Mrs. Selena Sims And Mrs. Shelley Shelnutt Routines and Responsibilities What should I do to leave...

Mrs. Selena Sims Mrs. Selena Sims And And Mrs. Shelley Shelnutt Mrs. Shelley Shelnutt

Transcript of Mrs. Selena Sims And Mrs. Shelley Shelnutt Routines and Responsibilities What should I do to leave...

Mrs. Selena SimsMrs. Selena Sims


Mrs. Shelley ShelnuttMrs. Shelley Shelnutt

Routines and Responsibilities

• What should I do to leave the classroom?• When I need to find a supply in the closet or classroom what

should I do? What should I not do?• When Mrs. Sims or Mrs. Shelnutt are talking with another

adult what should I do?• When I am activity teacher what do I do with my lesson

plans?• When I am head teacher what do I do with the activity

teachers’ lesson plans and the things I need to turn in?• Can I, when I am in lab, return to the closet to get a forgotten

supply?• When I take a child to the bathroom what should I always do?• Where can I get all my turned in work from?• When I place a child in time-out what should I always do?• If a child gets hurt what should I always do?

Routines and Responsibilities• If I have a problem in this class who should I talk to?• Will Mrs. Sims take late work?• When I talk with a child how should I be?• Where should I put my book bag when I come in?• Do I take my textbook home?• When I write in this class how should it look?• As an activity teacher do I clean up from my activity or

does the house keeper?• When I have just finished lab do I need to clean out my

lab box?• When a child gives me an article of his/her clothing or

belongings where should I put it?• What word do we never ever use when disciplining the


Eric Carle NewsletterEric

Carle Week“...he chirped the most beautiful sound that she

had ever heard .” -Eric Carle

Pancakes Pancakes

1, 2, 3 to the Zoo

The Tiny Seed

Do You Want To Be My Friend

The Very Long Tail

Walter the Baker

I See A Song

Just a few of Eric Carle’s Books

Hello! This week we will be focusing on a classic children’s author: Eric Carle. Mr. Carle

has written many classic children’s books such as; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The

Very Quiet Cricket, and The Grouchy Ladybug, just to name a few. You can find

out more about Eric Carle’s work on his website:


Some the activities we will be doing this week will coordinate with Eric Carle’s book.

Ms. Tiffany and Ms. Cassie will be reading The Very Quiet Cricket in their small group.

During this group the children will have live crickets to observe and listen to. This week

will be a lot of fun.


Show and Tell

Tues: Nash, McKenna, Madison

Wed: Luke, Brynn, Skyla

Thurs: Christian, Ethan. Payton

Fri: Alexis, Hallie, Benjamin

Head Teacher: Ms. MeaganActivity Teachers: Ms. Madison, Ms. Emily, Ms. Kayla, Ms. Nissa, Ms. Jordan, Ms. Cassie, and Ms. Tiffany


Required Excellent Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Points Earned

Format: Name, Date, Developmental Goals/GPS. Learning objectives, materials, motivation, procedure, closure/transition evaluation

Includes all aspects of lesson plan

Includes most aspects of lesson plan

Includes some aspects of lesson plan

Includes no aspects of lesson plan


Developmental Goals/GPS: Age appropriate, Goal/Standards are conducive with theme

GPS or goal was unclear. Was mostly conducive with theme

GPS or goal was incomplete and not conducive with theme

Did not include GPS or developmental goal


Learning Objectives Learning objective clearly states what the child would do during the lesson

Learning objective states what child would do but is unclear

Learning objective does not state what child would do

Did not include learning objective


Motivation/Introduction In a creative an age appropriate way to engage children in a lesson

Is relevant way to engage student in lesson but not age appropriate

Is relevant but not creative or age appropriate

Did not engage children in lesson


Procedure Includes all information needed to teach the lesson. Is clearly written and understandable

Includes almost all information needed to teach the lesson. Is somewhat clearly written and understandable

Includes hardly any of the information needed to teach the lesson

Did not include procedure


Closure Is creative and engaging. Recaps the lesson in a way the encourages comprehension

Is somewhat creative and engaging. Partially recaps the lesson

Is not creative and engaging. Does not recap the lesson.

Did not include closure



Name: Date:

Activity Name:

Content Area:

Developmental Goal/GPS:

Learning Objectives:




• Introduction to Early Childhood Education• GPS Checklist• The purpose of this assignment is to ensure,

you as a student, will master each standard. By having the opportunity to review the standards you can reflect on how you might incorporate various strategies in meeting the standards for the preschool students. To prove that you mastered each standard, please write a detail description of what assignment helped you to reach comprehension of each standard.

Mastered Standard

List Fields: FACS-IECE-2: Students will analyze career paths within the Early Childhood Education field.

List all contributors and their theories: FACS-IECE-3: Students will identify major contributors to the field of Early Childhood Care and Education and analyze their implications for the educational and childcare practices.

FACS-IECE-4: Students will identify and practice professional work ethics:

FACS-IECE-5: Students will demonstrate techniques for positive collaborative relationships with children:

FACS-IECE-6: Students will respond appropriately to cultural diversity in the learning environment.

FACS-IECE-7: Students will discuss ways to adapt the curriculum and classroom for children with special needs:

FACS-IECE-8: Students will plan utilize routines and transitional techniques with children

FACS-IECE-9: Students will demonstrate integration of curriculum and instruction to meet children developmental needs and interest:

FACS-IECE-10: Students will determine components of a well organized developmentally appropriate learning environment:

FACS-IECE-11:Students will analyze licensing and accreditation standards

FACS-IECE-12: Students will demonstrate professional development planning.

Providing a Healthy and Safe Environment

• Teacher’s responsibilities1. Always check the area upon arrival for

health and safety hazards.

2. Report all accidents to the teacher and make a written report for the parent.

3. Be responsible for the items you use such as: scissors, hot glue, knives and cleaners.

4. Wash hands after using the restroom, before preparing food and after using cleaners.

Arrival and Departure

• 1. Children arrive and depart with parent or designated adult. Every car should have a window sign with the child’s name on it.

• 2. Every child must leave the room with an adult, this includes walking to the playground, the gym and other areas in the building.

• 3. It is your responsibility to buckle each child into their car seat. The Georgia law requires that all four year old children ride in an approved car-seat. No child is allowed to leave without being buckled into a car-seat.

• Watch children for signs of toileting needs. Every child should try to go during transition time.

• A teacher should stand outside the bathroom door while children are in the restroom.

• If a child needs help with toileting needs, there should be two teachers present.

The Closet• The closet is an area for you to work in.

Using the closet is a privilege

• You are responsible for the following:


I daily clean and organize the supplies that I use. If something of mine is found, I understand that points will be deducted from my lab grade. It is not only the

housekeepers job, nor Mrs. Sims or Mrs. Shelnutt.


Head Teacher Requirements

Lab OverviewNewsletterCollect Lesson Plans From Activity

TeachersCheck all Lesson Plans to Ensure

Quality ActivitiesLarge Group Lesson Plan for Each DayTime Management

What Must Be Taught: Activity Teachers

• Find you standards on

• Every day Language Arts and Math, and Free Play: Must be taught in Small groups.

• Once a week you must teach Science, Social Studies, Music, Computers

• Integration is welcomed!!!

Create educational, creative, meaningful

realistic, interesting, and INGENIOUSLesson Plans


Students should be Engaged in outdoor play with

the preschoolers

Snack timeInvolvement, students should

assist and encourage independency in

preschoolers with snack and clean up.

Small GroupsStudent should teach the lesson in small group, while being creative,

encouraging,knowledgeable, and organized.

House KeeperReview Menu for your weekFill out a grocery list formPrepare a HEALTHY snackWash hands, food and counter tops, this will prevent the spread of food borne illnesses.Before serving preschoolers snack you must spray down the tables with bleach. Allow it to sit for 2 minutes, wipe off table, then wipe down with a wet paper towel.Wash all dishes used to prepare snack.Family Style.

Tues Goldfish Grapes Grape juice

Wed Apple Graham Cracker

Apple juice

Thurs Pudding milk

Fri Fruit cup Kool-aid

2nd Period House Keeper

1. Sanitizes all tables: During Calendar2. Sanitizes the Bathroom: Clean Sink, Toilet, Floor: makes sure all supplies are

located in correct area.3. Check Book Bags4. Laundry5. Wipes down all counters6. Dishes7. Prepares Snack8. Cleans Microwave (1x a week)9. Cleans Refrigerator (1x a week)10. Lysols all toys11. Sweep and Mop Kitchen floor12. Sanitize all tables before snack.13. Straighten bookshelves14. Puts away anything that is out of place15. Serves Snack

During lab prep: help activity teachers, make sure high school side is clean: includes dusting, straighten closet, putting supplies up. During down time you are work on your PLP.

3rd Period House Keeper

1. Sanitizes the Bathroom: Clean Sink, Toilet, Floor: makes sure all supplies are located in correct area.

2. Clean up snack: wash all dishes, dry and put away3. During large group sanitize tables4. Wipe all countertops5. Pack Book Bags6. Laundry 7. Sanitize tables before getting lunch boxes or lunch out8. Prepares Lunch: Tue-Thur: get lunch boxes out, Fri: make lunch9. Cleans Microwave (1x a week)10. Cleans Refrigerator (1x a week)11. Lysols all toys12. Sweep and Mop Kitchen floor13. Straighten bookshelves14. Puts away anything that is out of place15. Look at all games and puzzles and get them together16. Vacuum while children are playing outside17. Lay out mats18. Clean all dishes used in creating lunch

During lab prep: help activity teachers, make sure high school side is clean: includes dusting, straighten closet, putting supplies up. During down time you are work on your PLP.


• During Calendar, Large Group Time, Recess you are to help the House Keeper(s) with all responsibilities

• During Activity Time: You are to Help with Activity Teachers. Assisting them with whatever they need.

• During lab prep: you are assist any group member with preparation of activities or working on your PLP. You must also ensure that the high school side is clean, that includes closet.

Free Play Activity Teacher

Prepare a Free Play Lesson Plan: This is where you develop a box for play. For example: All Different boxes, water table with manipulative, Birthday Box allow students to explore on own; however ask educational questions while playing. Try to relate Free Play Activity to themes.


Jacob Duncan

Andrew Swain

Jack Ponder

Brennan Burfurd

Brayden Dickerson

Nash Beck

Christian Michael Donaldson

Tanner Truesdell

Michael Berenadelli

Hannah Evans

Carly Ashcraft

Hallie Gay

Haley Stover


Bulletin Board Group

• Must design Bulletin Board on Paper

• Collect all supplies prior to Monday

• Put up Bulletin Board: on Monday: Should take no longer than 15 minutes.

Preschool Schedule2nd Period

• 9:00: preschoolers arrive: high school students get the children out of their cars

• 9:15: Calendar Time: Large Group (HT)• 9:30 to 10:10: Small group: Activities: 4

group rotation• 10:10 to 10:30: Large Group: Head

Teacher Activity• 10:30 to 10:40: Show and Tell• 10:40 to 10:55: Snack

Preschool Schedule3rd Period

• 10:55 to 11:00: Bathroom Break• 11:00 to 11:15: Phonemes, Alphabet sign

language, Story Time: large group: head teacher

• 11:15 to 12:00: Small group: Activities: 4 group rotation

• 12:00 to 12:25: Outside Time• 12:25 to 12:45: Lunch• 12:45 to 1:00: Nap Time

Group Jobs

6 Member Groups

7 Member Groups

8 Member Groups

1. Head Teacher 1. Head Teacher 1. Head Teacher

2. Activity Teacher: Math 2. Activity Teacher: Math 2. Activity Teacher: Math

3. Activity Teacher: L.Arts 3. Activity Teacher: L.Arts 3. Activity Teacher: L.Arts

4. Activity Teacher: (S.S, Science, Music, Art, P.E, Computers)

4. Activity Teacher: (S.S, Science, Music, Art, P.E, Computers)

4. Activity Teacher: S.S, Science, Music, Art, P.E, Computers)

5. Activity Teacher: Free Play 5. Activity Teacher: Free Play 5. Activity Teacher: Free Play

6. House Keeper 6. Floater: Assisting each Group

6. Floater: Assisting each Group

7. House Keeper 7. House Keeper

8. House Keeper

Responsibilities: Lab Prep

Head Teacher

Activity Teacher

Floaters House Keepers

•4 Lesson Plans for Large Group

•Lab Overview

•List of who turned in LP’s and who didn’t

•Newsletter: goes out on Friday

•Everything in Folder on Friday

•4 lesson plans given to Head Teacher to Review on Thursday

•Place all 4 Lesson Plans in Folder by Friday.

•All supplies and materials ready and completed before Friday

•Aid Head Teacher, Activity Teacher, and House Keeper

•Clean High School Side and Closet

•Work on PLP

•Aid Head Teacher, Activity Teacher, and

•Clean High School Side and Closet

•Turn in Grocery list to folder and give a copy to Mrs. Shelnutt

•Work on PLP

You should

always be working

on something for ECE

in lab prep.

Responsibilities for Lab: 2nd PeriodHead Teacher Activity

TeachersFloater House Keepers

Calendar Time: Lead

Participate: Help during Calendar time

Help House Keeper during calendar

House Keeper responsibilities



Activity Groups Help with Activity Groups

House Keeper responsibilities

Large Group Participate in Large Group

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities

Show and Tell Participate

In Large Group

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities

Bathroom Help with washing hands

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities

Responsibilities Lab: 3rd PeriodHead Teacher Activity

TeachersFloater House Keepers

Phonemes, Story, Large Group Time

Participate: Iin Large Group

Help House Keeper during calendar

House Keeper responsibilities



Activity Groups Help with Activity Groups

House Keeper responsibilities

Large Group: Recess

Participate in Large Group

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities

Bathroom Help with washing hands

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities

Lunch Sit with Children and talk

Help House Keeper

House Keeper responsibilities


• Show Rubrics

Lab Rotation

1st week: Lab A: LabLab B: Lab PrepLab C: Expanding Learning2nd week:Lab A: Expanding LearningLab B: LabLab C: Lab Prep3rd week:Lab A: Lab PrepLab B: Expanding LearningLab C: Lab