
Multimed ia Tools for EsP

Transcript of Multimedia

  • 1. Multimedia Tools for EsP

2. SHERYL NUSSBAUM- BEACH Teachers will not be replaced by technology, but, teachers who do not use technology will be replaced by those who do 3. Multimedia thecombineduseofseve ralmedia,as soundandfull motionvideoin computerapplications The use ofcomputersto presenttext,graphics,vid eo,animation, and sound 4. 10 Good Reasons For using Technology in Teaching 1. Student loves it. 2. It encourages the four key components of learning. 3. Professional development. 4. Makes life easier for the teachers. 5. Improve test score. 5. 6. Help students with Low Attention spans. 7.Learn from the experts. 8. Encourages completion of homework. 9. Saves money 10. Remove obstacles. 6. A Magazine is an iPad that doesnt work 7. Digital Natives and Immigrants Digital Natives are those who grew up with digital technology from birth, whereas Digital Immigrants are those who were 8. Screenagers A term that combines two words to describe "teenagers who are online" and who are "always looking at the screen." wired teens or the much 9. Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives For the generation of youth in their teens today, social media are so intricately woven into the fabric of their lives that they dont really 10. How Teens Use Digital Media 11. Educational Benefits of Multimedia tools (from an Educator's Perspective) "Encourages deep reflective thinking. Create personally meaningful learning opportunities 12. Multimedia and LearningGiven how pervasive social media are today, many parents, educators, and other adults are deeply interested in the role of these media in teens 13. Educational Benefits of Multimedia tools (from an Educator's Perspective) Provide students with opportunities to represent and express their prior knowledge. "Allow students to function as designers, using tools for analyzing the world, 14. Educational Benefits of Multimedia tools (from an Educator's Perspective) Multimedia applications engage students and provide valuable learning opportunities. Empower students to create and design rather than "absorbing 15. A-Z MULTIMEDIA TOOLS FOR ESP 16. Activities 17. Advertisem ent 18. Advertisem ent 19. Audio Podcast Internet world's form of broadcasting, known as podcasting, is the new face of radio journalism v=FKwcdvvAi1Y 20. Animation Ang Pamilya Bilang 21. Banks 22. eBooks 23. Bulletin Board 24. Bulletin Board 25. Bl og a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer 26. Calendar 27. CartoonCreate your own comics and cartoonsCreate your own comics and cartoons 28. Cartoon 29. http://www.photovisi/download?id=e992ba1e-44c9-49e1-a42d- 24690b8eff8f&ready=true Collage 30. Biographical DictionaryThe Biographical Dictionary contains information on 33,000 notable people from ancient times to the