Mittagong - Bicentenary Celebrations. - Instituto de los ... at City Beach. Terry Orrell, Noel...

MARIST BROTHERS DAILY NEWS VOL 330 | 3 January 2017 PAGE 2 Mittagong - Bicentenary Celebrations. Ashgrove - Marist Bicentenary Celebrations. The Bicentenary celebration at Ashgrove was a great success, with over 60 people attending. Present were 5 priests, at least 30 brothers, 18 former brothers and 11 wives. Apologies were received for a further 14 former brothers. After the Province Prayer Service in the School Chapel at 11 o'clock, we moved to the Br. Cyprian Pavilion for drinks and relaxation. Lunch was served at 12.15 and the party continued until after 2 o'clock. Former brothers were most appreciative of the invitation to attend and there was a very happy atmosphere throughout the celebration. [The Ashgrove celebration was a great team effort: Br Roger Burke and former brother John Coles contacted people and sent out the invitations; Br Kevin Ryan tracked down addresses of former brothers; Father Hargrave helped with sound, lights, fans and ventilation in the chapel; Br Adrian Story set up and operated the projector for Br Michael Herry's Salve; and the College catering Manager, Matthew Tarlinton, arranged and supervised the setting up of the Br Cyprian Pavilion and provided us with a fine meal served by the College catering staff.] Click here or go to pages 4 to 7 to see the photos taken by Br Adrian Story. I have attached the text of my toast to the Marist Family, which was the only formality of the day and which I proposed between the main course and dessert. Best wishes for a wonderful 2017, Daniel McEwen. _________________________________________________________________ Brs Brian Sweeney, Frank Elvidge, Anthony Robertson, Claudius Mason.

Transcript of Mittagong - Bicentenary Celebrations. - Instituto de los ... at City Beach. Terry Orrell, Noel...

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Mittagong - Bicentenary Celebrations.

Ashgrove - Marist Bicentenary Celebrations.

The Bicentenary celebration at Ashgrove was a great success, with over 60 people attending. Present were 5 priests, at least 30 brothers, 18 former brothers and 11 wives. Apologies were received for a further 14 former brothers. After the Province Prayer Service in the School Chapel at 11 o'clock, we moved to the Br. Cyprian Pavilion for drinks and relaxation. Lunch was served at 12.15 and the party continued until after 2 o'clock. Former brothers were most appreciative of the invitation to attend and there was a very happy atmosphere throughout the celebration.

[The Ashgrove celebration was a great team effort: Br Roger Burke and former brother John Coles contacted people and sent out the invitations; Br Kevin Ryan tracked down addresses of former brothers; Father Hargrave helped with sound, lights, fans and ventilation in the chapel; Br Adrian Story set up and operated the projector for Br Michael Herry's Salve; and the College catering Manager, Matthew Tarlinton, arranged and supervised the setting up of the Br Cyprian Pavilion and provided us with a fine meal served by the College catering staff.]

Click here or go to pages 4 to 7 to see the photos taken by Br Adrian Story.

I have attached the text of my toast to the Marist Family, which was the only formality of the day and which I proposed between the main course and dessert.

Best wishes for a wonderful 2017, Daniel McEwen. _________________________________________________________________

Brs Brian Sweeney, Frank Elvidge, Anthony Robertson, Claudius Mason.

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Toast to the Marist Family by Br Daniel McEwen

Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please fill your glasses . . .

Fathers, Brothers and fellow Marists, I would like to propose a toast.

Congratulations on being members of the Marist family, whether as religious or as lay people! We are all privileged to have been selected to help to make the Marist dream a reality.

In 1966, there was a bad drought in NSW and I was spending my holidays on a sheep property 21½ miles out of Nyngan. One morning, I was in an old Commer truck, delivering water to thirsty sheep in a distant paddock. Apart from a few hundred sheep and a few roos in the distant trees, I thought I was alone. I wasn't. Mary, and her accomplice, the Holy Spirit, climbed up into the cab and made me a proposition. And here I am today.

There are five people, or groups of people who come to my mind as being responsible for our being here today:

First, we should thank the Holy Spirit for inspiring Mary to say "Yes" when asked to courageously accept the daunting task of being mother to Jesus and the early Church. The Holy Spirit is one of the busiest people I know, and is undoubtedly here amongst us today!

Second, we thank Mary for being such a heroic mother, home-schooling Jesus and standing by him all through his life, right up to the very end ̶ then supporting his followers after his death.

Next, we should thank that band of priests and seminarians who made the pilgrimage to Fourvière to dedicate themselves to Mary and the Marist Project. They envisaged a Marist Family, composed of priests, sisters, brothers and lay people: a Marist presence within the Church, doing things the way Mary would have done them.

Fourthly, we should thank one of those Marist priests in particular: Marcellin Champagnat. 200 years ago today, he took the first two young men into a bungalow near the presbytery, there to start a new life as Marist Brothers. The rest, as we know, is history, but the exciting thing is that we are a part of that history!

Finally, we should thank our confrères and consoeurs, those still in vows and those living the life of lay Marists. Inspired by the example of those ahead of us, we too said “Yes!” We left home and shared all with our contemporaries and, guided by the Holy Spirit, we worked to create a more Marist Church for our students and our Marist successors.

Aren't we blessed to have been chosen for this work!

Please stand, if you would care to do so, to drink a toast to the Marist Family.

TO THE MARIST FAMILY! _________________________________________________________________

Robert Connolly, Tom Hickey, Roger Burke, Terry Baker, Anthony Hunt, Brian and Raylee White

Doug & Kath Brownlow, Kevin Treston, Roger Burke, Caroline & Bob Lennox, _______, Peter Moreland,

Jim McGregor and John Coles

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

John Venard, Sandra Kelly, Jill & Terry Boyd, Daniel McEwen, Judy Blaney, Tony Burrows, Brian Blaney

Mathew Green, John Curry, Paul Bailey, James Hodge, Mary-Jude and Peter Ernst

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

Paul Kearney, Patricia and Vince Frisby, and Matty Walker

Robert Connolly and Tom Hickey

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

200 Years Marist Foundation Day Lunch – 2nd January 2017

A table that somehow escaped the camera remaining “hidden and unknown” includes: Dan Hollamby,

Neville Soloman, Mel Madden, Len Smith, Mark Murphy, Chris Hogan and Robert Speare.

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Reports of Bicentenary Celebrations

Marist Bicentenary Mass in Subiaco, Perth

The Mass this morning, celebrated in St Joseph's Church, Subiaco, near the site of our first school in Perth, was organised by Newman College, with Br Terry Orrell on the committee. Josie Parker prepared an attractive booklet. Bishop Gerry Holohan, Bishop of Bunbury and an affiliated member, was the main celebrant, with Fr Joe Walsh PP of Subiaco and Old Boy priests Frs Barry Whiteley VG, Pat Rooney and Geoff Aldous. The choir was very good. There was a good attendance - former brothers Peter Morellini, Greg Clune, Terry Dwyer, many members of the Association, many New Norcia, Northam and Subiaco ex-students etc. Morning Tea followed in the grounds around the Church.

Noel Hickey.

Concelebrants: Fr Joe Walsh PP Subiaco, Fr Geoff Aldous ex-student Subiaco PP Baldivis WA, Bp Gerry Holohan of

Bunbury, affiliated member, Fr Barry Whitely ex-student Subiaco, VG of Perth Archdiocese, Fr Pat Rooney ex-student

Subiaco, retired PP of Manjimup WA. Congregation.

Front cover of the Mass Booklet, prepared by Josie Parker, PA to the Principal.

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Newman College Principal, John Finneran.

Excellent Musicians: Main singer Anita Finneran, wife of Principal John Finneran, + daughter Ursula, Mitch Bristow, new Head of Primary at Newman,

two Newman students.

As the sun went down in the West, Brian Kinsella, Terry Orrell, Mark Paul, Noel Hickey and Paul A

Murphy gathered for a celebratory meal in a restaurant at City Beach.

Terry Orrell, Noel Hickey and Mark Paul outside the Subiaco presbytery.

Thirty-four Brothers celebrated the bicentenary of Foundation Day in the atrium of Marcellin House Randwick on Monday 2 January 2017.

Brother Ray Mulvogue and helpers had organised a colourful display on each table and, at noon, all assembled for the occasional prayer composed by Br Michael Akers.

At twelve forty-five the first course of a wonderful meal prepared by Mrs Vicky Kiriakis and her daughter Renée was served.

The festivities continued into the afternoon. It was an opportunity to meet friends, tell stories and enjoy each others company.

(Photos courtesy Brothers John O’Brien (Randwick), Joseph McCabe and Peter Codd)

Bicentennary Celebrations at Randwick

Brothers Bernard Hatfield & Brendan Neily

Brothers John Luttrell, Robert Aitken & Paul Turner

Brothers Peter Stewart, Nicholas Howlett & Chris Wade

Brothers Tom More,Vince Shekleton, Aidan Smith, Norman Hart, Neil O’Leary & Michael Curnow

Brothers John Luttrell, Peter Stewart, Robert Aitken, Peter Conolly , Bernard Hatfield & Brendan Neily

Brothers Michael Hill, Darren Burge, Hubert Williams, Bob Love & David Hall

Tony Clarke, Brothers Michael Akers, Ray Mulvogue & Michael Hill

Renée and Vicky Kiriakis preparing the meal

Brothers Paul Turner, Bob Hayes, Peter Codd, Justin Guthrie, Eric Blumenthal and Father Max Blumenthal

Brother Hubert Williams, Bob Love, Brother David Hall, Tony Clarke, Brothers Michael Akers, Michael Hill & Darren Burge

Brothers Peter Codd and Justin Guthrie (with Brother Jordan Ryan on left)

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Bicentenary Gathering at Somerton Park, SA

Former brother, Terry O’Brien, maintains a blogsite for those who did their Juniorate and / or Novitiate at Drusilla, Macedon VIC. The link below will take you to his account and photos of the Bicentenary Celebration of Marists and Friends who gathered outside the Brothers’ Monastery at Sacred Heart College, Somerton Park in Adelaide, SA. Brother Joseph Hughes (Drusilla 60) was the chief organiser. There was a brisk cool southerly blowing which made it necessary to don jumpers and jackets. But this did not deter the relating of many stories and memories that we shared.

A very enjoyable evening was had by all. Thanks so much to Brother Joseph and the community at Somerton Park. Thanks also to Br Greg (Brian) McCrystal (Drusilla 50) for the photos.

January 2nd is a special day for Br Marius Woulfe. Seventy five years ago to the day, he became a Postulant at Mittagong!

More Photos:

Br Marius Woulfe cuts the Bicentenary Cake.

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Matthew Clarke. Peter Carroll addressing the gathering.