Model Essay

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? This task was taken from the book Cambridge IELTS 6 Student's Book with answers: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) by Cambridge ESOL. Nowadays millions of companies produce billions of products and the role of advertising is quite obvious. Ads help consumers to find the goods or services of their needs. However, do our needs grow equally fast as the number of products? Some market analysts insist modern commercials are not merely matchmakers of a product and a consumer, but actively interfere with buyer’s desires, developing artificial needs. Undoubtedly, advertisement guides people through the market, serves those who do not have time to learn differences between goods. These products are probably the same, but loyalty to a particular brand, formed by a commercial helps make a choice. When a person buys one mobile phone out of 50 models, he thinks he made his choice himself. But that was a commercial who told him about the features of this phone. Nevertheless, ads not only inform us about new goods, but force people to want them. This can be even useful, for example for someone who suffers from back pains and without commercials he would never imagine there are new mattresses which could ease their pains. Unfortunately, promoters now operate our minds more aggressively. Commercials no longer promote products, but lifestyles. They told us to purchase things just because they are fashionable or up to date with the image of successful person. And we buy new cars, gadgets and clothes in order to match this image and

Transcript of Model Essay

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This task was taken from the book Cambridge IELTS 6 Student's Book with answers: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) by Cambridge ESOL.

Nowadays millions of companies produce billions of products and the role of advertising is quite obvious. Ads help consumers to find the goods or services of their needs. However, do our needs grow equally fast as the number of products? Some market analysts insist modern commercials are not merely matchmakers of a product and a consumer, but actively interfere with buyer’s desires, developing artificial needs.

Undoubtedly, advertisement guides people through the market, serves those who do not have time to learn differences between goods. These products are probably the same, but loyalty to a particular brand, formed by a commercial helps make a choice. When a person buys one mobile phone out of 50 models, he thinks he made his choice himself. But that was a commercial who told him about the features of this phone.

Nevertheless, ads not only inform us about new goods, but force people to want them. This can be even useful, for example for someone who suffers from back pains and without commercials he would never imagine there are new mattresses which could ease their pains.

Unfortunately, promoters now operate our minds more aggressively. Commercials no longer promote products, but lifestyles. They told us to purchase things just because they are fashionable or up to date with the image of successful person. And we buy new cars, gadgets and clothes in order to match this image and not because old ones are no longer usable.

Personally I think that high sales of popular commodities are the result of new promotional technologies. The best illustration of that is that everyone now is concerned mostly about how a new mobile phone will reflect his personality, a new shirt – his image, or will a new car make colleagues feel jealous.

Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time.Do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

Nowadays children spend so much time at school and attend various additional classes and this makes some educational specialists feel pity for

them. They suggest giving kids more spare time to play and have fun. Meanwhile, there is an opinion that youngsters should do only those activities that benefit their knowledge and educate them, and I totally agree with this point of view.

Of course, the volume of the information children receive at school and ought to memorize is enormous and they should be given some free time to relax. Playing with others is essential to develop communication skills and this also gives young brains some rest.

Although, we have to admit that in our competitive world the more time a kid devotes to the study process the better life he can achieve. There are ways to make playing with others very educational and parents should encourage their children to play games which make brain work. For example, kids could have a competition combining physical activity and some kind of trivia on geography, like we had in our childhood. Moreover, even computer games can be very intelligent. There are so many electronic entertainments which teach languages, gives information on history, geography, that child addicted to computers could become very smart and educated.

In addition, unattended kid hardly makes proper use of his leisure time. If it happens, children just watch TV or get under peer pressure. They unfortunately do not have skills of analyzing and filtering what is bad or what is good. Education through games instead makes them occupied and in the same time teaches analyzing.

To conclude with, education through fun is not very exhausting for kids but its usefulness can be great. It would be a shame to devote this time to the TV or other entertainment.

It has been proved that smoking kills. In some countries it has been made illegal for people to smoke in all public places except in certain areas. All countries should make these rules.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The idea of banning smoking from public places always was a very controversial one. Those who defend smoking on streets and in offices refer to human rights and the fact that tobacco is legal. Others hold an opinion that since there are undeniable proofs that cigarettes cause lethal diseases not only to smokers but to surrounding people, smoking should be allowed only in special places. I totally agree with the idea of making smoking legal in certain places only.

On the one hand, it is the society who makes smokers to smoke and it would be not fair just to put them into exile and consider the problem solved. Since we sell them tobacco they should have right to use it wherever they want.

On the other hand, those who do not smoke should have the right to breathe clean air. When somebody is smoking cigarette, health of non-smokers is under attack. Personally I am a former smoker, but even for me breathing tobacco smell is unbearable. It is not only makes people to temporarily feel bad but also causes long term effect. There are researches showing that so called ‘passive smoking’ could be even worse for health than smoking itself. Causing damage to anyone’s health is illegal, that is why there is no excuse for smoking in public places.

Another reason for this is the fact that not every legal action is allowed on public. Moral, cultural and juridical limitations are exist. For example, there are toilets for people’s bladder and nobody is allowed to urinate on streets. Tobacco is much more dangerous than that so there is no doubt every country should consider moving smokers to special places.

To conclude with, every country must think of the wellbeing of its citizens and make steps to protect them from dangerous effects of tobacco by banning smoking from public places.

IELTS Essay: More money for The Art?

The Art should be better funded by the government but there must be more control over where the money goes. Discuss.

Since prehistoric ages The Art highlights our lives, adds beauty and happiness and cultivates the taste among the people. However, nowadays creative projects became very pricey and can not bring pay-off to its authors. Some people think that the government should pay for those projects and, of course, observe precisely how those funds are being spent.

This is quite obvious that no structure except government knows nations cultural needs best. It can evaluate which sphere of cultural life have the necessity of development and achieve its goals of public loyalty by funding a specific field of The Art, controlling budget by giving maintenance only to projects they are interested in.

However, funding The Art selectively can lead artists to the lack of freedom in expressing themselves. In other words, then those who have power use money to regulate cultural life, it can limit the imagination and put artists into borders they would be scared to cross. Thus, here comes the censorship, which has nothing in common with the main democracy principles. For example, similar situation was in the Soviet Union, there solely the government controlled The Art and therefore the only career an artist could pursue is praising the Communist Party by his creations.

As an alternative of letting a government to control spending money on The Art, a non-governmental independent organization could be established. It must consist of the best cultural activists from a country. This would add a certain level of budget control and would guarantee there are no limits for The Art.

To conclude with, I believe that funding The Art is one of the main tasks of a state, but the purpose of it should be development, not making it to serve government political needs.

IELTS essay: Should education be free?

All education, primary, secondary and further education, should be free to all people and paid for by the government.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The opinion that every citizen should have the right to study at school or university for free is very controversial one. Those, who disagree, refer to enormous expenditures of government in case of establishing such laws. Although, I hold the viewpoint that not charging people for education could become very beneficial for country and its economy.

First, young people from poor families could be very smart. Looking back to history and biographies of distinguished people, raised in poverty can illustrate this best. Making schooling available only for fortunate is not fair. Moreover, the state well-being could also be affected, because there would be a lack of talented specialists, whose skills was not discovered and developed by proper training.

Another advantage of making education free of charge is happiness of the nation. Inability of individual to collect amount of money needed to pay school or university fees cause stress and anxiety of the middle-class society, which can even keep them from having children. Nowadays we can see that the lowest birthrate is in countries where prices of enrollment to highest education institutions are very high. This clearly indicates the fact that citizens of rich countries do not feel able to provide their future offspring proper education.

Finally, nothing seems to be more beneficial to economy than intelligent nation. Free courses and study programs can prepare excellent specialists, who would work to bring profit themselves and hence their country. That would surely compensate most expenses of state budget caused by education of no charge.

To sum up, even though making all schools free can be very expensive for state economy, advantages are invaluable. After several years such improvements would bring fruits of happy, intelligent nation confident about its future.

IELTS essay: Can TV teach people?

Some people say that television is a very useful tool when it comes to education. Others argue that television is a much overused, ineffective teacher.Discuss both of these views and give your opinion as to the usefulness of television as an educational tool.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 words.

There is a lot of controversy about whether TV can play a role of teacher. Some people hold a viewpoint that it can never be educational at all. Others, although, disagree, reffering to TV's high potential of teaching through amusement.

As a matter of fact, television nowdays can hardly be called educational. All those talk shows and soap operas we can see every day are completely waste of time and can even have negative effects by distracting young and undisciplined people from their studies. Moreother, the most of so called educational programms like National Geographic can not replace books and academic lectures because they tend to entertain people and have not an aim to give deep and concentrated knowledge.

Hovewer, TV can be a powerful mean of delivering information and a nice part of learning process. Educational methodists have proved that the more senses are involved at the time of studying, the more effective result can be achieved. Television produce both picture and sound, so its usefulness is obvious. Many teachers already use this advantage actively by showing to students videocassetes which go as supplimentary material to many language courses. So why not to broadcast such movies through television?

The problem of ineffectiveness of television as educational tool is in fact not a problem of television itself, but of people who decide the content of particular channel. It is hardly unlikely that content directors would abandon their high profits and change talk shows to lectures and video-lessons. Therefore, those, who insist on TVs uselessness maybe right, but let us not forget that as technology improves new cheap ways of broadcasting appear, for instance video podcasts. They can prove exclusive power of such learning tool as television.

IELTS essay: Who learn languages better?

Some people think children are more successful in foreign language studies than adults. Discuss.

The viewpoint that children are better learners became almost a common sense,

although it is not always true in terms of learning foreign languages. When it comes to make an approach to, for example, Japanese or French, adults have proven themselves superior learners because of their experience of getting knowledge of their own language and their performance is generally better motivated.Every adult have some amount of education it their past and it mean he has already received general understanding of the structure of native language. Thus, this more or less categorized base usually serves as a template for foreign grammar or vocabulary. Person only has to place new material on certain shelves in his memory and operate them like it their own language. Children, in contrast, are usually confused by any grammar, even of their country. Bringing foreign language to curriculum adds embarrassment because they do not have sufficient understanding of grammatical of semantic categories and can not bring to order such huge amounts of information.Grown-ups also appear to be more enthusiastic about language studies. As a matter of fact, this skill for them is a tool that can be used to achieve career goals. Obviously, more motivated individual do better, and even if his abilities are modest, through practice success can come very fast and lot of success stories can prove it. Kids, though, usually consider second language lessons as a fun or, otherwise, something boring and, even if they tend to absorb knowledge like sponges, without use it rapidly disappears. With no proper encouragement youngsters just do not know they have to practice new words and grammar in order not to forget them.Thus, while it would not be mistake to suggest children are naturally better learners, let us not forget that adults are usually better suited to language studies.

IELTS essay: University or working?

Some people think high school graduates should travel or work for a period oftime instead of going directly to study at university.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 words.

There is a considerable controversy about what young people should do after receiving graduation certificate of high school. The majority holds the viewpoint that obtaining an university degree immediately after school is the only option to become successful and established person. Others, however, tend to disagree; in their opinion after finishing school individual should receive an opportunity to see the world or try his skills on job.On the one hand, basic knowledge, came into posession of a pupil at school should be preserved and receive futher development at university. Human brain forgets facts rapidly, espessially those, which are not in use. In the case of making a long pause between graduation from school and enrolling to an

university, person may become unable to pass admission exams.On the other hand, on job training may provide an opportunity of receiving experience and choosing career before deciding the sphere, in which student wants to obtain higher education. For instance, young person can try his skills of management, working as an assistant manager in a small shop. In addition, that could also help him to understand if this work is really what he desires and prevent from making an expensive mistake of choosing wrong major.Another option of understanding someone’s needs is travelling. This is a perfect way to see the world and different professions in use. Person, who have never been in rural areas could be charmed, for example, by romantism of cheesemaking and come to decision to make genuine milk products all his life.To sum up, there are some ways different from the standart scheme of going to university right after school and they should not be overlooked. Personally I think that whichever option person chooses, time before university should not be wasted on entertainment or parties. It is essential to use it wisely, thinking about the future.

IELTS essay: The rubbish problem

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.

Why do you think this is happening?

What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

In our highly industrialized era there is a growing awareness about the exessive amounts of trash people producing. We are about to be flooded by different types of garbage if certain measures will not be taken. This essay will explore some causes of this and propose ways to solve the problem.

To begin with, different food producers decided that their products will be selling better if they will pack them in small-sized boxes and packets. These colorful and attractive packs go straight to the trashcan, the number of packs is growing along with the consuming groth.

More consuming produces more waste. Government and businesses encourage consuming because it leads to high profits and development of state economy. They are not interested in the situation there a person is going to use something for a long time. Society is being bombarded with commersials, pleading to buy, for instance, a new mobile phone. Buying new things cause throwing away old but good things.

The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, government is not interested of reducing consuming. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals and non-governmental organizations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of packaging material per ton of product should be established.

Moreover, interesting programs, involving people to participate can be developed. For example, bonuses for not asking for a plastic bag in supermarkets or for buying extra large packs of food.

In addition, everyone should become conserned about the future of human beings and our planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying things we do not need.

This essay has been checked and graded by the real IELTS teacher. See bellow the teacher's comments:This is a good essay. It has the right structure and the contents cover the task. The paragraphs are correctly built and logically connected. The language is fine, however the grammar needs more attention. Overall, looks like a band 7 essay.IELTS Essay: Information Technologies lead to social problems?

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a polarised society and this will lead to serious social problems.To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Our highly informatized era became quite a shock for many of us. At the time one part of society uses new means of information very actively, other people stay in the dark without any chance to make an approach to understanding new technologies. There is a raising awareness of does this problem have a potential danger of slicing the society into two parts which would never understand each other.It is the fact that many of everyday activities became available for computer users only. For example, if you are a university student, you are supposed to submit your term paper as typed and printed document, they no longer accept hand-written papers. Furthermore, some manufacturers do not distribute information leaflets, but give a website address on their products’ packs, thus only the Internet users can have an access for product details. The last but not the least, the computer skills became a crucial requirement for employment in urban areas.Meanwhile, inhabitants of rural areas do not need new means of acquiring information. Their work and everyday activities do not demand using computers. For example, a farmer can use radio to hear news and ordinary mail to communicate.Taking into account the fact not every citizen can use new information technologies, governments would not change the traditional ways of interaction with their people. It is highly unlikely people would no longer have a possibility to vote by filling papers by hand or do other activities, important for their citizenship.Informatization of society affected those, who have a need of instant information

exchange. People, whose lifestyle do not require any haste in communication have an opportunity to use traditional ways of it. I am assured that as long as situation does not make others to change their way of life against their will, there is no risk of receiving serious social problems.

This essay has been checked and graded by the real IELTS teacher. See bellow the teacher's comments:This is a good essay. The only improvement it needs is length reduction (from 304 words to 250-265 words) and perhaps paying more attention to grammar. Overall, looks like a Band 7 essay.

IELTS Essay: Animals: To use or not to use?

Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings, unless there is evidence that the animals do not suffer in any way.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lot of controversy about using animals for human needs. Animal rights activists are trying to stop all modern and traditional activities, which involve killing animals or cause their suffering. Traditionalists are trying to convince the community that using living creatures for men's needs is natural and cannot be avoided in everyday life. In this essay we will explore this subject.Activists, who defend animal rights, are telling the world that people should not use animals in any way. Moreover, they say that animals should have exactly same rights as humans do. The reason is that people and animals are both living creatures and there shouldn't be any difference in treating them. So called extreme vegans are refusing to eat any food of animal origin, even milk or honey. They are trying to convince people to do the same using as an argument that killing animals and keeping them in captivity cause their suffering and not civilized.Traditionalists disagree with the statement that human should stop killing animals or using them to fulfill their needs. From the very beginning of human civilization there is a tradition and vital need to use animals as a food and their parts in traditional crafts. Without proteins and vitamins of animal origin human body wouldn't receive all nutrients it needs. Moreover, testing some medicals on animals already helped to fight many diseases people suffered from.I think, people have the moral right to use animals to their benefit, to some extent. I am sure, we should not cause them suffer and die for our fun. Although, using animals for food is natural for humans as a predators, but as civilized predators we should make sure to use only humane ways of killing.

IELTS essay: Space research or fighting diseases?

Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There is an opinion that countries are spending a lot of their cash assets on space projects while they should rather finance medical science sufficiently. Spaceships are flying all over the Universe at the time people are dying from AIDS or even flu. Is there any point of throwing money into the outer space?

On the one hand, human really have not fought many dangerous and highly contagious diseases. Moreover, industrialization and economical progress brought new diseases as a result of receiving more comfortable life. They are diabetes, cardio-vascular problems, etc. In addition, launching just one space shuttle into the sky requires somany natural resources and brings so many pollution, that it influences ecology a lot. That brings us new health issues, that need additional funding, which could be withdrawn from excessive payments for space research.

On the other hand, scientists already have fundraising from commercial pharmaceutical companies. A lot of diseases have been fought in just last 100 years and there is an increase in mankind life expectancy. Moreover, improved health and elongated life of population leads to a new problem – overpopulation. Space research can help to find a new home for Earth inhabitants. The last, but not the least, who knows, there is a chance we could found on other planets a panacea for all diseases.

As for me, I am not a very healthy person and my parents either. However, if there is a one, very small chance, that something exciting will happen and astronauts will meet alien civilization on other planets, I would not be happy that government is spending money for medicine only. We have overcrowded planet and we should search for ways of expanding our habitat.

This essay has been checked and graded by the real IELTS teacher. See bellow the teacher's comments:This is a good essay. It has the right structure, covers the task, the contents is coherent, the sentences are well-structured, the vocabulary and the grammar are fine. Overall, looks like Band 7 essay.IELTS essay: Computer games or outdoor sports?

Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastimes than spending all day indoors.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Together with computerization of our society there is a rising of public

awareness about kids, who spend too much time in front of personal computer or playing video games. What it best for children to devote their free time to outdoor activities and conventional games or to be at home and entertain themselves with computer?Some types of PC games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential. They can encourage youngsters to develop researching skills and inspire them to learn new things. However, significant amount of video games is dumb-type, which develops nothing but button-pushing skill. Unfortunately, these games are usually highly addictive. Thus, they can cause the lack of physical activity and even serious mental diseases.Outdoor games often more beneficial for kids’ health. They not only train them in terms if agility and endurance, but teach children to socialize and make friends. Moreover, they make them stronger because of fresh air, physical activity and exposure to the sunlight. Therefore, being on the street not always safe. Unattended child can receive trauma or become a subject of crime.I was not very outgoing and physically active kid and preferred rather to read than to play with others. Getting a computer brought more diversity for my leisure and study. It helped me to experience new emotions, learn new things, study English and meet interesting people online. High information technologies aptitude helped me to get a good job than I grew up. Therefore I think parents should look to their child’s personality in order to decide what is more appropriate. Finding good balance between electronic entertainment and outdoor games depends on parents’ ability to identify what benefits their child best.

Bad experience with a cruise

You have taken a cruise and have been disappointed with the experience. Write a letter to the cruise provider and specify- what went wrong- how did you feel about it- what do you want to be done about it.

This task was taken from actual experience. I received full refund after this letter :)

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Soandso and I am writing to bring your attention to an unsatisfactory experience we had with Christmas Cruises on December 25, 2010.

First, contrary to that was in the advertisement, the boat was old and homely. It was cold inside from the beginning, but when a hundred passengers boarded, the windows became misted due to poor ventilation, which made it impossible to enjoy the views of the Sydney Harbour.

Second, even though we were provided with a "private table", there were so many private tables that we were literally sitting elbow to elbow with other passengers. The cheap, unsteady tables were put so close to each other that we became barricaded and had to ask other people to stand up and let us pass to get the food or to use the washroom. This all provided us with the feeling of growing embarrassment incompatible with enjoying the cruise and the Christmas spirit.

In the circumstances, we do not feel that is unreasonable to expect a full refund of the money paid to you following the misrepresentation of what Christmas Cruises were offering. We expect, therefore, a refund of the full $200.

Faithfully yours, Soandso

IELTS Essay: Are ads making us to buy more?

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This task was taken from the book Cambridge IELTS 6 Student's Book with answers: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) by Cambridge ESOL.

Nowadays millions of companies produce billions of products and the role of advertising is quite obvious. Ads help consumers to find the goods or services of their needs. However, do our needs grow equally fast as the number of products? Some market analysts insist modern commercials are not merely matchmakers of a product and a consumer, but actively interfere with buyer’s desires, developing artificial needs.

Undoubtedly, advertisement guides people through the market, serves those who do not have time to learn differences between goods. These products are probably the same, but loyalty to a particular brand, formed by a commercial helps make a choice. When a person buys one mobile phone out of 50 models, he thinks he made his choice himself. But that was a commercial who told him about the features of this phone.

Nevertheless, ads not only inform us about new goods, but force people to want them. This can be even useful, for example for someone who suffers from back pains and without commercials he would never imagine there are new mattresses which could ease their pains.

Unfortunately, promoters now operate our minds more aggressively. Commercials no longer promote products, but lifestyles. They told us to purchase things just because they are fashionable or up to date with the image of successful person. And we buy new cars, gadgets and clothes in order to match this image and not because old ones are no longer usable.

Personally I think that high sales of popular commodities are the result of new promotional technologies. The best illustration of that is that everyone now is concerned mostly about how a new mobile phone will reflect his personality, a new shirt – his image, or will a new car make colleagues feel jealous.

IELTS Letter: Some problems at work

You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks you realised there were some problems with the job.Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter- explain why you took the job- describe the problems that you experienced- suggest what could be done about them.

This task was taken from the book Insight into IELTS Extra, with Answers: The Cambridge IELTS Course Workbook (Cambridge Books for Cambridge Exams) by Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am a part-time call-centre operator at your company, started working about 4 weeks ago. I am writing to indicate the problem I encountered during my work.

Actually, I decided to took the position of a telesales specialist because consider myself able to develop a career in sales due to my skill of establishing good contact with people and make them trust me. However, I realised there are some obstacles on a way to success.

The problems started 3 weeks ago then the system administrator updated my software. At the time of a call I was querying a customer for his personal data then suddenly my computer reloaded and this person’s profile was lost. This situation repeated in the future for several times. I asked the system administrator to solve this problem, but he told me this is solely my fault and my computer skills are below required to use this program.

I am assured the complete situation makes company profits lower. I believe that software managing specialist could fix the problem if the initiative would be taken by a senior manager of your rank.

Sincerely yours,Anna FrankIELTS letter: Damaged suitcase

You travelled by long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged.Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter- inform the bus company of when and to where you travelled- describe your suitcase and what happened to it- explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase

This task was taken from the book IELTS on Track: Test Practice General Training.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to require a compensation for the property damage, taken place at the time of the travelling by the bus of your company.

I travelled from Washington, D.C. to Boston by the bus #301 on February 21, 2007. Before the trip I passed my luggage to the driver, who helped me to place my suitcase in the luggage compartment of the bus. After arrival the driver opened this back compartment and the first thing I saw was that my new and brand-name suitcase was smashed under the pressure of the weight of the other’s luggage.

My suitcase was quite firm and very beautiful in its red colour and modern design. However it obviously hasn’t been designed to resist such a weight on it. I am very depressed because I can not use anymore my broken suitcase, its handle was bended and two wheels out of 4 were detached.

Since damage stated above was caused by the careless actions of your employee, I would like to require a compensation of $200, which was the original price of my suitcase. Please, deliver a cheque to the address, written above.

Faithfully yours,Anna Frank

IELTS Letter: Bad service at a shop

You recently had your computer fixed at the local computer store however you are not pleased with the service you received.Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter- describe the situation- explain why you are dissatisfied- say what you want the manager to do

Write at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir or Madam,

This task was taken from the Scott's English Success web-site.

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received at your establishment.

Actually, the computer I have bought at your store on the late January was quite good, however after just half a year things got wrong. Some programs were getting frozen frequently. When I took my computer to your specialist and tried to explain the problem to the technician Michaels, he refused to take my computer into service because the problem did not appear that time. I was trying to convince him to spend more time to identify the reason it is getting stuck, but he was rude and impatient explaining this is the end of his shift. On the next day another technician listened to me carefully and fixed my computer in 10 minutes.

I suppose your employee Michaels is not suitable for his position because of his unprofessionalism. I suggest you to employ someone more skilled and with better personality in order not to cause your customers to loose their time like me.

Faithfully yours,Anna FrankIELTS Letter: Homestay in a New Zealand family

You are going to visit New Zealand for an 'English and Homestay' program. You have just received details of your homestay host family.Write your first letter to the family. In your letter- introduce yourself- ask the family some questions to get information that is important to you- tell the family about your arrival date and time.

This task was taken from the book IELTS on Track: Test Practice General Training.

Dear Mr Jones,

I have just received details of my future homestay at your family and writing to introduce myself and ask for some further information.

My name is Anna Frank, I am 21 and live with my family in Lyon, France,

which is my hometown. My native language is French and I am looking forward to improving my English during the trip to New Zealand.

I would be grateful if you could provide more information about your family and its lifestyle. To begin with, I would like to ask you about your usual diet. It is very important to me since I am a vegetarian. Secondly, I would like to learn more about your family’s day routines, like games you used to play together, in order to get familiar with these activities while I am here. This could help me to participate in all your routines like a relative.

I am very eager to meet you in person! By the way, I have already bought the plane ticket and would be happy if you could meet me at the airport because this will be my first time abroad. I will arrive on September 13, at 10 am, Wellington time.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,Anna Frank.

IELTS Letter: Unable to attend a course

You are employed full-time and also doing a part time evening course. You are not able to continue the course.Write a letter to the course lecturer. In the letter- explain why you cannot continue the course- describe the situation- say what you will be doingWrite at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear …………….,

This task was taken from the Scott's English Success web-site.

Dear Dr. Jones,

I am writing to inform you that I no longer have a possibility to attend your evening lectures on treating emergencies.

As I told you earlier, I received a position of a nurse at the Thompson Hospital. My shift ends at 5 pm and since I have got a lot of overtime job recently, I found myself unable to be on time at your lectures, which start at 5.30 pm. This disappoints me a lot since I value and respect your course and your experience.

I would be grateful if you could consider letting me to study your course myself.

Because of my job is closely related to the accidents treatment, I feel able to learn every point of the course in practice. In addition, I have already read almost every book you recommended as the supplementary reading for your lectures.

I hope to get your approval on this matter soon. I am looking forward to receiving your response.

Sincerely yours,Anna Frank

IELTS letter: Bad meal in a restaurant

You took your family to a near-by restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In the letter- explain why you were at the restaurant- describe the problems- write about the action you want the manager to takeWrite at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir or Madam,Dear Sir or Madam,On July 15th my family and I visited your establishment to have a traditional celebration of my sister’s birthday. Since she lives in France we annually go to this restaurant, because we always considered it as the most classy French cuisine place. Having the onion soup there is also our family tradition because my sister loved it very much before her moving to France. I suppose, you can imagine our disappointment when we found the onion soup absolutely inedible last time. Firstly, it was cold. Secondly, it seemed your chef did not stir it well while cooking, so there were some clogs of flour. The last but not the least, its taste made us to suggest that the cook used artificial instant soup base. We asked our waitress about the reasons soup is so awful and she told the cook of current shift has changed and this is the vision of the soup of the new one.It is highly unlikely this new chef with his vision is suitable for such famous restaurant as yours. I recommend changing or sending him to training in order your customers could further enjoy genuine French cuisine.Faithfully yours,IELTS Essay: Information Technologies lead to social problems?

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a polarised society and this will lead to serious social problems.To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Our highly informatized era became quite a shock for many of us. At the time one part of society uses new means of information very actively, other people stay in the dark without any chance to make an approach to understanding new technologies. There is a raising awareness of does this problem have a potential danger of slicing the society into two parts which would never understand each other.It is the fact that many of everyday activities became available for computer users only. For example, if you are a university student, you are supposed to submit your term paper as typed and printed document, they no longer accept hand-written papers. Furthermore, some manufacturers do not distribute information leaflets, but give a website address on their products’ packs, thus only the Internet users can have an access for product details. The last but not the least, the computer skills became a crucial requirement for employment in urban areas.Meanwhile, inhabitants of rural areas do not need new means of acquiring information. Their work and everyday activities do not demand using computers. For example, a farmer can use radio to hear news and ordinary mail to communicate.Taking into account the fact not every citizen can use new information technologies, governments would not change the traditional ways of interaction with their people. It is highly unlikely people would no longer have a possibility to vote by filling papers by hand or do other activities, important for their citizenship.Informatization of society affected those, who have a need of instant information exchange. People, whose lifestyle do not require any haste in communication have an opportunity to use traditional ways of it. I am assured that as long as situation does not make others to change their way of life against their will, there is no risk of receiving serious social problems.

IELTS Essay: Animals: To use or not to use?

Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings, unless there is evidence that the animals do not suffer in any way.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lot of controversy about using animals for human needs. Animal rights activists are trying to stop all modern and traditional activities, which involve killing animals or cause their suffering. Traditionalists are trying to convince the community that using living creatures for men's needs is natural and cannot be avoided in everyday life. In this essay we will explore this subject.Activists, who defend animal rights, are telling the world that people should not use animals in any way. Moreover, they say that animals should have exactly same rights as humans do. The reason is that people and animals are both living

creatures and there shouldn't be any difference in treating them. So called extreme vegans are refusing to eat any food of animal origin, even milk or honey. They are trying to convince people to do the same using as an argument that killing animals and keeping them in captivity cause their suffering and not civilized.Traditionalists disagree with the statement that human should stop killing animals or using them to fulfill their needs. From the very beginning of human civilization there is a tradition and vital need to use animals as a food and their parts in traditional crafts. Without proteins and vitamins of animal origin human body wouldn't receive all nutrients it needs. Moreover, testing some medicals on animals already helped to fight many diseases people suffered from.I think, people have the moral right to use animals to their benefit, to some extent. I am sure, we should not cause them suffer and die for our fun. Although, using animals for food is natural for humans as a predators, but as civilized predators we should make sure to use only humane ways of killing.

IELTS essay: Space research or fighting diseases?

Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There is an opinion that countries are spending a lot of their cash assets on space projects while they should rather finance medical science sufficiently. Spaceships are flying all over the Universe at the time people are dying from AIDS or even flu. Is there any point of throwing money into the outer space?

On the one hand, human really have not fought many dangerous and highly contagious diseases. Moreover, industrialization and economical progress brought new diseases as a result of receiving more comfortable life. They are diabetes, cardio-vascular problems, etc. In addition, launching just one space shuttle into the sky requires somany natural resources and brings so many pollution, that it influences ecology a lot. That brings us new health issues, that need additional funding, which could be withdrawn from excessive payments for space research.

On the other hand, scientists already have fundraising from commercial pharmaceutical companies. A lot of diseases have been fought in just last 100 years and there is an increase in mankind life expectancy. Moreover, improved health and elongated life of population leads to a new problem – overpopulation. Space research can help to find a new home for Earth inhabitants. The last, but not the least, who knows, there is a chance we could found on other planets a panacea for all diseases.

As for me, I am not a very healthy person and my parents either. However, if there is a one, very small chance, that something exciting will happen and astronauts will meet alien civilization on other planets, I would not be happy that government is spending money for medicine only. We have overcrowded planet and we should search for ways of expanding our habitat.

This essay has been checked and graded by the real IELTS teacher. See bellow the teacher's comments:This is a good essay. It has the right structure, covers the task, the contents is coherent, the sentences are well-structured, the vocabulary and the grammar are fine. Overall, looks like Band 7 essay.

IELTS essay: Computer games or outdoor sports?

Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastimes than spending all day indoors.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Together with computerization of our society there is a rising of public awareness about kids, who spend too much time in front of personal computer or playing video games. What it best for children to devote their free time to outdoor activities and conventional games or to be at home and entertain themselves with computer?Some types of PC games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential. They can encourage youngsters to develop researching skills and inspire them to learn new things. However, significant amount of video games is dumb-type, which develops nothing but button-pushing skill. Unfortunately, these games are usually highly addictive. Thus, they can cause the lack of physical activity and even serious mental diseases.Outdoor games often more beneficial for kids’ health. They not only train them in terms if agility and endurance, but teach children to socialize and make friends. Moreover, they make them stronger because of fresh air, physical activity and exposure to the sunlight. Therefore, being on the street not always safe. Unattended child can receive trauma or become a subject of crime.I was not very outgoing and physically active kid and preferred rather to read than to play with others. Getting a computer brought more diversity for my leisure and study. It helped me to experience new emotions, learn new things, study English and meet interesting people online. High information technologies aptitude helped me to get a good job than I grew up. Therefore I think parents should look to their child’s personality in order to decide what is more

appropriate. Finding good balance between electronic entertainment and outdoor games depends on parents’ ability to identify what benefits their child best.

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Committing serious crimes need capital punishment so that the offender unable to involved in the crime in the future. However, If they want to stop the violated act in the future then it would better to forget him and judge him for a change .

Overall, I agree with the fact that punishment is the way to avoid the crime to be increased and hence our lives become more secure. If the wrongdoer wants to be a good man and there is some financial or personal problem that led him to the wrong way, then it would be the nice option to forgive him and try to solve the problem he have. Although by this way, some bad man may become effective part of the society but some do not bring themselves to the right path because they are very much used to of it. The person that _ involved in the crime and never try to stop the law-breaking act should be punished in the extremely serious way. However, it totally depends on the nature of crime. Some crime led to capital punishment and some may require small penalty. The law-making institutions are responsible to bring the bad man to the right level of punishment that he deserves. If there is weak legislation to properly handle the offender, it may become our society less secure for the good man. The government should be responsible authority to provide secure and better state to live. Laws should be implemented and executed in the most proper way that do not allow the offender to commit violence act or to break the law in any way or extent. To sum up, it is the responsibility of the state runner to stop people to involved in crime. It may be done through solving the problems of the people that led them to commit violence act or by the punishment accordingly.

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

It is certainly said that learning is an ongoing process .Every person learn something new according to their age, experience knowledge and education. According to my point of view it is always better to have _teacher or guide for study.

One teacher has adequate knowledge to teach their student. He knows all the possible ways to make subject easier for the students, even he teaches them in effective manner. For example, some students are weak in some subjects but a teacher always guides them according to their mental capacity. He teaches them as fun. Some people can learn better in group by discuss the topics with others. In class people can know the other?s views, even they know how we can learn effectively. Where the teacher always give easy direction to learn.

In the today?s competitive world, everbody is busy, some people think that rather to waste their time to go for classes they can learn better regarding their subject _. They can attend online classes by using internet at home. They can get relevant information from internet regarding their topic. There is not specific time, age limit to learn something new. Some thing new which we always learn only with the experience such as atequates, knowledge, new habits and so on.

In sum up, I would like to say that it is always better for the people to have teacher because one teacher has good knowledge, experience and education to teach others. They can take learn easy from him rather by themselves.

Where are the paragraphs in this essay? You must be very careful using definitive words like ?always? and making statements of fact. The essay is for you to provide an opinion and to provide supporting arguments. Also, the other side of the argument about teachers that have limited knowledge or people that learn better on their own is not presented here.

Nowadays people like to change their day by day activities into the latest trends and also they are following popular things what their surrounding peoples make them popular in their area. This essay will explain the reason why the peoples are spending more timefor popular hobbies rather than their individual activities spending time.

Hobbies and interest are different for every one; this is human nature,which is given by god. The current generations peoples are very much interest in the latest trend which makes them happy and also help them to make more money. For example, the cricket is the most famous games in many of the country, the children and teen ages are starts playing when ever they have free time in their daily life. This makes them will become a star in this game when they reach certain age in their life. In addition, this popularity will help them to make huge money in their life. Beside this, there are many hobby changes the peoples entire life into different way.

Those are from poor family aiming to spend more time to make money rather than their own interest. However, some of them are not worry about the popular hobbies and interests. For instance, drinking alcohol is one of the popular hobbies between low level and high level budget peoples interest.

In conclusion, _spending more time for popular hobbies and interests really depends on their surrounding people’s activity and environments. It may be a helpful for them to become a star in their life or spending time with many friends.

The boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

It is true that nowadays parent have a great influence over the children. Some people hold the opinion that the same sex is the major determinations of influencing parent, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. My arguments for this point are listed below.

First of all, father is the person who passed that ways which are his son is passing now, in the other words, sons are stepping in a trace which fathers had driven them. So, based on experience it is easy for father to notice sons’ drawbacks and influence them.

Secondly, it is true that a boy is countedas a strong characteristics human , but a girl is subtle and fragile one. It is hard for mothers to influence their sons, because it is unbelievable that vulnerable something can affect a strong one.

In conclusion, it seems to me unfair that boys are most influenced by their mothers. Based on at least two points which are above I strongly agree that children are influenced by a parent of the same gender.

This essay is too short, 190 words instead of the minimum requirement of 250. It doesn’t say anything about girls being influenced by their mothers, which is also a part of the task – therefore the task is only partially covered. The sentences are not complex enough, there are grammatical mistakes and language inaccuracies (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, looks like a Band 5.5 essay

Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than locals when they visit culture and tourist attractions in a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words.

Suggested essay plan


Your introduction paragraph would be a good place to explain that the practice of charging foreign visitors a premium is something that several countries do for logical and economic reasons.

Arguments in favor

As far as the differential pricing is concerned, the local government subsidizes the tickets for the citizens to promote national heritage and create more interest / awareness / national pride.

In addition, in several poor countries, there is no way a common person can afford the kind of prices that these monuments deserve. This is a dent in the government coffers, but it is a decision in the national interest which the tourism department of the government has the right to make.

Arguments against

It’s not in the best interest of a nation to ask for more from foreign tourists as it clearly shows that the government considers foreigners a source of easy money. These people have traveled thousands of miles to understand , experience and praise the historical and cultural jewels, which are a treasure for the entire mankind and not just one nation . Hence, charging them a hefty premium is immoral.

Moreover, this differential pricing works as a deterrent for people from underdeveloped and developing nations who could have visited tourist attractions in foreign countries, but missed out due to the combination of high price and unfavorable exchange rate.


Summarize the ideas above, do not add new information.


premium, differential pricing, immoral, mankind, treasure heritage, coffer, historical and cultural jewels, deterrent

Even though developing countries receive financial help, poverty is still an issue. Some say they should be receiving other kind of help, to eliminate poverty. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples and suggest what other form of help can be offered.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words.

Introduction – version 1

Millennia have passed but the problem of poverty still hounds mankind. So-called developed countries have largely tamed this issue; however, developing countries are still suffering despite receiving billions of dollars in the form of international aid. It is clear that simply providing monetary assistance will not be sufficient and radical approach is required on the part of the rich nations to deal with the menace of poverty in the Third World.

Introduction – version 2

In the wake of the present financial crisis that has swept across most of the rich world, questions are being raised as to why governments of these nations are giving financial aid to the developing countries when this money yields little tangible results. Intelligentsia has proposed non-monetary measures to help poor countries deal with the problem of poverty more effectively. I sincerely agree that the age-old system of pouring money into the bottomless pit of developing nations should be changed for good.

Argument 1

Poverty alleviation programs are nothing less than large scale national projects. In most of the cases, developing countries lack experience to implement these projects. Rich nations, with their proven track record in such ventures, can provide great help by providing the know-how and guidance in implementation of the right systems.

Argument 2

The root cause of poverty is not shortage of money but lack of knowledge on how to generate wealth. It has been aptly said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Developed nations need to take active interest in education and skill development of citizens of poor countries.

Argument 3

Programs that link aid to performance are bound to offer better results. The governments in the Third World have wrongly found a virtue in being poor, as they know they are likely to get financial aid on humanitarian grounds. This leaves them with no sense of accountability. If rich nations toughen their stand and provide aid only when improvements are visible, based on predetermined criteria, we are more likely to see reduction in poverty.

Argument 4

The whole practice of offering financial aid to developing countries has to be reworked. What are the reasons for a country like India, which is the tenth largest economy that rubs shoulders with powerful nations on several international fora, to continue being one of the biggest recipients of international monetary help? International aid agencies still provide financial assistance on the basis of the number of underprivileged people in a nation. This logic is flawed; hence, they need to devise new ways to help reduce poverty in these countries.


In conclusion, there is an urgent need to change the antediluvian system of providing financial aid to developing countries. Instead, education, skill development, and performance linked schemes need to be emphasized to bring hope to the lives of the poor in developing countries.


Millennia, hounds, tamed, radical, menace, Third World, swept across, yields, tangible, Intelligentsia, bottomless pit, alleviation, know-how, generate wealth, aptly, bound, virtue, humanitarian grounds, toughen

Why computers are necessary for student in university?

Nowadays we are bombarded with technology. Our parents and grandparents couldn't dream about devices like computer, cell-phones, video-games which are everywhere right now. Today computers with Internet access are almost in every home and it became essential tool for students. A computer is necessary for college students for three reasons: research, computer programs, and knowledge.

First of all, a computer is necessary for college students for research. Research helps students better understand reading assignments which were them given for homework. For example, many foreign students look on the Internet for technical words, which are critical for understanding the text. They look in dictionaries or googling to find adequate explanation of the words. This helps students better understand the reading and do well on the homework. In addition, depending on the college students' major, they are obligated to do projects. For instance, biology students look for certain information for their projects like how the human body or code DNA works. They can find helpful results of elaborated illustrations and satisfying explanations. Because of that, the have better chance to be well prepared for projects and get a good grade. Doing research is one reason that a computer is necessary for college students to better understand reading assignments and be well prepared for projects.

Secondly, computer programs is another reason that computer is essential for college students. In college typed essays are required from students. For example, some people have bad handwriting skills and they are hard to decipher. In Word Microsoft Office program, students can type their essays making them neat, nice and readable. Students meet the requirements and they don't lower their grade to not doing homework properly. Furthermore, programs help

college students to do their assignments. For instance, by using Excel Microsoft Office, economic students can do various charts and graphs showing different statics. Using that program helps them to perform their task and be prepared for a class. Owning a computer is important for college students because programs help them to deal with college's requirements and be ready for a class.

Finally, the last reason that computers are significant for college students is knowledge. People who read a lot on the Internet increase their wisdom expanding their creativity. For example, students who have to write essays must have many ideas to develop their thoughts. Reading articles on various topics helps students have the information and develop their individual point of view. This provides them to think creatively and write good essays. Moreover, students get their knowledge from news. For instance, people who read currently information, which are upload in every couple minutes, have knowledge about newest events from all over the world what is helpful with their studies and be active during class conversations. Having a computer for college students is important because it helps them to have knowledge to write good essays and be effective during classes.

In conclusion, the three major reasons that it is necessary for college students to have a computer are research, computer programs, and knowledge. Doing research helps students better understand reading assignments and be well prepared for projects. Programs help them to deal with college's requirements and perform their tasks. Also, knowledge develop their creativity to write good essays and adjust them to be active in class conversations. At present, computers have became common source of exchanging thoughts and support for reliable information.

Television is the most popular form of entertainment in many households. People of all ages use this kind of medium to entertain themselves for an average of four hours a day. Thus, television has had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children. Scientists now say that children can be adversely affected by constantly watching television. This is due to the fact that they participate less in physical activities, spend less time in reading annd studying, and see a world of violence that can affect their own feelings of security.

In conclusion, television, however, gives us many good things of news and information eventhough it also has some disadvantages. It cannot be denied that television gives bad things for us, especially children. Televivion makes them do not have much time to play with friends outdoors, do not have much time to pay attention to their study, and do some bad things like the ones shown in television. They become passive, lazy, and imitator children. We should take an action in order to make them in the right way. We should give them good advices everytime and in everyway. It is a wise thing for parents to accompany their children in watching television and of course to select the good programme for them. We should do something to overcome this problem. We should do something to avoid children doing the bad effect. In that way parents can give advices and guide to their children for their better future.

Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons.

Most of the firms, organization and companies as well as governments make restrictions to smoke in work places and public amenities respectively. It has become fashionable in the world today to blame smoking. However, although I feel that smoking can be harmful, but I don’t think it should be forbidden completely. I would also argue that people should have the right whether they smoke or not.

Let me deal with the three positive sides of smoking. Firstly, smoking certainly helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. If someone is upset owing to debt or they have exam, like to smoke to reduce the pressure or tension. Most of the people like to smoke when they are relaxing with friends. Secondly, governments throughout the world make huge profits from taxes on cigarettes. The income obtained from taxes provide funds which are used for building school, hospital and public places such as parks, gardens, sports ground and foot paths. Thirdly, tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people all over the world, particularly in poorer countries like Zimbabwe or India. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs.

Despite these positive effects there are lots of negative effects of smoking too. Initially, smoking has been proven to be too dangerous for health. As one cigarette contains more than 4000 chemical substances, therefore, it causes for many dangerous diseases such as heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis or lung cancer. According to a recent report, in Britain about 3,500 people are killed each year in road accidents and 120,000 are killed by smoking. Furthermore, smoking costs governments millions of dollars because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking-related problems. Moreover, passive smoking is a major concern today. Recent research shows that non-smokers can suffer from health problems if they spend long periods of time among people who do smoke. In UK children whose parents are smoke are three times as likely to start smoking themselves _.

In short, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. However, the decision as to whether _ smoke or not should be for each individual to make. I suggest that people should not smoke in a room or a place where there are non smokers, however they should be free to smoke elsewhere.

This a very good essay, you have made your arguments well and set the paragraphs out as required. However, take care with your use of definitive statements e.g. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs. Maybe they would gain employment in another industry, we cannot be sure. Over all, well done!

Writing task 2 topic

Some say that public health is important and there should be more sports facilities. Others say that they have small impact on individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task and write at least 250 words.


Public health has been the primary concern not only for civilians but also for governments around the globe. However, when it comes to measures of its improvement, views differ greatly.

View 1 – arguments

1. Since sports facilities are of great benefit to citizens’ physical health, it is absolutely necessary and wise to enhance their numbers for the sake of the improvement of public health.

2. Sports facilities that are easily found and controlled can provide great convenience to people who have paucity of time to take physical exercises more flexibly.

3. Sports facilities are particularly welcomed by senior citizens and youngsters whose health is vital to the whole society. Therefore, more sports facilities should be built to meet the great demand of citizens of all ages.

4. There is no doubt that taking regular physical exercise reduces the incidence of obesity and heart diseases to some extent, so that increasing the number of sports facilities in the local communities can help some people to establish an active lifestyle, thereby improving their health condition.

View 2 – arguments

1. It is a fact that only a minority of people utilize facilities at sports centres to keep fit, which means the vast majority of people do not benefit from this programme.

2. Some people argue that the use of sports facilities is restricted by time, seasons and location. Therefore, they are not suitable for all citizens, especially those working from 9am till 5pm.

3. Modern diseases are triggered by various factors, such as eating unhealthy food and neglecting regular checkups. Hence, it is recommended that governments and health authorities put health education among the masses high on their agenda and raise public awareness on health issues. This can be accomplished by delivering information on how to lead a healthy life to every household, and putting stringent regulations on the fast food industry.


Improving public health requires a combined effort and no single action can resolve the problem effectively. In addition, although solving the problem is not insurmountable, yet a long term commitment by both individuals and governments is required.


paucity, stringent, vital, incidence, obesity, triggered, advocate, accomplish, neglecting, insurmountable

The costs of international travel are decreasing and tourism is growing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of increasing tourism activity in different countries?

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Tourism is often touted as an industry that will never shrink in size. In other words, as the world develops, more and more people will be able to travel. Although many may see this as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without drawbacks. Both the advantages and disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, the reduction in travel fare and the increasing of global tourism can be seen as a positive event as it promotes intercultural understanding and global harmony. For example, many Middle Eastern states have opened their doors and embraced tourism over the last twenty years and this has helped shed prejudiced views internationally that all Middle Eastern countries are dangerous. This development clearly shows the benefits of an increasing international tourism industry.

In addition to this, tourism creates new opportunities for trade. For example, many Chinese tourists are bringing back products from foreign countries that are currently unavailable in China. These new trade ties are great for the health of the entire global economy and can be seen as yet another positive ramification resulting from increased tourism.

On the other hand, the international tourism industry does pose some disadvantages. For one, money travelling into countries through tourism can lead to the establishment of some morally questionable activity. To name a few, tourist hotspots in developing countries are often rife with theft problems, maimed beggars and prostitution. The inflaming of these issues as a result of increased tourism is an obvious disadvantage to the growing global travel industry.

Following this analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and the falling travel prices that are making it more possible, it is felt tourism has more benefits than drawbacks. It is hoped the growth in global intercultural u

Several languages die every year. Many people feel this is a positive trend and that a world with fewer languages promotes harmony and understanding between people. Analyze both sides of this argument and provide your opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Many languages around the world die every year, often replaced with more widely spoken dialects. Opinions as to whether this is a positive or negative trend are mixed. On one hand, people feel sharing a common language may help to encourage economical development in the world. However on the other hand, many feel the losing of languages is a negative trend

that makes it increasingly difficult to trace humanity’s heritage. Both of these accounts will be examined before a conclusion is reached.

As many attest, the global adoption of a single language can do a lot in promoting economical development. For example, all export companies in China hire English speaking people to help them communicate with foreign buyers. The growth in trade that comes as a result of this effort to speak the world’s language does a lot to create jobs and industries around the world. Thus it can be understood why many people support this point of view.

However, other people would argue that the rapid reduction of the world’s languages is making it increasingly hard to trace where and how people evolved. For example, during colonial times many lesser spoken African languages were replaced with English, French and Dutch. This phenomenon has understandably caused major problems for modern day historians, as these old and forgotten languages render many of the recovered historical records and artifacts indecipherable.

After analyzing both sides of this argument, it is felt that more good comes from the global adoption of a single language than the preservation and practice of older languages. Thus, it is hope the world continues to move towards a single, standardized linguistic system.

In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the reason to participate in the lecture physically and not via the Internet. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal opinion?

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Traditionally, lectures were given in large rooms to accommodate equally large audiences. With the advent of modern technology, this arrangement is being challenged by the option for students to attend class online. However, it is felt traditional lecture hall talks are beneficial to students and will never completely be replaced by the Internet. This will be shown by looking at how both the theatrical nature and possibility for face-to-face debate during an in-person lesson cater to the learning experience of an individual in a way that technology simply cannot.

Firstly, lectures provide students with an element of theatre, which can be positive for their education. For example, while studying at university in Canada, I was once involved in a course that was televised in my city. During the first semester, I engaged in the classes solely by watching this broadcast from home and found myself to become quite lethargic and unenthusiastic regarding the content. However, during the second semester I was informed that as a registered student I could attend the classroom sessions of the same course and discovered this change revitalized my interest in the topics being discussed. As my experience shows, being present for a lecture physically can have positive effects on students.

In addition to this, classroom lectures allow students to strengthen their wit and abilities as orators and this is not possible on the Internet. For example, although university classes usually have an online forum to provide a context for debate, this medium does not completely

replicate the challenge faced when presenting and defending ideas in front of a live audience. Thus, the idea that traditional lecture-styled learning is less effective for students than more modern methods can be debunked.

After analyzing how traditional in-class lessons benefit the academic process, it is felt that this style of learning will never be replaced entirely by technology.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write a letter to your professor outlining why you are not satisfied with their course.

In your letter:

- write the reasons why you are not satisfied with the course

- request to change your course

- indicate what course you want to take instead

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

Dear Sir,

I am one of your 101 Introduction to Economics students here at Homer University. I am writing to you to request that I be allowed to skip this entry course and study at the 201 Economic Theory level.

You see, last year I transferred to Homer from Klassen University. Unfortunately, despite having studied an economics course at Klassen (which covered all topics present in your course), I was not allowed to apply this credit to my studies here at Homer. Having now studied with you these past two weeks, it has become blatantly apparent that I am not going to be learning anything new at the 101 level.

Thus, I would be most grateful if you would consider looking at my case and high academic performance at Klassen. I am sure that following this you will feel confident in graduating me to the 201 level. Please kindly let me know if we can meet sometime next week to further discuss this matter.

Awaiting your reply,

Write a letter to a friend expressing your interest to seek employment in a different country. Your letter should include:

- Why you want to work in a different country- What type of work you will be looking for- Questions you have about working in a different country that your friend may be able to answer

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

Dear Praveen,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to let you know that I have decided to follow in your footsteps and seek employment abroad. Like you, I’m very curious about the world and want to use my career as a tool to help open up some opportunities for travel.

You will be happy to hear that I finally finished my Political Science degree. If possible, I want to use this educational base to find work in an embassy somewhere. However, I am still unsure exactly which country I would like to venture to. I was hoping your experience working in Germany, France and Russia could help guide me to a suitable place. If you don’t mind my asking, which of those three countries would you most recommend living in? Do you think the fact that I only speak English will prove a problem?

As you can probably guess, I am beside myself with excitement at the prospect of having a totally new living experience. Thus, I am really looking forward to reading your reply.

Until then,Ryan

You are preparing an event in the countryside. Write a letter to your friend and ask for help with the arrangements. In your letter include:

- what the event is- why the event is being held- what arrangements have already been made- how your friend can help

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

Dear Patrick,

I hope you and your wife have been enjoying you summer holiday. My wife and I have started pulling together plans for this year’s company barbecue. I am writing to share some details regarding the event and ask whether you would be able to help with a few of the remaining tasks.

As you know, the barbecue has become a highly anticipated annual tradition for everyone at our company. This year, the meet up is going to be held in Paxton Park, behind the church on Gladsdale Avenue and Riverside Street. My wife has reserved a rented canopy in case of rain and we are planning on getting the Texan restaurant Bubba’s to cater food and drinks. However, we feel a little strapped for time considering we still have a handful of errands to finish before the big day.

Thus, I was hoping you could find time to complete and distribute the invitations. I think any basic invitation template on your computer should suit. I can email you the guest list this evening. Please let me know as soon as you can whether this would be possible or not.

Many thanks,Ryan

You have read an article in a newspaper about someone you know. Write a letter to the editor as follows:

- describe the article,- explain what details were wrong in the article and what the correct ones are,- suggest what he/she should do about the article.

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

To the editor of the Vancouver Political Observer,

I am writing to you regarding an article you published yesterday on the Editorial page of your Local News section.

Your portrayal of my friend, political activist Stanley Jackson, is completely inaccurate. In the article, you accuse Stanley of being ‘a politician with little regard for the environment’. Having known Stanley for twenty years, I can tell you that Mr. Jackson cares highly for nature. In fact, only two weeks ago he sponsored the establishment of a tree farm and will be the guest of honour when it opens. You may also be surprised to learn that Mr. Jackson’s home has been completely outfitted with solar panels, making him among the first people in our township to operate entirely off of green energy.

What I would like to see is a reprint of your article with all inaccuracies corrected. Further, out of decency, I think the least you could do is publish a public apology to Mr. Jackson for defaming him this way.

Expecting prompt action,Ryan

Write a letter to a teacher asking for a reference letter for a job and explain:- Why you have chosen him to write the reference letter- What kind of job you are applying for- Why you think you are suitable for this job

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

Dear Mr. Moloisa,

As you are aware, this month marks my foray into the working world, having graduated my studies with you at Watson’s Photographer College. I am writing to you to request your aid in my transition from student to employed professional.

As your top scholar last year, I am sure you will be happy to hear my chosen career path is photography. Thanks to your grueling courses, I feel I am completely prepared to take on a

professional challenge and am excited to tell you I have been offered to attend the initial employment screening at National Geographic Magazine. As part of this process, I am required to submit a reference letter written by a third party of notable acclaim among the global photography community. Of course, I was hoping I could ask you to be this person.

I would be very grateful for any kind words you could compose on my behalf to help make this opportunity at National Geographic Magazine possible for me.

Thanking you in advance,Ryan

Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a new item for you. Please say

- What item do you need?- Why do you need it?

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

To the engineering team at Quanta Manufacturing,

I am writing to you to request the production of a new bicycle chain that fits our Go Cycle model. Allow me to go into a bit of detail regarding the situation on our side.

Basically, we here are Sports World have received numerous customer complaints that the chains on our Go Cycles snap too quickly. As you can imagine, this has done little to support our brand positioning as a supplier of quality mountaineering goods.

After testing the chains, we realized that their defectiveness is due to their being made of subpar steel. Thus from this day forward, we would like you to manufacture Go Cycle chains using the highest grade of steel available to you. We realize this will affect the price and accept any new quotation you provide within reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Your professional partner,

RyanHead of PurchasingSports World

Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples from your own experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

The rate at which the Earth is being damaged through human activity is alarming. As awareness of this disturbing situation grows, actions are increasingly being taken to meet the challenge. Although world governments play key roles in the question of environmental health, it is strongly disagreed that their environmental efforts negate those of individuals. I will use both a personal experience I have had as well as non-government inspired initiatives undertaken in my country to illustrate this position.

Firstly, the sizeable contribution an individual can make in the world’s attempt to cleanse itself should not be underestimated. I feel the changes I have made to my own lifestyle act as a good example here. Four years ago, I made a conscious effort to start taking the subway to work instead of driving after realizing I had been burning an entire tank of gas every week. The effect of this small change over the course of four years became magnified when I realized I had refrained from burning more than two hundred full car tanks of gas! Thus, although there are many things that governments can do to help fight environmental damage, the individual still plays a huge role.

In addition to this, many non-government related entities have also been making inroads in the battle for a cleaner world. For example, at many of the universities in Canada, there are student groups that work to raise awareness of the lifestyle changes people can make to better help the environment. These independent groups help put a face to a message and really push people to alter themselves for the benefit of the natural world. As this makes clear, projects aimed at preserving the Earth do not have to be government-run to make a difference.

As my experiences show, the world’s governments should not solely handle the issue of global environmental damage. It is hoped that the future sees more people contribute to this cause in any way they can.

In most parts of the world people are living longer. What are the possible causes of this situation? Is this a negative or positive development?

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

Longevity in the world over has been increasing for a variety of reasons. Babies born today enjoy much longer life spans than those of their parents. It is argued that this increase is a positive phenomenon and that the main causes of it are both the deepening of medical understanding and the sharing of such information between people via tools like the Internet. These causes will be examined in detail to prove their value in the lengthening of worldwide life spans.

Firstly, medical advancements over the last century have allowed people to postpone death. Among the more significant discoveries that made this possible is the development of antibiotics. Antibiotics, now available to most people the world over, dramatically lower incidences of infection and have thus greatly curbed the number of people the world over who die due to diseases once thought incurable. Thus, advancements in science can be seen as one of the more major contributors to the extending of worldwide life spans.

Secondly, the Internet and the information shared across it has made the debunking of ineffective medical practices much easier. For example, medical folklore in countries like

Ghana and rural China dictate new mothers avoid washing themselves for a month after giving birth. Before tools like the Internet, ridiculous and unsanitary practices such as this were widely believed to be in the best interests of the mother’s health. Today, few people in either country would argue in favour of this postnatal tradition. Thus, the Internet has allowed people to share life-promoting information the world over.

In conclusion, human life is precious and the global extending of life spans should be seen as positive. It is hoped medical discoveries continue to increase in number and that access to the Internet continues to grow, allowing longevity to be a pleasure enjoyed everywhere.

Some people believe that universities are producing more graduates than needed, and that less emphasis should be placed on university education. Others are of a different opinion. Discuss both views and include your own opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

As the world develops, the opportunity to achieve a tertiary education is becoming more widespread. This has led many to question whether larger numbers of university graduates is a positive trend. However, others counter than university does more than simply provide employment opportunities. Both of these arguments will be analysed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, many feel the rising number of university graduates today causes more harm than good. For example, graduates from Canadian universities are having to wait for employment simply because there are no working opportunities for them to engage in. Despite this, Canadian labour-related job openings are booming. This example shows a disparity that is common in many parts of the world and makes clear that achieving a higher education can actually be the precursor to unemployment. Thus, it is understandable why many support the argument that less emphasis should be put on garnering a university education.

However, in contrast to this stance, there are those who believe higher education provides more to people than simply job related skill sets. For instance, the analytical skills honed by university graduates in the United States give them a heightened perception and deeper understanding of the world. Although this benefit does little by way of professional development, it gives people the chance to develop and challenge themselves personally. This makes it is clear why many do not agree with reducing the enthusiasm for higher education.

After analysing these stances on university, it is felt the argument to lessen educational emphasis holds little water. It is hoped the world continues to push its young people towards the challenges offered through higher learning.

Some business now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their office. Some governments have banned smoking in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As we know, smoking is harmful to health. Nowadays, some business disallow smoking in any of their offices. In many countries, smoking has been forbidden by governments. Although it is a good idea, smokers suppose that it violates their freedom. In my opinion, this is to take more care of people rather than restrict their freedom.

First of all, in most countries, people are informed about the dangers of smoking. Smoking can lead to respiratory diseases, including serious diseases such as lung cancer. Although smokers are aware at the dangers of smoking that could harm their health, they are not willing to give up smoking. Hence, restriction on smoking in public places can reduce their cigarett consumption. This measure is more advantageous for passive smokers. It is said that the risk of developing lung cancer of passive smokers are higher than active smoker's. The fact is that the smoke is clearly carcinogenic when inhaled directly. Second-hand smoke can also aggravate asthma and causes respiratory illness and ear infection in children.

In addition, nonsmockers regard smoking as an antisocial behavior. For example, if you were in a crowded bus which had smoky atmosphere, you would be extremely annoyed, especially for women. Moreover, smoking could also cause fire accidents. That is why smoking is always forbidden near gas stations. Furthermore, smoking is banned only in public places. Thus, this is does not intrude on people's privacy. Smokers could smoke at home or in private places, where their habit does not harm other's health.

In conclusion, the measure of restriction of smoking in public places has more advantages than disadvantages and should be taken by the government for protecting the community's health.


5 Steps To Writing An Essay For The TOEFL iBT and IELTSPosted on May 14, 2011 by annelieseRN

Step One – Thesis: Pick your best idea and pin it down in a clear assertion that you can write your entire essay around. Your thesis is your main point, summed up in a concise sentence that lets the reader know where you’re going, and why. It’s practically impossible to write a good essay without a clear thesis. In this case, this will be your topic sentence.

Step Two – Outline: Sketch out your essay before straightway writing it out. Use one-line sentences to describe paragraphs, and bullet points to describe what each paragraph will contain. Play with the essay’s order. Map out the structure of your argument, and make sure each paragraph is unified.

Step Three – Introduction: Now sit down and write the essay. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, set up the issue, and lead in to your thesis. Your intro is merely a buildup of the issue, a stage of bringing your reader into the essay’s argument.

Step Four – Paragraphs: Each individual paragraph should be focused on a single idea that supports your thesis [ main point ]. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences, support assertions with evidence, and expound your ideas in the clearest, most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were sitting in front of you. In other words, instead of writing the essay, try talking the essay.

Step Five – Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap up sentence. Your conclusion should bring the whole essay together while at the same time answering the topic question and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an

interesting twist of logic, or some call to action. Is there something you want the reader to walk away and do? Let him or her know exactly what.


Topic Sentence: Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea but it takes away some of our freedom. Do you agree or disagree?

Example Outline For Essay Writing

Topic Sentence: I agree with the ban on smoking in public places, but at the same time, this ban should not take away the peoples individual freedoms to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke in public.

1). Scientific research shows that an increase in health related risk factors is high among non – smokers due to second hand smokers.

A). Hard to breathe

B). Lung diseases

C). Cancer

1). Banning smoking in public places would be good protection for the people.

2). Banning smoking completely, would infringe on the people’s individual freedom of choice in democratic society.

A). Specific places for smokers in public areas

B). Ex. Special zones at airports

1). By setting up special zones for smokers to smoke in public places, this would not encroach on people individual freedom of choice.

In closing, while I may agree with the ban on smoking in the work place, I do not agree with the ban on smoking all together in public places. I believe the government should set up special zones from which smokers are separated from the non – smokers. In this way, all peoples have the individual right to choose whether they want to smoke or not thus limiting the government’s involvement in the people’s individual freedom of choice to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke.

EssayMany people suffer from smokers, especially in public enclosed places such as offices, trains, planes, trade centres etc. This is why smoking cigarettes was banned by some officials and businesses. Whether it is the fact that a ban on smoking is necessary for societies or it will just limit people’s freedom of choice, creates a lot of discussions and debates. I agree with the ban on smoking

in public places, but at the same time, this ban should not take away the peoples individual freedoms to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke in public.

On the one hand, scientific research shows that an increase in health related risk factors is high among non – smokers due to second hand smokers because of non-smokers and smokers working closely together in offices. In fact, non-smokers find it hard to breathe, because a of all the smoke that surrounds them during their work day. They can catch different lung diseases or even develop lung cancer. In this case, the banning smoking in offices is vitally essential for non-smokers. because it would be an extremely good protection for people who do not want to smoke or breathe the smoke from cigarettes.

One the other hand, banning smoking completely, would infringe on the people’s individual freedom of choice in democratic society. It would be better if the government created specific places for smokers in all public areas instead of to banning smoking everywhere. For instance, plenty of special zones were created in airports throughout our country. In this way, all smokers could be inside an airport and not increase the risk of lung illnesses due to second hand smoke. By setting up special zones for smokers to smoke in public places, this would not encroach on people individual freedom of choice.

In closing, while I may agree with the ban on smoking in the work place, I do not agree with the ban on smoking all together in public places. I believe the government should set up special zones from which smokers are separated from the non – smokers. In this way, all peoples have the individual right to choose whether they want to smoke or not thus limiting the government’s involvement in the people’s individual freedom of choice to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke.

Essay Question:Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea but it takes away some of our freedom. Do you agree or disagree?

Many people suffer from smokers, especially in public places such as offices, trains, planes, trade centres etc. That is why an ability to smoke cigarettes was banned by some officials and businesses.Whetherit is the fact that a ban on smoking is necessary for societies or it will just limit people’s freedom creates a lot of discussions and debates. Personally, I completely agree that the ban on smoking is necessary but this decision should not take away people’s freedom.

On the one hand, according to last scientific researchesa risk of being suffered from a smoke of cigarettes isvery high because of non-smokers and smokers work closely together in any offices. In fact, non-smokers hard to breathe, because a lot of smoke surround them when smoke-people smoke within offices during a working day. They can catch different lung diseases or get even a cancer. In this case, the ban smoking in offices is vitally essential for non-smokers. Hence, it should be a total ban on smoking cigarettes in offices and other places like that, as some businesses say about, because it would be an extremely good protection for people who do not want to smoke and breathe the smoke from cigarettes.

One the other hand, such decision like a ban on smoking in all public places by government is not completely right because of itimpacts on the people’sfreedoms of choice in a democratic society. It would be better if government decides to create specific places for smokers in all public areas instead of to ban them to smoke everywhere. For instance, plenty of special zones were created in airports throughout our country. Thus, all smokers can be inside an airport and do not produce a risk of lung’s illnesses for the rest non-smokers people. Consequently, this example would be the best way which does not encroach on people’s freedoms at all.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the ban on smoking cigarettes in all public places include any offices, but it should not be just the ban. It would be better if government decides to build different special areas for smokersor to do any events to encourage smokers to give up smoke.

1). This essay is 405 words. For the TOEFL iBT and the IELTS, you only need 250 words so this is almost double.

2). I believe that this individual would have done a better job had he/she written an outline [ Click here for sample. ]

3). Grammer needs a little work.

4). I am not sure the author is getting his/her point across. In other words, due to the non flow of the sentences from one to the next, this essay needs to be more coherent.

Essay Corrected

Many people suffer from smokers, especially in public enclosed places such as offices, trains, planes, trade centres etc. This is why smoking cigarettes was banned by some officials and businesses. Whether it is the fact that a ban on smoking is necessary for societies or it will just limit people’s freedom of choice, creates a lot of discussions and debates. I agree with the ban on smoking in public places, but at the same time, this ban should not take away the peoples individual freedoms to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke in public.

On the one hand, scientific research shows that an increase in health related risk factors is high among non – smokers due to second hand smokers because of non-smokers and smokers working closely together in offices. In fact, non-smokers find it hard to breathe, because a of all the smoke that surrounds them during their work day. They can catch different lung diseases or even develop lung cancer. In this case, the banning smoking in offices is vitally essential for non-smokers. because it would be an extremely good protection for people who do not want to smoke or breathe the smoke from cigarettes.

One the other hand, banning smoking completely, would infringe on the people’s individual freedom of choice in democratic society. It would be better if the government created specific places for smokers in all public areas instead of to banning smoking everywhere. For instance, plenty of special zones were created in airports throughout our country. In this way, all smokers could be inside an airport and not increase the risk of lung illnesses due to second hand smoke. By setting up special zones for smokers to smoke in public places, this would not encroach on people individual freedom of choice.

In closing, while I may agree with the ban on smoking in the work place, I do not agree with the ban on smoking all together in public places. I believe the government should set up special zones from which smokers are separated from the non – smokers. In this way, all peoples have the individual right to choose whether they want to smoke or not thus limiting the government’s involvement in the people’s individual freedom of choice to choose to smoke or to choose not to smoke.

IELTS Essay: Smoke kills!

It has been proved that smoking kills. In some countries it has been made illegal for people to smoke in all public places except in certain areas. All countries should make these rules.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The idea of banning smoking from public places always was a very controversial one. Those who defend smoking on streets and in offices refer to human rights and the fact that tobacco is legal. Others hold an opinion that since there are undeniable proofs that cigarettes cause lethal diseases not only to smokers but to surrounding people, smoking should be allowed only in special places. I totally agree with the idea of making smoking legal in certain places only.

On the one hand, it is the society who makes smokers to smoke and it would be not fair just to put them into exile and consider the problem solved. Since we sell them tobacco they should have right to use it wherever they want.

On the other hand, those who do not smoke should have the right to breathe clean air. When somebody is smoking cigarette, health of non-smokers is under attack. Personally I am a former smoker, but even for me breathing tobacco smell is unbearable. It is not only makes people to temporarily feel bad but also causes long term effect. There are researches showing that so called ‘passive smoking’ could be even worse for health than smoking itself. Causing damage to anyone’s health is illegal, that is why there is no excuse for smoking in public places.

Another reason for this is the fact that not every legal action is allowed on public. Moral, cultural and juridical limitations are exist. For example, there are toilets for people’s bladder and nobody is allowed to urinate on streets. Tobacco is much more dangerous than that so there is no doubt every country should consider moving smokers to special places.

To conclude with, every country must think of the wellbeing of its citizens and make steps to protect them from dangerous effects of tobacco by banning smoking from public places. Since prehistoric ages The Art highlights our lives, adds beauty and happiness and cultivates the taste among the people. However, nowadays creative projects became very pricey and can not bring pay-off to its authors. Some people think that the government should pay for those projects and, of course, observe precisely how those funds are being spent.

This is quite obvious that no structure except government knows nations cultural needs best. It can evaluate which sphere of cultural life have the necessity of

development and achieve its goals of public loyalty by funding a specific field of

IELTS Letter, topic: Cleaning job application

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing this letter in response to the vacancy for housekeeper as advertised in the “Daily News” on 6th of November 2007.

I have worked for the “Care-givers” home for 5 years and thereafter was transferred to the main branch in Durban. This branch caters for two hundred people. I was appointed the supervisor, with five staff reporting to me. I have gained much experience in planning, organizing and leading in this job. I have worked with all types of people and know how to handle their problems.

The reason why I would like to apply for this job because your private home would benefit from my experience. I would be able to give much more attention to the needs of the home due to the size. My credentials speaks for itself which is attached for your perusal. I await for an interview to further discuss my experience with you.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,M Munsamy

IELTS Letter, topic: Asking for information on scholarships

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Please note that will be down for maintenance at some point on Saturday, 10 December and Sunday, 11 December. Nothing to worry about - we will be back online within a couple of hours. Thanks for your patience, and keep coming back!

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing this letter to request more information about scholarship/Finance assistance offered by your College.

I was awaiting in anticipation to enroll next year for the much coveted Diploma in English, but with unfortunate circumstance, I found myself in a financial difficulty.

I would appreciate it if you could steer me in the right path for scholarship information or if the college will be able to gave me financial assistance.

My certificate in Secondary education shows above average grades. I have worked in a voluntary position on weekends teaching English to young foreign kids. I do have the means to pay back if a loan is granted by the college. My employer will vouch for my employment and provide you with my earnings, and he could also arrange a monthly deduction from salary to your bank account.

I believe I have what it takes and I trust you would consider me setback, by giving me the opportunity to study further.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,M Munsamy

This is a good letter. It has the right structure, covers the task, shows good command of English, the sentences range in complexity, the grammar and spelling are fine. Some minor corrections were made, see comments. Overall, looks like Band 7.

IELTS Letter, topic: Explanation of delayed first working day

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Please note that will be down for maintenance at some point on Saturday, 10 December and Sunday, 11 December. Nothing to worry about - we will be back online within a couple of hours. Thanks for your patience, and keep coming back!

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You successfully passed a job interview. You are expected to start on November 15, But you will not be able on that date.

Task: Write a letter to your new boss, explaining your situation, expressing your concern and suggesting solutions.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that, I won’t be able to start work on November 15, as agreed during my recent interview with you.

The reason that I can’t start work was because my mother has fell from the stairs yesterday. As, I am the only daughter and there are no other relatives that are able to look after my mother, I have no choise but to go back to look after her. According to the doctors it will take about two weeks for her to be able to walk and care for herself again.

I apologize for all the inconvenience and I truly belived that you need me to be at work on that day for the project that is schedule to kick of three weeks later. I am able to work for home and completed the project as mention. I will also report to you through e-mail and if there is a problem, I will call and inform you along the way.

Once again, I’m very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,S. Chua.

This is a good letter. It covers the task, has a good structure, the paragraphs are coherent. There are several grammatical errors (see comments underlined in blue) and a poorly structured sentence that needs improvement (it starts with “I apologize for all the inconvenience”). Overall, looks like a band 6.5 letter � some improvement to grammar could take it to Band 7.

IELTS Letter, topic: item left on the bus

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Please note that will be down for maintenance at some point on Saturday, 10 December and Sunday, 11 December. Nothing to worry about - we will be back online within a couple of hours. Thanks for your patience, and keep coming back!

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Write a letter to a bus company saying you have left something valuable on the bus and tell them what to do if they find it.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The reason I am writing this letter to you is because I have left my bag in your bus which I took. It was on Tuesday 5th of August 2008 at around 3:00pm. The bus station that I board the bus was at Jalan Pinang (bus no 55) and got down at Jalan Tujuan.

I have tried to locate the bus and the driver but was unable too. It is a brown bag with some samples of costume jewellery of my company. There are 165 pcs of it in the bag. Its the last set of samples that I have. With out the samples its impossible for us to show to our customers.

If you have found it could you please call me at 03 5192 6541 or email me at [email protected] and I will arrange to pick it up from your office.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Yours faithfullyS. Chua

This letter needs some work. It covers the task and has the right structure. However the structure of the sentences needs some attention as well as the accuracy of expressions (see comments underlined in blue for more details). Overall, looks like a Band 6.5 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: migrant writes a letter to a friend

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Please note that will be down for maintenance at some point on Saturday, 10 December and Sunday, 11 December. Nothing to worry about - we will be back online within a couple of hours. Thanks for your patience, and keep coming back!

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You migrated to another country. Write a letter to your friend to describe your present life and tell him/her why you chose this country.

Dear Linda,

I’m sorry I haven’t been writing to you for such a long time. I am writing to inform you that I have migrated to Perth, Australia. My family and I arrived in Perth on the 03/04/08 and we have finally settled down.

We migrated to Perth because my sisters and their family have also migrated there three years ago. We have planed to join them in Perth and also for the children’s education and their future as well.

We have just settled in our new house and the kids are enjoying the pool almost everyday. They have been attending a public school and have made quite a lot of friends. The people here are very friendly and helpful. John has also found a job near the city. The working environment here according to John is very different from Malaysia. And as for me, I am a full time housewife, enjoying the morning coffee with the newspaper.

Do let me know when you plan to visit Perth and you are always welcome to stay at my new house.

With love,Sharon.

This is a good letter. It has the correct structure, the task is covered, the sentences are nicely built and it leaves a good impression because of the fluency of the language. See comments underlined in blue for minor corrections. Overall, looks like a band 7 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: Complaint about a rental car

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You rented a car from car Rental Company. The air conditioner has stopped working. You phoned the company a week ago but it has still not been repaired.

Write a letter to the company. In your letter- introduce yourself- explain the situation- say what action you would like to company to take.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the air conditioner of my car, which I took on rent from your company for two weeks. Unfortunately, it has stopped working.

I rented Mercedes Benz 8 days ago. My customer number is 1230. Actually, what happened -I was on my way from Jacksonville to Miami, although the atmosphere temperature was cooler, suddenly a sound came from the engine. At first, I thought that the engine belt is broken and I may not be able to drive the car further. However, when I felt no air coming from the air conditioner � I realized it has stopped working.

Naturally, when I got back home � I immediately contacted your customer care center and registered my complaint. They issued me a complaint number 234343 and said that they will send a technician at my house within 2 to 3 business days to get it repaired. Almost one week has passed since I called, but still it is not being repaired.

I am not at all satisfied with your customer service. In case, you can�t resolve my problem within 2 business days after the receipt of this letter, I want a complete refund of my rent which I paid in advance, that is $200.

Yours faithfully,Hasnain Siraj

This is a good letter. It has the right structure, covers the task, paragraphs are connected together by linking words and the sentences are well-structured. The grammar needs some attention, especially the prepositions and the way you use tenses (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, looks like a Band 6.5 – 7 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: Complaint about a faulty mobile phone

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within a couple of hours. Thanks for your patience, and keep coming back!

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You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase it has stopped working. You spoken to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been repaired.

Write a letter to the company. In your letter- introduce yourself- explain the situation- say what action you would like to company to take.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to inform you about the faulty mobile phone that I have purchased in your store.

I am Christine B., I am a regular customer of your company. On the 10th of March, I bought a brand new Nokia N73 mobile. However, upon one week of using it, problems started to appear. The flash of the camera is no longer working. Also, the monitor is getting blurred which makes it difficult for me to see the SMS messages clearly. I was very surprised to discover such problems in quite an expensive model.

Naturally, I returned the mobile phone in your store to be replaced with a new one. One of your sales staff told me that they will send it to me at my home address within one week. However, two weeks have gone without receiving any replacement. I am very upset for your poor service.

In this regard, I insist on getting a refund of my full payment if the replacement will not come within another week.

Yours faithfully,

Christine B.

This is a very good letter. The structure of paragraphs and sentences, grammar, vocabulary, length � everything is in order. There are some minor corrections (see comments underlined in blue). Otherwise, looks like a Band 7 letter

IELTS Letter, topic: Writing to a pen pal

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You have a pen friend living in another country and he/she is curious to learn about the major news items in your country.

Dear Amy,

How are you? Long time no letters from you. I remember in last letter you had mentioned about current affairs in India,___. Reserve Bank of IndiaReserve Bank of India has increased REPO rate by .50 basis points, which has lead to increase in home loan rate.

Rain in INDIA is too heavy this year same as from the past two years. Two years back Mumbai was flooded with water and all the normal life was halted for 1 – 2 days.

Our President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, have finished his tenure on 21st of July this year. Now we have Mrs. Patil as our new and 1st lady President in Indian history. She has political background where as Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam didn’t have.

After 14 years, people behind the Mumbai bomb blast in 1993 are being punished. Some are being sentence to death and some have to serve a long prison.

Take care. Be in Touch.

This letter is not bad. It has the right structure (apart from the first paragraph, last sentence of which should be in the second paragraph) and covers the task, the vocabulary and the structure of sentences are fine. The logical connection of paragraphs needs some work, because it seems as though you were jumping from issue to issue, instead of linking them smoothly.

Add some more personal touch in the last paragraph, ask how they are doing or what are their news. Don’t forget to sign your name in the end. See comments for detailed corrections. Overall, looks like a Band 6.5 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: Asking for information about a seminar

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You would like to participate in a work-related seminar in another country.Task: Write a letter to the person in charge of the seminar and ask for detailed information regarding the dates, program, accommodations and cost.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask for information about the seminar that you are conducting during the next week.

I am an electronics wholesale dealer in Pakistan and I am interested to take part in this work-related seminar. I think that it would be very beneficial for me to see the latest electronics appliances and have an excellent opportunity to make contacts with different companies. Therefore, I need to get some information in details such as; the total period of your seminar and the complete leaflets of different scheduled programs. Beside this, I have a plan to come

with my two staff members so what would be the arrangements of accommodation and total expenditures, which you have estimated for each person.

You could send the above-mentioned information to my e-mail address. I would like to receive it as soon as possible because of adequate preparation before the departure.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,Athar Nafees

This is a good letter. It covers the task, the information is organized well and each paragraph covers all the necessary details. There are some inaccuracies (see suggested changes in the comments underlined in blue). Overall, looks like a Band 7 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: Asking for information about an executive event

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You are organizing an executive event for the company you work for.Task: Write a letter to the person in charge of a venue that you are considering for the event and ask for detailed information regarding dates, services and costs.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to ask for information about organizing an executive event at your venue.

My name is Marcio, I work for a multinational company, and we need prepare an event that will be held on December 17, 2007. I would like to obtain the below information :

1. How many people can your club support?2. What kind of food to you serve?3. Is there any special service for disabled people?4. What time can we start the event?5. Do you have any “animation service” to offer?6. How much do you charge for your services ?7. Do you offer any transportation service ?8. Is there anything else included on your services ?

I need to receive this information until October 2007, because I need to prepare the department in charge of the event and invite the target audience. You can send me this information via fax, using the number +55 (21) 3422-9559, or email me at : [email protected]. I am confident that your company will provide us with the best type of service we need, based on abundance of good reviews about your company.

Yours faithfully,Marcio Marinho

This is a good letter. It covers the task, is correctly structured, and you used an appropriate style and vocabulary. There are some sentences that need a change in structure (see comments underlined in blue) and there are also repetitions of the same word, which should be avoided. Overall, looks like a Band 6.5 � 7 letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: a complaint about a laptop

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You have bought a new laptop computer and in a few days of purchase discovered a major flaw. Write a letter to the company. In your letter- introduce yourself- explain the situation- say what action you would like to company to take.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction with a laptop computer I bought in your store four days ago.

As soon as I turned on the computer, I realized that Windows operating system was not installed in it, although the offer said it was included. In addition, I chose a gray laptop and the one I received is black. Moreover, the default language of the laptop is Japanesse and I haven�t been able to change it to my native language, which is English. To make matters worse, the memory specifications of this laptop are not the same as the ones that I read in your catalog.

I definitely need this situation to be solved as soon as possible. I made the decision to buy the laptop at your store, because of previous good recommendations some friends of mine gave me about your store. However, after this experience, I feel deceived.

I would like you can send me the laptop I first chose at your store, including all the specifications were shown in the offer. If I don�t get a quick response to my request, I hope a full refund of the payment I already made.

Thanks in advance for your response.

Yours faithfully,


This is a good letter, all it need is a little more attention as there are certain language inaccuracies (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, looks like a Band 7 letter.

IELTS Essay, topic: University money better spent on libraries or sports

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University should give same amount of money to their sport activities as they give to their liabrary. Do you agree or disagree?

Yes, I do feel that universities should have equal budget for their liabraries as well as _ sport activities. It is our general belief that good player can not be _ good student and hence we restrict our children’s sport activities at college level. Moreover, academic degree has much more value than sport activities which naturally compels students to focus more on their studies than their sport interest.

Most of the universities keep sport at last number of their priority list, because of which good players do not get enough facilities and equipments to improve thier skills and eventually they loose their interest.Universities can play _ substantial role in shaping this upcoming talent by providing them with good trainers and equipments which is otherwise expensive to afford. Also it will attract other students towards sports and inculcate importance of physical fitness in them.

Universities should produce genious in all fields rather than only concentrating on progress of scholars. Hence, I feel that universities should allot equal money to liabrary as well as sport activities.

Your essay too short, the introduction is good, as is the first paragraph but you must offer more arguments regarding why you agree or disagree. There are many spelling, punctuation and article errors. The essay is easy to follow but has the appearance of the writer running short of time.