
Initial Responses

Transcript of Moodboard

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Initial Responses

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Idea 1

Audience: Children (primary school 4-11 years old) Campaign: Health of the sea animalsI will create a more cartoony style of website and brand. Come up with characters that are memorable,

animals that are on the beach like a seagull or crab. These could be mascots for the SAS, to get away from the surfing side of the campaign and into the health of the sea animals that the mascots talk about. Merchandise would be educational and fun, board-games with the mascots in (a rubbish collecting game, which is made out of the recycled beach litter), books that teach the children moral lessons about the animals and why not to dump litter, golden star reward tables which could be bought by parents to reward their child every time they pick up litter and throw it away and recycle, encouraging this behaviour off the beach as well as on, because urban litter also effects the beach and sea’s eventually.

In this campaign I want to make sure children understand the importance of having a clean beach and I will use the animals as a motive for them, as they are cute and children won’t want them to be in any danger.

Posters could include the reward table. Posters also have to give simple information to remind the children to pick up litter; these posters would be mainly used in class rooms, but also at home. Include mascot on the poster, beach/seaside theme, very positive and motivating messages.

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Soft edges and lines on the cartoons

Subject matter all include a cute animal of some kind. Something children can relate to.

Simple and short titles, nothing complicated so all young children can understand

I feel this mood board will be helpful to my production because it gives me a starting point, looking at where other children's book and board games have been successful and follow from their lead. Reoccurring themes such as animals, bright colours and simple words gives me a good foundation from where I need to take my project for children to enjoy and embrace my products.

Educational and teach children lessons and morals. But also enjoyable.

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Here are some pieces of individual ideas I have chosen from my mood board inspiration. First I decided that from looking at existing products I can see that a lot of title fonts look as if they have been painted, but they are still readable, they are simple and bold but are not boring, so the product looks interesting to the children. I then picked out some already existing cartoons and illustrations of popular sea animals. I chose these because they are well known to children, they also are desirable and cute, and would be easy to draw in a original cartoon style. After looking at all the different kind of children’s cartoons, some that were sea themed and some that were not, I decided that the main colour scheme would be sea related, bright but still in a pastel tone, so I found this colour palette that matched my idea and I could chose from.

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Small writing font

Title and large writing font

Main colour scheme.

Chosen cartoon style: I think that my style of cartoon will be a mix of simple, bold colours, with a cute memorable character. I will choose a crab because this gives the settings for where I want my designs to be more scope, (in or out the water).

Overall my main idea is to educate children on important matters about the sea, and using cute cartoon mascots to get the children to relate and listen. Simple settings, colour schemes and words are vital so that all children and read and understand they are reading and what is being taught to them. My colour scheme will be red, yellow, blue and light blue, this is to keep a beach theme running throughout my project, so that I can stick to one theme so everything matches and doesn’t go off subject. The colours are also aesthetically pleasing, they are bold, but not bright, so they are eye-catching but don’t put the children off the posters/books. The colours are also gender neutral, so no child will feel


The most important thing about the text is that it is easy to read by young children, that they can make sense of the words without having to strain or ask for help because they don’t know what the letters in the typography represent. The text I have chosen for the title I think will work really well. As from my research many children's aimed products have been in a similar kind of bold, brushed font, which looks interesting and infantile, but is still easy to read. The text I will be using for the smaller detailed text is a basic serif font, so that children don’t struggle to read important facts.

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Idea 2

Audience: Adults that are interested in fitness (28-48)Campaign: Get fit and clean up the beachThis campaign is to do with how fitness and cleaning up beach litter can be integrated.

The style of this campaign will be sharp lines and clean edges, minimalistic and modern. Using colours like blue, white, green and yellow to enhance the idea that it is the sea and fitness combined. Events like beach cleans can seem dull, so this is a way to make it seem more interesting by adding a beach run. The group of people will raise money for the SAS doing this ‘fun run’ running a route around and on the beach, whilst collecting up litter. Points would be given for the fastest person and the person with the most litter, then an overall winner for a combined score. Merchandise could include running gear with the SAS logo on, sports tops and leggings for men and women, gloves and hats. Re-branding the logo to one that has an added theme of running in it, a wave and a trainer combined for example.

Posters would be used as promotional material for the race, telling the audience firstly how long the run is 5k, 10k etc. Then a brief summary of what that run is about and what happens. Then links to web pages and social media pages to where they can get more information and enter.

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Silhouettes used as main subject matters, and also actual photographs seem to also be popular.

Plain, san serif, bold text used, especially as headings.

Positive and motivating language

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Here is a colour palette where I could see the tone of the colours really working with the kind of feel and theme I wanted to portray. I will pick white, green, yellow and blue.

I chose these fonts because of how they are very similar to ones that I have researched through my mood board. I felt these kind of font looked good and would work with my theme. I feel that these fonts would make my project look professional and successful. I think that a mix of 2 of these fonts would work well together and be eye catching.

Here in these designs I found whilst researching running posters, I found that this is a similar style to what I want to portray. This style is bold, simple, effective, modern and sharp. The high contrast with the background and subject matter really enhance this feeling.

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Over-all with this idea I want to get the target audience to enjoy an event whilst taking part in a clear up of litter on the beach, all for charity. To get people more interested in doing this, I will advertise it more as a fun run, rather than making it seem dull by advertising a litter clear up straight away, so a run on the beach for charity, rather than clearing up litter, even though this is a part of it. I will make it look sporty by keeping the colour scheme in a sporty theme, using clean blues, greens, yellows and whites, then contrasting these with blacks, in the same style as high end sports brand advertise, such as Nike and Adidas. Also the colours intertwine with the idea of beach colours as well, with the blue being the sea and the yellow being the sand, so I’m still keeping the beach theme relevant. The style is very important and I am keeping to a minimalist and simple style, with bold patterns and simple subject matters, which contrast strongly and really stand out and give it a professional and sporty feel. The fonts have to also be in keeping with this kind of theme, to carry it on and make the campaign look serious but inviting. The font will be simple and readable, but with a modern edge to it. It is similar to the kinds of fonts used in existing sports brands to help the audience make that connection about what the campaign entails before they have even read it.

Colour scheme


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Idea 3

Audience: Fishing enthusiastsCampaign: Left behind fishing equipment This campaign is about what the effect of left behind fishing equipment has on the

animals and environment, how it kills animals slowly and scars the beaches. The style of this campaign will be shocking but not graphic, in order for the audience to understand why it is so damaging and terrible as 10% of all the marine litter is fishing equipment. Using shocking images stating the facts, posters would be promotional to the campaign, they would be plain and bold, getting across a main message, comparing fish to pet animals and situation, with a sentence of text and a graphical image to go with the sentence to make it look even more shocking and terrible. This would be a stylised poster technique, which would be easy to read, shocking but not triggering and still ethical. Merchandise could be tops that support the posters, using the graphics and statements from the posters and put them on to t-shirts. Other merchandise could be a calendar of different and popular fish, or the calendar could have the statements on. Fishing t-shirts and hats would work well to sell because they could be used.

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Earthy, muddy and natural colours. More serious feeling given

Posters done to show facts are done in simple graphics

More graphic real life photos have more of a shock factor to them.

These kind of subject matters which are more sensitive would only be suitable for an adult audience.

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This colour scheme is more natural and earthy and relates more to fishing, so fishing people would take more of an interest as they can relate to the colours. It is there for surfers to tell people how fishing litter effects wildlife and fish in the surfing environment. The colour palette also could represent litter that is left on the beach and in the water, like the beige would be cigarette butts, the blue could be fishing line.

The fonts will be simple and bold, but memorable keeping with the theme of the SAS logo. I could also redesign the logo to the theme of ‘SAS against fishing litter’ and have a fish shaped logo. One of these popular fish shapes are the most recognizable because they are the most fished in the sea for food. I think the tuna fish would make a good shape because it is harp and gives off an angry feel, in keeping with how the surfers feel.

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For this idea I want to keep the focus on how surfers feel about fishing litter and how surfers want to share the sea with fishers. The surfers want to make the fishing people aware of what harm they are causing to the sea. The mock up logo I have made is an example of the style I would be going for, a simple and bold style, similar to their existing logo, but more serious and dark. I will keep the font similar too, bold and simple but noticeable. The thing I am going to add to it though is to make the font look more destroyed and damaged, for the title font especially, to represent what the fishing litter is doing to the environment. The colour scheme of orange, grey, light blue and blue are presented in a murky and muddy tone, to make the message of this campaign negative and serious. The colours also reflect the reality of the polluted sea environment, not sugar coating the situation.

Main title font

Smaller text font