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Harvard Business Review, or Harvard Business Review’s online publication covers a wide range of topics. Such as the following:

● Work-life balance.

● Innovation.

● Operations.

● Negotiations.

● Organization change.

● Managing teams.

● Finance.

● Marketing.

● Decision making

● Negotiations

HBR readers are known to be skeptical, smart and busy. Thus, if you don’t manage to capture their interest right away, they won’t bother reading more.

The content HBR leans towards being original and somewhat disruptive.

They also demand any arguments or ideas be backed up by concrete evidence, which often includes data, relevant examples or supporting research.

To Contribute:

Look over HBR guidelines for their contributors before moving forward, then do the following:

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Send a simple, straightforward pitch to web [email protected].

Don’t send a full article; instead, send a synopsis of said article in the form of a short pitch. Be ready to produce the full article, though, as they will want to read your article in full before acceptance.

Be prepared to complete several revisions as they pass your content through their extensive editorial process.

Don’t give up if they pass on your first pitch or article. They encourage writers to try again with different ideas.

However, if you receive rejection after rejection, it could mean your style isn’t a good fit for HBR. In this case, it might be best to move one to another publication.

HBR article length varies. They also love to publish videos, slide presentations and graphics, along with any other forms of media that enhances the content.

They have final decision when it comes to the headline of your piece.

Any article you write for HBR must be original work. They will not publish content that appears elsewhere.

They also like to stay away from overly promotional pieces, so keep these things in mind when constructing your article.

The New York Time’s Op-Ed Section

If you’ve done any writing in your life, becoming a contributor for "The New York Times" is likely one of your dreams, especially if you have a journalistic bent.

Thankfully, your dream can become a reality when you contribute to the New York Time’s Op-Ed section.

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The Sunday Review Editor says the following about what they look for in these Op-Ed pieces:

“Anything can be Op-Ed. We’re not only interested in policy, politics or government. We’re interested in everything, if it’s opinionated and we believe our readers will find it worth reading.”

They go on to say that they are most interested in publishing points-of-view that differ from those expressed in the Times editorial. These opinions most often tend to lean liberal, so they are looking for pieces right or left of those positions.

To Contribute

Study their “How to Submit an Op-Ed Article” page.

Then, submit your finished article to [email protected]

If you would rather go the traditional route, you can mail your piece to:

The Op-Ed Page

620 Eighty Avenue

New York, NY 10018

Or fax it to:


Articles tend to range from 400 to 1200 words in length. However, they will consider longer or shorter submissions.

Any content you send must be original and remain exclusive to The Times. They will refuse any content that has been published elsewhere, be it online or in print.

Avoid jargon when writing these Op-Ed pieces as The Times prefers a more conversational English style.

You can also submit a video piece, read here to learn more.

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Mashable is a web news and social networking blog. Although they tend to publish many technological pieces, this isn’t their only focus. So, don’t feel you have to stay within the technology field.

To Contribute:

Submit a tip, pitch or full article by filling out the form on the “Submit News” page. Be sure to read this page well before submitting any work.

When turning in your submission, you can attach up to two files. They will want to know whether your piece is an exclusive story, an editorial suggestion, a hot tip, a news update, or something else entirely.

If you are particularly interested in writing about start up businesses, consider submitting to their Startup Review Series [email protected].

This site is mostly geared towards new business owners just starting out or those who are growing an established business. The idea is to create “actionable information and practical inspiration for business owners.”

To Contribute:

Read their “Become an Entrepreneur Contributor” page, and then fill out the form.

This form will ask for basic information along with request links to your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles, ask about story ideas or themes you would like to write about and why you consider yourself an expert in the topic, along with links to work samples.

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If videos are more your thing, you can become part of Entrepreneur’s expanding video network. Learn more here.

The nine sites listed above are great tools for you to use in order gain a wider audience and reputable experience. You increase your chances of having your content accepted by these sites by following the links and tips listed above.


The online publication publishes mostly information pertaining to small business growth. These topics include pieces on small business services, tools and advice.

To contribute to, pitch your story idea first (link below). Also, it’s advisable to keep email pitches as pitchy as possible. Make them straightforward and simple.

To Contribute:

Pitch your story idea at [email protected]

Become a regular columnist by submitting your request to [email protected]

Business Insider

This site is a technology, celebrity and American business website. Most of its contributors are experts in one or more of the topics they cover.

To Contribute:

Read their “How to Contribute to Business Insider” page.

Send in the final draft of your completed piece to [email protected]. Be sure to include links to

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other pieces of content you have published, a brief bio and a headline with your content.

Although they can’t ensure publication, their team will review your proposal and get back to you if interested.

Fast Company

If you are interested in business, technology and design, Fast Company might be the perfect fit. They publish topics like innovation, strategy, career development, creativity and productivity.

They love articles that promote conversation and present new ideas to readers. It is better to think in the style of op-ed instead of marketing pieces when writing pieces for Fast Company.

Fast Company representatives say the following about the type of content they prefer on their site:

“We appreciate lively, polished writing that balances research or news with fun and memorable anecdotes or examples that help illustrate your point of view.”

To Contribute:

Read over the Guidelines for Submission page.

When ready, send completed article to Leadership Editor Kathleen Davis at [email protected].

In general, articles are around 1,000 words or less.

Unlike other sites, you can reprint your content once it’s published on Fast Company. They only ask for you to wait 24 hours after they post the article before you do so.

They also prefer you link back to their site when you post your work elsewhere.

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They will take articles already on other websites on occasion, but they like new content.

The review process typically takes around a week. If they are interested in your article, they will likely communicate with you in a few days.

They will not respond to all inquires, and they are open to one follow up email. Yet, if you don’t hear anything from them after this, you can assume that your work wasn’t a good fit for their site.

Fast Company’s print magazine contains content written by their staff or other professional journalists. Your contributed article will run on their online site only.


The content found on Forbes most often includes lifestyle, personal finance, stock market, technology and business pieces. Yet, they will allow guest posts within their opinion section on any topic related to culture, arts, politics or public policy.

To Contribute:

Check out their “Submitting an Article to Forbes Opinion” page.

Submit your completed article of any length to [email protected]

The content must be original and exclusive to Forbes. They will reject any content already published on other sites or in print.

They typically take around five business days to review articles. If five business days have passed without word from Forbes, you can safely assume they aren’t interested and publish your piece elsewhere. They discourage follow-up emails.

If you want to become a regular contributor to Forbes, fill out this Google Form.

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This form will ask for links to your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles, a few story ideas and your concept page for Forbes, links to work samples and why you believe you are qualified to write on the subject in question.

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Additional Contributor Opportunities


KISSmetrics – Write for them

Traffic Generation Café – Write for them

Think Traffic – Write for them

Firepole Marketing – Write for them

MarketingProfs – Write for them

Men with Pens – Write for them

Social Media Examiner – Write for them

Moz – Write for them

Denise Wakeman

Smart Passive Income – Write for them – Write for them



Search Engine Journal – Write for them

Search Engine People – Write for them

Magnet 4 Marketing – Write for them

12 Most – Write for them

LKR Social Media – Write for them

She Takes on the World – Write for them

Inspiration Feed – Write for them

Work it, Mom! – Write for them

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Birds on the Blog – Write for them

Social Fresh – Write for them

Business2Community — Write for them

Basic Blog Tips – Write for them

The RedHead Writing Blog – Write for them

Blog Godown – Write for them

BloggersPassion – Write for them

Blogging Tips – Write for them

Blogsolute – Write for them

ComLuv – Write for them

Smart Bloggerz – Write for them

Famous Bloggers – Write for them

John Chow

Problogging Success – Write for them

Quick Online Tips – Write for them

We Blog Better – Write for them

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Self-development / Spirituality / Psychology

Dumb Little Man – Write for them

Lifehack – Write for them

MOMeoMagazine – Write for them

Work Happy Now – Write for them

Brazen Life – Write for them

Inspiration Feed – Write for them

Self Growth – Write for them

Lyved – Write for them

Extraordinary Mommy – Write for them

She Takes on the World – Write for them

Pick the Brain – Write for them

Roots of She – Write for them

Psychology Today – Write for them

The Psychology of Well-being – Write for them

The Change Blog – Write for them

Your Tango – Write for them

Hack College – Write for them

Organizing Junkie – Write for them

Private Practice from the Inside Out – Write for them

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Photography / Video/ Graphics / Design / Art

1st Web Designer – Write for them

Onextrapixel – Write for them

Noupe – Write for them

WDL – Write for them

Planet5D – Write for them

Digital Photography School – Write for them

Inspiration Feed – Write for them

Skyje – Write for them

Web and Designers – Write for them

Light Stalking – Write for them

Steve’s Digicams – Write for them

I Heart Faces – Write for them

Colossal – Write for them

Inhabitat – Write for them

Daily Art Fixx – Write for them

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Readwrite – Write for them

Tips Blogger – Write for them

Gigaom – Write for them

Smashing Magazine – Write for them

Techie Buzz – Write for them

Techie Blogger – Write for them

Digital Inspiration – Write for them

Trouble Fixers – Write for them

Devils’ Workshop – Write for them

Calling All Geeks – Write for them

Inspiration Feed – Write for them

The Pragmatic Bookshelf – Write for them

Site Point – Write for them

The Kernel – Write for them

Tech Walls – Write for them

iTech Code – Write for them

Tech At Last – Write for them

Comptalks – Write for them

Web and Designers – Write for them

Slashdot – Write for them

Craving Tech – Write for them

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Write to done – Write for them

Men with Pens – Write for them

Writers in Charge – Write for them

Freelance Folder – Write for them

Freelance Switch – Write for them

Story Fix

Live Hacked – Write for them

Make a Living Writing

The Sun Magazine – Write for them

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Fitness / Health / Food

Psychology Today – Write for them

Hive Health Media – Write for them

Kevin M.D. – Write for them

Self Growth – Write for them

The Change Blog – Write for them

Mercola – Write for them

Weight Loss Triumph – Write for them

Natural News – Write for them

Menuism – Write for them

Food Sense – Write for them

Women’s Health – Write for them

The Kitchn – Write for them

Aggie’s Kitchen – Write for them

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Get Rich Slowly – Write for them

Man vs. Debt

I Will Teach You To Be Rich – Write for them

Five Cent Nickel – Write for them

Modest Money – Write for them

Investopedia – Write for them

ComFree Blog – Write for them

Investor Guide – Write for them

Investment Yogi – Write for them

Fat Wallet – Write for them

Money Saving Mom – Write for them

Wise Bread – Write for them

Saving Advice – Write for them

One Cent at a Time – Write for them

Financial Highway – Write for them

Financial Sense – Write for them

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foXnoMad – Write for them

Global Grasshopper – Write for them

2 Backpackers – Write for them

Viator – Write for them

Boarding Area – Write for them

Travel Supermarket – Write for them

The Glove Box Blog – Write for them

Matador Network – Write for them – Write for them

Inspiring Travelers – Write for them

Dangerous Business –Write for them

Velvet Escape – Write for them

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Baby Center – Write for them

Modern Mom – Write for them

Extraordinary Mommy – Write for them

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