MR Assignment Gallup Pakistan

Market R esearch: Group Assignment 1 Date: 10-12-2015 Submitted to: Sir Basit A!a" Submitted b# : Muahmmad$a%as &215'(2)* +asir A"i ,han &215'25* Mansoor A"i ,han &215'2.* Abdu""ah +asir &215'02* A"i Sa"eem &215'((1*

Transcript of MR Assignment Gallup Pakistan

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Market Research: Group Assignment 1Date: 10-12-2015

Submitted to:

Sir Basit A!a"

Submitted b#:

Muahmmad$a%as &215'(2)*

+asir A"i ,han &215'25*

Mansoor A"i ,han &215'2.*

Abdu""ah +asir &215'02*

A"i Sa"eem &215'((1*

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Questionnaire Guidelines (What Not To Do)

Questionnaire is a tool for conducting qualitative research and so many market researches that

are conducted with its help. There are however a few guidelines which need to be followed so as

the questionnaire are as effective to collect accurate responses from respondents as they are a

quick method for doing market research. Below are the Don’ts that must not be present in a

effective questionnaire.

1. D!’T be vague

Try to avoid using vague quantifiers such as "regularly# often and rarely$ as these words don’t

give the same meaning to all respondents. Depending on the question asked# a respondent may

interpret "regularly$ as once or twice a week# while it means five to si% times a week to another 


&. D!’T ask double'negative questions

(espondents can easily be confused deciphering the meaning of a question that uses two

negative words. )or e%ample# *+hould the police chief not be directly responsible to the mayor,*

The question is ambiguous- almost any answer will be even more so.

. D!’T use many abbreviations# acronyms# or /argon

By using technical terms# abbreviations# acronyms# or /argon there is risk of lower response rates

if respondents are not familiar with those terms and acronyms. Therefore# avoid using them

unless you are absolutely sure that respondents know what they mean.

0. D!’T ask ob/ectionable or value'laden questions

hen a question contains a value'laden term# respondents may answer emotionally# withoutregard for the conte%t in which the term is used. 2f you ask people3s attitudes toward a specific

government social program and characteri4e it as *liberal* or *conservative#* people are likely to

react to their feelings about *liberal* or *conservative* and not about the program itself.

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5. D!’T ask leading questions

6 leading question suggests an answer. 7onsider this e%ample8 "2n order to improve the quality

of police# should police officers be paid higher salaries,$ This question presents a widely

accepted goal 9improving the quality of police: accompanied by the assumption that the means

suggested 9raising police officers salaries: will accomplish the goal ; and thus will influence the

respondent to answer *yes.*

<. D!’T ask open'ended questions unless necessary

2t is tempting to ask open'ended questions- that is# instead of including a list of responses from

which respondents have to choose# the respondent is asked to e%plain his or her position.

=owever# try not to include many such questions# but limit to one or two. 2ncluding too many

such questions will seriously change the response rate. 6nswering open'ended questions requires

more time and thought than selecting answers from a pre'e%isting list of alternatives. ith many

open'ended questions# more people decide that it is too much trouble to complete the survey. The

responses to open ended questions are also more difficult to analy4e.

>. D!’T ask "double'barreled questions$

6 double'barreled question contains two or more distinct questions but allows only one answer 

resulting in either a non'response or a response that is hard to interpret.

?. D!’T ask hypothetical questions

@eople usually have problems in answering questions that relate to circumstances they have not

e%perienced. )or e%ample# asking people how they would feel about certain topics if they were

living in a different culture with different values and norms is difficult to answer.

A. D!’T ask respondents to make unnecessary calculations

hen respondents are asked to report percentages# some may actually perform precise

calculations while others /ust guess. +imple counts and numeric answers may be more easily

available to respondents and will avoid arithmetic errors.

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Group Analysis of 7 Questions From Gallup Pakistan

Researh Questionnaire

The study that we have used for our evaluation of questions used in allup @akistan’s

questionnaire is titled "world bank client satisfaction study &C1$. The study was based on &CC

clients based from @akistan that were using the orld Bank’s services along with 5CC

stakeholders who may or have been affected by orld Bank activities in @akistan.

6lthough this study was carried out according to international standards# we still believe due to

the technical nature and large number of sample respondents# the questionnaire used in this study

might have some elements of "The Don’ts in a questionnaire$ mentioned above. =ere are a few

questions that we find have these irregularities8

Question 148 Are you aware of the IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank roup!

Don’t8 sing many abbreviations# acronyms# or /argon

2n the above question allup @akistan is asking about a very specific department of the orld

Bank and is providing limited detail about it which could confuse the respondent into answering

what the researcher want# therefore becoming a leading question as well.

Question 1"# $o what e%tend does the World Bank&s work help to achieve 'akistan&s

development results, on a ten point scale!

Don’t8 6sking ob/ectionable or value'laden question

This question is using the idea of the orld Bank helping @akistan with its developing results#

making it a emotional response for respondents who might have attachment with @akistan and

therefore hope for its development with the support of foreign help.

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Question 1(# )ow si*nificant a role do you +elieve the World Bank )-./0 play in

'akistan&s development in the future, on a ten point scale!

Don’t8 6sking ob/ectionable or value'laden question

Eust as the question discussed before this# the question is leading respondents 9emphasi4ing with

all caps on the word "+=FD$: into a certain emotional state that supports the orld Bank’s

developing role in @akistan for the future.

Question 1# Which of the followin* $W- reasons would you cite for the failure or slow

pace of the World Bank&s assisted reforms!

Don’t8 6sking "double'barreled question$

This question requires the respondent’s opinion# with the help of selecting two reasons out of 

around 1C# for the failure or slow pace of orld Bank’s reforms. The don’t here is asking to give

reasons for the failure of the reforms or the rate of speed 9slow pace: by which the reforms are

 provided. These are two different conditions as one deal with the reforms being not successful

whilst the other with the time taken. +electing any two of the ten reasons will not be able to

answer both topics asked in the question.

Question 2# In terms of the World Bank&s stated o+3ectives of reducin* e%treme poverty

and promotin* shared prosperity, in which sectors do you +elieve the World Bank should

focus most of its attention and resources in 'akistan!

Don’t8 6sking a leading question

This question is a very good e%ample of a leading question as it starts with stating the orld

Bank’s ob/ectives of reducing poverty and promoting prosperity# leading the respondents to

answer in a much favorable opinion as initial established.

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Question "2# )ow familiar are you with the World Bank&s country partnership strate*y for


Don’t8 sing many abbreviations# acronyms# or /argon

6s found in question 10 of the questionnaire# the researcher is asking a much technical term from

the respondents which could lead to a much misunderstood question or bias response as the

respondent might feel heGshe must know the strategy asked in the question# for why else would

the question be asked to answered by them.

Question "(# 'lease rate the *overnment&s performance in terms of the country

partnership strate*y for the last five years!

Don’t8 6sking ob/ectionable or value'laden question

This question can also be seen as using the emotional response triggering words such as

"government’s performance$# which to respondents with high levels of patriotism or tendency to

supportGnegate the current ruling government will give rise to bias responses leading to incorrect

data collected.