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THE NEXT BIG THINGDISCOVER HYBRIS AND ENTERPRISE OMNI-CHANNEL COMMERCE: Emre UltavSenior Sales Executive, SAP TurkeySAP Customer Engagement & Commerce 15.10.2015



PrIorItIes and Trends IN TODAYS COMMERCE MARKETPLACECustomers know brands not channelsPurchase path is not linearCommerce landscape has shiftedCustomers expect each interaction tobe relevantBrands need consistent communication with theircustomersSmartphone adoption has shifted the commerce landscapeBuying journey is different and uses many touch points everywhereNeed to address lifestyle choices and preferences

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#In todays quickly changing and evolving commerce marketplace, we see 4 key trends emerging:

Customers know brands not channels The purchase path is not linear New touchpoints are emerging everywhere -> increasingly complex buying journey Customers expect each interaction to be relevant

You have to keep these trends in mind when you set the priorities for your commerce strategy.


In 2013 MultI-Channel Customers are More ProfItable

Source: RSR Research, June 2013

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Weve asked retailers to assess the value of multi- vs. single-channel customers for several years, and the feedback is conclusive: consumers that connect with retailers via multiple selling channels are more profitable than ones who dont (Figure 1).

The undeniable consumer trend towards more complex paths-to-purchase that blend the digital shopping experience with the physical one almost makes any discussion of a single selling channel irrelevant. 3

Global Smartphone AdoptIonGlobal smartphone ownership now exceeds 20 % and is still rapidly growing. This has gone from 0% in 2007!

Web retailers could increase customer engagement 85% by having a mobile-specific website.

(Brand Anywhere & Luth Research Inc.)

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#MobIle In a Commerce Context Source: NielsenUsing store locatorto find store

Checking Price

Research item before purchase

Reading review of recent/futurepurchase

Using lists while shopping

Using mobile coupon

Purchasing item on device

Using social media to comment on purchase

Using device for payment

Writing a review of a purchase

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Here you can see how mobile is typically used in a commerce context.

ABI Research: Global Revenue for Mobile Purchased Goods Will Reach $199 Billion by 2015

By 2015, US mobile commerce retail sales are expected to account for 24% of total e-commerce sales. 5

Top 3 OrganIzatIonal InhIbItors to OmnI-ChannelWilling to Allocate People and Funds, but Still Not Getting it Done Source: RSR Research, June 2013dont have a single view of customers across channelsinventory & order management are not integrated across channelsstore systems are too difficult to change and adapt to cross-channel strategies54%42%37%Retailers need a single view of customers. BUT more importantly, customers need a SINGLE view of the retailer.

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#


Omni-Commerce Process Complexity

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Today: Channel Specific, Siloed SolutionsNo omni-channel visibility; no direct integration into enterprise systemsEnterprise ApplicationsCloudOnline Purchase DataRetail Point of Sale DataConsumer & Customer Service Data


No unified view of the consumer, difficult to identify shifts in demand and spot opportunity to upsell and cross-sell across channels

Consumer Interaction Data

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#


hybrIs Commerce SuIteThe industrys most modern, agile, comprehensive commerce platform

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#The industrys most modern, agile, comprehensive commerce platform technologyAcross the e-business lifecycle on a single platformSupporting all business models (B2C, B2C, etc.)Supporting many verticalsRetail, Dist., Mfr, Telco, Media, SoftwareOmni-channel: Any channel, any device, anywhereArchitected for maximum agility:Contemporary architectureStandards basedSupports innovation & business agilityEnables expansionBest-in-class integration capabilitiesDelivers lower TCOAchieves enterprise scale and reliabilityServes clients as the primary business platformAll deployment models are on the same stack, same software.


hybris helps businesses around the globe sell more goods, services and digital content through every touchpoint, channel and device.

hybris delivers OmniCommerceTM: state-of-the-art master data management for commerce and unified commerce processes that give a business a single view of its customers, products and orders, and its customers a single view of the business.

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Make a point about SAP on the last point. SAP uses hybris for their business on demand10

MultIple channel Management

PLMWMSCRMData PoolsERPTVWebPOSMobileSocialPrintSingle view of CustomersSingle view of ProductsSingle view of StockSingle view of OrdersSingle Source of TruthSingle Source of TruthCall Center

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#You need to have one source for all your underlying information: product, customer, inventory, pricing, order status.

Companies need an integrated system of reference that sits above traditional transactional systems of record (i.e. ERP).

You need to think of it as an infrstructure project > thats where hybris and SAP can help to manage the data complexity


Commerce customer servIce

Customer AccountFull Customer Service History Full Customer Order HistoryShared ProcessesShared Knowledge Ticket / Order ManagementCustomer Chat

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#hybris Customer Service Module provides your CSAs with easier and faster access to the information needed to understand and quickly resolve customers problems. CSAs can use the Customer Service Module to create new orders, modify previously placed orders, complete partial orders, take payments, cancel orders, authorize returns, and refund payments. hybris Customer Service Module even enables CSAs to create, modify, and manage customer profile details such as addresses, credit cards and contact preferences. Unlike other solutions, hybris offers true omni-channel integration; the application was specifically designed with the call center environment in mind. A single, highly responsive UI improves efficiency by enabling CSAs to process more transactions per hour or day. Easy access to key functionality enables CSAs to quickly get the information needed to identify and resolve issues. Because CSAs see the same personalized screens catalogues, promotions, etc. that customers see, you can transform customer service into a successful sales center and boost your revenue. The hybris Customer Service Module is a widget-based framework that enables you to customize and extend it based on your specific business requirements.


OmnI-channel Order Management

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Todays customers have many requirements in regards to omni-channel order fulfillment options. Buy Online Pick Up In Store, for example, has become widely adopted by leading brands.

And even if these options might sound simple, the underlying processes are often quite complex. You need to have an omni-channel order management solution that supports all these different customer requirements.13

All sItes and devIces managed from a sIngle WCMS

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#


Advanced PersonalIzatIon WIth hybrIs

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#The hybris Advanced Personalization Module enables organizations to target their customers to increase conversion rates. You can define targeting rules to present products, offers, categories, etc. to customers to stimulate additional spending.

In addition to defining conditions that trigger a rule, the Advanced Personalization Module enables you to guide customers to specific sections of the website. For example, if a visitors history indicates a preference for high priced photo cameras, the customer can be directed to this section as the first stop along with relevant product offers (i.e. camera equipment, photo printers or other high priced consumer electronics). You can also exclude customers from categories or restrict who can see certain promotions or product information.

hybris behavioral targeting focuses on content rather than page flow or layout. In contrast to A/B testing which changes page flow or layout based on rules, behavioral targeting changes the content presented to the customer. Because the output of each content slot can be different for each customer, the system delivers a truly personal shopping experience. Steering customers to higher margin products can raise the average order value which, in turn, results in higher revenue.

You can also use behavioral targeting to reward valuable customers. For example, you can generate a promotion based on a set of actions such as search for a specific product, addition of certain products in the shopping basket, total order volume, etc. You can reward loyal customers with special offers, which can stimulate additional spending and further increase loyalty.

You can define customer segments, for example high-value customer vs. occasional shopper, using data provided directly from hybris or offline data from the POS. Customers are assigned to segments dynamically based on their online behavior. hybris Advanced Personalization enables you to collect the relevant information from the customer or session profile including products viewed, searches performed, shopping cart contents, date of birth, gender, region, etc. and compare it to the targeting rules. Sophisticated reporting functionality enables you to monitor the outputs created by rules to assess results and gain insight into customers and their online behavior. This knowledge can be used to adjust the product mix and develop effective marketing campaigns. The live edit functionality enables you to preview personalized content in real time to show you exactly what your customer will see.15

Commerce search for advanced search and merchandIsIng

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#hybris has placed the power of search results in your hands with Commerce Search. Now you can easily promote specific products, vendors or product categories by placing them at the top of search results. The new Commerce Search Cockpit empowers even non-technical business users to manage and maintain search and facet preferences with a user-friendly interface. Promote items and reorganize search facets with a simple drag and drop mechanism.

In the Commerce Search Cockpit you can promote hero products to the very top of search results, by just clicking the star symbol next to the product. Facets can be turned on and off and the order of facets can be changed. Boost and Bury enables you to prioritize certain products or product categories (i.e. higher priced items, specific brands, etc.) in search results based on your business needs, pushing them higher (or lower) on the list.


hybrIs Commerce Accelerator

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#The accelerator is special as it will not only provide an empty shell for an extension but is a complete reference implementation of a working online shop.

A best practices reference implementationStore fronts out of the box2 B2C 1 B2B1 TelcoSpring MVC 3, Blueprint CSS and jQuery used as core frontend technologiesReady to use commerce faade with preconfigured features such as i18n, SOLR search, etc.All components delivered as source codeReduces implementation time to/by 3-4 months


hybrIs Commerce Accelerator

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#The accelerator is special as it will not only provide an empty shell for an extension but is a complete reference implementation of a working online shop.

A best practices reference implementationStore fronts out of the box2 B2C 1 B2B1 TelcoSpring MVC 3, Blueprint CSS and jQuery used as core frontend technologiesReady to use commerce faade with preconfigured features such as i18n, SOLR search, etc.All components delivered as source codeReduces implementation time to/by 3-4 months


HybrIs MobIle OptImIzed WebsItes

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#hybris Mobile is a fully integrated mobile solution that delivers the best of both worlds:

Create mobile optimized websites incl. automatic device detectionMobile App SDK for iOS and Android: Mobile storefront templates that enable to creat fully-functional, unique mobile applicationsComplete business tool integration (i.e. WCMS integration to build mobile sites)

-> Create a mobile optimized website first to reach a large target audience, and then create a unique app later for the idea that sets you apart from the competition!

Mobile Optimized Websites:

Best practice mobile storefront templatesAutomated device detectionPart of the Commerce Accelerator


hybrIs InStore

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Features

-Connect the physical and the online world-Tablet-optimized UI-Identify products through barcode scanning, QR code or NFC tagging-Display rich product information in-store-Check stock in this store, nearby stores or any other stock location


-Provide a rich data and guided selling user experience at the POS-Convert more in-store sales (extended range of items, save the sale capabilities)-Leverage hybris market leading business processes in your store network (i.e. rich product information)-Provide a single view of inventory to your store personnel and enable them to provide customers with exceptional service


hybrIs PrInt

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Intuitive and user-friendly print managementUsers can manage all the components and processes associated with printing catalogs and other publications from the easy-to-use Print Cockpit. With templates, drag-and-drop and preview capabilities, editing and publishing tools, and robust workflow capabilities, the Print Cockpit enables cost-effective production of highquality printed materials.

-Create product catalogs faster with full or partial automation-Page management (single pages, double pages, page sequences)-Ensure consistent brand appearance and accurate product information through centralized management of product data and media-Manage complex processes, ensure effi cient teamwork and integrate with external designers and agencies with sophisticated workflow and commenting functionality-Shorten review cycles and easily meet release dates with efficient change management-Ensure uniform brand presence across channels with editable layout templates-Layout publications easily and quickly in a familiar environment with dynamic integration of InDesign with bi-directional interfaces and reusable templates-Manage page layouts easily with InDesign grids that are instantly available in the Print Cockpit-Create advertising fl yers in real time


Barcode IntegratIon

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Transfer customers from print to other channels with barcode functionality

Product-specific barcodes can be created in the hybris Product Cockpit and assigned to print layout using hybris Print22

Hybris Puts Google Glass In Action With IBeacons

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Shopping Gets Amusing With Hybris

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#Powering business results for leading retailers BEST IN CLASS PERFORMANCE1

20%Increased conversion rate

Increase in online sales total40%

21%Average increased cart sizeIncreased visits40%

*Source: 2012 hybris Customer Survey

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#CSP = Communication Service ProvidersHere is where additional proof comes in. This data was collected based on the results of real customers using spend management solutions and networked commerce. These results are impressive but they are also real. Our customers have found that by implementing Ariba, they get some quantifiable benefits, not only for themselves, but across their trading partners as well. What kind of benefits? Well, things like 4 15% sourcing savings, 70% operational cost take-out (which is HUGE), 1 4% compliance savings, and $2-3M in discount-related savings for every billion of spend.

Importantly on the seller side, suppliers are seeing lower DSO and 40% lower costs, 15% increased annual sales and strong retention, which keep them active on the Network as well.

What's the operational impact of these things? For customers in the Telecom Products industry, were seeing 91% of addressable spending under management (which is much higher than other industries), and across industries we are seeing best in class performance results such as: 75% of transactions against set prices, 20% of spend leveraging discounts, and as many as 50K+ invoices processed per FTE annually. We have customers who have more than 90K invoices processed per FTE. The efficiencies are truly astounding.Adding the fact that the solutions have quick time value, particularly the cloud portfolio, and theres a very compelling business case just waiting to be realized.25

hybris retail customersBest run companies differentiating with hybris


Average Cart Size

Call Center Costs

ChurnKey Value DriversConversion Rate

Online SalesCustomer OverviewEuropes largest department store

Customer OverviewWorlds largest seller of jeans and pants, 470 company-owned storesCustomer OverviewLargest food retailer in Canada, over 1000 stores

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#

A few of the fashion brands using hybris

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#

Global enterprises




2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#


Marketplace1.000.000 SKU1000s of merchantsGlobal SolutionOnline Catalog & Shop Print Automation30 LanguagesGlobal B2B in25 countriesProduct informationsharing with 20,000 users

B2C Roll-Out in 20 CountriesGlobal B2BCentralized Product Data40 Countries20+ Languages2500 dealer websitesOn 1 hybris instance

Businesses Benefit from Omni-Channel CommerceJoint SAP-hybris Customers

B2C & B2B 28 countries2000 products 30 Languages 2.2 B online revenue2M customers1M products500,000 orders /day200,000 orders/day8M registered usersWeb, Mobile, Call CenterB2C & B2BB2B Europe5 languages4 currencies30M price rowsB2C Digital DownloadMulti-brandGlobalImplemented in-house

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#


hybris + SAP CustomersLeaders Across Industries & Geographies

2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#TALK TRACK: We have more integrations to SAP than any other commerce vendor.

Integrations are completed on a project basis due to the complex, non-standard and customized nature of SAP and hybris implementations.


TeekkrlerPlease visit: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Hybrishttps://www.hybris.com/en/

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2015 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.#31