Motivation In Current Scenario-2009

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Transcript of Motivation In Current Scenario-2009

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Motivation is one of the most important key to success. Motivation is the fuel that drives people towards achieving their goals and objectives. In fact, without this fuel human beings would be inactive, leading a mundane life. The very motivation within them makes their lives as colorful as they wish it to be. It adds all the hues of existence.

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The act or process of stimulating to action,

providing an incentive or motive, especially for an act.


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Why Is Motivation Required ?

Whatever might be the economic situation or business outlook employees like to work in a place where:

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The issues they have are addressed

followed-up and resolved speedily.

The managers/team leads are not too busy to listen to


They are allowed to have fun.

They are allowed to


Where they are thrown achievable

challenges which suit and enhance their


Their contributions are recognized and

rewarded (ASAP).

They are included and given a voice in the

decision making process (which affects

their area of work).

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Theory's Of Motivation:-

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory of needs.

2. Herzberg`s motivation –hygiene theory.

3. Theory x And theory y.

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Key To Company Success

One of the major factors that contribute to a company's success is staff or employee motivation. without proper motivation, an employee will just routinely go through the tasks assigned to him or her on a daily basis without trying to "think big", or going out of their way to help the company grow and improve.Thus, it is important for the upper management to know exactly what makes their staff motivated. by knowing what makes the financial wizard in the company tick and motivating him to produce a great output at work, then that person can contribute a lot to the financial growth of the company.

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What Employees Want ?

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•Flexibility•Have many commitments and need a job to work around our busy lives.•Have a voice in decisions•Need projects that we see as worthwhile•Want to “own” our projects•Extra support and training •Motivators

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Motivation In Current Scenario

1. Giving a raise in workers compensation

2. Presenting incentives and rewards

3. Recognizing and appreciating a job well done

4. Provide proper training

5. Keep the lines of communication open

6. Be honest with them - well, as much as you can be!

7. Keep a stiff upper lip

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1. Giving a raise in workers compensation :-Money is surely one of the best motivators since this is the primary reason why employees work in the first place. Giving a raise when one performs excellently will truly motivate and inspire your employee to be more productive and more efficient in what they do.2. Presenting incentives and rewardsOf course, money is not everything. You do not have to spend money all the time just so you can motivate your employees. Generous rewards like a day off, small gifts, occasional treats to lunch or dinner, or a better office are some of the ways you can motivate your employee.3. Recognizing and appreciating a job well doneEmployees appreciate it when their good performance is recognized and praised. This inspires them to work even harder next time.

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4. Provide proper trainingTraining for additional knowledge and skills are also a great motivator for many employees especially those who are always craving to learn something new. Remember, this is not only a good way to motivate employee but this also improves performance and productivity.5. Keep the lines of communication openNothing stresses people out more than not knowing what's going on. People will think the worst at the slightest encouragement. Make sure that your team can come to you and get answers to questions. Equally when you have information that's relevant to them, make sure you keep them all in the loop. Don't make the mistake of assuming that because someone was in the office when you were telling someone else about it that they were listening or even realised that what you were talking about was relevant to them. Have frank discussions and include all the people who are involved.6. Be honest with them - well, as much as you can be!Following on from number 5, you need to be as honest as possible with your team. Of course, this doesn't mean that you divulge confidential information or discuss sensitive information inappropriately. Being honest with them means explaining the reasons why things are happening. If priorities have changed, your team needs to know about it and when they understand the reasons why, they are generally a lot more co-operative than you might give them credit for. They may not like what they're being asked to do - e.g. rush a promotion through - but if they understand why it's important, you'll get a much higher level of buy-in from them.

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7. Keep a stiff upper lipIt's your duty as a manager to act as a buffer between your team and the management tier above you. To keep your team motivated and productive you may need to shield them from any politics, panic or doom and gloom, but more than that you must lead by example. Even when things are tough, you've got to hold it together, be confident and be decisive - this is not a time for dithering or procrastinating. As far as getting the job done is concerned, it's business as usual.

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When you reach the top of the mountain…

….. Keep climbing!

Thank you.
