Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to...

Module 2-4 1 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Transcript of Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to...

Page 1: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-41

Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities

Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Page 2: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-42

Main Topics

Federal Transportation Funding Structure and Resources

Sources of State and Local Revenue

Alternative Funding Opportunities

Best Practices and Barriers in Accessing and Sharing Resources

A Case Study in Resource Sharing

Page 3: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-43

Federal Funding Structure

Federal Highway Trust Fund (1956)

Fuel Taxes (90%)

Truck Sales Tax

Tire Tax

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

Page 4: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-44

Federal Funding Structure

FHWA Core programs

• Interstate Maintenance

• National Highway System

• Surface Transportation Program

• Highway Bridge and Bridge Maintenance

• Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality

• Highway Safety Improvement Program

• Equity Bonus

Other Federal Agencies

Page 5: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-45

Federal Resources – FHWA

Highway Safety Improvement Program

Core Funding Program

$5.1 Billion over 4 Years

High Crash Location Focus

Set Asides

• Highway Rail Grade Crossings

• High Risk Rural Roads

• Safe Routes to School

Flex Program

Page 6: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-4

Iowa’s Traffic Safety Improvement Program (TSIP)

Also known as "Traffic Safety Fund," "TSF," or "Half-Percent" Program

One half of one percent (0.5%) of Iowa’s Road Use Tax Fund (approximately $5 million per year)

$500,000 per year for Traffic Control Device projects.

$500,000 per year for Research, Studies and Public Information initiatives.

Remainder available for Site-specific projects.

Benefit/Cost Worksheet (tsipB-C.xls)

• Includes B/C worksheets for both roadway segments and intersections/spot locations

Page 7: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-47

Federal Resources – NHTSA

State & Community Highway Safety Program

Nearly $900 million for Fiscal Years 2006-2009

Safety problems related to human factors and the roadway environment

States plan for distribution of funds annually – Highway Safety Performance Plans

Certification – funds support national highway safety goals• National mobilizations

• Sustained enforcement of impaired driving, occupant protection, and speed

• Annual safety belt observation surveys

• Statewide data systems

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Module 2-48

NHTSA – Section 408


• Accuracy

• Accessibility

• Completeness

• Integration

• Timeliness

• Uniformity

Grant Requirements

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Module 2-4

Page 10: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-410

Other NHTSA Grant Funds

Safety Belt Incentive Grants

Grants to Prevent Racial Profiling

Impaired Driving Grants

Motorcycle Safety Grants

Penalty Transfer Funds

Page 11: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-411

Federal Resources – FMCSA

Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program

Reduce number and severity of CMV crashes and hazardous materials incidents

Promotes adoption and uniform enforcement of safety rules, regulations, and standards by interstate and intrastate motor carriers

Allocation of funds to states by categories

Portion of funds can be used for data collection and analysis and improvements to existing systems

Page 12: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-412

Challenges to Future Financing

End of FY2009, Highway Account – Negative $4.3B

To Maintain Highway and Transit Systems – $50B Annual Gap

To Improve the Systems – $100B Annual Gap

Page 13: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-413

Sources of State Revenue

Fuel Taxes

Vehicle Registration Fees

Motor Carrier Taxes


General Fund Appropriations

Other Taxes and Fees

Bond Sales

Page 14: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-414

Sources of Local Revenue

Motor Fuel and Motor Vehicle Taxes


Property Taxes

Other Special Taxes


General Fund Appropriations

Page 15: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-415

Alternative Funding Opportunities

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

Insurance industry

Auto clubs, such as AAA

In-kind Support

Page 16: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-416

Funding Opportunities on the Web


CDC Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements

State Agency Websites – State Procurement, DOTs, Highway Safety Offices, Departments of Public Safety and Public Health

Page 17: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-417

Best Practices for Accessing Funding

Identify Needed Resources

Identify Funding Sources

"Pitch" the Project

Make Your Case

Maintain Relationships

Professionally Appropriate Proposals

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Module 2-418

Opportunities to Share/Leverage Resources

Scan the environment

• Similar or related programs/initiatives

• Similar target or focus audiences

Cross-jurisdictional Initiatives

• State support for local and regional efforts

• Multi-jurisdictional enforcement teams

• Data sharing

Page 19: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-419

Barriers to Sharing Resources

Lack of Knowledge of Available Resources

Inadequate Communication

Lack of Respect or Trust

Institutional “Cultural” Differences

Different Missions and Priorities

Confidentiality/Legal Issues

Different Planning Cycles

Rigid Funding Criteria

Page 20: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-420

Overcoming Barriers

Cross-train Stakeholders

Develop Information Sharing Strategies

Document Funding Arrangements

Ask Agencies to Adopt New Policies

Consider Non-traditional Resources

Page 21: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-421

A Case Study in Resource Sharing

The South Carolina Department of Transportation Work Zone Initiative

• Department of Transportation

• Department of Public Safety

• Emergency Medical Services

• Counties

• Cities

• Law Enforcement

• Federal Highway Administration

Page 22: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-422

The South Carolina Partnership




All It Takes Is Everyone!

Page 23: Module 2-4 0 Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities Identify, access, and share funding to support road safety initiatives.

Module 2-423


Federal Transportation Funding Structure and Resources

Sources of State and Local Revenue

Alternative Funding Opportunities

Best Practices and Barriers in Accessing and Sharing Resources

A Case Study in Resource Sharing