Monolithic to Microservices Architecture - STM 6

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Transcript of Monolithic to Microservices Architecture - STM 6

Monolithic to Microservices



What is Monolithic Architecture?

Monolithic Architecture drawbacks?

Huge code base

Hard to manage

Difficult Continuous Integration

Difficult application Scaling

And so on...

What are Microservices?

What are Microservices?

Microservices are

small, focused, autonomous

services that work together.

What are Microservices?

Small and focused on doing one thing onlyExample: Service weather information for given location

Independent between

Deployed by itself on different hosts

Exposing API interface for clients

Benefits of Microservices

Mixed Technology can be used

That fits needs of that microservice.


If one node fails, others continue to work and isolate the problem.

Ease of Deployment

On code change, only affected part can be redeployed faster.


Microservice can be used for different purposes, and from different applications.


Easier to replace, delete or rewrite is much easier on small functionality.

What Makes a Good Service?

3 things

What Makes a Good Service?

Loose CouplingWhole point is to make changes to one service and deploy it.

High CohesionRelated behavior is located on one place.

Shared and hidden modelsShare only minimum information to customer, and hide internal implementation.

From where to start?

Always start from

Monolith Application


split later.

Splitting the Monolith

Why to split the monolith?

Why to split the monolith?

Code base is huge to manage

Some part will change frequently

We need to deploy new changes fast

Some data need additional protection around

Different technology should be used

Splitting is complex and will cost you a lot, if you not do it right.

Where to start?

From existing monolith

Detect functionality boundaries

Separate to modules first

Extract as stand alone microservices

That is about code.

But what about database?

Splitting database

Isolate data in separate tables first

Break foreign key relations

If all good move it to another database

Extract code in microservice

If fail merge it all back and rethink

Deal with...

Static data (enumerations)
Copy or put it in configuration

Shared data (different functionality use same data)
Can be separated as different microservice too

Transactions (no transactions anymore)
Different ways to handle this. Try again later or abort everything.


Tests are important


Unit tests
Have a lot of them

Acceptance tests
Check if its implemented like it should

Performance tests
How system can handle the load

Exploration tests
Finding the way to break the system


Service tests
Stub and mock external services

Test service in isolation

Test without user interface

End-to-end tests
Testing all together

Slow and tricky to manage

Its hard to locate the problem

Developer's team write tests by itself!

Testing microservice into production.

How to do it?

In production

all that go wrong

will go wrong.

Minimize the impact with 2 basic approaches.

Minimize the impact

Blue / Green deployment.

Minimize the impact

Canary deployment

Microservices integration

Get it wrong, and disaster awaits.

Integration tips.


Avoid braking changes!
Consumers should be able to use service until they are ready to switch.


Microservices are changing constantly

Internal changes do not affect consumers.

Changes should not prevent consumers use service.

Small changes and Breaking changes.

Dealing with small changes.

New field is added

Unused field is removed

Consumer read only what is needed

Use flexible technology JSON or XML.

Dealing with breaking changes

Need to be avoided

Support old version for a whileGive consumers time to switch

Two parallel service instance (easy way)Balance between them

Expose both version under same instanceAdding complexity need to be avoided


Make service simple for Consumers
Use common communication protocol. Json for example.


Hide internal implementation details
Consumers should not know what is happening inside microservice.


The Shared database


Interface the customer instead
Consumers should not know what is happening inside microservice.




Orchestration and Choreography

For example

When some event happen we need to:

Send confirmation email

Send order from warehouse

Update finance department

This can be done on two ways.


Synchronous tasks execution

One microservice delegate execution

If mastermind service fails, all process stops

Its slow

Easier to guarantee consistency


Asynchronous tasks execution

Every microservice is responsible for his job

Its faster because all executions are parallel

If some microservice fails others will complete

Additional retry mechanisms

Microservices monitoring

Why we need it?

Microservices monitoring

Single service, Single Server
Nagios is your friend

Microservices monitoring

Single service, Multiple Servers
Nagios + Logstash for logs aggregation

Microservices monitoring

Multiple services, Multiple Servers
Nagios + Logstash + Kibana for visual monitoring

Metrics can help a lot

What hardware we need
How much resources we need for one service instance to run

Do we need new host
If old one cannot provide us with enough power

When we need to scale
Scale only in peak times

How much we need to scale
Scale just enough to serve clients


Graphite, Kibana, Varnish

System security

SSO (Single-Sign-On)

Service to service Authentication

Allow everything inside perimeter
If attacker penetrate the security, all services are vulnerable

HTTP(S) basic protocol between services.
Communication between services also need to be secured.

Client certificates
Hard to manage, good data encryption

API Keys
Shared public key between

Guaranties integrity of request

Database protection

Encrypt database data
Encrypted data is useless for attacker

Some database offer integrated encryption
Encrypt sensitive data in database

Good algorithms to use

Other protection inside perimeter

Block suspicious requests

Intrusion detection
Monitor for suspicious activity

Network segregation
Separate sensitive data in separate network

Operating system
Apply security Patch regularly

This topic is huge,

but this is all for now.

Any questions?