Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1922-04-07 [p 17]. · 2013. 11. 7. · more profitable than...

TO EXCHANGE RKAI, ESTATE - . ...... nn.TT.T-- crTT-O NT T TTTT? V. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50. single load $4. New Vaughn dragsaw For Sale Farms. For Sal Acreage. GOOD BUYS ON EZ TERMS, Here la a mighty fine stock of used cars cars of quality, stand- ard makea fours sii'I sixs. iarue and small. You will find what you want In our stock and at less than elsewhere, quality considered. WE WANT modern homes in good condi- tion in any and all sections of Portland. We have the buyers waiting. If you list your home at appraised value we can get you a quick sale. No charge except 5 per cent commission where we secure vou a satisfactory sale. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. 262 Stark Street. Broadway 6794. MUST MOVE QUICKLY EASY TERMS. $1600 William .Knabe grand, late.$6i5.O0 1000 Chickering, late, mahogany. 850.00 750 Strich & Zeldler, latest 426-2- 650 Wellington, jst about new. 250.00 600 Eilers, very latest, perfect.. 24O.00 600 W. W. Kimball, genuine 225-?- 700 Genuine McPhail 200.00 550 Bradford, late walnut 190 22 60O Jewett, fine mahogany 185.00 600 Thompson, latest 225.00 575 MeOammon, good tone, up.. 100.00 700 Hobart M. Cable, latest. .. . 360.00 273 Columbia phonograph, new. 125.00 675 Hobart M. Cable, latest 337.50 700 Kroeger, walnut 165.00 550 Smith & Barnes makes 165.00 57C Hamilton, fine 200.00 550 Garner & Sons, latest maih.. 223.00 500 Harvard, fine 150.00 675 J. & C. Fisher piano, fine.. 275.00 550 Just new, Farrand. latest.. 250.00 600 Mendenhall. very latest.... 225.00 600 W. W. Kimbal. fine tone... 150.00 700 Lester, latest, mahogany... 300.00 900 Chickering. sweet tone, up.. 250.00 Three player pianos, latest. $150 to $375. on easy terms, and many others. Wake up and save your money; buy real pianos at bargains; no thump boxes or rebuilt pianos; many Just brand new. BROKERAGE CO.. 312 Worcester Bldg., 3d and Oak Sta. Manufacturer's seconds at substantial reductions. Albatross Metal Furniture Co.. 715 Tnnrman Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-OLA- D GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. " CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 Washington St. Main 608L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenanse; v,e o.i c - - - tributors of Corona portable. $50 com- plete, with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. nRERfW TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169 NOISE annoys; rent a Noiseless; a few used iNoiseiess tor saio. luubibm .jv. writer Co.. 81 4th st. Bdwy. 6044. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell: supplies. Type- - . t , . o , O c a ylr A .... r.4M writer inspeuimu vo.. n. REBUILTS. second-han- d rentals at cut . . i , r- e ; i .. cr.rb Rdwv. . 7507. I KlPQ. Jr. jj. v. - . TYPEWRITERS repaired, all work guar- - nail WnniilKWD 701. TYPEWRITER for rent, $3 a month. Km- - . i n.HnAa. rn U,lri-- 15.V FOR SALE Remington No. 10. good con- - . .in 1. untn laA TniinT nitlOIl, OU Jlttlii UNDERWOOD 5 ,a bargain at $40. Call. IVit f ailing. Poultry. PETALUMA baby chicks for sale. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganlzed stock only; safe deliv- ery guaranteed. May chicks $12 per 100; June chicks $11 per 100, f. o. b. Petaluma 25 per cent deposit with or- der. Oak Hill Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. XIAP.TilRR'S CUTCKS. R. I. Rod, O. A. C. Barred Rock and White Leghorns, day-ol- d chicks and hatching eggs. from trapnested and Hoganized, free range stock. hits Leg- horn chicks ready April 16 20 and 24; Barred Rocks April 9, 16 and 24. J R. MAGUIRB ,787 Oregon. E. 180a. H iTfHINfl EOOS From high producing flocks R. I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. 10c each or $7.50 per 100; O. A. C. and Hollywood White Leghorns, $1.23 for 15 or $8 per 100. Fertility guaranteed 90 per cent. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon st. East lauo WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for Mai and June delivery at $12 per 100; $115 per 1000 from flocks inspected and ac- credited by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Safe arrival of full count, live, strong chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatcnery. ot" ., v.'. i S S $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White ....... .. pekin QUCKB, ooi i ' more profitable than cliickens; day old ..nvitTio-- delivered to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Write today . and engage ywia-- i Laughlin Bros., jvicjainnvmp, WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get sate ucuvci wi wuu. healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 200 to 80S each, mated to pedigreed cockerels. May and June chicks at $12.50 per 100. Graham Poultry Farm, Woodburn, Or. R. F. 3 HATCHING eggs from S. C. W. L. Tan-cred- s, pedigreed, rtap-neste- d 200 and better; 88 per cent guaranteed; $1.25 dozen, $10 hundred. Sylvan Dells Poul- try Ranch, Carlton, Or. J. E. Raze, prop WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS FROM BEST TRAPNESTED STOCK; 14 YEARS BREEDING FOR EGGS; $18 PER 100. CHAS. PERKINS. 1337 BURRAGE ST.. PORTLANJU. OJV S 5 W MINORCA and S. C. Buff Orp-'ingt- hatching eggs from prize-winni- stock; no surplus stock this year. R. U. Smith, Walla Walla, Wash. EGGS FOR hatching from thoroughbred nose Comb Rhode Island Reds; 15 for $1.50. Call TaDor ZIM-- -. win ueuver. FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn hens, all laying; am moving. Call at 5616 59th ave. a. m TANCRED White Leghorn laying pullets, electric brooder. Tabor 8822. Parkrose Hatchery, portlana. LAYING White Leghorn , pullets, $1.15 each; Hoganlzed, heavy laying, guar- - anteed. J. rt. jvtaguiie. ioi TWENTY HENS, I B. I. Red rooster, all young. 415 Going st. Phone Auto. 320-0- Dogs. Kabbits. Ulrds ana ret aioca. JJJy gif3 Book "Care, Feeding and Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume of real information. Also tells how and what to use to overcome disease and trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner of a canary. Postpaid, 30c. Routledge Bird, Pet and Animal Co., Portland. YOUNG males from imported St. Andreas-ber- g Toiler stock, deep yellow and green, $6. East 6874. Call at 687 Multnomah st. IMPORTED ORGAN TRAINED St. rollers. If you need trainer order now. Send for list, E. B. Flake. flowers and birds. 273 State. Salem, Or, AT STUD Registered Airedale terrier, also registered Scotch collie. Tabor 7269. J2fl PART RUSSIAN WOLF HOUND FOR SALE. JY1 A OQ-l- FANCY pigeons for sale cheap. 184 East 84th Btreet. pan punuay WILL trade a St. Andreasberg roller for a fox terrier pup. ji.ast io. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. I WANT the best motorboat $100 cash will buy. Call Col. 118. after 6 P. M. and Sunday, coiumpia oat ROWBOAT for sale cheap, practically new. Inquire Ed Roethe. Roethe Station. Phone Oak Grove i'-- j FOR SALE new trolling boat, 87x1014 ft. Call Col. 176. Machinery. FOR SALE Deep well water system, en- gine, large pressure tank, all pipe and pump, value $500, for $175. This is a snap. Bdwy. 7886. 409 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE B. J. B. gas stump poller. Machine at U, ft M. garage, corner 27th ana AlDerta sis. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 619-1- 9. Nursery Stock. BRECK'S NURSERY-GROW- N TRANS- PLANTS yield loganberries in 15 months. Order now. 884 B. 42d St. N. Tabor 2C78 (except sunqayj. Coal and Wood. tl RWn load s4. TWO-LOA- D LOTS. fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnaoe or heater. vve also save you money on two-loa- d orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn iuu & i i.,-- , i i 1 1 i A i t 1 IT. I V li ' i- - - h, partly dry block and alab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de- livered in lots for $8; single loads $4 60. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement; dry slab $6 load. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST 2041. WOOD!! WOOD ! ! WOOD ! Summer prices now on. PHONE BAST 8174. Don't buy your wood until you consult Logan Fuel Co. Country slab, river slab, cordwood and coal. Office and yards, 184 Union ave.. Portland. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry 2 loada $8.00 1 load 50 WOO PL A w IN iwii. COAL Sample sacks, $1 delivered ; 5 sacks $4; $10, $11, $12.50, $14.50 and $15.50 per ton delivered. X OOP- WOOD wanted; would like to hear from someone who can ship on O.-- R. R. & N. Woodlawn Fuel Co., 480 Dekum avenue. I". 11' "l -! 11 block and railroad ties, also dry block wood; green block wood. mamjiDio COAL Australian, sample sacks $1 5 sacks $4. Tons $14 and $15. "Sample Delivery." East 5400. NICE slab, $3.75; best grade sea-- - soned heavy or merely graded. $5 load, anywhere; bargain. Sellwood 1769. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.23 cord,- - heavy country , slab; $5.25. Rock Springs and Tltah coals. East 1759. BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for $15 Can't be beat. Broadway 4110. SVECIAL $5 lots, A-- l. bone dry. fir. KUsaoeuvwjJ; CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.60 delivered; country aiau. PY- - BLOCK and alabwood. single load .ihle load, $8. Bdwy. 2545. 1 fir, $8; No. 2 fir. $7; greea country slab. $4.50. Main 6241. country slab. $4.73 per cord. East 7485. hHy BOXWOOD $4, block and slab $4.50, neavy qij hibi.i-- b. -- " GOOD dry ;. S. NO. extra heavy ciry wreckage; load tianvereu BIG LOAD partly dry block and slab. $4.50 a loau. m... best dry fir. $7.50; large i, J?..,.v, (Run Re lwnod 314. secoDQ-g'"- " '" wood. $5 a cord. Errfcl rl..?,,TT,ti 41 Wajih. st. HrtirM. SUMMER $7, A- -l first-grow- th fir, jii.,ao,l Marshall 1048. "DRY CORDWOOD, $6.25. - and slab mixed, partly dry; H5..V.,h and inside wood. Wdln. 2019. , WOOD Block or alab. Cot J 43. for sale cheap. Main o. BLOCK and slab, partly dry, $4 : seasoned, $5.60; box wood. $4.50. Wood- - Miscellaneous. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet was to the Snow n" Laundry. Clothes washed JJ1,??-- ?, In separate compartments THljRbDA r. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 15 LBS. FOR 60 CENTS: 4 CENTS each addi- tional pound; valuable premium given. Phone East 8433. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done wlUiout pain. Absolutely harmless and no after-effect- s; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J- Klesendaiil. Above Majestic Theater. 85114 Wash. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-thir- d; all styles, finest se- lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. 'PROGRESSIVE" AND "SUPERB" EVER- BEARING STRAWBERRIES, $1.76 PER 100, POSTPAID; FULL CROP THIS YEAR: STRONG PLANTS FROM NEW t.t . .i ,. i'Ii i vn U A C W ! 1 riiA.N 1 iiiua, i xv i. ii .iii-ii- . -- - - , IN MOSS. P. R. JOHNSON. PLANT SPECIALIST. GRANGER. WASH. SEWING MACHINES. Sweeping reduction on al. slightly used machines, all makes and kinds, cash or terms. Latest new Singers, eaiy payments. Rentals $3 per month. Singer Store. J. G. Walters, manager. 193 tn st., at Taylor. Main 6833. ' IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re- pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sella for Less Glfta That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. FOR SALE, beautiful, dark brown chiffon velvet dress, georgette trimmed, $7.50; also henna silk crepe dress. $6. both in size 16; good condition; youthful style. East 6874. DO IT TODAY. Remember tomorrow never comes. We repair, RUBBER-BON- and - . - il . -. H - .a mr-lte- deteriorated and disintegrated old, leaky .i. ,.. .....I ltun'l roois; wora stnotiy auiiiiu-u- - - -- delay. Phone today. Bdvry. 5H5S. PETERMAN LATH MACHINERY. The most efficient machinery for the maiiuiKciuia ui lain, u.uuu. - curtain pole stock. For price and de- - ... n n DifillvnDV ft t livery see vvnoii'ii rvuii u::u Mood st. Alain arcno. R heating plant; have three Areola heating plants that we will in stall for cost price lor quicit uiv nhia for A nr residence or build ing of same size. Central Plumbinir A Heating Co., aoaMi unsan. rmwy. i... SEWING machines, new and econd-han- sold for less; no agents employed. Com- plete line of parts for all makes; ma- chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. DOORS, windows, screen doors, mouldinns, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully .Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT M, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. FOR SALE, rtitrden tonia. Radiantfire heater. Mor ris chair andirons, lawn chairs, dress- making form, new auto bed; half price. No dealers. 1031 Kllllngswortn Ave. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts GOOSEBERRY plants, fruit and ornamen- tal trees loganberries, walnuts, filberts, roses, shrubbery. Woodstock Nursery Co., Auto. 610-9- end o Woodstock car line. FOR SALE Second-han- d lumber, all sizes including heavy timbers from 4x6 to 12x 16, at 18 to $10 per M. On Job on Front st., bet. Salmon and Taylor. Phone Main 6091. HOT WATER tanks. $5, guaranteed; tanks, gas water heaters repaired; plumbing contractor, estimates given. E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adama East 8516. L4.BIES' slightly used and misfit dresaoa, suits, coats and dinner gowns, sizes 34 to 46, good style and quality, low price, 4th floor 403 Allsky bldg, Third near Morrison. SAFES Overstocked. For the best values obtainable in new or second-han- d safes see Norris Safe & Lock Co.. 105 2d at., Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045. WE BUY, sell and exchange Thor eleo-tr- ic washing and ironing machines. SMITH-McCO- Y ELECTRIC CO.. 264 Alder. Phone Main 8Q11. YERBA MATE, famous South American tea; nutritious, economical; sample pkg 20 cups tea, 10 cent. YERBA PROD- - UCTi UO., Z3'. weoster. Ban r ranciac-n- . CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex- change, 226 Stark at. Bdwy. 7634. DROPHEAD sewing machines, Minnesota, New Royal, Domestic, $10 each; all good sewers. 662 Williams ave. East 3 ion, BURBANK S and American Wondera, $1.60 sack; Round Whites, $1.40. At 854 Ankeny. Phone Broadway 3214. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- daks. Sandy. 329 Washington st RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-- Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. SAFE Light office safe, good order; first reasonable offer accepted. B 544, Ore- - gonlan. DANDY, orchestra bass drum, worth $50, will sell dirt cheap or will trade for what nave you i lawr it, $85 CASH buys a dandy diamond engage- ment ring, for sale by private party. Bernard s. cor, etn ana ahiw. FOR RENT Electrlo vacuum cleaners, 85 cents per day or $1 per week, bun. to Sun., delivered. Woodlawn 1259. CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. For sale, 250,000 second-han- d brick. Phone Main 6091 THAT'S MY BUSINESS. HOUSE PAINTING, INSIDE OR OUT. BROADWAY 4171. FERTILIZER. r.nm and horse manure, well rotted. delivered any part of city. Wdln. 6283. NO. 1 BURBANK and American Wonder potatoes, grown on high land, $1.75 per Back delivered. Woodlawn 5559. DIEBOLD safes, new and second-han- special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 196H. DANDY shower fixture complete with shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4258. can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec- ond and Morrison. LICENSED independent electrician wlree 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20. guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. EXPENSIVE Italian marble Sequerst pres- sure cooker and several upholstered chairs for sale, tilo Ji. iltn St., n. FOUNTAINS and root beer barrels, also fountain supplies; big reduction. 129 First St. SHOWCASES, wall cases, cash registers, scales, safes, meat sllcer. 129 1st. RAROAINS IN RADIO HORNS. Newman. 128 First at., near Alder. NEW A. B. GAS range, cheap. Easy terms. Bi. lerry SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip- - ment. OI Din, pcinrc onnw. aim van. FINE baby bed and mattress, $10; cart, $2. Tabor 823L A SET of 14 books American English law library. East aim. BIN-RU- N POTATOES, $1 per sack. 647 Flanders, or phone Broadway 8315. WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture repairing ana capinet wora. wain. J4l. REED buggy for only $8 If taken today. 328 Clay st. PRINTING outtit in excellent condition. Can be seen at 39Q Belmont St. SPORTSMEN, duck lake, best on Sauvles island, tme capin. au dui. vrcgonian. LATE model Hobart electric coffee mill. Cheap. Main oodi. VICTROLA and 10 records, $18. Call after 6. war, oiva. 300 POUNDS upholstering hair. Apply 681 Lake st. 1-- 1 GARNET CHILLIB potatoes, $1.60 sack. 406 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. DROPHEAD golden oak rotary machine. una new. " AUTO wood saw, no reasonable offer t- 616 Alblna avenue, after g P. M. KCALEsi Ueed grocery and meat scale for gale cheap. 5 1st st. LADIES' USED APPAREL Spring dresses, j3 to $10; suits, wraps. Tabor 2823. FiaHLIA BULBS. $1 per dozen. 3212 66th P, , n. -- -. SECOND-HAN- tents and covers lor sals. rQR SALE Cash register, safe, adding . chine, showcases. 48 1st St.. near Ash. CTAR-A-STA- ahlnglss, dlreot from mill. . .. Call a aym' FREE for removing light soil, easy to get near Ash and 24th. Seat lim. re Willamette valley farm, all level and under cultivation, fenced and cross-fence- new house (Insured for $2400), cement walls. French doors and windows, front and back porches, gas light plant, new chicken house, large barn, windmill, woodshed, etc On railroad, milk route, cream route, t"e-phon- e. fine road. 3 miles to town: eight milch cows, 4 calves, 2 matched mares, 2 horses, sow and 5 shoats, 175 chickens, harness, wagons, buggy, all necessary farm Implements and tools; cream sepa- rator, washing machine, - complete fur- nishings and equipment of the house. What have you? Write L. Fuller, Route z, jhox o. naisey, Oregon. $31,000 HIGH-CLAS- S orchard of 52 acres at Mosier, Or.; 45 acre 8 to 10 years old; modern bunga-"lo- apple house, barn, storage basement; produced 6000 boxes last year; all stocked and equipped; clear of Incumbrance. $25,000 100x100; brick building, in good town, close to Portland, fully rented; good tenants; in- come $3000, mortgage $800O; wik trade for business building or apartment house in Portland up to $75,000 and assume. See Mets-- " company. Bdwy. 5358 $8000 FOR A DANDY 40 acres; bottom land, 2V4 miles from Canby; 8 cows, Holstein and Jersey, pure breeds; 4 hogs, bunch of chickens; 30 acres under crop, including over an acre of rhubard and asparagus -- crop, all in: house, good barn and chicken house. Will ex- change for Portland residence up to $4000 or $5000. S. BORLAND.' REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. VALLEY FARM. 270 acres, very close to Eugene, all in cultivation except about 25 acres which ia In iuV tirwHer- - nlneA has VerV ROOd big barn: house is well built, but needs some repair. Place is leased but pos- session can be given if wanted. Price $100 per acre. Will exchange lor city property up to $21,500 mortgage back for balance at 614 per cent. Owner is city business man. McClure & Schmauch Co., trustee. FOR TRADE. $2000 equity in modern house; has 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors up- stairs and downstairs; sleeping porch, cement garage; lot 40x100; house one of the best constructed in city; lots of bullt-in- s; will exchange for late model automobile. J. O. STOREY, 307 Piatt Bldg. Phone Main 7518 or Tabor 8627. "A GENTLEMAN'S HOME." 5 acres in cultivation; fruit, grapes, berries, shruhberv. flowers: mod ern house in first-clas- s condition; fur nace, 2 garages, barn, chicken outiil. gas. Bull Run water, 20 minutes out. walking distance to 2 car lines, $10,500; want ctty house all or part. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 16514 4th St. HAVE $8500 equity in fine 200-ac- re dairy farm, balance of $5000 is federal loan; on account of sickness, will take a small place near Portland and some cash for equity; city property will be considered at cash value. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 90 ACRES, good buildings, stocked, equip- ped, $S)000; wants city property, 20 acres bearing orchard, bungalow, hardwood floors, heated, garage, outbuildings: all equipment; $12,000 clear, for city resi- dence, city property; 20 acres Newberg; orchard, buildings; $7500. Bdwy. 7429. Bdwy. 4794 eveniggs. 601 McKay bldg. TO TRADE FOR LARGER FARM. 116 acres, all In high state of culti- vation, on pavement, city water, gas, electric lights, all modern house, family orchard, good barn, silo and other outbuildings; 20 miles from Portland. See Mr. Stephens with Fred W. German Co. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. VIEW property, good house. 414 acres, fi le land, 2 acres cleared. Jonn-so- n creek and Meadowbrook station on place; will take small Portland prop- erty as down payment. Improved or un- proved or kuto. Take Greaham car. See it today. Call Auto 327-0- 8 or 516-1- WANT A FARM. Or acreage near city up to $.7000 for my equity in a going garage and bldg., all fully equipped, netting good in- come; leaving city and want to ex- change at once; no junk considered. Rock. 403 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6363. CANADIAN FARMS. Well improved, equipped, all sizes; $30 to $50 per acre; also unimproved sod land, 160 acres up; exchange for farm? and city property here. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens bldg. TO TRADE for Oregon or Washington property; apartment house, in Hardin, Mont.; also irrigated ranch. What have you? Address box 478, Hardin. Mont. FOR SALE or exchange, house with sleeping porch, near Laurelhurst, for larger house in good location Owner, East 30" 1. WELL-LOCATE- D vacant lot In Eugene, Or to trade for vacant or small resi- dence property in Portland. Reply B 528, Oregonian. FOR TRADE; one acre, 2 houses and fruit, for Portland residence. A. M. box 95, Woodburn, Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. CAR WANTED FOR ROOMING HOUSE. Your ar and $500 will place you In a h. k. rooms, long lease, good west side location; house will assure you a very attractive permanent profit; bal- ance easy terms. O'Farrell-Grellne- r, 338-4- 0 Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 4172. I WILL trade my equity in 25 shares of Great Northern Livestock Loan Co. for good young horses; must be good chunks. Tabor faZiU. WANT a lot east of 15th and north of Broadway, have a Dodge touring to trade. Mr. Williams. Bdwy. 4248. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. HORSES. AT VANCOUVER. WASH. 14 head of good young, sound, gentle, well-brok- e farm horses, 3100 to 1400 pounds each, good work horses from $50 to $125. Jake's Feed Barn, Fifth and Columbia sts. REGISTERED Jerseys; a real bargain, considering quality: foundation St. Mawes calves and heifers, young, fresh, high-grad- e government. T. B. tested, worth considering. Columbia highway. K. Hanneman, Corbett. or ON ACCOUNT of death, widow must dis- pose of ar good team of horses with har- ness, weight 2300 pounds, $225: a good Jersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85 and other farm implements. . Mrs. E, H. Kinsey, Beaverton, Or. ON ACCOUNT of death of widow must dis- pose of a good team of horses with har- ness, weight 2300 pounds, $225; a good Jersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85. and other farm implements. Mrs. E. H. Kinsey. Beaverton. Or. ARRIVED Tuesday, April 4, with one load of the best d work horses ever shipped to Portland; ages 5 to 6 years. Come and see. Portland Union .Itock Yards. W. W. Kelley. FOR SALE Fine young team, weight 2700 pounds, sound and true; have moved from country and will give some- one a bargain on them. 780 Front, near Gro'er. ask lor lady with team. FOR SALE One team bay geldings, full brothers, 6 and 6; weight 3600; sound and true; very cheap; at the Red Front barn, Oregon City. YOUNG team of horses. 2900 lbs.; also span of mules, weight 2600 lbs., ail sound and best of workers; will sell cheap. 4301 67th Bt. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness; one cow and one Jersey. A. Panzram, Latourell Falls, Or. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second- hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 360-36- 6 js. Morrison St. ALMOST new 3 Mandt barn wagon; also several other wagons cheap; farm tools and harness of all. kinds. 240 East 8th. 6 HEAD of valley horses, 5 to 7 years old, 1300 to 1700 lbs. Inquire 564 North- - Tup st. GOOD horse for sale, sound and gentle. 351 E. 57ta st. .Norm, FOR SALE Horses and light harness; Kalk Bros, woodyard. Sellwood 843. FRESH cow for sale. Columbia 316. ' VETERINARIAN. DR HOWES. TABOR 6569. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly; call day or nignt. Automatic oai-- f. HORSE, weight about 1600 lbs. 864 Rod- - ney ave. o o ciqck an weeK. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. VICTROLA, $90; terms given; mahogany case; almost new. 125 Fourth St. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO. HINZEMANN, $125; see it. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. DECKER SON player, $250; bench and rolls; terms given. 125 Fourth at. 1000 NEW VICTOR records, 2 for 75c; cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. ; NEW MARTIN saxophone, very reasonable. Sullivan, care J. C Penney Co., Ill Fourth St. PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call BroaQwayifui STEINWAY, old style; $150; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO WANTED from private parties; CaSn propuamuil. Mmauaii my. WANTED Good tone piano; pay all cash. 5QWy. THOMPSON player-pian- o, good as new. About 50 records, $450. Wdln. B761. PIaNO WANTED; pay cash. Bdwy. 6576. 8 ACRES. 11 miles from center of Port- land, 4 mile to electric station, 8 blocks to school; 6 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared; very at- tractive plastered bungalow, with cement basement, sleeping porch, etc., small barn, chicken house; price $4500; terms; consider house In Fulton or Cap- itol Hill to $2500. balance easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 4 acres. Just outside city limits of Greaham; one block from electric sta- tion; good macadamized road; close to high and grade school; 65 young fruit trees; one acre Cuthbert raspberries; good plastered bungalow with sleeping porch, full cement basement, complete white enamel plumbing, elec- tric lights, city water, garage, chicken house; offered at real bargain; terms. John Ferguson, Realtor. Geriinger Bldg. 6, 10 AND TRACTS $25 PER ACRE lif. $10 down and $5.00 month, buys a tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia' river on the Oregon side, ciose to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lay- ing land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams, fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and re tracts on the same terms In other lo- cations. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. SUNDERLAND ACRES. CLOSE IN ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. 3 to tracts, rich silt soil, all plowed and ready for planting: several excellent opportunities for small dairies, fruit and vegetable gardens and general intensive diversified farming; several good buys left at from $400 to $600 per acre; 10 per cent down, balance annually. C. H. Naylor, agent, office East 29th st. North and Columbia blvd. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. 283 Stark St. Broadjray118 SNAP NEAR REEDVILLE. EQUIPPED $3050. On gravel road; good house; raspberries, 12.000 strawberries. 4 acres of loganberries and family orchard; barn, chicken house and outbuildings; fully equipped with tools, household effects, hay, wood and cow; investigate now. as this will not last; terms. Ask for F. C. "Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. COUNTRY HOMESITE. 12i acres, on paved road, in high-clas- s suburban district, land lies above road, making fine building site, commanding fine view, old set of buildings, best of soil, water, gas and lights available. Price $11,000 Easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. awy. wifli $50 AND $75 AN ACRE. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. A COUNTRY OF ROCK ROADS AND HIGHLY -- IMPROVED FARMS. Any sized tracts, on a dirt road, but 50 rods from a rock road, 17 miles from Portland, near an electric sta- tion; frequent service; 30c fare; fertile soil, no rocks or gravel. FRED L. HUNTER, Exclusive Agent. 120 Grand Ave., corner East Alder. $2000 HALF ACRE In fruit, berries and garden; bungalow, chicken house and woodshed; good well; on paved road; mile from Oregon City car, near Milwaukle; $1000 will handle. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sta. BONUS MAN, ATTENTION. Have 1 acre with new house, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, etc., barn and chicken house, about. 10 blocks from Beaverton, on paved road; will take bonus and give terms on balance. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO., 712 Lewis Bid. Broadway 3383. ONE ACRE JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $950. All in cultivation, lies level, produc- tive soil, faces good gravel road; Bull Run water; terms $100 down and $50 every three months. SAYLER E. SMITH. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. 5 BLOCKS EAST OF CITY LIMITS. Well-bui- lt cottage, lot- - 60x206, gas. city water, 10 assorted fruit trees, some berries, garage, barn. chicken house; total price $2200, easy terms; photo at office. See Mr. Griffith, with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. IN COOS COUNT?. 160 acres good land. 20 acres lake bot- tom, 100 acres alder bench; on beautiful lake, 1 mile from railroad station: half mile from town: best fishing and hunt- ing; all for $5500, some terms. Forced to sell. See pictures and get particulars at 1521 East Ninth st Nnttc. Auto. 332-4- FOR SALE 40 acres fine land, burned over, seeded to grass and fenced; al! tillable when cleared; 1 miles from electric car line, 4 mile from Mt. Hood loop road; about 21 miles southeast of Portland; price $4000; cash. Write or call Frank Herz, Boring. Or., R. F. D. 2, box 18. 5 ACRES. 1 mile from Milwaukle, on good road, right at railroad station; running stream, good orchard; owner must sell this week, far below value, on easy terms. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO., 712 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 33R3. 152x221 $923. Big piece of rich garden soil, equal to nearly 7 city lots, facing a graveled road, with Bull Run water in the street, for only $125. on easy monthly pay- ments. See Mr. Rogers, 418 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 6550. ROCKWOOD 8 miles from city limits, right at station, one or more acres: level, under cultviation; $500 per acre; $10 payments. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon Mdg. Bdwy. 1658. GRESHAM 100x370. nearly one acre, fine soil, level, cultivated, beautiful view; $350 takes it: your terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 2Vs ACRES, East S2d St., on county road, near 68th ave. Bull Run water; price $2500. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 43 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN THOMAS ALLEN 6131 2D ST S E. B16-4- 3 Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. A real opportunity to get Irrigated land. Situated along the Columbia river with the best railroad facilities and longest growing season in the north- west. Soil and climate especially adap- ted to gardening, chicken raising, bee culture, dairying, to growing grapes, strawberries and fruit in general. The main state highway passes through the project. Our schools are the best. One accredited high school and two grade schools. Write for our most attractive terms and folder. The district, and not agents is selling this land; there will be no commission to pay. We are interested in getting home builders on the project. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DIST. NO. 4. Burbank. Washington. Homesteads, Relinquishments. 60 ACRES RELINQUISHMENT. 10 acres in cultivation, 5 acres slashed, 4 . acres seeded to grass; house furnished: large storeroom, woodshed and other buildings. This is a real ranch; everything goes with this place, including various kinds of small tools. This is the best snap in a re- linquishment that I've had in 5 years. If you can't make it on this place you can't make it on any. Located about 6 miles from Molalla, in Clackamas county. For quick sale will sacrifice for $1150. ANOTHER ONE. 40 ACRES, covered with first-cla- ss timber. lt miles from sawmill that employs about 30 men. House 14x16 furnished, 1 horse, light wagon, set harness, saws, axes, small tools, etc. The old man says cut the former price $650 down to $475 and sell this week, as he must go east at once. E. W. HELM, 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN- QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG 640 ACRES for sale or trade for car. Call at Milton hotel, room 208. 10 to 2, 6:30 to 10. For Salt Farms. I WANT to sell place, good ground: oats, clover; two good houses; barn, chicken house; cow, pigs, chickens, everything $4200; $2000 down, $300 an- - nually. AE 566, Oregonian. FOR SALE 320-acr- e stock ranch, includ- ing 5,000.000 ft. saw timber; good loca- tion for local sawmill; price $4700; 14 miles from Roseburg. Or. H. C. Brockway, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 85 acres land, all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric, depot and warehouse on corner of land. For sale by owner. Sellwood 2205. CHOICE ACREAGE LAND UNDER THE ' NEW GOVERNMENT PROJECT ON COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. HOW-AR- 1115 N. W, BANK. MAIN 8331. 3 ACRES, house, barn, spring, fruit, all cleared. A snap at $1600, terms. McFarland. Realtor, Falling Bldg SMALL FARMS. 5 acres up level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wiilamina: small down pavmen'. J R. Sharp, S3 '4 3d st. WELL LOCATED modern dairy farm: price for cash. George Milan Smith. 537 Pittock blk. 32 ACRES. Near Yamhill. Or., and just over a mile from electric station and paved highway, and a hard gravel road within 200 yards of place; there is a daily mail service, cream route and a telephone; 7 acres in oats and also seeded down to clover and about 5 acres more ready for spring planting; this place Is fencd and cross-fence- d with hog wire fencing; there are several springs on the farm; water at the door of the house; there is also a beautiful grove of timber; there are a number of bear- ing fruit trees and lots of berries; the buildings consist of two excellent houses, one of six rooms with a porch all the way round and one of 5 rooms with front and back porch; there is a very good barn, chicken house for about 100 hens and sheds, etc; the larger house is nicely furnished and among other things there are good phonograph, two brass beds, mahogany dressers, tables, chairs, stoves, fine silverware and plenty of good bedding and table linen, etc.; one fine family cow. two hogs, flock of pure bred Wyandotte chickens, some guinea fowls and there is hay, straw and feed on hand; all small tools such as shovels, spades, forks, rakes, saws, axes and in fact everything goes with the place; the price on this place is $4200 as a going concern for quick sale; terms, $2000 cash, balance $300 a year at 64 per cent.. W. G. Ide. 817 Lewis bldg. 80 ACRES, 24 miles southeast Portland, on good road; mile to school; 30 acres under cultivation; 60 acres can be farmed when cleared; creek; over 1000 cords wood; house, barn 40x60. 2 chicken houses, woodshed, milk house, granary and other buildings; included with place good young team of mares, 2 milch cows, 2 heifers, brood sow, hay- rack, disc, binder, mower, plows, house- hold goods, etc.; price for everything B300; $2500 cash, balance $500 per year. 6, or consider residence in Portland for part. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 30 acres, 25 miles from center of Port- land; road paved all the way except M mile, which is macadamized; good wire fences, bearing orchard; 21 acres under cultivation, 9 acres In pasture; all can be farmed when cleared; good new plastered house, barn 60x80, ga- rage, chicken house, woodshed, etc.; in- cluded with place, 1 team, 2 cows, wagon, buggy, cultivator, plow, mower, rake, etc.; an exceptionally productive piece of land; only 4 mile from high- way; price $6500; $2500 cash, balance easy terms, 6. John Ferguson. Realtor. Geriinger Bldg. NO. 433 SMALL DAIRY FARM. FULLY EQUIPPED. CLOSE IN. 38 A., best loam soil, all in cul- tivation, excellent water, 2 A. fruit and berries, exceptionally good farm house, two good barns, garage, creanTery, chicken houses and parks, including 5 dairy cows, 3 horses, 1 heifer, hogs, chickens, new separator, harrow, 2 plows, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, 2 sets harness, disc, mower, rake and all small tools; elevated building site, in thickly settled community close to school, with rural advantages; only 4 V. miles from thriving Clarke county town; price $5500; half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, REALTORS, 3d and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. IRVINGTON HOMES. WE SPECIALIZE IN IRVING-TO- HOMES AND HAVE SOME FINE BUYS, FROM $5250; COLO- NIALS FROM $7500 TO $12,000; ALSO 2 FINE STUCCO HOMES, ONE $13,000. THE OTHER $18,-$50- ALL IN THE HEART OF THIS DISTRICT. SEE US BE- FORE BUYING. McDONELL, 500 EAST 14TH ST. N. EAST 419. 45 ACRES, all under cultivation, on 82d st., at city limits; 30 acres bottom land; good orchard; all fenced; living water on place; will trade for good house in Portland. 10 acres, all under cultivation at Can-b- y, Or.; 1 acre of strawberries: on the highway; good horse and cow, some farming tools and chickens; good build- ings; all fenced; $5500. $3000 down, bal- ance easy. McGEB & DENNIS. 960 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684. ATTENTION, Willamette valley. Mr. Stock Raiser and Mixed Farmer. For sale, 2300 acres highly improved stock ranch, half tillable. 300 cultivated, 600 timber, balance hill. Land is rich, growing abundance of crops. Barns, silo, out- buildings, fenced into thirteen pastures, trout stream furnishing water all Green grass year round for sheep, little feeding for cattle. Equipped with every- thing to maae farming and stock rais- ing a pleasure. Modern house, electricity, plumbing, furnace, etc.; $45 per acre, includes stock if taken soon; part trade considered. Write owner. A V, 412. Oregonian. STOCK RANCH. TRADE FOR CITY. 640-a- cr stock ranch, all fenced and cross-- f enced ; 60 acres in cultivation; 300 can be cultivated, balance good grazing land and lot of free outrange; good set of buildings, well and cistern; on county road near store and poetoffice: sacrifice for $10 per acre; clear of debt; owner sick and must get in lower altitude. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. 40 ACRES, all cultivated, level No. 1 soil, at $125 an acre. 14 acres bearing prunes, 114 acres pears, large prune drier, all go for $7000, one-ihir- d cash. - 35 acres, all cultivated, house, 2 fireplaces, water and lights, barn, hog and hen houses, orchard; $6000, cash. The above places belong to an estate and must be sold at once; within 16 miles of courthouse, along highway. Call at office. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. EIGHTY-FIV- E ACRES CLACKAMAS CO. Good land, an main traveled road, telephone, house, barn, several sheds, eight acres cleared. running spring water, plenty of fruit, outside range, kit of wood on tract: plenty of work in community; opportunity for bonus man; will sell cheaply on easy terms. Will rent to right party and under cer- tain conditions. Owner. A. MEYERS. Box 68. Gresham. Or. FARM WITH THE MAMMOTH OAK . TREE. 24 acres cleared, 24 acres in pasture, 3 good springs, timber for wood; good house, barn and poultry house; spring water piped to buildings; orchard of mixed fruit; prune and walnut soil; dairy and fruit ranch; Just a nice drive out; $2000 will handle this place. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 535 Corbett bldg.. or see W. E. White, Newberg, Or. 10 ACRES, all improved. house, barn, west side, paved high- way, 30 minutes from heart of citv, city gas, water; must sell, owner, 289 East 33d. Tabor 7979. FOR SALE by owner, about 40 acres of land on Columbia River highway near Crown Point. 23 miles from Portland. 14 acres in cultivation, balance timber and brush, 2 small houses and barn 42x64 feet on property; good soil; all land can be cleared and cultivated: $5000 cash, balance easy terms. 605 McKay bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 62 acres of finest soil, all in cultiva- tion, near electric station, on fine road, good school, telephone and rural mail; solendid house, in perfect con dition inside and out, Dutch kitchen,. Phone Tabor 86U0. GOOD BUY. re farm, house, large barn, 25 acres in cultivation, horses, cows, pigs and chickens. Fully equipped. 20 miles from Portland, ltt miles from station and school. Call Wdln. 865, THIS splendid chicken ant. fruit acre, highly 30 bearing fruit trees, 4 acre strawberries, logan and rasp- berries, house, stable, 3 cows, 3 horses, chicken house and equipment. Hlec. and gas. Price $3000. F. Dietacn, 32S Cham, of Com. Ta FORCED SALE. 40 acres, 16 miles from Portland. M. mile off rock road, fine spring, 5 acres cleared, 2' miles from railroad station, $1300 cash. JOHNSON-DODSO- CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 120 ACRES on Yaqutna, bay. 4 miles below Toledo. 8 miles above Newport; one of the best dairy ranches below To'edo; stocked; price $8500; will take some trade, terms. G. W. Andrews, Toledo, Or., Box 133. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa- mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's rara-dis- e. A card brings full particulars Redmond Lind & Loan Co., Inc.. Red-m- o n d . CJrOCingMurptiysca p i t o 1 . ) CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. I 122 ACRES near Tillamook; $4500, terms; I part trade; bargain. AH 562. Oregonian. 1920 Ford touring JJJ 11118 Scrlpps Booth roadster.. S'" 1920 Buirk. 9"' unit Priaooe. - l'.20 Mitchell, ryl. 1'' 1920 Olrtamoblle cyL 1918 Jordan. H'"' 1IU8 Hnscoe. ryt... 2" 1920 Jordan. cyl... 11117 Brls.'oe ' 1918 Overland. .. R"0 1920 Chandler. Kxxi HIM Mitchell. cyl. W2n Jordan sport marine, 2 . IS- - i 1917 Mitchell. cyl. 4"" 1M Mitchell. 6""' 191S Paiiee. '! " 1919 Mitchell. eyi. 7u0 Sold on easy terms. A small payment down and balance month- ly. If you cannot call, write or pbone us for the details on any car in the list. Open Evenings from to . Sundays from 3 to 10. MITCHELL T.FWTS A STAVER COMPANY, 9 Tears In the N'Tthwest. Broadway and Everett. Portland. Or. USED CARS. 102O Nash, new paint, ever-haule- d, guaranteed tike new $1o 1919 Palce, a dandy 1920 Ford, starter !"' 1920 Roamer. t new cord tiros. 120 1U20 Ford sedan, lots extras.. 675 NINE OTHER WONDERFUL, BUYS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO loth and Burnalde st. Bdwy. 621L LIBERTT BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILE'S CASHED. YOU BUT OR PKT.L AN APTOVI. BII.B. WB FURMXK TUB MONItf, OUH SERVICE WILL PI.KABR T'lU. OREGON HON O A HOHTHAUID CO.. 207 BULLING BLDG.. SECOND .LOOK. WANTED Used Fords f all modalst will tn-d- on new car. batsnne an terms; we are connected wllh no other concern; we do our own appraising. Open Kvenlnua and Sunday WM. i. lliniHSdN CUWl'ANT. Authorised Ford Dealer. r,n N. Tlrnadway st I'avla. Hdwr, Ml. 1920 FORD TOURINn. 1923 license, starter and In flrst-e1- " mechanical condition, good tires. $3.10, terms. DUNNING MOTOR CO. East 3d and Broadway. SAVE $1100. I.t me show vnu that t nava the finest value in a beautiful p. rniine that you ever saw. Latest morll, branl new, has never been run. if you It you will buy It. Will tak" some trad. Call Henry, B'iwy. I7, 245 h st. HAVNEJi. touring; thorough! ' hauled, reftniihcd. new tlrra and many extras. Knr quick sale $775; terma Phone Bdwy. gsn.1 1918 FORD TOURING. Newly painted and in good condition; a rood cheap cur; $190; frms. DUNNING MOTOR t'O. East 3d and Broadway. BUICK small ylin'l.r car. wonderful powr, small tlr., In operation, (rood fr msnv years' service, equipment Inc.udes li- cense, bumper, spntlisht cutout, etc : an attractive bargain; $425: lrma If desired. ('. W. l'lill pa. 1M w y. 3 " BEAUT1KCL FORD 1U 1. Has top. windshield, fen.W. bump- ers, ahocks. now paint. 'od ilres and all kinds of extraa; going et. rnit sacrifice. See it Sunday at 444 Aln- - worth ave. 11)20 IioIMiE. $S00; touring and cord tiro, partns-nen- t Rex winter top; car Al mechan- ically; looks Ilka new. BRALY. GRAHAM A CHTLn. INC., r. even ' n at i.'.ii'-m,- -. I HAVE a sllKlitly ue,l Veil 6 demnn-strat- for $1250, which l a vry larita discount, when you conaldr tli car la sold with factory guarantee and servir. Kelly, at northwet cor. Broadway rM Uuriislde. Open pvenlnc 1918 CADILLAC tniirlnTTwlt h seat cover. $410 set air snrlnsa, 6 ror1 tlr-- s. i bumpers, special horn, epotllsht mlrrnr, set chains. Car has always had mechanical attention; sacrifice two. Tabor H4S6. PRIVATE party must sell beautiful tour- ing car $000 rah. Can be n at K 20th N. from 10 to 12 A. M. and " 7 p M New rubber, new paint, new California top; new nigs and new bet- - tery. Engine refitted. - LIGHT 6 PAH IB touring. In perfect con- dition, with 4 hrand new cords. $525; your own terrya; car guaranteed to give perfect anti'UfH-- n. Northwest corner Broadway and Me at Ask for Kel y 'pen evening . MAXWELL touring. HOC' jjown bVhl 6 monthly payments, $ car has only bean driven 13.0O0 tntl-- a and Is well preserved. BRALY, GRAHAM C7TTLD, IWX 11th "dJjrrna1rteSta. BETTER VALUES IN OA R A 5 .. oonfi STYIE WELL BUILT. PF,LlVF,Hltl KRKCTFn. STAINEI.; 10x16. $55. AT- TRACTIVE FACTORY I'RlCEvS. 2 WElDI.KRgT. EAST 816. i!"0 4I10"CM E V ROI .KT touring, new tlrea. original finish, hand emergenoy brake) 'Salt, graham run. 1 lth and Biirnslde Sts. FORD roadster, I920. with cord tire and ahocka. In firat-claa- a shape. Also good l'l"0 Chevrolet' touring In fine ennfll'lnn. Both very good buys. Terms easy. Wdin. 5002. 19'0 FORD coupe; Stewart van. feed. "-- '2 $4.-- .: term. humnor etc.. license; I. Y BILLTNOSLET MOTOR rv, Hawt horn a Ave, at 8th. I'hn ne Fat T. t 1921 FOllO coupe, reflnished. wira "bAaLY GRAHAM rHIM. INC. 11th n1 Htjrnfldw tSt. .Tl - a iiir.l.iP. ft L T. BILLINGvSLKV MOTOR CO. 1 1 a wthor n eAv ea J8ThP h n eJPUL M X WELL HO A PS TEH. Overhauled end Reflnlahed. i Tlrea almoat nw: .:.'0. MO A I.PF.H FT J020 "FORD SEDAN. $52A. w Ileanae. lots of extraa, terma L V HILLINUfSLEY MOTOR Aveat Hth. J'hone Ka- -t T rY2TPOPGE Tnf KING. I Ike new n Cord tlrea. wlra wheel. Haaaler shock ahsorber. K.a.t lBlB; - JORDAN touring, new paint, good e..rd and many extras: a real car with Call Ostendorf. Bdwy. a low price. 4675. - iii20 FORD TOURING, $.123 starter cushion covers, tlrea. Y. BILLlNGSLKV ORCO TtVwthorne Ave, at Sth. l'h..nFH.irtT DODGE touring, good shape. 8 tlrea, "22 ''brTlYGRAHAM CHIT.D. INC. 11thand Burnaldegn. HUDSON. $273. New tires. g')od condition- - easy terma L Y BILLINGSLKY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at Nth. ,l'h,-iera- t,T, mnCK new paint, five cord llra beVn overhauled throughout: a r- -l Suy; small payment down balance .,y terms- Call Oatndnrf. Bdwy. 46.. DOnoE touring, good shape, as Is, $275: GRAHAM CHILD INC.. lltn n 192(rFORD ROADSTER, $S. tarter Hauler shecka. new llrensa. IT Y lilLLINGSLKT MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. Phone Fa at J, roadatnr. In. Ai condition: W;Llbuv Terms T Tl. Call O.tendnrf Bdwy. 41175 spIttITl-BUI- LT AUBURN HEAl'TT 6. $4000.wiil .acrife. '"''"!' I, t Pr.nels Arts Phone P1T. 4". 1919. fine cnditlu. FodKrubb.r?U.on". W.0W mile. XMa r. I'hnra owner. Main !?, HACRIFICE. for quick sale, Stephens sport model, fuily equipped, 7 erd tires: no hte offer refund Oak mt. MY 1921 Essex demonatrator in eicellent condition; will sacrifice and rive terms to rla-h- t rartv. Wcl'awn 14T4 $175 LATB MOPICI HK V K ET rned-ste- r In flrst-elaa- a shape. Auto Clearing Home, corner 1 3th and Alder. Mitchell touring ear. ood condition, st a bargain: can be seen at 630 Lombard nr phone Columbia -- ' ' BRAND new ford aedau. Cail Uslendort. Bdwy. 4ii. WE HAVE MORfe CALLS FOR HOMES THAN WE CAN SUP- PLY. FOR QUICK RETURNS LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC.. 406 STOCK EXCHANGE. PHONE MAIN 4354 4355. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9. IF YOU have fiv or six-ro- oi modern bungalow in good district and will con- sider small 'payment, soldier's bonus, and my equity in 40 acres of land near Sandpoint. Idaho, call Main 20. Own-e-rs only. MAKE me your best price on a bungalow; . must be in good district. BJ 484. OREGONIAN. LOTS OF LOTS WANTED. Anywhere except Mt. Scott. St. Johns. Have buyers, we get results; phone today. l . o. ginu, 13 ij vv X. HAVE buyers waiting for houses from $2000 to $3000. with $300 down pay- ment; I mast have them immediately. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bdig. Have cash buyer for the best offer- ing In either of the above districts. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., 211 Washington jaiag. OWNER will sell $800 equity in nearly new B. C. bungalow or trade for clear lot. 3 rooms, fireplace, 9x14 glassed-i- n Bun porch, hdw. floors, trays in, kitchen. AG 554, oregonian wamt TOT IV WESTMORELAND on west side Mount Tabor; improvements in and paid. Price must be right. RICHANBACH & CO.. 207-- 8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. WANT at once, bungalow, any jjood district; value $3000 to $4000; we mean business. See A. K. Hill, 428 Lumbermen s oiag. WANT 4 to house near Jefferson high school that $300 down and $25 per month will handle. F 559, Orego- nian. LAURELHL'RST LOT. Must be first-cla- ss location: south frontage preferred; can pay cash if a snap. Phone Alain lad WANTED For soldier with small cash payment and 'bonus loan. 5 or bungalow. W. M. Brubaker. P. O. box WANT BEST BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY THAT $500 CASH AND $30 .. ,11U.. in, i;ViiiUifi-.- u a a BUY. ADDRESS S 545. OREGONIAN. tjittt.dkr WANTS LOT. PREFERABLE ON PAVED STREET. GOOD DISTRICT, GOOD LOCATION AND PRICE. G. C. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. BANK. BUYERS for homes in Rose City, Irviug-to- n and Laurelhurst. For results list your home with us. RUMMELL & BUM- - MELL, T4 starK street. WE HAVE clients for lots in all parts of the city if price is right. JOHXSON-DODSO- 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. wavic noon cash. Want bungalow not over $3250, on Sellwood carllne or Richmond. Phone Bdwy. 6Q11 after 0 f. m vv aa A num. I can sell or trade anything, any- where. C W. Millership. 165 ft 4th. WANT 5 rooms In any good district that $500 cash will handle; monthly payments on balance. Ask for J. O. Fisher. Bdwy. 4837 WANTED A 4 to house, east side; small payment down, balance as rent; near car line, cawy, H4.VE client for good lot in Laurelhurst "or Irvington. Price must be right; no other considered. dP inam. oi pom HAVE cash for lot in Rose City below hill. Don't call unless big sacrifice. East 2615. WANT small bungalow, In good district, --about $1000 cash, price not over $4500. Call Bdwy. aaw. LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hibernia Commercial & Sav- - ings bank for collection. WANTED Medium priced modern homes for customers. Nelson, Realtor, Main 2U72. 706 Gasco bldg. WANT 4 to house in Alberta dia-tric- t. G 529. OT&eqnlan. WANT 4 to house hi Hawthorne district. AH OPi. uresoman. HAVE good roadster to trade for ftood lot. Marshall 1823. WANTED 1 or 2 lots in Rose City-Par- k or Rossmere. Phone Wdln. 4841. Farms Watfted. SMALL places wanted close to Port- land or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol- dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with some equipment; will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Geriinger Bldg. Wanted to Rent farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several pepole wanting to rent acreage or. small farms, close to Port- land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. NINE MILLION feet of highest grade standing pine timber in the United States. Joining government timber sell- ing for $4 thousand. To raise quick cash I will take $10,000 for tract or equiva- lent. 301 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Tie mill with 4 million feet timber, located on railroad near Port- land; logs cost $8 at mill. F 561, Ore- - gonian. WANTED Man with team to haul lum- ber, long Job and close to city. Western Lumber Agency, Morgan bldg., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. RENT RANCH. PELL PER- SONAL PROPERTY. 480 acres, 400 under cult., bal- ance good pasture; cheap ranch buildings; well on ranch and two cisterns at buildings; one-ha- lf mile from railroad town and nine miles from Condon: 200 acres now being put in spring wheat: 1st year crop, 3 crop thereafter, and sell personal prop- erty, which will Invoice to $24O0, for $2000, and give terms on part to right party; pictures and full information at office of THOMPSON .SWAN & LEE. REALTORS, Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR RENT 40 acres, 32 under plow and seeded; rent $300 a year; 3 years' lease; stock and Implements for sale; 5 good milk cows. 1 bull, 1 heifer, 4 calves, 3 horses, 12 chickens, 6 tons hay and all farm and dairy tools and machinery; price for all $1150. For more informa-tio- a see Joe C. Gentemann, Ralph Ack- ley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg., Port- land. Or. FOR RENT, near Ocean beach, truck garden for Seaside, Gearhart and beach market; excellent for berries and chick- ens; suitable buildings. Phone 512-0- BC 318, Oregonian. RENT until November, 15 acrea, near Vanucouver, $125; also 10 near CresweW-Eugen- e, with fruit. $125; also 20 near Oregon City, without bldgs.. $50. Owner, box 68. Astoria. GOOD 150-ac- re farm, 8 miles from Port- land on good road, cash rent. Strong & McNaughton. Corbett bldg. 70 ACRES, good soil, farm implements, rent 6 months in advance. Address 660 Kerby. Phone Woodlawn 4378. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TRADE EXCHANGE TRADE. 40 acres irrigated land; trade for rooming house; my land is free and clear; will assume. Bdwy. 5911. CHOICE IRRIGABLE 10 ACRES, WATER RIGHT PAID, VALUE $1000; WILL EXCHANGE FOR LOT. HOWARD. 1115 N. W. BANK. MAIN 8931. TO EXCHANGE 320 acres Gilliam county, big percentage wheat land. Flett, Yam- hill. Ot. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6 acres Hoed River land for Portland property. Hell. 2203 FOR EXCHANGE Fine corner lot, IOOx 106. In Lents; will trade for diamond of light machine. Pnone Mar. 5652 modern house for sale or trade for smaller place in Piedmont or Ken- ton. Woodlawn 1126. 60x100 CORNER on 100-fo- ot paved street, paving and sewer in. free of mtg. Want beach lots, any place. 782 Commercial st. WILL TRADE OR SELL CHEAP, 160 ACRES IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 420 HENRY BLDG. BROADWAY 5549. $2000 EQUITY in m house for room-in- s bouse or acreage.. Bdwy. 5911. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. CLEARANCE USED PIANOS, $550 Geo. Steck small upright $215 375 Gerold dark upright 195 475 Holland, large upright 235 500 Needham, modern mahog. .... 205 375 Hallet & Davis, small 165 Two small upright pianos, $65 and 75 $750 Pianista player piano 295 250 Pianola player, walnut 35 450 'Franklin, wax finish 195 450 Irving Piano Co., upright 210 Cottage organ, $18; Mason & Hamlin. $28. Terms, $10 cash, $5, $6 and $3 mnnthlv. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. sT5X VICT ROT. A ana records (hardly used) $ 15 $ 75 VIctrola (line shape) . 45 120 Brunswick (nice mahogany)... 60 125 Upright phonograph (new)... 65 450 Price & Teeple piano 225 430 Kindler & Collins, apt. size.. 250 750 Chickering (walnut art fin.).. 367 1000 Packard grand (mahogany).. 650 War tax removed, freight rates re- duced. Used musical instruments forced lower. Easy terms. No salesmen. HAROLD GILBERT. 107 'W. PARK. CLEARANCE OF PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records... $ 20 32.50 Grafanola, 5 used records... 20 95.00 Stradivara, 10 used records.. , 48 140.00 Bounswick, 10 used records.. 5 165.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. . 100 Ifirt nit Plmemnn- - 10 used records.... 95 175.00 Sonora, 10 used records 130 850.00 Victrola, 15 used records 195 375.00 Sonora Grand 275 $5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 102 10th at Stark. c Prtrm TmTr O'n D AHP rr CT .OSTTMft OUT. $300 Prentiss upright, cash $145 575 Krell upright, man., cash 215 trx tltii. e-- n.irio no ah 165 50 Bard & Co., small upright.... 75 750 Pianista Player riano T K .Kina Cnto urn OfCH Tl . 18 inn Mnmin A Hamlin Organ 20 103 10th St.. at Washington and Stark on a new VIctrola or Cheney phono- - Brapn. G.F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 149 tiixtn st. SPRING SALE USED PIANOS. WneeiOCK upueui, unmuftau, w....--- Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195 t'ease & o., upng", una, Modella Player Piano only 45 Plannla Plnver. e. only 50 Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash. A NEW grand piano, one of the oldest leading makes, must oe soiu at wucw, cash $1000. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. ..ntirv iTTTn A97-4- H 128 FIRST, BET. ALDER & WASH. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, ia; . fine walnut case; terms given. BErRKRI.ING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St., Near Washington St STANDARD te player piano and extra rolls. A wonuenui ii6i. vu.jr $395, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. DECKER BROS, square piano, $60, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sola, repairea. MARTIN C mel. saxopnone, silver, gold bell, $135, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 BlXtn Bt. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor ana lOiumuio, 1 ctuiuo , inu tor lae jjiw i HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. EMERSON piano, man. case, one of the good old makes, vio, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-Frenc- h Piano Co.. 12th and Wash ington. CONN tenor saxophone, 'silver, gold bell, $150, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St; SCHILLING PIANO, plain oak case; a snap. HKTTSERT.IN'G-LUCA- S MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St., Near Washington St. CONN C mel. saxophone, silver, gold bell, $125, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. HOWARD PIANO, almost new, at about half price. See it. sitthkp.T.ING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO.. j 5 Fourth St., Near Washington St. MANDEL phonograph, man. case, large cabinet, $95, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make; guaranteed work. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CHENEY phonograph, man. case, cabinet like new, only $90, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. PIi.NO TUNING AND REPAIRING, guar- anteed work by experts. Bdwy. 6576. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. BOY SCOUT drums and bugles. Drums at $6.50 and $7.50 and bugles at $7.50. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth St. KIMBALL, new. $395; terms given; only one at this price. 125 Fourth st. SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO. NEW BUESCHER coronet, and case for sale cheap. 1069 East 11th st. N, Furniture for Sale. " AUCTION SALE. UNCLAIMED RAILROAD STORAGE. Tuesday, ApTil 11, 1922. 10 A." M.- CLAY S. MORSE, INC.. Twelfth and Gllsan Sta SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buv or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re- pairing and refinlshing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. BARGAIN for cash, beautiful velour dav- enport, rocker, .chair, phonograph, table, walnut dining-roo- set. mahog- any bookcase, standing lamps, blrdseye maple bedroom set. 5 piece ivory bedroom set, 2 large, 2 small Anglo-Persia- n rugs, electric range, washer and mangle; must see to appreciate. If in- terested call Tabor 2727. or 1044 B. Flanders, corner Floral st. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturers' samples, several dav- enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phones 635-2- 7, evenings and Sun- days, Tabor 6797 or 635-2- MICHAELSON-MAYSO- INC. 04tn ana .r oster rtoau. AM leaving Portland and will sell my fine furnished flat, located in a fine building, close in, excellent furniture, fireplace and steam heat and water free; a real sacrifice at $750. See Mr. Bohna, 549 Wash. (2d floor). Phone Bdwy. 4651. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. PRACTICALLY new, very best quality, overstuffed set, two 9x12 Wilton rugs, tea wagon, smoking table, floor , r 4n.3ii . .. oni9 . aftpi ft p f lamp, i.i i - - - BEAUTIFUL domestic oriental rug. 9x12, used two weeks, cost $145, will sacrifice ipr tou w h POR SALE Complete furniBhinga of 8- - roora nounc i FURNITURE for sale, ail or part, cheap; FUMED oak library table, 28 by 48 In., with book shelves. Tabor 4911. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the following used office fur-nitu- re in good condition at exceptional prices: 6 roll-to- p desks. 14 flat-to- p desks 7 typewriter desks, 188 office chairs. 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSO- N CO.. Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144.

Transcript of Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1922-04-07 [p 17]. · 2013. 11. 7. · more profitable than...

Page 1: Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1922-04-07 [p 17]. · 2013. 11. 7. · more profitable than cliickens; day old..nvitTio--delivered to you by parcel post for 40 cents each. Write

TO EXCHANGE RKAI, ESTATE- . ...... nn.TT.T-- crTT-O NT T TTTT? V. BLOCK and slab mixed, double load $7.50.

single load $4. New Vaughn dragsawFor Sale Farms.For Sal Acreage. GOOD BUYS ON EZ TERMS,

Here la a mighty fine stock ofused cars cars of quality, stand-ard makea fours sii'I sixs. iarueand small. You will find what youwant In our stock and at less thanelsewhere, quality considered.

WE WANT modern homes in good condi-tion in any and all sections of Portland.We have the buyers waiting. If you listyour home at appraised value we canget you a quick sale. No charge except5 per cent commission where we securevou a satisfactory sale.

J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors.262 Stark Street. Broadway 6794.

MUST MOVE QUICKLY EASY TERMS.$1600 William .Knabe grand, late.$6i5.O0

1000 Chickering, late, mahogany. 850.00750 Strich & Zeldler, latest 426-2-

650 Wellington, jst about new. 250.00600 Eilers, very latest, perfect.. 24O.00600 W. W. Kimball, genuine 225-?-

700 Genuine McPhail 200.00550 Bradford, late walnut 190 2260O Jewett, fine mahogany 185.00600 Thompson, latest 225.00575 MeOammon, good tone, up.. 100.00700 Hobart M. Cable, latest. . . . 360.00273 Columbia phonograph, new. 125.00675 Hobart M. Cable, latest 337.50700 Kroeger, walnut 165.00550 Smith & Barnes makes 165.0057C Hamilton, fine 200.00550 Garner & Sons, latest maih.. 223.00500 Harvard, fine 150.00675 J. & C. Fisher piano, fine.. 275.00550 Just new, Farrand. latest.. 250.00600 Mendenhall. very latest.... 225.00600 W. W. Kimbal. fine tone... 150.00700 Lester, latest, mahogany... 300.00900 Chickering. sweet tone, up.. 250.00Three player pianos, latest. $150 to

$375. on easy terms, and many others.Wake up and save your money; buy

real pianos at bargains; no thump boxesor rebuilt pianos; many Just brand new.

BROKERAGE CO..312 Worcester Bldg., 3d and Oak Sta.

Manufacturer's seconds at substantialreductions. Albatross Metal FurnitureCo.. 715 Tnnrman




THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.821 Washington St. Main 608L

REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for, exenanse; v,e o.i c - - -tributors of Corona portable. $50 com-plete, with carrying case; supplies andrepairs of all makes.

nRERfW TYPEWRITER CO.,94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169

NOISE annoys; rent a Noiseless; a fewused iNoiseiess tor saio. luubibm .jv.writer Co.. 81 4th st. Bdwy. 6044.

REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell: supplies. Type- -. t , . o , O c a ylr A.... r.4Mwriter inspeuimu vo.. n.

REBUILTS. second-han- d rentals at cut. . i , r- e ; i Rdwv.. 7507.

I KlPQ. Jr. jj. v. - .TYPEWRITERS repaired, all work guar- -

nail WnniilKWD 701.

TYPEWRITER for rent, $3 a month. Km- -. i n.HnAa. rn U,lri-- 15.V

FOR SALE Remington No. 10. good con- -. .in 1. untn laA TniinTnitlOIl, OU JlttliiUNDERWOOD 5 ,a bargain at $40. Call.

IVit f ailing.Poultry.

PETALUMA baby chicks for sale. Chicksfrom S. C. White Leghorn hens, theworld's greatest layers; eggs from freerange Hoganlzed stock only; safe deliv-ery guaranteed. May chicks $12 per100; June chicks $11 per 100, f. o. b.Petaluma 25 per cent deposit with or-

der. Oak Hill Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal.XIAP.TilRR'S CUTCKS.

R. I. Rod, O. A. C. Barred Rock andWhite Leghorns, day-ol- d chicks andhatching eggs. from trapnested andHoganized, free range stock. hits Leg-horn chicks ready April 16 20 and24; Barred Rocks April 9, 16 and 24.J R. MAGUIRB ,787 Oregon. E. 180a.

H iTfHINfl EOOSFrom high producing flocks R. I.

Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. 10ceach or $7.50 per 100; O. A. C. andHollywood White Leghorns, $1.23 for15 or $8 per 100. Fertility guaranteed90 per cent. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon st.East lauo

WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks for Maiand June delivery at $12 per 100; $115per 1000 from flocks inspected and ac-

credited by the Sonoma County FarmBureau. Safe arrival of full count, live,strong chicks guaranteed. The PioneerHatcnery. ot" ., v.'.

i S S $ FOR YOU in Mammoth White....... ..pekin QUCKB, ooi i '

more profitable than cliickens; day old..nvitTio-- delivered to you by parcel

post for 40 cents each. Write today.and engage ywia-- i

Laughlin Bros., jvicjainnvmp,WHEN you order your baby chicks from

us you get sate ucuvci wi wuu.healthy chicks, from high productivehens, with egg records of 200 to 80S each,mated to pedigreed cockerels. May andJune chicks at $12.50 per 100. GrahamPoultry Farm, Woodburn, Or. R. F. 3

HATCHING eggs from S. C. W. L. Tan-cred- s,

pedigreed, rtap-neste- d 200 andbetter; 88 per cent guaranteed; $1.25dozen, $10 hundred. Sylvan Dells Poul-try Ranch, Carlton, Or. J. E. Raze,prop


S 5 W MINORCA and S. C. Buff Orp-'ingt-

hatching eggs from prize-winni-

stock; no surplus stock this year. R. U.Smith, Walla Walla, Wash.

EGGS FOR hatching from thoroughbrednose Comb Rhode Island Reds; 15 for$1.50. Call TaDor ZIM-- -. win ueuver.

FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn hens, alllaying; am moving. Call at 5616 59thave. a. m

TANCRED White Leghorn laying pullets,electric brooder. Tabor 8822. ParkroseHatchery, portlana.

LAYING White Leghorn , pullets, $1.15each; Hoganlzed, heavy laying, guar- -anteed. J. rt. jvtaguiie. ioi

TWENTY HENS, I B. I. Red rooster, allyoung. 415 Going st. Phone Auto. 320-0-

Dogs. Kabbits. Ulrds ana ret aioca.JJJy gif3 Book "Care, Feeding and

Breeding of Canaries," gives a volume ofreal information. Also tells how andwhat to use to overcome disease andtrouble. Worth a dollar to any ownerof a canary. Postpaid, 30c. RoutledgeBird, Pet and Animal Co., Portland.

YOUNG males from imported St. Andreas-ber- g

Toiler stock, deep yellow and green,$6. East 6874. Call at 687 Multnomah st.

IMPORTED ORGAN TRAINED St.rollers. If you need trainer

order now. Send for list, E. B. and birds. 273 State. Salem, Or,

AT STUD Registered Airedale terrier,also registered Scotch collie. Tabor7269.


FANCY pigeons for sale cheap. 184 East84th Btreet. pan punuay

WILL trade a St. Andreasberg roller fora fox terrier pup. ji.ast io.

Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment.I WANT the best motorboat $100 cash will

buy. Call Col. 118. after 6 P. M. andSunday, coiumpia oat

ROWBOAT for sale cheap, practically new.Inquire Ed Roethe. Roethe Station.Phone Oak Grove i'-- j

FOR SALE new trolling boat, 87x1014 ft.Call Col. 176.

Machinery.FOR SALE Deep well water system, en-

gine, large pressure tank, all pipe andpump, value $500, for $175. This is asnap. Bdwy. 7886. 409 Dekum bldg.

FOR SALE B. J. B. gas stump poller.Machine at U, ft M. garage, corner 27thana AlDerta sis.

Kegs and Barrels.

KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whiteoak. Western Cooperage Co., 808 N. 14thSt., near Pettygrove. Phone Auto. 619-1- 9.


PLANTS yield loganberries in 15 months.Order now. 884 B. 42d St. N. Tabor2C78 (except sunqayj.

Coal and RWn load s4.TWO-LOA- D LOTS.fir block and slab, runs partly

dry, ready for furnaoe or heater. vvealso save you money on two-loa- d ordersof dry wood. Prompt delivery on westand east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Woodlawn iuu

& i i.,-- , i i 1 1 i Ai t 1 IT. I V li ' i- - -

h, partly dry block and alabmixed; fine for furnace or heater, de-

livered in lots for $8; single loads$4 60. Washington lump coal, $11 ton

in the basement; dry slab $6 load.NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST 2041.


Summer prices now on. PHONE BAST8174. Don't buy your wood until youconsult Logan Fuel Co. Country slab,river slab, cordwood and coal. Office andyards, 184 Union ave.. Portland.

BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs,partly dry

2 loada $8.001 load 50

WOO PL A w IN iwii.COAL Sample sacks, $1 delivered ; 5 sacks

$4; $10, $11, $12.50, $14.50 and $15.50per ton delivered.


WOOD wanted; would like to hear fromsomeone who can ship on O.-- R. R.& N. Woodlawn Fuel Co., 480 Dekumavenue.

I". 11' "l -! 11

block and railroad ties, alsodry block wood; green block

wood. mamjiDioCOAL Australian, sample sacks $1

5 sacks $4. Tons $14 and $15."Sample Delivery." East 5400.

NICE slab, $3.75; best grade sea-- -soned heavy or merely graded. $5 load,anywhere; bargain. Sellwood 1769.

GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.23 cord,-- heavycountry , slab; $5.25. Rock Springs andTltah coals. East 1759.

BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for$15 Can't be beat. Broadway 4110.

SVECIAL $5 lots, A-- l. bone dry.fir. KUsaoeuvwjJ;

CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.60 delivered;country aiau.

PY--BLOCK and alabwood. single load

.ihle load, $8. Bdwy. 2545.1 fir, $8; No. 2 fir. $7; greea

country slab. $4.50. Main slab. $4.73 per cord. East

7485.hHy BOXWOOD $4, block and slab $4.50,

neavy qij hibi.i-- b. -- "

GOOD dry ;.

S. NO.extra heavy ciry wreckage; load

tianvereuBIG LOAD partly dry block and slab.

$4.50 a loau. dry fir. $7.50; large

i, J?..,.v, (Run Re lwnod 314.secoDQ-g'"- " '"wood. $5 a cord. Errfclrl..?,,TT,ti 41 Wajih. st.HrtirM.SUMMER $7, A- -l first-grow- th fir,

jii.,ao,l Marshall 1048.

"DRY CORDWOOD, $6.25.-

and slab mixed, partly dry;H5..V.,h and inside wood. Wdln. 2019.,

WOOD Block or alab. Cot J 43.

for sale cheap. Main o.BLOCK and slab, partly dry, $4 :

seasoned, $5.60; box wood. $4.50. Wood- -


SAVE YOUR WIFE.Send your wet was to the Snow n"Laundry. Clothes washed JJ1,??-- ?,

In separate compartments THljRbDA r.FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 15 LBS.FOR 60 CENTS: 4 CENTS each addi-

tional pound; valuable premium given.Phone East 8433.


By our latest reliable method yourdental work can be done wlUiout pain.Absolutely harmless and no after-effect- s;

satisfaction guaranteed.Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J- Klesendaiil.Above Majestic Theater. 85114 Wash.

ELECTRIC FIXTURES.Buy them from the factory show room

and save one-thir- d; all styles, finest se-

lection. Come and see; you are under noobligation to buy.

STANLEY LUTZ.207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.



riiA.N 1 iiiua, i xv i.ii .iii-ii- . - - - - ,IN MOSS. P. R. JOHNSON. PLANTSPECIALIST. GRANGER. WASH.

SEWING MACHINES.Sweeping reduction on al. slightly

used machines, all makes and kinds,cash or terms. Latest new Singers, eaiypayments. Rentals $3 per month. SingerStore. J. G. Walters, manager. 193 tnst., at Taylor. Main 6833. '

IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re-

pairing or Jewelry repairing, take yourwork toMILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store.

Sella for Less Glfta That Last.Next Door to Majestic Theater.

Park and Washington Sts.

FOR SALE, beautiful, dark brown chiffonvelvet dress, georgette trimmed, $7.50;also henna silk crepe dress. $6. both insize 16; good condition; youthful style.East 6874.

DO IT TODAY. Remember tomorrow nevercomes. We repair, RUBBER-BON- and

- . - il . -. H - .a mr-lte-

deteriorated and disintegrated old, leaky.i. ,.. .....I ltun'lroois; wora stnotiy auiiiiu-u- - - --

delay. Phone today. Bdvry. 5H5S.

PETERMAN LATH MACHINERY.The most efficient machinery for the

maiiuiKciuia ui lain, u.uuu. -

curtain pole stock. For price and de- -... n n DifillvnDV ft tlivery see vvnoii'ii rvuiiu::u Mood st. Alain arcno.

R heating plant; have threeAreola heating plants that we will install for cost price lor quicit uivnhia for A nr residence or building of same size. Central Plumbinir AHeating Co., aoaMi unsan. rmwy. i...

SEWING machines, new and econd-han-

sold for less; no agents employed. Com-plete line of parts for all makes; ma-chines repaired and rented.

SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM.190 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 9431.

DOORS, windows, screen doors, mouldinns,mill work, glass, roofing and hotbedsash. See our odd stock of sash anddoors for prices. D. B. Scully .Co.,downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT M,bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213.

FOR SALE,rtitrden tonia. Radiantfire heater. Mor

ris chair andirons, lawn chairs, dress-making form, new auto bed; half price.No dealers.

1031 Kllllngswortn Ave.A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE.

MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry StoreSells for Less Gifts That Last.Next Door to Majestic Theater.

Park and Washington StsGOOSEBERRY plants, fruit and ornamen-

tal trees loganberries, walnuts, filberts,roses, shrubbery. Woodstock NurseryCo., Auto. 610-9- end o Woodstock carline.

FOR SALE Second-han- d lumber, all sizesincluding heavy timbers from 4x6 to 12x16, at 18 to $10 per M. On Job on Frontst., bet. Salmon and Taylor. Phone Main6091.

HOT WATER tanks. $5, guaranteed;tanks, gas water heaters repaired;plumbing contractor, estimates given.E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adama East8516.

L4.BIES' slightly used and misfit dresaoa,suits, coats and dinner gowns, sizes 34to 46, good style and quality, low price,4th floor 403 Allsky bldg, Third nearMorrison.

SAFES Overstocked. For the best valuesobtainable in new or second-han- d safessee Norris Safe & Lock Co.. 105 2d at.,Portland, Or. Phone Bdwy. 7045.

WE BUY, sell and exchange Thor eleo-tr- ic

washing and ironing machines.SMITH-McCO- Y ELECTRIC CO..

264 Alder. Phone Main 8Q11.

YERBA MATE, famous South Americantea; nutritious, economical; sample pkg20 cups tea, 10 cent. YERBA PROD--UCTi UO., Z3'. weoster. Ban r ranciac-n- .

CASH REGISTERS and computing scalesbought, sold, exchanged and repaired.Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex-change, 226 Stark at. Bdwy. 7634.

DROPHEAD sewing machines, Minnesota,New Royal, Domestic, $10 each; allgood sewers. 662 Williams ave. East3 ion,

BURBANK S and American Wondera, $1.60sack; Round Whites, $1.40. At 854Ankeny. Phone Broadway 3214.

KODAKS.We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko-

daks. Sandy. 329 Washington stRUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton--

Beach electric carpet washer; alsovacuum cleaning done. East 4045.

SAFE Light office safe, good order; firstreasonable offer accepted. B 544, Ore- -gonlan.

DANDY, orchestra bass drum, worth $50,will sell dirt cheap or will trade forwhat nave you i lawr it,

$85 CASH buys a dandy diamond engage-ment ring, for sale by private party.Bernard s. cor, etn ana ahiw.

FOR RENT Electrlo vacuum cleaners, 85cents per day or $1 per week, bun. toSun., delivered. Woodlawn 1259.

CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION.For sale, 250,000 second-han- d brick.

Phone Main 6091THAT'S MY BUSINESS.


FERTILIZER.r.nm and horse manure, well rotted.

delivered any part of city. Wdln. 6283.

NO. 1 BURBANK and American Wonderpotatoes, grown on high land, $1.75 perBack delivered. Woodlawn 5559.

DIEBOLD safes, new and second-han-

special prices. Pacific Scale & SupplyCo.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 196H.

DANDY shower fixture completewith shades, only $5.35. at 207 Chamberof Commerce bldg. Broadway 4258.

can be permanently cured withoutoperation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec-ond and Morrison.

LICENSED independent electrician wlree3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20. guaranteedto pass inspection. Wdln. 3791.

EXPENSIVE Italian marble Sequerst pres-sure cooker and several upholsteredchairs for sale, tilo Ji. iltn St., n.

FOUNTAINS and root beer barrels, alsofountain supplies; big reduction. 129First St.

SHOWCASES, wall cases, cash registers,scales, safes, meat sllcer. 129 1st.

RAROAINS IN RADIO HORNS.Newman. 128 First at., near Alder.

NEW A. B. GAS range, cheap. Easy terms.Bi. lerry

SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip- -ment. OI Din, pcinrc onnw. aim van.

FINE baby bed and mattress, $10; cart, $2.Tabor 823L

A SET of 14 books American English lawlibrary. East aim.

BIN-RU- N POTATOES, $1 per sack. 647Flanders, or phone Broadway 8315.

WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniturerepairing ana capinet wora. wain. J4l.

REED buggy for only $8 If taken today.328 Clay st.

PRINTING outtit in excellent condition.Can be seen at 39Q Belmont St.

SPORTSMEN, duck lake, best on Sauvlesisland, tme capin. au dui. vrcgonian.

LATE model Hobart electric coffee mill.Cheap. Main oodi.

VICTROLA and 10 records, $18. Callafter 6. war, oiva.

300 POUNDS upholstering hair. Apply 681Lake st.

1--1 GARNET CHILLIB potatoes, $1.60sack. 406 Main St., Vancouver. Wash.

DROPHEAD golden oak rotary machine.una new. "

AUTO wood saw, no reasonable offer t-

616 Alblna avenue, after g P. M.

KCALEsi Ueed grocery and meat scalefor gale cheap. 5 1st st.

LADIES' USED APPAREL Spring dresses,j3 to $10; suits, wraps. Tabor 2823.

FiaHLIA BULBS. $1 per dozen. 3212 66thP, , n. -- -.

SECOND-HAN- tents and covers lor sals.

rQR SALE Cash register, safe, adding. chine, showcases. 48 1st St.. near Ash.CTAR-A-STA- ahlnglss, dlreot from mill.

. ..Call a aym'FREE for removing light soil, easy to get

near Ash and 24th. Seat lim.

re Willamette valley farm, alllevel and under cultivation, fenced andcross-fence- new house (Insuredfor $2400), cement walls. French doorsand windows, front and back porches,gas light plant, new chicken house,large barn, windmill, woodshed, etc Onrailroad, milk route, cream route, t"e-phon- e.

fine road. 3 miles to town: eightmilch cows, 4 calves, 2 matched mares,2 horses, sow and 5 shoats, 175 chickens,harness, wagons, buggy, all necessaryfarm Implements and tools; cream sepa-rator, washing machine, - complete fur-nishings and equipment of the house.What have you? Write L. Fuller, Routez, jhox o. naisey, Oregon.

$31,000 HIGH-CLAS- S orchard of 52 acresat Mosier, Or.; 45 acre 8 to 10years old; modern bunga-"lo-

apple house, barn, storagebasement; produced 6000 boxeslast year; all stocked andequipped; clear of Incumbrance.

$25,000 100x100; brick building,in good town, close to Portland,fully rented; good tenants; in-

come $3000, mortgage $800O; wiktrade for business building orapartment house in Portland upto $75,000 and assume. See Mets-- "

company. Bdwy. 5358

$8000 FOR A DANDY 40 acres; bottomland, 2V4 miles from Canby; 8 cows,Holstein and Jersey, pure breeds; 4 hogs,bunch of chickens; 30 acres under crop,including over an acre of rhubard andasparagus --crop, all in: house,good barn and chicken house. Will ex-

change for Portland residence up to$4000 or $5000.

S. BORLAND.' REALTOR.223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts.

VALLEY FARM.270 acres, very close to Eugene, all in

cultivation except about 25 acres whichia In iuV tirwHer- - nlneA has VerV ROOdbig barn: house is well built, but needssome repair. Place is leased but pos-session can be given if wanted. Price$100 per acre. Will exchange lor cityproperty up to $21,500 mortgage backfor balance at 614 per cent. Owner iscity business man. McClure & SchmauchCo., trustee.

FOR TRADE.$2000 equity in modern house;

has 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors up-

stairs and downstairs; sleeping porch,cement garage; lot 40x100; house oneof the best constructed in city; lots ofbullt-in- s; will exchange for late modelautomobile.

J. O. STOREY,307 Piatt Bldg.

Phone Main 7518 or Tabor 8627."A GENTLEMAN'S HOME."

5 acres in cultivation; fruit, grapes,berries, shruhberv. flowers: modern house in first-clas- s condition; furnace, 2 garages, barn, chicken outiil.gas. Bull Run water, 20 minutes out.walking distance to 2 car lines, $10,500;want ctty house all or part.R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 16514 4th St.

HAVE $8500 equity in fine 200-ac- re dairyfarm, balance of $5000 is federal loan;on account of sickness, will take a smallplace near Portland and some cash forequity; city property will be consideredat cash value.

STEWART & JOHNSON,315 Northwestern Bank Bldg.

90 ACRES, good buildings, stocked, equip-ped, $S)000; wants city property, 20 acresbearing orchard, bungalow, hardwoodfloors, heated, garage, outbuildings: allequipment; $12,000 clear, for city resi-dence, city property; 20 acres Newberg;orchard, buildings; $7500. Bdwy. 7429.Bdwy. 4794 eveniggs. 601 McKay bldg.

TO TRADE FOR LARGER FARM.116 acres, all In high state of culti-

vation, on pavement, city water, gas,electric lights, all modern house,family orchard, good barn, silo and otheroutbuildings; 20 miles from Portland.See Mr. Stephens with Fred W. GermanCo. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce.

VIEW property, good house. 414acres, fi le land, 2 acres cleared. Jonn-so- n

creek and Meadowbrook station onplace; will take small Portland prop-erty as down payment. Improved or un-proved or kuto. Take Greaham car. See ittoday. Call Auto 327-0- 8 or 516-1-

WANT A FARM.Or acreage near city up to $.7000 for

my equity in a going garage and bldg.,all fully equipped, netting good in-

come; leaving city and want to ex-

change at once; no junk considered.Rock. 403 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6363.

CANADIAN FARMS.Well improved, equipped, all sizes; $30

to $50 per acre; also unimproved sodland, 160 acres up; exchange for farm?and city property here. C. Cole, 426Lumbermens bldg.

TO TRADE for Oregon or Washingtonproperty; apartment house, in Hardin,Mont.; also irrigated ranch. What haveyou? Address box 478, Hardin. Mont.

FOR SALE or exchange, housewith sleeping porch, near Laurelhurst,for larger house in good location Owner,East 30" 1.

WELL-LOCATE- D vacant lot In Eugene,Or to trade for vacant or small resi-dence property in Portland. Reply B528, Oregonian.

FOR TRADE; one acre, 2 houses and fruit,for Portland residence. A. M.

box 95, Woodburn, Or.


Your ar and $500 will place you In ah. k. rooms, long lease, good

west side location; house will assure youa very attractive permanent profit; bal-ance easy terms. O'Farrell-Grellne- r, 338-4- 0

Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 4172.I WILL trade my equity in 25 shares of

Great Northern Livestock Loan Co. forgood young horses; must be good chunks.Tabor faZiU.

WANT a lot east of 15th and north ofBroadway, have a Dodge touring totrade. Mr. Williams. Bdwy. 4248.

FOR SALE.Horses. Vehicles, Livestock.


14 head of good young, sound, gentle,well-brok- e farm horses, 3100 to 1400pounds each, good work horses from $50to $125. Jake's Feed Barn, Fifth andColumbia sts.

REGISTERED Jerseys; a real bargain,considering quality: foundation St.Mawes calves and heifers, young, fresh,high-grad- e government. T. B. tested,worth considering. Columbia highway.K. Hanneman, Corbett. or

ON ACCOUNT of death, widow must dis-pose of ar good team of horses with har-ness, weight 2300 pounds, $225: a goodJersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85 andother farm implements. . Mrs. E, H.Kinsey, Beaverton, Or.

ON ACCOUNT of death of widow must dis-pose of a good team of horses with har-ness, weight 2300 pounds, $225; a goodJersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85. andother farm implements. Mrs. E. H.Kinsey. Beaverton. Or.

ARRIVED Tuesday, April 4, with one loadof the best d work horses evershipped to Portland; ages 5 to 6 years.Come and see. Portland Union .ItockYards. W. W. Kelley.

FOR SALE Fine young team, weight2700 pounds, sound and true; havemoved from country and will give some-one a bargain on them. 780 Front, nearGro'er. ask lor lady with team.

FOR SALE One team bay geldings, fullbrothers, 6 and 6; weight 3600; soundand true; very cheap; at the Red Frontbarn, Oregon City.

YOUNG team of horses. 2900 lbs.; alsospan of mules, weight 2600 lbs., ailsound and best of workers; will sellcheap. 4301 67th Bt. Mt. Scott car.

FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness; onecow and one Jersey. A. Panzram,

Latourell Falls, Or.FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second-

hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade,360-36- 6 js. Morrison St.

ALMOST new 3 Mandt barn wagon; alsoseveral other wagons cheap; farm toolsand harness of all. kinds. 240 East 8th.

6 HEAD of valley horses, 5 to 7 yearsold, 1300 to 1700 lbs. Inquire 564 North- -Tup st.

GOOD horse for sale, sound and gentle.351 E. 57ta st. .Norm,

FOR SALE Horses and light harness;Kalk Bros, woodyard. Sellwood 843.

FRESH cow for sale. Columbia316.


DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly;call day or nignt. Automatic oai-- f.

HORSE, weight about 1600 lbs. 864 Rod- -

ney ave. o o ciqck an weeK.Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.

VICTROLA, $90; terms given; mahoganycase; almost new. 125 Fourth St.



DECKER SON player, $250; bench androlls; terms given. 125 Fourth at.

1000 NEW VICTOR records, 2 for 75c;cafeteria style. Harold S. Gilbert, 107West Park. ;

NEW MARTIN saxophone, very reasonable.Sullivan, care J. C Penney Co., IllFourth St.

PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; workdone by experts and guaranteed. CallBroaQwayifui

STEINWAY, old style; $150; terms given.SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO.,

125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder.PIANO WANTED from private parties;

CaSn propuamuil. Mmauaii my.WANTED Good tone piano; pay all cash.

5QWy.THOMPSON player-pian- o, good as new.

About 50 records, $450. Wdln. B761.

PIaNO WANTED; pay cash. Bdwy. 6576.

8 ACRES. 11 miles from center of Port-land, 4 mile to electric station, 8 blocksto school; 6 acres under cultivation; allcan be farmed when cleared; very at-tractive plastered bungalow, withcement basement, sleeping porch, etc.,small barn, chicken house; price $4500;terms; consider house In Fulton or Cap-itol Hill to $2500. balance easy terms.Ask for Mr. Kemp.

4 acres. Just outside city limits ofGreaham; one block from electric sta-tion; good macadamized road; close tohigh and grade school; 65 young fruittrees; one acre Cuthbert raspberries;good plastered bungalow withsleeping porch, full cement basement,complete white enamel plumbing, elec-tric lights, city water, garage, chickenhouse; offered at real bargain; terms.John Ferguson, Realtor. Geriinger Bldg.

6, 10 AND TRACTS$25 PER ACRE lif.

$10 down and $5.00 month, buys atract in this addition of 800 acres,

down the Columbia' river on the Oregonside, ciose to Columbia highway andriver; fine transportation, railroad, river,auto, stage and truck. Beautiful lay-ing land free from rock or gravel. Sometracts have beautiful view of river;there are also some with streams, finelocation for chickens, dairy, berries, fruitand vegetables. Have 5 and re

tracts on the same terms In other lo-


818 Railway Exchange Bldg.



3 to tracts, rich silt soil, allplowed and ready for planting: severalexcellent opportunities for small dairies,fruit and vegetable gardens and generalintensive diversified farming; severalgood buys left at from $400 to $600 peracre; 10 per cent down, balance annually.C. H. Naylor, agent, office East 29th st.North and Columbia blvd.

J. O. ELROD. OWNER.283 Stark St. Broadjray118


On gravel road; good house;raspberries, 12.000 strawberries. 4 acresof loganberries and family orchard; barn,chicken house and outbuildings; fullyequipped with tools, household effects,hay, wood and cow; investigate this will not last; terms. Ask forF. C. "Marshall, with

FRANK L. McGUIRE,205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171.Third St., bet. Washington and Stark.

COUNTRY HOMESITE.12i acres, on paved road, in high-clas- s

suburban district, land lies above road,making fine building site, commandingfine view, old set of buildings, best ofsoil, water, gas and lights available.Price $11,000 Easy terms.

J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.8 Chamber of Com. Bldg.

awy. wifli$50 AND $75 AN ACRE.


HIGHLY -- IMPROVED FARMS.Any sized tracts, on a dirt road, but

50 rods from a rock road, 17 milesfrom Portland, near an electric sta-tion; frequent service; 30c fare; fertilesoil, no rocks or gravel.

FRED L. HUNTER, Exclusive Agent.120 Grand Ave., corner East Alder.

$2000 HALF ACRE In fruit, berries andgarden; bungalow, chicken houseand woodshed; good well; on pavedroad; mile from Oregon City car,near Milwaukle; $1000 will handle.

S. BORLAND. REALTOR.223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sta.

BONUS MAN, ATTENTION.Have 1 acre with new house,

all modern conveniences, hardwoodfloors, etc., barn and chicken house,about. 10 blocks from Beaverton, onpaved road; will take bonus and giveterms on balance.

ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO.,712 Lewis Bid. Broadway 3383.


$950.All in cultivation, lies level, produc-

tive soil, faces good gravel road; BullRun water; terms $100 down and $50every three months.

SAYLER E. SMITH.318 Railway Exchange Bldg.

5 BLOCKS EAST OF CITY LIMITS.Well-bui- lt cottage, lot- - 60x206,

gas. city water, 10 assorted fruit trees,some berries, garage, barn. chickenhouse; total price $2200, easy terms;photo at office. See Mr. Griffith, withFred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732Chamber of Commerce.

IN COOS COUNT?.160 acres good land. 20 acres lake bot-

tom, 100 acres alder bench; on beautifullake, 1 mile from railroad station: halfmile from town: best fishing and hunt-ing; all for $5500, some terms. Forced tosell. See pictures and get particulars at1521 East Ninth st Nnttc. Auto. 332-4-

FOR SALE40 acres fine land, burned over, seeded

to grass and fenced; al! tillable whencleared; 1 miles from electric car line,

4 mile from Mt. Hood loop road; about21 miles southeast of Portland; price$4000; cash. Write or call FrankHerz, Boring. Or., R. F. D. 2, box 18.

5 ACRES. 1 mile from Milwaukle, on goodroad, right at railroad station; runningstream, good orchard; owner must sellthis week, far below value, on easyterms.

ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO.,712 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 33R3.

152x221 $923.Big piece of rich garden soil, equal to

nearly 7 city lots, facing a graveledroad, with Bull Run water in the street,for only $125. on easy monthly pay-ments. See Mr. Rogers, 418 Spaldingbldg. Bdwy. 6550.

ROCKWOOD 8 miles from city limits,right at station, one or more acres: level,under cultviation; $500 per acre; $10payments. W. M. Umbdenstock& Co.. 210 Oregon Mdg. Bdwy. 1658.

GRESHAM 100x370. nearly one acre, finesoil, level, cultivated, beautiful view;$350 takes it: your terms. W. M.Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg.Bdwy. 1658.

2Vs ACRES, East S2d St., on county road,near 68th ave. Bull Run water; price$2500.HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR.43 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831.



FOR SALE.A real opportunity to get Irrigated

land. Situated along the Columbia riverwith the best railroad facilities andlongest growing season in the north-west. Soil and climate especially adap-ted to gardening, chicken raising, beeculture, dairying, to growing grapes,strawberries and fruit in general.

The main state highway passes throughthe project. Our schools are the best.One accredited high school and twograde schools.

Write for our most attractive termsand folder. The district, and not agentsis selling this land; there will be nocommission to pay. We are interestedin getting home builders on the project.AddressBURBANK IRRIGATION DIST. NO. 4.

Burbank. Washington.Homesteads, Relinquishments.

60 ACRES RELINQUISHMENT. 10 acresin cultivation, 5 acres slashed, 4

. acres seeded to grass;house furnished: large storeroom,woodshed and other buildings.This is a real ranch; everythinggoes with this place, includingvarious kinds of small tools.This is the best snap in a re-linquishment that I've had in 5years. If you can't make it onthis place you can't make it onany. Located about 6 miles fromMolalla, in Clackamas county.For quick sale will sacrifice for$1150.

ANOTHER ONE. 40 ACRES, coveredwith first-cla- ss timber. lt milesfrom sawmill that employs about30 men. House 14x16 furnished, 1horse, light wagon, set harness,saws, axes, small tools, etc. Theold man says cut the formerprice $650 down to $475 and sellthis week, as he must go eastat once.

E. W. HELM,422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.


640 ACRES for sale or trade for car. Callat Milton hotel, room 208. 10 to 2, 6:30to 10.

For Salt Farms.I WANT to sell place, good

ground: oats, clover; two good houses;barn, chicken house; cow, pigs, chickens,everything $4200; $2000 down, $300 an- -nually. AE 566, Oregonian.

FOR SALE 320-acr- e stock ranch, includ-ing 5,000.000 ft. saw timber; good loca-tion for local sawmill; price $4700; 14miles from Roseburg. Or. H. C.


85 acres land, all in cultivation, onOregon Electric, depot and warehouseon corner of land. For sale by owner.Sellwood 2205.


1115 N. W, BANK. MAIN 8331.3 ACRES, house, barn, spring, fruit, all

cleared. A snap at $1600, terms.McFarland. Realtor, Falling Bldg

SMALL FARMS. 5 acres up level, clear,fenced, houses, near Wiilamina: smalldown pavmen'. J R. Sharp, S3 '4 3d st.

WELL LOCATED modern dairy farm:price for cash. George Milan

Smith. 537 Pittock blk.


Near Yamhill. Or., and just over amile from electric station and pavedhighway, and a hard gravel road within200 yards of place; there is a daily mailservice, cream route and a telephone;7 acres in oats and also seeded downto clover and about 5 acres more readyfor spring planting; this place Is fencdand cross-fence- d with hog wirefencing; there are several springs onthe farm; water at the door of thehouse; there is also a beautiful groveof timber; there are a number of bear-ing fruit trees and lots of berries; thebuildings consist of two excellent houses,one of six rooms with a porch all theway round and one of 5 rooms withfront and back porch; there is a verygood barn, chicken house for about 100hens and sheds, etc; the larger houseis nicely furnished and among otherthings there are good phonograph, twobrass beds, mahogany dressers, tables,chairs, stoves, fine silverware andplenty of good bedding and table linen,etc.; one fine family cow. two hogs,flock of pure bred Wyandotte chickens,some guinea fowls and there is hay,straw and feed on hand; all small toolssuch as shovels, spades, forks, rakes,saws, axes and in fact everything goeswith the place; the price on this placeis $4200 as a going concern for quicksale; terms, $2000 cash, balance $300 ayear at 64 per cent.. W. G. Ide. 817Lewis bldg.

80 ACRES, 24 miles southeast Portland,on good road; mile to school; 30 acresunder cultivation; 60 acres can befarmed when cleared; creek; over 1000cords wood; house, barn 40x60.2 chicken houses, woodshed, milk house,granary and other buildings; includedwith place good young team of mares,2 milch cows, 2 heifers, brood sow, hay-rack, disc, binder, mower, plows, house-hold goods, etc.; price for everything

B300; $2500 cash, balance $500 per year.6, or consider residence in Portlandfor part. Ask for Mr. Kemp.

30 acres, 25 miles from center of Port-land; road paved all the way except M

mile, which is macadamized; good wirefences, bearing orchard; 21 acres undercultivation, 9 acres In pasture; all canbe farmed when cleared; good new

plastered house, barn 60x80, ga-rage, chicken house, woodshed, etc.; in-

cluded with place, 1 team, 2 cows,wagon, buggy, cultivator, plow, mower,rake, etc.; an exceptionally productivepiece of land; only 4 mile from high-way; price $6500; $2500 cash, balanceeasy terms, 6.John Ferguson. Realtor. Geriinger Bldg.


38 A., best loam soil, all in cul-tivation, excellent water, 2 A.fruit and berries, exceptionallygood farm house, two good barns,garage, creanTery, chicken housesand parks, including 5 dairy cows,3 horses, 1 heifer, hogs, chickens,new separator, harrow, 2 plows, 2wagons, 2 buggies, 2 sets harness,disc, mower, rake and all smalltools; elevated building site, inthickly settled community close toschool, with rural advantages; only4 V. miles from thriving Clarkecounty town; price $5500; halfcash.


3d and Main Sts.Vancouver, Wash.




45 ACRES, all under cultivation, on 82dst., at city limits; 30 acres bottom land;good orchard; all fenced; living wateron place; will trade for good house inPortland.

10 acres, all under cultivation at Can-b- y,

Or.; 1 acre of strawberries: on thehighway; good horse and cow, somefarming tools and chickens; good build-ings; all fenced; $5500. $3000 down, bal-ance easy.

McGEB & DENNIS.960 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684.

ATTENTION, Willamette valley. Mr. StockRaiser and Mixed Farmer. For sale,2300 acres highly improved stock ranch,half tillable. 300 cultivated, 600 timber,balance hill. Land is rich, growingabundance of crops. Barns, silo, out-buildings, fenced into thirteen pastures,trout stream furnishing water all grass year round for sheep, littlefeeding for cattle. Equipped with every-thing to maae farming and stock rais-ing a pleasure. Modern house,electricity, plumbing, furnace, etc.; $45per acre, includes stock if taken soon;part trade considered. Write owner.A V, 412. Oregonian.


640-a- cr stock ranch, all fenced andcross-- f enced ; 60 acres in cultivation; 300can be cultivated, balance good grazingland and lot of free outrange; good setof buildings, well and cistern; on countyroad near store and poetoffice: sacrificefor $10 per acre; clear of debt; ownersick and must get in lower altitude.

DUDREY INVESTMENT CO..304 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942.

40 ACRES, all cultivated, level No. 1 soil,at $125 an acre.

14 acres bearing prunes, 114 acrespears, large prune drier, all go for $7000,one-ihir- d cash. -

35 acres, all cultivated, house,2 fireplaces, water and lights, barn, hogand hen houses, orchard; $6000, cash.

The above places belong to an estateand must be sold at once; within 16miles of courthouse, along highway. Callat office. 601 Stock Exchange bldg.

EIGHTY-FIV- E ACRES CLACKAMAS CO.Good land, an main traveled road,

telephone, house, barn, several sheds,eight acres cleared. running springwater, plenty of fruit, outside range,kit of wood on tract: plenty of workin community; opportunity for bonusman; will sell cheaply on easy terms.Will rent to right party and under cer-tain conditions. Owner.


24 acres cleared, 24 acres in pasture,3 good springs, timber for wood; good

house, barn and poultry house;spring water piped to buildings; orchardof mixed fruit; prune and walnut soil;dairy and fruit ranch; Just a nice driveout; $2000 will handle this place. RalphAckley Land Co., 535 Corbett bldg.. orsee W. E. White, Newberg, Or.

10 ACRES, all, barn, west side, paved high-way, 30 minutes from heart ofcitv, city gas, water; must sell,owner, 289 East 33d. Tabor 7979.

FOR SALE by owner, about 40 acres ofland on Columbia River highway nearCrown Point. 23 miles from Portland.14 acres in cultivation, balance timberand brush, 2 small houses and barn 42x64feet on property; good soil; all land canbe cleared and cultivated: $5000 cash,balance easy terms. 605 McKay bldg.

WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM.62 acres of finest soil, all in cultiva-

tion, near electric station, on fine road,good school, telephone and rural mail;solendid house, in perfect condition inside and out, Dutch kitchen,.Phone Tabor 86U0.

GOOD farm, house, large

barn, 25 acres in cultivation, horses,cows, pigs and chickens. Fullyequipped. 20 miles from Portland, lttmiles from station and school. CallWdln. 865,

THIS splendid chicken ant. fruit acre,highly 30 bearing fruit trees,4 acre strawberries, logan and rasp-

berries, house, stable, 3 cows, 3horses, chicken house and equipment.Hlec. and gas. Price $3000. F. Dietacn,32S Cham, of Com.

Ta FORCED SALE.40 acres, 16 miles from Portland. M.

mile off rock road, fine spring, 5 acrescleared, 2' miles from railroad station,$1300 cash.

JOHNSON-DODSO- CO.633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787.

120 ACRES on Yaqutna, bay. 4 miles belowToledo. 8 miles above Newport; one ofthe best dairy ranches below To'edo;stocked; price $8500; will take sometrade, terms. G. W. Andrews, Toledo,Or., Box 133.

WE WANT to tell you more about the fa-mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon.A dairy, potato and stockman's rara-dis- e.

A card brings full particularsRedmond Lind & Loan Co., Inc.. Red-m- o

n d . CJrOCingMurptiysca p i to 1 . )

CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHESnear Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easyterms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizesMcFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg.

I 122 ACRES near Tillamook; $4500, terms;I part trade; bargain. AH 562. Oregonian.

1920 Ford touring JJJ11118 Scrlpps Booth roadster.. S'"1920 Buirk. 9"'unit Priaooe. -l'.20 Mitchell, ryl. 1''1920 Olrtamoblle cyL1918 Jordan. H'"'1IU8 Hnscoe. ryt... 2"1920 Jordan. cyl...11117 Brls.'oe '1918 Overland. .. R"01920 Chandler. KxxiHIM Mitchell. cyl.

W2n Jordan sport marine, 2 . IS- - i

1917 Mitchell. cyl. 4""1M Mitchell. 6""'191S Paiiee. '! "1919 Mitchell. eyi. 7u0

Sold on easy terms. A smallpayment down and balance month-ly. If you cannot call, write orpbone us for the details on any carin the list.

Open Evenings from to .Sundays from 3 to 10.


9 Tears In the N'Tthwest.Broadway and Everett.

Portland. Or.


102O Nash, new paint, ever-haule- d,

guaranteed tikenew $1o

1919 Palce, a dandy1920 Ford, starter !"'1920 Roamer. t new cord tiros. 1201U20 Ford sedan, lots extras.. 675


PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COloth and Burnalde st. Bdwy. 621L




WANTED Used Fords f all modalstwill tn-d- on new car. batsnne anterms; we are connected wllh no otherconcern; we do our own appraising.

Open Kvenlnua and SundayWM. i. lliniHSdN CUWl'ANT.

Authorised Ford Dealer.r,n N. Tlrnadway st I'avla. Hdwr, Ml.

1920 FORD TOURINn.1923 license, starter and In flrst-e1- "

mechanical condition, good tires. $3.10,terms.

DUNNING MOTOR CO.East 3d and Broadway.

SAVE $1100.I.t me show vnu that t nava the

finest value in a beautiful p. rniinethat you ever saw. Latest morll, branlnew, has never been run. if you Ityou will buy It. Will tak" some trad.Call Henry, B'iwy. I7, 245 h st.


touring; thorough! 'hauled, reftniihcd. new tlrra and manyextras. Knr quick sale $775; termaPhone Bdwy. gsn.1

1918 FORD TOURING.Newly painted and in good condition;

a rood cheap cur; $190; frms.DUNNING MOTOR t'O.East 3d and Broadway.

BUICK small ylin'l.rcar. wonderful powr, small tlr.,

In operation, (rood fr msnvyears' service, equipment Inc.udes li-

cense, bumper, spntlisht cutout, etc :

an attractive bargain; $425: lrma Ifdesired. ('. W. l'lill pa. 1M w y. 3


Has top. windshield, fen.W. bump-ers, ahocks. now paint. 'od ilres andall kinds of extraa; going et. rnitsacrifice. See it Sunday at 444 Aln- -

worth ave.11)20 IioIMiE.

$S00; touring and cord tiro, partns-nen- tRex winter top; car Al mechan-

ically; looks Ilka new.BRALY. GRAHAM A CHTLn. INC.,

r. even ' n at i.'.ii'-m,- -.

I HAVE a sllKlitly ue,l Veil 6 demnn-strat-

for $1250, which l a vry laritadiscount, when you conaldr tli car lasold with factory guarantee and servir.Kelly, at northwet cor. Broadway rMUuriislde. Open pvenlnc

1918 CADILLAC tniirlnTTwlt h seat cover.$410 set air snrlnsa, 6 ror1 tlr-- s. ibumpers, special horn, epotllsht mlrrnr,set chains. Car has always hadmechanical attention; sacrifice two.Tabor H4S6.

PRIVATE party must sell beautiful tour-ing car $000 rah. Can be n atK 20th N. from 10 to 12 A. M. and "7 p M New rubber, new paint, newCalifornia top; new nigs and new bet--tery. Engine refitted. -

LIGHT 6 PAH IB touring. In perfect con-

dition, with 4 hrand newcords. $525; your own terrya; car

guaranteed to give perfect anti'UfH-- n.

Northwest corner Broadway andMe at Ask for Kel y 'pen evening .

MAXWELL touring. HOC ' jjown bVhl6 monthly payments, $

car has only bean driven 13.0O0 tntl-- a

and Is well preserved.BRALY, GRAHAM C7TTLD, IWX

11th "dJjrrna1rteSta.BETTER VALUES IN OA R A 5 .. oonfi



WElDI.KRgT. EAST 816.i!"0 4I10"CM E V ROI .KT touring, new tlrea.

original finish, hand emergenoy brake)

'Salt, graham run.1 lth and Biirnslde Sts.

FORD roadster, I920. with cord tire andahocka. In firat-claa- a shape. Also goodl'l"0 Chevrolet' touring In fine ennfll'lnn.Both very good buys. Terms easy. Wdin.5002.

19'0 FORD coupe; Stewart van. feed."--

'2$4.--.: term.humnor etc.. license;

I. Y BILLTNOSLET MOTOR rv,Hawt horn a Ave, at 8th. I'hn n e Fat T. t

1921 FOllO coupe, reflnished. wira

"bAaLY GRAHAM rHIM. INC.11th n1 Htjrnfldw tSt.

.Tl - a iiir.l.iP. ft

L T. BILLINGvSLKV MOTOR CO.1 1 a wthor n eAveaJ8ThP h n eJPUL

M X WELL HO A PS TEH.Overhauled end Reflnlahed.

i Tlrea almoat nw: .:.'0.MO A I.PF.H FT

J020 "FORD SEDAN. $52A.w Ileanae. lots of extraa, terma

L V HILLINUfSLEY MOTORAveat Hth. J'hone Ka- -t T

rY2TPOPGE Tnf KING.I Ike new n Cord tlrea. wlra wheel.

Haaaler shock ahsorber. K.a.t lBlB; -

JORDAN touring, new paint, good e..rdand many extras: a real car with

Call Ostendorf. Bdwy.a low price.4675. -

iii20 FORD TOURING, $.123starter cushion covers, tlrea.

Y. BILLlNGSLKV ORCOTtVwthorne Ave, at Sth. l'h..nFH.irtT

DODGE touring, good shape. 8 tlrea, "22

''brTlYGRAHAM CHIT.D. INC.11thand Burnaldegn.

HUDSON. $273.New tires. g')od condition- - easy terma


Hawthorne Ave, at Nth. ,l'h,-iera- t,T,

mnCK new paint, five cord llrabeVn overhauled throughout: a r- -l

Suy; small payment down balance .,yterms- Call Oatndnrf. Bdwy. 46..

DOnoE touring, good shape, as Is, $275:


192(rFORD ROADSTER, $S.tarter Hauler shecka. new llrensa.

IT Y lilLLINGSLKT MOTOR CO..Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. Phone Fa at J,

roadatnr. In. Ai condition:W;Llbuv Terms T Tl. Call O.tendnrf

Bdwy. 41175spIttITl-BUI-LT AUBURN HEAl'TT 6.

$4000.wiil .acrife. '"''"!'I, t Pr.nels Arts Phone P1T. 4".1919. fine cnditlu.FodKrubb.r?U.on". W.0W mile. XMa

r. I'hnra owner. Main !?,HACRIFICE. for quick sale, Stephens sport

model, fuily equipped, 7 erd tires: nohte offer refund Oak mt.

MY 1921 Essex demonatrator in eicellentcondition; will sacrifice and rive termsto rla-h- t rartv. Wcl'awn 14T4

$175 LATB MOPICI HK V K ET rned-ste- rIn flrst-elaa- a shape. Auto Clearing

Home, corner 1 3th and Alder.Mitchell touring ear. ood

condition, st a bargain: can be seen at630 Lombard nr phone Columbia --

' '

BRAND new ford aedau. Cail Uslendort.Bdwy. 4ii.




IF YOU have fiv or six-ro- oi modernbungalow in good district and will con-

sider small 'payment, soldier's bonus,and my equity in 40 acres of land nearSandpoint. Idaho, call Main 20. Own-e-rs


MAKE me your best price on abungalow; . must be in good

district.BJ 484. OREGONIAN.

LOTS OF LOTS WANTED.Anywhere except Mt. Scott. St. Johns.

Have buyers, we get results; phonetoday.

l . o. ginu, 13 ij vv X.

HAVE buyers waiting for houses from$2000 to $3000. with $300 down pay-ment; I mast have them immediately.GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.

230 Chamber of Commerce Bdig.

Have cash buyer for the best offer-ing In either of the above districts.

HOLCOMB REALTY CO.,211 Washington jaiag.

OWNER will sell $800 equity in nearlynew B. C. bungalow or trade for clearlot. 3 rooms, fireplace, 9x14 glassed-i- n

Bun porch, hdw. floors, trays in, kitchen.AG 554, oregonian

wamt TOT IV WESTMORELANDon west side Mount Tabor; improvementsin and paid. Price must be right.

RICHANBACH & CO..207-- 8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143.

WANT at once, bungalow, anyjjood district; value $3000 to $4000; wemean business. See A. K. Hill, 428Lumbermen s oiag.

WANT 4 to house near Jeffersonhigh school that $300 down and $25per month will handle. F 559, Orego-nian.

LAURELHL'RST LOT.Must be first-cla- ss location: south

frontage preferred; can pay cash if asnap. Phone Alain lad

WANTED For soldier with small cashpayment and 'bonus loan. 5 orbungalow. W. M. Brubaker. P. O. box


..,11U.. in, i;ViiiUifi-.- u a aBUY. ADDRESS S 545. OREGONIAN.


BUYERS for homes in Rose City, Irviug-to- n

and Laurelhurst. For results listyour home with us. RUMMELL & BUM- -MELL, T4 starK street.

WE HAVE clients for lots in all parts ofthe city if price is right.


633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787.wavic noon cash.

Want bungalow not over $3250,on Sellwood carllne or Richmond. PhoneBdwy. 6Q11 after 0 f. m

vv aa A num.I can sell or trade anything, any-

where. C W. Millership. 165 ft 4th.

WANT 5 rooms In any good district that$500 cash will handle; monthly paymentson balance. Ask for J. O. Fisher. Bdwy.4837

WANTED A 4 to house, east side;small payment down, balance as rent;near car line, cawy,

H4.VE client for good lot in Laurelhurst"or Irvington. Price must be right; noother considered. dP inam. oi pom

HAVE cash for lot in Rose City belowhill. Don't call unless big sacrifice.East 2615.

WANT small bungalow, In good district,--about $1000 cash, price not over $4500.Call Bdwy. aaw.LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTSwith the Hibernia Commercial & Sav- -ings bank for collection.

WANTED Medium priced modern homesfor customers. Nelson, Realtor, Main2U72. 706 Gasco bldg.

WANT 4 to house in Alberta dia-tric- t.

G 529. OT&eqnlan.WANT 4 to house hi Hawthorne

district. AH OPi. uresoman.HAVE good roadster to trade

for ftood lot. Marshall 1823.

WANTED 1 or 2 lots in Rose City-Par- k

or Rossmere. Phone Wdln. 4841.Farms Watfted.

SMALL places wanted close to Port-land or good valley town, withbuildings and small amount ofequipment; owner to accept sol-dier's loan and small paymentdown; farms ranging from $4000to $5500, with some equipment;will be given immediate attention.John Ferguson, Geriinger Bldg.


Have several pepole wanting to rentacreage or. small farms, close to Port-land preferred. Some people will buy theplace after leasing for year or more. Wemake lots of sales this way. Will buyequipment if priced right.

JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinger Bldg.Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast.

TIMBER LANDS.NINE MILLION feet of highest grade

standing pine timber in the UnitedStates. Joining government timber sell-ing for $4 thousand. To raise quick cashI will take $10,000 for tract or equiva-lent. 301 Corbett bldg.

FOR SALE Tie mill with 4 million feettimber, located on railroad near Port-land; logs cost $8 at mill. F 561, Ore- -gonian.

WANTED Man with team to haul lum-ber, long Job and close to city. WesternLumber Agency, Morgan bldg., Portland.



480 acres, 400 under cult., bal-ance good pasture; cheap ranchbuildings; well on ranch and twocisterns at buildings; one-ha- lf

mile from railroad town andnine miles from Condon: 200acres now being put in springwheat: 1st year crop, 3 cropthereafter, and sell personal prop-erty, which will Invoice to $24O0,for $2000, and give terms on partto right party; pictures and fullinformation at office of


Third and Main Sts.,Vancouver, Wash.

FOR RENT 40 acres, 32 under plow andseeded; rent $300 a year; 3 years' lease;stock and Implements for sale; 5 goodmilk cows. 1 bull, 1 heifer, 4 calves, 3horses, 12 chickens, 6 tons hay and allfarm and dairy tools and machinery;price for all $1150. For more informa-tio- a

see Joe C. Gentemann, Ralph Ack-ley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg., Port-land. Or.

FOR RENT, near Ocean beach, truckgarden for Seaside, Gearhart and beachmarket; excellent for berries and chick-ens; suitable buildings. Phone 512-0-

BC 318, Oregonian.RENT until November, 15 acrea, near

Vanucouver, $125; also 10 near CresweW-Eugen- e,

with fruit. $125; also 20 nearOregon City, without bldgs.. $50. Owner,box 68. Astoria.

GOOD 150-ac- re farm, 8 miles from Port-land on good road, cash rent. Strong& McNaughton. Corbett bldg.

70 ACRES, good soil, farm implements,rent 6 months in advance. Address 660Kerby. Phone Woodlawn 4378.


40 acres irrigated land; trade forrooming house; my land is free andclear; will assume. Bdwy. 5911.


TO EXCHANGE 320 acres Gilliam county,big percentage wheat land. Flett, Yam-hill. Ot.

FOR SALE OR TRADE.6 acres Hoed River land for Portland

property. Hell. 2203

FOR EXCHANGE Fine corner lot, IOOx106. In Lents; will trade for diamond oflight machine. Pnone Mar. 5652

modern house for sale or tradefor smaller place in Piedmont or Ken-ton. Woodlawn 1126.

60x100 CORNER on 100-fo- ot paved street,paving and sewer in. free of mtg. Wantbeach lots, any place. 782 Commercial st.


$2000 EQUITY in m house for room-in- s

bouse or acreage.. Bdwy. 5911.


$550 Geo. Steck small upright $215375 Gerold dark upright 195475 Holland, large upright 235500 Needham, modern mahog. .... 205375 Hallet & Davis, small 165

Two small upright pianos, $65 and 75$750 Pianista player piano 295

250 Pianola player, walnut 35450 'Franklin, wax finish 195450 Irving Piano Co., upright 210Cottage organ, $18; Mason & Hamlin.

$28. Terms, $10 cash, $5, $6 and $3mnnthlv.101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark.

sT5X VICT ROT. A ana records (hardlyused) $ 15

$ 75 VIctrola (line shape) . 45120 Brunswick (nice mahogany)... 60125 Upright phonograph (new)... 65450 Price & Teeple piano 225430 Kindler & Collins, apt. size.. 250750 Chickering (walnut art fin.).. 367

1000 Packard grand (mahogany).. 650War tax removed, freight rates re-

duced. Used musical instruments forcedlower. Easy terms. No salesmen.HAROLD GILBERT. 107 'W. PARK.CLEARANCE OF PHONOGRAPHS.

$ 35.00 Victor and 5 used records... $ 2032.50 Grafanola, 5 used records... 2095.00 Stradivara, 10 used records.. , 48

140.00 Bounswick, 10 used records.. 5

165.00 Stradivara. 10 used records. . 100Ifirt nit Plmemnn- - 10 used records.... 95175.00 Sonora, 10 used records 130850.00 Victrola, 15 used records 195375.00 Sonora Grand 275

$5 or $10 cash, $3, $5 or more monthly.SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 102 10th at Stark.

c Prtrm TmTr O'n D AHP rr CT .OSTTMft OUT.$300 Prentiss upright, cash $145

575 Krell upright, man., cash 215trx tltii. e-- n.irio no ah 165

50 Bard & Co., small upright.... 75750 Pianista Player riano

T K .Kina Cnto urn OfCH Tl . 18inn Mnmin A Hamlin Organ 20103 10th St.. at Washington and Stark

on a new VIctrola or Cheney phono- -Brapn.

G.F. JOHNSON PIANO CO149 tiixtn st.

SPRING SALE USED PIANOS.WneeiOCK upueui, unmuftau, w....---Martin Bros., mahogany, only 195t'ease & o., upng", una,Modella Player Piano only 45Plannla Plnver. e. only 50

Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash.A NEW grand piano, one of the oldest

leading makes, must oe soiu at wucw,cash $1000.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.



walnut case; terms given.BErRKRI.ING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO.,

125 Fourth St., Near Washington StSTANDARD te player piano and

extra rolls. A wonuenui ii6i. vu.jr$395, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

DECKER BROS, square piano, $60, equalof some $250 pianos at other stores.HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park.

Pianos rented, sola, repairea.MARTIN C mel. saxopnone, silver, gold

bell, $135, terms.G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.

149 BlXtn Bt.

87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaughtered, Victor ana lOiumuio, 1 ctuiuo , inutor lae jjiw iHAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park.

EMERSON piano, man. case, one of thegood old makes, vio, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

GOOD PIANOSat prices and terms you can afford.Reed-Frenc- h Piano Co.. 12th and Washington.

CONN tenor saxophone, 'silver, gold bell,$150, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St;

SCHILLING PIANO, plain oak case; asnap.

HKTTSERT.IN'G-LUCA- S MUSIC CO..125 Fourth St., Near Washington St.

CONN C mel. saxophone, silver, gold bell,$125, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

HOWARD PIANO, almost new, at abouthalf price. See it.

sitthkp.T.ING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO..j 5 Fourth St., Near Washington St.

MANDEL phonograph, man. case, largecabinet, $95, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make;guaranteed work.

SEIBERLING-LUCA- S MUSIC CO..125 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder.

CHENEY phonograph, man. case, cabinetlike new, only $90, terms.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

PIi.NO TUNING AND REPAIRING, guar-anteed work by experts. Bdwy. 6576.


BOY SCOUT drums and bugles. Drums at$6.50 and $7.50 and bugles at $7.50.

G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.149 Sixth St.

KIMBALL, new. $395; terms given; onlyone at this price. 125 Fourth st.


case for sale cheap. 1069 East 11th st. N,Furniture for Sale. "



Tuesday, ApTil 11, 1922. 10 A." M.-

CLAY S. MORSE, INC..Twelfth and Gllsan Sta

SAVE MONEY.Try our sales department if you want

to buv or sell household goods. Reducedfreight rates to most all points in ourthrough pool cars; expert packing, re-

pairing and refinlshing. Money loanedon goods in storage. Fireproof storage.Low insurance rates.

SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.52 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel.

Phone Broadway 3715.BARGAIN for cash, beautiful velour dav-

enport, rocker, .chair, phonograph, table,walnut dining-roo- set. mahog-

any bookcase, standing lamps,blrdseye maple bedroom set. 5 piece ivorybedroom set, 2 large, 2 small Anglo-Persia- n

rugs, electric range, washer andmangle; must see to appreciate. If in-

terested call Tabor 2727. or 1044 B.Flanders, corner Floral st.

DAVENPORTS.Manufacturers' samples, several dav-

enports and chairs at bargain prices,terms. Phones 635-2- 7, evenings and Sun-days, Tabor 6797 or 635-2-

MICHAELSON-MAYSO- INC.04tn ana .r oster rtoau.

AM leaving Portland and will sell my finefurnished flat, located in a fine

building, close in, excellent furniture,fireplace and steam heat and water free;a real sacrifice at $750. See Mr. Bohna,549 Wash. (2d floor). Phone Bdwy. 4651.

DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if goingeast or to California. We can save youmoney on your freight in our throughcars, fireproof storage. C. M. OlsonTransfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street.

PRACTICALLY new, very best quality,overstuffed set, two 9x12 Wilton

rugs, tea wagon, smoking table, floor, r 4n.3ii. .. oni9 . aftpi ft p flamp, i.i i - - -BEAUTIFUL domestic oriental rug. 9x12,

used two weeks, cost $145, will sacrificeipr tou w h

POR SALE Complete furniBhinga of 8- -

roora nounc iFURNITURE for sale, ail or part, cheap;

FUMED oak library table, 28 by 48 In.,with book shelves. Tabor 4911.

Office Furniture.WE HAVE the following used office fur-nitu- re

in good condition at exceptionalprices: 6 roll-to- p desks. 14 flat-to- p

desks 7 typewriter desks, 188 officechairs. 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk.

THE IRWIN-HODSO- N CO..Furniture Department.

Tenth at Stark Street.Broadway 3144.