Module 2

MODULE 2 : First Chakra (Root Chakra) Carol: Thank you, thank you so much. I’m really thrilled with our turnout. I’ll introduce Syl for those of you who don’t know Syl and didn’t get to meet her last month. Syl has been a real blessing in my life and has helped me to come into more of who I am using her gifts and knowledge of the energy systems. She’s a Thai yoga therapist, which is a fascinating system of energy healing, and she’s very gifted at what she does. It’s a real honor for me to be doing this series with her. WHY ENERGY? Carol: Interestingly, energy is a function of our everyday lives yet very few people work consciously with it on a day to day basis. With the clients I’m seeing currently, I’m trying to drive home the understanding that if you get off track and move into the how, what, when and what of your life issues you’re going to take a long time to create change. However, if you go right to the energy and clear the energy distortion that’s being translated into thought, into emotion, into life experience you’ll speed up your change, because that’s what’s happening – energy distorting your reality. When you look at your life experience and what’s happening in your perceived reality you’ll see what you need to change. You need to change that outer layer, and without addressing the energy distortion you’re going to really take a lot to get to that change. If you go right to the original dynamic that’s influencing you, which is your energy, your vibration, you will change it immediately with no effort. So as we come to understand that we’re vibrational in every word and that your Chakras are working every moment for you, you can appreciate that they’re at least trying to do the best they can for you. They may not be functioning as well as you’d like, they may not be as developed as they need to be but only because you lost some pieces along the way. ©2010 Carol Tuttle Page 1 All rights reserved.


Chakra Module 2Chakra, Root Chakra, Root

Transcript of Module 2

MODULE 2 : First Chakra (Root Chakra)

Carol: Thank you, thank you so much. I’m really thrilled with our turnout. I’ll introduce Syl for those of you who don’t know Syl and didn’t get to meet her last month. Syl has been a real blessing in my life and has helped me to come into more of who I am using her gifts and knowledge of the energy systems. She’s a Thai yoga therapist, which is a fascinating system of energy healing, and she’s very gifted at what she does. It’s a real honor for me to be doing this series with her.


Carol: Interestingly, energy is a function of our everyday lives yet very few people work consciously with it on a day to day basis. With the clients I’m seeing currently, I’m trying to drive home the understanding that if you get off track and move into the how, what, when and what of your life issues you’re going to take a long time to create change.

However, if you go right to the energy and clear the energy distortion that’s being translated into thought, into emotion, into life experience you’ll speed up your change, because that’s what’s happening – energy distorting your reality. When you look at your life experience and what’s happening in your perceived reality you’ll see what you need to change. You need to change that outer layer, and without addressing the energy distortion you’re going to really take a lot to get to that change.

If you go right to the original dynamic that’s influencing you, which is your energy, your vibration, you will change it immediately with no effort. So as we come to understand that we’re vibrational in every word and that your Chakras are working every moment for you, you can appreciate that they’re at least trying to do the best they can for you. They may not be functioning as well as you’d like, they may not be as developed as they need to be but only because you lost some pieces along the way.

©2010 Carol Tuttle Page 1 All rights reserved.

But if you’ll really come home to that and say “You know, I can keep going over and over this relationship problem or I can get my masculine and feminine energy communicating in more harmony,” then guess what? The masculine and feminine in your outer life is going to start communicating in more harmony. And if you’ll understand the workings of your energy and energy therapy you’ll start to use these tools every day.


Carol: There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not working with my energy. Every day I work with my energy, every day I’m working with my children’s energy, with my husband’s energy. I’m very actively aware of what I can be assisting them with through my thoughts and attentions. This has become a lifestyle for me - that I perceive life in this manner, that if I can shift the energy I can shift the experience.

We are meant to have that capacity when guided and impressed upon to do that, to be that instrumental to make change at that level. So if you can continue to come to this series, our intention is to help you understand the Chakra system, which is a very significant, interactive system that is functioning every day. There’s seven primary Chakras that we’re going to deal with because they have the most kind of punch to them and they have the most potency of how they are working with us or against us.

Every Chakra holds a dynamic that influences a certain type of vibration. The frequencies go up as you go from the Base Chakra all the way up the body. The highest vibration is held in the Crown. The frequencies rise. So we’re going to talk today about the lowest frequency of Chakra, the Root Chakra. Some of you are operating too much in this Chakra and you’re too grounded, and you’re not opening up those higher energies.

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Some of you are operating way up here in your Crown and you’re just not getting down there to the Rot, and so you get this split going on right about here. You’ve got this division. There’s the upper and the lower you, or you’re flipping back and forth between the two.

You’re either way up here or you’re way down in this grounded energy, and it can be uncomfortable for some people because it’s really about committing to living life, being here in the body. One has to say “Yes, I am choosing my life and my commitment of responsibility to it.”

When you’re only operating in these higher frequencies there is kind of an avoidance: you know, “I’ll just kind of be here, I’ll just get through the program, I’ll just live each day out, death’s getting closer. Should I go back to that light? I really don’t want to be here anyway.” And so you can’t manifest.

You’re not a successful manifestor because you’ve got to be rooted in your base Chakra to manifest. If you’re a person that goes, “Well, I have all these intentions. I use all my IM statements but it never shows up,” well there’s a good chance there’s just no groundedness going on.

You can’t bring anything into the physical. You can bring it into your mental field and start to have the feelings around it but nothing tangible is presenting itself, and that’s a base Chakra function - bringing things into the physical, that you are good at making things shift and manifest into physical and you have real capacity to work with this energy.

I’m going to teach you some new things tonight which I am very excited about. I have my newest energy tool called an energy release magnet that I was introduced to two weeks ago.

Down in Arizona I did a workshop with Glenda Horning who is very acclaimed in the Phoenix/Mesa area as an energy therapist and she and a colleague of hers devised this energy tool, and I’m going to teach you ways to use it. We have 30 of these packaged and ready to go.

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They’re $20.00 and I’m going to teach you how to work with your Chakras with these, and how to do some clearing work with these little magnets that she’s built.

I’m going to go ahead and hand these out now just because when I get going I tend to forget details because I get into what I’m saying and I just go on a roll. So we’re going to really get you going here tonight. It’s interesting to look out into the sea of red here in the audience. Syl will tell you more about the aspects of the color.


There are two different functions for you here tonight. I’m very much the practical, how does this play up, this day to day stuff, you know? So let’s help you clear so you can get your money flowing, so you can get rid of that birth energy that you’re still walking around in because that’s where it’s held, in the Root Chakra.

You’ll notice the one sheet I’m handing out, Clearing Script and Reframes for Your First Chakra. You can add a lot more to this. I just wanted you to get a feel for the languaging of your Root Chakra.

You have very specific Root Chakra energy and Root Chakra issues, old baggage held there. A lot of it is generational or it’s from birth or from childhood because that’s the first Chakra that’s functioning for you when you are born. It’s primarily one that’s in full operation or starting to develop and connect.

I showed a picture last month that was an overhead that showed an infant developing the Chakras. The Root Chakra was the only one open and connecting with the Earth. The vortex from the Root Chakra flows down into the connection with the Earth and the others are just buds waiting to be opened.

So if Mom and Dad didn’t do their job, didn’t open that bud, you’ve still got these Chakras trying to blossom. And they’re opening every once in awhile but they’re not all engaged. So the Root Chakra is engaged at birth.

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Whatever else your birth story or your birth experience did, it connected you with your theme of struggle. You needed something to initiate life as a struggle that would engage you in the polarity of this place that we live in called Earth; to give you the experience called contrast because you need to pain in order to know joy.

I don’t know if we dreamed this up and said “Let’s make birth really a struggle when we connect onto the Earth and within our bodies.” It just starts from the moment we take that first breath.

From the moment we’re conceived it just boom! - there we are in the dynamic of struggle. There are some fascinating birth experiences out there, and we start to connect the dots and say “Oh, if that was your birth experience you’re probably still having this experience in your life today.”

I had a gentleman come in today and when he was born his mother’s labor engaged very quickly. He came very fast. He’s been told that his whole life, that they barely made it to the hospital. I said “Are you really impatient with other people if they don’t get it quick enough? Like, ‘Come one, hurry up’? Or do you feel like you’re waiting for everyone else? Like if you’re going to church it’s like ‘Come on!’ like everybody’s holding you back or delaying you?”

“Yeah, I’m always getting mad at my son because he doesn’t get his math fast enough and I’m impatient, and I go “Come on! Can’t you just get that?”

I said “Oh, that goes all the way back to your birth. That’s anchored in your birth because you’re still flowing in that same energy you came in with, which is ‘I’m too fast for people.’

Or the fact that they were saying, ‘Oh, you caused this problem because you came so fast,’ is still affecting you.” It’s like he’s not flowing in harmony with others. He’s experiencing he’s faster. So time becomes one of the dynamics of your birth.

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If you were a late birth, you were past your due date, are you always late to everything now? Do you have a hard time? Those people aren’t here yet, they’re not hearing me, they’re all still parking. Try to hurry up.

That’d be me probably. You’re always putting six things to do before you leave and you don’t have time for any of them but you think “Okay, I’ve got time to do six more things,” and then you’re late.

Other birth stuff that’s real common concerns the conception - when you were conceived, were you chosen, were you a surprise to Mom and Dad, were your parents consciously trying to have a baby? So you get a lot of that kind of energy in our generation. Also were you the gender that was hoped for?

Nowadays it’s different. That dynamic is changing because you learn before you have that baby what’s coming and you adapt and hopefully bond. But if you are having a sense of being wrong throughout your life that’s an issue of not being the desired gender - that comes up for a lot of people and it’s interesting.

The only place I’ve seen this material is through the Rapid Eye Institute in their birth clearing. I’ve never seen it anywhere else and that alone is very valuable information. You start to understand your children and how they create struggle, and the patterns they continue to manifest and the mindset or perception that they’re coming from is in every way related to their birth.


In every case when you become aware of an energy distortions that you’re putting into the language of thought, the language of words into experience, when you become aware of an illusion or something you thought was an accurate aspect of who you are and you realize “That’s not who I am - I’ve just been experiencing that,” the energy will start to alter and correct itself just through your awareness. So you can feel confident that you’re always shifting and changing.

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Now if you don’t change some of your habits through your thoughts and through your language and how you approach life, your life skills, you won’t get the benefit of how much you’re wanting to change.

The energy is designed to heal, to correct, and I’ve been noticing more and more how little intervention is required even just to bring awareness through the mind. It leaves you going “Ah-ha, wow, yeah, I see that,” or “I’m aware of that.” You’ve already started to shift. It’s started to change within you and you’re being freed up.

So it’s in your best interest to change your language around it. We tend to think you’ve got to go through all this processing in order to make a change, to make things different, when your energy is already doing it.

And so tonight, the first thing I’d like you to do is recognize the intention you had to come here, or whatever it is that brought you here tonight.

Possibly you’ve been told about this, you’ve been encouraged to come. There may be some of you who have not even read my book; it’s totally new to you. If you know me, we don’t dink around - we just go to what’s next. So I’m not going to back up and introduce you to all the preliminaries because if you want to keep going where I’m going, I’m going to keep going basically.

And we give you lots of support material so it’s in your best interest to get some background information about what energy is and what energy therapy is about, because we’re not going to spend a lot of time on that.


We’ve got lots of stuff in the back you can purchase to help you establish that understanding, but I always like to start a program with having you form an intention. You will get more from this experience this evening because you’ve declared that to yourself. It’s better to write it down.

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You’ve made a declaration physically then and put it into physical arena that we operate in; to speak it, to write it, to bring it into the physical. So hopefully you can leave tonight having that intention served like, “Boy, I really got what I wanted.” What do you want?

We are going to focus on the energy of the Root Chakra which if you look at this paper is all about birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food, health issues, surrounding, a sense of being bonded, belonging to humanity, to your family group; that’s the focus that we will make tonight.

So within those dynamics of your experience pick one that jumps out at you and say, “I want more! I want this result,” or “I want this outcome,” or “I want more of this.” “I want to experience more of ______.”

Write down that intention, make it a want first, because we tend to know what we want. And of course you know what you don’t want in those issues.


What don’t you want to have to keep experiencing? Are you stuck in depression, feeling like “I really don’t want to be here”? You know it’s difficult to even be in this body. Are you experiencing food issues; that every day of your life food is at the forefront? It’s right here between you and your happiness; your weight and food, patterns with food.

It could be issues about you and your body.

Is your body standing between you and the life you want to be living?

Is that something where every day you’re putting your attention on it more than anything else?

Is money right here in front of you?

Every day are you processing issues and energy of survival around money?

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These are all are all survival patterns.

Money is a big one. People are playing that really very powerfully in today’s world; the survival with money, it just doesn’t come easily and that’s it’s difficult to come by. You know a lot of people are drawn to my work because of their money issues.

We’ve experienced survival patterns through money and we’re out of them now, and so now we have an energy of thriving with money.

Generational stuff; can you talk to your family members free of getting triggered or charged up, or every time are you pulled in? Are you pulled in by your families’ stuff?

Are you focused on them every day: mom, dad, brother, sister, is that where your energy is going? You can know because everyday whatever’s up for you, whatever you’re processing the biggest on, that’s what’s in front of you and asking you to clear it.

It’s presenting itself saying, “You know, you’re ready to clear this,” and it will become more magnified, more potent and more dramatic just to get your attention.

Is it a health issue? Are you running a health problem right now? Is the body finally saying you’ve got to see this because you have not paid attention on these other levels?

What happens is that information forms into our mind if we’re conscious to choose to form, it but it comes from these layers of energies. It comes from the inspiration that’s being given to us to be aware, to be conscious in our life.

So it comes down from spirit into our mental field, then into our emotional field.

If you’re out of tune with that because you’re so focused on your Groundhog Day experience just repeating your same old thoughts, same old emotions, it’s going to finally manifest in your body and scream at you, and say, “Look at your imbalance!! You are out of balance!!”

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Every disease, every health problem is the final communication, where the body is now saying, “I’ve taken on the energy of your imbalance and it is creating disease and disharmony at the physical level.”

Again, if you just treat the physical condition as an illness you won’t solve the root problem causing the condition.

I choose to live in moderation; I don’t go extreme in any of these things. If my son needs to go get stitches I’m going to take him to the doctor; if he’s got a raging ear infection, I’m not going to withhold an antibiotic and I’m probably going to give him some essential oils and a few other things along with that to enhance the body’s healing system.

And so it’s not about refusing one thing and only allowing another. That’s your personal journey. That’s your communication with God, to understand “What’s the right choice for me?”

So just know I’m not an all or nothing, when it comes to the physical level. I believe it all has a benefit and blessing as you use it through the information you’re given.But if your issue is at a health issue, that’s a Root Chakra issue. The dynamics of that are held in your base Chakra.


The other one, this last one, grounding; do you feel like you just can’t connect? Some of you have a very buoyant energy and its essence is to be scattered.

Our oldest daughter has a very buoyant, up, animated, scattered energy. It’s her energy essence. It’s an accurate flow for her. She can tend to come off kind of scatterbrained and she does struggle with the checkbook and getting the numbers all right.

Yet, if she thinks that’s unacceptable and thinks “I’ve got to get more grounded, pull the energy down,” she’ll actually be out of balance. She’ll get more grounded by acknowledging “I’m a buoyant, animated, scattered energy. I’m going to live that out fully”. She’ll get more grounded by being in tune with it and allowing it.

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When you play in your true energy you get more grounded and connected on all levels. When you’re trying to change it and you think “Oh, that’s wrong, that’s not okay. I’ve got to correct that,” when that is really an accurate energy style for you, you’ll get more grounded by being yourself.

My daughter is better off being her buoyant, animated self and she’d be better off hiring really grounded yang energy; yang meaning more masculine, more grounded, more rooted to do her checkbook.

Energy doesn’t serve every role and that’s part of it, too; you may need to be more grounded because you’re just cutting yourself off. And yet, you may be one of those people that is meant to be more buoyant.

You’ll know when I say this, you’ll intuitively know “Wow, that’s me, I’ve been trying to reverse, I’ve been trying to pull my energy down and I just need to pull it up through the base Chakra.”

Keep the energy going up. People who have that more light, fresh, airy energy are trying to pull it down when they need to pull it from the Earth - up, up, up, up and not down, down, down - because that’s when they’ll suffer. They’ll suffer from feelings of discontent and kind of a division in yourself that you’re not being true to yourself.


So let me give you a real quick tool, a correction for your base Chakra. Feeling like you lose energy throughout the day; people with chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr are what I call energy syndromes. They’re all your syndromes.

And we’ve only created these in the last ten years when we’ve been blowing out our energy systems, and finally our energy is saying “I need some real stuff here. You guys are playing with too much fake energy.”

And so by this point we’re suffering as a collective humanity in our culture, especially if we live in these types of environments and our energy systems are blowing out on us.

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So chronic fatigue is a real base Chakra energy problem and what’s happening is that energy is meant to be spiraling down and connecting to the Earth.

What’s happening is there’s a hole there and it’s just getting flushed out. If you can imagine a toilet flushing and that water cycling down, that’s how chronic fatigue is.

And there’s levels of this and the ultimate solution came to me in my chronic depression when my body had to put myself in bed to create a boundary, simply because I didn’t know how to stop pleasing people and overachieving.

So if you have any level of overachieving or people pleasing, you’re in that pattern or theme. You may have a tendency to give your energy away or blow your energy out or flush your base Chakra out meaning when you give your energy away it’s like you’re flushing that toilet and it just goes and you lose life force.

Your life force energy just gets flushed out of you and so there’s like a leaky hole. There’s a leak on your base Chakra.


So let me take you through. Imagine, there’s many of you in this room who have this going on for you; every one do it just so you can learn the technique and the process. You do this with your eyes or open or closed or whatever will get you more in tune with that energy center because you want to give your attention to that groin, tailbone area, down there at the bottom of your torso. That’s where the Root Chakra is functioning.

You want to imagine you could create a big sticky patch. Make it a color; make it a nice vibrant color. Red would be good because that’s the base Chakra color but whatever comes to mind.

Green is a real healing color for the physical level, and imagine in your mind you could take that patch and stick it on wherever your perception of where that hole is. Just imagine there’s a hole there and almost like you’re sticking it

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on the tailbone patching that leak. Slap that sticky adhesive patch right on there.

Now, imagine if your energy was flushing down like a spiraling stream of water in a toilet bowl; imagine you could put your thought and attention underneath that and tell the energy to reverse itself and go back up into you.

So that you’re sucking the energy back into you; it’s being spiraled up into your groin, into your tailbone; being pulled up into that Root Chakra and take deep breath and imagine that plugging in, pulling that up.

Now imagine that there are roots growing down from your feet and there’s a point in the center of the Earth that’s your point of energy just for you. It’s a distinct point that’s your hook.

You’re going to let your energy go. All the way down, from your feet down into the center of the Earth and imagine there’s a hook on the bottom of that energy and it hooks into that point of energy in the Earth. So it’s like you’re hooking and it’s almost like you feel a pulling down from your bottom, like you’re getting hooked in. Then take a deep breath and then breathe it out and let it go. Then take another deep breath and one more.

Okay, now as your eyes are closed and when it’s centering in on yourself, form that intention. Either “I’m releasing blah, blah, blah,” whatever you don’t want or “I’m experiencing more of blah, blah, blah.”

When you’ve got that, open your eyes, write that down, speak it out loud, share it with your person next to you and bring it into the physical as a result of being here tonight.


Okay, any questions up to this point about anything I’ve shared? Great, I’m either really good at teaching this or I lost you 20 minutes ago. Okay, now that you’re plugged in more to your Root Chakra you’ve brought your attention down to this area.

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We’re going to now connect with heaven and bring some energy into heaven. This technique is part of Donna Eden’s work from her energy medicine book which I highly recommend for your energy therapy library. It’s a staple; it’s a critical textbook for energy techniques. If you’re into this at any level, you’re meant to have that book. It’s a fabulous volume of technique.

Let’s have someone share what your intentions are, because as you offer that the whole group joins you in that intention you connect energetically with those intentions. So who wants to share? Go ahead and raise your hand and we’ll have you stand up.

In the back; okay so your intention is to experience fullness in your life. I’m opening to a more full life, the fullness of you. Okay, good. Now how does that relate to the base Chakra?

Again, this anchors in all the other Chakras and so you know you can’t feel that open heart, da, da, da. It’s not plugged in properly to feel the fullness so that would mean the fullness and awe, that’s a good one to start with. That means I’ve got enough money coming in, communication is going well in my relationship because if any of that is off, you’re going to be thrown by that. So that affects all those areas.

Okay, over here, go ahead. So cancer, so your intention is to clear the manifesting disease and the disharmony at the physical level.

Do you know what emotional energy is predominantly feeding cancer; anger, red, kind of fiery; the body kind of destroying itself, attacking itself and the energy going inward, so good, thank you.


Okay, let’s get a couple of more. All of these men, the male’s that are here are representing your gender.

Male: I want to learn about the Chakras and I think it’s great to start with number one, like re-experiencing birth on up and catching up to the age I am now so just kind of re-do everything and re-experience all the good and clear the crap away.

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Carol: Okay, which issue do you want specifically for that?

Male: Okay, life shouldn’t be a perpetual Luau, overeating.

Carol: Okay, food patterns

Male: Keep the party without the hyper chow…

Carol: The dessert trays?

Male: That’s right, that’s right. And see and enjoy the rest of life like a feast, so I’m not just slamming myself, and see the abundance and everything else around me instead of just what I pick my teeth with.

Carol: Okay, so balancing out your experience with food and your weight.

Male: Yes, yes.

Carol: Okay, so that’d sound like “I am in harmony and balance with food and my weight is balanced.” And listen to that. If you’ve really got weight stuff, listen to the Fat CD on clearing issues keeping you fat. The information on that changed my life two years ago because what I got I bought on a tape and I’ve not had a food issue or a weight issue or a body issue since then.

They’ve gone and it’s so much more fun to not have to every day wonder “Did I eat too much? How did that convert from calories to fat to carbs?” So you know what - who cares anymore? It’s all about belief. It’s about the people that believe they can eat whatever they want whenever they want to and maintain a good healthy weight, too.

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So I looked around and said there are some of those people on this planet, I’m going to be one, and I am because your belief is your driving dynamic when it comes to food and weight and body image.

Your belief is phenomenal the power that holds because it’s true for everything. It holds power for everything and so again my body is not okay. The weight thing is, you are really meant to love yourself where you are at now because otherwise your body will not change for you because it will not change from an attacking front. If you’re attacking your body and putting it down, it will resist change.


It changes as you offer the energy of love. The body flourishes in the energy of love. That is what God created it in. That’s the energy God created these physical vessels in, is love so anything different from that creates defenses and resistance to change because it’s in survival patterns.

Your body has an intelligence that responds to what you offer it and it will survive for you and will resist losing weight and changing because the survival program it’s running is, I’m being attacked by my owner and if you put your body down and every time you look in the mirror you’re disgusted and you project out and inward you project out to that image which projecting inwardly is I’m not okay as I am. This body is unacceptable; it will be in high survival mode for you and that base Chakra is all about the program of survival.

We’ve been in a humanity that’s operated in a survival mode that in many, many places, by the billions people are just surviving still.

They’re running that, that’s their everyday program: “Do I have enough food to eat? Do I have enough food to feed my child?” You know, they really don’t care how their hair looks or if the pants aren’t right because you’ve got literally millions of people if not billions still surviving in our consciousness.

So collectively that’s a strong one to be a participant of. Your base Chakra is going to join all those other billions of Chakras and say, “I’m just surviving, too.” But you have all

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the comforts of living life gracefully and easily. In our culture, not even for homeless, basic needs are met easily in our world in the United States.

The world in which we all live in; there really is no physical survival necessary. You’re still creating it because that base Chakra is saying, that’s what I’m designed to do, keep you surviving.

And so, you’re opening up. It’s what we’re doing and I’ll take you through this clearing. You’re actually cancelling out these old programs and putting them to rest.

You’re just saying you know what; that has served the generations of this family to pioneer new lands, build communities, create the technology which we have. It’s like you know what? We can turn that script off.

The script that I’m operating on, life is thriving, life is flowing, life is “Wow, I’m a creator. How much can I manifest in this physical realm of the creator?” That’s the power of your base Chakra.


It’s all about results. It’d be difficult for me to stand before you today if I was running a $50,000 credit card debt and say “Let me teach you about prosperity. I don’t quite get it yet because I don’t have the physical evidence but let me tell you.” And there’s a lot of people out there teaching this stuff that can’t show you the physical evidence. That’s a base Chakra dynamic. Can you pull it into the physical? Can you bring it all the way down and let it manifest right there, here it is?

I got my hands on this stuff, it’s tangible, it’s touchy feely. That’s one reason you want to bring everything into a sensory mode. Your base Chakra will relate to the senses of the physical which are sight, sound, taste, touch.

So I’ll tell clients, imagine your life how you’d like it to be. What does it sound like? What are you hearing? If you want your relationship to change; if your husband were loving and supporting you; you’re so awesome, I love this new stuff

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you’re learning about. How would he be telling you that? What would his language be like?

If you’re not forming images and sounds of that in your own mind, you have no energy come forth.

What does it taste like? Well if your life were rich in all areas, what would be the flavors, the taste?

What would it feel like? What kind of feelings would you be feeling?

Okay, so we said sound, taste, feeling, touch. If you had to touch it, if you had to actually touch it; what would be the touch? What’s a touch that really engages your higher vibration, your higher energies?

Smell, what would it smell like? Those are anchors for you that engage you at the physical level and so if the base Chakras is manifesting in the physical changing the physical reality; use those connections that the physical relates to. It relates to those physical senses.

Take some time every day to meditate going over those sensory dynamics.

In fact, take a moment now and whatever comes to mind; what would it sound like? That may be a language. What would you be hearing? It may be a musical note or a tone. Write these down. Make a connection with this. What would it taste like?

What’s the taste that comes to mind that represents a joyful life, a life that flows in support of you? If you’re running a thriving, prosperous, abundant, joyful script, what does it taste like?

What does it feel like? If you could touch it what would it feel like to you? What’s the emotional feeling that it’s about? What’s it smell like? I know the one I forgot; what’s it look….sight, what’s it look like?

What’s the image that comes to mind? That connects you to the physical; it starts to let things flow into the physical because you have a vibration around it. In physical you’re

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putting your physical senses in connection with what is wanted.


I want to use a couple of tools here. Those of you that aren’t familiar with emotional freedom technique I’ve given you a pretty straightforward handout on how to use the clearing tool. I implement this with some people I invite up front.

I’m going to show you how to use this magnet as a clearing tool and how to work with your Chakras with it.

I’d like somebody to volunteer that feels they’ve got a problem with money or food. I’m going to go with the simplest, most straightforward which are money and food. Because if we go to birth, these tie into so that’s usually represented in all cases. Who’d like some help with some money patterns to shift those?

Haven’t we had you up here before? Raise your hand so I can see you and just who I’m meant to work….you can come up. You in the….yeah, you in the red; actually she doesn’t have red on, she has green. We all need a break from the red. Okay, food; who wants to clear some food patterns? You can come up. Take your black off if you don’t mind; if that’s all right. Come on up, come up on the riser. You stand right up here because then everyone can see you. Okay, what’s your name?

Female: Tammy

Carol: Tammy, okay what’s the pattern you have? It’s money, right?

Tammy: Uh-huh, there’s never enough; it comes and goes as fast as it comes.

Carol: Okay, so there’s never enough money and it goes out faster than it comes in always. So your outward flow is stronger than your inward flow and even if more comes that flow is consistent. So things show up like car problems that you got to pay for or health stuff that you got to pay for.

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Okay, so if money is a system flowing to you; let’s imagine it as a river or a stream. The flow out is stronger than the flow in. So as long as it’s the flow, it’s going to maintain for you. If that’s not altered it will just continue, right?

And so you will manifest more situations to flow it out because that’s the energy that money holds for you. Okay are you single, married?

Tammy: Married

Carol: Is there an issue that’s come up a lot between you and your husband? Do you argue about money? Does it create conflict in your marriage? Is it a daily pattern?

Tammy: Not daily but that’s usually the issue we argue about.

Carol: Do you blame each other?

Tammy: Uh-huh, or we disagree, you know.

Carol: Do you make money? Do you flow money from a job or…..?

Tammy: Not yet because I’m a hypnotherapist and I draw all the clients to me that can’t afford to pay me.

Carol: Are you coming to my boot camp or you can’t afford to?

Tammy: I have these deserving issues too, that I don’t deserve…I love to help people but you know I draw those that can’t pay me.

Carol: Okay, I’m going to muscle test you. Just say I am connected to the energy of money.

Tammy: I am connected to the energy of money.

Carol: You’re not at all.

Tammy: It doesn’t surprise me.

Carol: It’s out there but you’re not plugging in.

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Tammy: I’m not but this arm is killing me, they must be something in there.

Carol: That’s your male side. Money is male.

Tammy: It’s been bothering me all the way here, it’s killing me.

Carol: It’s supporting you

Tammy: There’s something in there anyway

Carol: It’s killing here; watch your adjectives. Okay, I’m connected to the energy of money. Well you know you’re not. Okay, so like money can’t find you. Okay, so deserving is more of an issue from this but money is about just being plugged into it. Would you like to get plugged in whether you deserve it or not?

Tammy: I would love to.

Carol: Why wait? Okay let me talk to her for just a second to see what….you’ve got your arm up already. I am thin and fit. What’s your pattern?

Female: Okay, I did the money thing, too; so now we’re shifting to the food and weight?

Carol: I picked you for food, yeah, or weight.

Female: Okay, it’s worrying what system will work. I went through the fats, the carbs.

Carol: Okay so you’re getting on this plan that will get you results kind of thing?

Female: Yeah, I don’t do it very good. I just think about it. I think about what plan will fix it.

Carol: Okay and you keep while you’re eating a big old pie or something. I might get to that.

Female: I’m doing a two thing

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Carol: Okay for most people the issue is deprivation; that’s like standard food, weight stuff. Say I’m willing to deprive myself.

Female: I’m willing to deprive myself.

Carol: No, you’re not and that’s the biggest thing because we’ve been deprived of basic human emotional stuff primarily. Our parents did the best that they knew how but in their wounded state they were incapable of giving us a complete dose of emotional support, okay?

And that’s just a good set up because that creates more struggle and it requires that people ultimately hopefully will turn to God and will seek a higher power to take care of the imbalances.


So you know there’s a whole design in us that’s meant to benefit us rather than just keep us stuck. The problem is we just keep going over and over and over what we don’t want and we keep ourselves stuck even with our effort to connect with God. They’re saying please help me to be free of this and God’s saying well if you keep thinking that and that’s all you put your attention on, you cut me off.

I was recently around a woman that I come into contact with occasionally and all she talks about his health problems over and over and it’s just like it’s the only thing she gets attention for. Her problem, her family’s problems, I mean it’s just constant.

And she’s not seeking the solution so I keep myself on the outside of it energetically. And rather than judge it, I’ll just notice it and in my mind I feel like I’m grateful to know what I know. I can create the reality that serves me and I can create a reality that’s a blessing and a support to me.

And the information is certainly readily available in the time in which we live. If people are really seeking, it’s going to manifest. I can’t tell you how many people tell me that they feel that they were led to me or I was an answer to their prayer or that they found me right in time or this information.

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It shows up, God will put it in your path and so the deprivation is a big core issue and that’s a survival thing, too. It’s like humanity has had to survive and be deprived.

You have roots in your family line. I’m sure they go back to some place where they had to sacrifice and be deprived to advance themselves or people.

Female: Yeah, I put myself through that when I was younger; deprived myself of food like mom did.

Carol: So your mom has this pattern that you’ve got to go without. It’s basically…..

Female: She changed it now. She’s older and so she’s like I’m fine how I am.

Carol: I’m fine and I don’t mind being chubby kind of a thing?

Female: Yeah and she looks good. She’s healthy.

Carol: Okay and so deprivation and see there’s a related and I’m going to step up here; what’s your name?

Kay: Kay.

Carol: Kay, so there’s deprivation going on in both and they’re survival patterns. They’re Root Chakra issues, okay? So we’re going to use the EFT so pull out the beige form first. We’re going to play with both of these because they’re both inter-related.

They both have to do with the same core issue. I want you to follow along with me and do this with me. You can look at the sheet after. You can look at me and do what I’m doing and repeat after me. That’s a form that you can take home to give you a reminder.

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We’re going to start tapping on pressure points. So start with your hand, inside an eyebrow, your temple, under your eye, under your nose, on your chin, collarbone, under your arms. You’re just going to have to follow where my fingers go because for the flow of this process it’s easy than me saying go to this point, go to this point; you’re just going to have to switch and go back to this next point as you observe and stay with me.

Okay. Tap with your hand and everybody repeat this: “Even though I’m still surviving when I no longer am required to. I deeply alone accept myself. Even though I think I have to be deprived and I’m no longer willing to be and I’m creating not enough money and too much weight; I’m bringing these into proper balance now. Even though I’m sabotaging myself when I know better and it’s no longer required of me; I deeply love and accept myself.”

Okay, “Releasing deprivation, have to go without, have to go without food, have to go without money, have to go without good health, have to struggle; it’s what’s required, keeps me humble, it keeps me spiritual, so I’ll create it with money and food, releasing these patterns from the core, from my birth, from my ancestors. Even though, I am in a world where I can thrive, I’m still surviving. I love and accept myself. I’m grateful for this experience to know more clearly what I want.”

“I am bringing in the balance, money and food. I’m now creating more than enough money and only enough food as I require to stay balanced with my weight. Food is easy, money is easy, life is easy and I’m a spiritual humble being living true to my commitments to God.”

Okay, go to your heart, here’s your Heart Chakra and go “I forgive myself; I’ve always done the best I know how.” Okay, take a deep breath and let it go.

Okay now, I’m going to use this magnet with these ladies and this has a positive and a negative field okay and that’s going to get their Chakras energized. It’s like putting sparks in it and we want to get those Chakras communicating one to the other.

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So just stand there and you may even feel this. I’m just going

to spin this; both fields and we’re just going to turn these on and just open it up, the intention. And I just want you to repeat I am statements. Everybody repeat because your Chakras are all responding to this by the way, not just theirs.

So “I am rich and I am spiritual. I am a good person. I belong here. I am deserving. I am receiving my good now and keep going just up to the next one. I am balanced. I am whole. I’m allowing. I am free of survival programs.” Can you feel that? Do you notice that?

Female: Do you feel it? It feels good.

Carol: Well some people do. I feel it. Some of you may be feeling it, charged; feeling the charge. Okay, “I am free to speak my truth, my truth is received.” See, there are “I am” statements for each Chakra. “I am trusting my intuition. I am connected to God.”


Okay, turn around and go down your backside really quick here because there’s two sides of each one. We’ll just do these really fast. Okay, turn around everybody, stand up and this is the technique I referred to earlier that we never got around to. It’s called Heaven Rushing In.

You’re going to take your fingers, spread them apart and put them on your thighs. The energy is running down your legs. Take a deep breath, now prayer position with your hands. Now close your eyes, say a moment of gratitude to thought or energy of gratitude.

Now lift your arms up and imagine that the energies of heaven are just pouring into you; the wealth, the money, the good health, the healthy weight and just arch your back.

Open up those energy centers, let the energies of heaven be fed by those energies and now scoop them in and just place them in any Chakra or all of them, maybe your base Chakra,

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and just acknowledge gratitude that you have that connection with those heavenly energies.

Okay now say “I am in balance with food. It’s no longer necessary to deprive myself”. See how you’re stronger in all that? Say “I am deserving money and I am connected to money. I am deserving of money.”

Oh, it will plug in like that, it’s fast. The key is, are you doing something on a daily basis to really strengthen that and get it plugged in> Okay, thank you.


Okay let me show you on this again. Take this little instruction sheet with you. With your fist, unwind with the release statements, counter clockwise, unwind it, open that up, release them; then re-frame clockwise.

Now, you may run a different flow but the bottom line is do what feels best rather than what you were told to do. If it feels better, go with whatever direction the energy tells you to go. You don’t even need one of these tools to actually use your fist right there on the Chakra. I wrote the script with the ease of just using your hand right at the center of energy.

“Releasing DNA patterns that keep me stuck in dysfunction. Loss of physical power, degraded, accept criticism from others; releasing it.” Once I got to the re-frames: “I’m guided and inspired. I am worth it. I am enough. I’m chosen.”

Some of you are familiar with this script book; it’s a phenomenal resource because it’s made it easy languaging what sometimes is complicated. What do I say to clear this stuff and this script book was compiled by the Rapid Eye Institute at my request so I could sell these because I didn’t want to have to rewrite them. And so I worked out a deal with them to be able to have these produced and resold.

It has pretty much every issue in here you can imagine listed and it has the languaging of what to say while you’re releasing. We can go in here and look at Self Esteem Boundaries, page 56. You flip it open because you’re feeling

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you don’t have a good self esteem, you run a lot of those issues.

You open it up; you start just reading them off. You can use this script book with this magnet. You hold your thing here and release “Not enough, nobody wants me, longing to be loved,” let it go.

You’re releasing “I don’t matter, I don’t count, my feelings don’t matter,” releasing “I’m never good enough, needing attention, loving the drama. It’s out, over cautious, unsafe, insecure, unsupported, unprotected, afraid.”

Let it go, release it, let it go. You can just run the magnet on up. Clear it and then the other thing they offer then is re-frames.

“Thank you God, I’m glad to be alive and well. I’m having a sense of belonging. I’m getting my needs met. I’m happy to be me. I’m feeling and processing my emotions.”

You just hold it right here on the base Chakra and then you release. If you do purchase one it will give you instructions to use it this way in your vision, to follow it as you scan, your head is stationary because your field of vision as you move your eyes, you start to release as you move it up and down.

What we work with in the rapid eye process is all the different modalities with your vision. We’re doing it a lot faster than this.

You can’t do it on yourself like this, you have to slow it down but you’re still getting the energy moving as you run each of these fields. I’ll draw these on my white board so you can see what I’m talking about and you run all these like that.

You can even circle and you’ll actually avoid certain parts of this circle your making. You’ll skip them or blink because there is some energy there and you don’t want to see it but that’s where you need to clear it.

You just hold it there, blink and release it. Any part that’s difficult to look at; there’s an energy blocker distortion that wants to be released; just like that.

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So you can see these, if you’re just moving it this way, this way, this way, this way and down here and back so it’s hitting all the fields, run all your patterns and that’s the use of this and then circling it, too.

Okay, any questions real quick on this tool or anything I’ve covered to this point? Can you see this board? Any questions real quick? Just a couple.


Yes, you go around the circle in both directions, yes. Okay, it will be hard to look there, to explain what I was talking about when you get stuck somewhere or you notice it’s either difficult, more painful, it stresses you eyes more or you’ll be able to follow it and all of the sudden you’ll start blinking in that area.

If you were doing it to someone else, you’d notice they’d skip it. You want to open up to get that energy flowing. They’re looking right at it. If you’re, when it’s clear you’re able to put your eye site right on it if it’s comfortable. There’s no stress.

Okay, anyone else? Good because I didn’t want any more questions. Alright, I want to invite Syl up here. She’s my Thai Yoga therapist. It’s like I’m a celebrity and I would say, she’s my Thai yoga therapist.

Syl comes to my home and puts me in Thai yoga positions and I love it. I like that. I like her putting me in those positions rather than me having to put them on myself. She has a school that’s White Mountain Yoga.

She does a lot of her own programs that I will encourage you to look into that’s she’s doing independently. She has great products and Thai yoga is all about the Chakras. So welcome Syl here tonight.

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Syl: Thank you, thank you. I’m used to sitting in the lotus position cross legged on the ground so hopefully the thoughts will get up easy even when I’m standing up. I’m going to go ahead and begin with just a thought, something to consider and just kind of try and go along with me.

To my fellow swimmers: there is a river flowing now very fast. It is so strong and swift that there are those that will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore; push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.

At this time in history we must take nothing personally least of all ourselves for in the moment that we do our spiritual growth and journey comes to halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves. Banish the word struggle from your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in the spirit of celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for and that’s kind of the root of the issue. We wait and wait and wait and wait for someone to come and solve our problems and Carol or I can’t solve anybody’s problems at all. It’s actually getting in there and doing it yourself.

I am very much in a rooted state right now. Just brief history; in addition to all other things I do, I manage a bank and we were robbed Friday night. And so as I’m reading this poem to you; banish the word struggle from your vocabulary, and so I’ve been in a very deep survival mode and the mother hen with my staff trying to get them in and feeling safe and secure and it was really an amazing experience.

I wasn’t there. I was on a call but the next morning I held a yoga and the group and I, some of who are here today, just held a space for people and just really cleared it.

And as I was doing that, the night before, I felt a little frantic; I went to all my employees’ houses. I basically said to the parents, “Bear with me but I’m going to smudge your child

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with sage” and so I lit it up and all the way around, cleared out all the negativity and left them with lavender and rescue remedy.

The health food store stayed open for me an extra half hour and I cleared out their stock of rescue remedy and they’re like wow, a banker, that’s really interesting.

So that’s the state from which I’m coming intonight. I’m in a really rooted place. But after yoga on Saturday morning, I was just really kind of contemplating and getting into the possibility of the fear or how close it was to a dangerous situation of someone losing their life which it was and I was able to let go of that.

In the yoga practice, in the centering and the breathing; which is what we’re going to start with right now, just brought me to a place of, you know what, no one can take away who I am and no one can take away the safety of this enlightened bank. It’s not your usual bank, I mean my customers come in and…so I’d like to start with than tonight.

Go ahead and just take a nice deep breath in and you want to sit up just a little bit and just try to relax the belly and take a nice deep breath in through the nose, exhaling it out. Take two or three of those and if you feel so inclined and are willing remove your shoes and your socks and place them right in front of the chair.

Through the base of the feet is where we really ground ourselves. How long has it been since you wiggled your toes in the grass? How about the snow, anybody dare?

Do you really feel the carpet beneath you when you walk around during the day? There is an energy put off by the Earth and we all know that there is an electromagnetic field to the Earth. The bodies have the same thing.

The Earth has a vibration, this is a scientific fact. The Earth vibrates it’s rhythms of vibration.

If you use scientific equipment to do it you’ll come into being able to test these vibrations and its 7.5 cycles per second. Okay? That’s the vibration of the Earth. Scientists have also clocked the vibration of the body; the heart rate, the

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movement of the blood, the exchange in the cells and its 7.5, 6.9 to 7.5 cycles per second.

So we carry this same relationship between the Earth that we walk on and ourselves. Later on when we get to the Heart Chakra, I’ll teach you a bit about tonglin which is a meditation practice but it’s something that I did later on that day and the thought that came really clear to me was the Gaiam principle.

I don’t know if any of you are familiar with Gaia, the idea of Gaia; that basically the Earth and all its inhabitants and the trees and the ground, everything that exists in the Earth, whether it’s manmade or natural is part of one organism. And so whatever you do to one, you do to yourself.

And it’s a true principle, it’s a natural wah and so I thought as I was in this really deeply meditated state; these gentlemen who had run in with a sawed off shot gun, a hand gun and ski masks and made my employees go face down on the floor and thought about my anger at cleaning blood out of my carpet the night before and I felt compassion for who they are.

And, I re-frame in the situation because more than anything I wish I was there and I’m working on letting that go. But, I put myself there on the floor in my office with these people in there and I stood myself up and I walked over to these two young men and made eye contact and said if people really knew why you were doing this and what brought you here, there would be 100 people out in the parking lot with cash to help you, to get you what you really need.

And it was incredibly clearing and very, very grounding and I was able to set them free, like in the lion movie, I set them free. People have sometimes asked me what happened with you and your ex-husband and finally I just learned and I say I had to set him free like in the lion movie.

So grounding, what we do to ourselves, we do to others. No matter how small or internal that seems for you; when you say to yourself, when you spill something in the kitchen and immediately say, oh I’m such a loser. You’re not only doing that to yourself but you’re really doing that to the planet to everyone and we create these patterns.

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So the Root Chakra is to really get us into a place where we’re connected to one another and to the Earth. Take your hands and just rub them together nice and fast and then do the same thing, you can let go of your hands if you need to; and do the same thing with your feet or on the floor. If you’d like to, you can take…I’m going to sit down to do this. But maybe I won’t.

Let’s just take one hand on the palm of one foot and just hold that there for a minute. Take your other hand and hold your heart and a couple of nice deep breaths and then you want to do it at your own pace and your own time and reverse.

It’s really fabulous, you come to yoga, it would be very, very good because you’ll eventually get to a place and I’ll…basically the people upfront will see this better; that you get into the lotus position.

Okay, and that’s basically this position here and this is the position I said I will just never get there. I have chronic knee problems; I had scopes, all sorts of things. But it’s fabulous grounding to grab the palms of your feet and cross your hands, you’re making an infinity. I have to sit to do this.

I will levitate for those in the back row. But just take some nice deep breaths and feel the energy as it moves and weaves throughout the body. It’s not going anywhere; it’s not going out through the palms and the hands, it’s not going out through the feet. It’s interlacing with itself okay?

So that’s a very grounding thing and you can do it one foot at a time and that’s why I stood up. So you’re in your chairs and it’s shockingly similar to the Cook position, Wayne Cook; so extremely grounding to place your hands on the palms of your feet.

So we are here with Muladhara, the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra obviously we described it to you, starts at the base of your spine, the perineum. Those of you who had an episiotomy, I’m so sorry but you’re well acquainted with your Root Chakra. This is, basically we talked last time about how the Chakras were perceived by the Seers in India. They’re Hindu theistic philosophy and the Chakra at the root is red

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which is a very deep color. It has the lowest vibration on the color scale.

Okay, so the vibration of red is very slow. When you go to buy something, red is a part of whatever you buy. We associate buying with green, money, but anytime you buy something at the grocery store; red is what makes it happen. Can anybody tell me what that is? It’s the ruby that’s inside the cash register that they run the thing over. It flashes that red light.

Traditionally, the Root Chakra here has a downward pointing triangle in it within a square and my interpretation of this artistically was to do a grid under that and at the base of the triangle where it comes to a point is Chaktie, a snake, the coil at the base of the spine. Snake is not always Satan; sometimes it’s really, throughout the world viewed as a symbol of transformation and wisdom.

When you look at the Caduceus, the medical sign, it revolved from the Chakras. The Shashuna that goes up the front; you’ve got the masculine that moves up, the feminine; they meet at the top. There’s third eye with wings that go out to the sides. So there’s all that and that connection ties in. So really you’re learning about your Chakras they’re a part of everyday life.

It’s considered part of yoga now and it seems new to a lot of people that are just getting into energy work but really, we’re dealing with this all time and anal retentive, what does it mean? You know, its Root Chakra, that’s what it’s all about and the snake sleeps coiled at the spine and you can have a Kundalini awakening. What we’re talking about; Kundalini is the energy that moves through the Chakras, through the snake and I’m speaking historically here, alright?

So this lotus has four petals symbolizing the four points of the foundations and solidarity to be able to really be supported by the ground. Mullah Dallah is a Sanskrit word that means root support that’s the direct translation of what that word means’ shades of red, the base of the spine, coxegio plexus. So you can take your hand and place it on your sacrum. I’ve got mikes in the way but just right here.

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When you’re lying down, that’s nice before you go to bed to just place your hands underneath the sacrum and just feel some heat there and to release that as well, adrenal glands; your fight or flight, really basic, basic, basic. It’s all right there. You know, we think we’re far past in a way and so civilized and wonderful but someone points a gun in your face or you deal with someone attacking your character or just something that you feel strongly about; you’re going to feel warm. Just notice, you’ll feel warm right down at the base of your spine and the adrenal glands are the glands that move with this Chakra.

Grounding and survival are the two issues. Proteins are food so if you’re like, I need meat, I just need lots of meat and you can’t stop eating it; you’re dealing with some Root Chakra issues. I was at a retreat a short while ago and lots of vegans and yoga and she was talking about how she how gone twelve years and hadn’t eaten meat. She was so critical of people that ate it and was at a barbecue with a friend of hers and had this argument over and over and over again about harming, and how could you eat something that felt pain when it died for you to eat.

How do you get into all that? And that’s a valid argument. I follow that and then she said but just at one point a few months later, we were there again and he was frying up this steak, and she was like, “Can I just have a taste of that? I’ll just have a taste.” She took a taste and it was like, just more and more and more and more and she said “So now I’ll go in and I’ll get and split a little piece.”


It’s so funny to see this fabulous woman with her braids going down this way and these big eyes talking about this meat and how she goes and eats a little bit every once in awhile. Her Root Chakra okay, that’s her sense of smell, is the sense of this Chakra. I offer essential oils. The oils that I offer are specifically oils that I’ve used and found to be superior to anything else.

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I’ve studied aromatherapy for a number of years, about ten years and I am really particular about what oils I’ll use. The way aromatherapy works is you have olfactory bulbs right up in here and they’re actually pretty close to the brain. It’s the closest filter to your brain. Your sight goes through something, you breath goes through something; smell goes straight to the brain and triggers chemical releases.

So I passed around the Himalayan cedar wood. This is a really amazing oil a friend of mine brought me who’s an archeologists and who has really traveled the world bringing some of these oils here. He’s an incredible person and can give wonderful insight to me on the historical and clinical applications and a wonderful adjunct to my own study of aromatherapy, the healing benefits. You have the sheet passed out already. You can read some of those.

Cedar wood is woody, obviously and it’s just very grounding and centering. He was there with the Tibetan monks in the forest in the Himalaya’s while they were meditating from where he extracted the oil that I have here and it’s just incredibly wonderful, a wonderful, wonderful oil. It automatically sedate the nervous system. I had a couple of people mention to me, what’d you put in that stuff you passed around? Nothing it’s just the cedar wood from the Himalaya’s.

So, on down, the seed sound; this little design right here in the center is a phonetic symbol of the seed sound of the Root Chakra and it’s “lum”, so you want to repeat that over to yourself 50 times. You’re going to feel real grounded. “Lum” while you’re vacuuming, it will go right along with that.

The gemstone that originally kind of goes along with this, Gem Sphere I found to be extremely wonderful and I would accept any advice that they have, but what I have noticed for my own self and traditionally is the ruby is the stone for the Root Chakra, or, garnet, either one, ruby or garnet. Traditionally it is thought that one who attains a ruby will attain more jewels and that it’s also a symbol of wealth and money which is a Root Chakra issue.

She is more precious than rubies and all things are not to be compared unto her. So anyway, that’s the gemstone here, I mentioned cedar wood. The demon of this Chakra, I don’t

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even like to think of it as a demon because all is a teacher but fear is what inhibits the Root Chakra when you’re afraid and fear issues are worth a yearlong series themselves but it’s a very Root Chakra.

I mean if you walk a dog when it’s scolded, that little tail goes and wraps right around and it’s an instinctual thing for us. So to be able to release the fear that you have; it’s held in the body and you’ve got to be able to move the body and process through the body and the energy can sometimes hold that in place. So work with that.


Foundation, obviously the four points; gravity, what keeps you down; just feel for a second, take two, three deep breaths and just feel the pull against you. The pull of your feet through the ground see if you can feel those 7.5 cycles. It’s really pulling me down. I have is the verb and for those of you who are interested in purchasing; I’ve written a booklet on the Chakras. At the bottom is a Vinyasa and if we have time demonstrate it. The second page is an affirmation that’s fabulous for this stuff.

I have the right to exist on this Earth because I was born. When my son was learning to communicate, and we started to have the exchange, I didn’t want to create expectations from him.

But at the same time you have to raise a child and the thing that I say to him to this day, at least once a day, sometimes more; I’ll say do you know why I love you? Why? Because you were born, I’m so glad you were born. That’s something that we all really need to have a connection with.

I am lovable because I was born; that’s all you have to do and that’s an extremely grounding thing and it gets, it can get you in touch with your fear, too. I have the right to exist on Earth because I was born.

Every single one of us has a right to be here and there are rights that go along with thee Chakras that are delineated in the booklet as well.

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And then there’s some postures for you to try at home with the mirror or without and I’ll demonstrate some of these and these are all grounding postures to help you move it through the body. And then in the booklet there’s a somatic journal and then you have feet, ankles, calves, thighs, buttocks, knees, genitals; basically you journal it. I am the feet and I am always under too much pressure. I am the feet and I never touch the ground. I am the feet and I am invisible and ignored.

So just do that for each section that’s delineated. Our somatic balancing; how do you balance through the body your Chakras? The energy stuff is fabulous. Every day things that you can do, start right now pounding the feet. You want to give a try? Just kind of as hard as you can, harder, come on, take a deep breath in. Yeah, you’ve been at a football game, it creates something.


Wearing red clothing, fabulous, we’re there. Raking leaves; the smell of the leaves, how long has it been since you’ve been out and raked leaves and then rolled in it? That’s the thing, try rolling around. Bare feet in the grass, foot massage is fabulous, body work. Budgeting, cash management; really making yourself sit down and see how much you’ve got and what you’ve got to work with. Fear inhibits this place, okay?

Competitive sports, or any type of sports, are great. Family history, really, really finding out who you are and where you came from is important too. In the home I was raised in we never discussed it, had no idea what my great grandfather’s or grandmother’s name was.

When I was about 25 I started looking and searching for it and discovered I’m the 10th generation granddaughter of William Bradford, who came over on the Mayflower and was the 2nd governor of the Plymouth Colonies and had the idea for Thanksgiving. I didn’t know it was a family holiday.

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It was so cool. I felt so fabulous but I also found Mary Dyer who was burned at the stake for being a witch in the Salem trials. So there’s a little of both of them in me, I think with some of this Metaphysical stuff. She was probably just a yogi is all.

Eating is very Root Chakra oriented. Playing with children; if you have issues that you need to clear through your Root Chakra sometimes sitting down and playing a game with your child seems like the most insurmountable thing you could ever come across and once you get past that and you can have that connection; it’s incredibly grounding to get in touch with the child because the child is in the root. They are their roots.

It’s wonderful. Gardening and vinyasa asana; asana is the Sanskrit word for posture. It also has a further interpretation of being steady or joyful, asana. So any type of Sanskrit description if you’ve ever been to a yoga class you’ll hear about it. These fabulous names end in asana because it means posture. So vinyasa is actually a flowing movement and that’s what’s on the front of the booklet here; a little vinyasa for you to do, if you want to give that a try at home.


Be patient with yourself. The thing with the body is being able to bring yourself into a place of witness so you can allow your body to be whatever it is and this is where the somatic balancing can really be helpful to you as well. And then ethereal balancing; Carol does a lot of it and fabulously.

Questions for ethereal balancing “What keeps you from belonging?” I, when I was born, had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. I have voice problems to this day. I’m not quite sure it’s okay to be here. So my voice when I talk, it will go. Two days before I got married there was no sound coming out. It wasn’t laryngitis. There was nothing coming out of my mouth, no sound and I always know, it’s easy to tell whether I’m feeling guilt, if it’s displaced or not; or lying, my voice goes. I’m trying to tell my son about Santa Claus and it’s killing me, it’s killing me.

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Anyway, another question; Do you need permission to care for yourself? Was it a struggle to get here tonight because you had to work it out with somebody else who wasn’t quite sure they wanted you here? Or, do you have to ask permission to take care of yourself? I need to go get my hair done or I need to go work out or I need to do this. Do you really need permission? Is this where your Root Chakra is? Do you feel you have to have permission from others to care for yourself?

We go to a doctor which I have to go to and has saved my life on an occasion, and we put ourselves in their care and we do whatever they say.

Do we need their permission to care for ourselves? Are you empowered to heal yourself? How free are you with your money both obtaining it and releasing it?

Really interesting karma issues come into play there; the law of attraction, creation, it’s into play there.

I had a yogi at one point in my teaching a year or two ago that decided that he felt like yoga should not be paid for. It’s a spiritual thing and for me there’s really an energetic thing that takes place. It’s time away from my son, time away from myself, in the sense that I could be doing yoga on my own. And initially it was a big choice for me to teach or not because for me it’s a prayer with my body and it’s a very private thing and I got past that because I felt compelled to share it.

So anyway he walked in one time and just threw down money and said I’m going to miss a few classes and threw down something that was dismally short of what I asked for exchange.

And I smiled and I set him free and a week or two later he came in and had hurt a hamstring. It was killing him, oh he could hardly walk. Did I do that? No, I went over and I de-spiraled it and I worked on him and I felt very, very sincere compassion.

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Next yoga series he paid for the whole thing; didn’t complain. Had a fabulous time, the series after that, he started complaining threw me a couple of twenty dollar bills and came back with a wounded shoulder. He really hurt it.

So the karma takes care of it. So your money; how are you at attracting it? Do you criticize it for not coming to you?

Have you ever considered when you choose to pray over your food, please bless the money I spent on this would be returned to me ten thousand fold and I’ll use it to benefit others.

It’s not about you. It’s about what you do with you. I love Harry Potter. Obviously I’m in the seven year old range at this point but when Dumbledore says it’s not who you are, it’s not our abilities to prove who we are; it’s our choices. That’s true, it’s a fabulous line.

What most basic need remains unfulfilled for you? What’s your most basic need and are you too afraid to admit it because those are both Root Chakras.

Who and what do you trust the most and who and what do you trust the least? And I had listed her birth clearing CD; Carol’s birth clearing CD because that’s extremely valuable for the Root Chakra issue.

And then on the back of that I have something that I’ve done with my own meditations over the years and using the various cedars but specifically this Himalaya cedar oil is what I used when I wrote down this meditation and it’s a guided meditation.

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One of the yoga poses for the Root Chakra

So I’m just going to demonstrate a couple of yoga things. We’re all in our bare feet. So, one of the really fabulous postures for the root and it’s a little tricky until you get comfortable with yourself and the opposite sides of yourself but it’s wonderful for balancing the feminine and the masculine but it’s tricky because the feminine has to move through the masculine to get to the ground and the masculine has to move to the feminine to get to the ground.

And this is where yoga and the Thai yoga therapy is so beneficial because it teaches your body logic in a totally different way.

There are a lot of people in their Root Chakra in the gym beating their bodies into shape. That’s fabulous, I’ve done it. I chose not to do that anymore and I’m in better shape than I’ve been in a long time.

Inhale reaching the arms out, exhale press down with the elbows holding at the hips. Placing the hands just below the knees on the shin, reach forward through the spine straightening the back; exhale place the hands on the floors you step back on all fours, take a deep breath in and exhale down.

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Inhale press up through the hands opening the heart, leaving the knees on the mat, exhale back through extended child pose getting a nice long stretch.

Inhale bring the right leg forward, exhale as you join the back leg holding forward with the hands on the shins. Allow the head to hang off the spine. Inhale the arms out, up, place the palms together and bring them back, take a nice deep breath in, taking a little deeper; inhaling the arms gently out to the sides, lifting up, exhale, bend at the hips lowering a little deeper bringing the chest towards the knees, lifting through standing forward arch and stepping back gently through a point position.

Align your feet, look down at your toes and bend the hips lowering the elbows bringing your torso down thru. Inhale through upper placing, exhale; draw the hips back, using the strength in your hamstrings press up and back releasing the heels down towards the mat.

Spread the fingers, take a look at your hands, exhale back reaching ever higher, the head extending down from the tailbone so you have a nice long reach. Inhale step forward with the right foot; exhale join the back foot and lower the chest towards the knees.

Deep exhalation, inhale open up the arm, all the way up, reaching the elbows high, all the way down, open up the arms reaching as though you’re lifting a heavy object pressing down as though you’re lowering, pressing something down.

Press the heart through the needs, inhale into a standing forward arch and hop lightly back to plane, align yourself, lower down, pressing up bringing the knees all the way off the floor opening up the heart, pressing back through the hips downward facing.

Lift with the sit bones exhale the head down, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to open into the stretch. Work the muscles with your arms as you breathe ever deeper, press back through the hamstrings, press back through heels. Let the ribs expand with your breath and hop lightly forward.

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Standing forward arch, exhale forward, hold, inhale the arms out and up bringing the hands back. Allow yourself to feel nice and grounded; lifting up one leg, whichever feels the most natural.

Go ahead and place the palm of the lifted foot against the inside of the extended leg quad.

Flex the quad on the extended leg and gently reach out with the arms as though you were holding something in either hand reaching actively away from each other.

The palms of the hands facing up, the shoulders relaxing down away from the ears, taking a nice deep breath go ahead and exhale your elbows to a right angle.

Feel the balance in the shoulders as you draw the elbows down and open bringing the hands together in Namaste, breathe deeply as you mirror the pressure in the hands together and the foot on the floor. It’s a way to sort of trick the mind to make it think it’s standing on both feet.

Keep that pressure between the hands and the pressure into the foot as it presses down into the floor. Reach out through the hands, get a nice long lift through the heart and lower the foot to the ground.

Spend the moment and hover just lightly, we prefer not to go all the way up. Place the hands all the way around the hips.

Try squaring the hip by drawing the lifted leg hip down slightly. We’re going to try in the opposite side, try going up just halfway, opening up the hip as you press the palm of the foot against the floor.

Flexing the left quadriceps, pressing out with the knee to keep the hips remained open as you gently bring yourself into a squat, bring the feet as far apart as you need to to lower through the hips. It takes a long time to get into a full squat into a fairly natural position.

This position is wonderful for opening up the Root Chakra, helping you feel really grounded through the sacrum, allowing the sacrum to press into the ground beneath you.

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Take the hands palms down on your mat and the shoulders relaxing back and down.

Allow the heart to remain open and press up actively with the balls of the feet flexing the toes back.

To come down, bend at the knees and lower the feet slowly to the ground, take a deep breath in and release the weight to the floor. Rather than straining the abdominal muscles, when you sit up roll to your right side and sit up there; a wonderful grounding position for the Root Chakra.

Sit with both knees up; bring one leg underneath you tucking the foot back. For beginners just go ahead and cross the opposite leg over.

Sit by lifting through the heart start by going a little deeper and come onto the knees lowering both feet down to the sides and gradually lower the hips.

You need to sit on a blanket in order to do this. Lifting through the heart and getting yourself situated so both sit bones are on the ground; the shoulders open up and the heart remains open.

Taking the palms of your hands, place them on the palms of your feet. It’s extremely grounding to have the palms of the feet and the palms of the hand together.

You’re retaining energy throughout the body rather than letting it exhale out through the Chakras in the hands and feet. Continue with nice deep breaths feeling grounded and gravity pulling you down.

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