Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

European Survey Pricing, Profit & Revenue lifecycle management in Life Sciences 2


Pricing and revenue management is centric to an organisation’s profitability. Processes flow across functional silos, across geographies via multiple technologies creating disconnects, revenue leakage and margin erosion and lack of visibility Reporting lines are varied but profitability needs a board level owner to ensure consistent strategic focus and reporting. Pricing and revenue management done well are data, accuracy and time dependent. Technology is a successful enabler to achieve end to end process and data integration. To move from operational pricing to strategic & proactive pricing and revenue management change management is required to achieve increased productivity.

Transcript of Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Page 1: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

European Survey

Pricing, Profit & Revenue lifecycle

management in

Life Sciences


Page 2: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Pricing Organisation & maturity …..….…4 Pricing strategy & Performance Management ………………………..………….9 Pricing Execution & the role of value in Pricing………...……………………………..…..15 Conclusions, Lessons learnt & recommendations ………………….….…….24



European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management- June 2013

Page 3: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Survey participants: Life sciences companies from all segments

took part …

CHAPTER 1: Pricing Organisation & Maturity

but…48% indicated their pricing team was

still very reactive and lacked clarity in roles & objectives. See Page 6

….and agree on the need for a structured organisation that owns

pricing and revenue management processes.


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Leaders..18% have pricing &

revenue management as part of their strategic planning process,

reporting lines make

coordination tricky.”

Price & Revenue Management are intrinsically “matrix-ed” in nature, but who owns profitability? Direct Reporting lines are important but so is the accountability for pricing and margins across geographies:

A key part of re-aligning the organisation around revenue lifecycle management is incentivising alignment down and across the organisation from Pricing to marketing, sales operations, finance and service.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Organisation & Maturity


Page 5: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Progressing..34% are in

the process of re-engineering pricing & revenue

management processes and

have a clear goal in mind.”

All successful transformations have c-level sponsorship; Experience suggests that sponsorship from the offices of the CFO together with Regional General Management are the kingpins to pivotal change.

There is some way to go in terms of asserting Price, Profit & Revenue Management as an integral part of strategic planning.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Organisation & Maturity


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Beginners.. 87% of respondents have only just

started to become more proactive in pricing but lack of data is making progress


Timely access to data, but also qualitative market intelligence is critical to forming fact- based and optimal commercial strategies. The implications for many are that they are driving a type of “commercial fog” and are with little time or capability to react when events emerge out of the mire! Organisations often overlook the information sources within their own 4 walls or that may be acquired directly from the channels waiting to be discovered.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Organisation & Maturity


Page 7: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Time to decide what to do next on Pricing Organisation & Maturity in your


Madalina Preda, European Pricing Director “Building a pricing organisation to win the pricing battle”

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European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Organisation & Maturity


Page 8: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

The continuation of austerity measures in Europe is affecting the Life sciences industry in many ways: from the drugs made available to patients, to the way in which manufacturers engage with their customers, to the impact pricing strategies have across geographies.

CHAPTER 2: Pricing Strategy & Performance Management

The new normal: Growth is slow, flat or down!


Page 9: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Strategy & Performance Management

Vast.. 87% see

International Reference Pricing as pivotal to competitive

advantage; but only 12% have suitable technology & processes

in place

Recent years have seen a very significant increase in the pressures prices and revenues, IRP and other techniques like tendering and rebating have fast become a primary vehicle for buyers and payers to influence healthcare costs.

Today’s enterprise class technology solutions for IRP help tackle

inefficiencies and drive consistency in making optimized and proactive decisions, for new product as well as both patent protected and off-patent.


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Tendering is fast becoming very pervasive, some organizations seeing as much as 80% of their European business driving by tendered opportunities. Without the right competencies and skills in place, large complex organizations will be inefficient in being consistently successful in managing their tender business and win-rates also average values of a tender business will suffer. Market-share in some markets are driven primarily by tender success and the revenue and profit value of the tender business.

Hungry .. 65% want more

training, more best practices &

more competitive info to

increase success rates and effectiveness in tenders.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Strategy & Performance Management


Page 11: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Stressed.. 71% of the

respondents are either not measuring performance or do so

sporadically based on business


European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Strategy & Performance Management

Price, profit and revenue lifecycle optimization is often a poorly defined operating process; it is often broken and disjointed, causing performance reduction. The mandate and remit of pricing often lacks clarity and is not very well understood, consequently pricing performance definition with clear KPIs is often lacking “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it!”. Stakeholders in the performance process will be unclear on desired outcomes and they will be less effective in focus and collaboration efforts. 12

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Mature.. 6% use integrated

revenue management solution with global data source;

Challenged.. 58% use excel or

multiple point solutions .”

Until very recently, integrated revenue management operations have been a must-have only in some industries – such as airlines, hotels, consumer products; this is no longer the case: in life sciences, integrated revenue management is fast becoming a matter of effectively addressing increased commercial complexity.

Because price, profit and revenues are created and delivered by many functionally, geographically and divisionally dispersed stakeholders. Non-collaborative tools and point solutions will fail to deliver consistent process and data collaboration for all stakeholders.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Strategy & Performance Management


Page 13: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Mark Hill, Senior Director, Market Access EAME

Time to decide what to do next on Pricing Strategy & Performance Management in

your business?

“Dynamic IRP on Launch Sequencing & price management”

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European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Strategy & Performance Management


Page 14: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

CHAPTER 3: Pricing Execution & the role of Value

61% indicated a stronger focus on pricing as a

means to deal with economic downturn and protect profitability!


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Discrepancies are caused by the considerable multi-layered complexity which often exists in the gross-to-net price and margin process; Discounts on-invoice, off invoice as well as rebate and incentive allocation to products and customers are often managed in a non-consistent manner. Customer, product and market price and profit transparency is lost in the mix which in turn cause difficulties in tracking and measuring the effectiveness of commercial strategies in execution.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Leaking..59% face

discrepancies between order & invoices; 65% do not have

regular exception reporting


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Unified..71% agree that

sales teams are not well educated on pricing to protect


European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Traditionally sales organizations are expected to deliver revenues and have often not been measured on price and margin performance.

Value based selling, strategic selling and other value and margin focused tactics have often not been prioritized.

Skillset and capability shortages are frequent and many companies are looking to upgrade their sales organizations to reflect the new commercial reality in the industry.


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Dominant.. 82% have

not linked sales incentives to

margin performance.”

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

The past 3-4 years have seen a new commercial reality emerging in the European life sciences industry. Few organizations have traditionally had their sales organizations focused on value selling and compensation schemes have been aligned with this.

The sales function is an integral component in the price, profit and revenue achievement lifecycle: Innovative life sciences organizations are realizing this and starting to create a better balance of incentives.


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Price and profit pressures, driven by customers and competitors chiefly, is promoting value based selling to the forefront. Sales is starting to be seen as a core component in the value creation and selling process, some times even seen as a leader: Fundamental to the evolution of the sales teams is the balance of incentives between price, margin and revenue performance.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Divided.. 54% find their

sales teams do not highlight value systematically in sales



Page 19: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Value and unique selling points compared to the competition is critical for commercial success. Innovation in value is not just in product features, but can also be in application of how products are used to exploit their full benefits, for example dosage, diagnostics and other aspects offer ways of enhancing value.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Positive.. 65% believe customers see value as an asset over

of pricing levels


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Lack of pricing control and invoice transparency creates imbalance between optimizing deal, local market and regional prices. Commercial dynamics in multiple market environments create a reality where any time lag for data to support pricing decisions for involved stakeholders means they quickly become reactive as a consequence. Unwanted price transactions can often cost millions in reduced margins by the ripple effects that reference pricing has across markets.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Invisible.. 71% lack

near real time visibility of sales teams deviation for target margin levels


Page 21: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

Effective collaboration, process coordination and discounting discipline requires ability to control and manage to defined outcomes. Improved visibility of discounts improves margins and improves commercial strategy consistency and execution. Discounting reduce profitability and impacts well beyond individual deals or markets, with reduced net margins as a consequence.

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Proactive.. 82% are

working to gain visibility of discounts across

geographies and measure impact on



Page 22: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

European survey pricing, profit & Revenue lifecycle management –

Pricing Execution & the role of Value

Ray Almeida, Vice President, Global Sales & pricing analytics

Time to decide what to do next on Pricing Execution & the role of value in your


“Global Pricing: maximising effectiveness with real time insights”

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Page 23: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

CHAPTER 4: So What?

• Pricing and revenue management is centric to an

organisation’s profitability.

• Processes flow across functional silos, across geographies

via multiple technologies creating disconnects, revenue

leakage and margin erosions and lack of visibility

• Reporting lines are varied but profitability needs a board level owner to ensure consistent strategic focus and


• Pricing and revenue management done well are data, accuracy and time dependent.

• Technology is a successful enabler to achieve end to

end process and data integration.

• To move from operational pricing to strategic & proactive pricing and revenue management change

management is required to achieve increased productivity.


Page 24: Model N European Survey: Pricing, Profit & Revenue life-cycle management - Life Sciences

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