Multibeam Data Processing in CARIS Initial...

Document Owner: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Revision Date: December 2009 -1- PROCESS OWNER NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer REVISION HISTORY REV Description of Change Author Effective Date 0 Initial release SST Peters, SST Stuart February 2009 1 Revised SST Peters December 2009 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Document Number Document Title CARIS Training Manual HIPS/SIPS 6.1 SOP: MB Data Acquisition with SIS Multibeam Data Processing in CARIS v6.1 Standard Operating Procedure

Transcript of Multibeam Data Processing in CARIS Initial...

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NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer


REV Description of Change Author Effective Date

0 Initial release SST Peters, SST Stuart

February 2009

1 Revised SST Peters December 2009


Document Number Document Title

CARIS Training Manual HIPS/SIPS 6.1

SOP: MB Data Acquisition with SIS

Multibeam Data Processing in CARIS v6.1

Standard Operating Procedure

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Once the raw data is collected by the Seafloor Information System (SIS) acquisition program, it needs to be cleaned using CARIS (Computer Aided Resource Information System). Cleaning the data allows us to quality check both the system and the data to assure that we are creating the best products possible. 1.0. Creating a new project in CARIS A “New Project” will be created for each survey. Any products created for that survey will be contained in the project with the same name. 1.1. Vessel Configuration The Vessel Configuration File (VCF) is made up of the vessel offsets with regards to the sonar system. A vessel needs to be defined or an already defined VCF chosen at the beginning of each suvey.

HIPS VCF (Vessel configuration file) should not have any offsets – as all the offsets have already been defined and applied in SIS. HIPS VCF should be populated for standard deviation (STD) and sensor offsets for the calculation of uncertainty

• Select day for beginning of data—must be a day/year before the date that the data begins for the

program to import it.

EditàVessel Configuration or click the Vessel Editor icon

• FileàOpen

• Select Vessel

• Select Date from drop down calendar in window for each sensor.

File name varies by year—check with SSTs

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1.2. Start New Project A project is defined as all the data that will be processed in Caris for a survey. Go to: FileàNewà Project or click the New Project icon.

• Add Project… A project name needs to be defined that will be the established name for each survey.

• Add Vessel… § Select a vessel for the survey

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• Add Day… does not need to be selected here, that is done with the Conversion Wizard. Click Next >

• In Step 2, enter one or two words about the survey under Description. Owner is survey. Click Next >

• Make sure the Select UTM zone automatically box is checked and click Next >

• For the final step, no project extents need

to be entered. Hit Finish.

2.0. Clean Data in Hydrographic Information Processing System (HIPS) There are several steps to take in cleaning the data. The following is the recommended order of events for converting and processing Kongsberg Simrad 302 SIS data. 2.1. Conversion Editor Every time a line is ready to be processed in Caris, first the SIS .all file must be converted into a file format that Caris can recognize.

§ Select the survey and corresponding line files to import into the new project.

§ FileàImportàConversion Wizard or click on the Conversion Wizard icon.

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§ Select Simrad from the list of options. Click Next >

§ Browse to the raw data files by clicking

Select… The File selection type will always be RawData.

§ Here you can select one or multiple files for conversion. Raw files are found on Y:\RAW

Data\20XX\Project. Click Open. § The selected line files then appear in the

space below. Hit Next >

§ Now select the vessel under the project name to create a day number folder for the converted data. Click Add Day… and double click the appropriate date on the calendar for which the data was collected. The month and year can be found by hitting the arrow and double arrows.

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§ Select Geographic under Navigation Coordinate Type. Choosing geographic makes the Projection option irrelevant. Click Next >

§ Make sure the Navigation box is checked and that Manual is selected under Set extents.

§ Below there is a depth filter option when the Depth box is checked, a Minimum and Maximum value can be set manually. If this filter is used, the deepest depth of the lines being converted must be known—otherwise good data could be filtered out. Therefore it should be common practice to leave the Depth filter box unchecked. Click Next.

§ Under Simrad, make sure that the

EM3000 Position System selected is 1 and that the Convert Side Scan/Backscatter box is checked.

§ Leave the default settings as they

are for Data Source and disregard the EA400/EA600 Single Beam Options setting since they are irrelevant here. Click Next>

§ Now the data is ready to be converted. Click Convert and what is accepted, rejected, and filtered out for each line is listed as the line converts. Hit Close once this has finished.

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• Once the lines have been converted, to open them, go to Fileà Open Project… or by hitting the Open Project icon.

§ Select the lines under the project, vessel, and day number where the data was converted.

§ There are two options on the

type of data that can be opened here: ship and towfish. Since the ship does not tow a fish, no towfish track line data exists, therefore the box Open towfish track lines should not be checked. However, the lines do store track line information so make sure the Open ship track lines box is checked. Click Open.

• When the lines open, each will be listed under the project, vessel, and day number in the Project tab.

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§ Lines may be selected either there, by clicking on one or multiple lines on the tab, or by clicking on the lines themselves displayed to the right. Once selected, the line(s) will turn yellow.

§ Newly converted lines will always open in a certain color which symbolizes the lines current

state. For a line that has just been converted, that state is unprocessed [unmerged]. Once the lines have been processed, then they can be merged, and the line color status will change accordingly from blue to green [merged]. These colors can be changed in the lower left hand corner but it is recommended that this standard remain unchanged.

2.2. Navigation Editor As the ship collects sonar data, it is also collecting navigation data that is converted with every line. This data is viewed and processed using the Navigation Editor.

• Select the newly converted line(s).

• Click ToolsàNavigation Editor or select the Navigation Editor icon.

• The major focus of the Navigation Editor is to get rid of excessively bad points or anything that looks

out of the ordinary. As with all data editing, always be careful not over edit—just take out the major artifacts.

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§ There are two ways to edit data in the Navigation Editor, Break with Interpolation and Break without Interpolation.

Ø Break with Interpolation (left icon) interpolates a bad point(s) between a set of good

points that have been selected.

Ø Break without Interpolation (right icon) breaks the data and rejects everything in between two good points that have been selected.

§ As a rule of thumb, if there is one bad data point, use Break with Interpolation and if there are

consecutive bad data points, use Break without Interpolation. In the case of the latter, it is usually from a gap in the data. It is best to break around a data gap since there is nothing in between to interpolate. However, every situation will be different and the decision of which option to use should reflect that.

Ø Click and drag over the point(s) and select the appropriate data editor.

§ In the example above, Break with Interpolation was used and that would be all the cleaning this line would require.

§ If edits are made, do not forget to save! If that happens, an alert message will pop up.

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2.3. Attitude Error The ship collects Gyro/Heave/Pitch/Roll data as well which is also converted with every line in Caris. This data is viewed and processed using the Attitude Editor.

• Select the line(s) that were just processed in the Navigation Editor.

• Click ToolsàAttitude Editor or select the Attitude Editor icon. § The data can be looked through both as part of the main screen or can be undocked by double

clicking on the bar at the top of the Editor.

§ Click on the arrows or anywhere on the bar at the bottom of the Editor to move through the data. Pressing the spacebar will also advance the data screen by screen.

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The main screen will show what part of the line is being viewed as it is processed.

2.4. Swath Editor The Swath Editor gives the viewer the ability to look over the data individually by line and is one of two main ways to edit data in Caris.

• Select a line that was just processed with the Navigation and Attitude Editors.

• Click ToolsàSwath Editor or select the Swath Editor icon.

§ Swath Editor is made up of six main views: Plan, Rear, Side, Profile, 3D, and Sidescan. § Each view can be toggled on and off in the

Swath Editor toolbar by clicking on the corresponding icon.

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• Each view can be undocked from the main screen by double clicking on the bar at the top and restored with the same action.

• The Plan view shows data along track, and

the Rear and Side from the back and to the side respectively. Profile gives the user the capability to scroll the data one profile at a time.

• There are two tabs associated with the

Swath Editor Tab: General and 3D View. Various aspects of the data can be exaggerated, increased, decreased, or toggled on and off depending on the viewers needs.

§ One thing that is an important to watch is the Number of profiles. This refers to how much data is visible in the Plan, Rear, Side, and 3D views. Keep this number between 80-100.

• Keep data editing to minimum—and like what was said above with the last two editors—be careful

not to over edit. Just look for major flyers, blowouts, or bad outer beam data. It is better to clean these things out earlier rather than later so that if the ship needs to go back over an area because of a blowout, it will still be possible—or in other words, as long as you know what bad data looks like, do not be afraid to clean it out. If there is ever a question about some data, leave it in and seek advice from someone more expertise. It is important to know the difference between good and bad data—and if you do not know, to learn—so that mapping operations can be conducted both as efficiently as possible and in the end, the ship can hand over the best possible product.

• For the example below, there are some obvious flyers found below line and close to nader. There is

more than one way to reject data. Select the flyers by clicking and dragging over them. Each point will turn yellow once selected and then either hit ToolsàReject, the R key, or hit the Reject icon on the toolbar.

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• The other option is to process data with the Auto Cursor. It is found on the toolbar and it makes it so that the user does not have to keep selecting accept or reject for each edit.

§ There are three options in auto cursor mode, accept, reject, and reject

swath. A check—for accepted—or an x—for rejected—will appear at the bottom right of the cursor depending on which one has been selected.

• Another important feature to processing data is Show Rejected. When Show Rejected

is selected, rejected soundings are grey, or disappear when Show Rejected is unselected. It is important to understand that rejected data is never deleted from the data field; it is just flagged as rejected so Show Rejected can be toggled on and off to reaccept soundings if they are mistakenly edited out. Show Rejected is also a necessary instrument for quality control review.

• Once data editing is complete, remember to save. FileàSave or hit the Save Icon.

• To select the next line, there are two icons on the toolbar that can be clicked to go

either to the previous or next line. 2.5. Load Tide Tide is one of the correctors that needs to be applied to Caris data (the other being sound velocity). Sound velocity was already applied during acquisition in SIS and will not need to be re-applied again here.

• Select the line(s) to load tides.

• Click ProcessàLoad Tide or select the Load Tide icon.

• The Tide Loading Method initially for all lines is Single tide station observations. § Hit Select… to browse to the tide file. The chosen file will then appear once selected. § Hit Load.

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2.6. Merge After all these different aspects of the multibeam line have been inspected individually, each component needs to be incorporated into one object before the cleaning process can continue. This is known as merging. All correctors must be applied before a line can be merged and if any correctors (such as sound velocity and tide) are re-applied at any time, the lines will revert to unmerged status.

• Select the line(s) to be merged. • Click ProcessàMerge or select the Merge

icon. • Do not check any boxes under Options or Select

smoothed sensors to be applied. • Click Merge. • There will be a Status bar at the bottom left hand screen

that will show progress. When it hits 100%, the line’s color will change on main screen indicating that the lines are merged.

2.7. Subset Editor

Subset Editor makes it possible to view and edit more than one line at a time. Subset editor is a perfect tool to perform quality assurance and quality control checks of the data. In this format, data artifacts such as sound velocity and tide are clearly represented. The subset editor gives a crucial view of data overlap so it is possible to verify objects and artifacts—especially since the integrity of the outer beams are not as robust—therefore the more data to compare there, the better. Subset Editor also provides the opportunity to look over already cleaned data to make sure nothing was missed including objects that may have been previously edited out.

Keep in mind that lines must be merged to open them up in the Subset Editor.

• Click ToolsàSubset Editor or select the Subset Editor icon.

• Select area to review by clicking and dragging over an area. The area needs to be parallel to the lines. To rotate, hit the Control key while still holding the left click button and turning with the mouse. Rotation arrows will appear as the Control key is being used.

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• Click Load Subset from the Subset Editor tool bar if it did not load automatically. Another useful item on the tool bar is the Lock Subset tool to the right of Load Subset. Once this has been clicked, the area selected will be locked in that spot until the icon is selected again.

• The yellow box can be moved anywhere in the selected subset area,

and the size can be changed with the double sided arrow. This should be fairly narrow when cleaning so that there will not be too much data to look at all at once.

• Once the data loads (it may take a few moments depending on the size of the area that has been selected), the data will open in the two views, 2D and 3D View. Since Subset mode includes data from more than one line, the potential amount of data opened at one time can be quite large so the selected area can only include three to four lines or be very small in diameter—otherwise, Caris may crash.

• Like with the other Editors, all views can be undocked by double clicking on the top bar.

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• The View Display of the 2D View above needs to be changed in the Subset Editor tab in order to properly view and edit this data. This tab opens automatically with Subset Editor.

§ Under HIPS Data, select 2D View. This will bring

up the 2D menu which gives various options which are unique to that view.

§ Here under Display, View direction is changed.

Currently it is Right and needs to be changed to Top.

• Data in subset mode can also be

cleaned in the 3D View. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out and left click and drag on the green arrows to move the data up and down or rotate to the right or left. The sun angle can be changed by moving the yellow ball anywhere on the triple circle. It will update automatically.

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• Under the Subset Editor tab, many important characteristics can be defined.

§ Under Colours, the Attribute can be

selected. The data is identified by color so “Attribute” gives the user a choice for how the data will be delineated. Select Line in the drop down which means that each line will be assigned a different color. This way lines can be compared to one another. Under Survey lines, it shows which color is assigned to each line.

§ Subsets can be set to load automatically every

time a subset is opened by checking the Auto load subset box.

§ Point size for viewing the data is also

decided here.

• Editing data in Subset mode is very similar to editing data in Swath Editor—the same simple rules apply. However, be aware that since more than one line can be viewed and more data is viewable in subset mode, there is the potential to edit out a lot more data at one time. Remember the Show Rejected option to view rejected soundings, especially if subset mode is being used in a quality assurance capacity.

• There are a couple of options when auto cursor mode is selected for accepting and rejecting data.

§ The Select By Range icon gives the user the ability to click and drag over an area.

§ The Select By Lasso icon gives the user the ability to select an area by clicking a shape

around the appropriate data points and then closing the loop by right clicking. Pressing the Escape key at any time before the loop is closed will undo the current operation. Once the loop is closed, everything within the lasso will be accepted or rejected depending on what the user has defined.

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• Below are some examples of artifacts in the data that should be watched for such as sound velocity and tide. Whenever an artifact is seen, it is valuable to always note which line(s) and where it is found in the line. This will become important for whoever receives the data to know about the possible difficulties that were discovered during data acquisition.

• Sound velocity error is typically represented in the data with “smiles” and “frowns”. Above is an example of a SVP frown. Since there is good overlap from where the data begins to frown, the SVP error is not affecting the data too negatively but there may be instances where this in not the case.

§ It is necessary to constantly check for SVP error during data acquisition, both in SIS and in Subset Editor, because once it appears in the data, the ship can only prevent this in future lines by taking another sound velocity profile. Once sound velocity error is seen, there is no way correct for it after the fact so it is important to find this as soon as possible.

• Tide error is represented in the data by lines that do not match up vertically. As is visible here, there is a gap in the data between the yellow and blue line. This typically happens when the lines are run at different times and a tidal cycle is not being properly represented in the data. It is possible to apply or reapply different tide files at any time during the cleaning process, such as predicted tides versus observed, but keep in mind that even the latest most accurate tide file may not completely fix the tide error—but will bring the error within allowable limits.

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• There a few ways to find information about a line with the Caris utility called Query. Both individual soundings and entire lines can be queried. This function can be used in both Swath and Subset Editors.

§ Soundings can be queried with the automatic cursor when the Query icon is selected. When a sounding is queried, the profile number, beam number, and time stamp of each will be given from that line number—as well as other information associated with the line, as shown below.

Ø Once a ping number is given, it can be pin-pointed in Subset Editor or in

line mode with Find. Select the Find icon on the toolbar next to Query or by clicking EditàFind. Enter in the Depth Profile and/or Beam Number or choose the Time option enter in a Profile Time. Hit Find and whichever Editor will jump to that sounding, highlighting it in yellow.

§ Multiple lines can be also be queried at one time

by selecting the lines in the project tab and then clicking EditàQuery or Q. This will display more general information such as whether or not a line is merged and what tide file has been applied.

• Query is an important tool to verify objects in the data. The user can jump back and forth from Swath

Editor to Subset and vice versa to view the same data between one and the other. It is important to switch back and forth between the two because something could look real in Swath Editor but be an obvious blow out in Subset mode. This could also be true the other way around so the data needs to be looked at with both before any decision over questionable data is made. In Subset Editor, an object’s authenticity can be confirmed if there is overlap from more than one line. If the object is only seen in one line, it is fairly safe to assume that the soundings are false. However, if there is ever any doubt and the feature looks real even though the data around it does not confirm it, never be afraid to leave it in. Every situation will be different and all edits should be weighed with this consideration in mind.

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3.0. Create Surfaces 3.1. Create a Field Sheet A Field Sheet is an area defined in Caris where BASE surfaces of varying resolutions can be created. More than one Field Sheet can be produced for a project and then saved in a Caris Session.

• Click ProcessàNew Field Sheet or click the New

Field Sheet icon.

• Create a name under Field Sheet Name and Browse to select the destination. Click Next>.

• Select UTM-WGS84 and the UTM zone for the survey. Click Next>.

• Select area under Field Sheet Extents under Step 3 (of the wizard). Make sure Geographic is specified. Either select what is in the window of the main screen, or manually select with the cursor. The Lat/Longs for that area will be displayed once either of the two is clicked.

• Click Finish. The newly created Field Sheet will appear in the Session tab.

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3.2. Create a BASE Surface BASE Surface stands for Bathymetry Associated with Statistical Error which uses both the most shoal data soundings as well as the uncertainty of each depth to create a digital terrain model in Caris. BASE Surfaces can be created in various sizes and resolutions according to the user’s needs.

Several resolutions may have to be selected to find the best fitting resolution for the data.

• After new Field Sheet is produced, find it in the Session window and right click on it. Select New BASE Surface… or click on the New BASE Surface icon after the Field Sheet is selected.

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• Give the BASE surface a name. Include

resolution in the name—Caris does not export information regarding the file, therefore it must be supplied here to make sure that whoever receives the product will have everything they need. Click Next>.

• Type in the resolution and make sure Swath angle is selected under Surface Type. Click Next>.

• Set Max footprint size to 9 x 9 pixels. Include all possible options under status and Additional Attributes. Click Finish.

• • • •

• The BASE Surface will appear in the Session tab. Click the Refresh icon in the top right hand

corner of the toolbar to show the BASE Surface on the screen. Check and uncheck layers under the Session tab and Refresh to change what is visible on the main screen.

• Another helpful icon found just to the left of Refresh is Overview. This icon will set the main screen around the items checked under the Session tab.

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• To add lines to an existing BASE surface, select those lines in the Project tab. Click on the Session tab and right click on the BASE Surface to which the lines will be added. Select Add to…

• Click on the Refresh icon again once the BASE

surface has completed adding the line to see the results.

• An exclamation point will appear before a BASE

surface in the Session tab if the data set has been changed in any way since the surface was created. Simply right click on the BASE surface and select Recompute. The recomputing process will take as little or as long as necessary depending on the amount of editing done since the surface was created. Sometimes it is best to wait until all editing is complete for a project before recomputing.

3.3. Create a BAG (Bathymetric Attributed Grids) A BAG is one of the data deliverables that incorporates bathymetric and uncertainty grids along with metadata information such as who created the BAG and which ship collected the data. Anyone at any time can look at this and identify these various characteristics.

This item is still unresolved due to CARIS working on the EM302 device model. At present we do not incorporate TPE computations in our processing because we do not have the appropriate values, and

therefore cannot produce accurate BAGs.

• Open the Vessel Editor, EditàVessel Editor or click the on the Vessel Editor icon.

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• Select the Vessel. On the bottom left hand corner of the window, look at the TPE (Total Proppogated Error). The Offsets were calculated by Physical Scientist Mashkoor Malik. The Standard Deviation is provided by the manufacturer (these are the values we are waiting to obtain from CARIS with the correct Sonar Model). Once this information becomes available, it will then be possible to compute uncertainty.

• Highlight the lines in the project you want to

calculate uncertainty for and select ProcessàCompute TPE.

• Leave all of the default values and click Compute.

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• Right click on appropriate Field Sheet and select New BASE Surface or click on the New BASE Surface icon.

• Include the resolution in the name of the BASE Surface and

click Next>.

• • • • •

• Type in the Resolution and select

Uncertainty under Surface Type. Click Next>.

• • • • • • • •

• Select Order 3 and click Finish.

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3.4. Export BASE to BAG (Bathymetric Attributed Grids)

• Click FileàExport.

• • • • • • • • • • •

• Select BASE Surface to BAG and

click Next>.

• Select appropriate BASE surface and click Next>.

• Include resolution in name, select Uncertainty and click Next>.

• Enter Metadata information and click


• Click Export for the final step.

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3.5. Create a TIFF (image) By exporting a BASE surface into an image, it can be opened in other applications, such as MapInfo, and used either for display purposes or as a tool to generate line plans.

• Click FileàExport.

• Select BASE Surface to Image

• Select appropriate BASE Surface.

• Set BASE Surface Options:

o Select Uncertainty under Active Attribute. o Type output file name. Include Resolution. o Select 8 Bit. o Select GeoTIFF and TFW/TIFF. o Click Next>.

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• Click Export in Step 4. •

• After the file has finished exporting, the image can be utilized for further final product processing in ArcMap.

3.6. Create a Co-Regulated Backscatter Mosaic A Backscatter Mosaic is an image of backscatter data and can be a useful tool for bottom type detection.

• Right click on the Field Sheet from which the Mosaic will be generated. Select New Mosaic or click on the New Mosaic icon.

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• Enter Mosaic name and include the resolution in the name. Click Next>. • Select Resolution, and make sure Use Bathymetry To Register Imagery is checked. Click Next>. • Select Amplitude, and check Interpolation and Extrapolate, 5 sec. Click Next>.

• The Sun Position can be changed after

the Mosaic is completed as well as whenever the user requires and so does not need to be set here. Click Next>.

• No Mosaic Filtering boxes need to be

checked. Click Finish.

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4.0. Export Surfaces The surfaces exported from CARIS can be used in Fledermaus and ArcMap to create finished products. 4.1. Export a BASE Surface to ASCII (XYZ data in UTM and Geographic) Making data available in as many formats as possible is important for the product users. XYZ format gives the data in simple georeferenced data coordinates.

• Click FileàExport.

• Select the directory under Browse… and the Field Sheet from which the XYZ data will be generated.

• Select BASE Surface to ASCII. Click Next>.

• Select the BASE surface. Click Next>.

• Select the destination and name the file.

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§ Hit Browse to select name for the Output File. Be sure to include the resolution and the projection so

that when the file is opened in a later process, you will know the parameters of the map. § When exporting in Ground, include

UTM zone in the name. § When exporting in Geographic, select

DD (Decimal Degrees) and include “Geo” in the file name.

§ Click Save.

• Select Depth and click Add from the Surface Attributes. Click Next>.

• Click Export and when the status bar reaches 100%, the file is ready.

• The ASCII file will be generated in designated directory. There will only be Northings, Eastings and Depths in the file. There are no headers or other information.

4.2. Export a Mosaic to Image An exported Mosaic can be viewed with any application that can read TIFF files, such as MapInfo. It is also one of the data deliverables compiled for the product users.

• Go to FileàExport. • Select Mosaic to Image, click


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• Select the mosaic for which the image will be exported. Click Next>. • Click Browse to give an Output file name. Select 8 Bit, GeoTIFF and TFW/TIFF. Click


• Click Export for the final step of the Export Wizard.

4.3. Export HIPS to ASCII One of the deliverables for NGDC is a separate ascii xyz file for each multibeam line. This is a simple export in CARIS.

• Go to FileàExport. • Select HIPS to ASCII, click Next>. • Select the line(s) for which the ascii tile

will be exported. Click Next>. • Double check the settings in step 3

match this screen grab-à • If you are exporting a single line, hit

the “…” button to navigate to your output directory (Z:\PROCESSED Data\ASCII_Lat_Long_Depth\<project name>), and input the name with the following format, then hit Save:

o Cruise_VesselFile_YYYY-JD_mbfilename.txt

o E.g.: EX0909_NeckerRidge_EXApril09_2009-238_0007_20090827_100209_EX.txt • If you are exporting more than one line, there is a little bug you have to get past. First, with the

output option set to “One file”, navigate (hit the “…” button) to your output directory (Z:\PROCESSED Data\ASCII_Lat_Long_Depth\<project name>), and input a junk file name. Hit Save, then back in the Step 3 window, switch the output option to “Multiple files”. (CARIS will remember the output folder.)

• Click Next>.

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• In Step 4, add Depth as an

attribute, so that your output will contain Latitude (DD), Longitude (DD), Depth.

• Click Next>. • Step 5 – choose Vertical

Length -Meters • Click Next>. • Click Next>. • Click Export.

5.0. Generate Survey Statistics Use the following procedures to generate essential statistics about the survey (ex: total number of soundings, linear km mapped, etc.) 5.1. Generating Line, Profile, and Sounding Information

• Open the project in HIPS for which the statistics will be gathered.

§ Select the line(s) in the Project Tab and right click. Choose Properties…

§ This will bring up the Project Properties window. This window will give the number of lines, profiles, and soundings of the line(s) selected.

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5.2. Generating Linear Kilometer Mile Information • Select all the lines in the HIPS project and press ‘Q’ or

query the lines by selecting Edit àQuery. • The information that has been queried will appear in the

Query tab. Right click on the Query tab to select Query Fields…

• Unselect all the fields except line name and the length of the line.

• Right click on the Query tab and select Save As… to save as a text file.

• • Open the text file in Excel and use

the Summation tool to find the lengths of individual lines in order to compute total mapped linear kilometers.