Mistakes Most People Made In Getting Their Ex Back

Mistakes Most People Made In Getting Their Ex Back Breaking up and getting back together is very common with most couples nowadays. Why and how is not known by many except the couple and those they feel close to and confide in. No matter how many times they attempted to get back together, most people still made the same mistakes again and again without them knowing it. These mistakes not only backfired on their attempts but widen the gap between both parties further to the point of one not wanting to see the other. To avoid these from happening to you and your ex, here are five critical things you should take note of and avoid at all times. 1. Begging This is what most people do. Not only it will not change their ex’s mind, it will make him or her even more determined to stay away and avoid seeing the other party for good. Women especially do not like to see men acting desperate nowadays. It may work in the past but not in the present. Sorry to disappoint you by saying this. But it is a well-known fact which you have to accept whether you like it or not.


Breaking up and getting back together is very common with most couples nowadays. Why and how is not known by many except the couple and those they feel close to and confide in.

Transcript of Mistakes Most People Made In Getting Their Ex Back

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Mistakes Most People Made In Getting Their Ex Back

Breaking up and getting back together is very common with most couples nowadays. Why and how is not known by many except the couple and those they feel close to and confide in.

No matter how many times they attempted to get back together, most people still made the same mistakes again and again without them knowing it. These mistakes not only backfired on their attempts but widen the gap between both parties further to the point of one not wanting to see the other.

To avoid these from happening to you and your ex, here are five critical things you should take note of and avoid at all times.

1. Begging

This is what most people do.

Not only it will not change their ex’s mind, it will make him or her even more determined to stay away and avoid seeing the other party for good.

Women especially do not like to see men acting desperate nowadays. It may work in the past but not in the present. Sorry to disappoint you by saying this. But it is a well-known fact which you have to accept whether you like it or not.

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By begging even to the point of going down on your knees, you not only fails to get your ex back but also lose the respect of others around. In particular, his or her parents and siblings. Just because you see these scenes on TV and in movies does not mean you should duplicate what those actors do.

2. Pride

Do not let your pride get the better of you.

Of course it is easier to be said than to be done. But it can be done if you want to.

More often than not, your ex will say things you do not like or even criticize you openly in public. This is what many people – especially guys – unable to take it or end up arguing instead of making up which should be their intention.

Unless your ex is really or totally not interested in being with you to the extent of reporting to the police for sexual harassment, there is every chance of you being together again.

But for that to happen, you have to let go of your pride. If not, it will be extremely difficult to get your ex back.

3. Jealousy

This is one of the primary reasons why couples break up.

When one gets jeolous of the other, both will lose trust in each other. The same feelings occur when you see your ex with his or her new partner. Or the other way.

If this really happens and your ex is happy with his or her current relationship, it is time to stop feeling jeolous and let your ex go. This may be difficult but is the wisest decision you should make.

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If you or your ex are deliberately testing and making each other jeolous, you will also not be able to make up with each other.

4. Confrontation

This is the other primary reason besides jealousy.

Confrontation usually starts when one partner gets suspicious and begins questioning the other. The results usually turn out to be ugly and may even lead to tragedy when they get so angry that they end up fighting with each other.

Statistics have shown in news and papers that over eighty per cent of couples breaking up are due to confrontation. This not only happens with boyfriends and girlfriends but with husbands and wives as well.

After reading these, you may agree or disagree with me. But then again, look at a wider picture. If you are serious about getting back your ex, you should avoid all of these.

If reading this leaves you clueless as how to get your ex back, you may consider getting this book called The Magic Of Making Up.

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It is written by T Dub Jackson who has helped many couples from around the world in making up again.

Check out my review here.