Modal Verbs Grammar

MODAL VERBS PROHIBITION OBLIGATION/NECESSITY LACK OF OBLIGATION PERMISSION PROHIBICIÓN OBLIGACIÓN/NECESIDAD AUSENCIA DE OBLIGACIÓN PERMISO Mustn´t You mustn´t run in the corridor Must autoridad fuerte Imust post this letter You must be here on time Don´t /doesn´t have to - You don´thave tobuy it Can (expresar o pedir permiso)- uso coloquial You can use my umbrella *Have(got) to ( obligación más suave- autoridad procede de fuera del hablante, de una ley o regla ) I have to hand in this essay on Friday ( teacher´s order) Children have to go to school until 16 ( a law) Needn´t You needn´twaitfor me. Could- ( menos directo y mas educado)- pedir permiso Could I borrow your pencil, please? Need( expresa necesidad) Need we go out now? May – (más formal)- expresar y pedir permiso May I use your phone, please? Should/ought to ( obligación moral) You should to be more tolerant Had to ( obligación o necesidad


Modal verbs

Transcript of Modal Verbs Grammar



You mustnt run in the corridorMust autoridad fuerte

I must post this letter

You must be here on timeDont /doesnt have to-

You dont have to buy it Can ( expresar o pedir permiso)- uso coloquialYou can use my umbrella

*Have(got) to ( obligacin ms suave- autoridad procede de fuera del hablante, de una ley o regla )I have to hand in this essay on Friday ( teachers order)Children have to go to school until 16 ( a law)


You neednt wait for me. Could- ( menos directo y mas educado)- pedir permiso

Could I borrow your pencil, please?

Need ( expresa necesidad)Need we go out now?May (ms formal)- expresar y pedir permiso

May I use your phone, please?

Should/ought to ( obligacin moral)You should to be more tolerant

Had to ( obligacin o necesidad en pasado)

I had to buy a mobile phone yesterday



Can ( en presente)We can drive very well Can ( posibilidad/imposibilidad)* terica ( presente) -If you try hard enough, you can do anything you want to

-The temperature in Mlaga can reach 37 in August

-I cant talk, Ive got a very sore throatCan ( para pedir algo o pedir a alguien que haga algo) * coloquial -Can I have a cup of tea?

-Can you help me?Must ( deduccin afirmativa)-They must be brothers

-It must be raining ( debe de estar lloviendo) * estamos seguros que se esta desarrollando ( hay gotas de agua)

Could ( en pasado)Jane could drive before she was 18May* posibilidad/ especulaciones presentes/futuras (indica algo no es seguro; mas seguridad que might o could) -He may come to the party-That may be the thief who was arrested by the police Could ( menos directo y ms formal)-Could I borrow your bike?

-Could you open the window, please?Cant ( deduccin negativa)She cant be at school. Its a holiday. * estamos seguros que no esta sucediendo

* Be able to ( para completar los tiempos verbales del can)

I wont be able to talk for a few days Might * posibilidad/ especulaciones presentes/futuras ( dudoso- menos seguridad que may)

-It might rain this afternoon-It might not snowMay (pedir algo, muy formal)May I have some more salt, please?May/could+be ( sugiere que algo puede ser verdad) He could be studying

Could ( menos seguridad que might) * especulaciones pr/fu posibilidad remotaThey could be friends Will ( will you? quisiera... ( educado) Will you turn down the TV, please?Might be+ing ( menos posible que sea verdad) He might be talking.

Could ( posilidad/ imposibilidad en el pasado) I couldnt open my eyes Would you mind ..? ( educado)Would you be quiet?


Can ( coloquial) * poco usadoCan I help you?Should ( Dar o pedir consejos- debera) You should go to the doctor Will ( expresa buena intencin)I will give you a hand

( expresa promesa)

I promise I will help you

Wont ( expresa rechazo de algo o de algo)The car wont start

She says she wont take the medicine

May ( formal)* poco usadoMay I help you? Ought to ( Dar consejos) You ought to talk to himShall I...? En preguntas expresar buena intencin Shall I help you?

Shall ( Shall I.?* preguntas cuyo sujeto es primera persona I ) Shall I do it now or later?Shall we... ? Pedir sugerenciasWhere shall we go? Wouldnt expresa rechazo en pasadoShe said she wouldnt take her medicine


Ill help you tidy up your room

Could ( hacer sugerencias)We could go to the cinema

Would you like/prefer..?

Would you like a cup of tea?


HAD BETTER - Dar consejos o sugerencia (sera mejor)

Had better+ bare infinitivo ( infinitivo sin to) It's getting dark, we'd better go home now Youd better not let them out

WOULD RATHER Se usa para expresar preferencias , sinnimo Would prefer

- + bare infinitive ( infinitivo sin to) : el sujeto de las dos acciones es la misma persona

- + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive: cuando se prefiere una accin a otra - + simple past sentence: sujetos diferentes

- I'd rather stay at home (prefiero)* las dos acciones ( preferir/estar) se refiere al mismo sujeto - I'd rather listen to music than dance ( prefiero escuchar msica a bailar) - I'd rather she studied harder ( Preferira que ella estudiara ms duro)

BE USED TO+ -ING - Expresa "estar acostumbrado a.." - I'm used to going to bed late.

GET USED TO+ -ING - Expresa " acostumbrarse a.." - I can't get used to his way of cooking.

MODALES PERFECTOS:Se refieren al pasado: expresan conclusiones, suposiciones y conjeturas que hacemos sobre hechos pasados y se forman con un modal + have + participio.MUST + HAVE + PARTICIPIO conclusiones lgicas en el pasado, e.g. Sheila was absent yesterday. She must have been ill.( ella debe haber estado enferma)

COULD + HAVE + PARTICIPIO indica que hubo posibilidad de hacer algo en el pasado pero realmente no se hizo, e.g. He could have helped us, but he came too late. ( El pudo habernos ayudado, pero llego demasiado tarde)

en negativa, expresa la incredulidad de que lo ocurrido sea cierto, e.g. She couldn't have said those words para hacer una suposicin en el pasado, e.g. She didn't come to the party. She could have been ill. - Expresar una critica : You could have bought some more food! MAY / MIGHT + HAVE + PARTICIPIO expresan una suposicin/ especulaciones sobre el pasado, e.g. Call her again. She may / might not have heard you the first time. ( ella puede que te haya odo la primera vez) SHOULD / OUGHT TO + HAVE + PARTICIPIO para lamentar que no se sigui un consejo en el pasado, e.g. She looks worse. She should / ought to have seen a doctor last week.

para lamentar que no se haya cumplido lo que esperbamos, e.g. They should have been home by now.

en negativa demuestran nuestra opinin crtica sobre algo que no debera haber ocurrido, e.g. I'm very angry with her. She shouldn't have been so rude