Movie Music Writeup 2

Movie Music Writeup For this project i was required to make a piece of contrasting music which fitted to a certain film sequence with differentiating atmospheres to demonstrate certain musical techniques such as light motifs which can be extremely effective in this area of music. The Sequence i picked was from an episode of doctor called “Blink”. Doctor who is a well known British science fiction series which bases itself around weird and wonderful aliens and scary creatures which fill the fictional world. This was part of the reason that i picked this sequence as in this episode it includes these monsters which are based off of normal statues which come to life but can only move when not looked at. I thought this was a great place to use the technique which i mentioned earlier called light motifs. Due to the sudden movements found in particular scenes, I'm able to manipulate sounds to fit when the Angel statues appear; thus making a light motif. I also use a number of other techniques that we were taught which compliment my chosen scene. My chosen sequence is split up into 5 parts and i will explain all of my techniques and choices i made when making the music and sound effects. In Logic i used many plugins to manipulate sounds to fit into the style of music that i wanted this soundtrack to be in, so that it would fit into the video as i wanted to. I used effects such as delay, echo and reverb to simulate big spaces to make it properly fit into the video. Then i use plugins such as distortion, overdrive, phase and phase distortion to make parts of the track really gritty and aggressive these plugins are especially used when the angels are on screen as this adds a faker element to the video which in turn makes the whole experience more scary. Also i used plugins such as tremolo and guitar amps to really stylise this track and to add a little bit of my own spin on it as i didn't want to make it sound like just any old soundtrack i wanted to sound unique and different and i believe that i accomplished that. After completing this task i think i did a great job of making music to accompany a video and i think that the music definitely adds to the video if i were to make any improvements however i may maybe of mixed it slightly differently so that levels of all the instruments to speech were somewhat more balanced. The current mixing is good but could be bettered in my opinion.



Transcript of Movie Music Writeup 2

  • Movie Music Writeup !For this project i was required to make a piece of contrasting music which fitted to a certain film sequence with differentiating atmospheres to demonstrate certain musical techniques such as light motifs which can be extremely effective in this area of music. The Sequence i picked was from an episode of doctor called Blink. Doctor who is a well known British science fiction series which bases itself around weird and wonderful aliens and scary creatures which fill the fictional world. !!This was part of the reason that i picked this sequence as in this episode it includes these monsters which are based off of normal statues which come to life but can only move when not looked at. I thought this was a great place to use the technique which i mentioned earlier called light motifs. Due to the sudden movements found in particular scenes, I'm able to manipulate sounds to fit when the Angel statues appear; thus making a light motif. I also use a number of other techniques that we were taught which compliment my chosen scene. My chosen sequence is split up into 5 parts and i will explain all of my techniques and choices i made when making the music and sound effects. !!In Logic i used many plugins to manipulate sounds to fit into the style of music that i wanted this soundtrack to be in, so that it would fit into the video as i wanted to. I used effects such as delay, echo and reverb to simulate big spaces to make it properly fit into the video. Then i use plugins such as distortion, overdrive, phase and phase distortion to make parts of the track really gritty and aggressive these plugins are especially used when the angels are on screen as this adds a faker element to the video which in turn makes the whole experience more scary. Also i used plugins such as tremolo and guitar amps to really stylise this track and to add a little bit of my own spin on it as i didn't want to make it sound like just any old soundtrack i wanted to sound unique and different and i believe that i accomplished that. After completing this task i think i did a great job of making music to accompany a video and i think that the music definitely adds to the video if i were to make any improvements however i may maybe of mixed it slightly differently so that levels of all the instruments to speech were somewhat more balanced. The current mixing is good but could be bettered in my opinion. !!!

  • Part 1 -The Start (0:00-0:50)!!!Right from the start we see a man confronted by an angel which is accompanied by intense and dramatic music which contains impacts and hits. The main parts of music contains strings such as the violin, Synth pads, acoustic drums and atmospheric deep sounds. All of these elements help build the suspense and tension of the track so when the angel gets closer the impacts of when they appear seem much more effective and dramatic. !!Also i used sound effects for certain parts of this scene such as when the character sally is forcefully trying to open the door i used banging sounds to represent the loud hits on the door. I also used some footstep sounds which were used for the movement on the floorboards. I wanted to give the soundtrack a futuristic and science fiction feel so i used bit crusher as a style choice and technique to acquire that space like sound on some of the synths you can see in the opening scene. This Accompanied with ring shifter and tremolo meant that i was able to experiment and create a piece that was also very mysterious. Relating back to the light motif every time the angel is shown in this scene the impact and hits play making it even more scary when the angel appears, creating a very dark and sudden light motif. !!!Part 2 -The Basement (0:51-1:50)!This section of the sequence displays another technique i used. This technique is the change in atmosphere, now that the suspense has now dropped and that they have found a way out the music dies down and becomes almost dark and distant due to the dark underground basement that the characters now find themselves in. !!This change in atmosphere really adds a dynamic and temperament to the track as it does from very hard hitting and intense to very soft, dark and calm. However as this scene plays on, the music does not stay as the light flickers and the angels begin to move the previous music kicks back in with the new addition of distorted impact drums rising up into the next section of the song. The instruments with the Bit-crusher effect also are added and the music begins to build into something more intense.!!!!!

  • !!!!!!!Part 3 -The Close Call (1:51-2:15)!You can really tell the difference between this part and the previous, its almost like a juxtaposition due to the calm nature of the music before hand compared to the harsh and intense music of this scene. The Light motif seen previously in the last two stages has also increased in intensity using effects such as distortion to keep the impact hits as a light motif but to variate them from before to show how many different monsters there are and how much the threat has increased. Also this use of distortion i feel fits in with the darkness and lack of a light source in this scene; This loss of vision makes the distortion and the music almost look psychedelic. !!

  • Part 4 -Safety (2:16-2:40) !Part 4 is where the music dies down and becomes more chilled and relax and you almost get a false sense of security by the music as you think that all the danger has disappeared due to this change in dynamic. This change in music also gives the Tardis itss own light motif as the safe house in the episode. !!There is a chord progression playing on a piano which the velocity is low to help create that calm vibe that this scene gives off. Also there is an arpeggiated piano in a higher octave which is following the main piano still with that theme of low velocities. I definitely like the changes in music between this scene and the next as it shows variation in the soundtrack and really makes it feel like the music is following what is happening in the video. However saying this there are enough similarities in the whole piece to keep running leitmotifs and themes such as the angels. The reverb which is especially used in this scene also gives the feel of how large the Tardis is and i tried to create the atmosphere through the music by attempting to replicate a big space. !!Part 5 - Last Stand (2:16-End) !!The Last part of the soundtrack features the and sudden return of the dramatic music from before; including the heavy drums and percussion as well as the synths with bit crusher and the violins. I thought that this sudden change in music from peaceful and relaxing to loud and chaotic would suit the video brilliantly due to the unexpected danger of the Angels attacking. !!The musical elements of this soundtrack stays the same until the very end of the video were it then continues into another calm and chilled section but only this time with a violin to indicate that they have defeated the angels and that there will be no more danger. This chilled music makes for a great ending to the video and demonstrates how music can influence video through techniques and changes such as light motifs.