MultiBeast Features 7.4

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Transcript of MultiBeast Features 7.4

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    MultiBeast is an all-in-one post-installation utility designed to enable bootfrom a hard drive. It also features a collection of drivers and customizationoptions.

    This document will reference all of the features of MultiBeast, as described

    inside the app itself. Please read all of the descriptions carefully. ou mayrun MultiBeast as often as you li!e, but !eep in mind that it will notuninstall items, "ust overwrite them.

    tonymacx86 & MacManwww.tonymac#$

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    How to Use MultiBeast

    &. 'lic! Quick Startto choose (asyBeast, )ser*+*T, or *+*T-ree. 'lic! Driversfor udio, /raphics, and 0etwor! options1. 'lic! ustomi!efor further options2. 'lic! "rintor Saveto bac! up your configuration3. 'lic! Buil#then $nstall%. 4estart computer to complete installation

    Than!s to the 'hameleonteam, net!as, Pro"ect 5+ 6, !ozle!, toleda, 7n#Mac, fl8ed, cmf,+hailua, the candle, 9enties, 4ehabMan, :enith21, Mieze and hna! for their contributionsthat ma!e this tool possible. dditional than!s to the tonymac#$% community for their testingand contributions to this wor!. +pecial than!s to all of the tonymac#$ mods.

    MultiBeast conce%t an# #esin 'y tonymacx86( MacMan( an# a#amsmas)er.MultiBeast user inter*ace( arc)itecture( an# #evelo%ment 'y +o' ,allace.
  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    Quick Start;uic! +tart will load a pre-built configuration based on which option is chosen.If you don Misc -> (v5reboot

    *rivers -> Misc -> a!e+M' v%.&%.&1?*rivers -> Misc -> 0ull'P)PowerManagementBootloaders -> 'himera v2.&.@'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> Basic Boot 5ptions'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> 8e#t *ev Mode'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> )se 8ernel'ache

    'ustomize -> +ystem *efinition -> Mac Pro -> Mac Pro 1,&'ustomize -> Themes -> tonymac#$% Blac!

    UserDSD)ser*+*T is for those des!top systems who have a pre-edited *+*T for their motherboard. )ser*+*T pre-configured choices=

    *rivers -> *is! -> 1rd Party +T*rivers -> Misc -> a!e+M' v%.&%.&1?Bootloaders -> 'himera v2.&.@'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> Basic Boot 5ptions'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> /enerate 'P) +tates

    'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> 9ibernate Mode A *es!top'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> 8e#t *ev Mode'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> )se 8ernel'ache'ustomize -> +ystem *efinition -> Mac Pro -> Mac Pro 1,&'ustomize -> Themes -> tonymac#$% Blac!

    DSD/0ree*+*T ree is for those des!top systems who have a motherboard that wor!s without a *+*T. *+*T ree pre-

    configured choices=

    *rivers -> *is! -> 1rd Party +T*rivers -> Misc -> a!e+M' v%.&%.&1?

    Bootloaders -> 'himera v2.&.@'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> Basic Boot 5ptions'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> /enerate 'P) +tates

    'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> 9ibernate Mode - *es!top'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> )se 8ernel'ache'ustomize -> Boot 5ptions -> 8e#t *ev Mode'ustomize -> +ystem *efinition -> Mac Pro -> Mac Pro 1,&'ustomize -> Themes -> tonymac#$% Blac!

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    Drivers*rivers provide additional functionality to the operating system. The driverscontained here provide either enhanced hardware support or are mandatoryfor non-*+*T based systems. Be sure to read the descriptions carefully beforeinstallation.

    1u#io'ollection of !e#ts to enable the on-board udio on your system. Ma!e sure to read thedescriptions carefully and only install the correct files for your audio codec.

    +ealtek 128xx(nables audio for motherboards featuring the 4ealte! 7'%, 7'$1, 7'$$?C$$$b,

    7'$$$, 7'$$3C$$a, 7'$$, 7'$, 7'$$ or 7'&&3@ high-definition audio codecs.

    4eplaces C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsCpple9*.!e#t with a patched &@.&@.2 pple9*.!e#tedited by toleda to enable full functionality for the 4ealte! 7'%, 7'$1, 7'$$?C$$$b,

    7'$$$, 7'$$3C$$a, 7'$$, 7'$, 7'$$ or 7'&&3@ high-definition audio codecs.Patches C(#traC*+*T.aml if found to replace the current layout-id with layout-id &. dds

    9*(nablerDes, 9*(7ayoutI*D@&@@@@@@ to C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist.3%tional "ort 5. 1u#io5ptional for 1 port audio layouts. 4emaps audio input and outputports for 3.& analog support. dds 9*(7ayoutI*D@@@@@@@ to


    3%tional HD 999:HD 4999 HDM$ 1u#io(nables 9*MI audio on 9* 1@@@C2@@@ with limited analog outputoptions. dds 9*(7ayoutI*D@1@@@@@@ to


    3%tional -0$ $nstalle# Bootloa#er Su%%ortllows installation of patched pple9* without chec!ing for reEuired files. *oes not editC(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist.

    3%tional HD1-na'ler5ptional !e#t-based audio in"ection method. 'hanges 9*(nabler to 0o in

    C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist if found. 'hoose udio I*= & or udio I*= .

    Universal(nables audio for most codecs. )ses Foodoo9* which is an open source audio driver fordevices compliant with the Intel 9igh *efinition udio G9*H specification, based primarily oncode from the reeB+* hdac driver. It is intended as an Intel-only replacement for

    pple9*. (nables sound without *+*T patching. 'lic! the triangle to e#pand and thenchoose the appropriate version. Installs Foodoo9*.!e#t in C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensions.

    ;oo#ooHD1 9.

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    Disk'ollection of !e#ts that provide enhanced hardware support for optical and dis! drives.

    r# "arty S11Provides support for the +Media +M&@%&, Micron 1%# Ga!a /+THand Marvell $$+(, $$+(&? and $$+(1@ +T controllers. lldrives connected to these ports show on the des!top as Internal andcan 05T be hot swapped. Installs 9'IJ1rdPartyJ+T.!e#t in


    r# "arty eS11Provides support for the +Media +M&@%&, Micron 1%# Ga!a /+THand Marvell $$+(, $$+(&? and $$+(1@ +T controllers. lldrives connected to these ports show on the des!top as (#ternal and can be hot swapped.Installs 9'IJ1rdPartyJe+T.!e#t in C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensions.

    $ntel =eneric 1H$ S11Provides support for the Intel +eries, 6? and 6 +T controllers which are displayed as/eneric 9'I 'ontroller in +ystem Profiler. ll drives connected to these ports show on thedes!top as Internal. Installs 9'IJIntelJ/enericJ+T.!e#t in C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensions.

    $31H$BlockStorae$n>ectorMa!es drives appear as internal. Installs I59'IBloc!+torageIn"ector.!e#t in

    C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensions. 0ot needed when using 9'IJ1rdPartyJ+T.!e#t.

    rim -na'ler9.9.9 / 9.9.< +$M "atc)Patches C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsCI59'Iamily.!e#tC'ontentsCPlugInsCI59'IBloc!+torage.!e#t to enable T4IM on non-pple ++* drives.

    9.9. +$M "atc)

    Patches C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsCI59'Iamily.!e#tC'ontentsCPlugInsCI59'IBloc!+torage.!e#t to enable T4IM on non-pple ++* drives.

    =ra%)ics'ollection of patches to fully enable graphics capabilities.

    $ntel =ra%)ics "atc) *or Mixe# SystemsPatches ppleIntel+0B/raphicsB.!e#t and ppleIntelramebuffer'apri.!e#t to enable theuse of the 9* 1@@@ /P) on ?-+eries motherboards and the 9* 2@@@ /P) on %-+eriesmotherboards.

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    Misc'ollection of miscellaneous !e#ts that provide enhanced hardware support or mandatory forsystems not using a *+*T. Be sure to read the descriptions carefully before installation.

    -lliott0orce2eacy+Prevents a 'M5+ reset on reboot without a *+*T. Installs (lliottorce7egacy4T'.!e#t in


    -v3re'ootIf you don

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    ?etwork'ollection of !e#ts to fully enable specific (thernet controllers.



  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    System"atc)e# 1%%le$ntel"U"owerManaement4eplaces the current

    C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsCppleIntel'P)PowerManagement.!e#twith a version that was patched using I'PMPatch by el coniglio.*eletes C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsC0ull'P)PowerManagement.!e#tif found.

    1%%le+ "atc) *or M3S +esetPatches C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensionsCpple4T'.!e#tC to prevent 'M5+resets.

    9.C. 1%%le1"$"lat*orm +oll'ack4eEuired for OP'I configuration begin halt on &@.&@ on some K4* BI5+ systems,including /igabyte % series and #3$. 4eplaces the current pple'PIPlatform.!e#t in

    C+ystemC7ibraryC(#tensions with the &@..3 version.

    Bootloa#ersInstall 'himera to ma!e your drive bootable. *oes not include any themes.

    )imera v4..9MacMan

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    ustomi!e collection of boot time configuration files and system customization options.

    Boot 3%tions'ontains scripts to edit C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist files to enableCdisable special bootloader features at startup.

    Basic Boot 3%tionsInstalls C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist with the minimum reEuired options,(thernetBuiltInDes, /raphics(nablerD0o, I/P(nablerDes, 7egacy 7ogoDes andTimeoutD

    Dro%SSDEesdds *rop++*TDes to C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    =enerate "U Statesdds /enerate'+tatesDes and /enerateP+tatesDes to C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    =ra%)ics-na'lerEes'hanges /raphics(nablerD0o to /raphics(nablerDes in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist.

    Hi'ernate Mo#e / Deskto%'onfigures the system for *es!top power management hibernate mode and deletes

    CvarCvmCsleepimage to reclaim dis! space.

    Hi'ernate Mo#e / 2a%to%'onfigures the system for 7aptop power management hibernate mode

    $="-na'ler?o'hanges I/P(nablerDes to I/P(nablerD0o in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    $nstant Menudds Instant MenuDes or replaces TimeoutDn in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    @ext Dev Mo#edds !e#t-dev-modeD& to 8ernel lags in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    "$ +oot $D 0ixdds P'I4oot)I*D& to 8ernel lags in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist

    Use @ernelac)edds )se8ernel'acheDes to C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist. 0ot needed when using

    (asyBeast or )ser*+*T.

    ;er'ose Bootdds -v to 8ernel lags in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist.

    989% Dis%laydds /raphics Mode D N&@#&@$@#1N or changes /raphics Modeto N&@#&@$@#1N in C(#traCorg.chameleon.Boot.plist.

  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    SSD 3%tions5ptimized versions of +andy Bridge 'ore i 'P) specific ++*Ts. (ach 'P) type supports aspecific ma#imum Turbo Boot cloc! rate. Installs ++*T.aml in C(#tra.

    San#y Bri#e ore i5ptimized ++*T supporting +andy Bridge 'ore i3 'P)s with a ma#imum

    Turbo Boost cloc! of 1.$ /9z. Installs ++*T.aml in C(#tra.San#y Bri#e ore i75ptimized ++*T supporting +andy Bridge 'ore i? 'P)s with a ma#imumTurbo Boost cloc! of 1. /9z. Installs ++*T.aml in C(#tra.

    San#y Bri#e ore i:i7 3verclocke#5ptimized ++*T supporting +andy Bridge 'ore i3 or 'ore i? 'P)s overcloc!ed up to 2. /hz.Installs ++*T.aml in C(#tra.

    System De*initions'ontains pre-edited smbios.plist files that will identify your system as a specific Mac model.

    MacPro1,& is installed by default by (asyBeast, and )ser*+*T installations, and is thegeneral recommendation.

    iMacThese pre-edited smbios.plist files will identify your system as an iMac.

    Mac "roThese pre-edited smbios.plist files will identify your system as a Mac Pro.

    MacBook "roThese pre-edited smbios.plist files will identify your system as a MacBoo! Pro.

    Mac miniThese pre-edited smbios.plist files will identify your system as a Mac mini.

    )emesThemes for bootloader /)I customization. Installed in C(#tra.


  • 7/23/2019 MultiBeast Features 7.4


    This tool was created for your personal use and maynot be sold or re-distributed without the e#press writtenconsent of tonymac#$% 77'.

    This tool is provided Nas isN without warranties of any!ind, either e#pressed or implied, including, but notlimited to, the implied warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose. The entire ris! as to theEuality and performance of this tool is with you. +houldthe tool prove defective, you assume the cost of all

    necessary servicing, repair or correction.Please consider a contributionto support further

    MultiBeast development. Than!s in advanceQ

    o%yri)t F