Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales


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Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

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Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Tim Scott ⁎, Gerhard Masselink, Paul RussellSchool of Marine Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1752 584719.E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Sc

0025-3227/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. Aldoi:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.04.004

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 12 October 2010Received in revised form 10 April 2011Accepted 24 April 2011Available online 11 May 2011

Communicated by: J.T. Wells

Keywords:beach morphodynamicsbeach morphologybeach classificationhierarchical cluster analysismulti-dimensional scalingmacrotidalrip currentswave powerrisk assessmentbeach hazard

The use of beach classification models has become widespread in literature in recent years. Beachclassification models that recognise distinct modal beach states in response to environmental conditions aremost widely used. These models were developed largely in high-energy, micro- to meso-tidal sandyenvironments and subsequent attention has focussed on extending their use into other beach environments.Here, the applicability of these traditional beach classification models to the highly diverse coastline ofEngland and Wales was assessed through collection of detailed morphodynamic characteristics of 92 beaches,yielding a comprehensive multi-variate data set containingmorphological, sedimentological and hydrodynamicinformation. The complex and diverse study region incorporates beach morphology covering the full spectrumfrom reflective to dissipative, and non-barred tomulti-barred. Cluster analysis supplemented byMDS ordinationresulted in the identification of 9 distinct beach types. Traditionalmorphodynamic indicesΩ and RTRwere foundto be effective in discriminating between beach groups providing some support for the beach state modelsderived using information from Australian beaches. It was found that absolute wave energy (wave power) isimportant as well in controlling beach type. For intermediate beaches a wave energy flux P (∝H2T) value of3 kWm−1 was found to differentiate between beacheswith (PN3 kWm−1) andwithout (Pb3 kWm−1) three-dimensional bar/rip morphology, a key component controlling recreational beach hazard levels. Observationspresented here inform a beach classification model to be used as the basis for a national beach risk assessmentprogramme. Beach classification models based on environmental parameters are, by necessity, simplificationsand should be used as tools for understanding morphodynamic systems, rather than beach type prediction.


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1. Introduction

Beach morphology varies in time with changing hydrodynamicforcing (waves and tides), while the modal beach morphology changesspatially in response to the geographical variability in environmentalconditions (waves, tides, sediments, geology, etc.). This notion hasresulted in the formulation of beach classificationmodels that recognisethe occurrence of distinct beach morphologies, or beach states/types,and link these to parameterisations of thekey environmental conditions,namely wave climate, tidal regime and beach sediment characteristics.The most widely used of such models is the so-called Australian beachmodel, originally devised separately and independently by Chappell andEliot (1979), Short (1979a) and Wright et al. (1979), and subsequentlyrefined byWright and Short (1984) andWright et al. (1987).

The Australian beach model was based on the study of sandybeaches along the high-wave energy and microtidal (mean springtidal range MSRb2 m) coastline of New South Wales, Australia. Thekey parameter in this model is the dimensionless fall velocity Ω givenby H/wsT, where H is the (breaking) wave height, ws is the (high tide)sediment fall velocity and T is the (peak) wave period (Gourlay,

1968). Different classifications have been developed for other beachenvironments, for example the model of Hegge et al. (1996)developed for the microtidal and sheltered coastline of southwesternWestern Australia, Short's (1991) model based on the macrotidal(4 mbMSR b8 m) beaches of central Queensland, Australia, and theclassification of Jennings and Shulmeister (2002) based on a study ofNew Zealand gravel beaches. Masselink and Short (1993) used theAustralian beach model as a starting point and extended it to accountfor the relative importance of tides and waves parameterised by therelative tide range RTR given byMSR/H, whereMSR is themean springtide range. Based on the analysis of all 10,685 beach systems presentin Australia, Short (2006) added a further two geologically-controlledand four low energy beach types to the combined models of Wrightand Short (1984) and Masselink and Short (1993).

Beach classifications are useful in providing a conceptual frame-work within which beach and surf zone environments can be studiedand understood, and the wide use of beach models for this purpose isdemonstrated by the large amount of citations for beach classificationpapers (487 for Wright and Short, 1984; 70 for Short, 1991; 177 forMasselink and Short, 1993; 44 for Hegge et al., 1996; 27 for Jenningsand Shulmeister, 2002; all based on Google Scholar checked on 6 June2010). Because beach sedimentology and hydrodynamic processesare strongly correlated to beach fauna Defeo and McLachlan, (2005),beach classification models are also useful for providing the physical

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framework for beach ecologists. For example, both species' abundanceand diversity are strongly linked to beach state and can beparameterised by similar parameters on which beach classificationmodels are based (Rodil and Lastra, 2004). Finally, due to the linkbetween beach morphology and surf hazards to bathers, beachclassification models have also been used as the basis for beach riskassessment (Short, 1993,1999), with particular emphasis on the roleof rip currents (Short and Hogan, 1994; Scott et al., 2009).

Beach classification models are generally based on a large amountof temporal and/or spatial observations, and are most applicable tothe environment whence the observational data were collected.Application of a model outside the region for which it was developedcan lead to general support (Sénéchal et al., 2009), modification(Costas et al., 2005) or outright rejection (Jackson et al., 2005) of themodel. It is important to recognise that there is a fundamentaldifference between validation studies based on temporal data andthose based on spatial data. In the former case, time series of beachstate are used to investigate the morphological variability and beachstate transitions on a single beach as a result of varying forcingconditions and often suggest that beach state is strongly reliant on theprevious state (Costas et al., 2005; Jiménez et al., 2008; Ortega-Sánchez et al., 2008; Sénéchal et al., 2009). In the latter case, themodal beach state on a large number of beaches is linked to forcingfactors and such studies tend to highlight the importance of factorsspecific to the study area, such as geology (Jackson et al., 2005) andwave height variability (Gómez-Pujol et al., 2007).

Two critical factors in the formulation and/or application of beachclassification models are the objective characterisation of the beachstate and correct parameterisation of the environmental factors (andwhether the selected parameters are indeed appropriate; cf., Anthony,1998). Early beach typologies were based on field sketches thatcaptured the three-dimensionality of the morphology, supplementedwith two-dimensional beach surveys (Chappell and Eliot, 1979; Short,1979b). More sophisticated methods for characterising the beachmorphology include three-dimensional beach surveys involving GPS(e.g., Sénéchal et al., 2009) and ARGUS video-monitoring (e.g.,Ranasinghe et al., 2004). However, despite the sophistication of themethodology, inmost studies the actual identification of the beach stateis a manual process and therefore highly subjective. To avoid thisproblem, both Hegge et al. (1996) and Jennings and Shulmeister (2002)have deployed multivariate analytical techniques (cluster analysis anddiscriminant analysis, respectively) to help them objectively identifyand classify the dominant beach types.

The problemwith correctly parameterising the forcing conditions, inparticular the inshore wave height and period, is potentially moresignificant. In temporal studies, the inshore wave field can becharacterised using deep-water wave data, especially if a wave buoy islocated immediately off the beach (e.g., Ortega-Sánchez et al., 2008;Sénéchal et al., 2009). However, in spatial studies, reliable inshore wavedata are rarely available for all beaches in the data set and need to beestimated. Unless a numerical model is deployed to transform deepwater wave conditions to the inshore for each of the beaches, breakerconditions are unlikely to be estimated correctly. As an example, in thestudy of Jackson et al. (2005), the average breaker conditions on 25beacheswere estimated by applying a simple shoaling equation to deepwater wave data, without taking account of sheltering provided byheadlands or consideration of the shoreline orientation relative to thedominant wave direction. As a result, the breaker conditions wereconsiderably overestimated, with mean wave heights along therelatively low wave energy northeast coast of Ireland of c. 1.5 m. This,togetherwith theuseof themean insteadof thepeakwaveperiod, led toall but one of the north Irish beaches predicted to be ultra-dissipative,which as the study states, represents a poor characterisation of theactual beach morphology.

Jackson et al. (2005) highlight the role of site context within theirdataset in constraining beach morphological change. They suggest

that the complexity of beach morphological systems means that inmany beach environments the morphological realisation of thesedynamic forcing conditions (waves and currents) can, to varyingextents, be constrained by the geological site context. On both atemporal and spatial scale, the geological framework within which abeach exists can impose important boundary conditions to theevolution of beach morphological state, affecting nearshore wavetransformations, and sediment abundance and accommodation space(Jackson and Cooper, 2009; Short and Jackson, in press). Short andJackson (in press) concede that much of the development of beachclassification models and thinking on beach morphodynamics isdominated by consideration of unconstrained beach environmentsemphasising the importance of considering the role of geological sitecontext when assessing the effectiveness of morphodynamic indicesin the application of beach classificationmodels outside of their regionof development.

The aim of the present paper is to provide an overview of thespatial variability in beach morphology along the highly diversecoastline of England and Wales and synthesise the observations in abeach classification model that can be used as the basis for a nationalbeach risk assessment programme. Previous work by Scott et al.(2009) identified the importance of rip currents and associatedmorphology in controlling recreational beach hazards in England andWales. It was therefore important that a resulting classification modelincorporated the presence/absence of rip morphology as well asrepresenting the full spectrum of beach types and hazards likely to beencountered by bathers and therefore be of interest to beach safetymanagers. To this end, the database in this study comprises a broadcross-section of 92 beaches and, for each of these, beach type wasclassified objectively using cluster analysis based on morphology,sedimentology and hydrodynamics, with inshore wave conditionsestimated using a combination of observational wave data andnumerical modelling. In recognition of the site-specificity of coastalgeomorphology, the classification approach adopted here is data-driven, but at the same time directed towards a purpose (i.e., nationalbeach risk assessment programme). The outline of this paper is asfollows. Section 2 presents an extensive description of the coastline ofEngland and Wales, the prevailing environmental conditions and thedata set used in this study. Section 3 describes the dominant beachmorphologies and their grouping, while Section 4 explores therelation between beach type and morphodynamic indices. Section 5introduces and discusses the final classification model and conclu-sions are presented in Section 6.

2. Study area and dataset

2.1. Boundary conditions along the coastline of England and Wales

The coast of England and Wales is one of the most diversecoastlines in the world and a large variety of coastal landforms arerepresented, including dunes, sand and gravel beaches, barriers andspits, various types of estuaries, tidal flats and salt marshes, rapidlyeroding soft-rock cliffs and resistant hard-rock cliffs with shoreplatforms (e.g., Steers, 1946; May and Hansom, 2003). Accordingly,the setting of the many beaches also varies widely and the beachmorphology covers the full spectrum from reflective to dissipative,and non-barred to multi-barred. The large variety in coastal settingsand beach systems is mainly attributed to the along-coast variabilityin static and dynamic environmental factors, or boundary conditions,and the most important of these for beach morphology are geology,sediments and external forcing (wind, waves, storms and tides). Thegeographic variability in these boundary conditions is summarised inFig. 1.

Long-term coastal evolution is largely driven by changes in(relative) sea level. At the end of the glacial maximum, around18,000 years ago, global sea level started to rise rapidly from c. 120 m

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Fig. 1. a) Mean wave power, full wave field, based on hourly model hindcast values over 7 years. Figure adapted from BERR (2008); b) mean spring tide range (based on data derivedfrom an average tidal year), adapted from BERR (2008); c) 50-year surge elevation, adapted from Flather et al. (1998); and d) map of Britain showing resistance of the geology todenudation (Clayton and Shamoon, 1998) and rates of late Holocene vertical land motion (Gehrels, 2010).

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below present sea level, attaining its present level around 4000 yearsago (Fairbanks, 1989). The effect of this sea-level rise on the coastlineof England and Wales must be considered in combination with thechanges in the vertical land level associated with glacio-isostaticeffects (Fig. 1d), in particular isostatic rebound of the formerlyglaciated areas in the north, and collapse of the forebulge of areas nearthe ice margin in the south (Gehrels, 2010). These relative sea levelchanges have significant implications for sinking east coast regionsfringing the shallow North Sea. This coastline is very young and islikely to be in disequilibrium, being significantly affected by relaxationtime effects.

The large-scale solid geology, characterised by a decrease in agefrom west to east, forms the template of the overall coastaltopography and the outline of the coast. The geology exerts itscontrol on coastal morphology mainly through the resistance of therocks to denudation (Fig. 1d) (Clayton and Shamoon, 1998) and thisprovides the explanation for the contrast between the high-relief,mainly rocky coast of west England and Wales and the low-relief,mainly unconsolidated coasts of east England. Accordingly, the westand north-east coasts of England and Wales are characterised byembayed beaches, while long sweeping beaches are more commonalong the south and east coasts of England.

In addition to the solid geology, the drift geology is also important,and is mainly a legacy of the most recent and penultimate glaciations,the Devensian and Wolstonian, respectively (Fig. 1d). Duringdeglaciation, large quantities of glacial and paraglacial sediments,comprising the full spectrum of sediment sizes frommud to boulders,were left by the retreating glaciers. The coarser material, most ofwhich was deposited on what is now the continental shelf, has beentransported onshore during the post-glacial transgression and hasbeen incorporated in dunes, beaches, barriers and estuaries (Defra,2002; Orford et al., 2002). This sediment source is now mostlydepleted and offshore sediment supply to the coast by naturalprocesses is very limited. However, most of the material that wasdeposited on what is now land is still present and represents animportant sediment source to the nearshore system through soft-clifferosion, particularly along the east coast of England (Bray and Hooke,1997). The finer fractions of these eroded glacially-derived sediments(mud and silt) are being deposited on salt marshes and tidal flats inestuarine environments, or are transported to the southern North Seaby tidal currents (Dyer and Moffat, 1998). The coarser fractions (sandand gravel) enter the littoral system and are distributed along thecoast. The geology along the south coast of England is of medium-resistance and the erosion of these cliffs also provides a significantsource of sediment to the nearshore system (Bray and Hooke, 1997).The paraglacial history and extensive cliff erosion provide the keyexplanation for the relative large proportion of gravel and mixedsand/gravel beach and barrier systems in England andWales (c. 25%).

The tidal range varies considerably along the coast of England andWales due to the presence of several amphidromic systems and theinteractions between the tidal motion and the coastal topography(Fig. 1b). The largest tides occur in the Bristol Channel due to thefunnelling effect of the coastal topography and the smallest tides areexperienced in the lee of the Isle of Wight in proximity to thedegenerate amphidromic point near Bournemouth. For the majorityof the coast, the amplitude of the M2 tidal component exceeds 1.5 mand the mean spring tide range along the open coast (excludingestuaries) is 5.5 m.

Inshore wave conditions also vary significantly along the coast ofEngland and Wales (Fig. 1a). The most energetic wave conditions areexperienced in the southwest, where the 50% exceedence significantwave height (Hs, 50%) is larger than 1 m and the wave climate is amixture of Atlantic swell and locally-generated wind waves. Thelowest wave conditions prevail along the northwest and east coasts ofEngland, where waves are predominantly wind waves and Hs, 50% isgenerally less than 0.5 m. The influence of exposure to the Atlantic

Ocean along the southwest coast of England and to a lesser extent inthe Irish Sea increases the contribution of long-period, swell waves tothe wave spectrum (Fig. 2). The complexities of coastal orientationand exposure around the coasts of England and Wales lead to adynamic balance of clearly defined high/low wave energy and wind/swell wave components that is often characterised by a bimodal waveenergy spectrum with multiple directional sources in many regions(Bradbury et al., 2004) (Fig. 2). Mean seasonal variation in waveclimate is significant in many coastal regions with strong summer–winter wave energy variations. For example, wave buoy data from theAtlantic southwest coast of England shows 10% exceedence significantwave heights ranging from 2 m to 5 m from summer to winter,respectively (Scott, 2009). Further analysis of storm wave character-istics along the Atlantic west coast illustrates the extreme high waveconditions experienced in west coast regions. On average, 17.4 stormevents (peak HsN4 m) and 5 severe storm events (peak HsN6 m)occur annually (Scott, 2009).

In addition to tide range and wave conditions, extreme water levelconditions during storms in the form of storm surge are alsoimportant forcing factors for coastal morphology. The distribution ofextreme surge height around the UK coast is plotted in Fig. 1c andindicates that the areas particularly prone to storm surge are the eastcoast of Englandwith a 1:50 year storm surge height of 1.5–2.5 m, andthe northwest coast of England and the Bristol Channel with a1:50 year storm surge height of ∼1.5 m (Flather et al., 1998).

2.2. Study sites

Based on the geographical distribution in the boundary conditionsoutlined in the previous section, a comprehensive campaign of datacollation and collection was undertaken to generate a representativeand robust dataset of morphometric and hydrodynamic attributes fora large number of beaches. While the collection of a fully represen-tative and unbiased dataset is always desirable, there are inherentphysical and financial limitations in conducting random samplingstrategies on this scale. Due to these limitations representative siteselection was based on current understanding of UK beach morpho-dynamics and some far-field site selection was influenced by thirdparty data availability. Data were collected from 92 beach sites withinEngland andWales (Fig. 3). These sites were broken down into 5mainregions: (A) Irish Sea and (B) Liverpool Bay, the (C) Atlanticsouthwest, (D) Lyme Bay, the (E) Channel Coast and the (F) EastCoast. These different regions represent a broad cross section of beachtypes and environmental settings observed in the UK, possessing amarked difference in wave climate, sediment type and abundance,geological history and tidal range.

Wave climate statistics for 2007, from the MetOffice UK WatersWave Model, are represented in Fig. 2 demonstrating the significantwave climate variations across the study regions. The Atlanticsouthwest represents a macro- to megatidal (MSRN8 m) high-energyopen-coast dominated by high hard rock cliffs and embayed sandybeaches. A reduction in Atlantic exposure along the macrotidal IrishSea and micro- to macrotidal Channel coasts (including Lyme Bay)resulting in a more complicated bimodal wave frequency spectrum asattenuated Atlantic swell waves and local wind seas combine. A rangeof backshore geomorphology (barriers, estuaries, soft and hard rockcliffs and open coasts), sediment type and abundance occursthroughout these mixed wave regions. The East Coast, althoughdominated by steep wind seas, also experiences a mixed sea/swellwave climate with the longer period, swell wave input coming fromthe northern North Sea and Arctic Ocean. Tide range varies frommeso- (2 mbMSRb4 m) to macrotidal moving northward along thelargely uninterrupted open coastline that is characterised by low soft-rock rapidly eroding cliffs punctuated by two large estuarine systems,the Humber and the Wash. Finally, study sites in Liverpool Bay

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Fig. 2. Offshore wave climate statistics for the selected study regions. Wave roses for mean significant wave height (Hs) and peak wave period (Tp) for each location represent occurrence statistics for 3-hourly wave model outputs from theMetOffice UK Waters Wave Model during 2007. Wave direction corresponds to peak wave period. 5






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Fig. 3. Overview map of study region showing all selected beach sites. All wave data sources are also indicated. Highlighted boxes indicate regional domains where wave modellingwas performed.

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represent a macrotidal, shallow, sediment-rich, fetch-limited windwave environment.

2.3. Data collection and assimilation

Within each of the study regions indicated in Fig. 3 a campaign ofdata collection was undertaken between late September and earlyDecember 2007. Morphological, sedimentological and hydrodynamicdatasets were collected for each beach, as well as information on thelocal environmental setting and extended morphological character-istics. For regions where primary data (beach surveys and sedimentsamples) could not be collected, reliable third party sources wereutilised (Environment Agency, Channel Coastal Observatory, Univer-sity ofWales Bangor). The data collection programmewas designed tobe as temporally synchronous as possible to minimise inter-sitetemporal variations in collected data due to changing forcingconditions. Using the methodology outlined in Fig. 4, a large numberof morphological, sedimentological and hydrodynamic parameterswere then derived and the resulting data matrix was used as the basisfor further analysis.

The beach profile was used to extract morphometric indices, such asbeachwidth and gradient (for different segments: upper, mid and lowerintertidal), andbeach sediment samples taken fromaround the high andlow tidemarkswere used todetermine sediment size (fromsieving) andfall velocity (using settling tube). An assessment of the bar morphologyis crucial to the quality and usefulness of this dataset due to theimportant role of barmorphology in controlling beach type (Wright andShort, 1984; Lippmann andHolman, 1990). Formost beaches in the dataset, the cross-shore profile provided an adequate measure of the beachmorphology, but a significant number of the beaches displayedpronounced three-dimensional bar morphology. For these beaches,

remote imagery, acquired through oblique and aerial photographs, wasused to evaluate thebar characteristics. A simple visual assessmentof barcharacteristics illustrated in Fig. 5 was used for this purpose. Bars wereclassified in terms of type and shape, whereby bar type is defined by thepresence of bars and their number, and bar shape describes the three-dimensional nature of the bar systems. Rhythmic bar systems thatpossess highly three-dimensional characteristics are commonly associ-ated with rip current circulation and intermediate morphodynamicregimes (crescentic, rhythmic and transverse bar systems).

For each beach, a number of hydrodynamic parameters weredetermined (MSR, Hs, 10% and Hs, 50%, Tp and Tm). MSR was taken fromthe UK Hydrographic Office tide tables (Admiralty, 2007), but if abeach was not in the immediate vicinity of a Primary or SecondaryPort, it was obtained using linear interpolation. Wave height is acritical parameter for computing both Ω and RTR, and due to itsimportance cannot simply be estimated on the basis of the offshorewave conditions. The method of calculation of wave period issignificant when computing the dimensionless fall velocity. For thisstudy, the mean wave period was used as this was a more reliablyestimated statistic across both measured and modelled inshorewaves. A variety of methods were deployed to obtain the appropriateinshore wave conditions for each of the beaches in the databasedepending on the availability of offshore and inshore wave data.

The sensitivity of traditional morphodynamic indices to thederivation of wave parameters is well established (cf., Anthony,1998; Masselink and Pattiaratchi, 2000). Therefore, the availability ofinshore wave buoy data was a priority when selecting beach sites, butto enable the sampling of a broad range of beach environments, somesites were selected that were not in the proximity of measured wavedata. For beaches in all regions except the Irish Sea and Liverpool Bay,some or all of the selected sites were sufficiently close to inshore wave

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Analysis of morphometric and morphodynamic dataset - Correlation analysis

- H-type cluster analysis - Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling

- Predictive morphodynamic indices

Classification of beaches within the UK coastal environment

Analysis of UK beach types and their hydrodynamic setting

Beach morphology Hydrodynamic setting

Beach profiles and sediment

Bar morphology Wave climate Tide

Collection and acquisition of beach

profiles and sediment

Analysis of profile morphometrics and

sediment size distribution

Collection of aerial and oblique photographic


Observational analysis of bar type through

remote imagery

MetOffice UK waters 2G wave model and nearshore buoy data

Calculation of nearshore wave

climate for each beach (MIKE21 SW wave model & available wave buoy data)

UKHO mean tidal levels (standard and

secondary ports)

Estimation of tidal levels for each beach (linear interpolation)





- Hs50%

- Hs10%

- Tm

- Tp

- bar type (no, single, multiple)

- bar shape (no, linear, intersected, 3D rhythmic)

- profile dimensions (width, height, slope)

- fall velocity

- D50 (grain size)

- % mass > 2 mm


















N &






















& B









Tidal parameters Wave climate parameters

Bar type/shape classification

Morphological and sedimentological


Fig. 4. Flow diagram of research methodology of the beach classification study.

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buoys. Inshore wave conditions were extracted from directional wavebuoy data from buoys deployed in relatively shallow water (8–10 m).The wave direction was accounted for by only considering shorewardpropagating waves. For beaches where measured wave data was notavailable, inshore wave conditions were obtained through the use of anumerical model (MIKE21) forced by hindcast offshore wave modeldata from the MetOffice UK Waters Wave Model (Scott, 2009).In allcases, representative annual wave statistics were calculated usingdata from 2007. Where possible, model results were validated usinginshore wave data. Although the resulting parameterisation of theinshore wave conditions is not perfect, it is far superior to simpleestimation (Masselink and Short, 1993), or using linear shoaling of theoffshore wave conditions without any consideration of the wavedirection and wave refraction processes (Jackson et al., 2005).

2.4. Overview of data

Fig. 6 illustrates the round coast variation in wave height, waveperiod andMSR with each of the six discrete regions A–F representingunique combinations of these parameters. Region A represents a coast

of low-energy and short-period waves (Hs, 50%b1 m; Tmb7 s), withHs, 10% values greater than 1 m at beaches along the southwest coast ofAnglesey (Region B). Region C1 receives high-energy Atlantic swellwaves, but exhibits considerable spatial variability due to varyingdegrees of sheltering. In the northern part of C1, the Bristol Channelbeaches are low-energy, wind-wave dominated, while in the westernpart the contribution of Atlantic swell and high-energy storm eventsto the wave climate is at a maximum (Hs, 50% up to 1.5 m). WithinRegion C1, fluctuations in nearshore wave height are due to localvariations in beach orientation and the relative exposure. Increasedshelter from the Atlantic swell source in the west (regions C2 to E)drives a wave climate transition from swell-wave to wind–wavedominance. In a number of locations wave conditions are relativelyenergetic (Hs, 50%=1m) due to relatively steep nearshore gradientsallowing for increased wave energy transmission to the surf zone.Finally, region F is characterised by the semi-enclosed North Sea waveclimate and experiences low-energy and short-period waves, similarto region A (Hs, 50% b 0.6 m; Tmb7 s). Although exposed to swell fromthe northern Atlantic and Arctic Oceans to the north, limited amountsof swell energy reach this region due to the shallow nature of the

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Fig. 5. Classification of bar type and shape with associated examples from remote imagedataset.

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southern North Sea, where water depths, even up to 100 km offshoreof region F, remain on average less than 30 m.

The average MSR over the study sites is 4.9 m with a standarddeviation of 1.9 m. This wide variability is largely due to the continental

Fig. 6. Inshore hydrodynamic conditions for each beach site moving anti-clockwise around tsignificant wave height (circles); (middle) mean wave period (triangles) and peak wave pAtlantic southwest (north coast); C2 Atlantic southwest (south coast); Lyme Bay; Channel

setting of the British Isles which are surrounded by constrictingchannels and semi-enclosed seas, modifying the north Atlantic tidaloscillation. Fig. 6 highlights these variations, in particular showing theresults of tidal constriction in the Bristol Channel (region C1), squeezingtheMSR at the selected beach sites above 10 m, aswell as the effects of adegenerative amphidromic point, positioned inland of Bournemouth onthe coast of southern England (region E), where a microtidal regime isobserved with MSR values as low as 1.2 m. A steady regional transitionofMSR can beobserved from9.8 m in theBristol Channel (Minehead) to1.4 m in the English Channel near Bournemouth (Fishermans Walk).Another along-coast transition occurs along the east coast of Englandwhere MSR increases northwards from 1.9 m to 6.4 m, away from theamphidromic point located in the eastern English Channel. Due to thelarge variability in wave/tide conditions, a large range of beach types isrepresented in the data set. Fig. 7 shows examples of seven beachescovering the complete spectrum from reflective to dissipative morpho-types. Additionally, a range of bar types is present in the data set, fromsingle two-dimensional sub-tidal bars, to three-dimensional bar/ripmorphology, to multiple intertidal bars.

Barmorphologyplays an integral part indetermining thebeach type.Broken down into presence/absence, number of bars and three-dimensionality, Fig. 8 maps the distribution of the simplified barcharacteristics as observed from available remote imagery and fieldvisits. The swell dominated regions of the west coast of England is theonly areawhere strongly three-dimensional bar systemswere observed,and these were generally associated with rhythmic transverse bar/ripsystems (Austin et al., 2010). Beaches with few or no bar features werepredominantly found in lower energy and/or wind–wave dominatedlocations. Multiple bar systems were found in macrotidal, andpredominantly low-energy environments in regions of sedimentabundance associated with ebb-tidal deltas at estuary mouths (vanHouwelingenet al., 2006).Observed cases of single linearbarswere few;in all cases they were in micro- to mesotidal regimes in Poole Bay andsouthern Norfolk.

he coast: (top) 50% exceedence significant wave height (triangles) and 10% exceedenceeriod (circles); and (bottom) mean spring tidal range. A Liverpool Bay; B Irish Sea; C1Coast; East Coast.

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Fig. 7. (Left) Example images of beach type variations within the dataset. A full spectrum of beach forms is displayed throughout a reflective to ultra dissipative continuum. (Middle)Sample values for upper and lower sediment size and annual mean wave height statistics for 2007. (Right) Cross-shore profiles of the seven example locations with inset showingnational context.

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3. Grouping of the beaches

3.1. Identification of beach groups though cluster analysis

For each beach, 24 variables were extracted from the morpholog-ical, sedimentological and hydrodynamic data. However, correlationanalysis revealed that a large number of variables are closely related(e.g., beach gradient and width; Hs, 50% and Hs, 10%) and a large numberof redundant variables were excluded from the data set. Only the 9variables listed in Table 1 were considered in further analysis. As atechnique for identifying structure within a multivariate dataset,cluster analysis has been successfully employed in previous researchin the field of beach morphodynamics and classification (Hegge et al.,1996; Travers, 2007). Grouping of these ordinal and nominal data wascomputed using the Unweighted Pair-Group Method with ArithmeticMean (UPGMA) and Gowers General Similarity Coefficient (Gower,1971; Everitt et al., 2001). The output of the agglomerativehierarchical clustering analysis is expressed in the form of ahierarchical tree (Middleton, 2000). The inclusion of categorical(e.g., bar type), as well as continuous (e.g., wave height), variableswithin the dataset creates some limitations in the methods availableto calculate the similarity or distance measures between samples.Gowers General Similarity Coefficient was selected because it is ableto deal with mixed data types (e.g., Ramsay et al., 2006). A wide rangeof hierarchical clusteringmethods are available, this analysis applied arange of techniques and UPGMA provided the best results. Selection ofthe optimum number of groups for the particular application is acritical stage in cluster analysis. Although there aremany documentedways to perform this statistically (Chatfield and Collins, 1980), logicand experience of the dataset in question must be employed whenanalysing the results of the final cluster analysis. In practice thismeans that the onus remains on the researcher to select a realisticlevel that is most appropriate to the underlying research question.

The beaches were grouped through cluster analysis on the basis ofprofile geometry, bar characteristics, sedimentology and wave/tideclimate using the variable listed in Table 1. Analysis of the dendrogram,the graphical product of the cluster analysis and its associatedagglomeration levels (Fig. 9), enabled the final grouping of beaches.From the cluster analysis, 9 beach groups were defined at the 80%similarity level. This cut-off level was selected with knowledge of thebeaches in mind and represented the most appropriate resolution ofclasses for the number of beaches and their observed morphodynamicvariability, aswell as considering similarity levelswhere sharp increases inagglomeration occur.

The structure of the resultant beach groups was further examinedusing a method of non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS),introduced by Shepard (1962) and Kruskal (1964). This is just one of asuite ofmultivariate tools designed to represent the samples in a data setin a reduced dimensional space (usually two-dimensional) to aid datasummarisation andwas chosen due to its capacity to handlemixed datatypes. MDS represents the beaches as points in low-dimensional spacesuch that the relative distances between the points are in the same rankorder as the relative dissimilarities from the similaritymatrix; therefore,the proximity of beaches within an MDS defines their similarity incommunity composition. The measure of goodness-of-fit of the MDSordination is termed the stress value, which ranges from 0 to 1. A stressvalue of 0 represents perfect ordination. 2D stress levels of 0.1 areconsidered to indicate excellent ordination (Clarke and Gorley, 2006).

The result of the two-dimensionalMDSordination is shown in Fig. 10and confirms the significance of the clustering and the level ofdissimilarity between beach groups. The associated stress of 0.1indicates a good ordination with limited additional information beinggained through a higher-dimensional ordination. The graphic ordina-tion displays a reasonable level of separation within the defined beachgroups (80% separation from Fig. 9 represented as dashed line), with theexception of groups 1, 2 and 4 which exhibit some overlap. The MDS

Page 10: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Fig. 8. Map of the study regions illustrating the distribution of bar types around the study beaches. Terminology refers to Fig. 5.

10 T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

results confirm that there are clear distinctions in morphological,sedimentological and forcing characteristics between the beach groups.

Before discussing each of the identified beach types and theirassociationwith environmental conditions, itmust beborne inmindthatsome of the associations arise from the limitations in the data set. Forexample, most high-energy beaches in the data set experience high-macrotidal ranges, while many low-energy beaches are lowermacro- tomesotidal.

3.2. Characterisation of beach groups

To assist with the interpretation of the identified beach groups, therange of values for the morphological, sedimentological and hydro-

Table 1Parameters and associated units and value ranges included in cluster analysis and beachclassification.

Term Units Range

min max

Hs, 50% m 0.4 1.6Tm s 2.8 8.3MSR m 1.4 9.8Slope (total) deg 0.5 9.7Slope (segments) deg 0.2 14D50 (upper) mm 0.15 26D50 (lower) mm 0.14 21Bar type Nominal None MultipleBar shape Nominal Linear Rhythmic 3D

dynamic parameters associated with each beach were considered inMDS space (Fig. 11). In these plots, the beaches are plotted in MDSspace with the size of the symbols proportional to the parametervalues. Clear trends in parameter values can be seen across the groups.Beach slope, which largely controls the reflective or dissipative natureof the surf zone, and sediment size, which is strongly and positivelyrelated to beach gradient, contributes to the definition of clusteredgroups along the x-axis of the MDS plots (increasing from left toright). Wave height, on the other hand, contributes to separationbetween groups with common slope characteristics and varies mainlyalong the y-axis of the MDS plots (increasing from bottom to top).Mean spring tide range and wave period varies diagonally across theMDS plots (increasing from the lower-right to the upper-left).

The variability in bar occurrence, number and shape across thedifferent beach groups was also investigated in MDS space (Fig. 12).Practically all beaches in a group are characterised by the same barmorphology (or absence of bars). The only exception is group 6; thisgroup is dominated by three-dimensional, multiple, intertidal barmorphology, but includes one non-barred and one single barredbeach.

So far, the characteristics of the identified beach groups have beeninvestigated in MDS space using single parameters. Fig. 13 exploresthe morphodynamic variability across the beach groups using the surfscaling parameter ε, given by 2π2H2/gT2tan2β. This parameter iswidely used for quantifying surf zone morphodynamics due to itsability to discriminate between reflective and dissipative beach states(Carrier and Greenspan, 1958), because it includes beach gradienttanβ as well as wave steepness H/T. The parameter is less useful in

Page 11: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Fig. 9. Dendrogram clustered using unweighted pair group average (UPGMA) method. Symbols represent discrete beach groups attained using a cut-off level of 80% similarity.Numbering is arbitrary and represents a coarse reflective to dissipative order to aid further interpretation.

11T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

distinguishing amongst the barred, intermediate beach types (Bauerand Greenwood, 1988). The full morphodynamic range of ε values(from b2.5 to N300) is represented in the data set with most groupsbeing characterised by a relatively narrow range of ε values. Mostbeaches fall in the dissipative category (εN20), with only 26intermediate beaches (2.5bεb20) and 3 reflective beaches (εb2.5).

3.3. Interpretation of beach groups: identification of beach types

Application of any clustering technique to a multivariate data setwill result in a solution of structured groups regardless of whetherreal grouping in the data exists. MDS ordination gives insight in thewithin- and between-group variability in the values of the parametersthat form the basis of the clustering, but the resulting groups stillrequire meaningful interpretation, i.e., the beach groups will need to

be transformed into beach types. To assist with the morphodynamicdescription of the different beach groups, Fig. 14 shows examples ofeach of the beach type.

Based on group morphometric, sedimentological and hydrody-namic characteristics and using where appropriate the terminologydeployed by Wright and Short (1984) and Masselink and Short(1993), the identified beach types are as follows.

3.3.1. Reflective (low-energy): R(LE) (group 1)Highly reflective, steeply sloping beaches with slope angles

ranging from 4° to 10°. Beach sediment is characterised by mediumto coarse gravel on the upper and lower beach face (N50% gravelcontent throughout). The coarse nature of sediments is a significantcontrolling factor in beach type within this group. These beachestypically comprise a step feature at the base of the swash zone and

Page 12: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

2D Stress = 0.1







Fig. 10. MDS ordination of beach sites that represents rank order similarities in a two-dimensional space. Symbols and associated numbers indicate beach groups generatedthrough cluster analysis and dashed lines represent the groupings at the 80% similaritylevel (Fig. 9). The value for 2D stress provides a measure of goodness-of-fit of the MDSordination (top right).

12 T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

beach cusps may be present on the upper beach, occasionally frontedby a shallow sub-tidal terrace (within east coast region). Sampledbeaches occur in low energy wind-wave dominated regions of LymeBay and the East Coast (Hs, 50%=0.4–0.5 m, Tm=3–4 s; Tp=5–8 s).Tides range from micro- to macrotidal (MSR=1.9–5 m). Examples ofthis beach type in England include Porlock, Someset (Jennings et al.,1998), Slaughden, Suffolk (Pontee et al., 2004) and Dungeness, Kent(Plater et al., 2009).

3.3.2. Reflective (high-energy): R(HE) (group 2)Reflective, steeply sloping beaches with inter-tidal slopes of 5° to

7°. Grain sizes range frommedium sand to gravel (commonly 10–15%gravel content). This group incorporates low to high energy beaches(Hs, 50%=0.4–1.2 m) with a greater exposure to long period swellwaves (Tm=4–8 s; Tp=7–13 s). These beaches are found along thesouthwest, south and exposed east coasts of England occurring inmicro- to macrotidal environments (MSR=1.6–4.7 m), which arelargely sediment limited with respect to gravel. Examples of thisbeach type include Chesil beach, Dorset in England (Bray, 1997) andmixed sand and gravel beaches of the east coast of the South Island,New Zealand (Jennings and Shulmeister, 2002).

3.3.3. Linear sub-tidal barred: STB (group 3)These intermediate beaches have a predominantly reflective

beachface with intertidal slopes of 1–7° and are characterised by thepresence of a linear sub-tidal bar and shoreward alongshore trough orterrace, which extends to the foot of the reflective upper beach. Barformations can occasionally exist in the lower intertidal zone. Beachsediments are typically composed of medium to coarse sand. Allbeaches exist in low energy wind wave dominated (Hs, 50%=0.4–0.5 m; Tm=3.5–4 s; Tp=6.5–7.5 s), micro- to lower mesotidalenvironments (MSR=1.4–2.8 m) along the south (Poole Bay) andeast coasts of England. Morphological similarities can be drawn withthe classic incident scaled linear single-barred beach state firstidentified by Wright and Short (1984) and later reviewed byLippmann and Holman (1990) and termed Ridge–Runnel and IncidentScaled Bar, respectively. These beach and bar states are observed inmicrotidal beaches worldwide, associated with the reflective, two-dimensional end of the intermediate beach type spectrum, althoughthere is no evidence here that the STB beaches in this studyexperience infragravity scaled, down-state dissipative transitionsidentified throughout intermediate beaches of New South Wales inAustralia (Short, 1979a; Wright et al., 1979). Factors leading to themaintenance of bar state may include the absence of infragravity

waves and the proximity of these sites to regions of higher tidalranges and hence significant alongshore tidal flows.

3.3.4. Low-tide terrace/non-barred dissipative (low-energy): LTT-D(LE)(group 4)

This group represents variants of a low-tide terrace morphotype(Masselink and Short, 1993) characterised by a distinct break in slopemarking a transition from a steep reflective upper beach to highlyfeatureless dissipative lower beach, with no significant bar forma-tions. The group represents a bar-less transition through intermediateand dissipative regimes with intertidal slopes ranging from 0.5 to 3°.The prominence of the steep upper beach controls reflective–dissipative end member morphologies. Sediment size ranges frommedium-to-coarse sand to gravel in the upper beach with the gravelfraction reaching up to 50% in some cases, and a lower beach of fine-to-medium sand with the coarse fraction occasionally reaching up to25%. In the majority of cases, a textural discontinuity was associatedwith a break in slope and a low-tide terrace and groundwater seepageface (Turner, 1993), which is reported as being commonplace withinhigh-latitude coasts (Carter, 1988). The group has a low-energymixedwave climate (Hs, 50%=0.2–1.1 m; Tm=4–8 s; Tp=6–10 s). Thesebeaches occur in meso- and macrotidal settings (MSR=2.1–6.6 m).Examples of this beach type also occur in Wales (Liverpool Bay, IrishSea) and southwest, south and Lyme Bay regions of England.Reflective end member resembles the composite gravel beach formdescribed by Jennings and Shulmeister (2002) for beaches in NewZealand, while the more dissipative forms share similarities to theAustralian low energy Reflective+Low-Tide Terrace and Ultra-Dissipative beach types described by Short (2006) which hecommonly found in Queensland and north Western Australia,respectively.

3.3.5. Low-tide terrace and rip: LTT+R (group 5)These high energy intermediate beaches have a low-tide terrace

form in addition to three-dimensional bar systems within the lowerinter-tidal and sub-tidal zones, often characterised by rip currentactivity. Inter-tidal beach slopes range from 1.5° to 3°, comprised ofcomposite steep reflective upper and intermediate/dissipative flatlower beach slopes. Sediments are medium sand size with negligiblecoarse material (b5%). Importantly, the wave climate is characterisedby significantly higher energy than group 4 (Hs, 50%=0.7–1.4 m;Tm=8 s; Tp=10 s), specifically characterised by a large increase inHs, 10% (1.8–3.5 m) and the potential for an infragravity controlled surfzone. These sampled beaches occur within a macrotidal (4.6–4.7 m)regime and are a collection of beaches within the southwest coast ofEngland commonly identified by dynamic profile morphology andseasonal adjustment. Examples of the LTT+R beach type are foundinternationally along the Aquitaine coastline, southwest France(Castelle et al., 2007) where the full spectrum of two- and three-dimensional intermediate bar states can be observed.

3.3.6. Low-tide bar rip: LTBR (group 6)With slopes of 0.5–1.5°, and intertidal zones 200–450 m wide,

these macrotidal beaches can be considered dissipative in overallnature with significant low-tide bar/rip systems and limited butoccasional berm development. Beach sediments are commonlyseaward fining, well sorted, medium to coarse sand. Occasionally arelict or limited local gravel fraction is present as part of a steeperupper beach section. Although common in overall slope, this groupexhibits a range of profile forms from those approaching a low-tideterrace to those closer to a dissipative beach. Representing the largestsample group, these high-energy (Hs, 50%=0.8–1.6 m; Tm=8 s;Tp=9–10 s; Hs, 10%=1.6–3.5 m) beaches occurred on the macro-tidal (MSR=4.5–8 m) west and southwest coasts of England. Largetidal translation rates cause pronounced tidal non-stationarity andsmoothing of morphological features throughout themid-tidal region.

Page 13: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Fig. 11. MDS ordinations of beach sites from similarity matrix. Marker size scaling with beach slope (tanβ), MSR, Hs, 50%, Tm and upper and lower beach D50 allows graphicalassessment of trends within and between groups. Numbers indicate beach group association. Dashed lines represent the groupings at the 80% similarity level (Fig. 9).





bar type bar shapeNo bar No bar

LinearIntersected3D bar/rip

Multiple barSingle bar









Fig. 12. MDS ordination of beach sites from similarity matrix with markers indicating bar type (left) and bar shape (right). Numbers indicate beach group association. Dashed linesrepresent the groupings at the 80% similarity level (Fig. 9).

13T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

Page 14: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Surf scaling parameter

Fig. 13. MDS ordination of beach sites from similarity matrix, with markers indicatingvalues of the surf scaling parameter describing wave dissipation characteristics in thesurf zone. Numbers indicate beach group association. Dashed lines represent thegroupings at the 80% similarity level (Fig. 9). Sites represent full range of values of thesurf scaling parameter from reflective (εb2.5) through intermediate (2.5bεb20) todissipative (εN20).

14 T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

Low-tide bar and rip current morphologies display many character-istics of high-energy barred micro- to mesotidal intermediate beachesin literature (e.g.,Wright and Short, 1984;Masselink and Short, 1993).Other UK examples include Runkerry Beach, Co. Antrim, NorthernIreland (Shaw, 1985).

3.3.7. Non-barred dissipative (high-energy): NBD(HE) (group 7)These beaches are almost entirely dominated by a flat, wide,

featureless intertidal zone. Beach slopes are very gentle (0.5–1°) andcomposed of homogeneous fine to medium sands. In some cases, arelatively small reflective coarse upper beach may be present due tolocally derived or relict coarse sediments. Beaches in this group arelocated on high-energy swell wave dominated coasts (Hs, 50%=1–1.2 m; Hs, 10%=2–3 m; Tm=8 s; Tp=9–10 s) and occur in high-energy upper-macrotidal regions (MSR=6.5–8 m). Large tidal rangesand fine sediments create very wide (300–700 m) intertidal zoneswhere the rate of tidal translation of surf zone processes inhibits theformation of any bars. Examples of this beach type include PendineSands, Carmarthenshire, Wales (Jago and Hardisty, 1984) andRossnowlagh, Donegal, Ireland (Jackson et al., 2005).

3.3.8. Multiple inter-tidal barred: MITB (group 8)Beaches are typically characterised by very gentle slopes (0.5–

1.5°) with intertidal widths of 300–800 m and characterised by aseries of shore-parallel bars (3–6) that are dissected by shore-perpendicular drainage channels that occur throughout the intertidalzone. The height of the intertidal bars (crest-to-trough elevationdifference) does not exceed 1 m. Sites occur in environments wheresand is fine-to-medium throughout (samples from bar crests). Sitesare found in low-energy wave climates with (Hs, 50%=0.4–0.8 m;Hs, 10%=0.8–1 m Tm=3–5 s; Tp=5–6.5 s). The only exception to thisis Hayle (Hs, 10%=1.3 m Tm=7.5 s) where significant contribution ofwave climate is from medium energy swell waves. Study sitesoccurred in macrotidal environments (MSR=4.2–6.5 m) throughoutwest, northwest and east coast regions. The occurrence of multipleinter-tidal barred beaches appears to be associated with abundantsediment sources, often in proximity to ebb-tide deltas of estuariesoccurring throughout the coastal regions. This type of inter-tidal barmorphology is the same as the ridge and runnel topography describedby King and Williams (1949) and described as low-amplitude ridgesin a review of intertidal bar morphology by (Masselink et al., 2006).Examples of these beach types occur throughout the north Lincon-shire coast (van Houwelingen et al., 2006) and include Blackpool

Beach, northwest England, and Leffrinckoucke Beach, north France(Masselink and Anthony, 2001) as well as Wissant Bay, north France(Sedrati and Anthony, 2007).

3.3.9. Transition to tidal flats: TTF (group 9)These sites have flat andwide intertidal zones of 800–1000 mwith

slopes of c. 0.5° and no bars. The lower intertidal zone of these beachesare even flatter with slopes of 0.3° to 0.4°. Sediments aremedium sandin the upper beach (occasionally coarse sand/gravel fraction ispresent) and fine- to very fine sand on the lower beach. This grouprepresents a small sample of beaches limited to the megatidal BristolChannel region (MSR=9.7 m). Beach sites are largely tidally-dominated as low-energy wave conditions commonly occur inchannels and mouths of large estuaries/inlets associated extremelyhigh tidal ranges. The semi-sheltered Bristol Channel has a low-energy wind wave dominated wave climate (Hs, 50%=0.5 m; Tm=4 s;Tp=6.5 s). Due to the extent of the tidal range, the surf zone regimesof these beaches vary greatly from high- to low-tide. Lower beachgradients, and very wide surf zones at lower tides drive breaker heightdown due to bed friction (Levoy et al., 2000) increasing the tidaldominance. While at high-tide, a reduction in wave attenuation andsurf zone width can lead to a more intermediate surf zone characterassociated with a steeper beach face. These beaches are ultra-dissipative and represent the transition to tidal flats as identified byShort (1999, 2006). Examples of these beaches worldwide are limiteddue the requirement of large tidal ranges. Levoy et al. (2000) observedsimilar beaches in megatidal regions of northern France.

4. Beach classification model

The identified beach types described in the previous section havemuch in common with those comprising the beach classificationmodel proposed by Masselink and Short (1993), which links theoccurrence of distinct beach types to values of the dimensionless fallvelocity Ω and the relative tide range RTR. The model is used widely,although a number of researchers have suggested its application is notalways practical in the presence of constraining or modifyingconditions such as very coarse sediments, nearshore reefs, low energyconditions and geological control (Hegge et al., 1996; Sanderson andEliot, 1999; Jackson et al., 2005). Fig. 15 plots all 92 beaches in thisstudy in Ω-RTR space in their identified groups to assess to whatextent they conformed to the model of Masselink and Short (1993).

The beach sites within this study exhibit some clear distinctions intheir location within the Ω-RTR plot and there seems to be someagreement between the positioning of the beach types on the modelof Masselink and Short (1993). In general terms, variations in Ω andRTR between the groups describe the transitions from reflective todissipative and tide-effected to tide-dominated quite well. The mostencouraging result is the appropriate classification of the low tide barrip (LTBR; group 6) beach type. This beach type occupies a rathersmall morphodynamic window (Ω=2–5; RTR=3–7), and the LBTRbeaches identified in this study appropriately plot within theseboundaries.

Less successful is the positioning of the low tide terrace/non-barred dissipative (LTT-D; group 4) beach type on the Ω-RTR plot,because it seems to extend across a wide range of parameter values.Within the LTT-D group, the use of Ω and RTR appears to clearlydistinguish between a low-tide terrace form dominated by a reflectiveupper beach and a more dissipative form where the lower dissipativeterrace controls the surf zone regime throughout the majority of thetide. This range of observed beach forms can be explained by the largeproportion of beaches within this group having a mixed and/orlimited sedimentary environment exerting a significant local controlon beach form. In essence, the LTT-D group contains a range of low-energy beach forms with composite slopes (with the upper beachcoarser than lower) that display no significant bar morphology and

Page 15: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

Fig. 14. Examples of beach types derived from study dataset of 92 beaches. Where suitable, group names from literature are used (Wright and Short, 1984; Masselink and Short,1993). Groupings are those resulting from cluster analysis and MDS ordination. Cross-shore profiles (left) and oblique photographic images (right) represent typical morphology ofeach group.

15T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

are identified by a reflective surf zone at high-water and a non-barreddissipative surf zone at low-water, under average wave conditions.Observed scatter in values for Ω and RTR within LTT-D beaches are inpart attributed to parameter sensitivity to expected error levelsthrough point sediment sampling and nearshore wave estimationwithin a low-energy environment.

The positioning of the high-energy reflective (R(HE): group 2) andlow-energy reflective (R(LE); group 1) beach types agreed well interms of Ω, but extended into higher values of RTR mostly due tohigher tidal ranges. The R(HE) and R(LE) beaches generally exhibitcoarser sediments than the reflective beaches of Masselink and Short(1993) and Wright and Short (1984). As seen in many of the sampledbeaches, this can act to extend the fully reflective morphodynamicregime into meso- to macrotidal environments.

Although Ω is capable of describing the sequence of morphologiesfrom R with no bars, through LTT+R and LTBR with bar/rip systems,to NBD(HE) with no bars, the STB and LTT-D beaches plot within asimilar relative context and have contrasting beach morphologies.Thus, Ω appears less successful in differentiating the different barmorphologies within the intermediate beach types. Fig. 16 plots themean parameter values for each of the beach types, and associated 25and 75 percentiles, for Ω and RTR, but also for absolute wave energyflux (wave power) P, which is proportional to H2T, given by

P =116

ρgH2s cg ð1Þ

Page 16: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10

0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10







































Fig. 15. Subplots show values of Ω and RTR for each beach group. Grey circles indicate upper beach values for Ω. The framework of grey dashed lines indicate delineations assuggested by (Masselink and Short, 1993). Bottom right subplot identifies beach types as defined byMasselink and Short (1993): R— Reflective; B— Barred; BD— Barred Dissipative;LLTR — Low-Tide Terrace+Rips; LTBR — Low-Tide Bar/Rip; NBD — Non-Barred Dissipative; LTT — Low-Tide Terrace; UD — Ultra-Dissipative; TF — Transition to Tidal Flats.

16 T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

where cg is wave group velocity

cg = ngT2π


� �� �ð2Þ

in which

n =12

1 +2kh

sinh 2khð Þ� �


where ρ is density of seawater, g is gravity, th is water depth, L is wavelength and k=2π/L.

A good separation between the low and high-energy interme-diate beach types is obtained in the scatter plots involving P. Thissuggests that absolute wave energy flux is an important factor indifferentiating between barred and non-barred intermediate bea-ches within a UK context. It tentatively suggested that in order toproduce three-dimensional bar/rip morphology, a threshold ofP=3 kW m− 1 has to be exceeded. This threshold is identified in thedataset as the joint distribution of Hs, 50%=0.8 m and Tm=8 s

where the higher wave period identifies the influence of oceanswell wave exposure to forcing conditions. Masselink and Short(1993) highlighted this issue of the potential importance of ab-solute wave energy level as a cautionary note in the context of theirconceptual beach state model in particular in relation to barformation.

A conceptual synthesis of the beach types, within the context of Ωand RTR, is shown in Fig. 17. Due to the important role of absolutewave energy level, beach types are broken down into two groups:those occurring in a low-energy environment, and those occurring ina high-energy environment. A wave energy threshold is used here, butit must be emphasised that the present approach is data driven andthat the proposed group boundaries are a function of the selectedbeach sites. This synthesis is therefore not designed to be a predictivetool, rather an aid to understanding the relative contributions of wave,tide and sediment characteristics to the beach morphodynamicsystem. The nature of generating static boundaries between thebeach types is unrealistic, and the beach types represent a dynamicspectrum subjected to local and regional variations in constrainingand modifying factors.

Page 17: Morphodynamic characteristics and classification of beaches in England and Wales

1 3 5 7 9







0 2 4 6 80












high energy

low energy

5 10 15 20


high energy

low energy








8 9

1 - R(LE)2 - R(HE)3 - STB4 - LTT-D 5 - LTT+R 6 - LTBR7 - NBD8 - MITB9 - TTF


















Fig. 16. Plots show relationships ofΩ against RTR (left);Ω against wave energy flux P (middle); and RTR against P (right). Boxes indicate modal values for each beach type and stemsare values of the 25th and 75th percentile of the group distribution. Dashed line represents a data derived cutoff value of P=3 kWm−1 that separate low- and high-energyintermediate beach types that are associated with three-dimensional bar morphology (intermediate beach groups are marked in bold). Within this investigation the transitionbetween low- and high-energy environments occurs at Hs, 50%=0.8 m and Tm=8 s (P=3 kW m−1), representing a critical level above which the contribution of open ocean swellenergy to the wave spectrum is sufficient to support three-dimensional infragravity scaled bar formations.

17T. Scott et al. / Marine Geology 286 (2011) 1–20

5. Discussion

Fig. 17 provides a synthesis of the present work by summarisingthe dynamic relationships between beach types in England andWales,and their transitions in relation to the relative contribution of waves,tides and sediments. Similar to the conceptual beach model ofMasselink and Short (1993) and more recently the wave- to tide-dominated conceptual beach morphodynamic framework for theAustralian coast by Short in the review paper (Short and Jackson,inpress), the synthesis presented here considers the occurrence of thedifferent beach types in a two-dimensional space defined by thedimensionless parameters Ω=Hs/wsT and RTR=MSR/Hs. There are,however, two key differences from Masselink and Short (1993): (1)absolute wave energy is accounted for with low- and high-energybeach types being considered separately; and (2) the resultantconceptual framework (Fig. 17) deliberately lacks clear boundariesbetween the different beach types.

Fig. 17. Conceptual morphodynamic framework (within Ω-RTR space) for sampledbeaches throughout England and Wales. Dark and light shadings indicate a generaltransition from reflective to dissipative surf zone conditions, respectively. Bold blackdashed box indicates region of intermediate beach types where high-energy conditions(PN3 kWm−1) are required to support three-dimensional bar formations. Beach typesin bold italics exist only in a high-energy wave climate.

Clustering analysis provided a clear characterisation of the differentbeach types and the quantification of the wave/tide/sediment charac-teristics are entirely data-driven with resultant groupings providingclear morphodynamic differentiations. The overlap inΩ-RTR parameterspace between the different beach types reflects the observed scatterwithin the dataset (refer to Fig. 15) and highlights the limitations of anon-dimensional parametric approach. This scatter is attributed to thefollowing three factors: (1) use of non-dimensional and relativeenvironmental parameters; (2) disregarding of temporal variability inmorphology and environmental conditions; (3) role of geology. Thesefactors represent inherent limitations to the beach-type approachfollowed here and the data collection programme, andwill be discussedin some detail below.

5.1. Use of non-dimensional and relative environmental parameters

The environmental parameters in Fig. 17 are non-dimensional andrelative: the dimensional fall velocity Ω expresses the wave steepnessin relation to the sediment size, while the relative tide range RTR is theratio between tide range and wave height. One obvious shortcomingassociated with these descriptors is that the role of absolute energylevel (waves or tides), wave period and sediment size is disregardedand that similar (different) locations on the Ω-RTR plot can representdifferent (similar) wave, tide and sediment characteristics. Thus,although non-dimensional parameters are useful for combiningresults from different field sites, valuable information is lost.

The importance of the intensity of wave forcing (and duration) incontrolling beach state has been pointed out by Jiménez et al. (2008)and the data presented here suggest that the occurrence of three-dimensional bar/rip morphology (LTT+R and LTBR beach types)requires wave energy conditions to exceed a certain threshold level.This threshold has been tentatively set at P=3 kWm−1, but moredata is required to refine this.

The absolute value for the wave period, rather than its relativeexpression H/T, is relevant. Globally, beaches with pronounced three-dimensional bar/rip morphology appear to be restricted to high-energy, swell environments, and are much less common along coastswith a local wind-driven storm-wave climate. Contrast, for examplethe configuration of the inner bar systems along storm-wavedominated Dutch coast with those along the swell-dominated southAtlantic coast of France. Both coastlines experience intermediatemodal Ω values and are characterised by multi-barred beaches, butwhereas the Dutch inner bars aremainly linear and intersected by rip/

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drainage channels (Short, 1992), the French inner bars are char-acterised by transverse bar/rip morphology (Castelle et al., 2007).Wave period may also be an important factor in the development ofmultiple bar morphology. For example, Short and Aagaard (1993)argue that the number of subtidal bars on beaches is related to thewave period.

The absolute tide range is also important, because it determinesthe intertidal beach gradient and tidal translation rates (Masselink,1993), and therefore the degree to which bar formation is suppresseddue to tide-induced non-stationarity. A large tide range also promotesthe development of strong tide-driven longshore currents, especiallyin the troughs of beaches with multiple intertidal bar morphology(Sedrati and Anthony, 2007). Not only do such currents contributesignificantly to sediment transport, but also the currents restrict themovement of sediment across the troughs, causing the troughs toserve as effective sediment transport barriers (Parker, 1975). In thiscontext it is interesting to note that the STB beach type, althoughexperiencing relatively low tidal ranges, occurs in regions in theimmediate vicinity of large-tidal regions and are likely to becharacterised by strong longshore tide-induced flows in the trough(Martín-Grandes et al., 2009). It is tempting to attribute theoccurrence of the longshore bars on these beaches to the strongtide-induced currents in the trough that prevent their onshoremigration and welding to the shore resulting in low-tide terracemorphology.

Finally, the absolute sediment size is relevant because it is (non-linearly) related to the hydraulic conductivity, and hence controls thepotential of seepage face formation (Turner, 1993) and the develop-ment of a low tide terrace (Turner, 1995). The LLT beach type is notdefined by the low tide terrace, which is morphodynamically identicalto the mid-to-lower intertidal zone of the NBD beach type, but by thepresence of a steep reflective upper beach section. For a sufficientlyextensive steep section to develop, Masselink and Turner (1999)suggest that a high-tide sediment size of at least 0.3 mm is required.The inclusion of both upper and lower sediment sizes was importantto enhance the differentiation of the low-tide terrace beach form.

5.2. Disregarding variability in morphology and environmental conditions

The beach-type approach encapsulated by Fig. 17 assumes that themodal beach type can be linked to average dimensionless parametersthat include wave/tidal/sediment characteristics. Regardless ofwhether the selected parameters are appropriate (Anthony, 1998),the use of time-averaged parameters disregards the variability inwave/tide/sediment conditions which drives beach change, asdocumented in numerous temporal beach state studies (e.g., Short,1978, 1984; Sénéchal et al., 2009). Detailed investigations of beachtype involving video monitoring (Lippmann and Holman, 1990;Ranasinghe et al., 2004) indicate that beaches respond rapidly toincreasing energy conditions (up-state transitions), but adjust slowlyto decreasing energy conditions (down-state transitions). Especiallyon low-energy beaches (Jackson et al., 2002), this asymmetry inmorphological response may give rise to features that are notrepresentative of mean wave conditions, but are the result ofenergetic wave conditions not accounted for by average values for Ωand RTR (Costas et al., 2005). The two beach types that are most likelyto be affected by such relaxation time effects, and are hence least welldescribed by average wave conditions, are the STB and MITB beachtypes.

5.3. Role of geology

Average wave/tide conditions and sediment size characteristicsare of first-order importance in controlling beach type, and beachchange is largely driven by temporal changes in wave/tide/sedimentconditions (Short, 1999). However, beach morphology can also be

significantly influenced by other, often site-specific, factors, and therole of geology is most frequently mentioned as being important incontrolling beach morphology.

Following a comparison between observations on 25 beachesaround the north coast of Ireland and the Masselink and Short (1993)model, Jackson et al. (2005) conclude that inherited geological factorsappear to be more important determinants for beach morphologythan contemporary dynamics. The role of geology in modulatinginshore wave conditions, due to the presence of offshore outcrops orreefs (Sanderson and Eliot, 1999; Short and Woodroffe, 2009; Short,2010), and promoting the development of headland-controlled rips inembayed beaches (Short and Masselink, 1999) is well known.Similarly, the large-scale control of geology on embayment sizethrough dictating the size of river catchments has been pointed out byBishop and Cowell (1997). However, if inshore wave conditions areused to characterise the wave dynamics, rather than the offshorewave climate (which is significantlymodifiedby theoffshoregeologybymodulatingwave transformation processes), the influence of geology ismainly through its control on sediment size and availability.

As pointed out by Jackson et al. (2005), along relatively sediment-starved coastlines, such as the north Irish coast, beaches maycomprise of thin, surficial veneers of sediment over rocky or relictglacial surfaces, and are hence not able to develop to their fullestpotential. In addition, beach gradients may be relatively steep due tothe underlying geology. Many embayed beaches along the southwestcoast of England are relatively sediment-starved, and monthly beachsurveys conducted since 2006 have indicated that extreme waveconditions can result in the exposure of rocks in the intertidal zonedue to offshore sediment transport (Scott et al., 2008). However,despite the lack of a continuous cover of sediment, bar morphologyremains present around the low tide level and/or in the sub-tidalzone. Clearly, for characteristic beach morphologies to develop asufficient amount of sediment is required, but a continuous sedimentcover is not necessarily a prerequisite.

Abundance of coarse sediments, often associated with drift geologyin higher latitudes (Orford et al., 2002), also influences the R/LTTtransition. If a large amount of coarse sand or gravel is available, a steepand reflective profile can be maintained throughout the intertidalregion, resulting in the R beach type (e.g., Orfordness, Chesil, SlaptonSands). But if the supply of coarse material is limited, the steep andcoarse upper beachwill be fronted by a sandy low tide terrace, resultingin the LTT beach type (e.g., Westward Ho!, Porlock). The amount ofcoarse sediment available is only partly related to contemporary waveconditions, but will mainly be attributable to geological factors.

An additional, and thus far unreported, consequence of thepresence of relatively thin sediment veneers placed on impermeablerocky surfaces is the role of stream discharge. Practically all embayedbeaches along the southwest coast of England have small streamsdischarging directly onto the beach. Following heavy rainfall events inthe summer and over most of the winter period, a large section ofthese beaches are saturated. Erosive conditions tend to prevail overthese beach sections, giving rise to flat and featureless morphology,and regions of stream outflow can influence rip channel morphology.On most beaches the area affected by streams is relatively limited, buton some of the smaller beaches, the stream has a dominant affect onthe overall appearance of the beach.

5.4. Concluding comments on the use of beach state models

The synthesis presented in Fig. 17 is to all intents and purposes amodel in that it represents a simplified version of reality. The data-driven model is based on analysis of beach morphology, sedimentologyand wave/tide conditions of 92 beach sites in England andWales, representing a broad selection of beach systems and hazards.The model has also been designed with a clear purpose in mind: toprovide a beach classification model that can be used as the basis for

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a national beach risk assessment programme (Scott, 2009). The site-specific and applied nature of the model represented by Fig. 17 meansthat it is appropriate for the locality and purpose for which it has beendeveloped, but is less useful for wider application. It is certainly not apredictive model that can be universally used. The same argumentapplies to the widely-used and tested model of Wright and Short(1984), developed for the high-energy, microtidal coast on NewSouth Wales, Australia. There is the tendency in the coastal literatureto take site-specific models and test them outside the region forwhich they have been derived. Not surprisingly, the models are oftenfound inadequate predictors of beach type, leading to rejection ormodification of themodel. In fact, in regionswith large tidal range alongthe coastline of England and Wales, none of the intermediate beachtypes in the Wright and Short (1984) model are represented in thecurrentdata set.We therefore concurwith Jacksonet al. (2005) andurgecaution in the application of the beach type approach in predictingbeach morphology from hydrodynamic and sediment data. Practical, orapplied, beach state models are best developed at a geographicalmeaningful scale; a universal beach model does not exist.

6. Conclusions

Detailed morphodynamic characteristics of 92 beaches within theUK were collected yielding a comprehensive multi-variate data setcontaining morphological, sedimentological and hydrodynamic in-formation. Cluster analysis supplemented by MDS ordination resultedin the identification of 9 distinct beach types. Traditional morphody-namic indices Ω and RTR were found to be effective in discriminatingbetween beach groups providing some support for the model ofMasselink and Short (1993), which was derived using informationfrom Australian beaches. However, it was found that in addition tothe dimensionless parameters Ω and RTR, the absolute wave energylevel is important as well in controlling beach type. A wave energyflux P (∝H2T) value of 3 kW m−1 was found to differentiatebetween intermediate beaches with (PN3 kW m−1) and without(Pb3 kWm−1) three-dimensional bar/rip morphology. Beach mor-phological state cannot solely be described in terms of mean wave,tide and sediment conditions, but these variables do provide a firstorder-explanation for the observed beach variability in nature. Beachclassification models based on environmental parameters are, bynecessity, simplifications and should be used as tools for understand-ing morphodynamic systems, rather than beach type prediction.


We would like to thank Channel Coast Observatory, EnvironmentAgency, CEFAS and the University of Wales Bangor for providingadditional data for this study. This research was supported by anHEIF2/RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) award to theUniversity of Plymouth.


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