Mix Vegetable Soup - Campbell Primary...

Mix Vegetable Soup

Transcript of Mix Vegetable Soup - Campbell Primary...

Mix Vegetable Soup

Mrs Hughes was our parent helper and she did a magical job ensuring that everyone took a turn to cut, chop, peel, slice, grate, pour or mix the vegetables for the magical

soup in our classroom on Friday.Lots of students loved it, some not so!

Thanks Mrs Rodie for providing everyone a slice of bread to eat with their soup.We make a soup mix with the words written from the ix family. They are words we

have generated as a group, then written individually on paper representing colours of vegetables used.

We have so many vegetables left over Mrs Hughes offers to come back the following Friday. She stays all day to help us and this time concentrates on cutting

vegetables in half and in half again and again (Double Day).

The soup tastes different this week and most

people, even the ones who weren’t that keen last time

try again.

More people liked the soup this time. I

wonder who had 4
