Module 3.3- Minecraft & Scratch

Module #3 Minecra/ & Scratch


Educación virtual en la actualidad, recopilación de la especialización que cursé en esta modalidad este año.

Transcript of Module 3.3- Minecraft & Scratch

Module #3 Mlnecra & ScraLch Lesson Cb[ecnves: 1.Lxplore Lhe use of Mlnecra and ScraLch ln k12 vlrLual educauon. What |s M|necrah? Launched ln 2009 Sold 20 mllllon+ coples Coal- bulld anyLhlng you can lmaglne Modled verslon 1eacher wlkl Class/school prlvaLe spaces lree opuons!Start w|th a random|y-generated terra|n. Create bu||d|ngs and |tems w|th raw mater|a|s around you. At n|ght, fend o a|| sorts of creatures (w|th no b|ood or gore). And create. Impact on your teach|ng? Lessons: 1eamwork Conservauon PlsLory Ceography MaLh Lngllsh lllm-maklng What |s Scratch? Launched ln 2007 (Ml1) rogrammlng language (greaL for young sLudenLs) Coal- creaLe lnLeracuve sLorles, slmulauons, muslc, arL, and games lree! Start a new pro[ect. Add a movement. And add more and more and more. Impact on your teach|ng? Lessons: 8aslc (and advanced) programmlng Language ArL Muslc 1echnology Cha||enges: lamlllarlLy lay vs. learnlng lannlng Managlng Lhe unexpecLed SLaylng on Lask App|y & keect As a Leacher of sLudenLs ages 7 Lo 10, you are lnLeresLed ln uslng ScraLch Lo supporL an arL lesson. Pow mlghL you do Lhls? WhaL challenges mlghL you run lnLo?