Modern Kitchen Designs Ideas - DIY Kitchens

Modern Kitchen Designs

Transcript of Modern Kitchen Designs Ideas - DIY Kitchens

Modern Kitchen DesignsBuying a new modern kitchen? Buying a new kitchen is possibly one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever have to make when deciding to renovate your home.

Your kitchen will be used many times a day and it’s quite possibly a room that people will have to walk through to get to other rooms in the home, so it’s important that you are 100% sure that the kitchen you choose, not only pleases you now but will do in years to come.

You are the designer!

If you are after a modern kitchen then there are a few design ideas for you on this page. Don’t forget that these are just ideas and you can completely design your own kitchen!

Simply measure up your kitchen to work out the space that you need to fill, choose the units that fit into your shaped kitchen, don’t forget that your oven and fridge can fit into these units, and order what you need in the style that you like!

Watch our short 90 second video on measuring up your kitchen here...

Fresco White Kitchen Fresco Beige Kitchen

Izari Kitchen Centris Kitchen

DIY Kitchens - 26a Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite Grange Industrial Estate, South Kirkby, Pontefract, W.Yorks, WF9 3NR. Tel: 01977 608 418 | Email: [email protected]

Online kitchens are cheaper

DIY Kitchens sell modern kitchens online only, which makes us a lot cheaper that the high street stores. If you want to see just how cheap we are, price up the kitchen units that you need on our website and then go and get a quote from one of the stores on the high street, you’ll be surprised with just how much you’ll save with us!

Choose your kitchen fitter

Once you have designed and ordered your kitchen units, they will be delivered to you from DIY Kitchens in 2-3 weeks. You can then choose a kitchen fitter of your choice to fit the kitchen.

If you fancy having a go at fitting your own kitchen then we have a YouTube channel that gives lots of help and advice on how to do this. Click the icon below to view the videos.

Maki Kitchen Cento Wenge Kitchen

Cento Graphite Kitchen Cento Oak Kitchen

DIY Kitchens - 26a Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite Grange Industrial Estate, South Kirkby, Pontefract, W.Yorks, WF9 3NR. Tel: 01977 608 418 | Email: [email protected]