More about Dubai


Transcript of More about Dubai

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The culture of dubai, an emirate of the United Arab Emirates. Simultaneously, increasing globalisation and the settling o various immigrant groups have transformed the city into a melting pot of different nationalities and have given rise to a cosmopolitan culture that is in synch with other global cities. The UAE culture mainly revolves around the religion of Islam and traditional Arab culture. The influence of Islamic and Arab culture on its architecture, music, attire, cuisine and lifestyle are very prominent as well. Five times every day,

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Culture in Dubai is rooted in Islamic traditions that form UAE National's lifestyles. It is highly important that when tourists visit Dubai they must respect and behave suitably, as the minority group of Emiratis are very protective over their culture and traditions.

Dubai is famously known as the entertainment capital of the Middle East which attracts many party lovers from all over the world, especially those who are wealthy enough to splash out on the most expensive bars and clubs in the city. With Dubai promoting such an image, it still forbids the nationals that practice Islam to indulge in any of the entertaining services offered. In that respect these services are often located in the more

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Islam isn’t just a religion but a way of life that governs and guides their path through this world and the next. It’s an integral and pervasive part of all aspects of life. Public worship is viewed as more important than almost anything else, religious books and writings are found everywhere, and the phrase ‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful’ is found at the top of most correspondence.

Islam means ‘active submission to the will of God’. The religion teaches that Allah controls absolutely everything and, when making plans, you often hear the response ‘in sha Allah’

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The official language of the country is Arabic, however most people in and out of the workplace communicate in English. There are so many different nationalities in Dubai and therefore English finds common ground with most people. The majority of road, shop signs, and restaurant menus etc. are in both English and Arabic.

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Emirati cuisine is a blend of many MidEasten and Asian cuisines.

The modern diet of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is cosmopolitan, featuring dishes from around the world. A lot of people confuse Levantine food as being Emirati/Khaleej, but shawarma, hummous, tabbouleh, and mixed grill, whilst having similar characteristics, are fairly recent additions and do not do justice to the "soul food" that makes up the Emirati menu.

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The Emirati attire is typical of Arabic countries and is inherited from the Bedouin culture which prevailed in the Arabic peninsula. Today, men and women carry forward these ancestral traditions not least by means of their way of dressing.

Both men and women wear “veils” and long sleeved “robes”. This is immediately understandable to anyone who has spent time in the Arabic peninsula especially in the summer! The more protection you have from the sun, the better. The traditional attire is therefore best adapted for the local conditions except for the black abaya which must capture a