MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a...

How to earn MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a successful and sought-after FitPRO

Transcript of MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a...

Page 1: MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a, webinar, video or other download you promised in the ad. You now have two

How to earn MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a successful and sought-after FitPRO

Page 2: MORE working LESS to better enjoy your role as a, webinar, video or other download you promised in the ad. You now have two


Hi and thanks for deciding to read this report. I will keep it to the point and genuinely believe it will assist you to better understand how best to protect your time when it comes to marketing yourself and your services and ultimately earn more money working less.

You know, my own experience with social media has been quite a love-hate relationship. In essence, I just don’t like sharing my personal life with any and everyone who wishes to tune in. I don’t think my personal life is that interesting anyway to share it, so I don’t and hence for years didn’t really connect with Facebook.

The European Institute of Fitness was built on Google Advertising and SEO (which I outsourced) and in recent years referral, and so again whilst we shared images of students on-course on social media, Facebook was not my marketing media of choice.

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But my own business has had to change. Sales across the world has changed. It is no longer OK to hit and hope and rely on referral since we can not control or scale referral and the world is getting smaller; competition more fierce and threat more real.

I think this threat and feeling of vulnerability affects all of us, me included. But you know something changed for me not that long ago.

Firstly, I discovered my inner genius. What I mean by this is what most makes me tick; what MOST makes me feel alive and what, I guess, also most serves others. You see when I play to my strengths to help others, those I help (perhaps you), most benefit. And the same will be true for you.

Secondly, I created some time in my life for a few months away from business to learn Facebook; not to share my life (it still isn’t that interesting) but to understand how to make money through Facebook.

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Finally, and in many ways most importantly, I can help you do the same. The secret I believe to earning more, working less is to create unparalleled value and we do this by selling a result or an outcome. My outcome is to guarantee FitPROs to earn MORE, working LESS. And to do so feeling 100% connected to their products and services by ensuring they play to their strengths too.

This report is not going to replace attending one of my retreats. But I do hope it will help you get clear on what you must do and even how best to do it so that you can indeed create the life you want.

Couple this report with a 45 minute call to relate its content to your situation, and I believe you will immediately feel better able to move forwards with confidence.

Creating a profitable, personally rewarding and highly successful business isn’t easy. But it is very possible and I hope this report makes the journey a little easier.

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In order to EARN MORE and WORK LESS we need to become better at marketing. Many fitness professionals today spend far more time “marketing” themselves i.e. they “live” of Facebook than they do delivering their training to help others.

If we can learn to market more effectively we can better enjoy the time we spend working with clients, developing our products and feeling engaged in what we do.

But to accomplish this we need to understand people’s attention span today is limited. I mean if 5 years ago you maybe had a few minutes to engage with a prospect who had demonstrated some kind of interest in what you do, today we have seconds.

The key, therefore, is to be clearer than ever before and say LESS to essentially communicate MORE.

Let’s get started.

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There are three things to really get clear about. The first of these is your message in terms of knowing precisely who your target market is, what it is they most struggle with or want, and how precisely what you do fixes this i.e. provides tremendous value in their lives.

So often we can say so much and provide so much information that the only thing we really create is confusion.

Our message is a sentence or two. It conveys clarity about the result or outcome we help our target market attain. It is written specifically to address a real desire our clients have and it immediately engages with them.

It may also include or can extend into clarity about our unique approach or value proposition. If we take any more than a sentence or so to convey this information it is because WE are not clear. The more we go on to say, the more confusion we create.

Today, people really do buy clarity!




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Most trainers do NOT have a clear message, they do NOT understand their clients well enough to proactively market to them and they, therefore, waste time and money on Facebook and end up desperately trying different things, following different “gurus” and constantly “selling” their programs instead of setting up a stronger marketing system to spend their time enjoying their business. Is this in any way you?

The good news is, so is everyone else. You are definitely NOT alone. But imagine being free from this now. There are so many people that need your help. There is most certainty a huge market out there. We just need to attract them to make the right decisions for themselves, which, of course, is to buy your solutions i.e. products and services so that you can help them.




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We live at a time where information is in abundance. People are looking for authority; for someone to stand out and show them the way. But it is noisy, very noisy with so much information out there. People today feel overwhelmed by it; they don’t want even more information, they seek solution. We must position ourselves accordingly. Establishing a niche market where we can be quickly perceived an authority helps.

Teaching something of value, clarifies this position as any teacher in our own pasts did the same when they taught us something we didn't know or in way that we could understand it. Every teacher claims the position of authority, especially when they make complicated stuff seem simple. The very best way to establish authority, therefore, is to TEACH.

However, we must be consistent. We can NOT convey authority, even after teaching something new, if we then have a call to action that is to travel to them and offer a free session whenever and wherever they wish to book us, for example. We need a true strategy to ensure such consistency.




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This is where we can use Facebook ads more strategically to create a funnel. The truth is we can create a funnel with a variety of awareness campaigns, however, with the likelihood YOUR prospects ARE on Facebook, this is a great place to start.

Your ad must do three things: grab attention (this is the purpose of the headline), engage (to create some immediate know, like and trust) and teach (to create authority).

The purpose of the ad is likely NOT to sell your product. Instead, it is to move your prospect to the next stage in your funnel. Your advert will likely be designed to create “traffic” and will lead your prospect to click to “learn more”.

The CTA must be clear and even clearer must be the benefits of clicking now. When your headline grabs your prospect’s attention, your content engages and establishes authority, and your CTA signposts what to do next, they will click to go wherever you send them next...




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You might like to consider the Facebook Ad as your first date, your first contact with someone you would like to get to know better. You must NOT ask them to marry you. But you can ask them to go somewhere quieter for a drink. This is your squeeze page.

This page is critical. It must not be your regular home page on your website or your Facebook page. It can be a form (we recommend Type Form used on this site or using a Facebook Lead Form ad in the first place). However, for most you need to chat over drinks – a squeeze page.

This landing page must resemble the Facebook advert. If you used a video, have the video at the top. Create a smooth transition, continuing the conversation you initiated on Facebook, just now on your page.

You will likely be using a lead capture form and signposting how your date can gain access to the report, webinar, video or other download you promised in the ad.

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You now have two things. One, you have your prospect's email address but you also have their Facebook ID (or at least Facebook does if you pop the Facebook pixel you can easily get from your Facebook account and paste it in the header on your site).

This means you can email them and it means you can “retarget” them via a second Facebook ad. Let me explain. The emailing is obvious. You have secured a second date, you can now continue to add value and after helping them address and even fix a major problem they were otherwise struggling with, you can sell your solution to your clients. However, you can also retarget them now they are aware of you with a second advert.

Here are a couple of ways this can work. You could send your prospect from your first ad to a blog. The blog would target the problem your ad talked about, building trust with your prospect. There would be no barriers to action here at all. However, with the pixel installed you could automatically set up a second ad to display ONLY to these people.

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This second ad would be to drive them towards a more sales orientated squeeze page about the solution you have created for people with the problems and frustrations you know these people have.

The two-pronged approach creates trust and likability as well as authority (the blog) before arranging a date.

Another way to capitalise on retargeting is to create a custom audience, let’s say people who watch at least 50% of a video you post.

You would now target only these people with your ad knowing they have a level of interest having watched at least half of your video already.

There are many ways to create a SUCCESSFUL sales funnel. What is important is you are being strategic and resourceful in doing so. Remember the aim to earn MORE, working LESS. The beauty of this approach is that it MINIMIZES your time mindlessly posting on Facebook, instead you are strategically advertising…


Custom AudiencePeople watching 50% or more

Facebook AdSend to Squeeze page

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The following explains a basic structure to ensure

your success.

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The key to making this all work is YOU. It is your ability to story-tell that is important. Story-telling engages. But to do this well, you need to know yourself and your target really well. You need to bring the two together. We call this on retreat the double Y. Your why and their why. Both are critical. This feeds into you creating a compelling what – your solution (products and services that people want to buy).

When done, it might only be sentence –“If you like those who have just finished my retreat here in Spain want to stop following guru after guru going nowhere fast and, instead, create your message, position yourself as expert and earn MORE, doing LESS, book in for a first date (I mean call) today!”

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When it comes to creating the authority you need, you do NOT need 20 years experience. What you need is to simplify what can be confusing for your potential clients and stop yourself from confusing them further (with even more “content”). When you use what you know to create compelling solution, you are indeed a genius. Don’t just know stuff, learn to teach it…

Teach them something of value. Simplify something otherwise quite confusing or challenge their understanding about something they thought they knew.

Structuring things right is important whether you choose a webinar or hybrid webinar using WebinarJam or similar, report like this one, video series or complimentary session or trial. But get this right and everything gets easier, I promise.

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You know, once you feel you are telling a story and are naturally engaging with clarity about your message, underpinned with the authority we have just discussed, it is likely your prospects just want to know what to do next.

You could even have them guess. If there was NO call to action you should have people contacting you asking you for more information. The work is in being an engaging expert.

All you need to do now is invite them in. Show them the way to get the result they most desire. For me I secretly know ALL retreaters will achieve the results they most desire. I know this because they are designed to get a result NOT provide a service. Your products must equally provide solution! And when they do, you will NOT need to be “competitive” with your pricing. You sell a RESULT they otherwise can NOT likely accomplish without you.

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Now I genuinely hope this report is helping. The reason I run my 7-day retreats is to help Fit Pros who are eager to earn more and stop wasting time going around in circles to do so by getting away. By getting away they can do the work they need to do in one hit, surrounded by others keen to help and support them and, of course, under my guidance to help ensure everything they create works.

7 days is long enough to get the work done but not too long to neglect their current clients. The 90-day group follow-up offers the accountability and ongoing support to implement the plan with precision.

This way whilst others continue to flounder in the overwhelm of so much “stuff” out there and so many gurus teaching their methods and blueprints, they can create their own with confidence.

Once built and implemented, they can unsubscribe from the endless supply of emails and distractions and focus, instead, on continuing their own success.

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Now you might be thinking one of two things: Either you are concerned about the investment to get onto a retreat or you are wondering whether this will really work for you?

Well in terms of the former, that’s why I offer a payment plan. But, one of the things that makes this work is indeed the investment involved. You know we only get what we truly commit to. The investment involved keeps me 100% committed to you and you to getting the result you want.

And in terms of the latter, my guarantee is that once the retreat is over and the 90-day follow-up complete in the unlikely event you are anything other than absolutely delighted with your fitness business results, I will continue working with you for free until you are!

But you know, you don’t need to jump in. First, lets talk on the phone. Let’s apply the content of this report to YOUR situation and then see if the retreat is for you.

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