Municipal and state archives of Vienna

22 Municipal and state archives of Vienna


Presentation of the Municipal and state archives of Vienna by Brigitte Rigele at the workshop "Österreichische Archive in Europa", 17th & 18th of October 2012 in the Austrian State Archives in Vienna

Transcript of Municipal and state archives of Vienna

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Municipal and state archives of Vienna

Page 2: Municipal and state archives of Vienna

„ Diesen Brief soll man hüten wie Gold!“ 1312

Archive constituted 1863 Departement 1889, Provincial archive 1922

Change from administration to cultur 1939 MA 8 - Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv 1973

Holdings since the Middle Ages

Historical development

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Archivists Librarians Bookbinder Cameraman Cartographer Conservator Political scientists Historians Staff for administrative service


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Construction work

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Das Archiv im Gasometer D• 6 Archivgeschosse• Gesamtfläche ca. 16.000 m²• Depotfläche ca. 10.000 m² • 17 Depoträume

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Facilities• Publik sector:

• Exhibition room •researchroom (42 workstations)• lecture hall for 130 persons

• Tecnical facilities:

• delivery service• Storage for contaminated materials• Restoration workshop• digitisation facilities

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We are the archive for

• Political bodies• Vienna City administration• enterprises• Federal authorities operating in Vienna • Private institutions• Privat persons

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electronical records

More than 50 Kilometers of shelves

fotos; films

Our Holdings

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M u n ic ip ia l s ta te C o lle c tio ns

M u n ic ip a l a n d s ta te a rch ives

Our Holdings

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S tä d tische Ä m ter

H is to risch e R e g is tra tu ren

M a g is tra tsd e pa rte m e n tsu n d M ag is tra tsa b te ilu ng en

M a g is tra tis cheB e z irksä m ter

L e iten de Ä m teru n d B e hö rd en

V e rtre tu ng skörp er

S tä d tisch e A n s ta ltenu n d F on ds

S täd t. U n te rne h m u ng en

E h em . G e m e ind en

A ltm atriken

M u n ic ip a l

P a trim o n ia lh errscha ften

S ta a tliche V erw a ltu ng

S ta a tlich e G erich te

S ta a tliche A n s ta ltenu n d U n te rn eh m u ng en

P o lize i

K o n fe ssio n e lle B e h örd enu n d A ns ta lten

P o lit isch e P a rte ien

In nu ng en u ndH a n de lsg re m ien

P riva te In s titu tion en

R e ch tsan w a ltska m m erÄ rz te ka m m er

s ta te

H a u p ta rch iv

K a rto g rap h ischeS a m m lu ng

F o to sa m m lu ng

H a n dschriften

N a ch lä sse

P aten te

B io gra p h .-G e n e a lo g .S a m m lu ng

A d ressen

A u to gra ph en

B io gra p h ische S a m m lu ngu n d D o ku m e n ta tion

T o po g rap h . S am m lu ngu n d D o ku m e n ta tion

H is to risch e K o m m iss ion

co lle c tio ns

M u n ic ip ia l a n d s ta te a rch ives

Page 11: Municipal and state archives of Vienna

Records on people in Vienna

• Online databases

• How to find birth, marriage, death certification

• How to find coroner records

• How to find probate records

• How to find an adress

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When / where …









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Basic rule:• Provenance• If possible the files are kept in the same

order as on the point of origin

Principles of Organisation

Page 14: Municipal and state archives of Vienna

Our main tasks• Allocation of duties

– Vienna archives law 2000– Indexing of municipal council

and regional parliament– Historical atlas– Historical commission– Specialised library

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Our main tasks:

• Appraise• conserve• To get available

... records of the Province and the municipal of Vienna and of federals authorities operating in Vienna (mainly the courts of law)

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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Städtische ÄmterAlte RegistraturHauptregistratur

Alte ZiviljustizZivilgericht


M.Abt. M.Abt. 116M.Abt. 119M.Abt. 202M.Abt. 209M.Abt. 212M.Abt. 236

MBA Leitende Ämter und Behörden

VertretungskörperStädtische Anstalten und Fonds


Patrimoniale Verw altung und JustizGrundbücher

BezirkshauptmannschaftenStadtschulrat (Landesschulrat)

Schulen Franziszeischer Kataster

Vermessungsamt (Bundesvermessungsamt Wien)Klosterrat

BG Innere Stadt (I)BG Leopoldstadt (I)

BG LandstraßeBG Wieden

BG MargaretenBG MariahilfBG Neubau

BG JosefstadtBG Alsergrund

BG FavoritenBG Simmering

BG MeidlingBG Hietzing

BG FünfhausBG RudolfsheimBG Sechshaus

BG OttakringBG HernalsBG WähringBG Döbling

BG FloridsdorfBG Liesing

Merkantil- und WechselgerichtHandelsgericht Wien

LGSt WienLGZ Wien

JugendgerichtshofOberlandesgericht Wien



Staatliche Anstalten und UnternehmungenBPD Wien: Generalinspektorat der Wiener


Innungen und HandelsgremienPrivate Institutionen

H.A. - UrkundenH.A. - Akten

Kartographische SammlungFotosammlungHandschrif ten


Biographisch-Genealogische SammlungAdressen

AutographensammlungBiographische Sammlung und Dokumentation

Topographische Sammlung und DokumentationHistorische Kommission

ArchivbibliothekPolitische Dokumentation


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Wiener Archivinformationssystem for research and acess

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Information, enquiries, Access to documents

researchroom : 4. Archivgeschoss

Open: Monday to Friday 9.00 to 15.30,Thursday 9.00 to 19.00

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