MOSS How to ..._ Installing Share Point 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2

MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36] MOSS HOW TO ... THIS BLOG IS DEVELOPMENT ORIENTED. IT IS A PLACE WHERE I STORE MEMOS REGARDING MY OWN DEVELOPMENT AND, AT THE SAME TIME, A WAY TO MAKE THEM TO BE SHARED WITH OTHER SHAREPOINT DEVELOPERS. POSTS ARE SOMETIMES SHAREPOINT DEVELOPMENT TIPS AND TRICKS SOMETIMES MORE GENERAL ORIENTATIONS TO IMPLEMENT A SPECIFIC SOLUTION. I will be speaker at the SharePoint summit 2012 in Quebec city, Canada, April 17th and 18th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2009 BY MARC CHARMOIS - ABOUT ME / PREVIOUS POSTS / ARCHIVES - HOME Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2 1 - Introduction As the new release of SharePoint 2010 was launched last week, I am updating this post that was written for the beta version, but I let the previous post as an archive at the end of this page. - Development benefits (the "why" part of the post) In order this tutorial do not require any software purchase for a developer that wants to be familiar with the new release of SharePoint 2010: 1. I chose to take advantage of testing the new version of SharePoint by testing in the same time the Windows 2008 Server R2 OS because Microsoft provides presently an 180 days evaluation version of it. 2. As you certainly know, SharePoint 2010 requires a 64 bits OS to run. Therefore, I have chosen to create the Virtual Machine with VMware because it is to date the only way of making run an 64 bit OS guest on a 32 bits OS host. you can actually create a Virtual Machine running Windows 2008 Server R2 64 bits on a 32 bits host by using the free version of VMware: VMware player 3.0. You can download this software after registration at: As usual I will do my best to supply a step by step tutorial as detailed as possible which demonstrates how to install 2010 SharePoint on Windows server 2008 R2. - Environment for this SharePoint 2010 installation: The environment I propose to mount in this tutorial is a development environment that uses a SharePoint Server 2010 Farm installation on a single computer using several local service accounts in order to be compliant with the least privilege administration policy. The SharePoint 2010 content databases will run on a SQLServer 2008 Standard Edition Database Engine. 2 Creating the Virtual Machine 2.1 Download Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Windows Server 2008 R2 is available in 64-bit (x64) only. You have to register to obtain it. »

Transcript of MOSS How to ..._ Installing Share Point 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2

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M O S S H O W T O . . .T H I S B L O G I S D E V E L O P M E N T O R I E N T E D . I T I S A P L A C E W H E R E I S T O R E M E M O S R E G A R D I N G M Y

O W N D E V E L O P M E N T A N D , A T T H E S A M E T I M E , A W A Y T O M A K E T H E M T O B E S H A R E D W I T H O T H E RS H A R E P O I N T D E V E L O P E R S . P O S T S A R E S O M E T I M E S S H A R E P O I N T D E V E L O P M E N T T I P S A N D T R I C K S

S O M E T I M E S M O R E G E N E R A L O R I E N T A T I O N S T O I M P L E M E N T A S P E C I F I C S O L U T I O N .

I will be speaker at the SharePoint summit 2012 in Quebec city, Canada, April 17th and 18th.

S U N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 2 , 2 0 0 9 B Y M A R C C H A R M O I S - A B O U T M E / P R E V I O U S P O S T S / A R C H I V E S - H O M E

Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2

1 - Introduction

As the new release of SharePoint 2010 was launched last week, I am updating this post that was written for the beta version, but I let the previous post as anarchive at the end of this page.

- Development benefits (the "why" part of the post)

In order this tutorial do not require any software purchase for a developer that wants to be familiar with the new release of SharePoint 2010:

1. I chose to take advantage of testing the new version of SharePoint by testing in the same time the Windows 2008 Server R2 OS because Microsoftprovides presently an 180 days evaluation version of it.

2. As you certainly know, SharePoint 2010 requires a 64 bits OS to run.

Therefore, I have chosen to create the Virtual Machine with VMware because it is to date the only way of making run an 64 bit OS guest on a 32 bits OShost. you can actually create a Virtual Machine running Windows 2008 Server R2 64 bits on a 32 bits host by using the free version of VMware:

VMware player 3.0.

You can download this software after registration at:

As usual I will do my best to supply a step by step tutorial as detailed as possible which demonstrates how to install 2010 SharePoint on Windows server 2008R2.

- Environment for this SharePoint 2010 installation:

The environment I propose to mount in this tutorial is a development environment that uses a SharePoint Server 2010 Farm installation on a single computerusing several local service accounts in order to be compliant with the least privilege administration policy.

The SharePoint 2010 content databases will run on a SQLServer 2008 Standard Edition Database Engine.

2 Creating the Virtual Machine

2.1 Download Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation

Windows Server 2008 R2 is available in 64-bit (x64) only.

You have to register to obtain it.


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Open VMWare and Select "New Virtual Machine"

The new virtual machine wizard is opening

Choose the option "Installer disc image file " and browse to refer the previously downloaded image of the Windows 2008 Server R2.The wizard will detect automatically the OS version and will start easy install.

The wizard will retrieve automatically your user account.Don't provide any product key you don't need any for this evaluation version, but take time to provide a password because this account will be yourAdministrator account of your new Virtual Machine and using an Administrator account that has not a password will lead to many problems when configuringyour machine and more trouble when working with SharePoint 2010.

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Click OK to the warning message

Choose your Virtual machine name and location.

On this screen let the default values

The Wizard summarize your settings but you can still change some by clicking "Customize Hardware...". Especially the RAM allocated to the Virtual Machine.

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When you click "Finish", the installation begins by loading the files.

Then, you have to choose the version of your Operating System.Do not choose a Web Server version otherwise you will not be able to add an "Application Server" role to the server later.Choose the Full Installation of the Enterprise Version.

The Easy install will install the OS automatically and in my case it did it in approximately 30 minutes!

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Then you can access to your new server. You will see the "Initial Configuration tasks".

After you have completed the installation of Windows Server® 2008 R2, and before you deploy the new server in your enterprise, some configuration is requiredto identify the computer to other computing resources on your network, secure the computer, enable administrators to perform tasks on the computer, andcustomize the computer by adding server roles and features.You can complete these tasks by using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window, which opens immediately after the operating system installation iscomplete.The Initial Configuration Tasks window opens at each startup, unless the Do not show this window at logon check box is selected.

If you want to open this windows manually run this command:


3 Configuring the server - Standard Configuration Operations

3.1 Hardware Acceleration

In order to accelerate your Virtual Machine you have to perform the following operations :Right click your desktop and choose "Screen resolution".

Then, click

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Troubleshoot tabChange Settings button

You will access to the "Display Adapter Troubleshooter" dialog.Set the cursor to the Full position.

3.2 Windows Activating

Go back to the "Initial Configuration tasks" windows and we are going to go through the standard configuration operations easily because the windows lits them.

Be sure the Virtual Machine has an Internet Access.

We have to activate Windows in order to take advantage of the 180 days of the evaluation process.Click on the "Activate Windows" link.

Do not look for any product key, as said before, you do not need any, just click next.

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The activation will be done automatically through Internet. You will notice then the activation number and the number of days remaining on the bottom rightcorner of the desktop.

3.3 Changing Computer Name

Now, click the "Provide computer name and domain" link,then set your new Virtual machine name.

3.4 Downloading Updates

Click the "Download and install updates link" then turn on automatic updates, and proceed to the latest updates installation.

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Then restart the Virtual machine.

3.5 Disabling Internet explorer Enhanced Security

To disable Enhanced Security Configuration to specific users by using a computer running Windows Server 2008

1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.2. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.3. Under Security Summary, click Configure IE ESC.4. Under Administrators, click On (Recommended) or Off, depending on your desired configuration.5. Under Users, click On (Recommended) or Off, depending on your desired configuration.6. Click OK.7. Restart Internet Explorer to apply Enhanced Security Configuration.


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4 Configuring the server - Configuration Operations for SharePoint (MOSS 2007 or SharePoint 2010)

4.1 Adding Server Roles and Roles Services - Application Server - Web Server

On the Initial configuration task windows, click "Add Roles"The "Add Roles" Wizard is opening.Check the check box for Application Server.The wizard opens a modal dialog for the Required Features

Just click the "Add Required Features" button.You are taken to and intermediate dialog. Click "Next" to go to the "Role Services" dialogs.Click "Next"

On the "Role Services" dialog, select the followings :.Net Framework 3.5.1Web Server (IIS) Support

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TCP Port SharingHTTP ActivationTCP ActivationNamed Pipes Activation

Then Click "Next"You are taken to an the intermediate page for the Web Server (IIS) Role

Click "Next"The Select Role Services for Web Server (IIS) Role is displaying, but just let the default options.

Click "Next" to access the confirmation dialog

Then click "Install" and the Roles and Features are being installed

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Check the "Installation Result" dialog and close it.

4.1 Adding Desktop Experience Feature

It would be interesting for a development machine to be able to use the Windows Photo Viewer in order to check some screenshots taken during configurationphases, or when wanting to report an issue. To be able to use this feature of Windows server 2008 R2 you have to activate the Desktop Experience feature.

Go back to the "Initial Configuration tasks" window and click "Add feature", then locate "Desktop Experience" check box and check it.

5 Installing SQL Server 2008

For these operations I let you consult one of my previous post that explains the same for Windows 2003 Server. The operations are exactly the same.

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 1 - SQL Server 2008 Installation

6 Downloading the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 new release

Go to this page to download the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. You have to register to access to the download.

Download the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010

Choose the SharePoint Server 2010 Entreprise Client Access License features or SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites, Entreprise, it is the same product,but the Entreprise version will give you all the SharePoint 2010 features.

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You will notice that a link is available toward the

SharePoint Server 2010 system requirements

The next section will detail the required things to do in order to be compliant with these requirements.

7 If you have the SharePoint 2010 Beta version installed on this machine

If you have the previous SharePoint 2010 Beta version installed on this machine, uninstall it and uninstall also the Microsoft "Geneva" Framework, As precised by Micorsoft :"If you have Microsoft "Geneva" Framework installed, you must uninstall it before you install the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)."7 Configuring the server -Configuration Operations for SharePoint 2010

8 Installing the manual Prerequistes Softawre

8.1 Downloading and installing SQL Server 2008 SP1

First, we have to update the previously installed SQL Server with the SP1 downlodable at :

SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Do not forget to choose the x64 package

Here is the package after the download

and the first installation screenshot

8.2 Downloading and installing Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Then, we have to install the Cumulative Update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1. We also could install a later Cummulative Update, except the3 as Microsoft precises it :"We do not recommend that you use CU3 or CU4, but instead CU2, CU5, or a later CU than CU5."

Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

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Follow the regsitration process. You will be provided an auto extractable package that needs a password and the appropriate password.

Here is the screenshot after all the process

and the first installation screenshot

8.3 Downloading and installing SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADODM.NET

For ending with the products related to SQLServer 2008 download and install the SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADODM.NET. This is normally installed bythe prerequistes installation of SharePoint 2010, but I had issues letting the SharePoint 2010 wizard install it, so I prefer to do it manually.Here is the direct link to the download:


Here is the screenshot after the download.

And the first screenshot

8.4 QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation - KB979917

This is a hotfix for 2 Asp .Net issues :

Issue 1

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You deploy some partially trusted Web parts on the SharePoint site. These Web parts have more permissions than they should have. This issue may create asecurity risk on the SharePoint site. For example, these Web parts may generate database requests or HTTP requests unexpectedly. This behavior creates asecurity risk.

Note:Partially trusted Web parts are Web parts that are deployed to the Bin directory of a Web application.

Issue 2

The "Requests Queued" performance counter in an ASP.NET performance object functions incorrectly. When you run the SharePoint site, this issue may decreasethe performance of the SharePoint site.

I read the following in the Hotfix documentation, so I wonder if we have to really install it or test SharePoint behavior first.

"A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft. However, it is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply it only to systems thatare experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend thatyou wait for the next service pack that contains this hotfix."

Anyway; here is the link to this hotfix :

KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation

8.5 hotfix for the token authentication in WCF

This is the version 2 of the kb976462, the famous htofix that led to several discussion on SharePoint blogs. Youn can find it here:

FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NETFramework 3.5 SP1 (

Check its name : Windows6.1-KB976462-v2-x64

Be careful, there is a specific version for Windows server 2008 R2.

By the way, it seems you do not need to install it manually since it should be done by the SharePoint 2010 prerequisites software installation.

9 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Installation

9.1 Installing the SharePoint Prerequisites

Double click the installation package to launch the installation of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010

The SharePoint 2010 installation Wizard is opening

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Click the "Install Software Prerequisites" in order to update, complete and check the previous preparation described in the previous sections of this post. TheMicrosoft SharePoint Product and technologies 2010 Preparation Tool is opening

Accept the licence agreement

The prerequisites are being installed

You should obtain this screen if you followed the operations previously described in this post.

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8.2 Installing the SharePoint Files

Back to the SharePoint 2010 Installation wizard, click the "Install SharePoint Server" link. The launched wizard requires the product key.

Then, accept the terms of the licence agreement.

Choose the complete installation

While SharePoint is being installed, notice that a 14 repository is now created where we had the 12 for the 2007 version.

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The wpressources repository is created beside the 14.

When the installation of the SharePoint files is finished you are asked to continue with the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.

Do not continue with the Wizard but cancel it otherwise you will have an issue due to the current installation described in this post.In the SharePoint 2010 version, you are not allowed as before to mount a Farm installation on a single machine using local accounts. If you had continued with the wizard you would have been stopped in the configuration by the following issue:

the specified user Administrator is a local account. Local accounts should only be used in stand alone mode.

Fortunately there is a workaround to succeed in obtaining a Farm environment using local accounts as we used to have in the previous version that I havefound in this post:

Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts

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I will show it bellow, but first of all, let us create the sevice accounts we need for this.

9.3 Creating several service accounts - about least priviliege administration policy

In the post concerning the Installation of the SharePoint 2010 Beta version, I used a single local account that was local administrator of the machine, but for thisinstallation, I have chosen to use 3 local accounts in order to be compliant with the least priviliege administration policy. This policy requires service accounts not to be administrator of any server of a farm, and that each service or process runs using a distinct account.

I advice to do it not only for the QA or production environement but also for development environment, and this for two reasons:

1. First, doing this will help you to debug because the traces of errors in the SharePoint log or in the event wiever sometimes report the name of the involvedaccount and it will be easier to debug an issue if you have a precise information and not always a reference to the unique "Administrator" local account.

2. Second, using the same system of accounts within the development machines and the QA and production ones can help you to prevent some bugs. Somebugs are due to the fact that the security used for service accounts are different on the development environment and the QA and production ones. So it isbetter if a bug linked to this security configuration occurs in your development machines than in the QA or worse in the production environement.

For these two reasons, thus, I personally think it is a good practice to have the same service accounts configuration in all your environments even on thedevelopment ones.

Regarding the least priviliege administration policy, The minimal SharePoint installation requires us to create 2 more local accounts (we already have"administrator" account for installation):

1. One is for the process of the IIS Application Pool of the central administration. Assume we call it SPS_Farm2. The second will be used for the process of the IIS Application Pool of the first Web Application if it is isolated in its own Application Pool. Assume we call the

first Web Application WebApp-80 because it will use the 80 port, let us call this account SPS_WebApp-80.

So let us create these two accounts and configuring them in order password never expires.

9.4 Using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell to create the SharePoint 2010 Configuration databases

Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

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Type the following command


run the command by pressing the Carriage Return Key

The Shell willl ask you for:The database name --> choose any name, for example SharePoint_ConfigThe database Server name --> type the name of your Virtual Machine in my case VMDEV-012

You will be then prompt for the system account credential. It is now the time to pass the credential of the SPS_FARM service account. Don't forget the machine(domain) name otherwise you will get an exception of the SharePoint shell.

Then you are asked for a passphrase. You can use P@ssw0rd that matches the security policies required.(This passphrase will be asked when you will add a new server to the SharePoint Farm)

At this step of the installation you can check that two operations has been performed behind the scene.

Two databases has been created in the database server referenced in the shell window. There is at this point no difference with MOSS 2007 instalation.

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3 web services has been created in IIS with 3 distinct application pools for each. That is a new feature of SharePoint 2010.

For more information about installing SharePoint 2010 in a production environement while being compliant with the least privilege administration policy, read thisexcellent post (especially the comments discussing and explaining the workaround about the "SPS_Farm" Database Access Account).

Least Privilege Service Accounts for SharePoint 2010

Here are the official Microsoft documentation links on the topic:

Installation and Deployment for SharePoint Server 2010Account permissions and security settings (SharePoint Server 2010)Administrative and service accounts required for initial deployment (SharePoint Server 2010)Manage service applications (SharePoint Server 2010)

9.4 Running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard

This time you can open the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.

Let the option "Do not disconnect from this server farm" checked.

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Then you will be prompted to chose the Central Administration Site port number. I personally always use 55555 for the configuration of all my developmentenvironments in order to type the same Url on all my Virtual Machines.

Let the default NTLM value for the "Authentication provider", Kerberos requires network configuration we cannot perform in the current environment anyway.

The wizard, then, summarize your choices.

Then the 9 main configuration operations are performed.

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Finally, the "configuration Successful" dialog summarizes your configuration again and informs you that the central Administration of SharePoint 2010 will belaunched when you close it.

When you click "Finish" to close the wizard, the Central Administration Site is opening, and you are prompted for credentials

Then you are asked to sign up to User Experience Improvement Program.

Another page let you choose between configuring your farm yourself or by using a wizard.

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When this choice is made, you display for the first time the brand new Welcome Page of SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

As there is sometimes concern with the SharePoint Services installation with Windows 2008 Server R2, you should check that the services installation hascompleted successfully. On SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Home Page under the System Settings section click Manage services on server.

You should see this screen that confirms that SharePoint Services installation has completed successfully.

10 Creating your first site in Microsoft SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise 2010

10.1 Creating a managed local account for SharePoint 2010

Now we have to perform operations in order the previously created local account SPS_WebApp-80 be referenced as a managed account by SharePoint 2010.

So reopen the SharePoint 2010 shell windows and type the following:

$myWebAppServiceAccount = Get-Credential VMDEV-012\SPS_WebApp-80

You will be prompt for this account credentials:

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Then, type the following

New-SPManagedAccount -Credential $myWebAppServiceAccount

The SharePoint 2010 Managemant Shell warns you that the managed account should be use in stand alone environement since it is a local account.

Now, we can create the first SharePoint 2010 Web Application

10.2 Creating your first Web Application for SharePoint 2010

On the default page of the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration, click the "Manage Web Application" link in the "Application Management" section

On the "Manage Web Application" page click the "New" menu entry then click "New Web Application"

I have personally chosen to create it on the default IIS web site, and as a personal usage named it "Web App - 80"let the Application pool default settingsnamed the content database "WSS_Content_WebAppp-80"

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You notice then that you have the previously service account available as a SharePoint 2010 managed account to be the account under the which the processof the new Application Pool will run .

You are then prompted the changes are processed

and finally that the SharePoint 2010 Web Application is created.

Click "OK" to close the wizard and to be taken back to the Web Application Management Page where you can see the new SharePoint 2010 Web Application.

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Now, if we go to check what have been done behind the scene in ISS we will notice that we can retrieve a trace for our SharePoint 2010 managed localaccounts:

And the same in the Services of our machine:

Last, if now you use the SPS_FARM SharePoint 2010 managed local account to sign in to the Central Administration:

You will notice that you are not connected as SPS_Farm, but as System Account.

This account is a Farm administraor account used ONLY to administrate the Farm using the Central Administration Web site. As it is not a local administrator ofthe server it cannot be used to run the SharePoint 2010 Configurqtion wizard, neither the obsolete stsadm or psconfig tools, nor the SharePoint 2010management shell. And there are operations that are no more available from the central administration web site when you are logged in with this account, as

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"Manage Services on Server".

10.3 Creating your first Site Collection for SharePoint 2010

From the Central Administration Home Page, click on "Create site collections" in order to proceed to the creation of your first SharePoint 2010 Site Collection.

Then, click the "Create site collections" link under the "Site Collections" section. You are taken to the "Create Site Collection" page.I have personally chosen to create a team site called "SharePoint 2010" team site"

When launching the creation, you are prompted the changes are processed

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then prompted on that the site was created successfully.

When clicking on this site link, you can display your first SharePoint 2010 site.

Well done !

As it would be interesting to have a way to send and receive e-mails inside our development environement you can continue by doing this other tutorial:

Installing and configuring SMTP and POP3 e-mail for SharePoint 2010

And if you plan to migrate to a SharePoint 2010 you can take a look at this post:

Migrating to SharePoint 2010

Last, here are some posts to start customizing SharePoint 2010:

Customizing and branding the wiki pages for a SharePoint 2010 Team Site

The following is the previous version of this post that was describing the installation process for the previous Beta version. I let it as an archive :

Installing SharePoint Server 2010 Beta on Windows 2008 Server R2

Updated 2010 May 18th Concern of Services on Server installation with Windows 2008 Server R2.

I have read here and there that SharePoint Services installation does not work for Windows 2008 Server R2. I encountered this problem once for an installationbut it actually does work. I have updated this post with a screen shot that shows what you have to see in order to check that all services are actually properly installed.

see : 8.4 Running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard

Updated November 23rd Warning for the hotfix for the token authentication in WCF (kb971831)

see : 7.6 hotfix for the token authentication in WCF

1 - Introduction

For those who have the chance to be allowed to download the SharePoint 2010 Beta because they benefit of an MSDN subscription or because they areemployed by a company that is a Microsoft partner, here is a way to install the Beta version of SharePoint 2010 in order to test it. As usual I will do my best to supply a step by step tutorial as detailed as possible which demonstrates how to install 2010 SharePoint Bêta on Windows server

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2008 R2.

- Environment for this SharePoint 2010 installation:

The environment I propose to mount in this tutorial is a development environment that uses a SharePoint 2010 Beta Farm installation on a single computerusing an unique local administrator account.

The SharePoint 2010 content databases will run on a SQLServer 2008 Standard Edition Database Engine.

I personally have not a MSDN subscription to date (but maybe have it soon) but my company is a Microsoft partner, so I had the chance to have the Beta versionof SharePoint but for the OS, I chose to take advantage of testing the new version of SharePoint by testing in the same time the Windows 2008 Server R2 OSbecause Microsoft provides presently an 180 days evaluation version of it.

As you certainly know, SharePoint 2010 requires a 64 bits OS to run.Therefore, I have chosen to create the Virtual Machine with VMware Workstation 6.5.3 because it is to date the only way of making run an 64 bit OS guest ona 32 bits OS host.

I will check if it is possible to mount an image with the free VMware Player product in order this tutorial do not require any purchase for a developer that has thebenefits of the SharePoint Beta download. If it is possible, I will publish about it later.

Updated November 23rd [...

I have verified that you can actually also create a Virtual Machine running Windows 2008 Server R2 64 bits on a 32 bits host by using the free version ofVMware:

VMware player 3.0.

You can download this software after registration at:


Last, if you want to install SharePoint 2010 using Domain Accounts, you can visit the post of Jeremy Thake, very useful with treeview menu listing all theoperations to be performed:

Install SharePoint 2010 Public Beta on Standalone Windows Server 2008

2 Creating the Virtual Machine

2.1 Download Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation

Windows Server 2008 R2 is available in 64-bit (x64) only.

You have to register to obtain it.

Open VMWare and Select "New Virtual Machine"

The new virtual machine wizard is opening

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Choose the option "Installer disc image file " and browse to refer the previously downloaded image of the Windows 2008 Server R2.The wizard will detect automatically the OS version and will start easy install.

The wizard will retrieve automatically your user account.Don't provide any product key you don't need any for this evaluation version, but take time to provide a password because this account will be yourAdministrator account of your new Virtual Machine and using an Administrator account that has not a password will lead to many problems when configuringyour machine and more trouble when working with SharePoint 2010.

Click OK to the warning message

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Choose your Virtual machine name and location.

On this screen let the default values

The Wizard summarize your settings but you can still change some by clicking "Customize Hardware...". Especially the RAM allocated to the Virtual Machine.

When you click "Finish", the installation begins by loading the files.

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Then, you have to choose the version of your Operating System.Do not choose a Web Server version otherwise you will not be able to add an "Application Server" role to the server later.Choose the Full Installation of the Enterprise Version.

The Easy install will install the OS automatically and in my case it did it in approximately 30 minutes!

Then you can access to your new server. You will see the "Initial Configuration tasks".

After you have completed the installation of Windows Server® 2008 R2, and before you deploy the new server in your enterprise, some configuration is requiredto identify the computer to other computing resources on your network, secure the computer, enable administrators to perform tasks on the computer, andcustomize the computer by adding server roles and features.You can complete these tasks by using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks window, which opens immediately after the operating system installation iscomplete.The Initial Configuration Tasks window opens at each startup, unless the Do not show this window at logon check box is selected.

If you want to open this windows manually run this command:

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3 Configuring the server - Standard Configuration Operations

3.1 Hardware Acceleration

In order to accelerate your Virtual Machine you have to perform the following operations :Right click your desktop and choose "Screen resolution".

Then, clickTroubleshoot tabChange Settings button

You will access to the "Display Adapter Troubleshooter" dialog.Set the cursor to the Full position.

3.2 Windows Activating

Go back to the "Initial Configuration tasks" windows and we are going to go through the standard configuration operations easily because the windows lits them.

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Be sure the Virtual Machine has an Internet Access.

We have to activate Windows in order to take advantage of the 180 days of the evaluation process.Click on the "Activate Windows" link.

Do not look for any product key, as said before, you do not need any, just click next.

The activation will be done automatically through Internet. You will notice then the activation number and the number of days remaining on the bottom rightcorner of the desktop.

3.3 Changing Computer Name

Now, click the "Provide computer name and domain" link,then set your new Virtual machine name.

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3.4 Downloading Updates

Click the "Download and install updates link" then turn on automatic updates, and proceed to the latest updates installation.


Then restart the Virtual machine.

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3.5 Disabling Internet explorer Enhanced Security

To disable Enhanced Security Configuration to specific users by using a computer running Windows Server 2008

1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.2. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.3. Under Security Summary, click Configure IE ESC.4. Under Administrators, click On (Recommended) or Off, depending on your desired configuration.5. Under Users, click On (Recommended) or Off, depending on your desired configuration.6. Click OK.7. Restart Internet Explorer to apply Enhanced Security Configuration.


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4 Configuring the server - Configuration Operations for SharePoint (MOSS 2007 or SharePoint 2010)

4.1 Adding Server Roles and Roles Services - Application Server - Web Server

On the Initial configuration task windows, click "Add Roles"The "Add Roles" Wizard is opening.Check the check box for Application Server.The wizard opens a modal dialog for the Required Features

Just click the "Add Required Features" button.You are taken to and intermediate dialog. Click "Next" to go to the "Role Services" dialogs.Click "Next"

On the "Role Services" dialog, select the followings :.Net Framework 3.5.1Web Server (IIS) SupportTCP Port SharingHTTP ActivationTCP ActivationNamed Pipes Activation

Then Click "Next"You are taken to an the intermediate page for the Web Server (IIS) Role

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Click "Next"The Select Role Services for Web Server (IIS) Role is displaying, but just let the default options.

Click "Next" to access the confirmation dialog

Then click "Install" and the Roles and Features are being installed

Check the "Installation Result" dialog and close it.

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5 Installing SQL Server 2008

For these operations I let you consult one of my previous post that explains the same for Windows 2003 Server. The operations are exactly the same.

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 1 - SQL Server 2008 Installation

6 Downlaoding the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Beta

Go to this page to download the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Beta. You have to register to access to the download.

Download the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Beta

You will notice that a link is available toward the

SharePoint Server 2010 system requirements

I chose the Microsoft SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise 2010 Beta

The next section will detail the required things to do in order to be compliant with these requirements. As we install SharePoint on Windows 2008 Server R2 andbecause we have run the latest updates, most of the required add in will be useless.

7 Configuring the server - Configuration Operations for SharePoint 2010 Beta 1

7.1 Downloading and installing SQL Server 2008 SP1

First, we have to update the previously installed SQL Server with the SP1 downlodable at :

SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Do not forget to choose the x64 package

Here is the package after the download

and the first installation screenshot

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7.2 Downloading and installing Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Then, we have to install the Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Follow the regsitration process. You will be provided an auto extractable package that needs a password and the appropriate password.

Here is the screenshot after all the process

and the first installation screenshot

7.3 Downloading and installing SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADODM.NET

For ending with the products related to SQLServer 2008 download and install the SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADODM.NET. Here is the direct link tothe download:


Here is the screenshot after the download.

And the first screenshot

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7.4 Downloading and installing Geneva framework Runtime

This is useful even before launching the SharePoint prerequisites installation.

Geneva Framework Runtine

Here is the screenshot after the download.

And the first screenshot

7.5 Downloading and installing Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

Here is the screenshot after the download.

And the first screenshot

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7.6 hotfix for the token authentication in WCF

Regarding the update (KB971831),

hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF

it seems that the link supplied by MSDN and by the page "Determine hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)" are not leading to thecorrect update for the R2 version of the OS.

As referenced by Jeremy Thake in his post, I think the good update is to find at:

Its name: Windows6.1-KB976462-x64

I performed the installation today and it ran perfectly well.

You can find the complete explanation regarding this update on the SharePoint Team Blog:

Installation notice for the SharePoint Server Public Beta on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft Windows 7

8 Microsoft SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise 2010 Beta Installation

8.1 Installing the SharePoint Prerequisites

Double click the installation package to launch the installation of Microsoft SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise 2010 Beta

The SharePoint 2010 installation Wizard is opening

Click the "Install Software Prerequisites" in order to update, complete and check the previous preparation described in the previous sections of this post. TheMicrosoft SharePoint Product and technologies 2010 Preparation Tool is opening

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Accept the licence agreement

The prerequisites are being installed

You should obtain this screen if you followed the operations previously described in this post.

8.2 Installing the SharePoint Files

Back to the SharePoint 2010 Installation wizard, click the "Install SharePoint Server" link. The launched wizard requires the product key.

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Then, accept the terms of the licence agreement.

Choose the complete installation

While SharePoint is being installed, notice that a 14 repository is now created where we had the 12 for the 2007 version.

The wpressources repository is created beside the 14.

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When the installation of the SharePoint files is finished you are asked to continue with the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.

Do not continue with the Wizard but cancel it otherwise you will have an issue due to the current installation described in this post.In the SharePoint 2010 version, you are not allowed as before to mount a Farm installation on a single machine using local accounts. If you had continued with the wizard you would have been stopped in the configuration by the following issue:

the specified user Administrator is a local account. Local accounts should only be used in stand alone mode.

Fortunately there is a workaround to succeed in obtaining a Farm environment using local accounts as we used to have in the previous version that I havefound in this post:

Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts

8.3 Using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell to create the SharePoint 2010 Configuration databases

Open the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.

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Type the following command


run the command by pressing the Carriage Return Key

The Shell willl ask you for:The database name --> choose any name, for example SharePoint_ConfigThe database Server name --> type the name of your Virtual Machine in my case VMDEV-007

You will be then prompt for the system account credential. In our case to go fast and not start explaining the "least privileges administration policy" just type theadministrator login and password the which you are logged with.

Then you are asked for a passphrase. You can use P@ssw0rd that matches the security policies required. (This passphrase will be asked when you will add a new server to the SharePoint Farm)

At this step of the installation you can check that two operations has been performed behind the scene.

Two databases has been created in the database server referenced in the shell window. There is at this point no difference with MOSS 2007 instalation.

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3 web services has been created in IIS with 3 distinct application pools for each. That is a new feature of SharePoint 2010.

8.4 Running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard

This time you can open the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.

Let the option "Do not disconnect from this server farm" checked.

Then you will be prompted to chose the Central Administration Site port number. I personally always use 55555 for the configuration of all my developmentenvironments in order to type the same Url on all my Virtual Machines.

Let the default NTLM value for the "Authentication provider", Kerberos requires network configuration we cannot perform in the current environment anyway.

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The wizard, then, summarize your choices.

Then the 9 main configuration operations are performed.

Finally, the "configuration Successful" dialog summarizes your configuration again and informs you that the central Administration of SharePoint 2010 will belaunched when you close it.

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When you click "Finish" to close the wizard, the Central Administration Site is opening, and you are prompted for credentials

Then you are asked to sign up to User Experience Improvement Program.

Another page let you choose between configuring your farm yourself or by using a wizard.

When this choice is made, you display for the first time the brand new Welcome Page of SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

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As there is sometimes concern with the SharePoint Services installation with Windows 2008 Server R2, you should check that the services installation hascompleted successfully. On SharePoint 2010 Central Administration Home Page under the System Settings section click Manage services on server.

You should see this screen that confirms that SharePoint Services installation has completed successfully.

9 Creating your first site in Microsoft SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise 2010

9.1 Creating your first Web Application for SharePoint 2010

On the default page of the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration, click the "Manage Web Application" link in the "Application Management" section

On the "Manage Web Application" page click the "New" menu entry then click "New Web Application"

I have personally chosen to create it on the default IIS web site, and as a personal usage named it "Web App - 80"let the Application pool default settings

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named the content database "WSS_Content_WebAppp-80"

You are then prompted the changes are processed

and finally that the SharePoint 2010 Web Application is created.

Click "OK" to close the wizard and to be taken back to the Web Application Management Page where you can see the new SharePoint 2010 Web Application.

9.2 Creating your first Site Collection for SharePoint 2010

From the Web Application Management Page click the "Application Management" link in the left menu in order to proceed to the creation of your first SharePoint2010 Site Collection.

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Then, click the "Create site collections" link under the "Site Collections" section. You are taken to the "Create Site Collection" page.I have personally chosen to create a team site called "SharePoint 2010" team site"

When launching the creation, you are prompted the changes are processed

then prompted on that the site was created successfully.

When clicking on this site link, you can display your first SharePoint 2010 site.

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Well done !

10 Aknowledgments

Thanks to Neil 'The Doc' Hodgkinson for his post solving the local accounts issue. He updated his post yesterday, and you can find a link to a nice article aboutthe SharePoint 2010 installation.

Thanks to Augusto Simoes for his post that makes me save a lot of time

Labels: Installation, SharePoint2010, Tutorial


4 6 C O M M E N T S :

Jeremy Thake said...

Good to see others documenting their installs, did you manage to get User Profiles working with this?

I have uploaded my walkthrough on and encourage everyone to collaborate on their experiences with it to make it mature over time.

NOVEMBER 22, 2009 2:48 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Thank you Jeremy, I visited SharePoint Dev Wiki and found very useful your concept of the tree view menu listing all the operations to be performed.

As you present a version of the installation using Domain Acounts that is complementary the one I present here, I placed a link toward it in my post.

1 - I wonder if we really had to install all we have installed before installing SharePoint 2010 since many of these installations are to be performed by the Prerequisites tool.

2 - Furthermore, I have updated automatically my OS through the Internet just after having created it, and I had the following message:

"the update is not applicable for your computer"

for the two following updates:- PowerShell v2.0 CTP3 (Windows6.0-KB968930x64)- KB971831 - Allow token based authentication w/o transport or message encryption

Regarding the second update (KB971831), it seems that the link supplied by MSDN and by the page "Determine hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server2010)" are not leading to the correct update for the R2 version of the OS.

As referenced by you in your post, I think the good update is to find at: name: Windows6.1-KB976462-x64I performed the installation today and it ran perfectly well.

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3 - Last, I am very interested in this new concept of Delegate User for the Farm, it seems to be what we did previously for implementing Least Privileges AdministrationPolicy. I wonder if you have to perform this task if you have already done it during the installation.

Thank you again.



NOVEMBER 23, 2009 9:04 PM

Augusto Simoes said...

Hello Marc, The update KB976462 it is a fix for WCF match after the update (KB971831). Very nice site.

NOVEMBER 26, 2009 4:49 PM

titab said...

I am not sure this happens in all installations but at least in mine it happened. I had to manually disable the 32-Bit Applications in all the application pools used by SPbefore I could start loading the Central Admin site. So, it's worth checking that setting before thinking the installation went wrong.

NOVEMBER 27, 2009 1:16 PM

Rob Potthoff said...

I have tried your How to and I am stuck, I am in the SP Shell trying to make the Database, and I am getting this error,New-SPConfigurationDatabase : Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException' was thrown At Line:1 char:28+ New-SPConfigurationDatabase <<<<+CategoryInfo : InvalidData: Microsoft.Share...urationDatabase: SPCmdletNewSPConfigurationDatabase [New-SPConfigurationDatabase], SPCmdletException+FullyQualifiedErrorID: Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewSPConfigyrationDatabase

I am using VM server on a 64bit System with 8Gig of memory (4 to the VM) SQL2k8 STD. with sp1 and CU4.

Any Ideas why I am getting this?

DECEMBER 12, 2009 4:25 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Hi Rob,

I have read on your error message: Invalid Data...

Can you send me what have you exactly typed in the Shell windows?


DECEMBER 12, 2009 8:40 PM

Sewy said...

Regarding an error (see rob's comment --> New-SPConfigurationDatabase : Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException' was thrown At Line:1 char:28) whencreating a new config db, i'd to add a solution which worked for me:

databaseServer: server_name\db_namei.e.: sp1\MOSS_DB

JANUARY 5, 2010 2:29 PM

Jason Cole said...

I was getting the same error Rob was, the InvalidData. I realized the account I was trying to use for the farm credentials did not have permission to my SQL Server. Aftergiving the account permissions it worked.

JANUARY 13, 2010 11:30 PM

Satish said...


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i had followed the installation prcedure i run all the commands after typing username and password it is asking passpharse ( I gave my system passw0rd At that i am getting this error

"the user does not exist or is not unqie"

JANUARY 24, 2010 3:03 PM

oscar sousa said...

hello,I had some problems installing in the SQL serve 2008

thanks for tuturial

FEBRUARY 8, 2010 5:00 PM

RonaldTeussink said...

hello,I followed the post and got it all working on a VMWare 7 Workstation (on Windows 7 x64), the only thing I was unable to do is set the Hardware acceleration in paragraph3.1. Directly after installing W2K8 Server R2 and before the setup of VMWare tools ends you are able to adjust this acceleration, but after the VM resets and you return tothe settings, the button is greyed out (so you can't adjust the hardware acc. performance anymore). Any ideas if this was intended in version 7?

FEBRUARY 13, 2010 7:26 PM

Carlos said...

Thanks for this good guide.

How can I add domain users to it to access my pages?

FEBRUARY 18, 2010 11:20 AM

javier said...

I was suffering the Invalid data: exception untill I opened TCP 1433 port on my SQL Server box.SharePoint is on a different box.Also created an SPN for SQL Server since I am usin a domain user account for the service.

MARCH 15, 2010 12:18 PM

satish said...


Please look into this

MARCH 15, 2010 2:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Hi,I am new to share point wantedto install share point server 2010i have a 32 bit processor and 32 bit operationg system(Xp)now would like to use vmware to install 64 windows server 2008 and share point server respectively but when trying to install its is showing a error is there any way i cansolve this problem


MAY 29, 2010 8:54 AM

Marc Charmois said...


I think the problem is that your computer CPU is not a supported 64-bit processor.

Here is the excerpt of the VMWARE documentation available at:

Vmware workstation 5.5 release notes

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Check this section:


Support for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems

When you power on a virtual machine with a 64-bit guest operating system, Workstation performs an internal check: if the host CPU is not a supported 64-bit processor,you cannot power on the virtual machine.

VMware also provides a standalone utility that you can use without Workstation to perform the same check and determine whether your CPU is supported for Workstationvirtual machines with 64-bit guest operating systems. You can download the 64-bit processor check utility from the VMware Web download site.


I am afraid you have to buy a new computer...

Hope this helps.


MAY 29, 2010 2:59 PM

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much marc

MAY 31, 2010 9:01 AM

Anonymous said...


I could install windows server 2008 in my system using vmware 7 still have to install moss 2010 there was some setting in bios vt settings i enabled it and it worked fine


MAY 31, 2010 6:23 PM

Marc Charmois said...


I should add something in my post regarding hardware requirement for the host computer and Virtualization Technology enabling in the bios...

happy you could succeed in making all work properly, and you had not to buy a new computer...Wishing you plenty of good time with the SharePoint 2010 new platform.



MAY 31, 2010 8:02 PM

Innocent ByStander said...

Salut Marc,

Thank you very much for the excellent guide. One observation I can make is that VMWare is not the only products that allows to run 64bits VM on 32 bits OS. Virtualboxalso does that and even before VMWare. Virtualbox (free) has comparable features than VMWare Workstation 7x. Have a look, you'll need some adjustments to get used toVB GUI and config, this is just a habits change. When done, you'll be pleased by the level of performance and features. As shocking as it may seem, VMWare is no longer theking in Desktop Virtualization. Virtualbox progresses at a stunning pace and is available under several platforms - and easy to install - including Linux and Mac.

JUNE 7, 2010 10:32 PM

Marc Charmois said...


thank you for the information. In my mind Virtualbox was equal to Mac, but you learnt me today this is wrong. And it seems to be Open Source.

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I didn't know all that...



JUNE 8, 2010 3:16 AM

Anonymous said...

Hey!I need help regarding New-SPConfigrationDataBase issue.when i give information without administration permissions management shell, i got error that Requested register access is not allowed.when i open managemnt shell as a administrator permission then i got nothing error but my domain name and user name with line 1 and char 28 can i solve this issue...'I followed this link to install sharepoit 2010 were good till 8.3, but at 8.3 i can you pls help to figure out my probelm...Best RegardsKazmi

JUNE 24, 2010 2:43 AM

Marc Charmois said...


I need to know the exact configuration of your environment, is it an unique virtual machine with local accounts ?Which OS, wich SQL Server version ?

Can you send me the screen shot of the powershell prompt ? (marccharmois at hotmail dot com)And we also have to check Event Viewer and SharePoint logs and if the databases was created within SQL Server Database Engine...

waiting for all these informations,

good courage...


JUNE 24, 2010 4:20 PM

Sper said...

Hey I've got the New-SPConfigurationDatabase error stuf :)

New-SPConfigurationDatabase : Cannot connect to database master at SQL server at VSP01. The database might not exist, or the current user does not have permission to connect to it.At line:1 char:28+ new-spconfigurationdatabase <<<<+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...urationDatabase:SPCmdletNewSPConfigurationDatabase) [New-SPConfigurationDatabase], SPException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewSPConfigurationDatabase

I've done everything exactly as in the tutorial.

Do I need to give the 2 created account permission to acces the sql database? If so, how do I do this? I haven't got a clue of SQL.

JULY 19, 2010 12:24 AM

Marc Charmois said...

Hi Sper,

We have to things to check:

1 - is SQL Server Correctly installed?

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Open it and check that the master database is present and make tests to connect to it.

2 - Does the account you use to launch the SharePoint shell have sysadmin privileges for SQL? Normally you should have an account that is local administrator of themachine and you should have used this account, both to install SQL Server, and to install SharePoint binaries and launch the SharePoint Shell.

For more information about SQl Server installation, check:

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 1 - SQL Server 2008 Installationespecially this section:

3.13 Step 13: Server Configuration

hope this helps.


JULY 19, 2010 4:40 AM

Sper said...

SQL is installed correctly, I can connect to the database.

Sharepoint is installed using the same user account which is the local administrator.

JULY 19, 2010 8:10 AM

Marc Charmois said...

Hi Sper,

can you check the SQL version and service pack version? Are you sure that you did not create a named instance when you installed SQL Server?Can you check that Named Pipes are activated both in the server features and in SQL?

If you try to perform the SharePoint configuration several times you have to check if databases have been created and delete them before each new trial.

You can also check Event Viewer and especially SharePoint logs to find more information about this issue.

Good luck!


JULY 19, 2010 4:35 PM

Sper said...

Aha, thats my problem.I've created a named instance.Do I need to start al over again now or is there a simple way?

Tnx for the help.

JULY 19, 2010 9:45 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Hi Sper,

happy to help, I did the same few years ago and I spoiled hours to understand what was going wrong so I did not forget ;-)

I am sure there is a syntax to call the named instance when the SharePoint Shell ask for the Database, otherwise you could not use named instances with Sharepoint 2010,so you have to search for this in MS documentation or perform tests. Try to pass as parameter the named instance, or severName/NamedInstance or anything else that make sense...Maybe if you display the Shell help on the command, it is explained. Maybe there is a parameter for this...Perform tests and don't forget to delete created databases between tests, but I don't think there will be databases created before anyway because it fails before creation.

And most of all, when you find the syntax, let us know it within a comment on this blog or a link to a post on your blog...

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MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36]



JULY 19, 2010 10:17 PM

Sper said...

OK guys I've found the solution.When you need to input the just do the following:

DatabaseServer: YourServerName or YourServerName\InstanceName if you have a named instance


Hope someone will find this usefull.

JULY 19, 2010 10:57 PM

Sper said...

OK guys I've found the solution.When you need to input the DatabaseServer just do the following:

DatabaseServer: YourServerName or YourServerName\InstanceName if you have a named instance


Hope someone will find this usefull.

JULY 19, 2010 11:04 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Thank you Sper,

I am sure it will help somebody else...



JULY 20, 2010 1:16 AM

lefteris said...

Excellent guide.Thank you, this is so helpful.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 2:09 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Thank you,

I am happy if it can help...


SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 5:10 PM

Anonymous said...

This was really very helpful and guided me step by step in the installation process..thank you very much...

JANUARY 17, 2011 9:05 PM

Zimareff said...

SharePoint 2010 might not work properly with SQL Server 2008 R2. But SQL Server 2008 (not R2) is not supported on Windows 2008 Server R2. So I am not sure why doyou advise installing Windows 2008 Server R2. For me this didn't work out. I had to reinstall with Windows 2008 Server and it worked. Also steps of configuring roles inWindows 2008 Server is redundant. It is done automatically by running SharePoint 2010 pre-requisites installation.

JANUARY 21, 2011 11:12 AM

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MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36]

Satish said...

Please update the bios software and enable VT option(Vitulization Technology) In BIOS

Please download VMware workstation for creating the Virtual machine , DOn't use older version , it does'nt support 64 bit operating system to Create a virtual machine .

FEBRUARY 24, 2011 9:14 AM

Satish said...

Please update the bios software and enable VT option(Vitulization Technology) In BIOS

Please download VMware workstation for creating the Virtual machine , DOn't use older version , it does'nt support 64 bit operating system to Create a virtual machine .

FEBRUARY 24, 2011 9:15 AM

Install SharePoint said...

@Zimareff: "SharePoint 2010 might not work properly with SQL Server 2008 R2" -> Do you know why? I mean TechNet says using SQL 2008 R2 is OK...

Also the steps configuring Windows Server 2008 roles is important although it can be done using the wizard but you should know what happens.

APRIL 20, 2011 10:52 AM

Bhavtosh said...

really very helpful articles with step by step guidance. Thanks buddy

MAY 22, 2011 4:07 PM

Marc Charmois said...

Hi Bhavtosh,

thank you, my pleasure...


MAY 22, 2011 5:33 PM

Anonymous said...

Hi Marc,

Thank you for posting this detailed tutorial.

I successfully installed Sharepoint 2010 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine (using VMWare Server, latest version).The host is a Windows Server 2003 machine.The problem is that I cannot remotely access Sharepoint Central Admin from the host...I get: "Network Access Message: The page cannot be displayed "But I can access it perfectly from inside the virtual machine.

The way I am trying to access it remotely from the host is:

Please advise. I thought it's a firewall issue but if I disable the firewall on the VM, it makes no difference...

Regards,M. R.

JUNE 13, 2011 8:59 PM

Anonymous said...

Whoa! This documentation is INTENSE but very much appreciated! At the risk of being redundant because I didn't read every word on this page, Sharepoint 2010 has aPrerequisites Installer packaged with itself. I was doing all this manual install stuff following your instructions when I finally noticed the Installer. This should save anyNOOB alot of time in the future should they read this comment.

AUGUST 12, 2011 4:54 PM

Todd said...

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MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36]

I just installed SP 2010, but I got an error after the initial login to the Central Admin, stating that it had a problem connecting to Central Admin and asked if I wanted to useFoundation to troubleshoot.

Any ideas? Comments?

AUGUST 26, 2011 9:07 PM

erik said...

DatabaseServer: YourServerName or YourServerName\InstanceName if you have a named instance

Where do I enter this? Im stuck at the management shell it say permission denied.

JANUARY 17, 2012 11:01 PM

Anonymous said...

reg: New-SpConfig..database errorI had the similar errorI realised that my sql serever was not looged on/ connectedthat fixed the error

FEBRUARY 1, 2012 11:49 PM


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P R E V I O U S P O S T S - M O S S H O W T O . . .

Create a Report from an Analysis Services 2008 Database and deploy it in SharePoint 2007

Bind a Microsoft ASP .NET Chart Control within a SharePoint web part to a DataSet

Enumerate Role Assignments to retrieve Groups and Users Permissions - Generating a complete report

Populate an ASP .Net Treeview from a SQL self-join table

Use Linq inside a Script Block of an Application Page - SharePoint minimal configuration for Linq

Adding Breadcrumb Navigation for SharePoint Application Pages Programmatically

SharePoint List Template Id’s

Check error messages for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008

Use Report Server 2008 content in SharePoint programming

Standard subscriptions for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 in SharePoint Integrated Mode


October 2011 - MOSS, how to...Creating a custom document library for SharePoint 2010

June 2010 - MOSS, how to...Adding a custom control to the SharePoint 2010 Team Site Wiki Page Template ( wkpstd.aspx ) programmatically

Provisioning a custom Wiki Page within a SharePoint 2010 Team Site

Customizing and branding the wiki pages for a SharePoint 2010 Team Site

Themable CSS Registration and Rendering for SharePoint 2010

Migrating to SharePoint 2010

Migrating custom assemblies to SharePoint 2010

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MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36]

May 2010 - MOSS, how to...Installing and configuring SMTP and POP3 e-mail for sharepoint 2010

January 2010 - MOSS, how to...Using XPath to manage data returned by a SharePoint Web Service

December 2009 - MOSS, how to...Managing the Styles and the Markup Styles Menus for the Wiki Pages of a SharePoint 2010 Team Site

Testing cross browser compatibility for SharePoint 2010

November 2009 - MOSS, how to...Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2

June 2009 - MOSS, how to...Create a Report from an Analysis Services 2008 Database and deploy it in SharePoint 2007

May 2009 - MOSS, how to...Bind a Microsoft ASP .NET Chart Control within a SharePoint web part to a DataSet

Enumerate Role Assignments to retrieve Groups and Users Permissions - Generating a complete report

April 2009 - MOSS, how to...Populate an ASP .Net Treeview from a SQL self-join table

Use Linq inside a Script Block of an Application Page - SharePoint minimal configuration for Linq

Adding Breadcrumb Navigation for SharePoint Application Pages Programmatically

SharePoint List Template Id’s

March 2009 - MOSS, how to...Check error messages for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008

Use Report Server 2008 content in SharePoint programming

Standard subscriptions for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 in SharePoint Integrated Mode

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 in SharePoint Integrated Mode - Distributed Server Deployment with Three computers

February 2009 - MOSS, how to...Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 6 - Report Creation and Deployment

January 2009 - MOSS, how to...Installing SQL Server 2008 samples: Adventure works (Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 5)

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 4 - Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration - Part 2

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 3 - Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration - Part 1

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 2 - SharePoint Installation

Integrating Reporting Services 2008 with SharePoint 2007 Step 1 - SQL Server 2008 Installation

December 2008 - MOSS, how to...Create a SharePoint AJAX-refreshable Web Part which wraps an ASP .NET Chart Control

Use a Microsoft Asp .Net Chart Control in a SharePoint Web part

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MOSS How to ...: Installing SharePoint 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2[21/03/2012 08:32:36]

November 2008 - MOSS, how to...Use Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET Framework in a SharePoint web site

October 2008 - MOSS, how to...Read data stored in the custom section of a SharePoint web.config file using XPath

Choose between the two ways of upgrading a SharePoint solution (.wsp)

Re-ghost items present in the master page gallery

Improve speed of development for SharePoint (Part1)

improve speed of development for SharePoint (part2)- Stop continuously copying your files from your project directory to SharePoint 12

Improve speed of development for SharePoint (Part3) - Using in line scripts in SharePoint programming

Use layout page metadata in masterpages

Resolve Error : The resource cannot be found

Hide the “Sign in” link in the client web browser for anonymous users

Read an XML File inside a SharePoint Feature with simplified XPath using a C# Class

Create a SPlist and its SPView in SharePoint writing C# code against WSS object model

August 2008 - MOSS, how to...Configure search service account for a moss 2007 farm

June 2008 - MOSS, how to...Get a SharePoint list (SPList) Root Folder Name and Display Name (Title)

Improve readibility of CAML in SPQuery using C# and Visual Studio

Create multiple Ajax-enabled Web Sites in Windows Sharepoint Services and MOSS 2007

May 2008 - MOSS, how to...Enumerate Role Assignments to retrieve Groups and Users Permissions in a Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 or MOSS Site

Check User Permissions in Windows SharePoint Services or MOSS 2007

Integrate ASP.NET Web Service based AJAX with MOSS 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Use DebugView in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and MOSS programming

Retrieve Asp .net Form Based Authentication Data Base Connection String Name of a MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web Application

Retrieve the Membership provider name of a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or MOSS Extranet Web Application

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)

Updated: July 8, 2010

This article lists the minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.


In this article:


Hardware requirements—Web servers, application servers, and single server installations

Hardware requirements—Database servers

Software requirements

Access to applicable software


Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 provides for a number of installation scenarios. Currently, these installations includesingle server with built-in database installations and single-server or multiple-server farm installations.

If you plan on installing Microsoft Project Server 2010 with SharePoint Server 2010, see Hardware and softwarerequirements (Project Server 2010). Especially note the supported Web browsers for Project Web App users.

Hardware requirements—Web servers, application servers, and single server installations

The requirements in the following table apply both to installations on a single server with a built-in database and toservers running SharePoint Server 2010 in a multiple server farm installation.

Component Minimum requirement

4 GB for developer or evaluation use

8 GB for production use in a single server or multiple server farm

United States - English Sign in

If you contact Microsoft technical support about a production system that does not meet the minimum hardwarespecifications described in this document, support will be limited until the system is upgraded to the minimumrequirements.

Processor 64-bit, four cores


Hard disk 80 GB for system drive

You must have sufficient space for the base installation and sufficient space for diagnostics such aslogging, debugging, creating memory dumps, and so on. For production use, you also need additionalfree disk space for day-to-day operations. Maintain twice as much free space as you have RAM forproduction environments. For more information, see Capacity management and sizing for SharePointServer 2010.

TechNet Products Downloads Support

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

Hardware requirements—Database servers

The requirements in the following table apply to database servers in production environments with multiple servers in thefarm.


Component Minimum requirement

64-bit, four cores for small deployments

64-bit, eight cores for medium deployments

8 GB for small deployments

16 GB for medium deployments


Software requirements

The requirements in the following tables apply to single server with built-in database installations and server farminstallations that include a single server and multiple servers in the farm.


The Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool — which you access from the SharePoint Server 2010 Start page —can assist you in the installation of the software prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2010. Ensure that you have anInternet connection, because some of these prerequisites are installed from the Internet. For more information, seeDeploy a single server with SQL Server (SharePoint Server 2010), Deploy a single server with a built-in database(SharePoint Server 2010), and Multiple servers for a three-tier farm (SharePoint Server 2010).

Minimum requirements

Environment Minimum requirement

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

Our definitions of small and medium deployments are those described in the "Reference Architectures" section inCapacity management and sizing for SharePoint Server 2010.



For large deployments, see the "Estimate memory requirements" section in Storage and SQL Servercapacity planning and configuration (SharePoint Server 2010).

These values are higher than those recommended as the minimum values for SQL Server because ofthe distribution of data required for a SharePoint Products 2010 environment. For more informationabout SQL Server system requirements, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQLServer 2008 (

Hard disk 80 GB for system drive

Hard disk space is dependent on the size of your SharePoint content. For information about estimatingthe size of content and other databases for your deployment, see Storage and SQL Server capacityplanning and configuration (SharePoint Server 2010).

SharePoint Server 2010 does not support single label domain names. For more information, see Information aboutconfiguring Windows for domains with single-label DNS names.

Databaseserver in afarm

One of the following:

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and CumulativeUpdate 2. From the Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1( page, click the View and request hotfixdownloads link and follow the instructions. On the Hotfix Request page, download theSQL_Server_2008_SP1_Cumulative_Update_2 file. When you install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1on Windows Server 2008 R2, you might receive a compatibility warning. You can disregard thiswarning and continue with your installation.


The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 3 (SP3). From the Cumulativeupdate package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 ( page, click the View and request hotfix downloads link and follow theinstructions. On the Hotfix Request page, download theSQL_Server_2005_SP3_Cumulative_Update_3 file.

The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Serverwith SP2; the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, orWeb Server; or the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Standard,Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server. If you are running Windows Server 2008 without SP2,the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool installs Windows Server 2008 SP2automatically.


KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation(

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

For information, see the related KB article Two issues occur when you deploy an ASP.NET 2.0-based application on a server that is running IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5 in Integrated mode(

Web Server (IIS) role

Application Server role

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1

SQL Server 2008 Express with SP1

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

We do not recommend that you use CU3 or CU4, but instead CU2, CU5, or a later CU thanCU5. For more information, see Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2008( Download theSQL_Server_2008_RTM_CU5_SNAC file.

For more information about choosing a version of SQL Server, see SQL Server 2008 R2 and SharePoint2010 Products: Better Together (white paper) (SharePoint Server 2010).

Single serverwith built-indatabase

You must download an update for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2before you run Setup. The update is a hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that isinstalled by the Preparation tool. It provides a method to support token authenticationwithout transport security or message encryption in WCF. For more information and links,see the "Access to Applicable Software" section later in this article.

The preparation tool installs the following prerequisites:

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0

Microsoft Chart Controls for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Windows PowerShell 2.0

SQL Server 2008 Native Client

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

A hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that provides a method to support tokenauthentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)


The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Serverwith SP2; the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, orWeb Server; or the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Standard,Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server. If you are running Windows Server 2008 with SP1, theMicrosoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool installs Windows Server 2008 SP2 automatically.


KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation(

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

For information, see the related KB article Two issues occur when you deploy an ASP.NET 2.0-based application on a server that is running IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5 in Integrated mode(

Web Server (IIS) role

Application Server role

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

If you have Microsoft "Geneva" Framework installed, you must uninstall it before you installthe Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).

Front-endWeb serversandapplicationservers in afarm

You must download an update for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2before you run Setup. The update is a hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that isinstalled by the Preparation tool. It provides a method to support token authenticationwithout transport security or message encryption in WCF. For more information and links,see the "Access to Applicable Software" section.

The preparation tool installs the following prerequisites:

Page 120: MOSS How to ..._ Installing Share Point 2010 on Windows 2008 Server R2

Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0

Microsoft Chart Controls for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Windows PowerShell 2.0

SQL Server 2008 Native Client

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

A hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that provides a method to support tokenauthentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)


A supported browser. For more information, see Plan browser support (SharePoint Server 2010).

Optional software

Environment Optional software

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 to work with PowerPivot workbooks. For moreinformation, see Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2(

Windows 7 or Windows Vista. For more information, see Setting Up theDevelopment Environment for SharePoint Server(

SQL Server Remote BLOB Store installation package from the Feature Pack forMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2. For the download, go to the Download Center(

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Add-in for MicrosoftSharePoint Technologies 2010 (SSRS) to use Access Services for SharePointServer 2010. For the download, go to the Download Center(

Microsoft Server Speech Platform to make phonetic name matching workcorrectly for SharePoint Search 2010.

Microsoft Office 2010 client. For more information, see Microsoft Office 2010(

If you have Microsoft "Geneva" Framework installed, you must uninstall it before you installthe Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).


Single server with built-indatabase and front-end Webservers and application serversin a farm

The preparation tool installs the following optional software:

Client computer

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

Microsoft Silverlight 3.

Access to applicable software

To install Windows Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server, or SharePoint Server, you can go to the Web sites listed in thissection. You can install most software prerequisites through the SharePoint Server Start page. The software prerequisitesare also available from Web sites listed in this section. The Web Server (IIS) role and the Application Server role can beenabled manually in Server Manager.

In scenarios where installing prerequisites directly from the Internet is not possible or not feasible, you can install theprerequisites from a network share. For more information, see Install prerequisites from a network share (SharePointServer 2010).

SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Trial (

SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Trial (

2010 Server Language Packs for SharePoint Server 2010, Project Server 2010, Search Server 2010, and OfficeWeb Apps 2010 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 and SharePoint Server 2010: Better Together (white paper)

Business Productivity at Its Best: Microsoft Office 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010 Better Together (white paper)

Windows Server 2008 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 (

SQL Server 2008 (

SQL Server 2005 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 (

Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (

Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2008 ( Downloadthe SQL_Server_2008_RTM_CU5_SNAC file.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 (

Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (

Windows Server 2008 with SP 2 FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication withouttransport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1(

Windows Server 2008 R2 FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication withouttransport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1(

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1 (

Windows Identity Foundation for Windows Server 2008 (

Windows Identity Foundation for Windows Server 2008 R2 (

Microsoft Sync Framework v1.0 (

Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs (

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Hardware and software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)[21/03/2012 08:46:42]

Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (

Windows PowerShell 2.0 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET (

KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation (

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ( Windows Server 2008 SP2

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ( Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7

Microsoft Silverlight 3 (

Microsoft Office 2010 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies 2010(

SQL Server Remote BLOB Store installation package from the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Forthe download, go to the Download Center (

Microsoft Server Speech Platform (

Speech recognition language for English (

Speech recognition language for Spanish (

Speech recognition language for German (

Speech recognition language for French (

Speech recognition language for Japanese (

Speech recognition language for Chinese (

Office Communicator 2007 R2 (

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit) (

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-bit) (

See Also

Other Resources

Resource Center: Capacity Management for SharePoint Server 2010 Resource Center: Enterprise Search in SharePoint Server 2010

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June 4, Inserted a reference to KB 979917 to address a possible performance issue. Updated with Content

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Download: SQL Server 2008 SP1 - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details[21/03/2012 08:48:21]

SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Quick linksOverview

System requirements


Additional information

Looking for support?Visit the MicrosoftSupport site now >

Download SQL Server 2008 SP1.

Quick detailsVersion: 10.00.2531.00 Date published: 8/27/2009

Change language: English

Files in this downloadThe links in this section correspond to files available for this download. Download the files appropriate for you.

File name Size

SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-IA64-ENU.exe 312.9 MB DOWNLOAD

SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-x64-ENU.exe 323.8 MB DOWNLOAD

SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-x86-ENU.exe 262.7 MB DOWNLOAD

OverviewSQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is now available. You can use these packages to upgrade any SQL Server 2008 edition.

Note:We remain committed to our plans to keep service packs contained, focusing on essential updates only, primarily a Roll-up ofCumulative Update 1 to 3, Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) updates, as well as fixes to issues reported through the SQL Server community.While keeping product changes contained, we have made significant investments to ease deployment and management of ServicePacks:

Slipstream – You are now able to integrate the base installation with service packs (or Hotfixes) and install in a single step.

Service Pack Uninstall – You are now able to uninstall only the Service Pack (without removing the whole instance)

Report Builder 2.0 Click Once capability

For more information about SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1, please review the Release Notes.

Top of page

System requirementsSupported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

32-bit systems (x86)

PC with Intel or compatible Pentium III 600 MHz or higher processor (1 GHz or faster recommended)

64-bit systems (x64, ia64)

1GHz or faster processor

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Download: SQL Server 2008 SP1 - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details[21/03/2012 08:48:21]

Minimum of 512 MB of RAM (1 GB or more recommended)

675 MB of available hard disk space

Top of page

InstructionsNote: You must have administrative rights on the computer to install SQL Server 2008 SP1.

We recommend that you read the Release Notes and Readme before installing SQL Server 2008 SP1.

Step 1: Download and review the setup documentation.

To view the SQL Server 2008 SP1 Setup documentation on the local computer, do the following: 1. Download and run SqlSP1_setuphelp.exe. 2. Follow the instructions to extract the Help file.3. Find the location on the local computer where you saved the SqlSP1_setuphelp.chm file.4. Double-click SqlSP1_setuphelp.chm to open the Help file.

Step 2: Download the appropriate package by clicking one of the links below.

To start the installation immediately, click Run. To install SP1 at a later time, click Save.

Top of page

Additional information- If you have questions about SQL Server 2008 SP1, visit the SQL Server 2008 forums on MSDN.

- Get system and sample database information from MSDN.

- Help improve SQL Server 2008 by submitting bugs to the Connect Feedback Center.

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RelatedresourcesSQL Server 2008, creating a merged(slipstreamed) drop ›SQL Server TechCenter ›Home page for Microsoft SQLServer ›SQL Server Developer Center ›

RelateddownloadsMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 BooksOnline (October 2009) ›Microsoft SQL Server 2008 FeaturePack, April 2009 ›Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008Express Edition Service Pack 1 ›

What others aredownloadingMicrosoft® SQL Server® 2008Management Studio Express ›Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ServicePack 2 ›Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008Express ›Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008Express Edition Service Pack 1 ›SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 ›Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2Service Pack 1 ›

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1;en-us;970315&x=10&y=15[21/03/2012 08:49:16]

Article ID: 970315 - Last Review: May 18, 2009 - Revision: 1.2

Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1

Hotfix Download AvailableView and request hotfix downloads

View products that this article applies to.

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 contains hotfixes for the Microsoft SQL Server 2008issues that have been fixed since the release of SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1.

Note This build of the cumulative update package is also known as build 10.00.2714.

We recommend that you test hotfixes before you deploy them in a production environment. Because the builds arecumulative, each new fix release contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previousSQL Server 2008 fix release. We recommend that you consider applying the most recent fix release that contains thishotfix. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

970365 The SQL Server 2008 builds that were released after SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 was released

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Important notes about the cumulative update package

SQL Server 2008 hotfixes are now multilanguage. Therefore, there is only one cumulative hotfix package for alllanguages.One cumulative hotfix package includes all the component packages. The cumulative update package updatesonly those components that are installed on the system.

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How to obtain Cumulative Update 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1A supported cumulative update package is now available from Microsoft. However, it is intended to correct only theproblems that are described in this article. Apply it only to systems that are experiencing these specific problems. Thiscumulative update package may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by any of theseproblems, we recommend that you wait for the next SQL Server 2008 service pack that contains the hotfixes in thiscumulative update package.

If the cumulative update is available for download, there is a "Hotfix download available" section at the top of thisKnowledge Base article. If this section does not appear, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support to obtain thecumulative update package.

Note If additional issues occur or any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request.The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specificcumulative update package. For a complete list of Microsoft Customer Service and Support telephone numbers or tocreate a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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Known issuesAfter you apply this cumulative update, you may encounter an issue when you try to use SQL Server ManagementStudio to restore a SQL Server 2000 databases. For more information about this issue, click the following article number

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1;en-us;970315&x=10&y=15[21/03/2012 08:49:16]

to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:972687 FIX: Error message when you restore a SQL Server 2000 database by using SQL Server 2005Management Studio or SQL Server 2008 Management Studio: "Cannot show requested dialog. Failed toretrieve data for this request (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum("

After you apply this cumulative update, you may encounter an issue when you try to use SQL Server Analysis Service.For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase:

975783 FIX: You receive an incorrect result when you run an MDX query against a dimension that has aparent/child relationship, and uses the unary operator after you install Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server2005 Analysis Services S975783

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SQL Server 2008 hotfixes that are included in Cumulative Update 2 for SQL Server 2008Service Pack 1

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Microsoft Knowledge Base articles that discuss these hotfixes will be released as they become available.

For more information about the SQL Server bugs, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the MicrosoftKnowledge Base:




304029 961106 FIX: Error message when you run a query in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008: "InternalQuery Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan"

304034 961811 FIX: The CPU usage and the memory usage increase gradually and many session IDs are in thedormant status in SQL Server 2005 and in SQL Server 2008

304042 965217 FIX: An incorrect backup set is listed when you restore a database from a backup file by usingSQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008

304729 967206 FIX: You obtain incorrect values for a column when you use the OPENROWSET function toimport data from a data file by using an XML format file in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server2008

303942 967337 FIX: When you run a stored procedure that contains a query that uses the FOR XML EXPLICITclause, you may obtain a schema that is badly formed in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008

304020 967983 FIX: You receive an incorrect result when you enable the ANSI_NULLS database option and run aquery against an indexed view in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008

304028 968290 FIX: A mining model of the Microsoft Decision Tree algorithm generates incorrect nodes whenyou set the MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter to "9" in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or inSQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

308425 968449 FIX: A query that runs in parallel on a multiprocessor computer returns incorrect results in SQLServer 2005 or in SQL Server 2008

304733 968834 FIX: Error message when you send an e-mail by using Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 or inSQL Server 2008: "The operation has timed out"

304734 968900 FIX: Measures, measure groups, and dimensions that are not part of a perspective are exposedincorrectly when you create a grouping on the perspective in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Servicesor in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

309168 969131 FIX: When you design a SQL Server 2008 report in Visual Studio 2008, no data is returned for adataset that retrieves data from an XML Web Service by using a query that calls a Web servicemethod

303142 969235 FIX: Error message when you run an MDX query in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Service: "TheExtract function was called with hierarchy '' that does not exist in the set"

304044 969588 FIX: Some cell values are doubled when you run an MDX query against a database that has theAllowedSet permission set for a dimension in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or in SQL Server2008 Analysis Services

303937 969775 FIX: Distribution Agent fails when you try to apply a snapshot for a newly added view in apublication in SQL Server 2005 or in SQL Server 2008

302851 970070 SQL Server 2008 64bit support for Locked Pages

304133 970184 FIX: You receive a "File system error" error message that mentions a temporary file when youprocess a cube in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

307849 970198 FIX: You receive an incorrect result when you run a query that uses the row_number function inSQL Server 2008

304597 970255 FIX: Error message when you create a report that uses a SAP NetWeaver BI data source in SQLServer 2008 Reporting Services: "The method specified is not supported by the current provider.(Microsoft Visual Studio("

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1;en-us;970315&x=10&y=15[21/03/2012 08:49:16]

306626 970461 FIX: An MDX query that contains the Aggregate function incorrectly returns a NULL value for acalculated measure in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

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Cumulative update package information

Restart information

You may have to restart the computer after you apply this cumulative update.

Registry information

To use one of the hotfixes in this package, you do not have to make any changes to the registry.

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Cumulative update package file informationThis cumulative update package may not contain all the files that you must have to fully update a product to the latestbuild. This cumulative update package contains only the files that you must have to correct the issues that are listed inthis article.

The English version of this cumulative update package has the file attributes (or later file attributes( that are listed in thefollowing table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC(. When you view thefile information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zonetab in the Date and Time item in Control Panel.

32-bit version

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Shared

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Distrib.exe 2007.100.2714.0 75,112 15-May-2009 9:24 x86

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 38,232 15-May-2009 9:57 x86

Logread.exe 2007.100.2714.0 423,272 15-May-2009 10:38 x86

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Rdistcom.dll 2007.100.2714.0 651,096 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Repldp.dll 2007.100.2714.0 191,320 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Replmerg.exe 2007.100.2714.0 341,336 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Snapshot.exe 10.0.2714.0 13,144 16-May-2009 16:55 x86

Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

Sqllogship.exe 10.0.2714.0 96,104 15-May-2009 12:23 x86

Sqlmergx.dll 2007.100.2714.0 192,872 15-May-2009 12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Instance

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Databasemailengine.dll 10.0.2714.0 75,608 15-May-2009 9:09 x86

Databasemailprotocols.dll 10.0.2714.0 42,840 15-May-2009 9:09 x86

Instmsdb.sql Not Applicable 1,674,579 14-May-2009 15:33 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.ldf Not Applicable 524,288 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.mdf Not Applicable 63,242,240 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

Sqlaccess.dll 2007.100.2714.0 405,352 16-May-2009 16:55 x86

Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,680 15-May-2009 12:24 x86

Sqlscriptupgrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 3,374,440 15-May-2009 12:24 x86

Sqlservr.exe 2007.100.2714.0 42,726,760 15-May-2009 12:24 x86

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Common Core

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Msgprox.dll 2007.100.2714.0 202,072 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Replprov.dll 2007.100.2714.0 575,336 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Replrec.dll 2007.100.2714.0 789,848 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1;en-us;970315&x=10&y=15[21/03/2012 08:49:16]

Replsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 410,968 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

Xmlsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 192,360 15-May-2009 12:30 x86

SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009

10:38 x86 10.0.2714.0 4,233,064 15-May-2009

10:39 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,433,240 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Sql_bids_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009

10:24 x86

Sqlmanagerui.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,559,016 15-May-2009

12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdpump.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,180,712 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdspdm.dll 10.0.2714.0 178,024 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdsrv.exe 10.0.2714.0 21,959,016 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Sql_as_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009

10:38 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

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Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,433,240 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msreportbuilder_exe_manifest.32 Not Applicable 849,415 16-May-2009

23:32 Notapplicable

Reportbuilder_2_0_0_0_application.32 Not Applicable 15,814 16-May-2009

23:36 Notapplicable

Sql_rs_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009

10:24 x86

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

File name File version File size Date Time Platform 10.0.2714.0 4,233,064 15-May-2009 10:39 x86 10.0.2714.0 8,968,040 15-May-2009 10:45 x86

Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

Sqlmanagerui.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,559,016 15-May-2009 12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Tools and Workstation Components

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009 10:38 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Sql_tools_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

SQL Server 2008 Full-Text

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 38,232 15-May-2009 9:57 x86

Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 13,656 15-May-2009 10:24 x86

x64-based version

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Shared

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

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Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1;en-us;970315&x=10&y=15[21/03/2012 08:49:16]

Distrib.exe 2007.100.2714.0 86,888 15-May-2009 17:35 x64

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 54,632 15-May-2009 17:55 x64

Logread.exe 2007.100.2714.0 510,808 15-May-2009 18:16 x64

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Rdistcom.dll 2007.100.2714.0 789,864 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Repldp.dll 2007.100.2714.0 191,320 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Repldp.dll 2007.100.2714.0 229,720 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Replmerg.exe 2007.100.2714.0 408,408 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Snapshot.exe 10.0.2714.0 13,144 15-May-2009 19:36 x86

Snapshot.exe 10.0.2714.0 13,144 16-May-2009 16:55 x86

Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

Sqllogship.exe 10.0.2714.0 96,104 15-May-2009 19:37 x86

Sqlmergx.dll 2007.100.2714.0 229,208 15-May-2009 19:37 x64

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Instance

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Databasemailengine.dll 10.0.2714.0 75,624 15-May-2009 17:28 x86

Databasemailprotocols.dll 10.0.2714.0 42,840 15-May-2009 17:28 x86

Instmsdb.sql Not Applicable 1,674,579 14-May-2009 15:33 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.ldf Not Applicable 524,288 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.mdf Not Applicable 63,242,240 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

Sqlaccess.dll 2007.100.2714.0 411,992 15-May-2009 19:36 x86

Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 15,704 15-May-2009 19:38 x64

Sqlscriptupgrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 3,373,912 15-May-2009 19:38 x64

Sqlservr.exe 2007.100.2714.0 57,629,016 15-May-2009 19:38 x64

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Common Core

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 18:22 x86

Msgprox.dll 2007.100.2714.0 202,072 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msgprox.dll 2007.100.2714.0 246,104 15-May-2009 18:23 x64

Replprov.dll 2007.100.2714.0 575,336 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Replprov.dll 2007.100.2714.0 727,400 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Replrec.dll 2007.100.2714.0 789,848 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

Replrec.dll 2007.100.2714.0 976,728 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Replsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 410,968 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

Replsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 492,376 15-May-2009 18:44 x64

Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

Xmlsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 192,360 15-May-2009 12:30 x86

Xmlsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 308,056 15-May-2009 19:43 x64

SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009

10:38 x86 10.0.2714.0 4,233,064 15-May-2009

10:39 x86

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Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,433,240 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 44,440,408 15-May-2009

18:24 x64

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,332,888 15-May-2009

18:25 x64

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009

10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,153,944 15-May-2009

18:25 x64

Sql_bids_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009

18:09 x64

Sqlmanagerui.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,559,016 15-May-2009

12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 44,440,408 15-May-2009 18:24 x64

Msmdpump.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,430,488 15-May-2009 18:24 x64

Msmdspdm.dll 10.0.2714.0 178,024 15-May-2009 18:24 x86

Msmdsrv.exe 10.0.2714.0 43,715,928 15-May-2009 18:24 x64

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,332,888 15-May-2009 18:25 x64

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,153,944 15-May-2009 18:25 x64

Sql_as_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009

10:38 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

18:17 x86

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Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,433,240 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

18:17 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,544 15-May-2009

18:17 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

18:18 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,332,888 15-May-2009

18:25 x64

Msreportbuilder_exe_manifest.64 Not Applicable 849,415 16-May-2009

23:32 Notapplicable

Reportbuilder_2_0_0_0_application.64 Not Applicable 15,814 16-May-2009

23:36 Notapplicable

Sql_rs_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009

18:09 x64

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

File name File version File size Date Time Platform 10.0.2714.0 4,233,064 15-May-2009 10:39 x86 10.0.2714.0 8,968,040 15-May-2009 10:45 x86

Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

Sqlmanagerui.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,559,016 15-May-2009 12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Tools and Workstation Components

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009 10:38 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 44,440,408 15-May-2009 18:24 x64

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,332,888 15-May-2009 18:25 x64

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,153,944 15-May-2009 18:25 x64

Sql_tools_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

SQL Server 2008 Full-Text

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 54,632 15-May-2009 17:55 x64

Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 14,184 15-May-2009 18:09 x64

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Itanium-architecture version

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Shared

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Distrib.exe 2007.100.2714.0 205,672 15-May-2009 10:43 ia64

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 88,424 15-May-2009 11:02 ia64

Logread.exe 2007.100.2714.0 1,124,712 15-May-2009 11:22 ia64

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Rdistcom.dll 2007.100.2714.0 1,835,368 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Repldp.dll 2007.100.2714.0 191,320 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Repldp.dll 2007.100.2714.0 522,600 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Replmerg.exe 2007.100.2714.0 969,576 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Snapshot.exe 10.0.2714.0 13,160 15-May-2009 12:33 x86

Snapshot.exe 10.0.2714.0 13,144 16-May-2009 16:55 x86

Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

Sqllogship.exe 10.0.2714.0 96,104 15-May-2009 12:34 x86

Sqlmergx.dll 2007.100.2714.0 428,392 15-May-2009 12:35 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Core Instance

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Databasemailengine.dll 10.0.2714.0 75,608 15-May-2009 10:37 x86

Databasemailprotocols.dll 10.0.2714.0 42,840 15-May-2009 10:37 x86

Instmsdb.sql Not Applicable 1,674,579 14-May-2009 15:33 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.ldf Not Applicable 524,288 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Mssqlsystemresource.mdf Not Applicable 63,242,240 14-May-2009 18:34 Not applicable

Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

Sqlaccess.dll 2007.100.2714.0 398,696 15-May-2009 12:34 x86

Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 20,840 15-May-2009 12:35 ia64

Sqlscriptupgrade.dll 2007.100.2714.0 3,380,072 15-May-2009 12:35 ia64

Sqlservr.exe 2007.100.2714.0 110,942,568 15-May-2009 12:36 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Database Services Common Core

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,224 15-May-2009 10:47 x86

Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll 10.0.2714.0 1,083,240 15-May-2009 11:27 x86

Msgprox.dll 2007.100.2714.0 202,072 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msgprox.dll 2007.100.2714.0 534,376 15-May-2009 11:28 ia64

Replprov.dll 2007.100.2714.0 575,336 15-May-2009 11:15 x86

Replprov.dll 2007.100.2714.0 1,640,808 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Replrec.dll 2007.100.2714.0 789,848 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

Replrec.dll 2007.100.2714.0 2,125,160 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Replsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 410,968 15-May-2009 11:16 x86

Replsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 1,111,912 15-May-2009 11:47 ia64

Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

Xmlsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 192,360 15-May-2009 12:30 x86

Xmlsub.dll 2007.100.2714.0 558,952 15-May-2009 12:40 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

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Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 57,517,928 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msmdpump.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,943,464 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msmdspdm.dll 10.0.2714.0 178,024 15-May-2009 11:29 x86

Msmdsrv.exe 10.0.2714.0 58,888,040 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 15,486,312 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 10,065,768 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Sql_as_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009

10:38 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,048 15-May-2009

11:22 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll 10.0.2714.0 563,032 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.designer.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 12,433,240 15-May-2009

10:40 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,520 15-May-2009

11:23 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 284,504 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

11:23 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll 10.0.2714.0 4,339,560 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

11:23 x86

Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll 10.0.2714.0 247,640 15-May-2009

10:41 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 15,486,312 15-May-2009

11:29 ia64

Msreportbuilder_exe_manifest.64 Not Applicable 849,415 16-May-2009

23:32 Notapplicable

Reportbuilder_2_0_0_0_application.64 Not Applicable 15,814 16-May-2009

23:36 Notapplicable

Sql_rs_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009

11:15 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

File name File version File size Date Time Platform 10.0.2714.0 4,233,064 15-May-2009 10:39 x86 10.0.2714.0 8,968,040 15-May-2009 10:45 x86

Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

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Sqlmanagerui.dll 10.0.2714.0 7,559,016 15-May-2009 12:23 x86

SQL Server 2008 Tools and Workstation Components

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Microsoft.analysisservices.controls.dll 10.0.2714.0 3,233,624 15-May-2009 10:38 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 23,465,320 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmdlocal.dll 10.0.2714.0 57,517,928 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 8,558,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msmgdsrv.dll 10.0.2714.0 15,486,312 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 6,532,952 15-May-2009 10:49 x86

Msolap100.dll 10.0.2714.0 10,065,768 15-May-2009 11:29 ia64

Sql_tools_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

SQL Server 2008 Full-Text

File name File version File size Date Time Platform

Iftsph.dll 2007.100.2714.0 88,424 15-May-2009 11:02 ia64

Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll 2007.100.2714.0 19,304 15-May-2009 11:15 ia64

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For more information about the Incremental Servicing Model for SQL Server, click the following article number to viewthe article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

935897 An Incremental Servicing Model is available from the SQL Server team to deliver hotfixes for reportedproblems

For more information about the naming schema for SQL Server updates, click the following article number to view thearticle in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

822499 New naming schema for Microsoft SQL Server software update packages

For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to view the article in theMicrosoft Knowledge Base:

824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

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Keywords: kbsurveynew kbautohotfix kbhotfixrollup kbhotfixserver kbexpertiseadvanced kbqfe kbpubtypekc kbfixKB970315

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Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts - From The Field[21/03/2012 08:50:45]

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by Neil 'The Doc' Hodgkinson on 10/19/2009 4:36 PMCategory: SharePoint 2010; PowerShell; Administration; Central Administration

UPDATED 19 Nov 2009 - It is suggested the reader refer to MSDN article -Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint Server - Before commencing with implementing this approach to a single server installation.

Something that was possible in SharePoint Server 2007 has become tricky in SharePoint S server using non-domain accounts. Something most developers, demonstrators and tester accounts instead of local machine accounts. Or does it.... The recommendation for a single server build of SharePoint 2010 is to use the Stand Alon configuration. But what if you want to use SQL Server 2008 and to have more control ove this case you need to use complete install and either PowerShell alone or a combination o To begin with carry out your SharePoint 2010 installation using the advanced option and c in a farm configuration. Next you would think to use either PSCONFIG or PSCONFIGUI to create the farm. Well yo PSCONFIG.EXE -cmd configdb -create -server neilhw2k8r2 -database sharepoint_ neilhw2k8r2\administrator -password ******** -passphrase ********-admincontentdatabase sharepoint2010_admincontent Results in SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard version 14.0.4514.1009. Copyright (C) reserved.The specified user neilhw2k8r2\administrator is a local account.Local accounts should only be used in stand alone mode. So how do we get around this limitation without using the corporate domain or else prom Windows PowerShell is your friend, New-SPConfigurationDatabase allows you to speci To execute this command launch the SharePoint 2010 management shell (in the same loc command at the cursor and press enter.

Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 20

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Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts - From The Field[21/03/2012 08:50:45]

The beauty of the Windows PowerShell approach is you get prompted for the missing com error dialog that PSConfig throws at you After this completes you will find in SQL a new configuration database and an admin cont that can be fixed if necessary) Next the simplest way to complete the installation is revery back to PSConfigUI as you no farm.

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Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts - From The Field[21/03/2012 08:50:45]

Follow the wizard through the same options as you had with SharePoint 2007 and comple screen

Clicking Fiinish launches the central admin website and after agreeing to report back cust first look at SharePoint 2010 central admin and the configuration wizards.

So wizard - or - manual configuration. That's a subject for another post so come back for

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Single Server Complete Install of SharePoint 2010 using local accounts - From The Field[21/03/2012 08:50:45]

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