Mistletoe Tea

Mistletoe Tea By Ardiansyah


tell about mistletoe tea

Transcript of Mistletoe Tea

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Mistletoe Tea

By Ardiansyah

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What is Mistletoe ? Mistletoe is a group of obligate parasites of plants that live and grow on stems (branches) of trees other plants. Mistletoe can be found easily on the big trees in the tropics, that grows exclusively on stem of other trees. It lives by seeping nutrients out of the tree using structures embedded deep in the wood.

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The spread of this plant occurs aided by birds, if the birds eat the fruit and then excrete the seeds onto branches, the seeds are sticky will stick to the branches will further young parasites germinate and begin to grow.

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In general, a substance contained in the Mistletoe is more determined by the substances contained in the host plant.

Tea plants taken leaves, Kofein contains about 1-4%, 7-15% tannin, and a little essential oil. While the coffee plant seeds taken, there is a 1-3% kofeina, 15% dextrin, 11-14% protein, 1-2% kofeinat acids, adenine, ksantin and alkali phosphates and alkali carbonate. [Bi]

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Efficacy Mistletoe Tea Through research note, asparaginase

activity in the Mistletoe tea may hydrolyzing asparagine. Asparaginase is an enzyme that plays a role catalytic hydrolysis of asparagine into aspartic acid and ammonia. So that cancer cells asparagine deficiency resulting in cell death.

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Preparing Mistletoe Tea

Some commercialized tea bags of Mistletoe contain young stalks, berries and adulterants, so it’s better to use fresh leaves instead.

There are two ways to prepare Mistletoe tea. Dried leaves maybe infused in hot water (1 tsp. to 1 pint of water) for 10-15 minutes. Or, fresh leaves can be torn into pieces and soaked in tap water for at least 12 hours.