as possible. It also provides instructions for completing the Murri Court Entry Report (MCER). When do I use this form? The MCER is to be conducted prior to the first Murri Court mention. What is it for? This form is used to: assess the suitability of the defendant to be referred to Murri Court; describe the defendant’s cultural and personal circumstances; pinpoint those things that contribute to the defendant’s offending; and identify the treatment and support services from which the defendant may benefit. A defendant may be eligible for Murri Court, but not considered suitable by the Murri Court Assessment Panel. The Murri Court Assessment Panel can base their decision on a number of different factors, including whether they believe the defendant is likely to benefit from the Murri Court process, and whether the defendant has the capacity to participate in Murri Court. The Murri Court Assessment Panel is not clinically trained and are not able to diagnose a defendant. The Murri Court Assessment Panel will provide the court cultural advice, and can only tell the court what the defendant tells them about his or her circumstances and offending. It is important that this report is completed as fully and as accurately as possible. This is because the Murri Court magistrate relies on this report to get a good understanding of the defendant. The information in this report may help the Murri Court magistrate when sentencing the defendant. This report is also useful for the Murri Court Assessment Panel. It will tell the Panel what life is like for the defendant when they first meet him or her. When the Panel and the defendant meet again to complete the Murri Court Sentence Report, they will be able to use the information in this report to understand how the defendant’s circumstances have changed, and if Murri Court has helped the defendant to make a difference in his or her life. The more information the Panel collects today, and the more accurate it is, the better able they will be to tell the Murri Court magistrate about big or small changes the defendant has made. How do we use this report? The Panel may choose to yarn with the defendant and then complete the report, or they may choose to step through the report with the defendant. The CJG coordinator can print this form out and write in the spaces provided or they can write notes and type in the document later. The defendant may choose not to answer some questions. That is ok. It is important, however, that the Murri Court magistrate has useful and relevant information to assist them in making informed decisions. What do we do with this report once it’s complete? Once the Panel has finished the report the CJG coordinator will provide a copy to the defendant or the defendant’s legal representative, the prosecutor, the Murri Court magistrate, and the Murri Court Elders. This should occur at least 48 hours prior to the defendant’s first Murri Court appearance. A copy of the report should also be provided to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General ([email protected]) for the purpose of updating the central program database. More questions? If you have any questions please contact your local Indigenous Justice Officer or email [email protected].

Transcript of Murri Court Entry Report - Cover sheet and Form

Murri Court Entry Report - Cover sheet and FormMurri Court Entry Report – Cover sheet Information for the Murri Court Assessment Panel
This cover sheet outlines why we are collecting this information, how the information is used, and why it is important to make sure the report is completed as fully and as accurately as possible. It also provides instructions for completing the Murri Court Entry Report (MCER).
When do I use this form? The MCER is to be conducted prior to the first Murri Court mention.
What is it for? This form is used to:
• assess the suitability of the defendant to be referred to Murri Court; • describe the defendant’s cultural and personal circumstances; • pinpoint those things that contribute to the defendant’s offending; and • identify the treatment and support services from which the defendant may benefit.
A defendant may be eligible for Murri Court, but not considered suitable by the Murri Court Assessment Panel. The Murri Court Assessment Panel can base their decision on a number of different factors, including whether they believe the defendant is likely to benefit from the Murri Court process, and whether the defendant has the capacity to participate in Murri Court.
The Murri Court Assessment Panel is not clinically trained and are not able to diagnose a defendant. The Murri Court Assessment Panel will provide the court cultural advice, and can only tell the court what the defendant tells them about his or her circumstances and offending. It is important that this report is completed as fully and as accurately as possible. This is because the Murri Court magistrate relies on this report to get a good understanding of the defendant. The information in this report may help the Murri Court magistrate when sentencing the defendant.
This report is also useful for the Murri Court Assessment Panel. It will tell the Panel what life is like for the defendant when they first meet him or her. When the Panel and the defendant meet again to complete the Murri Court Sentence Report, they will be able to use the information in this report to understand how the defendant’s circumstances have changed, and if Murri Court has helped the defendant to make a difference in his or her life. The more information the Panel collects today, and the more accurate it is, the better able they will be to tell the Murri Court magistrate about big or small changes the defendant has made.
How do we use this report? The Panel may choose to yarn with the defendant and then complete the report, or they may choose to step through the report with the defendant. The CJG coordinator can print this form out and write in the spaces provided or they can write notes and type in the document later.
The defendant may choose not to answer some questions. That is ok. It is important, however, that the Murri Court magistrate has useful and relevant information to assist them in making informed decisions.
What do we do with this report once it’s complete? Once the Panel has finished the report the CJG coordinator will provide a copy to the defendant or the defendant’s legal representative, the prosecutor, the Murri Court magistrate, and the Murri Court Elders. This should occur at least 48 hours prior to the defendant’s first Murri Court appearance. A copy of the report should also be provided to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General ([email protected]) for the purpose of updating the central program database.
More questions? If you have any questions please contact your local Indigenous Justice Officer or email [email protected].
MURRI COURT ENTRY REPORT This form is used by the Murri Court Assessment Panel to assess the suitability of the defendant to be referred to Murri Court, to identify treatment and support services from which the defendant may benefit, and to provide the Murri Court magistrate with a broader context in which to understand the defendant’s offending.
Defendant’s details
Date of Birth Age Place of birth Gender Male Female
Home Phone Mobile Email
Cultural identity This section of the report describes the defendant’s connection to culture and experience of discrimination.
How do you describe your cultural identity (tick all that apply)?
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander
South Sea Islander Other (please describe)
Do you know your mob? No Tribal/Clan Group Name
Traditional homelands
Please name language
Would you like to learn more about your Tribal/Clan Group?
No Yes Why/why not?
Do you feel connected to culture? No Yes
How often do you meet with your Elders? Never Sometimes Often Always Don’t know
How important is it to you to feel connected to culture?
Not important A little bit important Important Very important Don’t know
What makes you feel connected to culture OR What would make you feel connected to culture? (eg going to NAIDOC, going to country, talking with Elders)
No Yes Do you believe you have ever been refused a job, entry to a shop/agency, not been given play time in
football etc. because you are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?
Have you been punished for your current charges by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander lore/law?
No Yes Please describe what happened
The artwork used here was created by Wakka Wakka man and Gilimbaa artist David Williams.
Defendant name: 2
If no, why not:
Defendant’s family background This section of the report describes what life was like for the defendant growing up.
Who took care of you growing up? (e.g. mother, uncle, foster carer)
Who did you take care of? (e.g. brothers, sisters, cousins)
When you were young, were you ever removed from your family by child safety?
No Yes How often?
Regularly Permanently
Did you stay in one place growing up or move around?
Stayed in one place
Moved around
Did you grow up in a home where there was domestic violence and neglect? No Yes
Did you grow up in a home where family members struggled with drugs, alcohol or other substances? No Yes
Were you physically, emotionally, verbally or sexually abused by anyone when growing up?
No Yes
No Yes Don’t know
Was there anyone you really looked up to when you were growing up?
No Yes
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about what life was like for you growing up?
No Yes
Are you a member of the stolen generation? No Yes How has that affected your life?
Separated Divorced Widowed Other
Are you experiencing domestic violence in your current relationship?
Have you experienced domestic violence in previous relationships?
Are you dealing with any personal grief at the moment (eg the loss of someone)?
Do you have any children? No Yes Living with you now Living elsewhere How many children do you have?
How old are your children?
How often do you see your children?
Have any of your children ever been removed by child safety? No Yes How often? Once or twice Regularly Permanently
How many of your children have been removed by child safety?
Defendant name: 3
If yes, what are you doing to help manage your grief?
No Yes
Defendant’s personal history This section of the report asks about the defendant’s education, job, accommodation and health.
Education Can you read and write English? No Yes Partial/Broken
What grade did you leave school? Grade Age Did you complete this grade? No Yes
Have you ever enrolled in: Traineeship University TAFE Apprenticeship None of these
Other (please describe)
Have you ever completed: Traineeship University TAFE Apprenticeship None of these
Other (please describe)
Enrolled in Completed
Please describe any courses/traineeships/apprenticeships you would like to enrol in
Employment Are you currently: Not capable of looking for work (eg. diagnosed
disability) go to next section Capable of looking for work
If you are capable of looking for work, are you currently:
Not working and not looking for work
Not working, but looking for work
Not working, but studying
Other (please describe)
Only ask these questions if the defendant is currently unemployed and capable of looking for work
Have you ever had a job? No (go to next section)
Yes How long has it been since you had a job?
What were you doing in your last job? (include company name if known)
Why did you stop working at your last job?
Income and spending
We are collecting this information to help the magistrate understand your current financial situation and living expenses.
Do you have enough money to meet all your expenses each fortnight? No Yes
What is your main source of income?
No income Employment Supported by family Receiving benefits (eg Centrelink)
Other (please describe)
Defendant name: 4
Income and spending continued…
Rent: Don’t know
Food: Don’t know
Mobile: Don’t know
Loans: Don’t know
Do you have a SPER debt? No Yes How much money do you owe to SPER?
Do you have a SPER payment plan? No Yes Don’t know
How much do you spend each fortnight on your SPER Payment Plan?
Don’t know The Murri Court Elders and CJG should contact their Indigenous Justice Officer if they would like more information regarding a defendant’s SPER debt.
Accommodation What kind of place are you living in at the moment?
How long have you been living there?
Who lives there with you (eg friends, family)?
How do you feel about your current living arrangements?
Very unhappy
No Yes Where do you think you will move to?
Don’t know
Are you receiving rent assistance from Centrelink?
No Yes How much do you receive per fortnight?
Don’t know
Defendant name: 5
The Murri Court Elders and CJG should contact their Indigenous Justice Officer if they would like more information regarding a defendant's SPER debt.
A house/unit you rent or own Someone else’s house Caravan park
Motor vehicle
A house/unit your parents/family rent or own
Health (this information is what the defendant reports, and is not a diagnosis from the assessment panel) Do you have any physical health conditions (eg diabetes, back pain, disability)? No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe:
Do you have any mental health conditions (eg depression, anxiety)? No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe:
Do you have a cognitive impairment or brain injury? (eg FASD, from a car accident) No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe:
Do you take any prescribed medication? (eg anti-depressant, heart medication) No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe the type of medication and what it is for:
Have you been in hospital in the last year? No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe what you have been in hospital for:
Do you currently have any substance misuse issues (eg alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medication)?
No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe type of substance and how often:
In the next 3 months, how easy or difficult do you think it would be to cut down your drinking or drug taking?
Very difficult
A bit difficult
Easy Extremely easy
Don’t know
Have you had any substance misuse issues in the past? (eg alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medication)
No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe type of substance and how often:
When did you stop using drugs and/or alcohol?
Do you have a gambling habit or other addiction?
No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe
What do you do to take care of your health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)?
Poor Fair Good Excellent
How would you describe your physical health over the last month? (eg extent of physical symptoms and bothered by illness)
How would you describe your mental health over the last month? (eg feelings of anxiety, depression, and problem emotions)
How would you describe your quality of life over the last month? (eg able to enjoy life, get on with family and partner, satisfied with living conditions)
Defendant name: 6
What are your offences before the court? (tick all that apply)
Treatment and other support services This section of the report describes what treatment and support services the defendant is involved with, or would like to be involved with.
What treatment or other support services are you currently involved with? (include any services provided by Youth Justice or Probation and Parole through a current community-based order)
I am not currently involved with any treatment or support services
Organisation Contact name Contact details Reason for attending e.g. relationship, anger, substances
Are you finding this service helpful?
No Yes
No Yes
What treatment or other support services have you gone to before? I have not been to treatment or support services before
relationship, anger, substances Reason for stopping e.g. finished treatment, moved, didn’t work/didn’t like it
Do you think it would be helpful to go there again?
Why/ Why not?
No Yes
No Yes
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? None
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment or other support services? (tick all that apply)
Lack of transport Language difficulties Ill health Caring for family Financial difficulty
May be facing prison/detention for other offences
Other (please describe)
Defendant’s offending
This section of the report asks about the defendant’s offending and the factors thought to contribute to his or her offending.
Why did you commit the offences before the Murri Court?
Don’t know
What impact do you think your offences had on the victim and/or community?
Don’t know
Do you have someone to support you when you go to Murri Court?
No Yes Who will support you?
Defendant name: 7
Murri Court Support Plan (add more lines if required)
Talk to the defendant about his or her personal goals for the future, the actions required to achieve those goals and the services/people available to assist the defendant.
Goal 1:
Services/people that will walk with me and help me achieve my goal:
Organisation Contact name Contact details Reason for attending e.g. relationship, anger, substances
Frequency of attendance (eg weekly, fortnightly, monthly)/ Appointment dates (if known)
Goal 2:
Services/people that will walk with me and help me achieve my goals:
Organisation Contact name Contact details Reason for attending e.g. relationship, anger, substances
Frequency of attendance/ Appointment dates (if known)
Goal 3:
Services/people that will walk with me and help me achieve my goals:
Organisation Contact name Contact details Reason for attending e.g. relationship, anger, substances
Frequency of attendance/ Appointment dates (if known)
Defendant to print name agree, to the best of my ability, to attend the support services listed in my Murri Court Support Plan.
Defendant signature
Murri Court Assessment Panel outcome (PANEL USE ONLY) This section of the report is for the Murri Court Assessment Panel to provide recommendations to the Murri Court magistrate.
Murri Court Elders’ / Respected Persons’ Recommendations In the Murri Court Assessment Panel’s opinion, what are the underlying contributors to the defendant’s offending?
In the Murri Court Assessment Panel’s opinion, what services are most likely to assist the defendant to address his or her offending?
In the Murri Court Assessment Panel’s opinion, are there services that may help the defendant that are not currently available in the community?
No Yes Don’t know
Please describe
Defendant suitability
Does the defendant meet the following suitability criteria?
1. Does the defendant identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander? NO YES
2. If no to Question 1, does the defendant have a kinship or appropriate connection with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community?
3. Is the defendant willing to fully participate in the Murri Court process and referrals to treatment and other support identified in the Murri Court Entry Report?
4. Do the Assessment Panel feel able to support the defendant, whether directly or indirectly through referrals, to address the underlying contributors to his or her offending?
Is the defendant assessed as suitable for Murri Court? (to be suitable defendant needs 3 yes responses from the 4 questions above)
If you would like to make further comments regarding a defendant’s suitability, please do so here:
Comment if assessed as unsuitable
Panel members
Do all the Assessment Panel members agree?
Murri Court Assessment Panel appraisal of the defendant This section of the report describes the stages of change a defendant may move through when working to address the underlying causes of his or her offending. Ratings on this scale reflect the Murri Court Assessment Panel’s opinion. It is important to remember that the Murri Court Assessment Panel is not clinically qualified, and that their views reflect a personal judgement based on their prior experience.
In your opinion, at what stage of change is the defendant:
Stuck: not feeling able to face problem/s or accept help
Accepting help: hopes to address problem and wanting someone to assist to sort it out
Believing: starting to help themselves
Learning: starting to initiate problem solving strategies themselves
Self-reliance: managing without help from services, but may still need assistance
Has the defendant expressed remorse? No Yes Don’t know
If yes, please describe what the defendant has done to express remorse:
Murri Court Assessment Panel endorsement of this report
In signing, the Murri Court Assessment Panel members agree that they were present during the assessment and that this report accurately reflects the information told to them by the defendant.
Panel member name Conflict of interest to declare
No Yes
No Yes
No Yes
Assessment date Assessment start time Assessment finish time
Court File number (if known)
Next Murri Court mention date
Defendant name: 10
If only one panel member present, what is the reason for this:
44TInformation for the Murri Court Assessment Panel
Home Phone:
Do you know your cultural identity: Off
Tribal/Clan group name:
Please name language:
Would you like to learn more about your Tribal/Clan group?: Off
Why or why not?:
How often do you meet with your Elders?: Off
How important is it to you to feel connected to culture?: Off
What makes you feel connected to culture?:
Do you believe you have ever been refused a job, entry to a shop etc: Off
Have you been punished for your current charges by ATSI law?: Off
Have you been punished for your current charges by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander lore/law?:
Who took care of you growing up?:
Who did you take care of?:
When you were young, were you ever removed from your family by child safety?: Off
How often?: Off
If yes, please describe your experience/s?:
Did you stay in one place growing up or move around?: Off
How has that affected your life?- Did you stay in one place growing up or move around:
Did you grow up in a home where there was domestic violence and neglect?: Off
Did you grow up in a home where family members struggled with drugs, alcohol or other substance?: Off
Were you physically, verbal or sexually abused by anyone when growing up?: Off
Is anyone in your family from the stolen generation?: Off
Was there anyone you really looked up to when you were growing up?: Off
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about what life was like for you growing up?: Off
Are you a member of the stolen generation?: Off
Marital status: Off
Have you experienced in domestic violence in previous relationships?: Off
Are you dealing with personal grief at the moment?: Off
If yes, what are you doing to help manage your grief?:
Are you a member of the stolen generation? - How has that affected your life?:
Who did you look up to and why?:
Tell us about what like for you growing up:
Who in your family was from the stolen generation/:
Were you physically, verbal or sexually abused by anyone when growing up? - How has this affected your life?:
How has that affected your life? - Did you grow up in a home where family members struggled with drugs, alcohol or other substance?:
How has that affected your life? - Did you grow up in a home where there was domestic violence and neglect?:
Do you have children?: Off
How many children do you have living elsewhere?:
How many children do you have living with you now?:
How old are your children?:
How often do you see your children?:
Have any of your children been removed by child safety?: Off
Have any of your children been removed by child safety? - How often: Off
How many of your children have been by child safety?:
Defendant name:
What grade did you leave school?:
What age did you leave school?:
Did you complete this grade?: Off
Traineeship: Off
University: Off
Apprenticeship: Off
Completed other: Off
Other, please describe:
that you have completed:
Are you currently: Off
Other, please describe:
How long has it been since you had a job?:
Where are you currently working?:
What were you doing in your last job?:
Why did you stop working at your last job:
Do you have enough money to meet all your expenses each fortnight?: Off
What is your main source of income?: Off
What is your main source of income? Other, please describe:
What is your income each fortnight?:
Child support, I don't know: Off
Electricity, I don't know: Off
Do you have a SPER debt?: Off
How much money do you owe to SPER?:
Do you have a SPER payment plan?: Off
How much do you spend each fortnight on your SPER payment plan?:
How much do you spend each fortnight on your SPER payment plan? I don't know: Off
What kind of place are you living at?: Off
What kind of place are you living at? Other, please describe:
How long have you been living there?:
Who lives there with you?:
How do you feel about your current living arrangements?: Off
Are your current living arrangements temporary?: Off
Where do you think you will move to? Don't know: Off
Are you currently on the public housing waiting list?: Off
Are you receiving rent assistance from Centrelink?: Off
Are you receiving rent assistance from Centrelink? How much do you receive fortnightly? Don't know: Off
Do you have any physical health conditions?: Off
Do you have any physical health conditions? If yes, please describe:
Where do you think you will move to?:
Are you receiving rent assistance from Centrelink? How much do you receive fortnightly?:
Do you have any mental health conditions?: Off
Do you have any mental health conditions? If yes, please describe:
Do you have a cognitive impairment or brain injury?: Off
Do you have a cognitive impairment or brain injury? If yes, please describe:
Do you take any prescription medications?: Off
Do you take any prescription medications? If yes, please describe the type and what it's for:
Have you been in hospital in the last year?: Off
Have you been in hospital in the last year? If yes, describe what you've been in hospital for:
Do you currently have any substance misuse issues?: Off
Do you currently have any substance misuse issues? If yes, describe type of substance and how often:
In the next 3 months, how easy or difficult would it be to cut down on drinking or drugs?: Off
Have you had any substance misuse issues in the past?: Off
Do you have a gambling habit or other addiction?: Off
Do you have a gambling habit or other addiction? If yes, please describe:
What do you to take care of your health?:
Have you had any substance misuse issues in the past? If yes, please describe:
When did you stop using drugs and/or alcohol?:
How would you describe your physical health: Off
How would you describe your mental health: Off
How would you describe your quality of life?: Off
What are your offence before the court?:
Why did you commit the offences?:
Why did you commit the offence/s? I don't know: Off
What impact do you think your offences had on the victim and/or community?:
What impact do you think you offences had on the victim/community? I don't know: Off
Do you have someone to support you when you go to Murri Court?: Off
Do you have someone to support you when you go to Murri Court? Who will support you?:
I'm not currently involved with any treatment or support services: Off
Treatment/support service organisation #1:
Treatment/support service, Reason for attending #1:
Treatment/support service, Reason for attending #2:
Are you finding this service helpful #1: Off
Are you finding this service helpful #2: Off
I have not been to treatment or support service before: Off
Do you think it would be helpful to go there again? #1: Off
Do you think it would be helpful to go there again? Why/why not #2:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Service type/name #1:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Service type/name #2:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Reason for attending #1:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Reason for attending #2:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Reason for stopping #1:
What treatment/support service have you gone to before? Reason for stopping #2:
Do you think it would be helpful to go there again? Why/why not #1:
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? None: Off
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? #1:
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? #2:
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? #3:
What issues would you like assistance with through Murri Court? #4:
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Other: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Other, please describe:
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Lack of transport: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Language difficulties: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Ill health: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Caring for family: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? Financial difficulties: Off
Is there anything that might stop you from attending treatment? May be facing prison: Off
Goal 2 Service/people Organisation #1:
Goal 2 Service/people Organisation #2:
Goal 3 Service/people Organisation #1:
Goal 3 Service/people Organisation #2:
Goal 1 Service/people Contact name #1:
Goal 1 Service/people Contact name #2:
Goal 2 Service/people Contact name #1:
Goal 2 Service/people Contact name #2:
Goal 3 Service/people Contact name #1:
Goal 3 Service/people Contact name #2:
Goal 3 Service/people Contact details #1:
Goal 3 Service/people Contact details #2:
Goal 1 Service/people Reason attending #2:
Goal 2 Service/people Reason attending #2:
Goal 3 Service/people Reason attending #1:
Goal 3 Service/people Reason attending #2:
Goal 2 Service/people Frequency of attendance #2:
Goal 3 Service/people Frequency of attendance #1:
Goal 3 Service/people Frequency of attendance #2:
Goal 1 Service/people Organisation #1:
Goal 1 Service/people Organisation #2:
Goal 1 Service/people Contact details #1:
Goal 1 Service/people Contact details #2:
Goal 2 Service/people Contact details #1:
Goal 2 Service/people Contact details #2:
Goal 1 Service/people Frequency of attendance #1:
Goal 1 Service/people Frequency of attendance #2:
Goal 2 Service/people Frequency of attendance #1:
Murri Court Assessment panel's opinion of underlying contributors to offending:
Murri Court Assessment Panel;s opinion on services most likely to assist:
Murri Court Assessment Panel opinion, are there services that may help the defendant not currently in the community: Off
Are there services that may help the defendant that are not currently available:
Please describe:
Does defendant meet the suitability criteria? ATSI connection: Off
Does defendant meet the suitability criteria? Willing to fully participate: Off
Does defendant meet the suitability criteria? Does the panel support the defendant?: Off
Is the defendant assessed as suitable for Murri Court?: Off
Do all of the Assessment Panel members agree?: Off
Is the defendant assessed suitable for Murri Court? Enter comments:
Is the defendant assessed unsuitable for Murri Court? Enter comments:
Reasons for disagreement between Assessment Panel members:
At what stage of change is the defendant?: Off
Has the defendant expressed remorse?: Off
If yes, describe what the defendant has done to express remorse:
Panel member 1 - Conflict of interest to declare: Off
Panel member 2 - Conflict of interest to declare: Off
Panel member 3 - Conflict of interest to declare: Off
Panel member 1 - Name:
Panel member 2 - Name:
Panel member 3 - Name:
Murri Court Assessment panel - Next court mention date:
Murri Court Assessment panel - Assessment date:
Murri Court Assessment panel - Assessment start time:
Murri Court Assessment panel member 1 - Date signed by member:
Murri Court Assessment panel member 2 - Date signed by member:
Murri Court Assessment panel member 3 - Date signed by member:
Describe any courses etc:
Completed other, please describe:
Are you currently on the public housing waiting list? When did you register? Don't know: Off
Are you currently on the public housing waiting list? When did you register?:
Treatment/support service organisation:
Do you think it would be helpful to go there again?: Off
Goal 1 Service/people Reason attending:
Goal 2 Service/people Reason attending:
Court location:
reason one panel member: