Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.”...

Coach Training Success Blueprint © 2011 All rights reserved. [email protected] 1 The Manifestation Mindset

Transcript of Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.”...

Page 1: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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The Manifestation Mindset

Page 2: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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The Power of a Positive Thinking and Attitude

“If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right either way.” –Henry Ford

Deciding to have a positive attitude helps you solve problems better and see opportunities you would have otherwise missed.

In other words, it’s not that people are happy or grateful because of outside circumstance or opportunities, they get those opportunities because of their mental attitude.

When someone depends on external circumstances for happiness, it is like riding a roller coaster of extreme highs and lows. That happiness is an illusion-it’s not real. True happiness always comes within first.

Some people are naturally born more positive than others, but anyone who wants to can learn to be positive (and retrain their brain).

The right mental attitude can help you manifest dreams into reality.

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation may go by many names. One buzz word is “the law of attraction.” Basically, when we say “manifestation” we are talking about the simplest way to get what you want in life. Manifestation is being in the “flow” of getting what you want. You don’t feel like you are swimming upstream. This doesn’t mean the process won’t require hard work.

Page 3: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Manifestation, or the law of attraction, may seem woo-woo or like “magic” to some people, and thus may turn people off. However, it is really more science than magic.

Some law of attraction teachers may do society an injustice by making it seem more esoteric than it really is. Attraction philosophies get discredited when teachers say “like attracts like” (like doesn’t attract like-put the like ends of 2 magnets together and see what happens).

Put simply, when you have a good attitude and believe things are going to work out in your favor, you simply see opportunities that otherwise you wouldn’t have seen.

For spiritual people there is definitely a God component involved. If you are a believer in a higher power, then of course it’s easy to connect attraction with blessings, answered prayers, and God.

However, even agnostics or atheists who don’t consider themselves to have a relationship with God can benefit. Anyone who keeps a positive attitude will naturally see more opportunities than those who don’t. Studies have shown that people with positive attitudes perceive even “bad” situations as opportunities while their negative counterparts do not.

Steps to manifestation:

1. Decide what you want a. Be specific b. Keep it general-don’t worry about the how

Page 4: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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c. If you don’t know what you want ask what it is you are supposed to do and PLAY while figuring it out

d. It’s okay if what you want changes 2. Take the next best action

a. You may only know one step at a time b. Hold the vision

3. Act like a kid on Christmas Eve a. Great things are coming b. “Raise your vibration” c. Play d. Do fun things that feed your soul e. Use “Happy Hour” techniques f. Be mindful of the foods you eat g. Get enough sleep h. Use EFT i. Be mindful of what goes in your ears and eyes j. Dance k. Listen to positive music l. Jump on a mini trampoline m. When you experience pain and hardships try to see the

lessons, value, and opportunities n. Look for what’s not on the radar


Using visualization is of the upmost importance in achieving goals. It is what keeps you going when the going gets tough. Spend time each morning and evening visualizing what it is you desire. Take clients through visualization exercises and meditations. Hold the vision for them!

Page 5: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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“The most important opinion you have is the opinion you have of yourself, and the most important conversation you will ever have are the conversations you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar

Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem. We can all benefit to work on our self-esteem, and some clients will be worse than others. In this module we will discuss ways to help a client increase his self-esteem.

Self-esteem is an overall summary of how a person views his own worth in the world. Self-esteem is critical in achieving goals and living your best life. Self-esteem is comprised of a combination of beliefs (I am...bad, sad, great, happy, etc.) and emotions (pride, guilt, shame, etc.).

When a person’s self-esteem is super low, he may not even have a clue what he wants out of life, who he is, what he wants to achieve, or anything else about himself. It is crucial to raise a client’s self-esteem so that he can get to know himself.

When you have a healthy self-esteem you know yourself and it is easier to know what you want out of life. This leads to having more motivation, not being able to get depressed or discouraged as easily, not letting other people sway or affect you, and standing up for your own beliefs (or simply knowing what those beliefs are).

Page 6: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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It is not hard to see how having a healthy self-esteem makes it easier to find your purpose, passions, and make better decisions.

25 ways to increase self-esteem:

1. Affirmations

2. Being Creative

3. Doing something you are good at

4. Exercising (releases good endorphins and speeds up the “feeling” part)

5. Socializing with positive influences

6. Being mindful and aware (more in a later module)

7. Meditating and/or praying

8. Learning something new that’s just yours

9. Doing something for yourself everyday

10. Calling an old buddy

11. Starting back an abandoned hobby that you loved

12. Doing things that make you feel attractive (dressing well, getting your hair done, putting on makeup, etc.)

13. Getting rid of people in your life that tell you that you “can’t” or that things are impossible.

14. Knowing who you are and exploring your passions

15. Sticking up for yourself

Page 7: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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16. Looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself you love you!

17. Eliminating worrying about the future and dwelling on the past as much as possible and instead spending time visioning your ideal life.

18. Sending yourself flowers and love notes in the mail.

19. Watching movies and doing things that make you laugh!

20. Going back to school or taking night classes to learn new things that interest you.

21. Practicing not gossiping about others and only saying good things.

22. Not complaining.

23. Not watching or reading the news; and at the very least limiting your exposure.

24. Being grateful.

25. Smiling.

Setting Personal Boundaries

Setting personal boundaries is also a great way to increase self-esteem.

Setting appropriate boundaries in your personal life will give you more time to relax and rejuvenate yourself and will thus put you into the best frame of mind when dealing with others.

Page 8: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Many clients have problems setting boundaries. Setting boundaries is an important step to self-fulfillment as it allows for more time for the client to grow as an individual.

Many clients will feel guilty at the thought of taking more time for themselves and setting boundaries in their life.

The bottom line is: If clients take time for themselves, they will be in a better frame of mind when dealing with others and will have more reserves to give.

To make the importance of setting personal boundaries clear, you may want to refer to the example of plane conduct:

If the oxygen masks are needed and released from the overhead compartment, before you put one on your child, you must first put one on yourself so that you will be conscious enough to help those around you.

If your client continues to ignore his and their needs, then his job, children, spouse and friends will suffer.

The people in your client’s life will feel your client’s sense of being overwhelmed and stressed and he will inevitably deal with the fall out of that.

On the other hand, if your client spends an hour everyday exercising, meditating or reading, then he will be in a much more peaceful state of mind in which to deal and interact with others throughout the day.

Page 9: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Beliefs, NLP, and Self-Talk

The first objective in increasing self-esteem is to identify and change any incorrect beliefs and to let go of beliefs that are not serving you.

“Don’t believe everything you think.” –Wayne Dyer

Often clients will have beliefs that are not serving them that go way back. Typically those beliefs have to do with what they were told by parents, teachers, the community in which they were raised, the culture and religion to which they belonged, etc.

As a coach you can challenge these beliefs to create new awareness.


Client: I have always wanted to be a doctor, but I can’t become a doctor.

Coach: What makes you say you can’t be a doctor?

Client: Well I’m already in my thirties, plus I’m a girl.

Coach: I’ve heard of people in their fifties going back to medical school, and now women outnumber men in medical school. Knowing that information, what makes you think you can’t be a doctor?

Client: Gosh, I don’t know, I suppose I was always raised to think women aren’t supposed to be doctors, they are supposed to take care of the household.

Page 10: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Challenging one’s beliefs is a good thing because if you have never had your beliefs challenged before, it is likely you do not know “why” you think the way you do. You simply think one way about something and do not think outside the box.

Simply creating awareness around an incorrect belief may be all it takes to offer a new perspective to your client.

Other times, changing incorrect and limiting beliefs will be much more difficult. This is especially true when the belief will still affect or “disappoint” someone important in the client’s life today.

For example, if you have a client who wants to make (and keep) more money, you may question or challenge her beliefs about money.

Soon you will discover that though your client makes a good amount of money; she cannot seem to keep much of it and does not have a lot to show for the money she makes.

After challenging her beliefs, you will have discovered that she was brought up in poverty and was taught that only poor people get into heaven and rich people are mean and bad.

This belief comes from her parents (who are still alive), and the religion she was raised in.

It is no wonder she cannot seem to hold on to money or get ahead financially!

Page 11: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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But, if she were to change her beliefs, she would be potentially sacrificing her parents’ acceptance and love for what she truly desires (more money and freedom).

It is not difficult to see how when one has a dilemma such as this, he must develop tremendous self-esteem and strong new beliefs in order to achieve his goals.

Sometimes it is helpful to identify the source of the limiting belief because as we evolve as adults, we realize that some sources may not have been as valid or superior as we once thought.

When this is the case, it often speeds up the belief changing process.

Sometimes clients’ “beliefs” do not reflect their real beliefs or values at all; this can lead to being unhappy and unfulfilled later in life, as in the case of a career choice.

Example: A person’s family was full of lawyers, and a child grew up thinking he had to be a lawyer in order to be successful when he really was a brilliant artist. 20 years and law school later, he is a “successful” lawyer that is unfulfilled and not happy in his career.

So, how do you go about changing your beliefs?

Self-talk and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

Once you create awareness about a belief, and identify the source of the belief (if necessary), you must change the client’s self-talk.

Page 12: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Self-talk is simply how we see, think, feel, and talk about ourselves. What are we telling ourselves? That we are fat, skinny, pretty, ugly, smart, dumb, etc.?

Self-talk is what forms our beliefs; thus, our self-esteem.

Negative self-talk creates negative self-worth and as a result: less-than-average life circumstances occur because outside circumstances are simply a reflection of how you view yourself.

On the other hand, positive self-talk leads to positive self-worth and better-than-average life circumstances.

Changing negative and limiting beliefs begins with replacing negative self-talk with positive self-talk.

If you do not address a self-esteem issue with a client, he will continue to (sometimes unconsciously) attract the same situations and problems to his life.

How to Use Positive Self-Talk and NLP:

"I Am that I Am." -Exodus 3:14

"The words "I Am" are potent words. Be careful what you hitch them to. The thing that you are "claiming" has a way of reaching back and claiming you." -A.L. Kitselman

Whatever you tell yourself that you are, you are. If you’ve heard that you are not good enough from someone else (especially a spouse, parent, teacher, etc.), it is even easier to tell yourself that you are that thing which they said.

Page 13: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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It works like this:

Thoughts become feelings (emotions), which then indicate how you act.


Your thoughts literally manifest into the physical world. You better be careful what you are thinking about!

In the book, “A Happy Pocketful of Money,” the author talks about how scientists have even discovered that during double-blind tests, their thoughts STILL affect the outcome and results of tests they conduct.

Thoughts and your subconscious:

The word “subconscious” is used in many different contexts, and it is difficult to define it. It is usually used to describe that which is other than your “conscious” mind.

Some people think of the subconscious as just some other part of the mind, but in actuality, it is also the parts of you that store emotions and feelings: your heart and your energy body.

The subconscious becomes programmed after the conscious mind thinks a thought. Thoughts become feelings.

As a result, how you feel will dictate your actions.

If you have been told that dancing is bad, you would “feel” that dancing is bad and experience emotions and feelings to confirm that. This would probably lead to your either not going to a dance or acting very uncomfortable at a dance.

Page 14: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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On the other hand, you may rebel and act wild and crazy at a dance. Either way, your thoughts have created feelings that have led to your actions.

To reprogram the subconscious or change the feelings we have about a thought or belief, we must replace our thoughts with positive self-talk and NLP.

Basically, you are telling yourself your new belief over and over until it reprograms your feelings about the new belief.

Then, your feelings cause new and different actions, which will improve the quality of your life.

To do this, use positive affirmations.


Incorrect belief (IB):

I am so heavy; I need to lose 25 pounds.

New belief:

I am slim, trim, and healthy. I am 135 pounds.

If someone is heavy, they will only feel heavier if they tell themselves they are fat and need to lose weight. This is negative self-talk and leads to negative actions like overeating and not exercising. “Weight” does not have a positive connotation, so it is best to exclude that word completely in the positive affirmation and new belief.

On the other hand, should a client say she is slim, trim, healthy, and 135 pounds, this would make her feel that way, and she would make better choices to promote this new

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belief; therefore, the client’s new belief would become her new reality.


This material is so tough; I will never finish nursing school!


I am smart. I am a nurse.


I will never get married; there is no one out there for me, and every guy I meet is a jerk!


I only meet nice people who have the best intentions for me.


I hate the way I look.


I am beautiful.


I never have enough time.


Everything always works out perfectly and I have more than enough time.

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I can’t believe my rent is already due again; there is never enough money!


I always have more than enough money to pay my rent.

Essentially, affirmations and positive self-talk retrain your brain and subconscious.

Affirmations are always in the PRESENT tense, never past or future.

Guidelines for affirmations:

They must be positive.

They must be in present tense (even if you are not a nurse yet, you state that you ARE that which you want to become).

They should each be repeated three times in a row.

You should have the client read them aloud while looking in the mirror at least twice each day (before going to bed and right when waking up are best).

You can combine the affirmations with journaling for even greater and faster benefits.

They can be put on sticky notes and put up around the household: on mirrors, in the car, at your desk, on the refrigerator, on the ceiling above the bed, etc.

Affirmations feel uncomfortable at first, but when repeated enough will become a habit (also see the habit module), and

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eventually a new belief and feeling which leads to new actions.

It is fine if you do not “believe” affirmations at first or even feel silly repeating them.

Keep it up, and you will not only believe them: you will be them!

Help your client come up with affirmations and also teach him how to use affirmations correctly so he can create them in times of worry or stress.

Affirmations work great as homework/requests/assignments for the week.

Have your clients take note of the negative self-talk they automatically use throughout the day (I can’t, I won’t, I’m not, etc.) and correct those with positive self-talk.

When saying affirmations, “feeling” them and seeing them with your “mind’s eye” as much as possible will accelerate their success!

Whatever you think, you become.

“Conceive. Believe. Achieve.” –Napolean Hill, Think and Grow Rich

If you tell yourself you are broke, you become broke.

If you tell yourself you can’t, you can’t.

If you tell yourself positive things: that you are that which you wish to become, your self-esteem increases and your positive thoughts manifest a positive new reality.

Page 18: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right either way.” –Henry Ford


Journaling can be a powerful tool to use for affirmations.

Writing has the power to “sink in” faster than merely saying or hearing something does. You probably remember this from school when you would re-write notes just once: you would know the information better than if you had read the notes ten times.

The same rules apply to writing affirmations that apply to saying them.

A few tips:

• Have clients purchase a special notebook for affirmations.

• Have the notebook be pretty, fancy, and visually stimulating to the client.

• Combine the affirmations with gratitude for even more power and benefit. Example: I am slim, trim and healthy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

• Write the affirmations at least three times each.

• Skip lines for a feeling of abundance rather than constriction.

• Your clients can journal in the morning and before they go to bed for five minutes each and read the affirmations in the mirror during the middle of the day.

Page 19: Module 5 Manifestation Mindset - iCoach University · 2014-01-09 · you have with yourself.” –Zig Ziglar Inevitably, you will come across clients who have less than stellar self-esteem.

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Enlightenment, Living in the Moment, and Happiness

Important Definitions

Enlightenment: Awareness, understanding.

Mindfulness: Being fully present in the moment, living “in the now”. Paying attention to what you are doing, not thinking about what you should be doing next.

Benefits to Living in the Moment

When the mind is truly at peace (which it will be with enough practice at paying attention to what you are doing and not thinking about what you should be doing next), you will experience peace and benefits.

The Simple Power of Mindfulness:

Choose to pursue goals that are attached to who you really are, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to serve.

Attached to those goals will come true success that you desire.

And with it, as a by-product of living in the moment, will also come the wealth. With this new attitude of living-in-the-moment, you will create better products and services (whatever it is you do) and have a better and more successful time at life.

Being mindful and living in the moment can be the first step in self-discovery: Who am I and why am I here? It can also put things into perspective and help you figure out what is really important.

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In addition, mindfulness helps you be more productive and live a better, quality of life.

Get the IMPORTANT things done and do not waste your time doing things you should not have been doing in the first place. You can get off the hamster wheel.

Mind on task = better product = more success.

Tips for living in the moment and being present:

1. Meditate

Meditation is not complicated or just for people of a certain religion.

Simply being still for five minutes and concentrating on your breathing can reduce stress, relax you, and help you be more in the present moment.

Breathe in from your nose while expanding your belly (not from your chest) for 6 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts, and exhale through your mouth for 6 counts. Repeat as desired.

Deep breathing meditations have been shown to reduce blood pressure, increase antioxidant levels in your blood, and decrease stress hormone levels.

If your mind wanders, no worries: just bring it back to the breath.

Repeating this simple meditative breathing exercise 3-6 times, twice per day (or whenever stressed) can be perfect for your clients who do not have the time or desire to devote to more drastic or time consuming forms of meditation or

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relaxation (remember the 80/20 rule-small changes that are easy to stick to and can make a BIG difference).

Once someone experiences how major the benefits can be of such a simple exercise, it may be enough to motivate them to do more.

2. Walking or jogging

For some people who are used to being super busy all the time, even sitting for five minutes can be a challenge. A meditative walk or jog is perfect for this type of person.

Remember though, it is a MEDITATIVE walk or jog: no phone, no television, and no distracting music (soft background music can help with meditation).

The point is to quiet the mind. Being outdoors in nature is best.

While moving, pay attention to each step of your foot rolling on the pavement or your breath instead of thinking about past or future experiences. This is what makes a meditative walk or jog different from exercising and trains you to be present.

3. Yoga/Tai Chi/Qigong

These physical practices are another good solution for practicing being in the present moment. They can also be great for those who like to be moving. Remember that for a busy novice, committing to a brand new activity for several hours a week will be harder than committing to simple breathing exercises.

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4. Chores

While doing simple household chores like laundry, cleaning, or yard work, you can practice keeping your mind in the present instead of letting it stray.

5. Doing one thing at a time.

Eliminating most forms of multitasking is beneficial. If you are writing a report, only write a report. If you are watching television, do just that.

We are conditioned to having several things going on at once: cooking while talking to our mom on the phone while watching our favorite sitcom. We are over stimulated.

Try doing only one thing at a time. Once you get used to this, it will drive you crazy to be bombarded with distractions, and you will be more productive (and calm).

If possible, turn your phone and email off when you are working to eliminate distractions even further; if needed, check them periodically in between tasks.

6. Prayer and Spiritual Work

Prayer and spiritual practices can also help you be in the moment. Having a connection to God, your higher self, the Universe, Spirit, or whatever YOUR word is for God will also reduce anxiety and help you be more in the moment.

It is important to note that when you are forced or feel like you HAVE to participate in practices, they do not offer the same benefits.

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Participate in spiritual practices that you WANT to, not because you think you should or HAVE to.


What is happiness?

Happiness is more than just an emotion or state of mind.

Happiness is truly a state of being.

Happiness comes from within. It’s not something you can “find” through surroundings and external factors alone.

Many people think that happiness comes as a result of outside circumstances: When I get a promotion, I’ll be happy. When I make more money, I’ll be happy. When I have a child, I’ll be happy; etc.

If you are not truly happy before you experience outside circumstances, the outside circumstances are just a mask of happiness that are usually temporary.

Likewise, when you truly have happiness from within yourself, outside circumstances do not make you suddenly unhappy. It is a more stable way to live.

We all know people who are not “happy” unless something major is going on in their life: they have a new relationship, a new job, are planning their next trip, etc.

They often go from job to job or relationship to relationship because it is never quite as fulfilling as they expected it to be. They are searching for an outside circumstance to make them happy, and that happiness never comes.

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True happiness comes from within.

Happy and non-happy people come in all economic groups and have many different jobs. In the show “Undercover Boss” that premiered in 2010, highlighted were some workers who were truly happy with their jobs.

Two of the job scenarios were: the man that cleans port-a-potties and a garbage man.

The men from these jobs were always happy and gave outstanding customer service. They loved life and found pleasure in just being alive and were always taking pride in their jobs. They made their jobs fun and were happy while performing them.

There is probably no one on Earth that would agree being elbows deep in human waste everyday actually MAKES you happy. The man CHOSE to be happy at his job. This is just one example of how happiness comes from within.

There are people with seemingly bad jobs that are happy and there are people who seem to have great jobs making great money who are not happy.

The problem is that when your happiness does not come from within, you are left at the mercy of your surroundings and other people. If something great happens, you are on top of the world; on the contrary, if something bad happens you are on the floor.

Your happiness goal with clients is to take them from a roller coaster of ups and downs to more of a steady line. Sure

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there will be bumps in the road, but the peaks and valleys are not as severe.

You accomplish this by helping them find happiness within.

Note: Remember that as a coach, you are not qualified to treat chemical imbalances and personality disorders (unless you are qualified from a previous background or are qualified in your state or area).

Coaching may complement therapy, but if you suspect a client has clinical depression or psychological issues that you are not trained to deal with, refer the client to a therapist for an evaluation.

The Emotional Scale

Below is the emotional scale as described in the book, “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther Hicks.

Each emotion we have comes with its own vibration. The higher you are on the scale, the higher you are vibrating.

The lower you are on the scale, the lower you are vibrating.

Higher emotions and vibrations are closer to our true selves and God (Spirit, Source, insert your word here, etc.).

They are the emotions that you experience when you are being in your full power.

When you make choices and live life from the higher vibrations on the chart, it is better for you and the world as a whole. These are the vibrations of starting a business for the right reasons, having your heart in the right place when you

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adopt a child, or starting a foundation to help a group close to your heart.

Choices you make while in lower vibratory states tend not to be good choices for you or the world as a whole. Choices you make from fear and doubt take you even further away from your true self and the person you are meant to be.

For those who are brand new to this idea of vibrational emotional states, it can seem a little far-fetched or woo-woo.

Really, it is not that far-fetched. Whenever you are unsure about something or need to make a big decision, you probably think about it, pray about it, meditate on it, exercise, and/or get a good night’s sleep before making a final decision.

All the things that “clear our heads” or bring “clarity” are helping us get closer to God, be in our true selves, and raise our vibrational frequency.

Physical needs such as food, exercise, and sleep (each in appropriate doses) help raise our vibrational frequency because it is difficult to be at our best when we are not in a good place physically.

If you have ever become ill or had the flu, you probably understand that.

How the scale works is that you (or your client) identify where you currently fall on the scale.

Let us say you are at #15: blame. It’s hard, if not downright impossible, to go from blame to #1: Joy.

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In fact, if you try, you can end up experiencing those emotional highs and lows that we talked about earlier on the roller coaster.

Instead, you simply try to increase your place on the scale by 1 place. Instead of trying to aim for a #1, you aim for #14, Worry. Worry is definitely not a good emotion, but it is definitely better than blame.

Ask yourself, “Can I feel worry instead of blame?”

Chances are you probably can with a little effort. Then you can slide up the emotional scale.

This is much easier and realistic than jumping from a #22, fear, to joy. You are making small improvements that are easier to stick with.

Using this exercise will help your clients (and you) be in the best emotional and vibrational state possible.

The emotional scale:

1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowered/Freedom/Love/Appreciation

2. Passion

3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness

4. Positive Expectation/Belief

5. Optimism

6. Hopefulness

7. Contentment

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8. Boredom

9. Pessimism

10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience

11. Overwhelm

12. Disappointment

13. Doubt

14. Worry

15. Blame

16. Discouragement

17. Anger

18. Revenge

19. Hatred/Rage

20. Jealousy

21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness

22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

Just reading the different emotions probably brings certain feelings to mind. Reading the higher states of passion, joy, and love probably makes your heart feel full, and you are likely to feel much lighter. You can almost be taken back to a state where you were so happy and fulfilled your heart almost burst.

Likewise, when you read the emotions like rage, hate, grief, and anger, your heart probably feels sad leaving you feeling heavy.

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You may even go back to a time when you experienced these emotions. Your shoulders may slump and you may feel like your legs are made of bricks.

This is a prime example of how the vibratory emotional scale works.


Grateful and Happy

“Psychologist Robert Emmons, who has spent nearly his entire career studying gratitude, has found that few things in life are as integral to our well being. Countless other studies have shown that consistently grateful people are more energetic, emotionally intelligent, forgiving, and less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely. And it’s not that people are only grateful because they are happy, either; gratitude has proven to be a significant cause of positive outcomes. When researches pick random volunteers and train them to be more grateful over a period of a few weeks, they become happier and more optimistic, feel more socially connected, enjoy better quality sleep, and even experience fewer headaches than control groups.”

Excerpt from “The Happiness Advantage”

Gratitude is the combination of love and appreciation experienced at the same time. This emotion would be a #1 on the vibrational scale and is a very powerful state of being.

Gratitude can be a tool in helping your clients climb the emotional scale and achieve a happier state of being.

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Typically, even at the grimmest of times, you can find SOMETHING to be grateful for: family, your health, a pet, etc.

Listing things one is grateful for is a great exercise for clients at all states of the emotional scale.

Being thankful catapults your success even faster. Have clients list twenty things they are thankful for and let them read it before bed, upon waking up, and any other time they feel is useful.

Gratitude and Affirmations

If you want to skyrocket the success of your affirmations, combine them with gratitude.


Before: I always have more than enough money for my easily affordable car payment.

After: Thank you for my easily affordable car. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Before: I am slim, trim, and healthy.

After: Thank you for my slim, trim, and healthy body. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Writing and pronouncing gratitude affirmation statements helps raise your vibrational state.

Remember that when using affirmations, you want to feel the statements you are saying or writing. If you do not truly “feel”

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them yet, practice feeling the way you would feel if they were true.

How would someone who was slim, trim, and healthy feel? Your brain does not know the difference. In other words, fake it til’ you make it!

Tip: Be on the lookout for opportunities hidden in seemingly bad circumstances.


If you decide you want a new car and start using gratitude affirmations, your old car may break down, forcing you to buy a new one.

If you want a new job or you want to start a new business, something may happen to your old job to force you into your new reality.

Sometimes things have to shake up and rearrange to allow space for growth and new beginnings.

Make sure your clients are aware of this as they start encountering what they think are rough spots along the way.


Visioning is another super powerful tool to use when helping clients achieve their goals. In order to get them motivated and excited about stepping into their new life, you can recommend they create a “vision board” or “ vision book.”

A vision board can be created with a piece of foam or poster board and a vision book can be created using any notebook or journal.

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Some people prefer boards because it can be the main focus in a room and can be seen easily and often, while others prefer vision books because they are discrete and transportable.

Either way, to create a vision book or board, you can go through magazines, books, or the Internet to find pictures that inspire you.

Having a picture of your ideal house, job, car, and pictures to represent your goals are just a few suggestions.

You can also add positive phrases, words, and affirmations to your vision board or book.

This can be a fun homework/request exercise for a client and can help him see himself achieving goals.


Sometimes people use their unhappy situations as motivation to accomplish things and change their surroundings.

While this is a perfectly acceptable response to certain conditions (and better than staying in a situation you do not want to be in), it’s important to note that it is possible to be happy and be motivated.

At first glance, you might wonder, “If I am truly happy now, then why would I want to achieve more?” It is possible to be happy in the moment and still be motivated to do other things.

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This is the classic case of being motivated enough to take the trip, but being happy on the journey even before you arrive at your destination (enjoying the ride).

An example would be someone who is going back to school.

Obviously, the person wants to achieve a goal and earn a degree, but can the person enjoy the process and be happy?

If someone cannot “enjoy the ride,” chances are the destination will not make them truly happy for very long.

What do the following books have in common?

“The Power of Positive Thinking” Norman Vincent Peale

“As a Man Thinketh” James Allen

“Think and Grow Rich” Napolean Hill

“The Strangest Secret” Earl Nightingale

“It Works” RHJ

“The Secret” Rhonda Byrne

“The Magic of Believing” Claude M. Bristol

The books listed above were written anywhere from the late 1800s to present day. What do they have in common? They all affirm the concept that your attitude is the “secret” to success.

They also talk about how in order to get something, you must have a hungry and burning desire to change. Napolean Hill refers to this as a “burning desire” and emphasizes how

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different a burning desire is from just a want. It’s something you are willing to work for-an obsession of sorts.

Therefore, getting clear on what you TRULY desire is essential. Discovering true desires may be easier said than done and is one of the biggest reasons clients may not succeed-they don’t want it badly enough.

In “It Works” by RHJ he outlines a simple, but powerful, regimen for getting what you want.

1. List your desires 2. Revise it often to become more and more clear about

what you really want 3. Look at it 3 times per day- morning, noon, and evening 4. Don’t talk to anyone about it

Ooohhmwork Assignments:

1. Listen to the manifestation and EFT lectures in your student center

2. Practice the desire exercise listed above from “It Works” for one week and journal about your experiences.