MOVE Congress 2017: Antti Blom (Finnish Schools on the Move) More Active and Pleasant Days

Finnish Schools on the Move – more active and pleasant school days Antti Blom, 6.10.2017

Transcript of MOVE Congress 2017: Antti Blom (Finnish Schools on the Move) More Active and Pleasant Days

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Finnish Schools on the Move– more active and pleasant

school days

Antti Blom, 6.10.2017

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Schools on the Move in Finland

Percentage of schoolsinvolved in FSM in each municipality1.3.2017

• Finnish Schools on the Move programme is one of the Key Projects in the field of knowledge and education in the Government Programme of Finland.

• The goal of the Government is that "the Schools on the Move project will be expanded across the country to ensure one hour of physical activity each day".

• 2005 comprehensive schools (82 %) are nowinvolved in the programme (on September 2017)

• Each school carries out their own plans to activateschooldays

• Funding: Lottery funds/ the Ministry of Education and Culture

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The Aim of the Programme• more movement – less sitting

• student participation

• learning

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How the Schools on the Move ensure that Finnish children remain physically active throughout the school day?

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Each school carries out their own plans to activate schooldays: Ylivieska, School of Ranta

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How does it work?

• Free registration for allcomprehensive schools

• Each school taking part in the programme makes their school days more active in their own way

• The programme is financed with lottery funding / the ministry of education and culture

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If everything is up to Schools, how we can be sure Schools have the right actions?

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The Self-Evaluation Survey for Schools on the Move

Results by different school types (n=922)

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Results can be used at three levels:

Visual database: VIRVELI

Kämppi K, Aira A, Inkinen, V & Laine K. 2016. Self-evaluation Tool for Physical Activity Promotion in Schools: The 2016 ISPAH International Congress on Physical Activity and Health. Bangkok, Thailand, 16-19.11.2016.

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Sharing best practices– Focus on peer learning

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Seminars about best practises



568 519803 875




242 302











2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Regional State Administrative Agencies seminars FSM national seminars

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Schools own trainings for teachers

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Network of partners

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Impact of the programme?

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Physical activity & Sedentary timeAll day



















Grades 1‒2 Grades 3‒4 Grades 5‒6 Grades 7‒8

MVPA (min/day) Sedentary time (h/day)

Tammelin et al. 2013

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Over 60 min/day 30-59 min/day Under 30 min/day

32% =26 min

36% =18 min

42% =11 min

Physical activity during a school day is mostmeaningful for those who move least

At school


P.a. recommendation

Tuija Tammelin et al. School makes you move and sit still. Finnish Schools on the Move research results 2010 to 2015.

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A day of sitting



65% 71%

% of waking hoursPic: John Holcroft

Tuija Tammelin et al. School makes you move and sit still. Finnish Schools on the Move research results 2010 to 2015.

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2 934 Member

of School staff:Schools on the Move

activities contribute to enjoyment at school


Progress report of Finnish Schools on the Move: Aira & Kämppi (Ed.). 2017

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2 934 Member

of School staff:Schools on the Move activities contribute to peaceful working at school


Progress report of Finnish Schools on the Move: Aira & Kämppi (Ed.). 2017

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SchoolMunicipality Pupil

• Välituntivälineiden riittävyys ja niiden saatavilla oleminen• Koulumatkaliikuntaan kannustamisaktiivisuus• Pidempien (liikkumis)välituntien yleisyys kouluissa• Välituntien viettäminen ulkona• Koulutilojen käyttö välituntiliikunnassa• Piha-alueen ja lähiympäristön hyödyntäminen ja opetustilojen

muokkaaminen liikunnallisuutta tukeviksi• Toiminnallisten menetelmien hyödyntäminen• Istumisjaksojen katkaiseminen• Oppilaiden osallistuminen liikuntatoiminnan suunnitteluun ja

järjestämiseen• Oppilaiden kokemus osallistumisestaan kouluissa tapahtuvan liikunnan

suunnitteluun tai toteuttamiseen• Järjestöjen ja koulun välisen yhteistyön yleisyys• Koulutilojen käytön yleisyys koulupäivien ulkopuolella• Koulupihojen kunnostamis- ja varustamisaktiivisuus

What have done? How School´s operationalculture have changed?

• %:a 9.-, 11.-, 13.- ja 15.-vuotiaista liikkuu liikuntasuosituksen mukaisesti vähintään 60 minuuttia päivässä 7 päivänä viikossa

• Liikkumisen (kevyt, reipas tai rasittava) keskimääräinen %-osuus 9.-, 11.-, 13.- ja 15.-vuotiaiden valveillaoloajasta

• Makuullaolon ja istumisen kokonaismäärä (min) ja osuus (%) valveillaoloajasta 9.-, 11.-, 13.- ja 15.-vuotiailla

• Rasittavan liikunnan (6 MET:n tason ylittävän) liikkumisen määrä 9.-, 11.-, 13.-ja 15.-vuotiailla (min/pv)

• %:a 9.-, 11.-, 13.- ja 15.- vuotiaista harrastaa liikuntaa liikunta- ja urheiluseurassa

Physical activity

One hour p.a.

each day?

Long-term effects?

Physical functional capacity and health- Move!-mittaukset- Terveys ja toimintakyky (terveydentilan kokeminen, ylipaino, oirehdinta)


Experience of children and youth: - mahdollisuuksista harrastaa- kouluviihtyvyydestä ja koulurauhasta

Social well being- tyytyväisyys elämään- yksinäisyyden kokemus

Pic: National Sports Council of Finland

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Physical activity during school-day supportlearning

• PA during school-day benefit learning.

• Especially PA breaks during academic lessons and PA intergrated to academic subjects are associated withgood learning outcomes.

• Several dimensions of school-day PA enhance cognitivefunctioning ja benefit learning.

• PA have positive effects on social functioning, behavior, time on task, motivation and effort during academiclessons, and thereby support learning processes.

For example: Active, Fit and Smart – Effects of physical activity andfitness on the cognitive prerequisites of learning (AFIS -study)

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About physically active teaching methods: How do teachers schedule exercise breaks before and after lessons, or even during learning?

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1. Decrease2. Break3. Vary

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Kuva Jaana Leivo

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Little brain exercise


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How do teachers schedule exercise breaks before and after lessons? - Physically activerecess time

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• Kuva: Ahmon koulu, Siilinjärvi

Ping-pong tables 399-799 €

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School commuting• Active school commuting

is a good opportunity to increasedaily physical activity.

• Students often travel, even short distances, in a motor vehicle.

• For example safety and weatherconditions effect schoolcommuting.

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Useful links and information of research in Finnish School on the Move•


• Blom A, Tammelin T, Laine K, et al. Bright spots, physical activity investments that work: the Finnish Schools on the Move programme. Br J Sports Med Published Online First: 27 September 2017. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097711

• Including several research summaries and Progress report of Schools on the Move

(still finnish but is been translated in english and swedish)

• (summary at page 90)


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[email protected]

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If you are interested – Further information

• Different training for teachers to generate physically active operationculture at Schools Physically active teaching methods

Student participation

Teachers participation and leadershipat school

Recess activities and guidance

• Contact: [email protected]

• Consultion of National action programme For central administration For schools operation guidance For research and follow-up in

supporting action programme

• Visit Finland - Introducing thefinnish system Role of the administration Role of the programme Schools’ actions