Mod 4 Challenging Conversations 9.28

1 Challenging Decisions and Challenging Conversations Module 4 – Supervisory Training



Transcript of Mod 4 Challenging Conversations 9.28

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Challenging Decisions and Challenging Conversations

Module 4 – Supervisory Training

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• This module focus on:

– Decision Making: how we arrive at decisions and how we involve others in those decisions based on our leadership style and their readiness to perform.

– Communication: Differences of Styles and understanding the impact of those differences.

– Influencing for Change: changing performance and getting “buy in” for change

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Moving forward• We have talked about Leadership and how to apply the skills of

leading others. We will continue that discussion.

• We have discussed some Legal concerns and how to avoid unwanted legal action.

• We have spoken about the hiring process and the selection of candidates.

• We have spoken about Performance Appraisals, coaching and the need for feedback.

• We talked about what to do, now we are moving into how to take action.

• We will apply our learning (particularly around Situational Leadership) to performance discussions and to employee’s taking responsibility for their actions.

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Using Situation Leadership in managing performance

• As a manager I need to identify the “readiness” level of each employee and adjust my management style to get optimal results.

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Challenging Decisions

• Decision – making has been defined as a ”Purposeful selection from among a set of alternatives in light of a given objective.

• Decision - making is not a separate function of management. In fact, decision-making is intertwined with the other management functions, such as planning, coordinating, controlling and in providing performance feedback.

• Here we are talking about it in light of “evaluating” and “addressing” performance. We are speaking in terms of “coaching” employees for improved performance.

• Once a decision is reached, the actions to be taken need to be communicated.

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• What we say and how we say it are very important.

• According to Albert Mehrabian, (U of Pa.) words account for 7% of communication, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of communication.

(Body language such as crossed arms could indicate resistance. Facial expressions or the lack of eye contact can be indicators communication is not mutual.)

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Applying Situational Leadership

• Successful Supervisors and Managers identify the “readiness” level of employees and adjust their management approaches to the readiness of the employee.

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Choosing the right tools for the right situation

• Depending on whether we are focusing on the task or the relationship, we need to alter what actions we take as a leader, and what words we use to communicate those actions.

• Let’s go back to Situational Leadership, which we will review:

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Leadership Effectiveness Situational Leadership Model; refresher

Role of the Supervisor

S3 Participatinglow task/high relationship

S2 Coachinghigh task/high relationship

obtain subordinate input in defining tasks and priorities define deadline report key progress points interval & frequency based on key progress point & as needed by subordinate

specific task input from subordinate on how input in timeline subordinate involved in solving problems may increase power of authority wider/longer interval – less freq.

S4 Delegatinglow task/low relationship subordinate given objectives managing boundaries subordinate solves problems, makes decisions, handles crises reports end results consulting when help is needed

S1 Tellinghigh task/low relationship be specific with task explain how to do it metrics provide limited parameters of authority close intervals and frequent progress reviews

Low HighTask








Supervisory Training

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Leadership Effectiveness Situational Leadership Model

Decision stylesRole of the Supervisor

S3 Participatinglow task/high relationship

The leader and follower made the decision/ or follower made the decision with encouragement from leader. The follower is able but unwilling or unsure.

S2 Coachinghigh task/high relationship

The leader makes the decision with dialogue and/ or explanation. The follower is unable but willing or motivated.

S4 Delegatinglow task/low relationship

The follower made the decision. The follower is able and willing or motivated.

S1 Tellinghigh task/low relationship

Here the leader makes the decision. The follower is unable and unwilling or unsure.

Low HighTask








Supervisory Training

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Leadership styles and decision making

• Here are some things to consider:– When we speak about ability, we are saying

the employee has the necessary knowledge, experience and skills.

– When we speak about willingness, we are saying the candidate has the necessary confidence, commitment, motivation. They are ready to move forward.

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Willingness to perform

• When we speak of willingness, it is a function of: – Confidence…the employee feels they can do

it– Commitment…the employee states, “I will do

it!”– Motivation…the employee has a feeling of

wanting to do it.

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Addressing employee readiness

• Challenges - when an employee is low in ability and unwilling, or new to a task in a given situation: (Quadrant #1)– This employee needs direction, guiding, or

structuring. The leader is seen as “telling” the employee what needs to be done.

– Example?

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Addressing employee readiness

• Challenges - when an employee is still unable but trying and willing: (Quadrant #2). – Here the leader provides explanations,

clarification, dialogue, and wants to get the person to “buy in”. The leader specifies the “what, how, when and who”. The leader explains “why”.

– Example?

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Addressing employee readiness

• Challenges when an employee can do the job but unwilling (Quadrant #3)– Here the decision maker needs to initiate high

amounts of two way communication and supportive behavior with some guidance.

– Here the leader’s main role is that of encouraging and communicating.

– Example?

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Addressing employee readiness

• Challenges when an employee can do the job and is willing (Quadrant #4)– Give this employee the ball and let them “run

with it”. Here you are delegating but you need to still stay involved and to monitor progress. The leader still need to “monitor the pulse”.

– Example?

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Performance Scenarios

• Now it is time to take the model and apply it to real-life situations.

• What is needed? How do we address the employee’s performance and any behaviors that are inconsistent with what we desire?

• We want to take into account the readiness of the employee and our expectations.

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• Working in table groups:– Look at 4 cases– In what Situational Leadership quadrant does

this fall?– What leadership behavior/action is needed to

address the situation?– Where is the employee as far as readiness

and willingness?

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Example/ lacking interpersonal skills

Description of situation:TA has been in the job several years. They are really good at putting out materials in the classroom. They know the job of being a TA, they are organized, efficient and keep up with the inventory. While TA is good at managing materials, they are not consistent at dealing with children who have behavioral issues. At times the TA handles the children’s behavioral issues very well. At others, the TA exhibits frustration, and raises their voice. This is very disruptive to the classroom.

Here is what needs to change:(The TA job description states that the TA must demonstrate an “interest in and willingness to engage young children with physical and/or behavioral challenges.” The TA has shown a knowledge of appropriate behavior but does not always apply it. You realize that the TA needs to consistently use appropriate actions to address the behaviors of the child.

What recommendations do you have to guide the supervisor on actions needed:

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Example/ late paperwork

Description of specifics:The Occupational Therapist is new to the organization. The OT is really good at developing creative ideas and is proficient in the delivery of occupational therapy. However, paperwork is consistently late and is completed after hours. Delays in completing paperwork causes accounting issues and can become a bottleneck for administration. Delayed input into DARS and paperwork effects our billing for services. There are many funding sources and the billing needs to be approved by a supervisor. Additionally, other treating therapists cannot access information, if needed, to determine the care rendered. You sense the OT is not completely sure of how to complete the paperwork and thus procrastinates on completing it.

What needs to change:Recording of therapeutic services is very important. The OT needs to be able to integrate completion of paperwork and documentation on the services rendered along with the performance of therapeutic services to clients. Paperwork needs to be completed within xx days of delivery of service. DARS need to be completed and forwarded to the supervisor for approval. Failure to do so, creates delays in receiving monies for services provided. You need to address this with the employee.

How should the supervisor address this?

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Description of specifics:A teacher has been with the Agency for fifteen years. She has been reliable, performs daily activities as needed, but needs to develop more sensory activities and needs to incorporate some new ideas that support the children with autism. She needs to incorporate new research findings into her IEPs. You have suggested this before and there has been no change. Because she is experienced, you have not monitored progress made in this area.

Support for the needed changes:The teacher’s job description states: Keep up-to-date concerning educational trends and utilizenew techniques, as appropriate, for the early childhood special education population. Our valueof Excellence directs us to provide the best service possible to our clients. Failure to incorporate new research into our work is a disservice to those we serve. As things change andnew findings are released, employees are required to incorporate these new findings intoprograms and services. Failure to do so impacts our clients negatively.

How do you recommend the supervisor address the fact that the teacher needs to incorporate new research into his/her work?

Example/ good but could be better

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Description of specifics:Employee performs his/her tasks well; however, when things do not go as he planned or if there is a disruption in his/her schedule, he/she becomes verbally abusive of others. He/she curses, bangs materials on a desk and discusses issues loudly before everyone. Whenever you speak to him/ her, he/she is apologetic but the behavior never changes. Because he/she delivers quality work, you tend to ignore the outbursts.

Why a change in behavior?The value of Respect is not being applied here. Respect is an Easter Seals value. The employee’s behavior is disruptive to the workgroup. Changes will occur in schedules and flexibility in dealing with these changes is important. The Easter Seals value of Respect states that we need to value the uniqueness of each individual, and appreciate the strength of diversity and inclusion. Employees need to work in a respectful environment and not subject to disruptive outbursts. Employee differences should not be acted out in public settings.

How would you address the needed change of behavior with the employee?

Example/ disruptive behavior

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Communication of the action to be taken once we decide what is needed

• Once we are clear what behavioral change is needed, we can address the action to be taken to get there.

• We then need to plan the message, and prepare how to deliver it.

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Some Disciplinary MistakesHere are some disciplinary mistakes to avoid:

1.) Using labels as opposed to describing actual behaviors, e.g.. bad attitude.

2.) Focusing on intent vs. outcome. We may never know the intent.

3.) Using absolutes…”never” means not ever again.

4.) Hedging vs. stating the facts. Leads to confusion.

5.) Including too many details… overkill.

6.) Don’t ask about the underlying concern…don’t speculate on an underlying cause.

7.) Skipping steps in a disciplinary process outlined by policy.

8.) Disrespecting an employee when you are disciplining, or terminating


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Developing our communication

• What needs to be said?• How much direction does this employee

need?• What factors need to be considered in

delivering this message?

Keep in mind, “Delivering the message in a way that is helpful to the listener does not change the message.”

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Communicating for Buy-in

• As supervisors, we want and need to have employees see the value of our communication.

• We want to communicate so we can be heard.

• We need to consider our audience.

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Style Differences We see and hear things differently

depending on our style differences. To effectively communicate, we want to consider ways that are helpful to the listener. Set the tone.

LIFO (Life Orientations) focuses on understanding each person’s strengths and applying them for best results.

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LIFO Stylesand key strengths

(Does not exclude having these strengths in other styles)

Supporting-Giving — key value: excellence

Controlling-Taking — key value: action

Conserving-Holding — key value: reason

Adapting-Dealing — key value: harmony

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The Four Orientations

Supporting-Giving — key value: excellence

Characteristics: – important to feel is a worthwhile person, ‘doing their

bit’ – trying to be responsive and co-operative – likes to feel others think of them as trustworthy – belief that others are fundamentally good – having ideals and living up to them are very important – feels personally responsible for any difficulties – reluctant to engage in emotional confrontations

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Controlling-Taking — key value: action

Characteristics: – important to get things accomplished, quickly – believes that problems can be solved by

dedication, energy and imagination – likes to seize opportunities – trusts their own instincts – loves a challenge – believes in taking responsibility – handles conflict confidently: actively enjoys

working towards resolution.

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Conserving-Holding — key value: reasonCharacteristics:

– likes to minimize loss, optimize gains – interested in getting things done accurately and

thoroughly – attention to detail – likes rigorous documentation and information retrieval

systems – very attentive to facts and accurate information in

conflict situations – slow, deliberate and analytical approach – prefers long-term solutions to immediate relief.

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Adapting-Dealing — key value: harmony

Characteristics: - loves to be liked and admired - enjoys working with others and tuning into their needs

- likes networking - understands that social acceptance is key to getting

things done - is flexible and willing to try new experiences

- likes to negotiate, happy to give and take - generous with compliments and appreciation - positive and optimistic.

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Balance of Styles

• We have some of each style but we varying in regard to preferred styles.

• Some of us flux rather easily among the 4 styles.

• Some have a dominant preferred style.

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LIFO is about Balance

• LIFO builds on Strengths

• LIFO focuses on balance in what we say– what we do

• Too much of a good thing can be a weakness (too controlling, too much data, too accommodating, too helpful).

• Balance allows strengths to work for us.

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Tendency to seek out people who are similar to us

When we have something in common, and a similar way of getting things done, we feel more comfortable. We feel confirmed. It is easier for us to trust the person. We know things will be done the way we like. (our way, the “best” way, the “right” way)

But we work with many people, many styles whom all have a “best” way.

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Awareness of style

• Being aware of my style and considering that of others, helps me deliver feedback so it will be heard.

• Building skills to recognize other’s preferred ways of communicating and translating one’s message to match

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• 4 quadrants of the room

• Each quadrant will be the meeting place for a style.

• Gather by styles

• Discuss what works for you in your style?

• What sometimes gets in the way?

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Communicating our decisions

“I am committed to your success and am here to help you.”

This is what we, as

Easter Seals supervisors, are called to do.

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Supervisor roles to enhance performance

• Supervisors need to take on different roles to encourage appropriate behavioral changes among employees.

• Let’s look at a few:

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Supervisory roles: coaching, counseling and mentoring.

• Coaching is an ongoing, performance-improving role.

• Performance Coaching is seen as a "non-punitive disciplinary process" to turn troubled performance around and help the employee see the difference between the work he thinks he's doing and the work he's actually producing.

• A step-by-step counseling process includes tips on handling misconduct cases and performance issues. Managers learn how to win the employee over to the idea of change, identify problems, and decide specific actions the employee should take.

• Mentoring takes the form of being a role model, cheerleader,

sponsor and provider of contacts. Managers develop the "mentee" by realistically seeing the employee's potential and helping the employee overcome his own fears. Mentors can be managers, they can be peers or staff.

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Influencing for Change

• One way to get things done is to directly request/require action

• Another way is to gain buy-in or influence for action.

• Influence can be among peers or among boss/subordinate.

• Influence can play a part in achieving agency goals, improving performance, and implementing change.

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Applying LIFO to Influence

• How can an employee sway a peer, client, etc. who is skeptical? Be prepared, confident in yourself--and know how to speak to your audience in the “way he wants to be spoken to”. (recent SHRM quote)

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• Optional approaches:– We can require action and/ or provide the

data to support us asking for action.• e.g.. Complete and submit tax forms by 4/15

because it is required by the federal and state government.

– In some cases, it may be more useful to create a vision and inspire for change.

• e.g.. Testimonials of how walking daily lowered blood pressure.

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Situational Leadership and Influence

• At any time when you try to influence the behavior of another person, you are engaging in an act of leadership.

• Leadership is an influence process.

• Leadership style is the behaviors you use to influence others.

• Your perception of your own behavior is not meaningful until you compare it to the perceptions of those you are trying to influence. (Kenneth Blanchard)

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What works for you?

• The end result is to gain buy-in.

• What works for us may not work for others.

• Easter Seals employees work to address individual needs among clients. We have a common goal but we meet it through the efforts of many.

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Module review• This module focused on:

– By taking a new look at Situational Leadership, we looked at Decision Making (how we arrive at decisions and how we communicate those decisions based on the readiness of employees).

– We discussed LIFO as an indicator of Communication Styles.

– We looked at supervisory roles in Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring to engage employees,

– We learned how to use this information to influence for change.