Monitoring HOWTOs

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Transcript of Monitoring HOWTOs

Precise informationAlert the right personAutomation

Service is alive

Is my application alive on the minimum number required by my SLA?

2 out of 5 instances of my-app are not responding to isAlive

my-app requires a minimum of 3 instances to meet the SLA

AlertSensuQueries NginxAlert & SLAZooKeeperPlanned ConfigurationService ownerNginxService Load BalancerIs-alive

AlertSensuQueries NginxAlert & SLAZooKeeperPlanned ConfigurationService ownerNginxService Load BalancerIs-aliveAlert the right personPrecise informationAutomation

Service anomalies BECKEND

Identify unhealthy KPIs per end-points

Abnormal increase in error rate for class.method.get

Abnormal increase in performance or decrease in RPM

Anomaly AlertAnodotTime series anomaly detectionAlerts & graphsstatsdStats aggregationForwarding metricsJVM serversMetrics librarymetrics / 1mGraphs

Anomaly AlertAnodotTime series anomaly detectionAlerts & graphsstatsdStats aggregationForwarding metricsJVM serversMetrics librarymetrics / 1mGraphs

Precise informationAlert the right personAutomation

Service anomalies FRONTEND

Users effected or not? How and where?

Success event count is low

Client error increased in Canada from Chrome

Anomaly AlertSTORM & ESPERRealtime streaming processingMetrics / 1mClientflumeeventsGraphs

ClientflumeeventsAnodotTime series anomaly detectionAlerts & graphs

Anomaly AlertSTORM & ESPERRealtime streaming processingMetrics / 1mClientflumeeventsGraphs

ClientflumeeventsPrecise informationAlert the right personAutomationAnodotTime series anomaly detectionAlerts & graphs

Alerts management

Which active alerts do I have?

What changes could cause the problem?

I have 2 active alerts on MySql and 2 deployments in the last hour

AlertBigPandaCentral alerts & changesAlerts & ChangesChangesIntegrationsDeploymentsChef uploadsAlertsintegrationsNewRelicSensuNagiosPingDomWeb UI

AlertBigPandaCentral alerts & changesAlerts & ChangesChangesIntegrationsDeploymentsChef uploadsAlertsintegrationsNewRelicSensuNagiosPingDomPrecise informationAlert the right personAutomationPrecise informationWeb UI


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