^mM m«e power orf command- - NYS Historic...

TflB«ABI»S »io funds to pay the same. ifcom Europe sna«fthe1iighest mtor- ^mM ed plight into which Wi^fi-*-— thou ^ homejto tgtf and ibosoras'of.. BuCHAS ular retirement at student and an lg^g^ direct g&sfej. unidSsfded attention-to'Slaye'ry itti t Kn humbug agitation or to some Kansas humbug ^| ^his t nwk« out ^ year V ^ ^ i h importance from FROM ETTCOPE. r 'ARBIVAt OF THE VANDERBELT. were d Bob*, ;SepTjBP, 1-30 P. M. hip. WnderBii| from SfeV ptbh the 22d, just arrivedi^ff isfarrival wehaVe impbr- ard and Sir Henry Laurence "The Europeans at Catonporc had been dj^d tht l atd T p p massacredj^nd that place recaptured. MSTflElih troops had .arrived at ^ The rejsjsihad been defeated in three engagements, i j h^6iralijore contingent had mutinied. Tn%%eani"er TMnsit had been iost in the straits, .of Funday. The crew and troops by her-. w.ere saved. , ,Tfielndian Telegraph was to beextend- ed., Dsclifes were proposed. . "Tfe new Constitution for the Danish BiieKies fed'Beeti. prepared. Tie-Sultan- of Turkey was organizing a new ministry. The;inaster and two mates ofa British ship have l>een sentenced to death at Liver- pool for the murder of a seaman. Tfce- TT. S. steam-frigate Niagara was at Plymouth. * •A, postal communication with India, via Asiatic Turkey, was proposed. A sanguinary attack had been made on the Jews at Tunis. The official confirmation of the murder of the'lUrican travelers, Dr. Vogel and Corporal Maguire, ' had been received. Schaymil had again defeated the Bussians, and captured some important posts. Mr. Murray had demanded the in array had demanded the immedi- ate evactnatiori of Herat'by thePersians. Qneen Christiana was expected to return to Spain. cd the heaviest ,du ber of letters and the aid of an amanuensis now, is legion. Beading without spectacles, and giving to every subject prompt and careful analysis, a wpndef'^tQshis knew yery;little ; of him .till thus thrown in contact with him. - Rising al- most at dawn, and toiling late,, he gives to his office conscientious fidelity and , pa- tience, which have marked his careecfrom the day, when, nearly forty years ago, he took his seat in the.national councils. More Failures. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Messrs. Benedict & Co., and Fisher & Co., Stock Brokers, have failed. The notes of the following Banks are reported by the Bankers.— Kanahwa Bank, Via. Farmer's Bank, Wickford, R. I. Tiverton Bank, R. I. Rhode Island Central Bank. Farmer's Bank, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Wooster Bank, Cf. "Wan-en County Bank, Pa. Hancock Bank, Me. The reported failure of a Bank in Hart- ford is untrue. Panic in Wall Street NEW YORK, Sept. 1. To-day is the most exciting one in Wall street yet. < |The Merchant's Banking Association has closed its doors in censequence of the defalcation of one of its officers to the amount of $"70,000. Beebe-& Co., bankers, have suspended payment. J. H." Prentice & Co., extensive hat manufacturers, have failed, Adams & Buckingham, bankers and dealers in flour, are reported failed. The Erie Railroad Company is paying its interest to-day. Money 'is very stringent. There are heavy runs on several Banks. "Did any of you ever see an elephant skin ?" asked the master of an infant school in sfestjneighborhood. "I have !" shouted a six-year old at the &ot *-'-•-- 11 -" ' ^ his earnestness.' inquired 'spectacles, amused at WJ5S- ' ...-•->?• : was the reply. JSP" A Philadelphia paper recently in- serted th&ioilowjngadyerasement: l t d at this office, TWo "DEVILS, y ing room, I will then tell my story." "A gouty Politely bi A timely hint. With It m Democratic State Convention. A Democratic State Convention will be held at the city of Syracuse, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of SEPTEMBER next, at 12 M. of that? day, to nominate candidates for the office o: Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer,- Attorney General, State Engineer and Surveyor,' one Judge of the Court of Appeals,, a Canal Commissioner and a State Prison Inspector. Each Assembly District as established under the act passed for the apportionment of the Members of Assembly, passed April 13th, 1857, except in the city and cOunty of New York,) will send one delegate to said Convention. Where a change has been made in the Assem- bly Districts as heretofore established, and no local organization shall exist in the Districts as established under the act aforesaid, to call Dis- trict Conventions, then the County Committees, or such other persons as are duly authorized to call County Conventions, shall call such Conven- tions for the election of delegates to the Con- vention hereby ordered. Inasmuch as the organization of the demo- cratic party in the city and county of New York is constituted with reference to the former As- sembly apportionment, and it is impracticable to effect a change therein so as to conform to the new Districts^ recently established, in time for the meeting of the State Convention hereby ordered, the city and ; county of New York shall elect under the directions of the General Committee thereof, sixteen delegates to represent the Assembly Districts as they ex- isted under the former apportionment, and one delegate at large shall be elected by ihe sixteen thus chosen. Dated Albany, August 6th, 1827. 1st " —JOHN KELLY, P. B. SWEENY, 2d " —WM. H. LUDLOW, SAM FOWLER, 3d " —P. CAGGEK, GEO. BEACH, 4th " —H. TJ. CUSHNEY, K. G. STONE, 5th " —JOHN M. JAYCOX, HEN. GKEEN, 6th " —HIRAM A. BEEBE, H. HUBBARD -7th '• —JOHN L. LEWIS, JOHN PORTER, 8th " —DEAN RICHMOND, H. W. ROGERS, Democratic State Central Committee. Democratic Coiraty Convention. A Democratic Convention of the delegates of the several towns of the county of Lewis, will 1 be held at the Court House, in the village of Lowville, on Saturday the fifth day of Septem- ber next, at two o'clock, p. m. to appoint a del- egate to attend the State Convention to be held at the city of Syracuse, on the 10th of Septem- ber next, and to do such business as may be brought before the convention. Each town is requested to send three delegates. L. C. DAVENPORT, G. E. WOOLWORIH, EMPBXET SEEKS, C. G. Rises,"' ALBUSK FOSTER, H. C. STALL, JOBS TCCKEB, Democratic . County Corresponding. Committee. Cost of Black Republican Misrule. In our last issue we stated in substance that the: people of this state cannot afford to live long tinder. Black ^Republican sway that a plundered Treasury,-followed by bankruptcy and rhin, wiff >nre1y^follow in the pathwa i latioD. We now proposed make a state-; ment of some of the facte in the case, so that our readers may judge for themselves of the truth'of %hat we allege. .' A tax istoite rinsed upon thePjieopleof tins state, this fall, of about ihri#*tnd a quarter tnillionsdf dollctrti 4:, ^,ir* H "• lawis County paid last year a state %a* of &>,£28,dO—this] jrear she has to' whole. i word will troubling ourselves about the affairs of Kansas or Missouri i T f cause, our-iState Treasury to^recover from its exhaustion. What do men who haye iou8iiiipfs%ailgh« anything biit J the " " * the power of command- m«r of the "Pretty my ypung ay I I want livejy-with Iheir p resefce! of the day to a grove *6mes-£tfw The prbcessioffwa^lil always acted i p M h e r Democratic, party on questions of State Finance, but who differed from us last, fall on National quesr tions, say Jtp following their;new-associates on this road to ruin. - .---' • ., Such" me^ytere bewildered and, hum- bugged ib,y;itlie fantasies of the hour into the feverish .dream of Black BepubKcSn decorated with banners appro itf ^ a r • ^ • - ism; they, are now awakening with strange bed-fellow^. Their only, course is to re- nounce their errors and return unto the Democratic, fold. There is one black sheep, however, among the number who played the part of -bell-weather last fall, in leading better men astray, who cannot again come among us, even though he seek to do so "care- fully an<f with tears." We allude to the Editor of the Lewis County Republican. His way,—hereafter, must be a different path from ours. The shadows of evening gather about him—the night is at hand; Henceforth his course goes darkening, on- ward-to its close. To our Patrons. *WE" are late this week inthe publica- tion of our paper, and this is our apology: We sent for paper last week, and it did not arrive until Wednesday of this/ week. We were determined to issue this week the handsomest and best sheet ever issued in Lewis Connty—and we ask you-if we have not succeeded. Our paper is from the Warehouse of A. J. Van Winkle, No* 9 Spruce st., New 'Kork* and we;'are>happy to say we are making arrangements where- by we shall be enabled to furnish, our pat- rons with the same quality, in future. It will be seen we have a new head to our paper, and a new name in as one of the publishers—Mr. A. BARNES, whom we hereby introduce to you asa Democrat of the right stamp, and a first-class work- man ; and who will of course favor you with articles from his pen,, of which you will have an opportunity to ju'dge. We intend tomake our paper always the most reliable, and at. the same time the most original paper in the- county, and .we ask you to-compare the BANNER with oth- >r country papers, and see if it isjiot up with Ife times; -We, ; . agreeably to promr ise, publish the life-like likeness of JAS. B t T C H A K A I ? . ; - . . , ; We have a New Job Office, and it uni- versally acknowledged that we execute'the best work of any office in the County. So those who, favor us with orders may be sure of good work. Try it. 23C HARRISBURGH NO. .3. B3D XT O JAI'U' X O Lettered in evergreen. L -I EXCEJLSIOR OUB MOTTO. IT t - ••- ^ ' GET WISDOM, FORGET IT NOT. FRIENDS OF EDUCATION HARRISBURGH NO. 5. K THE GREAT BPSINESS OF MANKIND »y » IS XO »O GOOD. OLIVES TEAIX,, President of the Onon- daga Co. Bank, at Syracuse, Newburgh,. on died 22.,, at of. Syracuse, his place of residence, and was the person most :%ntified*wjth gtbe^histojy of District No. 8, of Denmark had a very beautiful square banner; upon one side "Excelsior," opposite "Our employment is study," "Onr companions are boots." DENMARK N O . 1 2 . I W E A R E A LITTLE BAUD. ildren rapt attention for ne||}y an houryn one of happiest " ' ' " ' some of you wijUanswer readily and some ~ ^yow^all hun- "yessir." Had '•' "t "No "Thafs rather eat than -;fdr anything I am going.tp keyon afraid men? alt an- "Ah ^ , $ that's, liightgpwhatI day jg. toKmake- ; yd|i ~ J' vp- wicked. being wj so is nearly ming or if 1 can make you afraid of jyhe danger of your becoming viated. I wish" y6U to bi afraid to commitf the first act of wrong. ~~ - . - - ^^Jiippus, COPENHAGEN NO. I. EX GELS! OR." The procession extended something over one halt mile when fully formed, and pre- sented.a somewhat novel appearance from the fact that the. marshalls were on fopt, and it was impossible to tell under whose direction the mass were moving. 1 ' We noticed^ two or three young gents who kept close to theschodl inarxis, and conclu- dd " p ded i had soin|th^g, ; to d ^ ^ ment. However this may b e , w e were happy to know tfca* the concourse reached , we behold the.glprious Falls in all their sublimity. '"'"''" pcaiHatfattnUh» —buti admonished by the-presence ofHflHM*. »he gelded her heart to *" " """' August Vth, GEOBGB IWinflk" , t, StEPBSHBJOO!, * worthy citizen and pioneer of the tvl&^mt^ -80 .years." " ^"" the groundslat. 1 d'clpck; in good border '^s Jth'Sdmirable ice totailsi* tatMi^bnfcPoT^Hur- one jn sic. by the Band. •Prayer^ by tfe BeW01ney Places Chorus, by the. scholar* of the following order, of tranquilize irritability, and nentraliee any '" '" t^d^rijj aiflii'i^lflhr In Turin, on lhe-18th nit., h ii d bany, one of the beet m the State. / S r That all of •16,584,00, besides her county tax. ,, y Co. pays, then, thiies times as much State am inclined to give jon a tar this year as last; therefore the annual I left Uii» place Black Republicanism to her is There were; no gates np last year a state tit for tat to ah 8»lueky eountic* of the fUfe. cninjcetK'a4i««. TTK state T jodgraent obtnoedbyowj >iM onifcegronodA»^*« r^^holars of Djst Npr. 1, of Benediction by Rev. R.,% King; A relish fot the'Voniforts of» the inner man had led your reporter to prospeefethe tables previous to the .benediction. He; found them in no sbape or.'rather,jnjs.yery shape. The designer evidently"having studied no treaties of geometry^ 'buff* ^Beniieit on Yirginis rail fence." "The- tables 'were amply - supplied with creature* comfortSj, and their location from the urjeyenness of the surface presented a.decided improve- ment. "Id" "pic nic"' locations, the tallest children in each school could stand in the hollows* and nearly all be of a height.' After doing justice to the tables in releiv- ing t^iem ofa part of thei.r burden, the committee on toasts was called, and found wanting. A call was made for volunteer toasts, when Hon. Lucian Clark let off with an appropriate sentiment, (which your reporter was unable to gather, his mouth being so full of cake he could .not hear) in, the response to the sentiment he found the audience in nearly the same fix. A. G. Thompson, Esq.,. may the hopes and expectations of the parent and teacher be realized in the moral and intellectual improvement of their.children. Rev. OUSEY PLACE,;—"The Speakers, the Ladies, they have made us twice glad, with their presence and their -leasts." L; F. LmxE, Esq.,—"Our country schools open alike to the rich and poor. May this ever be her^bpast. Rev. Mr. Snyder,—"A dark inauspicious morning, brightening into day as beautiful as if made to order. May it lead us never to despair. Here followed a toast from some one; your reporter eoiikl not see, neither could he hear the sentiment distinctly, it was some- thing' about "picking cotton," or of that stripe and only showed the author's peu- chaut of thrusting his peculiar political sentiments however inappropriate upon every promiscuous assembly. The Band responded "All the Darkies am a weeping raassa's in tHe cold, cold ground." By the way the Band discoursed excellent music. After a day of pleasure the assem- bly quietly dispersed. L . . the, | ftyl _at is M1 your j as totfce matte* of jealonsyj wetbinkit waj entirely monopolized by your' house—there is none tosggre, Just i o o t at it^-seebow Soilfacti and athletic been held Jordan. another ?tbem both, I Free vigorous r and have •Whenthe ball is open, and your dance begins, you'll see a mazelbat wffl teM«lf6i#'tJan»the officials and dignitaries^ f ^ 0 tlemen in your party to follbw, 6j 4 lea< SPECTATOB. back. Editorial Corre^jpndence. EDITOUS LEWIS CO. BANNER: In the Jast week's Journal somebody in the forlorn hope of the Excise Board Hear him. "The Lewis Co. -^Banner, abont a year since, contained a hitter and malicious at- tack oh the Mainfe Law, at a'time, too, when the question was not at issue, and' with an evident intent to evade the great question." ; Did it, my friend I At the time yow wrote yOnr article were you thinking a little of temperance,- and a little of the>bot~ I should have thoughtthat the BAK- had it wished to evade the - "great tie; NER, question, would have got behind the fence and said nothing, and not:squared off as fonsayit didi Had you not' better i«ad the article -again -V.- it may- loofc different A another point "Scrupulously^ eversin^ha^^that sheet , - A ._. SO. VI. Niagara is a namej which in the descrip- tive language of the Irpquojs, wfeo most frequented these parts, signifies THCNDEB OF WATEHB; andvwiere could a word be found to convey at once to the mind so boldly, the truth of conception. . T|»ft wa- ters of the,worldV w,idesj;,,lakes, to^gejther with innumerable tributaries, making more than one hundred and fifty thousand square miles of surfa$e^are forced over this gjfcat fall,, forming, i c a t a r a p ^ whose vastnessvjnnst be stndied for a time before the bounded imagination of man can rea- lize its actual truth. Language can scarce- ly approach it pearer than the.poor Indian's simple, yet expressive, Thunder of waters—it is in truth NIAGARA ! The day is glorious, the sun bright, the sky blue, and the air clear. A more beau- tiful day could not have been selected in which to view this great work of Nature. But the clouds of foaming spray, and ihe tufted, fleecy clouds upon the azure firma- ment, mingle and intermingle, until it is diffiult to say where Heaven ends or earth begins. The American Fall is always distinctly visible notwithstandmg^its dizzy . height of 150 feet; not so the Canadian. The American Fall is sublimely grand, but $e Canadian Fall far surpasses it. It seems at Niagara like an eternal Sab- bath. The very air is heavy with great truths, and the roar of the torrent has all the solemnity of silence, because it so en- tirely drowns every other sound but that winch proclaims power and might and perpetuity. We muffle ourselves up, and enter the ferry boat, that we may cross to the Can- ada side. There is no view more compre- hensive or grander than the view from the ferry. Over to the other side is but a dis- tance of a little over four hundred yards, in a straight line. But, to humor the current, this brawny boatman of ours pulls up towards the Fall, and is by it borne back towards his landing, which he has to pnll hard for, lest he be carried past. There has been no accident to record at this apparently dangerous passage, within the memory of any one living. Can any thing equal that ? Look above, around, and .beneath you. How awful is the might of that Supreme Being whose work this is. The boat begins to toss, but don't be alarmed, it is the agitation of the current, and the skill of our experienced boatman will soon bear us into still water. Gaze on that amphitheatre of Cataracts, and listen to their roan Extensive as they seem, we have but a perspective viewof them—the beautiful Horse-shoe being a considerable distance from us. Now we are-riear the Province of Qneen Victoria, where a circuitous road leads to the window outs* j a'mi has an excellent fac •••' * r e®! laroens/^ajid powerfnT U voi<Mike w give us- greate| ltoid * JStNotices inserts* .under.thU fore ihe Deaths and Marriages, ' advertised rates. required by us J , . *mfent8. Hie offices. arep ilding ^ifetB^Yori, TriliBSne &c, taken in payment for »ubscnptii>n v Lewis County SanDer:" ' '; ' the same week, most be Monday noon. handed in aatiAjim •i-i-^—tt-* notice taken of Anonymous nications, neither wili rejected comm; be returned. , . . _. ..^^ The Commissioners of Exgise will p"MHWdii>ff ndgment all persons guilty of -any. Vidfc5ib»".«|t* the Excise Law. .upon.comj^&itto.tiiBjB£ iitani- ticg accompanied wftH safisfacS guilt. By order of the board, 50t f.- -. -.-•4 lt8 ^!^ T/ ^ : . : ,. : HOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT AITOPILLS.—Bo«««nc««r Health, hospitals and dispensaries, haTe/lyrtr. accomplished half the good that haajbeenachier- ed through thefagfencies'.for tfif""—'- -«-A_H- remedies.' Fortunately for'the'f cies ,pervade..all, countries. V v i tI -,, *•. .,. however, should be furnished'with' the prepar«i tions, for.theymaybesiid*nTyanannper»tiTe- ly required at anyhour. .-If universally and^H propriately used in all casessdemanding medkal treatmentj the average durition Jof humaa^ Kfe would be increased, and' the amount of haraaa suffering greatly lessened. The effect of the' Ointment on eruptions, ulcers, tomors, andJIH kinds of exteraay^iseases and injuries,; k l i t i l e short of PILLS—-The best Bilious Pills in use. A sore cure.for all kinds of -Headache, Dyspepsia, or feverish attacks. Price 25 cts. Dr. G. S. Munson's Pain Carer, and Rheumat- ic Linament. It penetrates directly to the part affected, and relieves at once Stieumttism, Ken* ralgia, and all pain. Price 25 cts. Dr. J. S. Munson's Diarrhoea Mixture—-the most prompt and safe medicine ever introduced for the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery; CWlera, Cholera Mortras, Bleeding from the Lungs^Stg. mnch, and profuse Menstruation^ Price Sfi eta. Toothache Drops—Do not injure' the teeth or gums, but give relief iristairtly/ Price 25 cte. 130 Willoughby, gorner'Fleel;st, Brooklyn, and 214 Fulton st;, N. T., at Isiael Mioer Jc Co. 's, Wholesale Drug^sts. ^. AGENTS—John Doig, Lowville; E. West Martinsburgh; James Peden^ Martins- burgh; S. D. Mason & Co., Clensdale; M. Smith, Houseville; E. B. Holderi, Turin; Blod- get & Kash, Denmark.; Reuben Remington; Deer Kirer; A. McCollum, Carthage, 63yl RATS, ROACHES, Bpp, Bass, ISSKCTS, dp."Costar's" Rat," Roach; &e;, Exterminator; "Gostar's" Bed Bug Exterminator; "CostarV Electric Powder, For Ants, Insects, &c. "( TBe only Infallible Remedies known.) _ "Costar"sendsby mail, prepaid, as box of the Rat, Roach, &c, Ex. to any addreti in the U. S. on receipt of $1, or the Electric- Powder for 65 cts.- (The Bed Bug Ex. being s liquid cannot be sent by mail.) -* | ^ ' ' C o s t a r " T ^ furnishJfcuggists, Deatnl and Store Keepers, a |10, Sample Package ofUi. various preparations (assorted) with CSrcnlan, Posters, Bills, &c, on necejpj of $5 {leaving baL of $a due when sold) in order, that they mar test their merits. -.- ;• .- . |^"See Advertisement. For Circular*, *fc» address "COSTAK," No. 888 Broadway, N. Y. 5Sw4 ' - ' By theRev. L. Whitney, on the 180»aifci-JB West Turin, Mr. JOSEPH X. MATHBR, of< Boonville, to Miss SAEAH K. WEBB, of Let- the lofty height above. - its ^wei ascend, let us pause at interv, and look back- upon the, rushing Niagara, which ich, w^have pnst crossed^ and ,a»^ end still higher!, and the ToaVi^J win ascend den. nds, At Houeeville, oh'tQe : 29th OIL, Mr 6ILBEBT COIiE, aged 11 years In this town, on the 28th-uh MK £001 ROOT, abed 79 fears He was one of the band of pioneers who near this Village when it m i an unbroken •Invest Turin, on the 22d inst, BXUBt eldesfdaughttr ofXieonard Colton, £tq, - Miss(^ltonw*s^e»peeied«i»d*eI»Tea, only in the circle at home,-but aaraiic >H°«fc«r knew her.- Thei>ro«pectbefow fc«t < friends and the wo "'

Transcript of ^mM m«e power orf command- - NYS Historic...

Page 1: ^mM m«e power orf command- - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031791/1857-09... · homejto tgtf and ibosoras'of.. BuCHAS ular retirement at student and an

T f l B « A B I » S

»io funds to pay the same.

ifcom Europe sna«fthe1iighest mtor- ^mMed plight into whichWi^fi-*-—

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ularretirement atstudent and an

l g ^ g ^direct g&sfej. unidSsfded attention-to'Slaye'ry

itti t Kn humbugagitation or to some Kansas humbug^ | ^his tnwk« out ^

year V ^ ^ i h

importance from




were d

Bob*, ;SepTjBP, 1-30 P. M.hip. WnderBii| from SfeVptbh the 22d, just arrivedi^ff

isfarrival wehaVe impbr-

ard and Sir Henry Laurence

"The Europeans at Catonporc had beendj^d tht l a t d

T p pmassacredj^nd that place recaptured.

M S T f l E l i h troops had .arrived at^

The rejsjsihad been defeated in threeengagements,

ijh^6iralijore contingent had mutinied.Tn%%eani"er TMnsit had been iost in the

straits, .of Funday. The crew and troopsby her-. w.ere saved., ,Tfielndian Telegraph was to beextend-ed., Dsclifes were proposed. .

"Tfe new Constitution for the DanishBiieKies fed'Beeti. prepared.

Tie-Sultan- of Turkey was organizing anew ministry.

The;inaster and two mates of a Britishship have l>een sentenced to death at Liver-pool for the murder of a seaman.

Tfce- TT. S. steam-frigate Niagara was atPlymouth. *

•A, postal communication with India,via Asiatic Turkey, was proposed.

A sanguinary attack had been made onthe Jews at Tunis.

The official confirmation of the murderof the'lUrican travelers, Dr. Vogel andCorporal Maguire, ' had been received.Schaymil had again defeated the Bussians,and captured some important posts.

Mr. Murray had demanded the inarray had demanded the immedi-ate evactnatiori of Herat'by the Persians.

Qneen Christiana was expected to returnto Spain.

cd the heaviest ,duber of letters andthe aid of an amanuensis now, is legion.Beading without spectacles, and giving toevery subject prompt and careful analysis,

a wpndef' tQshisknew yery;little; of him .till thus

thrown in contact with him. - Rising al-most at dawn, and toiling late,, he gives tohis office conscientious fidelity and , pa-tience, which have marked his careecfromthe day, when, nearly forty years ago, hetook his seat in the.national councils.

More Failures.

NEW YORK, Aug. 26.Messrs. Benedict & Co., and Fisher

& Co., Stock Brokers, have failed.The notes of the following Banks are

reported by the Bankers.—Kanahwa Bank, Via.Farmer's Bank, Wickford, R. I.Tiverton Bank, R. I.Rhode Island Central Bank.Farmer's Bank, Saratoga Co., N. Y.Wooster Bank, Cf."Wan-en County Bank, Pa.Hancock Bank, Me.The reported failure of a Bank in Hart-

ford is untrue.

Panic in Wall StreetNEW YORK, Sept. 1.

To-day is the most exciting one in Wallstreet yet.< |The Merchant's Banking Associationhas closed its doors in censequence of thedefalcation of one of its officers to theamount of $"70,000.

Beebe-& Co., bankers, have suspendedpayment.

J. H." Prentice & Co., extensive hatmanufacturers, have failed,

Adams & Buckingham, bankers anddealers in flour, are reported failed.

The Erie Railroad Company is payingits interest to-day. •

Money 'is very stringent. There areheavy runs on several Banks.

"Did any of you ever see an elephantskin ?" asked the master of an infant schoolin sfestjneighborhood.

"I have !" shouted a six-year old at the& o t * - ' - • - - 1 1 - " ' ^

his earnestness.'inquired 'spectacles, amused atWJ5S- ' • ...-•->?• :

was the reply.

JSP" A Philadelphia paper recently in-serted th&ioilowjngadyerasement:

l t d at this office, TWo "DEVILS,

ying room, I will then tell my story."

"A goutyPolitely biA timely hint.With •It


D e m o c r a t i c State C o n v e n t i o n .

A Democratic State Convention will be heldat the city of Syracuse, on THURSDAY, the10th day of SEPTEMBER next, at 12 M. of that?day, to nominate candidates for the office o:Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer,-Attorney General, State Engineer and Surveyor,'one Judge of the Court of Appeals,, a CanalCommissioner and a State Prison Inspector.

Each Assembly District as established underthe act passed for the apportionment of theMembers of Assembly, passed April 13th, 1857,except in the city and cOunty of New York,)will send one delegate to said Convention.

Where a change has been made in the Assem-bly Districts as heretofore established, and nolocal organization shall exist in the Districts asestablished under the act aforesaid, to call Dis-trict Conventions, then the County Committees,or such other persons as are duly authorized tocall County Conventions, shall call such Conven-tions for the election of delegates to the Con-vention hereby ordered.

Inasmuch as the organization of the demo-cratic party in the city and county of New Yorkis constituted with reference to the former As-sembly apportionment, and it is impracticableto effect a change therein so as to conform tothe new Districts^ recently established, intime for the meeting of the State Conventionhereby ordered, the city and; county of NewYork shall elect under the directions of theGeneral Committee thereof, sixteen delegatesto represent the Assembly Districts as they ex-isted under the former apportionment, and onedelegate at large shall be elected by ihe sixteenthus chosen.

Dated Albany, August 6th, 1827.1st " —JOHN KELLY, P. B. SWEENY,2d " —WM. H. LUDLOW, SAM FOWLER,3d " —P. CAGGEK, GEO. BEACH,4th " —H. TJ. CUSHNEY, K. G. STONE,5th " —JOHN M. JAYCOX, HEN. GKEEN,6th " —HIRAM A. BEEBE, H. HUBBARD-7th '• —JOHN L. LEWIS, JOHN PORTER,8th " —DEAN RICHMOND, H. W. ROGERS,

Democratic State Central Committee.

Democratic Coiraty Convention.

A Democratic Convention of the delegates ofthe several towns of the county of Lewis, will1

be held at the Court House, in the village ofLowville, on Saturday the fifth day of Septem-ber next, at two o'clock, p. m. to appoint a del-egate to attend the State Convention to be heldat the city of Syracuse, on the 10th of Septem-ber next, and to do such business as may bebrought before the convention. Each town isrequested to send three delegates.


Democratic. CountyCorresponding.


Cost of Black Republican Misrule.

In our last issue we stated in substancethat the: people of this state cannot affordto live long tinder. Black ^Republican swaythat a plundered Treasury,-followed bybankruptcy and rhin, wiff >nre1y^followin the pathwa ilatioD. We now proposed make a state-;ment of some of the facte in the case, sothat our readers may judge for themselvesof the truth'of %hat we allege. .'

A tax istoite rinsed upon thePjieopleoftins state, this fall, of about ihri#*tnd aquarter tnillionsdf dollctrti 4:, ,ir* H "•

lawis County paid last year a state %a*of &>,£28,dO—this] jrear she has to'

whole. i word will troubling ourselvesabout the affairs of Kansas or Missouri

i T fcause, our-iState Treasury to^recover fromits exhaustion. What do men who haye

iou8iiiipfs%ailgh«anything biit Jthe " " *

the power of command-m«rof the

"Prettymy ypungay I I want

livejy-with Iheir p resefce!

of the day to a grove *6mes-£tfwThe prbcessioffwa^lil

always acted i p M h e r Democratic, partyon questions of State Finance, but whodiffered from us last, fall on National quesrtions, say Jtp following their;new-associateson this road to ruin. - . - -- ' • .,

Such" me^ytere bewildered and, hum-bugged ib,y;itlie fantasies of the hour intothe feverish .dream of Black BepubKcSn

decorated with banners approitf ^ a r • ^ • -

ism; they, are now awakening with strangebed-fellow . Their only, course is to re-nounce their errors and return unto theDemocratic, fold.

There is one black sheep, however,among the number who played the partof -bell-weather last fall, in leading bettermen astray, who cannot again come amongus, even though he seek to do so "care-fully an<f with tears." We allude to theEditor of the Lewis County Republican.His way,—hereafter, must be a differentpath from ours. The shadows of eveninggather about him—the night is at hand;Henceforth his course goes darkening, on-ward-to its close.

To our Patrons.

* W E " are late this week in the publica-tion of our paper, and this is our apology:We sent for paper last week, and it didnot arrive until Wednesday of this/ week.We were determined to issue this week thehandsomest and best sheet ever issued inLewis Connty—and we ask you-if we havenot succeeded. Our paper is from theWarehouse of A. J. Van Winkle, No* 9Spruce st., New 'Kork* and we;'are>happyto say we are making arrangements where-by we shall be enabled to furnish, our pat-rons with the same quality, in future. Itwill be seen we have a new head to ourpaper, and a new name in as one of thepublishers—Mr. A. BARNES, whom wehereby introduce to you as a Democratof the right stamp, and a first-class work-man ; and who will of course favor youwith articles from his pen,, of which youwill have an opportunity to ju'dge.

We intend to make our paper alwaysthe most reliable, and at. the same time themost original paper in the- county, and .weask you to-compare the BANNER with oth->r country papers, and see if it isjiot upwith Ife times; -We,;. agreeably to promrise, publish the life-like likeness of JAS.B t T C H A K A I ? . ; - . . , ;

We have a New Job Office, and it uni-versally acknowledged that we execute'thebest work of any office in the County. Sothose who, favor us with orders may besure of good work. Try it.



Lettered in evergreen.

L-I E X C E J L S I O R O U B M O T T O . IT

t • - • • • • ••- ^ '




OLIVES TEAIX,, President of the Onon-daga Co. Bank, at Syracuse,Newburgh,. on



of. Syracuse, hisplace of residence, and was the personmost :%ntified*wjth gtbe^histojy of

District No. 8, of Denmark had a verybeautiful square banner; upon one side"Excelsior," opposite "Our employment isstudy," "Onr companions are boots."

D E N M A R K N O . 1 2 .


ildrenrapt attention for ne||}y an houryn one of

happiest " ' ' " '

some of you wijUanswer readily and some~ ^yow^all hun-

"yessir." Had'•' "t "No

"Thafsrather eat than

-;fdr anythingI am going.tp


alt an-"Ah^ , $

that's, liightgpwhatIday jg. toKmake-;yd|i~ J' vp-wicked.being wjso is nearly

mingor if 1 can make you afraid ofjyhe danger of your becoming

viated. I wish" y6U to biafraid to commitf the first act of wrong.

~~ - . - - ^^Jiippus,



The procession extended something overone halt mile when fully formed, and pre-sented.a somewhat novel appearance fromthe fact that the. marshalls were on fopt,and it was impossible to tell under whosedirection the mass were moving.1' Wenoticed^ two or three young gents whokept close to theschodl inarxis, and conclu-d d "pded ih a d s o i n | t h ^ g , ; t o d ^ ^m e n t . H o w e v e r t h i s m a y b e , w e w e r ehappy to know tfca* the concourse reached

,we behold the.glprious Falls in all theirsublimity. ' " ' " ' ' "

pcaiHatfattnUh»—buti admonished by the-presence ofHflHM*.»he gelded her heart to *" " """'

August Vth, GEOBGB IWinflk"

, t , StEPBSHBJOO!,* worthy citizen and pioneer of the tvl&^mt^-80 .years." " ^""

the groundslat. 1 d'clpck; in good border'^s Jth'Sdmirable

ice to tailsi* tatMi^bnfcPoT^Hur-one


sic. by the Band.•Prayer by tfe BeW01ney PlacesChorus, by the. scholar* of

the following order, of

tranquilize irritability, and nentraliee any'" '" t^d^rijj aiflii'i^lflhr In Turin, on lhe-18th nit.,

h i i dbany, one of the beet m the State.

/Sr That allof•16,584,00, besides her county tax., , y

Co. pays, then, thiies times as much State am inclined to give jon atar this year as last; therefore the annualI left Uii» placeBlack Republicanism to her is There were; no gates np

last year a statetit for tat to ah 8»lueky

eountic* of the fUfe.


TTK state T

jodgraent obtnoedbyowj


r ^ ^ h o l a r s of Djst Npr. 1, of

Benediction by Rev. R.,% King; Arelish fot the'Voniforts of» the inner manhad led your reporter to prospeefethe tablesprevious to the .benediction. He; foundthem in no sbape or.'rather,jnjs.yery shape.The designer evidently "having studied notreaties of geometry^ 'buff* Beniieit onYirginis rail fence." "The- tables 'wereamply - supplied with creature* comfortSj,and their location from the urjeyenness ofthe surface presented a.decided improve-ment. "Id" "pic nic"' locations, the tallestchildren in each school could stand in thehollows* and nearly all be of a height.'After doing justice to the tables in releiv-ing t iem of a part of thei.r burden, thecommittee on toasts was called, and foundwanting. A call was made for volunteertoasts, when Hon. Lucian Clark let offwith an appropriate sentiment, (which yourreporter was unable to gather, his mouthbeing so full of cake he could .not hear) in,the response to the sentiment he found theaudience in nearly the same fix.

A. G. Thompson, Esq.,. may the hopesand expectations of the parent and teacherbe realized in the moral and intellectualimprovement of their.children.

Rev. OUSEY PLACE,;—"The Speakers, theLadies, they have made us twice glad, withtheir presence and their -leasts."

L; F. LmxE, Esq.,—"Our countryschools open alike to the rich and poor.May this ever be her^bpast.

Rev. Mr. Snyder,—"A dark inauspiciousmorning, brightening into day as beautifulas if made to order.

May it lead us never to despair. Herefollowed a toast from some one; yourreporter eoiikl not see, neither could hehear the sentiment distinctly, it was some-thing' about "picking cotton," or of thatstripe and only showed the author's peu-chaut of thrusting his peculiar politicalsentiments however inappropriate uponevery promiscuous assembly. The Bandresponded "All the Darkies am a weepingraassa's in tHe cold, cold ground." Bythe way the Band discoursed excellentmusic. After a day of pleasure the assem-bly quietly dispersed. L . .

the, |ftyl

_at is M1your j

as totfce matte* of jealonsyj wetbinkit wajentirely monopolized by your'house—there is none to sggre,

Just ioot at it^-seebow

Soilfactiand athleticbeen held Jordan.

another?tbem both,

I Freevigorous

rand have•When the

ball is open, and your dance begins, you'llsee a mazelbat wffl teM«lf6i#'tJan»theofficials and dignitaries^ f ^ 0tlemen in your party to follbw, 6j4lea<


Editorial Corre^jpndence.


In the Jast week's Journal somebody inthe forlorn hope of the Excise Board

Hear him."The Lewis Co. -^Banner, abont a year

since, contained a hitter and malicious at-tack oh the Mainfe Law, at a'time, too,when the question was not at issue, and'with an evident intent to evade the greatquestion." ;

Did it, my friend I At the time yowwrote yOnr article were you thinking alittle of temperance,- and a little of the>bot~

I should have thoughtthat the BAK-had it wished to evade the - "great


question, would have got behind the fenceand said nothing, and not:squared off asfonsayit didi Had you not' better i«adthe article -again-V.- it may- loofc differentA another point

"Scrupulously eversin^ha^^that sheet

, -A._. S O . VI .

Niagara is a namej which in the descrip-tive language of the Irpquojs, wfeo mostfrequented these parts, signifies THCNDEB

OF WATEHB; andvwiere could a word befound to convey at once to the mind soboldly, the truth of conception. . T|»ft wa-ters of the,worldV w,idesj;,,lakes, to gejtherwith innumerable tributaries, makingmore than one hundred and fifty thousandsquare miles of surfa$e^are forced overthis gjfcat fall,, forming, icatarap^ whosevastnessvjnnst be stndied for a time beforethe bounded imagination of man can rea-lize its actual truth. Language can scarce-ly approach it pearer than the.poorIndian's simple, yet expressive, Thunderof waters—it is in truth NIAGARA !

The day is glorious, the sun bright, thesky blue, and the air clear. A more beau-tiful day could not have been selected inwhich to view this great work of Nature.But the clouds of foaming spray, and ihetufted, fleecy clouds upon the azure firma-ment, mingle and intermingle, until it isdiffiult to say where Heaven ends or earthbegins.

The American Fall is always distinctlyvisible notwithstandmg^its dizzy . heightof 150 feet; not so the Canadian. TheAmerican Fall is sublimely grand, but $ eCanadian Fall far surpasses it.

It seems at Niagara like an eternal Sab-bath. The very air is heavy with greattruths, and the roar of the torrent has allthe solemnity of silence, because it so en-tirely drowns every other sound but thatwinch proclaims power and might andperpetuity.

We muffle ourselves up, and enter theferry boat, that we may cross to the Can-ada side. There is no view more compre-hensive or grander than the view from theferry. Over to the other side is but a dis-tance of a little over four hundred yards,in a straight line. But, to humor thecurrent, this brawny boatman of ourspulls up towards the Fall, and is by itborne back towards his landing, which hehas to pnll hard for, lest he be carried past.There has been no accident to record atthis apparently dangerous passage, withinthe memory of any one living.

Can any thing equal that ? Look above,around, and .beneath you. How awful isthe might of that Supreme Being whosework this is.

The boat begins to toss, but don't bealarmed, it is the agitation of the current,and the skill of our experienced boatmanwill soon bear us into still water.

Gaze on that amphitheatre of Cataracts,and listen to their roan Extensive as theyseem, we have but a perspective view ofthem—the beautiful Horse-shoe being aconsiderable distance from us.

Now we are-riear the Province of QneenVictoria, where a circuitous road leads to

the window outs*j

a'mihas an excellent fac

• • • ' * r

e ® !laroens/^ajidpowerfnT Uvoi<Mike w

give us- greate|l t o i d

* JStNot ices inserts* .under.thUfore ihe Deaths and Marriages, 'advertised rates.

required by us J , .*mfent8. Hie offices. arepilding ^ifetB^Yori, TriliBSne

&c, taken in payment for »ubscnptii>nv

Lewis County SanDer:" ' '; '

the same week, most beMonday noon.

handed in aatiAjim•i-i-^—tt-*

notice taken of Anonymousnications, neither wili rejected comm;be returned. , . . _. ..^^

The Commissioners of Exgise will p"MHWdii>ffndgment all persons guilty of -any. Vidfc5ib»".«|t*the Excise Law. .upon.comj^&itto.tiiBjB£ iitani-ticg accompanied wftH safisfacSguilt. By order of the board,50tf.- -. - . - • 4 l t 8 ^ ! ^ T / ^ : . : , . :

HOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT AITO PILLS.—Bo«««nc««rHealth, hospitals and dispensaries, haTe/lyrtr.accomplished half the good that haajbeenachier-ed through thefagfencies'.for tfif""—'- - « - A _ H -remedies.' Fortunately for'the'fcies ,pervade..all, countries. V v i t I - , , — *•. . , .however, should be furnished'with' the prepar«itions, for.theymaybesiid*nTyanannper»tiTe-ly required at anyhour. .-If universally and^Hpropriately used in all casessdemanding medkaltreatmentj the average durition Jof humaa^ Kfewould be increased, and' the amount of haraaasuffering greatly lessened. The effect of the'Ointment on eruptions, ulcers, tomors, andJIHkinds of exteraay^iseases and injuries,; kl i t i leshort of

PILLS—-The best Bilious Pills in use. A sorecure.for all kinds of -Headache, Dyspepsia, orfeverish attacks. Price 25 cts.

Dr. G. S. Munson's Pain Carer, and Rheumat-ic Linament. It penetrates directly to the partaffected, and relieves at once Stieumttism, Ken*ralgia, and all pain. Price 25 cts.

Dr. J. S. Munson's Diarrhoea Mixture—-themost prompt and safe medicine ever introducedfor the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery; CWlera,Cholera Mortras, Bleeding from the Lungs^Stg.mnch, and profuse Menstruation^ Price Sfi eta.

Toothache Drops—Do not injure' the teeth orgums, but give relief iristairtly/ Price 25 cte.

130 Willoughby, gorner'Fleel;st, Brooklyn,and 214 Fulton st;, N. T., at Isiael Mioer JcCo. 's, Wholesale Drug^sts. ^ .

AGENTS—John Doig, Lowville; E.West Martinsburgh; James Peden^ Martins-burgh; S. D. Mason & Co., Clensdale; M.Smith, Houseville; E. B. Holderi, Turin; Blod-get & Kash, Denmark.; Reuben Remington;Deer Kirer; A. McCollum, Carthage, 63yl

RATS, ROACHES, Bpp, Bass, ISSKCTS, dp.—"Costar's" Rat," Roach; &e;, Exterminator;"Gostar's" Bed Bug Exterminator; "CostarVElectric Powder, For Ants, Insects, &c. "(TBe

only Infallible Remedies known.)_ "Costar"sendsby mail, prepaid, as

box of the Rat, Roach, &c, Ex. to any addretiin the U. S. on receipt of $1, or the Electric-Powder for 65 cts.- (The Bed Bug Ex. being sliquid cannot be sent by mail.) -*

| ^ ' ' C o s t a r " T ^ furnishJfcuggists, Deatnland Store Keepers, a |10, Sample Package ofUi .various preparations (assorted) with CSrcnlan,Posters, Bills, &c, on necejpj of $5 {leaving baLof $a due when sold) in order, that they martest their merits. -.- ;• .- .

|^"See Advertisement. For Circular*, *fc»address "COSTAK," No. 888 Broadway, N. Y.

5Sw4 ' - ' •

By the Rev. L. Whitney, on the 180»aifci-JBWest Turin, Mr. JOSEPH X. MATHBR, of<Boonville, to Miss SAEAH K. WEBB, of Let-

the lofty height above. •- its wei ascend, let us pause at interv,

and look back- upon the, rushing Niagara,whichich, w^have pnst crossed^ and ,a»^

end still higher!, and the ToaVi J winascend



At Houeeville, oh'tQe:29th OIL, Mr 6ILBEBTCOIiE, aged 11 years

In this town, on the 28th-uh MK £001ROOT, abed 79 fears

He was one of the band of pioneers whonear this Village when it m i an unbroken

•Invest Turin, on the 22d inst, BXUBteldesfdaughttr ofXieonard Colton, £ t q ,

- Miss(^ltonw*s^e»peeied«i»d*eI»Tea,only in the circle at home,-but aaraiic >H°«fc«rknew her.- Thei>ro«pectbefow fc«t <friends and the wo "'