MSSM Event Coordinator Speech.docx


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MSSM Event Coordinator Speech

Thank you Emcee. A very good afternoon to the MSSM committee, my fellow Committee Candidates and all members of MSSM present here today. My name is James Wong and I am one of the candidates running for the post of Event Coordinator, obviously Male.

A little background information on myself before I continue. As you all might have read from the manifestos, I am a first year undergraduate studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester. Before this, I did A Levels at Taylors College Subang Jaya, where I was elected as president of the Model UN Club and I organised a 300-man strong international Model UN Conference. Prior to college, I was Assistant Head Prefect in my high school where I organised Prefect Camp, Teachers Day celebrations, prefect stuff.

I deliberated for a long time on whether to even submit a manifesto to run as candidate, being afraid that it would disturb my studies, take too much time. However, in my short two months here, I have come to see how MSSM plays such an important role in bringing all Malaysians together from all walks of life, and I want to be part of that, part of the team that gives Manchester a unique Malaysian perspective, part of this wonderful family.

My vision for MSSM is to include as many Malaysians, and other friends, in all events, from a financial, cultural and suitability point of view. Especially for those who do not see a point in joining our activities, I aim to convert that mindset, to convince you that home is where the Jalur Gemilang is. If elected, I commit to work together with the other coordinators to host monthly key events, such as an end-of-year ball, Christmas party, Chinese New Year celebrations and of course the inevitable clubbing after party. Not only that, I aim to foster the relationship between members of not only MSSM, but all Malaysian Societies in the UK. The Manchester M Night will be a good starting point for the year, but the team will also coordinate joint trips with other Malaysian Societies to local attractions, other Universities’ M Nights, or possibly even international destinations, if funds allow. I believe in making our presence seen and felt in the UK, as Malaysia Memang Boleh.

Vote for me, and I will do my best to make MSSM bigger, better; Vote for me, and I will continue and improve on the legacy of past event co’s; Vote for me, and together, let’s make Manchester a place all Malaysians can call home away from home.

Thank you.