Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1908-09-11 [p...

i IT VERNON SIGNAL MT VERNON KY Sept II 1908 ze Cull up No 79 when you wont to SIGNAL r cute wltli 79 >c i J G tfJ1t LOUISVILLE 4 NASHVILLE R R Co TIME TABLE 22 north I 124 p m 24 north 340 a m 23 south 124 p IT 21 South 1220 a m TAS LANDRUM Agent Phone No 58 Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postoflice as second elass mail matt- erPERSONAL Miss Carrie Lair i = visiting in LivingstonMiss Jones of Middlesboro is visiting relatives here Homer and Oscar Wallen wer up from Lincoln yesterday Miss Susie Thompson has been very sick since last Saturday- E B and Claud Cox went to Louisvilie Tuesday to buy goods W H Carmical continues very sick but better than last week J E Singleton the popular grocery drummer was here yes terdayMiss Patty Green of Versailles is visiting her sister Mrs Ina D McCoyMrs T J Niceley is reported very sick It is feared she has typhoid fever Mr Preston Pennington is re- ported ¬ very sick with something like hay fever Mrs Alvah Maret visited he daughter Mrs J Fish and family during the week Mr and Mrs George Livesay are on a two weeks visit to Ten ¬ nessee relatives Miss Ann Baker spent several days the guest of her brother U G Baker and family- J Fish the clothier andshoe man took a three days business trip to Richmond Sam Cummins is sawing handles for the Turner Day Woolsworth Handle Co at Scottsville Mrs White of Stanford is here being treated for a cancer She is stopping with Mrs Shumate Mr and Mrs S C Frankling spent several days with Dr and Mrs M Pennington at Bertha Supt and Mrs G M Ballard spent several days this weekwith Mr Ballards mother on Big Hill W T Davis the splendid fore ¬ man of this office has been sick since Friday with billions attack Mr and MJS Thomas Parsons were over from the Wildie section yesterday having dental work doneMrs G T Johnson and children have returned from a pleasant visit to relatives at Beea and othe pointsMr and Mrs John Moore were guests of Mrs Moores parents Mr and Mrs S H Martin first of the week Mrs H L Tharp and daughter Margarite spent Friday until Wed ¬ nesday with her aunt Mrs Nannie C Albright R L Collier the pole man spent several days here this week load ¬ ing poles Mrs Collier came up Wednesday to be with him Tom OMara who has just finished the season with the South Carolina Leage is here for a few weeks vacation and to visit relatives Tom is a twirler and we expect to see him traveling in the fastest of company before many seasons have passed James Beaty was taken very sud- denly ill yesterday morning Soon after he arose from his nights I rest he was seized with a peculiar sensation and fainted but soon re ¬ gained consciousness Dr Lovell was summoned and found it nothing of a serious nature He is much better at this time Mrs James Maret and sister Mrs G B Lawrence arrived Sun ¬ day from an enjoyable two months yisjt to Galveston Mrs Marets health was much benefited by th seek breeze qf the gulf Whjle in pexas they visited Colutnbus Mr Marets one time home 8721876 and pther points in the Lone Star State t Miss Mayme Ferguson returned to Louisville Tuesday to resume her duties iu the school for the blindMr James Guinon of Detroit Mich spent Monday until todry here the guest of Miss Ristt WilliamsMr Mrs Harry Chasteei an i wed Saturday from Colorado Harry says Rockcastle is goo enough for him LOCAL lay less and dress better J FISH Star Bran Shoes are Better ASK FISH WHY Prayer meeting at Christiar church every Wednesday evening NEW PIIONEU G Baker residence Newcomb Ave phone No io6S Get a fit Leave your measure with FISH he guarantees to fit you in a new FALL SUIT for 1500 Steve PreweU has opened a butcher shop in the little buildirg resine dence Just received car load American woven wire fence Sept 54t W E PERKINS Crab Orchard Ky The teachers institute will con ¬ veneat Brodhead next Monda vith Prof Eubanks as instructor The fee charged each teacher will be 125 The Mt Vernon Skating Rink in basement of JT Adams store open ¬ ed Tuesday night The rink will be open every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights Willie McBee is Manager The Sunday School of the Chrias tian Church will furnish free trans ¬ portation to all members of that attendr the services at Rose Hill Sunday The party will leave the church promptly at 9 o clock FARM FOR SALEI desire to sell sixty acres of my farm located near the Double Springs Maretburg Ky with good house and out ¬ buildings Will sell worth the money For further information address NELSE GRIFFIN Sept 1141 Maretburg I will call on each teacher throughout the the county to en ¬ force the section of Common school law which says that each patron must send his child or children to school not less than sixty days I will also ask each chairman of his Educational Division to call the members of his Subdistrict together at once and find out indebtedness of each subdistrict ifany and file a copy with me at the next meeting of the Board Iwish to to state to the public at large that the mcmbers of the Educational Division met in my office Sept 5th according to law and that the quest ¬ ion of County High School was discussed at length and that we further want to have the same con sumated within the time given us and ask the co operation of any sugr ¬ gestions to offer Respectfully yours G M BALLARD Co Supt CAPiTALizEDThe Peoples Bank of Mt Vernon whichhas thus far been operating as a branch of th willr henceforth operate as an Independ ¬ ent institution The capital stock of the bank is 15000 all of which has been subscribed At a meeting of the stock holders held last Mon ¬ day In the law office of Judge L W Bethurum the articles of in ¬ corporation were signed by laws adopted and officers elected The officers are UG Baker President R A Whitehead and Dr W J Childress Vice Presidents M B Salin Cashier and Judge L W Bethurum Attorney All stock ¬ holders holding as much as 500 stock were made directors who are M J Miller AH Hamlin Dr D B Southard Judge S D Lewis F L Thompson W R Dickerson P H Shutts J F Griffin J W Moore J W Baker T H Dick ¬ erson L W Bethurum J WI Rider G D Cook J PE Drum mond and A E Woodall It is the purpose of the new bank to erect a suitable banking house on the same site where the old building now stands as soon as same can be done however no positive steps ape pointment of a building committee consisting Jucjge Bethurum y G Baker J F Griffin F L Thomp son and M B Salin Then me of the bank will remain the same e 11seeeeeose1a 11ee1eeo111ees1 e e eeaeea 0 g Clothesi Clo ee e G e 5 00 100 a o- 1o f io d- e eell r I sell more GOOD CLOTHES than a iy other man in Mt Vernon FISH Miss Ida May Adams began he private school last Monday Paint Lick suffered a 70000 or loss by fire last night The stores of W F Champ Co G A Ballard Peoples Bank hotel Millenery store Anderson butcher shop and bridge all burned Fire originated in barn near Champ COs store The timely arrival of the Richmond fire de ¬ partment is all that saved the total destruction of that thriving little town Losses partially covered by insurance ENTERTAINMENT ON WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 16TH i9o8 In hall over Citizens Bank the members of Brodhead Baptist Sun ¬ day School will present the Tem Sparklinge CupThe play has a splendid moral showing the effects of the wine cup and is also interspersed with fun and laughter Doors open at 7 p m Proceeds go to church Come one come all and help a worthy cause BROWN MEMORIAL SCHOOL I Brown Memorial School Build ing and Langdon Dormitory are undergoing some slight repairs and changes but will be ready for school Sept 16th and the teachers are looking forward wi h pleasure to their work A number of applications have been received at Langdon Dormi tory this week A fewpnore scholar ships have been received and are ready for those who first apply Langdon Industrial Home was established by the Home Board thro the generosity of Mrs Lang ¬ don to provide for deserving young people an opportunity for a Christian education The price of board and tuition for the year is one hundred dollar twenty five dollars to be paid by the pupil in money or labor the b3aSchplarsatps ¬ al Church and other friends who count it a privilege to invest monej W wont admit being daffy overthe Young Fellows claim the young im mens 1 trade of Mt Vernon and Rockcastle county i g have done so for a number of years and are better prepared to serve them now than ever before im Weve the reputation for giving the Young Fel ¬ o lows the best service of any house in the I QeI county I 2 This season is no exception we have lots im ot new and nervy styles in Young Mens Imftreme are not high priced I r Suits X10 to SIS i m I All the new colors and styles in Hats Shirt s I NeckwearSox and EVERYTHING TO WEAR s- iA1t i I MT VERNONS LEADING CLOTHIER I J FISH BUILDINGPhone77 MT VERNON KY ecoseie e eaeet lee9eeieeeieeee0e0eeeiiee0ei0eaaeessse110111 in Christian character enabling he young people thus helped to I lecome a blessing not only to the ommunity in which they live but to the uation as a whole for the na- tions ¬ safeguardis in its Christian citizens and may we not claim even more in its educated Christ ian housekeepers Let us all encourage our young people to taKe advantage of these opportunitiesThe examination Sept 3rd was very well attended but neatly all of the twenty three contestants were from Mt Vernon While we were glad to see so many taking an interest we were sorry so few of the precincts of the county were represented Excellent work was done by most of those who entered the gen ¬ eral average being 82 J per cent Eight out of the twenty three had no mispelled word in any of the papers handed in Such creditable showing is de ¬ serving of special mention We were sony to be able to give a scholarship to eachcontestant All were successful in that they made the effort and did there best All honest effort carries with it its own reward Those receiving scholarships are Ina DavisMcCoy Jennie Morrow HenI ¬ derson Bernice Landrum with a few still under consideration SW LUrE Mrs Henry Wood who has been very sick the past week is slowly i reproving Mr Harry Chasteen and family who have been in Colorado for some time have re ¬ turned to this place where they will probably resideMr Mtnnie Branaman is on the sick list Miss Etta Moore of Berea was the guest of Mrs H Hi Wood Sunday Mr Marion Chasteen and family accompanied by E J Williams and family of Brush Creek left Wednes- day ¬ for Oklahoma where they will make their future homeDr Las well has moved into the property recently vacated by M A Chasteen Mrs Mollie Stewart and daugh ¬ ter Mary ot Madison county are visiting relatives at this place Rev V rfl Williams passed through here Tuesday on his way to the tiI e im clothes but we clothes J x clothes association which is being held with the Fair View church near andI during the summer returned to their home at Have lock Neb last week She was ac ¬ companied home by her brother DudleyDr ¬ day on business Mrs Jce Northern is very low with typhoidMr and Mrs James Hayes were in Berea Tuesday having dental work doneDr and Mrs Laswell were visiting at Brush Creek Saturday and Sunday Mr F Quisinberry has taken the agents place here during the absence of M A Chasteen Labor day was observed Monday throughout the United States Some of those who addressed celebrations were Vice President Fairbanks at Indianapolis Samuel Gompees at Danville Ill W R Hearst at Davenport Ia Gov Hoke Smith at Atlanta John W Kern at Muncie Ind Adlai E Steuenson at Bloomington Ill T V Powderly at Pittsburg and A O Stanley at Evansville Ind William J Bryan was the guest I of labor leaders in Chicago Mon day and was the recipient of an allday ovation During the morn- ing ¬ he reviewed the great Labor day parade aud was greeted with al ¬ most continuousapplause from the marching thousands In the afternoon he made two extended addresses one at Forest Parkand the other at Brandts Park IJ T Hiett 72 years of age shot wife to death at Benton Mon ¬ I day and then committed suicide Hiett a d his wife separated about a year ago and she was preparing to file a suit tor divcrce Miss Rinpa Hoitan ot Sandy Ky rode 1000 mileg to meet ancI and marry the Rev Thomas Houghton of Warner Okla Tha couple carried on a courtship of two years by mail The bride had never seen her husband until a few hours before the marriage ticpartyI I county unit temperance measure at the special session of the Indiana Legislature FOR SAWS Having decided to leave the farm I desire to sell my QuarterMain or I will trade them to goodwork mules W T CRAWFORD Sept II2t Brodhead Ky When you thinkof clothing shoes hats or neck wear THINK OF ME J FISH q1111e11e1 ii r H FOR SALEI have for sale some thorough bred IOC pigs Iwill license my thorough bred IOC boar at 200 JH JARRETr Aug 2841 Broadhead Ky William Jennings Bryan deliver ¬ IllWednesday r heappearedant I the Democratic State Convention 00000000000000000000000000o o The effect of Scott J Emulsion on thin 0 < pale children is magical 0 It makes them plump rosy active happy g It contains Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphites 0and Glycerine to make fat blood and bone X digestedby L ALL DRUGGISTS SOc AND SlOO OOO OOOOO O OO i IIII The Old Reliable = = 1t i Most any Drug or Patent Medicine youUl 3see advertized in the SIGNAL can be foundat I THE OLD RELIABLE Zt Drug Store in the county II ICheapest CDAVIS StreetI tMTVERNON YSSS S98 = W GRANVILLE OWENSU- NDERTAKER I IBrodheadKYI COMPLETE LINE 5 Coffins Caskets and Robes AU Mail Telegraph or Tele phone orders Promptly Filled C I

Transcript of Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1908-09-11 [p...

Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1908-09-11 [p ] · i IT VERNON SIGNAL MT VERNON KY Sept II 1908 ze Cull up No 79 when you wont



ze Cull up No 79 whenyou wont to SIGNAL

rcute wltli




TIME TABLE22 north I 124 p m

24 north 340 a m

23 south 124 p IT

21 South 1220 a m

TAS LANDRUM AgentPhone No 58

Entered at the Mt Vernon Ky Postofliceas second elass mail matt-


Miss Carrie Lair i = visiting in


Jones of Middlesborois visiting relatives here

Homer and Oscar Wallen wer

up from Lincoln yesterday

Miss Susie Thompson has been

very sick since last Saturday-

E B and Claud Cox went toLouisvilie Tuesday to buy goods

W H Carmical continues verysick but better than last week

J E Singleton the populargrocery drummer was here yes

terdayMissPatty Green of Versailles

is visiting her sister Mrs Ina D


T J Niceley is reportedvery sick It is feared she hastyphoid fever

Mr Preston Pennington is re-


very sick with somethinglike hay fever

Mrs Alvah Maret visited hedaughter Mrs J Fish and family

during the week

Mr and Mrs George Livesayare on a two weeks visit to Ten ¬

nessee relatives

Miss Ann Baker spent severaldays the guest of her brother U G

Baker and family-

J Fish the clothier andshoeman took a three days businesstrip to Richmond

Sam Cummins is sawing handlesfor the Turner Day WoolsworthHandle Co at Scottsville

Mrs White of Stanford is herebeing treated for a cancer She isstopping with Mrs Shumate

Mr and Mrs S C Franklingspent several days with Dr andMrs M Pennington at Bertha

Supt and Mrs G M Ballardspent several days this weekwithMr Ballards mother on Big Hill

W T Davis the splendid fore ¬

man of this office has been sicksince Friday with billions attack

Mr and MJS Thomas Parsonswere over from the Wildie sectionyesterday having dental work

doneMrsG T Johnson and children

have returned from a pleasant visitto relatives at Beea and othe


and Mrs John Moore wereguests of Mrs Moores parentsMr and Mrs S H Martin firstof the week

Mrs H L Tharp and daughterMargarite spent Friday until Wed ¬

nesday with her aunt Mrs NannieC Albright

R L Collier the pole man spentseveral days here this week load ¬

ing poles Mrs Collier came upWednesday to be with him

Tom OMara who has justfinished the season with the SouthCarolina Leage is here for a fewweeks vacation and to visit relativesTom is a twirler and we expect tosee him traveling in the fastest ofcompany before many seasonshave passed

James Beaty was taken very sud-denly ill yesterday morningSoon after he arose from his nights

I rest he was seized with a peculiarsensation and fainted but soon re ¬

gained consciousness Dr Lovellwas summoned and found itnothing of a serious nature He ismuch better at this time

Mrs James Maret and sisterMrs G B Lawrence arrived Sun ¬

day from an enjoyable two monthsyisjt to Galveston Mrs Maretshealth was much benefited by thseek breeze qf the gulf Whjle inpexas they visited Colutnbus MrMarets one time home 8721876and pther points in the Lone StarState


Miss Mayme Ferguson returnedto Louisville Tuesday to resumeher duties iu the school for the


James Guinon of DetroitMich spent Monday until todryhere the guest of Miss Ristt

WilliamsMrMrs Harry Chasteei

an i wed Saturday from ColoradoHarry says Rockcastle is gooenough for him


lay less and dress better J FISH

Star Bran Shoes are BetterASK FISH WHY

Prayer meeting at Christiarchurch every Wednesday evening

NEW PIIONEU G Bakerresidence Newcomb Ave phoneNo io6S

Get a fit Leave your measurewith FISH he guarantees to fit youin a new FALL SUIT for 1500

Steve PreweU has opened a

butcher shop in the little buildirgresinedence

Just received car load Americanwoven wire fenceSept 54t W E PERKINS

Crab Orchard Ky

The teachers institute will con ¬

veneat Brodhead next Mondavith Prof Eubanks as instructorThe fee charged each teacher willbe 125

The Mt Vernon Skating Rink inbasement of JT Adams store open ¬

ed Tuesday night The rink will beopen every Tuesday Thursday andSaturday nights Willie McBee isManager

The Sunday School of the Chriastian Church will furnish free trans ¬

portation to all members of thatattendrthe services at Rose Hill SundayThe party will leave the churchpromptly at 9 o clock

FARM FOR SALEI desire tosell sixty acres of my farm locatednear the Double Springs MaretburgKy with good house and out ¬

buildings Will sell worth themoney For further informationaddress NELSE GRIFFIN

Sept 1141 Maretburg

I will call on each teacherthroughout the the county to en ¬

force the section ofCommon schoollaw which says that each patronmust send his child or children toschool not less than sixty days Iwill also ask each chairman of hisEducational Division to call themembers ofhis Subdistrict togetherat once and find out indebtednessof each subdistrict ifany andfile a copy with me at the nextmeeting of the Board Iwish toto state to the public at large thatthe mcmbers of the EducationalDivision met in my office Sept 5thaccording to law and that the quest ¬

ion of County High School wasdiscussed at length and that wefurther want to have the same consumated within the time given usand ask the co operation of anysugr ¬

gestions to offerRespectfully yours


CAPiTALizEDThe Peoples Bankof Mt Vernon whichhas thus farbeen operating as a branch of thwillrhenceforth operate as an Independ ¬

ent institution The capital stockof the bank is 15000 all of whichhas been subscribed At a meetingof the stock holders held last Mon ¬

day In the law office of Judge LW Bethurum the articles of in ¬

corporation were signed by lawsadopted and officers elected Theofficers are U G Baker PresidentR A Whitehead and Dr W JChildress Vice Presidents M B

Salin Cashier and Judge L WBethurum Attorney All stock ¬

holders holding as much as 500stock were made directors who areM J Miller A H Hamlin DrD B Southard Judge S D LewisF L Thompson W R DickersonP H Shutts J F Griffin J WMoore J W Baker T H Dick ¬

erson L W Bethurum J WIRider G D Cook J P E Drummond and A E Woodall It is thepurpose of the new bank to erect a

suitable banking house on the samesite where the old building nowstands as soon as same can bedone however no positive stepsapepointment of a building committeeconsisting Jucjge Bethurum y GBaker J F Griffin F L Thompson and M B Salin Then me ofthe bank will remain the same

e 11seeeeeose1a 11ee1eeo111ees1e e eeaeea0

gClothesi Cloee





00100 a


1o f iod-

eeell r

I sell more GOOD CLOTHES thana iy other man in Mt Vernon FISH

Miss Ida May Adams began heprivate school last Monday

Paint Lick suffered a 70000 orloss by fire last night The storesof W F Champ Co G A

Ballard Peoples Bank hotelMillenery store Anderson butchershop and bridge all burnedFire originated in barn nearChamp COs store The timelyarrival of the Richmond fire de ¬

partment is all that saved the totaldestruction of that thriving littletown Losses partially covered byinsurance



SEPTEMBER 16TH i9o8In hall over Citizens Bank the

members of Brodhead Baptist Sun ¬

day School will present the TemSparklingeCupThe

play has a splendid moralshowing the effects of the winecup and is also interspersed withfun and laughter Doors open at7 p m Proceeds go to church

Come one come all and help aworthy cause


Brown Memorial School Building and Langdon Dormitory areundergoing some slight repairs andchanges but will be ready forschool Sept 16th and the teachersare looking forward wi h pleasureto their workA number of applications havebeen received at Langdon Dormitory this week A fewpnore scholarships have been received and areready for those who first apply

Langdon Industrial Home wasestablished by the Home Boardthro the generosity of Mrs Lang ¬

don to provide for deservingyoung people an opportunity for aChristian educationThe price of board and tuition forthe year is one hundred dollartwenty five dollars to be paid bythe pupil in money or labor the


al Church and other friends whocount it a privilege to invest monej

W wont admit being daffy overthe YoungFellows claim the young im

mens1 trade of Mt Vernon and Rockcastle county i g

have done so for a number of years and are betterprepared to serve them now than ever before imWeve the reputation for giving the Young Fel ¬ o

lows the best service of any house in the IQeI

county I2

This season is no exception we have lots imot new and nervy styles in Young Mens

Imftremeare not high priced I

r Suits X10 to SIS i mI

All the new colors and styles in Hats Shirt s INeckwearSox and EVERYTHING TO WEAR s-



FISH BUILDINGPhone77 MT VERNON KYecoseie eeaeetlee9eeieeeieeee0e0eeeiiee0ei0eaaeessse110111in Christian character enablinghe young people thus helped to


lecome a blessing not only to theommunity in which they live but

to the uation as a whole for the na-


safeguardis in its Christiancitizens and may we not claimeven more in its educated Christian housekeepers

Let us all encourage our youngpeople to taKe advantage of these


Sept 3rd was very well attendedbut neatly all of the twenty threecontestants were from Mt Vernon

While we were glad to see somany taking an interest we weresorry so few of the precincts of thecounty were represented

Excellent work was done bymost of those who entered the gen ¬

eral average being 82 J per centEight out of the twenty three

had no mispelled word in any ofthe papers handed in

Such creditable showing is de ¬

serving of special mentionWe were sony to be able to give

a scholarship to eachcontestantAll were successful in that they

made the effort and did there bestAll honest effort carries with it

its own rewardThose receiving scholarships areIna DavisMcCoy Jennie MorrowHenI ¬

derson Bernice Landrum with afew still under consideration

SW LUrEMrs Henry Wood who has been

very sick the past week is slowlyi reproving Mr Harry Chasteenand family who have been inColorado for some time have re¬

turned to this place where theywill probably resideMr MtnnieBranaman is on the sick listMiss Etta Moore of Berea was theguest of Mrs H Hi Wood Sunday

Mr Marion Chasteen and familyaccompanied by E J Williams andfamily of Brush Creek left Wednes-day


for Oklahoma where they willmake their future homeDr Laswell has moved into the propertyrecently vacated by M A Chasteen

Mrs Mollie Stewart and daugh ¬

ter Mary ot Madison county arevisiting relatives at this placeRev V rfl Williams passed throughhere Tuesday on his way to the


e imclothes but we




association which is being heldwith the Fair View church nearandIduring the summerreturned to their home at Havelock Neb last week She was ac¬

companied home by her brother

DudleyDr ¬

day on businessMrs Jce Northern is very low

with typhoidMr and Mrs JamesHayes were in Berea Tuesdayhaving dental work doneDrand Mrs Laswell were visiting atBrush Creek Saturday and Sunday

Mr F Quisinberry has takenthe agents place here during theabsence of M A Chasteen

Labor day was observed Mondaythroughout the United StatesSome of those who addressedcelebrations were Vice PresidentFairbanks at Indianapolis SamuelGompees at Danville Ill W RHearst at Davenport Ia GovHoke Smith at Atlanta John WKern at Muncie Ind Adlai ESteuenson at Bloomington Ill TV Powderly at Pittsburg and AO Stanley at Evansville Ind

William J Bryan was the guestI

of labor leaders in Chicago Monday and was the recipient of anallday ovation During the morn-ing


he reviewed the great Labor dayparade aud was greeted with al ¬

most continuousapplause from themarching thousands In theafternoon he made two extendedaddresses one at Forest Parkandthe other at Brandts Park

IJ T Hiett 72 years of age shotwife to death at Benton Mon ¬

I day and then committed suicideHiett a d his wife separated abouta year ago and she was preparingto file a suit tor divcrce

Miss Rinpa Hoitan ot SandyKy rode 1000 mileg to meet ancIand marry the Rev ThomasHoughton of Warner Okla Thacouple carried on a courtship oftwo years by mail The bride hadnever seen her husband until a fewhours before the marriage

ticpartyII county unit temperance measure atthe special session of the IndianaLegislature

FOR SAWS Having decided toleave the farm I desire to sell my

QuarterMainor I will trade them to goodworkmules

W T CRAWFORDSept II2t Brodhead Ky

When you thinkof clothingshoes hats or neck wear THINKOF ME J FISH

q1111e11e1 iir H

FOR SALEI have for sale somethorough bred IOC pigs Iwilllicense my thorough bred IOCboar at 200

J H JARRETrAug 2841 Broadhead Ky

William Jennings Bryan deliver ¬

IllWednesday rheappearedant

I the Democratic State Convention

00000000000000000000000000oo The effect of Scott J Emulsion on thin 0< pale children is magical 0

It makes them plump rosy active happy gIt contains Cod Liver Oil Hypophosphites

0and Glycerine to make fat blood and bone



i IIII The Old Reliable= =


Most any Drug or Patent Medicine youUl3see advertized in the SIGNAL can be foundat I


Drug Store in the county IIICheapest CDAVISStreetItMTVERNON YSSSS98 =






Coffins Caskets and RobesAU Mail Telegraph or Tele

phone orders PromptlyFilled