Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal,...

Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math

Transcript of Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal,...

Page 1: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids

Joshua Cooper, USC Math

Steven Fenner, USC CS

Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math

Page 2: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.
Page 3: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.



][][ 1 daa

},{},{ 11 dd baba

1-D 2-D 3-D

Central Question: For a given grid of dimension d, is it possible to c-color it so thatthere are no monochromatic boxes?

},,1{][ nn

Page 4: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

d = 1:

We can c-color [n] without a monochromatic box (i.e., a pair of points) iff n ≤ c.

Definition. Let R = [a1][ad]. If it is possible to c-color it so that there are no

monochromatic boxes, we say that R is c-colorable. Otherwise, R is c-guaranteed.

d = 2:

Suppose c=1. Then [a][b] is c-guaranteed iff a ≥ 2 and b ≥ 2.

Suppose c=2.

Claim: [3][7] is 2-guaranteed, but [3][6] is 2-colorable.

Page 5: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Proof that [3][7] is 2-guaranteed: If any two columns are colored the same,there is a monochromatic rectangle. So, we may assume that the columns represent

all but one of the 8 possible colorings:

Claim: [5][5] is 2-guaranteed, but [4][5] is 2-colorable.

Page 6: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Proof that [5][5] is 2-guaranteed: At least three columns contains at least threereds (up to switching the colors). If there are no monochromatic boxes, then no two oftheir corresponding rows are shared. But, with only five rows, this isn’t possible.

Page 7: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Proof that [5][5] is 2-guaranteed: At least three columns contains at least threereds (up to switching the colors). If there are no monochromatic boxes, then no two oftheir corresponding rows are shared. But, with only five rows, this isn’t possible.

2-guaranteed region

2-colorable region “obstruction set”

For more on 2-d (particularly, 3- and 4-colorability), see forthcoming Fenner,Gasarch, Glover, and Purewal, Rectangle Free Coloring of Grids.

The present work is mostly concerned with what happens in higher d.

Page 8: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

These questions can be recast as hypergraph Ramsey problems:

1 2 3 4 5














Ramsey version of 2-d problem: Which complete bipartite graphs are c-colorable

without a monochromatic C4?

C4’s govern quasirandomness: The random graph has the fewest copies of C4 for

any graph on a given number of edges, and having close to this number of copiesguarantees all sorts of random-like properties. (See Chung/Graham/Wilson ’89.)

No monochromatic C4 means no monochromatic random graphs, which means the

color classes have to be small. (Already, cn3/2 edges ensures a C4 subgraph.)

Page 9: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

A rank 3 tensor with entries in {R,G,B} encodes a complete 3-partite 3-uniformhypergraph:

Ramsey version of general d problem: Which complete d-partite d-uniform

hypergraphs are c-colorable without a monochromatic hyperoctahedron (aka cross-polytope aka orthotope aka dual of the hypercube)?

Hyperoctahedra govern hypergraph quasirandomness! A random d-partite d-uniform

hypergraph has the fewest hyperoctahedra for any hypergraph on a given number of

edges… & having close to this number guarantees all sorts of random-like properties.

Page 10: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Note that the number of boxes in a grid R = [a1][ad] is given by










j Raa

So, define V(c,d) to be the largest integer V so that every d-dimensional grid Rwith volume at most V is c-colorable.

Theorem (CFP).


2 2/)1(



dddd d


dcVe d

“Proof”: Lower bound is a straightforward application of Lovász Local Lemma.

(Any given box can only intersect at most 2d vol(R) others, but the

probability of monotonicity is c^(-2^(d-1)).)

Upper bound is a repeated application of Cauchy-Schwarz…

Page 11: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Example 1: How big can n be and still have [3][7][n] be 2-colorable?

Note: If [a][b] is c-colorable, then [a][b][n] is for any n. (Just take fibersof the coloring under projection.)

Claim. [3][7][127] is 2-guaranteed.

Proof. The number of boxes in [3][7] is





The number of monochromatic boxes is therefore 126. In any 2-coloring of

[3][7][127], each of the [3] [7] “planes” has at least one of these 126monochromatic (2-d) boxes. But then some one is repeated, and such a pair formsa monochromatic 3-d box.

On the other hand, permuting around the rows, columns, and colors of a 2-coloring

of [3] [7] to get all 126 different monochromatic boxes gives a 2-coloring of


Page 12: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Example 2: How big can n be and still have [5][5][n] be 2-colorable?

Claim. [5][5][201] is 2-guaranteed.

Proof. Same argument:




52 2

It is still possible to permute around a 2-coloring of [5] [5], but being able to doso depends on the two monochromatic (2-d) boxes occupying disjoint rows/columns.


Claim. [5][5][101] is 2-guaranteed!

Proof. Same argument, only now we observe that any 2-coloring of [5]X[5] actually

admits 2 monochromatic boxes:







Page 13: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

So, extend our definition : R is (c,t)-guaranteed if every c-coloring gives rise to tmonochromatic boxes.

Using this idea (and some others, particularly some convex programming), we have

the following upper bounds on n so that [a][b][n] is 2-guaranteed. Mostly

values are known to be within 1 or 2 of the truth.





Page 14: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

We can iterate the preceding argument to find obstruction sets in dimension d:

[3][7][127] [1008127]







541862 cccccdf

Each exponent is twice thesum of the previous exponents..)(




















For general c:

Page 15: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

Then the volume is given by

8127931)()(vol cccccdgR2/)13()(



Theorem (CFP). For every element R of the obstruction set,

.vol 2/)13( d


…which is a lot bigger than c^(2^(d-1)).

This still does not bound the number of obstruction set grids, since the surfacecorresponding to grids of constant volume are infinite. (Although some terrible boundis possible in principle.)

Theorem (CFP). The size of the obstruction set (for d ≥ 3) is

.2/)1317( 3 d

cO c8, c25, c76,…

(The truth is c2 in 2-d.)

Page 16: Monochromatic Boxes in Colored Grids Joshua Cooper, USC Math Steven Fenner, USC CS Semmy Purewal, College of Charleston Math.

More questions…

1. What about if the boxes have to be equilateral? (Direct application to van derWaerden/Szemerédi.)

2. What if we fix c = 2 (say) and let d grow instead?

3. A matching lower bound on the size of the obstruction set.

4. Limiting surface of obstruction set as c ∞? (Even d = 2 is unknown.)

Thank you!