Module 2 Virtual

Joel Madeira Student no 563013 Semester 2/2012 Group 13 Module 2


563013_ Module 2 Virtual

Transcript of Module 2 Virtual

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Joel Madeira Student no 563013 Semester 2/2012 Group 13

Module 2

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Final Models

Simplifying the form from module 1 was the key aspect in order to be digital-ized my lantern intro real life model. I’ve basically finalized to place my lan-tern at my right arm, the model would begin from my palms and extend all the way around the shoulder.

The models presented are different structure but same idea. I explored the idea or concept of airflow. I liked the lifespan of the airflow, where at the bottom smoke would be the heaviest and while gradually going up it starts to spread and losen up.

To make my model, i’ve decided to start from a basic shape first and through paneling tools to achieve what i wanted to get.

Fig 1 Fig 2

Fig 3

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Since i wanted to create the form or behavior of airflow, the spreading of air: concetrated air from the bottom and slowly spreading air from the above. Digitilizing the concept into the model would be hard, hence after discussing with the tu-tor, the best way would be developing the shape of a cone first and then create the pattern of air-flows.

Fig 1 shows the contours lines on my model. All contours are 0.55mm apart from each other, the lines were drawn in order to dissect into pieces so it can be traced into Rhino 3d. Fig 2 & 3 demon-strates how the model is chopped up into many pieces and to be digitalized for in Rhino.

Fig 1.

Fig 2. Fig 3

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By following the steps carefully, using commands of interpcurve and mov-ing curves vertically from one another, I’ve developed the 3D model. Each of them are 5cm apart of each other. Afterwards, the model has been loft and has created the design what i initially wanted to do. The images are the 3D models created by loft. All these images are from different perspective, from wireframe and shaded. Different perspective may show different strucutre of the model.

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Rendered Model

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Paneling Tools 2D Experimentation

I experimented with various types of shapes, generally 2D shapes such as triangles, squares, diamonds and arrow shape just to test out the design and patterns it might generate. I liked the diamond and arrow shape the most since it creates twist and turns which emphasizes my concept of airflow. However, bearing in mind that even though the computer can generate patterns that rebels physics. The favored patterns might not be able to fabricate since it’s full of corners, it would be very difficult to connect all the parts together as a model. Also, I must be aware of the project, since it’s a lantern I need to create gaps or space in order for the light to shine out of the design. Furthermore, I need to focus more on the meaning and the visual of the design as well.

Basic 2D Box Paneling Custom 2D Triangle Paneling Basic 2D Angelbox Paneling Basic 2D Box Paneling

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Precedents- Pattern Searching

MATSYS is a workshop that explores material systems through a design process analogue and digital modeling techniques. The workshop intro-duced students to various physical form-finding techniques that investi-gate and simulate the interrelatedness of material, structure, and form. Digitize the module is very useful in order to transform my module in to a real piece of item. Since it is produced by paper, it needs to be perfectly calculated with the assist of CAD system. This was also mentioned in the Scheurer & Stehling’s reading. Without CAD, models may not be as pre-cise and may lead to failure since paper is already very fragile.

Fig 1.1

These patterns are all generated through com-puter. It saves numerous of time and also does not waste much material since the computer calculates the geometry and the shape of the model very carefully. It also allows users to easily modify the design. All these patterns should be investigated and it might be able to be incor-porated into my latern.

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

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Further 2D Experimentation

I tried the offset border command and I find it very interesting as it suited my design very well. I liked Fig 2 the best since it really stands out and emphasized the twist of the model. Not only does this design show gradual change, but the base and the spiral shows great contrast. Also, with pat-terned holes above, LED lights may be implanted in order for light to be placed. Fin edge was used also however i did not like the design very much as it was too plain and would not fit my design.

Fig 2Fig 1 Fig 3

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In comparison to the 2D panels, 3d paneling is a lot more complicated since it’s bigger and has volume on it. The default 3D paneling was been tested (box, pyra-mid, wedges), however it tells me that with 3D paneling a lot of patterns are not as well developed or not hav-ing a desired structure from previous module.

Moreover, by adding more grid points might create regular patterns but when it comes to fabrication it might be fairly troublesome. A solution if I wanted the 2D patterns is to create rib panels, however we must also consider paper material.

The images show regular default pattern being incor-perated into my design, however i think more patterns should be investigated first.

Paneling Tools 3D Experimentation

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Precedent: Paper Origami

Fig 2.4Fig 2.3

Fig 2.2Fig 2.1

Since the material used would be paper, I decided to look at origami as a precedent to inspire my design. Paper origami is an art which differ-ent shapes and forms are constructed only through folding papers. This idea was actually inspired from the lec-tures where a video was presented to us how a man can create designs or models with such fragile material without the help of technology. By investigating on origami, I may be able to understand the advantage and disadvantage of the characteristic of paper. It may also help me construct my model in the future.

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Precedent: Paper Origami

There are vast amount of patterns that I can choose from, but it must show the natural process given, the consideration of paper material, the elements of the natural process and fab-rication stages. All of these elements must be taken in consid-eration.

During the very first lecture, the concept of triangles was being explored. The reuse of repeated triangle forms the wall of fed-eration square. Even though it may look irregular but in fact it is actually well planned and calculated by using mathematics and geometry. With such pattern it creates a sense of unique-ness which enhances the building as a whole. This might be a good concept to place into my design; I would like to try this in my design.

Another design i looked at was the new RMIT 80 building. It has consist of many triangles and also pyramids as well. It provides a 3 dimensional effect if you look at it from far. I would like to again try to put this into my design.

Fig 3.1 Fig 3.2

Fig 3.3 Fig 3.4

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Paneling Tools 3D Experimentation

Using 3D custom paneling, I have exper-imented with various amount of shapes based on the investigated precedent and from my initial natural process. I tried to jump out of the box abit and investigate more 3 dimensional shapes. However, some shapes for example like circle and wave may look very artistic in terms of design, but it can be hard to fabricate since it doesn’t have edges. I concentrated more on the triangle shape (fig 3.1). First of all, it is ideal to fabricate this design. Also, it gives out some regular pattern which symbol-izes airflow in some degree. Moreover, I added fin edges on the figure 3.1 to see if it might be possible to construct. I referred it back to the precedent feder-ation square but I find it too stiff still and may take another step when to symbol-ism. Further investigation is needed.

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Back Investigating

After testing different forms and patterns on Rhino, I find that the flat surface net tends to be more suitable for my design. It gives out a better twist and turn similar to what I wanted at the beginning. Even though 3D patterns may look much more artistic and may stand out more, it did not create the curves that I was intended to mace.

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Final Model

The final model describes my natural process the spreading of air: concentrated air from the bottom and slowly spreading air from the above. Off set borders was used since light needs to be implanted, the holes created are well placed and light may shine outwards. In terms of fabrication, fin edges were used so it can be constructed for the next module. Even though it may look simple, but I like how elegant the appearance is. The patterns give out a good curvature movement to the design.

Still, there are some concerns regarding how the model may hold itself. Even though it can be built with the help of fin edges, it might not be easy as how it looks further investigation is required.

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Prototype Pattern

Paper models of 3D panels are being tested to see if it might be able to fit into my latern concept.

Fig 1 image shows oval shapes of pattern being tested. They are all connected to from a continuos pattern. Fig 2 on the bottom shows the shadow of the pattern, this experiment gives a basic idea of how light would penetrate through those pat-terns and form what kind of lights would be coming out.

Fig 3 image shows triangle shapes that are not 3D panels but instead 2D. Fig 4 showed how light could be incorperated with the design. I liked how it turned out since it emphasized more on the lights coming out. Hence, this has persuaded me even more to carry on with 2D struc-ture.

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Prototype Paper testing

Paper type 1: white, smooth, little flexibil-ity, good for curves, not tough

Paper type 2: grey, light, flex-ible, not stable, easy to fold,

Second paper type was more fragile and light, by showing the curve and twist in the images highlights the characteristic of the paper. It worked out pretty well, the paper did not break instead it was extremely flexible for me to modify the structure with ease. How-ever, this material can be easily torn apart if more power was given to it, it might not be such a good idea after all for my project.

Paper type 3: black, heavy, non flexible, stable, hard to fold, great for rib panels

First paper was slightly tougher but yet not tough enough when it comes to the real model since it needs to face exter-nalities (Weather, contact with people). However, it can be twisted and turned

Third paper was one of the toughest material out of all. It can definitely hold off surround-ings, it would be great for being rib panels, in the images fin edges could be applied and can be connected easily. However, since it is so tough it is very hard to bend according to will.

By trying the concept stated by Fleis-chmann, Using different types of paper I tried a few experiments or prototypes to test out the characteristic of these paper types and to see which one would fit my design the best for the fabrication process.

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This module involved a lot of playing around with Rhino, which was very complicated and difficult challenge for me. Since I’m a beginner with using these software, there are times that I might be confused or have no idea what to do. Some of the creativity was limited due to the software, but I do agree that Rhino has a great way of perfectly calculating each pattern on our current models. This was mentioned in a different reading‘ Mathematics and Sensible World: Representing, Constructing and simulating’ where pat-terns or the structure of the model can be modified to perfection. Also, it al-lowed me to realize the importance of real-life application in designing that the design process is not as simple as just coming up with a model. Moreo-ver, Fleischmann’s reading was great use and was fully understood when doing this module. He states that ‘material behavior computes the form’ of the model, it is absolutely true. It is the behavior of the material that limits the design and calculates what the form will ultimately be. Thus, we need to understand the behavior of the material better for our next module.

Technology and programs has enable designers to carry out task such as modeling in three dimensions, it takes designing to a whole new level. It al-lows users to create more detailed element into their design and may easily be created afterwards. Some people may not favor using computers to do work since they like to be more ‘hands-on’, it really depends on what peo-ple favor in. In my opinion, I believe that the analog is still very useful when it comes to creativity, but with the help of technology, it might take your design to a whole new complex level which might be even better that what you can imagine. Geometry does no only ruled by structure instead with the assist of computer and mathematics it really does give us a better and precise calculation of each and every pattern structure. Hence, by under-standing or learning the Rhino modeling software is essential and might be beneficial in the future

Critical Analysis

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Figure 1.2 - Matsys, cross-fabricated scales, viewed August 29 2012,

Figure 1.3 - Matsys, cross-fabricated scales, viewed August 29 2012,

Figure 1.1 - Kudless A, 2003, Honeycomb Morphologies,, viewed at 1 September 2012,

Figure 2.1 – Pyramid beach, 2010, Between the Folds, Pyramid Beach, viewed 1 September 2012

Figure 2.2 – Georigami, 2006, Vertigo by Me, Flicker, Viewed 1 September 2012

Figure 2.3 – Rizoma, 2007, zzvw6016, Flicker, viewed 30 August 2012

Figure 2.4 – Georigami,2009, Insideout Magic Ball, Flicker, viewed 10 August 2012

Figure 3.1 – Polster, B & Ross, M, 2007, A square full of triangles, theage, viewed at 29 August 2012,

Figure 3.2 – Rod Monkey, 2005, Square triangles, viewed 1 September 2012,

Figure 3.3 – Baljak, 2012. Rmit- still pushing boundary, Melbourne + Urbanist, viewed 30 Au-gust 2012,


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