Moving Cepstrum

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  • 8/14/2019 Moving Cepstrum


    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2001) 15(5), 873}885

    doi:10.1006/mssp.2001.1413, available online at on





    Laboratoire d+Analyse des Signaux et des Processus Industriels (LASPI)~EA-3059, IUT deRoanne, 20, Avenue de Paris, 42 334 Roanne, France. E-mail: [email protected]


    P. VELEX

    Laboratoire de Me&canique des Contacts, UMR CNRS 5514, INSA de Lyon, BaLt. 113,

    20 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69 621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

    The objective of this paper is to propose a new indicator for the vibratory diagnosis ofgear systems. This indicator is deduced from the power cepstrum of the accelerometer signal.A model aimed at simulating the contributions of local tooth defects such as spalls to thegear dynamic behaviour is set-up. The pinion and the gear of a pair are modelled as two rigidcylinders with all six degrees of freedom connected by a series of springs which represent gearbody and gear tooth compliances on the base plane. It permits us to foresee the shape ofthe excitation induced by the presence of spalls. From an analytical analysis of the equa-tions of motion, a detection technique based upon the acceleration power cepstrum

    is proposed. The identi"

    cation of the spalls is provided by the fact that the power cepstrumof the excitation that it generates is strictly negative, in contrast to that of a normalexcitation. A tool of detection and localisation, using this property, has been de"ned. It is"rst tested on acceleration signals simulated by numeric integration of the model, then onreal signals.

    2001 Academic Press


    Rotating machine diagnosis is becoming more important because it contributes to safety in

    critical applications such as aeronautics but, more generally, because it reduces equipment

    downtime and maintenance costs. There are two main types of diagnostic techniques in usetoday, i.e. vibration monitoring and debris monitoring techniques, which have both had

    limited success in detecting gear failures. Focusing on vibration analysis, some methods use

    synchronously averaged signals in order to reduce random noise and contributions unre-

    lated to the particular gear of interest. The current tendency is to"nd techniques capable of

    detecting the occurrence of faults at an early stage. The simplest time domain analyses are

    based on statistical indicators such as kurtosis[1, 2]whose amplitude can be related to the

    state of the gear. More sophisticated techniques can be employed, including amplitude and

    phase demodulation by using Hilbert transforms[3], time}frequency transforms based on

    the Wigner}Ville decomposition [4], wavelet transforms [5}7], etc. Due to the lack of

    sensitivity of these methods for early detection, alternate methods relying on stress wavepropagation (acoustic emission) have been considered[8, 9]but they are strongly dependent

    on the propagation path and the interfaces between the wave source and the sensors.

    Among the numerous available signal processing techniques used in vibration monitor-

    ing, it has been demonstrated in early papers [10}13] that the power cepstrum of the

    0888}3270/01/050873#13 $35.00/0 2001 Academic Press

  • 8/14/2019 Moving Cepstrum


    acceleration signal is e$cient for detecting localised tooth faults such as spalls. The

    detection principle is based on the increase of the energy level associated with the rotational

    period of the defective wheel and it has been shown that the proposed defect identi"er is

    independent of the sensor position, the signal amplitudes and the signal-to-noise ratio

    [14}16]. However, results were limited to the de"nition and use of a global defect indicator

    with no information on the defect position. The present paper presents some complement-ary theoretical developments and an extension towards defect localisation. The organisa-

    tion of the paper is as follows. First, a mechanical model of a pinion}gear pair is used to

    characterise some properties of the dynamic response of a geared system with a tooth defect.

    Next, it is demonstrated that the additional excitation generated by a tooth fault can be

    e!ectively extracted from acceleration signals by virtue of the power cepstrum properties.

    Finally, some applications to simulated and experimental signals illustrate the bene"ts of

    the methodology.


    In order to qualitatively analyse the in#uence of tooth spalls on gear dynamic response,

    a simpli"ed version of the model of Velex and Maatar[17]is used and extended to account

    for localised tooth faults. A pinion and a gear of a pair are modelled as two rigid cylinders

    connected by a set of lumped sti!nesses which accounts for contact, tooth and gear body

    de#ections (Fig. 1). The elemental sti!nesses are associated with all potential points of

    contact on the base plane as well as elemental normal deviationse(, t) in order to simulateactual tooth#ank geometries. According to rigid body kinematics, the corresponding lines

    of contact are translated at constant speed and all relevant parameters are recalculated at

    each time step of the meshing process.Quasi-analytical indications on the response structure can be obtained if the following

    simpli"cations are introduced:

    (a) except for localised tooth defects, the pinion and the gear are geometrically perfect;

    (b) the mesh sti!ness per unit of contact length of a pair k

    is supposed to be constant

    along the face width and the path of contact;

    (c) the contributions of bending angles are averaged over one mesh period so that

    a constant structure vector < [i.e. a vector connecting mesh de#ections to the

    system degrees of freedom, seeequation (4)below] can be used.

    In these conditions, the equations of motion read as


    #F(e(H(t))#G(t,x) (1)

    and the analytical expressions of the two quantities which largely control the geared system

    dynamic response to tooth defects are

    [K(t, x)]"k

    H((, t)) d