MR Final.doc

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  • 7/28/2019 MR Final.doc


    2. 1

    Research Title:Marketing Research On Institutional Buying Pattern

    Brand name:Amul

    Product Line:Amul Ice cream

    Scope of research:

    Institutional buyers South Mumbai

    Universe:41 Institutions located in south Mumbai (Potential buyers of Amul ice cream)

    Sampling Method:Censes research (Covering 100% of Universe)

    Sampling Unit:Institutions at south Mumbai

    Sampling Element:Purchase Authorities at institutions

    Time Period:20 Days

    Remark:South Mumbai region has 63 Institutional buyers spanning over Star categoryHotels, Restaurants, sports authorities & Clubs and Gymkhanas. Amul has

    penetrated this volume buying segment up to an extent of approximately 35%.The target Universe was consisting of those Institutions which are not on theclient list of Amul.

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Marketing Research Summary

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    2. 2

    Main Objectives:

    1. To derive buying pattern of Institutional buyers for ice cream Product lineconsidering the parameters like:

    Preferred brand

    The most influencing attribute for buying decision Attributesconsidered: Credit Terms, Price, Quality and Brand-Equity

    Payment Terms followed Cash / Credit

    Cold storage facility Own / Vendors

    Reason for NOT buying AMUL

    Authority of Purchase Decision

    2. To find out market potential

    Silent Objective:

    1. Sales Promotion of Amul Ice cream Product line

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Objectives ofResearch

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    2. 3

    Desk Work:

    The deskwork involved the following task

    Phase I:

    Identifying the research objective

    Identifying the research variables

    Identifying the census / sample

    Framing the questions associated with each variable

    Designing the questionnaire

    Phase II (After field work):

    Converting the collected feedback into electronic format

    Analyzing the row data across the defined variables

    Generating graphical analysis out of the same

    Deriving inferences

    Working out possible recommendations

    Field Work:

    Personally visiting the pre-defined list of institutional buyers

    Obtaining their feedback based on the questionnaire

    Indirectly promoting AMUL as preferred ice-cream brand

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Research Methodology

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    2. 5

    Amul ice cream has lunched its product before 7 years

    Amul ice cream is Market leader in Mumbai market by holding 52% marketshare

    Market penetration of Amul ice cream at retailers is better then Institutions

    The Project is targeted to explore possible reasons behind such marketbehavior

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Facts &Figures

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    2. 6

    List of institutions Considered in the sample study:No Name of

    InstitutionName of Concernperson

    Contact no. Area

    1 Mocambo caf Ashokkumar 9819399696 P.M.Road

    2 Chopsticks Ruheen Khambatta 2049284/2832308 Churchgate

    3 Intercontinental Kishore Pawar 56399605/56399600 Marine Drive

    4 Marine Plaza Somant 22851212 Marine Drive

    5 Indian Summer Nagraj 22835445 Churchgate

    6 Shiv Sagar Shekhar 22824862/22045829 Churchgate

    7 Gaylord Sabino Dsouza 22821259/22044693 Churchgate

    8 Pizza Express Prafull 2026059001 Pune

    9 Kamling Kumar - Churchgate

    10 Delhi Darbar Masud Mansuri 22020235/22025656 Colaba

    11 Indigo Vilson 56368980/8981/8999 Colaba

    12 Radio club Arun Shetty 6050888 Colaba

    13 Royal bbayYatch club

    Mrs. Bagchi 22021880 ext.119 Fort

    14 Relish Bhatta 22820022/22830172 Churchgate

    15 Samrat Bhatta 22820022/22830172 Churchgate

    16 210.c Bhatta 22820022/22830172 Churchgate

    17 Mars restaurant Sanjay 28305599/5659 Andheri

    18 West End Hotel Nandwani 22039121 Marine Lines

    19 Cricket Club of India

    Jani/Lele 22876051 Churchgate

    20 Starters & More Francis 56315871/74 Churchgate

    21 Mumbai PoliceGymkhana

    Kotian sir 22048486 Marine Lines

    22 The CatholicGymkhana

    James 22814895 Marine Lines

    23 HinduGymkhana

    Jayant 22812182 Marine Lines

    24 Parsee


    Ms Nargish lala 9819002500


    Marine Lines

    25 Grant CollegeGymkhana

    Sunit pai 982104393832742277

    Marine Lines

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Data Source for

    Practical Observations

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    2. 7

    No Name of Institution

    Name of Concernperson

    Contact no. Area

    26 IslamGymkhana

    Akhtar Shafi Mansuri 238121159820181990


    27 Mafatlal pathGymkhana

    Kaushal 9820155799 Near Chopati

    28 BharatExcellence

    Bhagavandas 22618991 Fort

    29 Jewel of India P.S.Paranjape 24949435 Worli

    30 Jade garden P.S.Paranjape 24949435 Worli

    31 National SportsClub

    J.P.Sharma 9820970256 Worli

    32 Copper Chimeney

    Sukhdev 24988971 Worli

    33 Khyber Prabhakar/Lawrence 9820748773 Fort

    34 Noodle bar Bombay Blue

    George Alekzender 22022444/555 Kalaghda

    35 Copper Chimeney

    George Alekzender 22022444/555 Kalaghda

    36 Silk Route Rana 56311082 Kalaghda

    37 Golden Gate Jayant Rao 22026306/22027989 MadameCama rd.

    38 Royal China Rudolf 56355310/56355311 Fort

    39 Hotel Oberoi Shinha 9820954923 Marine drive

    40 Krishna Hotel Ravindra 56786731 Fort

    41 kohliGymkhana

    Kiran 9870276811 Fort

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Data Source for

    Practical Observations

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    2. 8

    Ice cream Brand purchased by different institutions:







    Did not





    Quality Pestonjee Wendy's Other Did not Discose

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Brand nameInstitutionBuyers (%)

    Quality 44

    Other 24

    Pestonjee 15

    Did not Discose 10

    Wendy's 7

    Total 100

    Analytical Findings

    Brand wiseAnalysis

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    2. 9

    Which Brand attribute attracts you the MOST?

    Attribute % of Votes

    Credit Terms 33

    Price 24

    Quality 21

    Brand Name 15

    Customer Liking 5

    No Reason 2

    Total 100






    No Reason


    Credit Terms


    Brand Name




    Customer Liking Credit Terms Price

    Quality Brand Name No Reason

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research


    Analytical Findings

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    2. 11

    Reasons for NOT buying AMUL

    No regualr



    No Reason


    Payment Terms




    Not Contacted


    Payment Terms Not Contacted No Reason Price No regualr supply

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Reasons % of Votes

    Payment Terms 33

    Not Contacted 32

    No Reason 20

    Price 14

    No regular supply 1

    Total 100

    Market ExpansionHurdles

    Analytical Findings

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    2. 12

    Analysis Of Purchase Decision Authorities

    Purchase Decision Authorities % of Votes

    Selection by the Institutions 66

    Selection by caterers 24

    selection by Tenders 10

    Total 100

    selection by


    10% Selection by



    Selection by the



    selection by Tenders Selection by caterers Selection by the Institutions

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    PurchasingAuthoritiesAnalytical Findings

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    2. 13

    Cold Storage facility owned by institution

    Cold Storage facility % of Votes

    Own 63

    Manufacturer 37

    Total 100





    Own Manufacturer

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Cold storageProvider

    Analytical Findings

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    2. 14

    Volume based proportion of Buying Unit in terms of Party Pack


    Clubs Restaurants Gymkhanas Star Hotels

    Party pack 28 51 33 11Bulk 72 49 67 89Total 100 100 100 100











    Clubs Restaurants Gymkhanas Star Hotels

    Party pack


    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Analytical Findings

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    2. 15

    From Given data and its graphical representation, following inferences may bederived

    The ice cream brand Quality dominates the institutional market that isnot on Amul cliental list.

    The Decision for buying a particular brand is largely influenced by theperception of Payment Terms followed by price factor as well as Qualityof the Product.

    Buying Ice cream on Credit basis seems to be the most comfortable

    payment terms for most of the institutions.

    A huge part of institutions i.e. 65 %, are not buying AMUL ice cream forthe two major reasons: Amul does not extend credit facilities They werenot been contacted by Amul representatives

    The vendor selection process though mainly done by Institution it selves,the alternatives like Caterers and Tender System forms a sizable chunkof 34%.

    The clubs and the Star Category Hotels Prefers to buy a large portion ofthere total consumption as bulk pack.

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research


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    2. 16

    Kwality-Walls is the strongest brand in this market:It is recommended to study the product range, price list and marketing efforts ofthis market leader to frame an effective strategy to counter it.

    The quality of the product is the most influencing factor for makingpurchase decision:

    AMUL does have a vast range of quality product on the platter. If the marketingefforts are concentrated to make Quality as key-criteria, the market share canbe increased (50 % Ice-cream v/s 100% ice-cream)

    The analysis shows that 65% of the census is NOT buying AMUL for thetwo basic reasons:

    Not Contacted

    Credit facility not provided

    The brand AMUL does have a strong mind-share as well as the heart-share. The institutional buyers are either waiting AMUL to contact themand/or provide them with the credit facility.

    Market penetration efforts are seems to be deficient. AMUL can crate amanagerial position for handling Institutional client, as institutional client has

    vastly different buying behaviors vis--vis the individual consumer.

    This manager can also be made responsible to keep the track of tenderingcalendars of those 10% of the institutions whose buying decisions are madethrough tenders. The contract awarded by tenders almost ensures a steadysale through out the year, without entrusting continuous marketing efforts.

    Sizable chunk of the Institutions (24%) shows a pattern of allowing thecontracted caterers to select the ice-cream brand.

    The Profit Maximizing business model influences caterers the most. Costconsciousness supersedes all other decision-making factors in such case. This

    is the very reason behind their strong association with the localized brand fromsemi-organized sectors.

    So by providing an encouraging and conductive incentive model, this group ofbuyers can be greatly influenced to make their buying decision in favor ofAMUL.

    As a single caterer may be catering to multiple institutional buyers and also tothe events like marriages, winning them serves multiple purposes. The goal ofincreasing the share in institutional buyers can be achieved in congruence withthe overall goal of moving the market presence northward.

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research


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    2. 17

    Name of the Institution:Adress:

    Concern Person Name:


    Contact no.:

    E mail ID:


    Q.1) which brand of Ice cream are you purchasing Currently?

    Q.2) Which Brand attribute attracts you the MOST? Credit Terms Price Quality Brand Name Customer Liking No Reason

    Q.3) What is the payment terms are you following? Cash Payment Credit n Days

    Q.4) Who Makes the final buying decision? Selection by the Institutions Selection by caterers selection by Tenders

    Q.5) Ownership of cold storage facility Own Manufacturer

    Q.6) Buying pattern based on packaging

    Party pack


    Q.7) Reasons for NOT buying AMUL

    Project By Bonisa S. DaveDr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Management & Research

    Quality Other Pestonjee Did not Discose Wendy's



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