Motion simulators as a Medium

Special Projects Division Brought to you by FX Simulation

Transcript of Motion simulators as a Medium

Special Projects Division Brought to you by FX Simulation


What is a branded motion simulator experience? A branded motion simulator experience is an innovative concept which uses a motion simulator as a medium to put your brand message across to your customers. Let us explain how that works and why it is so effective.

The Concept

The experience is a harmony of three elements:

1. The Motion Simulator

2. The Ride Experience

3. The Branding

1. The Motion Simulator The Marketing Medium that people remember

The X2 motion simulator is the most advanced and reliable in the world today. With two seats in front of a 32” HD LCD monitor and a closed capsule it provides riders with a fully immersive simulator experience that they will NEVER forget.

1.1 The X2 Motion Simulator

Gull wing doors allow easy access in and out. 32” HD LCD inside and 15” LCD outside show the ride people are enjoying. An internal camera captures the excitement on the riders faces and displays it outside. Powerful hydraulics give the simulator precise dynamic movement simulating any scenario. Surround sound enhances the experience inside the cabin. 3D rides make the riders feel part of the experience. Wind effects add to the sensation as they increase in velocity the faster you go.

1.2 Features

Power Requirements The simulator requires a 3-phase supply of 380 – 415v at 16A per phase 50Hz Visual 32” LCD HD monitor with protective glass 7” LCD linked to camera in capsule 15” monitor showing ride experience Audio Dual 300W 12”Bass Speakers Dual Mid range speakers and tweeters 600W 4 Channel Amplifier

Safety Two emergency stop buttons Safety skirt CE certificate A.D.I.P.S. Certificate Interactivity The simulator is a passive ride in which customers do not interact with Mechanical Three DOF motion base 100 litre oil tank Oil level & temperature sensor

Transport Dimensions Width: 1521mm Height: 1950mm (with wheels) Length: 2327mm Weight: 1114kg

1.3 Technical Specifications

2. The Experience The Message that people remember

2.1 Total Immersion Consumers bombarded by advertisements on every possible media are becoming immune to conventional advertising and promotion methods. With a motion simulator brand experience you can immerse your customer exclusively in your brand. When they are inside the darkened capsule you have their full and exclusive attention.

2.2 The Science Studies have show that when people enter a situation that is “dangerous” part of the brain is stimulated and records three times as much information as usual. This creates “thicker” memories of the event and often causes people to recall events in slow motion. Often car accident victims have referred to things happening in slow motion.

2.3 Proving the theory Scientists conducted tests to see if time does actually slow down. But they proved it is only our perception of time that is altered, with people saying on average they thought a “dangerous” event lasted 33% longer than it actually did. Due to the dynamic nature of the two seater simulator, the same principles apply. The sense of danger, even though created in complete safety has the “memory” effect on people and tests conducted with the simulator show people thought the ride lasted 6-8 minutes instead of the actual 3 minutes.

2.4 The effect on riders The simulator experience creates a deep and profound lasting memory with the rider. Their experience will be a prominent memory and discussion topic for months, even years afterwards.

2.5 The Content We can put the customer inside the marketing message in any real or virtual scenario. By using customer supplied footage or by creating content to the client’s specification we can provide riders with an exhilarating and breath taking experience. We have full 3D design facilities and can fulfil any request for bespoke rides. Alternatively if you need a live action ride we have an experienced film crew with the latest High Definition equipment to capture footage, while a state of the art editing suite is where the raw footage is crafted into a masterpiece.

3. The Branding The right Look for you

3.1 A dynamic billboard The simulator is a dynamic attraction. No matter where it is once it starts moving it draws attention. It’s smooth yet flamboyant movement gives birth to curiosity in all that pass by which in turn makes them stop and look.

3.2 Your Brand The simulator can easily be covered in a vinyl wrap of your design to compliment your brand and fit in with your marketing strategy. Our designers can assist in the design and we have worked with an established vinyl wrap supplier on many projects in the past ensuring that the work is carried out to the highest standard.

Case Studies

Some of our previous award winning experiences

To view the ride experiences online please visit:

Objective: To attract potential tenants to the mall which was under construction. The simulator was displayed at The British Council of Shopping Centres conference at the GMEX, Manchester in November 2006.

Simulator Experience: A mix of 3D renders of the mall and live footage taken on site during the construction. The ride also featured an innovative journey through an air duct where the logos of many other already signed tenants were shown. In effect a “virtual tour” of the mall under construction .

The Silverburn stand won the BCSC Award for best exhibit at the conference and the mall management signed two major tenants.

Silverburn – Shopping Mall

Mall Promotion, Gothenburg, Sweden

Final Approved Design Race Event, Gothenburg, Sweden

Race Event, Istanbul, Turkey

Objective: To promote and grow the P1 Powerboat Grand Prix at events around the world. The simulator will be on show at international boat shows in Dubai, Dusseldorf, Gothenburg, Cannes and Genoa. While during the Grand Prix World Championship customers can pay to experience the thrill of riding in a P1 Powerboat.

International Boat Show, Dubai, UAE

Simulator Experience: Actual footage from powerboats was used to create 2 different rides. This gives riders an ide of what it’s like to race one of the powerful boats at high speed in different oceans of the world. The simulator is sited in a prominent location where crowds are at events to promote brand awareness.

Powerboat P1 World Championship


Create a motion simulator experience that can be taken to exhibitions and also used at corporate events at Superfund’s offices worldwide. The simulator was also used as part of the Superfund Experience road show which toured around Europe visiting Schools, Colleges and Universities. It was a central part of the Superfund “Edutainment” zone which would educate young children and novice investors about the merits of Superfund’s Absolute Return product.

Simulator Experience:

A complete three minute ride was custom made for the client. It explains their marketing message which describes how their investment strategy spreads the risk across commodities, stock market and property. The experience goes through the ups and downs of investments and explains that with Superfund you will have a smooth ride. The ride was designed to be informative to hardened investors and informative to novice investors.

Superfund – Investment Company

About Us

We know how to move you

History Founded in 1997, FX Simulation (UK) Ltd is one of the worlds leading motion simulator companies. The management has experience of operating simulators over the past thirty years. The simulation world has changed from large trailer mounted simulators to small highly advanced two seater simulators. The simulators are manufactured in Scotland and shipped worldwide. Sales of over one hundred and fifty simulators are a testament to the proven design and reliability of FX’s two seater simulators.

Operations An operating portfolio of £1.6M worth of simulators generate a revenue stream and genuine advertisement for the durability of the X2 Motion simulator. Operating simulators owned by FX Simulation are located in the UK, Spain, Belgium, France & U.A.E. A dedicated service team maintain the simulators around the world while also doing servicing for clients.

An X2 Motion Simulator being filmed for the Gadget Show.

Clients FX Simulation have an extensive and prestigious Client List that spans the globe. Over 90% of customers have more than one simulator and it is estimated that our simulators generate our customers a total of £9.2M per year.

Special Projects Division

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