MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the...

Moving applications to the cloud doesn’t require rental trucks or appliance dollies—but there is heavy lifting involved, conceptually speaking. The combination of the competitive environment that businesses operate in, and the hybrid nature of their IT infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires having a thorough knowledge of how business-critical applications are structured, including an accurate list of the third- party components that play a key role in maximizing performance. A successful migration, which harnesses the full benefits of the cloud, entails having an unclouded understanding of how components MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE A step-by-step guide to managing all stages of cloud migration

Transcript of MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the...

Page 1: MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires

Moving applications to the cloud doesn’t require

rental trucks or appliance dollies—but there is

heavy lifting involved, conceptually speaking. The

combination of the competitive environment that

businesses operate in, and the hybrid nature of their IT

infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the

cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable

value and performance requires having a thorough

knowledge of how business-critical applications are

structured, including an accurate list of the third-

party components that play a key role in maximizing

performance. A successful migration, which harnesses

the full benefits of the cloud, entails having an

unclouded understanding of how components

MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCEA step-by-step guide to managing all stages of cloud migration

Page 2: MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires

communicate. Without a clear

view of the architecture of the

apps, the IT function may find

services deteriorating and down-

time accumulating. Even worse,

important data may get lost.

Other limitations can also make

the trip to the cloud difficult,

of course. Bandwidth require-

ments, for example, need to be

tested ahead of time, as do any

network architecture issues that

could reduce responsiveness. In

any event, no lifting-and-shift-

ing of applications to the cloud

should commence without map-

ping the associated IT infrastruc-

ture, which over years may have

changed and grown in ways that

weren’t clearly documented. In

addition to taking in a complete

view of the landscape in which

applications operate, the exer-

cise may also provide insights

into performance issues that

could arise as a result of the


Given the complexity of hy-

brid cloud environments—an

appealing mix of agility and

cost-effectiveness— it’s key for

companies to have clear visibility

into any and all applications, and

their dependencies, before they

take their first steps toward the

cloud. If a cloud-bound app de-

pends heavily on communicating

with on-premises applications,

performance may slow. IT lead-

ers also must be able to assess

performance during the migra-

tion process, enabling them to

quickly pinpoint any problems

that need resolving. By under-

standing the role of infrastruc-

ture monitoring and analytics,

companies can position them-

selves to avoid any migration-re-

lated issues involving security,

compliance, and service quality.

Setting Out for a Smooth JourneyFor certain types of apps, the

journey to the cloud is bound

to be perilous. That’s because

many of them, including some

created in-house, weren’t written

for the cloud. As a result, com-

panies typically choose to move

those apps to virtualized envi-



Page 3: MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires

ronments in the cloud, otherwise

known as the “lift-and-shift”

approach. Refactoring apps is

also an option, although it can

get costly, in terms of time and

money spent. Some applications

simply aren’t worth the effort.

Some resource-guzzling applica-

tions, such as data analysis tools,

may suffer from performance

issues if they aren’t rearchitected

for the cloud. On the other hand,

off-the-shelf apps can only be

re-architected by the vendor, so

they must be conveyed by lifting

and shifting, which means they

may not receive all the benefits

of being on the cloud.

Once companies understand

which approach each application

requires, they can begin decid-

ing the order in which they’ll mi-

grate them to the cloud. For the

sake of developing confidence, it

helps to begin with the less com-

plex migrations, gaining knowl-

edge that will come in handy for

more difficult transitions. Keep

in mind that there may be some

legitimate reasons for leaving

some applications where they

are—for now, at least. Those

that were recently upgraded,

for instance, may be best kept

on-premises for the short-term.

Starting the migration with a

cloud-friendly app (one that

is less data-intensive and is by

no means business-critical)

can result in a quick win that

may also help overcome inter-

nal resistance to the strategy.

Members of the IT function may

grow increasingly oppositional

as they watch their on-premise

assets, such as servers, go dark.

Their initial reaction, which is

likely to soften over time, is that

their skills are no longer needed.

It’s true that they will have to

learn new skills, such as man-

aging cloud vendors and, even

more importantly, making sure

they have the tools necessary to

monitor the network’s perfor-

mance and security to reduce

the cost of any technical glitch-

es. At companies where IT is not

regarded as a key competitive

differentiator, such outsourcing

of service and support may be

easier for IT to digest.

Cost savings and agility, after

all, are the overriding benefits

that drive companies to even



Page 4: MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires

consider relocating apps to the

cloud. The ability to scale IT

infrastructure to match cur-

rent demand on a pay-per-play

basis can make the pre-cloud

costs look exorbitant. But it’s

still important to consider the

fees of the service provid-

er—making sure to include the

impact that changing demand

could have on such costs,

which typically increase during

peaks. Conversely, applications

that don’t experience such de-

mand shifts, such as legacy da-

tabases, may be costlier to run

in the cloud. Training members

of the IT function to service

the cloud also means spending

money on training. Still those

costs, among others, are unlike-

ly to detract from the appeal of

filling out a change-of-address

card announcing the move to

the cloud. The added business

value of successfully com-

pleting such a shift will likely

produce favorable impacts on

areas ranging from the costs of

customer acquisition to lev-

els of customer satisfaction to

shortening the time-to-market

for introducing new features

and products.

Looking back, on-premise appli-

cations will be remembered for

the burdens that the cloud has

lifted: requiring costly upgrades

and expensive maintenance in

exchange for hindering company


Watching their Steps For most companies, the shift

to the cloud represents a giant

leap toward a new and unfamil-

iar business model. The massive

digital transformation that is

reshaping so many business-

es—not to mention entire in-

dustries—is not a project to be

undertaken in the dark. Both

before and after they migrate

apps to the cloud, companies

need to be able to see the path

they need to follow. They need

to have tools that can give them

visibility into the performance

of apps throughout the trans-

formation. Companies want to

measure the progress they’re

making toward their ultimate

goal: using the cloud as a cata-

lyst for a digital transformation



Page 5: MOVING TO THE CLOUD WITH CONFIDENCE€¦ · infrastructures, makes successfully navigating to the cloud increasingly challenging. Delivering predictable value and performance requires

that will boost the engagement

of customers, both existing and


By leveraging “smart” analytics

and even smarter data, organi-

zations can gain valuable insight

into the performance of their

apps, pinpointing any difficul-

ties and quickly resolving them.

Using wire data, which cleanly

and consistently captures every

detail of every transaction,

companies can get the much-

sought “single source of truth”

about the performance of their

networks and their applications.

By monitoring network perfor-

mance on an app-by-app basis,

companies can make sure their

apps are available, reliable. and

responsive. Using Network As-

surance technology, companies

no longer need to rely on some-

one with the expertise to read

and interpret packet data. They

can now gain real-time visibility

into all the network activity in-

volving applications and clients.

Applications built using micro

services frameworks—in which

application processes are sep-

arated into unique virtual or

physical servers—contain layers

of complexity from the start. For

developers, the appeal of such

distributed apps is that they

can add new components to a

single component without mak-

ing revisions to the others. The

capability to expand is especially

crucial at a time when compa-

nies in almost every industry

are battling existing rivals and

descending disruptors to stay

competitive. Technologies such

as mobile platforms and the

Internet of Things (IoT) are in a

nearly continuous and ongoing

state of flux. With the right tools,

companies can continuously col-

lect information on traffic flow

and data regarding the workload

of any individual app. By using

Smart Data, which depends on

technology to organize and an-

alyze performance data, compa-

nies can track down the source

of any performance issues,

thereby reducing IT bottlenecks.

Maintaining Peak PerformanceAside from reducing the time,

risks, and costs involved with

moving apps to the cloud, fig-

uring out—in advance—the ideal

configuration enables companies

to keep their apps running at

peak performance throughout

the migration. Optimal app per-

formance is a critical component

of productivity. By using tools

that can automatically monitor

app performance, the IT function

is free to focus on high-value

tasks, rather than pouring over

data to find the source of any

performance glitches.

If apps are running at peak per-

formance, the business is getting

closer to meeting its strategic

objectives. Having broad visibil-

ity into any performance issues,

as well as potential trouble

areas, isn’t quite enough; it helps

to have a tool that can offer

actionable advice. By effective-

ly addressing every automated

alert, the company can expect to

have a smooth, consistent expe-

rience in the cloud.


ABOUT THE SPONSORNETSCOUT is a leading provider of business assurance – a powerful combination of service assurance, cybersecurity, and business intelligence solutions – for today’s most demanding service provider, enterprise and government networks. NETSCOUT’s Adaptive Service Intelligence (ASI) technology continuously monitors the service delivery environment to identify performance issues and provides insight into network-based security threats, helping teams to quickly resolve issues that can cause business disruptions or impact user experience. NETSCOUT delivers unmatched service visibility and protects the digital infrastructure that supports our connected world. To learn more, visit or follow @NETSCOUT on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.