Monday- Timed Write 2 You have 25 minutes to write an introduction, at least one body paragraph, and...

Monday- Timed Write 2 You have 25 minutes to write an introduction, at least one body paragraph, and a conclusion on the following topic: Who is more heroic, Gilgamesh or Noah? Why? Support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence from the textbook. You must integrate at least 3 quotes from the text using proper in-text citations (Author-Page style). Our “author” we are going to use to cite Gilgamesh is the translator, M.K. Sanders (Sanders 54). When citing the Bible, use “The King James Bible.” According to The King James Bible, “Blah blah” (65). “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” (The King James Bible 65).

Transcript of Monday- Timed Write 2 You have 25 minutes to write an introduction, at least one body paragraph, and...

Monday- Timed Write 2You have 25 minutes to write an introduction, at least one body paragraph, and a conclusion on the following topic:

Who is more heroic, Gilgamesh or Noah? Why? Support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence from the textbook.

You must integrate at least 3 quotes from the text using proper in-text citations (Author-Page style).

Our “author” we are going to use to cite Gilgamesh is the translator, M.K. Sanders (Sanders 54).

When citing the Bible, use “The King James Bible.”

According to The King James Bible, “Blah blah” (65).

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” (The King James Bible 65).

Read “Prodigal Son” pg. 98-99

Fill in the areas of your chart for “Prodigal Son” and then answer the questions from the literature book.

When you have finished with the questions on the chart for “Prodigal Son,” move on to the other Lit Book questions that you can answer in the space provided on your chart:

The Koran Questions from the Lit Book- Pg. 581 #1 and 3-7

Genesis Questions from the Lit BookPg. 74 #1-3, 5 & 7

**After today, your entire front page should be completed on your chart. **

Tuesday- Writing the Perfect Argument Essay

English 9

Notes on Essay Writing…

We are going to go over how to write a perfect 5 paragraph paper.

This will eventually turn into a writing assignment, so pay attention!

We will start with the INTRODUCTION and work our way through each paragraph.

Take NOTES and PAY ATTENTION! Writing and organization are skills that you are going to need for the rest of high school, college, and in your professional life.

The Introduction

One of the most difficult pieces to write!

Your job is to lure the reader into your essay and gain interest, and finish up with a powerful thesis statement.

The introduction sets the tone and the organization for your entire essay…it is crucial!

We will go over step-by-step how to write an introduction now.

Intro Step 1: The HookYou must hook your reader in your opening sentence. You can do this in one of five ways…

1. A Question- Ex. Have you ever wondered if there is life on another planet?

2. General statement- Ex. Texting and driving kills.

3. Quotation- A wise man once said, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

4. Opposite statement- Many people believe that all ‘healthy’ foods are healthy.

5. Story/Anecdote- The manager left his store for his lunch break, assuming all his employees were trustworthy. When he returned, all the cash was missing from the register.

Intro Step 1: Your HookUsing your Timed Write prompt, try to write your “hook” for your introduction paragraph.

Remember, your hook can be…

A Question

A general statement

A quotation (probably don’t want to use this one)

An opposite statement

An anecdote

Step 2: Background Info/Lead-In

The sentences that come after the hook but before the thesis are called the LEAD-IN sentences.

Generally, these are 2-3 sentences that start very broad and get more specific to directly lead into your thesis.

This is where you might want to talk about what makes someone heroic, or give a little background info on your hero without giving away your specific details that will emerge in your thesis.

Your introduction needs at least 5 sentences to be a complete introduction. How many lead-in sentences you need depends on the length of your hook.

What can you say about the topic of your paper that starts generally and gets more specific?

Step 3: The Tripartite Thesis Statement

The thesis is always the LAST SENTENCE of your INTRO paragraph.

It always contains your MAIN POINT for the ENTIRE ESSAY, as well as your ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN for the essay.

You write your CLAIM, as well as your EVIDENCE.

Ex. Taco Bell is the greatest restaurant on earth because they’re cheap, fast, and the food tastes great.

The point is Taco Bell is the best. My REASONING includes the three reasons that follow.


Write YOUR Thesis…Everyone is going to have a similar thesis for Timed Write 1.

YOUR POINT: When comparing the two texts, Genesis and The Epic of Gilgamesh, ___(Hero you are claiming is the best)______ is the most heroic because REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3.

What will change in your thesis depends on your reasons.

What three characteristics does your hero have that make him the more heroic of the two?

With your three reasons, be sure you can find evidence from the text to support your claim (thesis).

Write your complete thesis now…

Can you identify the hook, the lead-in sentences, and

the thesis statement? There are many fast food chains in

America today. Some possibilities include McDonalds and Burger King, as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken or Sonic. The choices are endless, and the food all tastes great. When you are hungry, how do you decide which restaurant will best satisfy your hunger? Taco Bell is the best choice because they serve you quickly, they have the cheapest prices, and their food tastes delicious.

Hook, Lead-in, Thesis

There are many fast food chains in America today. Some possibilities include McDonalds and Burger King, as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken or Sonic. The choices are endless, and the food all tastes great. When you are hungry, how do you decide which restaurant will best satisfy your hunger? Taco Bell is the best choice because they serve you quickly, they have the cheapest prices, and their food tastes delicious.

Another Example: Label the Parts

The marathon originated in Greece, when a messenger named Pheidippides had to run 26 miles from the city of Marathon to Athens to announce their victory over the Persians, and he promptly died after delivering his message. This anecdote illustrates the true intensity of the sport. Today, marathon running has become a popular activity that many people participate in all over the world. The 26.2 mile distance is a test of willpower and physical fitness. Marathon running is the most intense sport of all because it is not only a physical challenge, but it is mentally and emotionally taxing as well.

Hook, Lead-In, ThesisThe marathon originated in Greece, when a

messenger named Pheidippides had to run 26 miles from the city of Marathon to Athens to announce their victory over the Persians, and he promptly died after delivering his message. This anecdote illustrates the true intensity of the sport. Today, marathon running has become a popular activity that many people participate in all over the world. The 26.2 mile distance is a test of willpower and physical fitness. Marathon running is the most intense sport of all because it is not only a physical challenge, but it is mentally and emotionally taxing as well.

Now, write your complete introduction using your Timed

Write 1 prompt.

Remember, you need a HOOK, LEAD-IN SENTENCES, and a


Your introduction should be at least 5 sentences in length.

Anything less is WEAKSAUCE!

Wednesday: Entry Task

Write a perfect three-part thesis based on the following prompt:

1. What is the greatest restaurant on the planet and why?




Write 3-part Thesis Statements for each of the

following prompts:2. Which NFL team is going to win the Superbowl this year and why?

3. What is the best subject in school and why?

4. Is The Hunger Games better than Harry Potter? Why or why not?

5. What is the best movie in the world and why?



The Body Paragraphs!

In a basic 5 paragraph essay, you will have 3 body paragraphs.

Each body paragraph goes along with one of your reasons in your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is basically an outline for the body paragraphs.

For example, in my Taco Bell essay, my thesis said: “Taco Bell is the best because it’s fast, it’s cheap, and it tastes delicious.”

This tells me that my first body paragraph is going to talk about Taco Bell’s speed, my second body paragraph is going to tell me about Taco Bell’s cheap prices, and my final body paragraph is going to discuss how tasty the food is.

TransitionsAs you move from the intro to the body paragraphs, as well as from one body paragraph to another and leading up to the conclusion at the end, you will need to use transitions to make your paper flow smoothly.

Simple example transition words and phrases you can use include:

First, Next, Finally, Second, Third, Furthermore, etc.

For example, at the start of your first body paragraph, you might write, "The first reason why Taco Bell is the best is because they have the fastest service in town.”

Transitioning into your second body paragraph, you might write, “Next, (HERO) is the top dog out of the two because (REASON 2).

Body Paragraph 1

You will need to start your first sentence with a transition. Then, you must state your point as well as your first reason in your thesis statement.

First, Taco Bell is the best because the service is fast.

TRANSITION + CLAIM + REASON 1 =Opening line of Body Paragraph 1.

Write your opening line now using your Timed Write prompt!

Example: “First, (NAME OF HERO) is the most heroic because REASON 1.”

Quote Placement & Format

Following your opening line, you will include your quote from the text that backs up your reason #1 that you are discussing in Body Paragraph 1. Make sure your quote effectively supports your statement.

Remember to correctly cite the author and the page number in your quote:

Sandars writes, “The hero Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is two-thirds a god and one-third a man” (35). Notice the parenthesis and the period placement.

Remember, if you’re using Noah, you will use The King James Bible as your “author,” because we don’t have one.

Find your first quote that backs up your first reason for your second line of Body Paragraph 1. Write it down and make sure it is formatted correctly!

Quote AnalysisFollowing your quote, you need to effectively ANALYZE HOW THAT QUOTE BACKS UP WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.

You cannot just leave a quote floating there and expect the reader to know how it fits in with what you are saying. Even if it’s obvious, you need to DIRECTLY STATE how it supports your claim.

Generally, you need at least 2-3 sentences of analysis to back up each one of your quotes. This is what makes up the core of your body paragraph. Don’t just summarize the quote. Tell me HOW it backs up what you’re saying.

Now, write 2-3 sentences explaining how your quote supports the claim that your hero is a survivor because of REASON 1.

Remember, you need 5 sentences to complete your paragraph.

Move on to Body 2!

Remember, begin with a TRANSITION WORD OR PHRASE as well as restating your THESIS with REASON 2.

Next, place your QUOTE correctly and cite the author and page number.

Then, ANALYZE your quote in 3 sentences or more supporting your claim as to why your hero is the most heroic based on your REASON 2 from your THESIS.

Remember, you need 5 sentences to have a complete paragraph.

Body 3!Remember, begin with a TRANSITION WORD OR PHRASE as well as restating your THESIS with REASON 3.

Next, place your QUOTE correctly and cite it correctly.

Then, ANALYZE your quote in 3 sentences or more supporting your claim as to why Gilgamesh or Noah is the most heroic based on your REASON 3 from your THESIS.

Remember, you need at least 5 sentences to have a complete paragraph.

Body 4: The Concession Paragraph

In this paragraph, your job is to discredit the other hero that you choose.

You need to bring in a transition, and then restate your claim.

Next, you must put together evidence against your hero in order to show how they are less heroic than the hero you have selected. This will require text evidence and analysis again.

Try to think about the best argument the other side can make in favor of their hero, and what you can say to discredit them.

Remember, each paragraph must be 5 sentences long to count!

The ConclusionConclusions are just as important as introductions. The conclusion closes the essay and tries to close the issue. The aim is to convince the reader that your essay has covered all the most important arguments about the issue and that your claim is the best.

The conclusion can be done in four simple steps…

1. Transition+ Restate the Thesis

2. Refutation sentence: Discredit the other side

3. Lead-out

4. Concluding Remark

Again, you need 5 sentences to have a complete paragraph.

Transition+Restate the Thesis

A good transition to start with: In conclusion, (As you become a better writer, you can get more creative with your transitions).

Restate the thesis: This is where you remind the reader of your argument, as well as your three reasons why.

Ex. TRANSITION, (NAME) is a true hero because REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3.

Ex. In conclusion, (NAME) is more heroic because REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3.


Discredit the Other Side/Refute

You will need one sentence in your conclusion that will discredit the other “hero” that you didn’t choose to write about.

This is important because it is key in showing why your argument is the best.

What can you say to show that your hero is better than the other choice?

You need 1-2 sentences in your conclusion to serve as your refutation of the other side of your argument.

So, if you picked Gilgamesh, why is he better than Noah? If you picked Noah, why is he more heroic than Gilgamesh? Explain.

Lead-OutThe next 1-2 sentences should lead out to the final, concluding remark.

You can use these sentences to go over key points about each of the body paragraphs. These sentences should, of course, contain words that are different from those used in the actual body paragraphs.

You are saying the same thing, but using different words to keep it from being boring!

What can you say about Gilgamesh (or Noah) in different words that reveal what a true hero he is? You can also discuss the resolution of the story and how that proves your point in the lead out.

Write yours now!

Concluding SentenceThis should be final, conclusive, and leave the reader thinking about your topic. This is your last chance to convince them!

For my Taco Bell example, “The next time you are in town, do not hesitate to eat at Taco Bell, because no other restaurant can compare.”

Leave the reader with a final statement that clearly sums up the paper and brings it to a strong close.

What can you say to conclude your paper about Gilgamesh/Noah and being heroic?

Write yours now!

Things to Avoid…

Try not to directly state your opinion. Avoid phrase like….

"In this essay, I will talk about…”

"I think that smoking is bad for you because"(rather, simply state "Smoking is bad for you because…")

"In conclusion, my essay proves…"

In other words, NO, “Me, I, My, I think, I feel, My essay, etc.”

BE CONFIDENT. “I think” and “I feel” show that you are possibly the only person that feels this way. It’s not, “I think” it just “IS.”

Final Steps: Self Check!• Capitalization: re-read your essay and make

sure that all letters that should be capitalized are, and those that should not be capitalized are not.

• Organization: re-read your essay and ask yourself the following questions: Does my essay have a strong opener? Is that opener followed by a lead-in, and then by a well-constructed thesis statement? Have I clearly stated my points in each body paragraph? Have I restated my thesis statement in my conclusion paragraph and ended my essay with a thought-provoking remark?

• Punctuation: again, re-read your essay and make sure all of your punctuation is correct.

• Spelling: re-read the essay and make sure all spelling is correct.

Write Your Final Draft!

If you followed each of the steps, you should have a rough draft finished, edited, and ready to turn into your final.

Read through your complete paper at least 3 times to check for any errors or awkward phrasing.

Have a classmate peer edit your paper and read through for any mistakes you may not have caught.

We will have a chance to type final drafts and submit them via.