Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1901-02-01 [p...

J < K Mt Vernon Signal tt K31 K Feh 1 901 i7 t j I LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE R I TIME TABLE l4 l rU j < 1 rosa m I 6 I1Jt1 v n our32 a rn 23isqutl1 > 157 pIP t > 5 11t 144 a in lAS LYNDKUM Agent e ecurcdattUe Mt Vcrfiw lift Postoffice as seo Y of10iI1 mail mutter a JJ MASONIC html Lodge No 640 nujrtiH 2rd Mon iy 10 k rUe CHURCHES Christian Holds services Ist3rl Sumlaj at 11 aim and at 630 p m Presbyterian Holds services J on theMth Sunday Baptist Church Services on the Second Saturday night and Snmlajv Suuday School tt 9 a m every Sunday Prayer meeting on Tuesday nights I I Personals 4 Col W J Sparks was in the city Saturday Russel and WixiDiliioii were up from Livingston Monday Mrs Joe Purcell is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs James Houk Mrs Jane Bloomer spent the week with her sister Mrs James Houk Mr Joseph Cpffev of Stanford was here Tuesday on important business 11 Atty B J Bethurutn went to Louisville Monday on important legal matters Owen Allen s llof H P Allen of Goochland entered the college here MondajT It Mrs l1dgeG W McClure who t has been very sick for several days is much better J > nIday coritiiiues e lO V i i iitodIIf AY G Mujlins one bf li niosP welcome ofall visitors to Mt Ver ¬ non was l1erp Monday Thurmon Furguson of near Wildie left Tuesday for Sneadville Tenu to visit his mother Proto Ewers moved into the house Saturday which he recently pur ¬ chased ot A Pehaington Horrace Edwards ha moved to his farm w ichhe recently pur ¬ chased near Walnut Grove Mrs Snodgrass aftei spending severaLdays with relatives here re ¬ turned to her home Monday g Jl J Towery went to Barbourls villc Tuesday to reorgauize a tent of theMaccabees at that place JJ Cook had charge of the rec ¬ ords in county court Monday and makes a splendid deputy clerk Charley Whitehcad and Miss Maggie Hansel were two new ad ¬ ditions to the college Monday morning Messes Bessie Houk and Garlic Davis and Mrs JE Houk visited relatives at Maretburg th e middle of the week V x rleYleyattr vas in frpm Witdie st week and told us that his uncle L f Stew If vas agajn pti the siclc hst r r r Saiii Pjenufnglpnyi Aylip lias a J psitipii nsclerk iu a cpminissary 9 rlilrartX i 1 is spending a ff i1i1i n folks t uSI 1ji1 S Daye Jacksonville h < 701g UtraVcliugihan tliat makes ittow 1 Ayasl here sellin g f11i1n7rdj ni5 Vcdtcsday < I J3 j 1iiirlu Jl1 C JI i v JIjlo6rner y t q c ycsle a lt 1Jo < I r Y lq t weck wa I H j P riu ol al e k fQUI ltt 1k > iii N1ISii Part0Wlrii9t j il4Vln lj as 1P9sitt ifIIfih 9g s f r t if- afalJ i fcrfe d I piiduy l k i cijric1rl CWckjr4 48 1Qiq t d r c > 1triIQ 1 rI j c J Born to he wife of Hugh Mille yesterday a Sue tOY K B Cox rcceivecJ a rather seri ous wound ytstel day by a loaded I rf9fj j breakinS ctu bOIr and severely I mashing tbh foot t ies5rs J V Stephens aud J J I Braunaman of Berea were here- I I Monday looking after some matters connected with the estate of Ir fJ T SteplienS fieccase J Iro est Turpen is at Langfords working l his new house which he will mOve jn the near future Foresfr a ihigh ty good citizen and we regret very much to loose liiir f Mrs WR McClure was called to the bedside of her sister Jiss Dora Hansel near Woodstock who was thought to tye near death but she soon rallied and is now much better Bessie the little daughter ot Mr and Mrs R B Mullins is very ill with typhoid fever This makes three cases Mr Mullins has had in his family including himself in the last six weeks Mrs Angie Stephens came I Monday to atterd to some matters connected with her husband estate She will move back to her property here in March which is now occu ¬ pied by Deputy sheriff H L Tate Mrs Cleo W Brown left Monday to take charge of her millinery GeorgeItown stylish milliner she has built up a I splendid trade here and our people regret to give her up She comes of one of the oldest and most reliable families of our county and is an active and beloved member of the Christian church Endowed as me is with a good mind fine busi ¬ ness judgment and a splendid taste of style she no doubt will do well in her new field Mt Vernon and Rdckcastles loss is Scott countys I gaIn t XDCttS t Wanted 7TTo or thr = e college students are wanted to board N r Jm r r- ccres n blb I j rrf tfW t Gl1U 1 nl FORSAtE 6REXGHANGE Onej- acre lot and house with she rooms J A PRESTON nov2v3mo Livingston Ely Dead Mr John Haley lQf Alfred Haley dec asedof Row ¬ land died Saturday night at his liome near Freedom church of pneumonia fever x The stockhplders of the Rock castle County TFair Association meet at Brodhead tomorrow night lo elect officers for this year A full attendance is desired > Mr and Mrs W R Letcher an nounces the engagement of their daughter Mary Coleman to John N Turner Jr of Campbellsville The marriage will be celebrated by a quiet home wedding on Febru- ary 27th with only the relatives and llearfrindspresent Richmond Register The intended bride is a sister of Miss Dove B Letcher We received an introduction to I Prof Morison of Virginia oii last Stinda veiling He is in our town for the purpose of giving les ¬ sons in practical arithmetic Prof asserts that he would not give a postagesfcamp for all the arithme ¬ tics that has been printed to tea Ch the people mathematics although he is a v author of two works him jsel Heuses no lok uo maps J fittSJl his ieaching But in itrqdutes eyerryvprincipal in a eoni inon sense system < Hs domes veil recQuieacleid by T jT Smith who is i l rijie of feeiit Jigh School Kelat 1 JKy i also T i fe XV ftylorJrrof of t the icsX>yJuthnna Ky and MIHS Viblct titQ1 illP rinc of- HiglV Iciipfii OddyiU Kyy and j mie othcr cla stca teacljer tffythe States wild assert vpo5itiyely tliat- liiiviu g takeu PJcpft course r1tr n al 1iai tijt y Jif a t iid auV1 M < v r 1 Pllu iif rirr Ux t 1 j i1 l f iJ 1 Brin your collars and cuffs Jo Cox Bros and they will have them washed for you at the Lexington Steani Laundry judge Willihris appointed laijt Mon < iayf upon request John Sig HIAIJ Dr 1 S Burdett VH vSoivder J F Vat nanc1B A Yaden trustees of the town of Brodhead Judge Pike accompanied the hbove named i getitlemen and- s ny that everj thing was cioue ac ¬ cording to Lioyle xIxsANK Mr M CProctoIa good farmer living near Langford station was tried here Wednesday and adjudged to he insane Jailer Griffin anti deputy sheriff H L I Tate took him totIle Lakeland asylum yesterday Until ten days I ago Mr Proctor seemed to be per ¬ fectly all right but since that time he has been growing w6ise all the time and was at times very hard to controle Judge P D Colyer went to Liv ¬ ingston Tuesday to investigate the killing of Henry Idol An inquest was held but the jury was dismiss ¬ ed until next Monday when they will meet again and hear some fur- ther evidence befoie rendering a decision While it is possible that he was hit by a traiu yet it is hard ly thought ha1i that is the way his death Lame about MARRI t AGEsTMr Jim Rogers of Bee Lick and Miss Ruth Her rin of Quail a niece of E A Her ¬ ri n were tnarrjed yesterday at the I home of her mother Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hetrin- Mr George Burton of the Oak Hill neighborhood and Miss Carrie Purcell daughter of J S Purcell a prominent farmer of this county were married yesterday at the home of the brides parents The will of the late Mr John T Stephens was probated in the County Court last Monday where it was pioducedby Atty John W Brown and identified by Judge Mc ¬ Clure and wife He had already given to his two children Mrs JJ Branaman and J W Stephens of Berea their share and by his will he gives the remainder to his wife 1ng il1e whom he makes Execu o Hea1 l itixcour ciI1F le y i Carrie Le ar arid qualified Mrs Susan Butner widow 6fJ F Butner together with Mrs Ester Ann Griffith Summers Reynolds Bill Gailbreath IdaMunday Ellen Butuer Lillie Butner David Butner and Mrs Carrie McClary have brought suit through their Atty C C Williams against Mattie aud Fannie Butner for the purpose ot setting aside a dower to the widow and deyiding the remainder of the land of J F Butner between the heirs The case was submitted in County Court Monday when L W Eethurum filed his report as Guardian ad litem for the infant defendants and W H Fish J H Hays and S N Davis were ap- pointed ¬ CommisSioners to allot dower and divide the land IN COUNTY COJIR J j Si upI son charged with obstructing the I public high waj was tried Monday arid discharged Wjlliam Bond was tried Monday for failing to work William Sams section of road the evidence showed that he belonged another section which he had worked and the Judge dis ¬ charged him GVIV Wood was fined i cent and the cost by jjury for using abusive aka insulting language to Mr Lewis Metesser whp operates the mines at Pine Hill William Masoti was found not guilty last Saturday on charge j of procuring liqupx for Garfield Clark CC William attornev Ann Boles waiyed the riglit of ex min ti P9Jl charge of sdling liquor uiplawfully and yas held to answer in tiicisiim of io bbpdj ah rfhe February tjrm of Circuit tSpurt The lion d was readily gjivensvyitlt J f Owens as surety < j 1 v 0 i > isiX B i I lil Itl lfllii i d I W H Cress sold to Marion Den hath quite a nice lot of Walnut logs RE Sowder moved on the 27 1 to the house lately vacated by S Jv klnlqy I i Wm Bustle was visitinjr Iw sis ter Mr J M Ivprton oftliis place Sunday last i Mrs Marye Biomerof this place is visiting her sister Mrs JastHouk of Mt Vernon A J Cress afid Miss Cairda Goff were married at the home of Rev James Cummins on the 24th ult- W L Sowder wilh move to where Wm Barrens now lives and Mr Barrens will move on the river Stephen Cash our hustling little merchant and miller at this placet sa andr eggs Jj vS Cummin of your place ar tB F Price of this place en ¬ joyed the smiles of their be tgitl Sunday last J CCummins purchaseda farni from G L Payne near Sand Spring and wiU move to it about the first of March Died at his home near Freedom John Haley on the 25 he leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss Mr Haley was a kind and Jionest man and the bereaved family have the entire sympathy of this community ADDITIONAL GOOCHLAND W DMcGuire Srivery ill at this writing Grover McGuire taken sick veiy suddenly last Saturda night Dr R H Lewis was called to see him Sunday but he is very sick the trouble is unknown pro R H Lewis ot Wildie was called to the bedside of Uncle Wm jVjTcGuire last Sunday and we are glad to say gave the old gentleman relief a W S McGuire was out from Garrard last week on business The littlo eighteenmonthsold bab of Mr and Mrs JW Bow I11an was bmned to death last Fri ¬ day even ing lR Jones was at Con way last i h 1hJSpa utSJ j MrJ Beririett Ballard Vas the guest of Mr and Mrs Chit vilIi Clark of Climax last Saturday and Sunday Mrr Matt Martin of Clark coun ¬ ty son of ex Judge C S Martin is visiting relatives here this week TJncle Henry McGuire finished his double chimney just in time for this cold spell Your correspon dent saw the bright old gentleman yesterdav and he is almost tickled hasl1othingI watch them burn and of course read the Signal VS McGuire says that lie is going to th rovlL R Jones tock of goods out of the W > D Mc Quire storehouse on February 5th loo i M R seems to be taking7 it easy The trouble is some riii jO understanding about the rentiiigv J Mr J H Clark is billed ior the I new merchant at this place W H Ballard has not been seetr for over a week We lippe that l fe is in good health and the wilil cats has not devoured himv Uncle John Philips our hustling farmer and citizenhas been trying to get a move on foot to have the State rd dvo ked from this place to the Madison line wh1chisb <ur r t eaed C The clam or other coiigh mjediX cines jo be as goQdasf Ghamber Iains are effectually set at rest an t ejfollOwlng t sAirapni pivMri G> p Glass an employe Qrj3 grtletl I 1IY tryingfevry cpugh luc icm Ipwi pi without permanent heimhi n dttt J nl1t e11ri tore < r o91 h 1l1and JM lvlS d ttty hm rlaj GutiY offlrect to n mi r when I got a cold and soon fiid re ¬ lief I also recotnmend it to mv inends and am ad to say it is the best of all cough medicines Hor sale by Theo Wesley Druggist I hobbled into Mr Blaokmonj drug store one evening says Wesley Nelson oY lfamiltpn Qa andhe asked me to tiy Chamber ¬ lains Pain Balm for fheuniatisni with whici r had suffered for a longtime I told him I had no faith in atfy medicine as they ail failed He said Well if Cham ¬ berlains Pain Balnvdoes npt h p- sou you lieeti not pay for it I took a bottle of it home and ustel it according to the directions and in one week I was cased and have not since been troubled with rheu ¬ matism Sold by Theo Wesley Druggist I Q M > BucitiENs ARNICA SI4vit Has verldwide f4me for marvfel lous cures It surpasses any other rf salve lotion ontment or balm fot F Cuts Cornsi Burns Boils Sores Felons Ulcers Tetter Salt Rheum Fever Sores Chapped Hands Skin Eruptions Infallible for Pilesi 7 Cure guaranteed Only 250 at alli Druggists ± fjy WORKING OVERTIME Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr Kings New Life PiUs Millions are always tit work night and day curing Iqdigestion Biliousness Constipation Sicfc Headache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel roubles Easy oleasanti sate sure Only 25c at all Druggists > drug toe i > L Bryant tf i EQR 1 L > < Ftestf rdteeti s of ll iFids > 4 OJ f L J t Near DepQt I THEPE PLES iiJr j I DRUGRSTOKEIi 1 D Gf DAVS CL CO > v DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES J Perfumes Statioher > Cigars Tobacco Paints Oils v TOILET ARTICLED = PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFUIJLY COMPOUNDED o A T CS Tit y m ORDER TO MAKE 7 Koorn For Our Spring G O 0 D S I WE Will Sell For TheNext 3 M AT COST f > F EV 1 y1Hl G vella jii Suits Overcoats Boots Overshoes > Rtibtoers Mens Wooe Ar Hnderwear r t 4adfeais Facinaters and Hood5t r 7 e rpfQrtsana Blanl etset > 0 r r 1 fRITH Ul l1 < A > BrQdlH d K nttZiel y > I E ip t > 1 T DAY IS y f I Jvt 1 l 1 fh l ft + i 77i r IBalaal1 Iatl lJ- X J jj J < v V J a e h Ii1iiJ pJ Pr1 G 1 pNgtfp1i Hats > 5 t < t1li liQesanlGloceXH Sj > > > 1 trs it fin M ff 3 ltO 5 fl f t iii t iy 3a c1ItJi l S6 fd < < J ttfi 2i t c j > > J ttlF7h 1 Jf < t 0 r t 0 lr cC i i W f x t + < oJ > t 9 p tlof ijf t > P 1 C jt ij > i + t i < < W i < tL r ro > 1J LJt c tvi 1 N j i r

Transcript of Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1901-02-01 [p...

Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon, Ky.) 1901-02-01 [p ] · I mashing tbh foot ties5rs J V Stephens aud J J I Braunaman of Berea were here-I

J < K

Mt Vernon Signal

tt K31 K Feh 1 901

i7 t




l4 l rU j < 1 rosa mI

6 I1Jt1 v n our32 a rn

23isqutl1 > 157 pIPt >

5 11t 144 a in


ecurcdattUe Mt Vcrfiw lift Postoffice as seoY of10iI1 mail mutter


html Lodge No 640 nujrtiH 2rd Moniy 10 k rUe


Christian Holds services Ist3rl Sumlajat 11 aim and at 630 p m

Presbyterian Holds servicesJ

on theMthSunday

Baptist Church Services on the SecondSaturday night and Snmlajv SuudaySchool tt 9 a m every Sunday Prayermeeting on Tuesday nights I


Personals 4

Col W J Sparks was in the citySaturday

Russel and WixiDiliioii were upfrom Livingston Monday

Mrs Joe Purcell is visiting herparents Mr and Mrs James Houk

Mrs Jane Bloomer spent theweek with her sister Mrs JamesHouk

Mr Joseph Cpffev of Stanfordwas here Tuesday on importantbusiness


Atty B J Bethurutn went toLouisville Monday on importantlegal matters

Owen Allen s llof H P Allenof Goochland entered the college

here MondajTIt

Mrs l1dgeG W McClure whot

has been very sick for several daysis much better J >nIdaycoritiiiues e lO V

i i iitodIIfAY G Mujlins one bf li niosP

welcome ofall visitors to Mt Ver ¬

non was l1erp Monday

Thurmon Furguson of nearWildie left Tuesday for SneadvilleTenu to visit his mother

Proto Ewers moved into the houseSaturday which he recently pur¬

chased ot A Pehaington

Horrace Edwards ha moved tohis farm w ichhe recently pur¬

chased near Walnut GroveMrs Snodgrass aftei spending

severaLdays with relatives here re ¬

turned to her home Monday gJl J Towery went to Barbourls

villc Tuesday to reorgauize a tentof theMaccabees at that place

JJ Cook had charge of the rec¬

ords in county court Monday andmakes a splendid deputy clerk

Charley Whitehcad and MissMaggie Hansel were two new ad ¬

ditions to the college Mondaymorning

Messes Bessie Houk and GarlicDavis and Mrs J E Houk visitedrelatives at Maretburg th e middleof the week V x

rleYleyattr vas in frpmWitdie st week andtold us that his uncle L f Stew Ifvas agajn pti the siclc hst r


r Saiii Pjenufnglpnyi Aylip lias a

J psitipii nsclerk iu a cpminissary9 rlilrartX i 1 is spending a

ff i1i1i n folks tuSI 1ji1 S Daye Jacksonville

h< 701g UtraVcliugihan tliatmakes ittow 1 Ayasl here sellingf11i1n7rdj ni5 Vcdtcsday


I J3 j 1iiirlu Jl1 C JI i vJIjlo6rner y t q c ycsle a

lt 1Jo< I r Y lq t weck waI H j P riu ol al e k

fQUI ltt 1k >

iii N1ISii Part0Wlrii9tj il4Vln lj as 1P9sitt ifIIfih

9g s f r t if-

afalJ i fcrfed Ipiiduy l k icijric1rl CWckjr4 48 1Qiq

t d

r c >

1triIQ 1 rI j

c JBorn to he wife of Hugh Mille

yesterday a Sue tOY

K B Cox rcceivecJ a rather serious wound ytstel day by a loaded

Irf9fjj breakinS ctu bOIr and severelyI mashing tbh foott

ies5rs J V Stephens aud J JI

Braunaman of Berea were here-



Monday looking after some mattersconnected with the estate of Ir

fJ T SteplienS fieccase J

Iro est Turpen is at Langfordsworkingl his new house whichhe will mOve jn the near futureForesfr a ihigh ty good citizenand we regret very much to looseliiir f

Mrs W R McClure was calledto the bedside of her sister JissDora Hansel near Woodstock whowas thought to tye near death butshe soon rallied and is now muchbetter

Bessie the little daughter ot Mrand Mrs R B Mullins is very illwith typhoid fever This makesthree cases Mr Mullins has had inhis family including himself inthe last six weeks

Mrs Angie Stephens cameI

Monday to atterd to some mattersconnected with her husband estateShe will move back to her propertyhere in March which is now occu ¬

pied by Deputy sheriff H L TateMrs Cleo W Brown left Monday

to take charge of her millinery

GeorgeItownstylish milliner she has built up a I

splendid trade here and our peopleregret to give her up She comesof one of the oldest and most reliablefamilies of our county and is anactive and beloved member of theChristian church Endowed asme is with a good mind fine busi ¬

ness judgment and a splendid tasteof style she no doubt will do wellin her new field Mt Vernon andRdckcastles loss is Scott countys I


XDCttStWanted 7TTo or thr =e college

students are wanted to boardN r Jm r r- ccres n blb I

j rrf tfW t Gl1U1


acre lot and house with she roomsJ A PRESTON

nov2v3mo Livingston Ely

Dead Mr John Haley lQfAlfred Haley dec asedof Row ¬

land died Saturday night at hisliome near Freedom church ofpneumonia fever

x The stockhplders of the Rockcastle County TFair Associationmeet at Brodhead tomorrow nightlo elect officers for this year Afull attendance is desired> Mr and Mrs W R Letcher announces the engagement of theirdaughter Mary Coleman to JohnN Turner Jr of CampbellsvilleThe marriage will be celebrated bya quiet home wedding on Febru-ary 27th with only the relatives andllearfrindspresent RichmondRegister The intended bride isa sister of Miss Dove B Letcher

We received an introduction toI

Prof Morison of Virginia oii lastStinda veiling He is in ourtown for the purpose of giving les ¬

sons in practical arithmetic Profasserts that he would not give apostagesfcamp for all the arithme ¬

tics that has been printed to teaCh

the people mathematics althoughhe is a v author of two works him

jsel Heuses nolok uo mapsJ fittSJl his ieaching But initrqdutes eyerryvprincipal in a eoniinon sense system < Hs domes veilrecQuieacleid by T jT Smith who is

i l rijie of feeiit Jigh School Kelat 1


also T i feXVftylorJrrof of

t the icsX>yJuthnna Ky andMIHS Viblct titQ1 illP rinc of-

HiglV Iciipfii OddyiU Kyy andj mie othcr cla stca teacljer tffythe

States wild assert vpo5itiyely tliat-liiiviu g takeu PJcpft course r1trn al 1iai tijt y Jif a t

iid auV1 M< v r 1

PlluiifrirrUx t 1 j i1

l f iJ

1Brin your collars and cuffs Jo

Cox Bros and they will have themwashed for you at the LexingtonSteani Laundry

judge Willihris appointed laijtMon < iayf upon request John SigHIAIJ Dr 1 S Burdett VHvSoivder J F Vat nanc1B A

Yaden trustees of the town ofBrodhead Judge Pike accompaniedthe hbove named

igetitlemen and-

s ny that everj thing was cioue ac¬

cording to Lioyle

xIxsANK Mr M CProctoIagood farmer living near Langfordstation was tried here Wednesdayand adjudged to he insane JailerGriffin anti deputy sheriff H L

I Tate took him totIle Lakelandasylum yesterday Until ten days


ago Mr Proctor seemed to be per¬

fectly all right but since that timehe has been growing w6ise all thetime and was at times very hard tocontrole

Judge P D Colyer went to Liv¬

ingston Tuesday to investigate thekilling of Henry Idol An inquestwas held but the jury was dismiss ¬

ed until next Monday when theywill meet again and hear some fur-

ther evidence befoie rendering adecision While it is possible thathe was hit by a traiu yet it is hardly thought ha1i that is the way hisdeath Lame about

MARRI t AGEsTMr Jim Rogersof Bee Lick and Miss Ruth Herrin of Quail a niece of E A Her ¬

rin were tnarrjed yesterday at the I

home of her mother Mrs MaryElizabeth Hetrin-

Mr George Burton of the OakHill neighborhood and Miss CarriePurcell daughter of J S Purcella prominent farmer of this countywere married yesterday at the

home of the brides parents

The will of the late Mr John TStephens was probated in theCounty Court last Monday whereit was pioducedby Atty John WBrown and identified by Judge Mc ¬

Clure and wife He had alreadygiven to his two children Mrs J JBranaman and J W Stephens ofBerea their share and by his willhe gives the remainder to his wife1ng il1e whom he makes Execu

o Hea1 l

itixcour ciI1F le y iCarrie Le ar arid qualified

Mrs Susan Butner widow 6fJF Butner together with Mrs EsterAnn Griffith Summers ReynoldsBill Gailbreath IdaMunday EllenButuer Lillie Butner David Butnerand Mrs Carrie McClary havebrought suit through their Atty CC Williams against Mattie audFannie Butner for the purpose otsetting aside a dower to the widowand deyiding the remainder of theland of J F Butner between theheirs The case was submitted inCounty Court Monday when LW Eethurum filed his report asGuardian ad litem for the infantdefendants and W H Fish J HHays and S N Davis were ap-


CommisSioners to allotdower and divide the land

IN COUNTY COJIR J j Si upIson charged with obstructing the


public high waj was tried Mondayarid discharged Wjlliam Bondwas tried Monday for failing towork William Sams section ofroad the evidence showed that hebelonged another section whichhe had worked and the Judge dis ¬

charged him GVIV Wood wasfined i cent and the cost by jjuryfor using abusive aka insultinglanguage to Mr Lewis Metesserwhp operates the mines at PineHill William Masoti was foundnot guilty last Saturday on charge j

of procuring liqupx for GarfieldClark CC William attornevAnn Boles waiyed the riglit of exmin ti P9Jl charge of sdling

liquor uiplawfully and yas held toanswer in tiicisiim of io bbpdj ahrfhe February tjrm of Circuit tSpurt

The lion d was readily gjivensvyitlt

J f Owens as surety< j

1 v 0 i> isiXB

i I lilItl lfllii i


W H Cress sold to Marion Denhath quite a nice lot of Walnutlogs

RE Sowder moved on the 271 to the house lately vacated by S Jvklnlqy

Ii Wm Bustle was visitinjr Iw sister Mr J M Ivprton oftliisplace Sunday last i

Mrs Marye Biomerof thisplace is visiting her sister MrsJastHouk of Mt Vernon

A J Cress afid Miss Cairda Goffwere married at the home of RevJames Cummins on the 24th ult-

W L Sowder wilh move towhere Wm Barrens now lives andMr Barrens will move on the river

Stephen Cash our hustling littlemerchant and miller at this placetsaandreggs

Jj vS Cummin of your placear tB F Price of this place en¬

joyed the smiles of their be tgitlSunday last

J CCummins purchaseda farnifrom G L Payne near SandSpring and wiU move to it aboutthe first of March

Died at his home near FreedomJohn Haley on the 25 he leavesa wife and five children to mournhis loss Mr Haley was a kindand Jionest man and the bereavedfamily have the entire sympathy ofthis community


at this writingGrover McGuire taken sick veiy

suddenly last Saturda night DrR H Lewis was called to see himSunday but he is very sick thetrouble is unknown

pro R H Lewis ot Wildie wascalled to the bedside of Uncle WmjVjTcGuire last Sunday and we areglad to say gave the old gentlemanrelief a

W S McGuire was out fromGarrard last week on business

The littlo eighteenmonthsoldbab of Mr and Mrs J W BowI11an was bmned to death last Fri ¬

day even ing

lR Jones was at Con way last

i h 1hJSpa utSJ jMrJ Beririett Ballard Vas the

guest of Mr and Mrs Chit vilIiClark of Climax last Saturday andSunday

Mrr Matt Martin of Clark coun ¬

ty son of ex Judge C S Martinis visiting relatives here this week

TJncle Henry McGuire finishedhis double chimney just in time forthis cold spell Your correspondent saw the bright old gentlemanyesterdav and he is almost tickled

hasl1othingIwatch them burn and of courseread the Signal

VS McGuire says that lie isgoing to throvlL R Jones tockof goods out of the W > D McQuire storehouse on February 5thloo i M R seems to be taking7it easy The trouble is some riii

jOunderstanding about the rentiiigv J

Mr J H Clark is billed ior theI

new merchant at this place

W H Ballard has not been seetrfor over a week We lippe that l fe

is in good health and the wilil catshas not devoured himv

Uncle John Philips our hustlingfarmer and citizenhas been tryingto get a move on foot to have theState rd dvo ked from this placeto the Madison line wh1chisb <urr t eaed C

The clam or other coiigh mjediX

cines jo be as goQdasf GhamberIains are effectually set at rest ant ejfollOwlng t sAirapni pivMri G >

p Glass an employe Qrj3 grtletlI1IYtryingfevry cpugh luc icm Ipwipi without permanent heimhi

n dttt J nl1te11ri tore <

r o91 h 1l1and JM lvlS d

ttty h m rlaj GutiYofflrect to

n mi


when I got a cold and soon fiid re¬

lief I also recotnmend it to mvinends and am ad to say it is thebest of all cough medicines Horsale by Theo Wesley Druggist

I hobbled into Mr Blaokmonjdrug store one evening saysWesley Nelson oY lfamiltpn Qaandhe asked me to tiy Chamber ¬

lains Pain Balm for fheuniatisniwith whici r had suffered for alongtime I told him I had nofaith in atfy medicine as they ailfailed He said Well if Cham¬

berlains Pain Balnvdoes npt h p-

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