Most Advanced Interventional Cardilogy Treatments for Angioplasty


Transcript of Most Advanced Interventional Cardilogy Treatments for Angioplasty

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Page 2: Most Advanced  Interventional Cardilogy Treatments for Angioplasty

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Most Advanced  Interventional Cardiology Treatments

for Blocked Heart Blood Vessels - Angioplasty, Stenting, PTRA,

Cardiac Catheterization, Interventional Cardiology


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Page 3: Most Advanced  Interventional Cardilogy Treatments for Angioplasty

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What Is Angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a procedure used to open blocked or narrowed coronary (heart) arteries. The procedure improves blood flow to the heart muscle. Over time, a fatty substance called plaque (plak) can build up in your arteries, causing them to harden and narrow. This condition is called atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body. When atherosclerosis affects the coronary arteries, the condition is called coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary artery disease.

Angioplasty can restore blood flow to the heart if the coronary arteries have become narrowed or blocked because of CHD.

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Angioplasty is a common medical procedure. It may be used to:

• Improve symptoms of CHD, such as angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh- nuh) and shortness of breath. (Angina is chest pain or discomfort.)

• Reduce damage to the heart muscle caused by a heart attack. A heart attack occurs if blood flow through a coronary artery is completely blocked. The blockage usually is due to a blood clot that forms on the surface of plaque. During angioplasty, a small balloon is expanded inside the coronary artery to relieve the blockage.

• Reduce the risk of death in some patients.

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How Is Angioplasty Done?

Angioplasty procedure involves insertion of catheter in your groin and hence before the angioplasty procedure you would be given a mild sedative and some pain killers to ensure that you remain relaxed during the procedure. Your doctor will insert a catheter into an artery in your groin and gently manoeuvre it to the heart. This catheter has a balloon at the tip and once the catheter reaches the site of the blockage, the balloon on the end is inflated. This opens the blockage and restores the proper flow of the blood to the heart. Often the device which is called a stent is also placed at the site of blockage in order to keep the artery open.

A stent is a small, mesh like metallic device, which when placed at the site of blockage acts as a support to keep the artery open thus maintaining the blood flow. Two main varieties of stents are used. The first is a non medicated or bare stents and the second is medicated or drug eluting stents. Both the stents serve the function of supporting the open artery. The medicated stent in addition releases drug locally at the treated site to reduce the chances of recurrence of blockage at the same site.

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Most Advanced Interventional Cardiology Procedures for Treatment of Heart Diseases

Balloon Angioplasty - Balloon angioplasty is a medical procedure that is performed to open up arteries that have been narrowed by plaque. Balloon angioplasty is a safe and commonly performed procedure, and is now considered standard PAD treatment. For many types of PAD, a balloon angioplasty procedure has replaced a standard surgical procedure as first line treatment. 

The principle of balloon angioplasty is to insert a small balloon into a narrowed section of an artery where the balloon is inflated, opening up the artery and improving blood flow. 

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Stents - A stent is a small mesh tube that's used to treat narrowed or weakened arteries in the body. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to other parts of your body.You may have a stent placed in an artery as part of a procedure called angioplasty (AN-jee-oh-plas-tee). Angioplasty restores blood flow through narrowed or blocked arteries. Stents help prevent the arteries from becoming narrowed or blocked again in the months or years after angioplasty.

You also may have a stent placed in a weakened artery to improve blood flow and to help prevent the artery from bursting.Stents usually are made of metal mesh, but sometimes they're made of fabric. Fabric stents, also called stent grafts, are used in larger arteries. Some stents are coated with medicines that are slowly and continuously released into the artery. These stents are called drug-eluting stents. The medicines help prevent the artery from becoming blocked again.

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Rotablation (Percutaneous Transluminal Rotational Atherectomy or PTRA) –  A special catheter, with an acorn-shaped, diamond-coated tip, is guided to the point of narrowing in your coronary artery. The tip spins around at a high speed and grinds away the plaque on your artery walls. The microscopic particles are washed away in your blood stream and filtered out by your liver and spleen. This process is repeated as needed to allow for better blood flow. This procedure is rarely used today because balloon angioplasty and stenting have much better results and are technically easier for the cardiologist to perform. • Drug Eluting Stents- A drug eluting stent commonly called DES, slowly release a drug which prevents fibrosis & clots which could block the stented artery. The stent is usually placed by interventional cardiologist during angioplasty and one of the most preferred treatments.

• Absorbable / Dissolvable Stent – the most recent development in interventional cardiology is the use of dissolvable or absorbable stents. Doctors are now using this revolutionary device made of dissolvable material.

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Benefits of Interventional Procedures in India

Interventional cardiology procedures are generally less invasive than traditional surgery. In most cases, these procedures require only one small incision for insertion of the catheter. Most interventional cardiology patients do not require general anesthesia and some procedures can take as few as 30minutes to perform.

In many cases, patients are hospitalized for only one night following interventional cardiology procedures, instead of the longer hospital stay required by other types of surgery. Recovery time often is shorter as well and symptoms, such as shortness of breath and chest pain, are usually relieved quickly and effectively. Some heart attack patients benefit substantially from angioplasty. Opening an artery and restoring blood flow quickly is one step toward preventing heart damage. Balloon valvuloplasty is often the best option for infants and children with congenital heart defects .

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FAQ's Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in India What is the cost of Interventional Cardilogy Treatments?

Interventional Cardilogy Treatments is amongst the lowest in the world. The Interventional Cardilogy Treatments  is about 20% of the cost in the USA. The low Interventional Cardilogy Treatments is without any compromise on quality or success rate Are cardiac surgeons in India well qualified to perform heart surgeries?

Teaching hospitals in India are of a high standard. Further, many cardiac surgeons and cardiologists from India have had further education/training abroad at top class medical schools and hospitals. The result is a very high level of academic excellence amongst cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in India.

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How experienced are cardiac surgeons in India at handling complex heart surgeries?

The translation of academic excellence into outstanding medical results happens only with practice and experience. Indian doctors acquire a great amount of experience over a very short period of time because of the large number of patients requiring cardiac treatment in India.

Do surgeons perform advanced heart surgeries in India?

Cardiac surgeons in India are experts at performing advanced procedures like Heart Transplants, Robotic Cardiac Procedures, Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (TECAB), Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (MIDCAB), Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCAB), complex mitral valve repairs, etc.

What success rates can one expect in India from cardiology hospitals?

It is quite amazing that Indian hospitals are able to offer a combination of extremely low cost cardiac treatment in India along with extremely high success rates as well. In fact, leading hospitals for cardiac treatment in India have success rates in excess of 98%, which is absolutely world-class.

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