Mobile innovations - Helping your free your data

What mobile means to your data in this mobile age Mobile and Data


Having issues with your data? At mobile innovations we'll help you free your data, making it more accessible and more available to your business needs. Mobile Innovations, why we started our business. Get Connected, Get Social, Get Mobile.

Transcript of Mobile innovations - Helping your free your data

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What mobile means to your data in this mobile age

Mobile and Data

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What “data” means to usAgenda

What is “Big Data”

Thank you

What is cloud computing?

Cloud and common misconceptions.

What does it mean to your business?

How can cloud computing help your business?

What we can do for you








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Wikipedia:”Big Data” is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, transfer, analysis and visualization.

Translation:Data has complexity is growing exponentially making it difficult to display in a way that is easy to see what you need when you need it.

Why it matters:Ignoring the issue can cause problems for your business when you start looking at how well you’re doing and how well you’re doing it.

Why is it important?What is Big Data?

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What it means to your businessBig Data Strategies

This is the state your data is transformed to after your strategy has processed it.

Data can be moved to one central location OR have one location accessing all repositories.

Data can be accessed easily for appropriate resources.

Data can be viewed easily and efficiently.

Data can now be used by the business for multiple functions.

Refined Data state

This is the raw data before it under goes any analysis or transformation.

It can be very complex.

The data can be in multiple formats or in multiple repositories.

It can be time consuming to analyse costing your business time and money.

You may need multiple platforms to access the data.

Data can be moved between multiple sets creating more complexity

Complex Data State

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What is it?Cloud Computing

Using a large number of computers connected through a real-time communications network – the internet.


Having access to your data, your files and your applications anywhere at anytime via any device.



Allows your business to be more flexible, efficient, accessible and innovative. Saving you money and creating opportunities.




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This creates Opportunities for your business to grow wealth, expand offerings, reach a greater target audience OR provide more reliable resource sets.

Either way Cloud Computing could offer you a way forward

Cloud Innovation creates resources

which are more Accessible.

Saving your business time,

money and resources.

Leads to greater Flexibility and

better Efficiency.

Cloud ComputingHow it can help you

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And common misconceptionsThe Cloud

Cloud computing doesn’t have to be an external service. Most businesses already provide their own “remote services” however it’s limited in its use and function.Private clouds now provide more benefits to businesses than previous dated remote concepts.

Like a lot of upgrades the initial costs of moving to cloud solutions can cost, but in the long term cloud computing will save businesses in time and money.

Cloud is no riskier than normal infrastructure.

The same issues arise with cloud infrastructure that arise with traditional methods. Controlling organisations data.

an External services.



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You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

~ Buckminster Fulleri

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What We Can Do For Your Business

Current Technology State

Optimse Your Internet Solution

Provide a technology upgrade path

Free Your Data

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1. We audit what you have, what you do and how you do it. We’ll offer advice how we can add value to your INTERNET SOLUTIONS.

2. We audit your existing technology, how you use it and what you use it for. We’ll provide an UPGRADE PATH that aligns your technology solutions to your core business needs.

3. We’ll audit your current data repositories, practices and health. We’ll show you how we can integrate your data sets, FREE YOUR DATA and make it more ACCESSIBLE to your business

How We Do itEvery business is different but this is how we can help

Create accessible


Optimise Internet


Provide Your

Upgrade Path

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