MJP CDS Our Story 6.19.2015

  Michael J. Perkins Elementary School Community Day of Scholars Craig Martin, Principal June 19 th  2015 We would like to first thank you for being a supportive member of the MJP Family. Our children would not have experienced the joys and successes without your investment in their lives. Today… We Affirm! We Celebrate! We Dream! Thank You! Here is Our Story in 2015  When we started the school year, we were a Level 3 School that was consideration for Level 4 based upon low growth and achievement on MCAS for the last 3 years! We had a state rating of 3 out of 99 , which means 96% of schools in Massachusetts are higher performing than the MJP.  Last year’s Grade 3, 4, and 5 students achieved the highest Composite Performance score in Science in 4 years and highest Composite Performance score in Math in 3 years!  65% or 2 out of every 3 students are now reading on grade level  in comparison to  just 49% or 1 out of every 2 students who we re reading on grade level (Improvement of 16% for the school year). Another 11% of our students were just 1 reading level away from being on grade level!  Last school year our students averaged 1.3 on Open Response Writing , a very important aspect of literacy—nationally. We started the school year with an Open Response average of 1.6 out of 4.0 points. We ending the school year with an Open Response average of 2.1 out of 4.0 points  (Improvement of 0.5 points on our school average).  Please see how Grades K2 and First Grade students performed on BPS Math Assessments this school year:  Math Performance October 2015 Passing October 2015 Proficient/ Advanced  June 2015 Passing  June 2015 Proficient/ Advanced K2 12.5% 0% 90% 46% First Grade 37% 20% 70% 35%


MJP CDS: Our Story highlights our academic and leadership achievements over the course of the school year. Please join us in celebrating the tremendous successes we have had in 2014 - 2015!

Transcript of MJP CDS Our Story 6.19.2015

  • Michael J. Perkins Elementary School Community Day of Scholars

    Craig Martin, Principal June 19th 2015

    We would like to first thank you for being a supportive member of the MJP Family. Our children would not have experienced the joys and successes without your investment in their lives.

    Today We Affirm! We Celebrate! We Dream! Thank You!

    Here is Our Story in 2015! When we started the school year, we were a Level 3 School that was

    consideration for Level 4 based upon low growth and achievement on MCAS for the last 3 years! We had a state rating of 3 out of 99, which means 96% of schools in Massachusetts are higher performing than the MJP.

    Last years Grade 3, 4, and 5 students achieved the highest Composite Performance score in Science in 4 years and highest Composite Performance score in Math in 3 years!

    65% or 2 out of every 3 students are now reading on grade level in comparison to just 49% or 1 out of every 2 students who were reading on grade level (Improvement of 16% for the school year). Another 11% of our students were just 1 reading level away from being on grade level!

    Last school year our students averaged 1.3 on Open Response Writing, a very important aspect of literacynationally. We started the school year with an Open Response average of 1.6 out of 4.0 points. We ending the school year with an Open Response average of 2.1 out of 4.0 points (Improvement of 0.5 points on our school average).

    Please see how Grades K2 and First Grade students performed on BPS Math Assessments this school year:

    Math Performance

    October 2015


    October 2015

    Proficient/ Advanced

    June 2015


    June 2015

    Proficient/ Advanced

    K2 12.5% 0% 90% 46% First Grade 37% 20% 70% 35%

  • My Achievement Network or ANET is a national curriculum and assessment

    organization that develops and assesses student performance on rigorous Common Core State Standards for students in Grades 2nd thru High School. It is believed that performance on ANET is a good predictor of how students will perform on state assessments. Please see the chart which shows how we compared to schools nationally:

    Mr. Michael Coughlin, Grade 5 Teacher was named BPS Digital Champion for his

    technology genius! Ms. Mary Balaconis, Physical Education Teacher, was instrumental in our school

    being named the #2 Get Biking Champions in BPS, receiving a $1,000 microgrant for our 100 mile club which led to the first annual Southie Schools 5k. The MJP students walked over 3,000 miles, which is the equivalent to walking to Los Angeles, California!!!

    We know our school will continue to thrive because we are one of the Best Schools in Boston! Our data tells the story and so should you! We need your help over the summer. Dont let all this hard work go to waste, have your child read every day. Research indicates that students who read texts on their level for at least 21 minutes a day score in the 90th percentile on state and national assessments! Please take advantage of many free opportunities across the City of Boston that help your child stay sharp in math, science, art, and LIFE! We Love You and we look forward to welcoming you back on September 8th 2015!!! Have a great summer!