Mr Linsell – Trip Leader Miss R Mothersole, Mr K Kelly, Mr A … · 2020. 9. 23. · The Stasi...

Mr Linsell – Trip Leader Miss R Mothersole, Mr K Kelly, Mr A Pisano and Miss A Wright

Transcript of Mr Linsell – Trip Leader Miss R Mothersole, Mr K Kelly, Mr A … · 2020. 9. 23. · The Stasi...

  • Mr Linsell – Trip Leader

    Miss R Mothersole, Mr K Kelly,

    Mr A Pisano and Miss A Wright

  • *To explain the itinerary for this exciting trip

    *To provide information for essentials and recommendations when considering what to pack

    *Outlines expectations of student conduct*Opportunities for questions at the end


  • *What do you need to bring? Towels – 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel and flannel/spongeWarm clothing:JumpersThick coatHat Scarf

    Comfortable shoes – trainers, bootsPractical bagPlug adaptorRecommended: snacks packed in your case

  • *Before school: Students bring their luggage to the Dance Studio from 8am onwards (max 23kg case)

    *Periods 1-5: as normal*Lunchtime: *Change into appropriate travel clothing in the PE

    changing rooms ensuring Berlin hoody is worn. Please ensure all clothing to be worn is stored at the top of baggage

    *Ensure all toiletries are stored in your luggage as we will not be taking any liquids / aerosols through departures

    *One member of staff will be in the history office to store your school bags

    *Literacy time: in forms as normal, go to the hall period 6 ready to depart

  • *Check-in: Students to be given passports – must be responsible until returned to member of staff

    *Departures: No liquids allowed in hand luggage*Food / drink: This will be the only opportunity to eat a hot meal until Friday 23rd so please bring money to purchase food

    *Expectations: Consideration for other passengers

    *Arrival: We will arrive local time 9:30pm which will be 8:30pm in the UK,d.d2s&psig=AFQjCNFM2a28tVBlmqt9lKslbGF8mfGm_Q&ust=1416564341584681

  • *Students will chose their rooms prior to travel

    *Staff will supervise students to settle into their rooms

    *Staff will be in close proximity to students

    *Take care of valuables – there is no safe

    *Towels are not provided *Remember an adaptor

  • *Breakfast*Visit to Allied Forces Museum*Visit to Wannsee Chateau *Visit to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

    *Return to hotel for dinner* Bowling

  • The Allied Forces Museum

    Friday 23rd November

    Students will receive a guided tour of the museum, which tells the story of the British and American forces who occupied West Berlin from the end of World War II until the early 1990s.

    This visit will provide students with a greater understanding of the early years of the Cold War, including such flashpoints as the Berlin blockade 1948-49.


  • Friday 23rd November

    Haus der Wannsee Konferenz

    Nazi Germa


    Students will receive a guided tour of the chateau, where on January 20th 1942 a group of high-ranking Nazi officials led by Reinhard Heydrich met to discuss the implementation of the ‘final solution to the Jewish problem’, an event which would later become known as the Holocaust.

    This visit will provide students with a greater understanding of life within Nazi Germany and in particular Nazi treatment of the Jews.

  • Friday 23rd November

    Nazi Germa


    Sachsenhausen Concentration


    Students will take part in an audio guided tour of the camp. Sachsenhausen was one of hundreds of concentration camps built by the Nazis within Germany and occupied Europe and served as a place of detention for political prisoners.

    This visit will provide students with a greater understanding of life within Nazi Germany and in particular Nazi treatment of those they regarded as enemies of the regime.

  • *Breakfast*Visit to Stasi Prison*Visit to DDR Museum*Visit to Checkpoint Charlie *Christmas Market*Packing!

  • Saturday 24th November


    The Stasi Prison

    Students will receive a guided tour of the prison, where those held by the East German Ministry of State Security or ‘Stasi’ were held.

    This visit will provide students with a greater understanding of life within East Germany during the Cold War and in particular the practices of the East German secret police. As the building and equipment found within remain largely as they did when it was being used the visit will provide a very authentic insight for students.


    Saturday 24th November

    DDR Museum

    Students will receive a guided tour of this interactive museum, which showcases life within Communist East Germany.

    This visit will provide students with the opportunity to get hands on with what life was like within a communist state in the second half of the 20th century. Exhibitions are designed to be experienced with visitor encouraged to open cupboards and watch TV to get a real insight into life behind the iron curtain.


    Saturday 24th November

    Checkpoint Charlie

    At Checkpoint Charlie students will receive a guided, which showcases the history of this famous gap in the Berlin Wall.

    This visit will not only provide students with an understanding of the desire of many within Eastern Berlin to seek a new life in the western part of the city, but also demonstrate how Checkpoint Charlie was the scene of American-Soviet stand offs during the height of the Cold War.

  • *Breakfast*Transportation to airport*Depart from Berlin Tegel Airport *12:25pm (11:25am UK time) Flight departure – BA

    flight: BA0993.

    * Snack will provided on the plane*1:30pm (UK time): Arrive at Heathrow, departing at

    approximately 2:30pm for return to St Michaels

    *3:30-4:00pm: Arrival at St Michaels – students / teachers will inform you if there are any changes regarding arrival times

  • *Highest expectations of behaviour*Follow instructions carefully and show respect at all


    *Be sensible – you are in a foreign country *You are representing St Michaels *Be punctual and organised*Be courteous*Be interested! *Have fun!

  • *Students come to school organised on Thursday*Remember to bring a bring a towel! *Take a maximum of €100 ensuring €10 is kept aside

    for bowling and €2 set aside for the headset

    *Students must communicate with staff *Be ready to depart promptly *Contact your parents / guardians!

  • *We would be happy to answer any questions you may still have

    Berlin Trip 2018 Parents Information EveningObjectives of this PresentationWho has helped us to organise this trip?What to pack?The School Day: Thursday 22nd NovemberThe AirportThe HotelThe HotelFriday 23rd NovemberPowerPoint PresentationSlide 11Slide 12Saturday 24th NovemberSlide 14Slide 15Slide 16Sunday 25th NovemberExpectationsConcluding PointsAny Questions?